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tv   DNK  NTV  February 1, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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i liked him right away, one wonderful moment, we were taking the trash, when we were walking back to my mother’s car, i said, dad, the lady of the house is bragging, maxim managed to do the impossible, if before her daughter was picky about food, now she devours both cheeks whatever they cook for her, he brought a burner to cook the meat. heat it up and that means he made the turkey a piece of butter, he then melted it, it was a wow show for the child, in the kitchen ekaterina and maxim show a drawing of a barbarian, which depicts the whole family. varvara brings this drawing, it’s mom, dad and me, well, of course, on the refrigerator in the most visible place, mom for some reason is bigger, and dad is smaller, you know, it’s its own trick, now. but the main thing is that
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the same thing does not happen to this woman, that she does not remain offended later, that the child does not experience trauma, i very sincerely wish you happiness, i believe that perhaps a person can improve, i hope that everything will work out for you ok, i understand that max, yes, he can be cool at this moment, sincere, to treat your daughter well, yes, but perhaps there is some other part that is also sincere, it can fly out completely spontaneously and unexpectedly surprise you in a very unpleasant way, be careful, what to do?
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that elena slandered, so to speak, maxim, that not everything she was told was true. in this case , you can go to court to protect your honor and dignity. how should catherine behave correctly in this whole situation? there is no such norm in russian legislation that would somehow protect the person being persecuted from being persecuted, we do not have such a norm, you all security measures have already been taken, you have installed a camera and you have already warned it. calm down, i have video installed everywhere. observations, all your actions will be plus publicity today, publicity is also a form of protection, if she needs help, then of course thank you, i would also really like to watch their love story for some time, there is happiness , so that the child, the girl who trusted you, maxim, she i trusted you, it’s really difficult to deceive children, but so that she doesn’t get hurt, and it will be right, that is, i i understand correctly that you are taking this situation on... with great pleasure, if you
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need help, call or write to our editorial office, we will continue tomorrow, a new dna test right now. 3 months ago, a woman gave birth to a daughter from her beloved man, but she cannot register him as the father, because he does not have a passport. maria ivanova contacted us for a dna test. hello, maria, hello, we want to congratulate you, you just recently became a mother, this is wonderful, thank you, yes, what is your baby’s name? sophia, is your first child, sophia? no, i still have i have a son, roman, who serves in the army under a contract. as i understand it, your girl has a dash in the father column? yes, our dad has no documents, because his mother brought him,...
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my mother had a lifestyle, their passport was stolen, their birth certificate is not, he was still a child, timur, when his mother brought him here, for the same reason you can’t marry him, no, neither paternity, we can’t do anything, but how old is your man, 37 years old, you say, your mother brought it from tajikistan, they were still children, with his sister, they lived in dushambe for some time. then they arrived in the novosibirsk region in the city of bolotnoe in the novosibirsk region they arrived completely without documents. well, didn’t my mother think about somehow restoring these documents during this time? it was like a riotous lifestyle, she started drinking with them, he had to earn money, support his family, she brought the children to a foreign country and abandoned them, well, yes, it turns out like this. clinic,
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because no way, and how long did they live like this? timur was older, his sister was younger, and she was taken to an orphanage, but what about the topic. as if he avoided this, then at her request she was sent , deported there to her homeland, well, now your timur is already 37 years old, and he never tried to solve his problem with his passport during this time, well, he tried even before me, i applied, but everywhere the doors were closed, i applied to the migration service, there they sent him to the embassy, ​​he came to the embassy as if... they also took money for him there, but there were no answers, that you should come in a month, in a week, call, they only spoke in words, but there were no requests , that is, there was a sister there, as if he lived there, that we asked her to find out, but there were no requests, do you
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believe your timur, yes, i believe him, or maybe it was all just words, no, it was the truth, and i helped him, my dad and i went through it all in the same circle, that... it was all true, here you are, maria, specifically, how did you help? well, we also went to the embassy, ​​as if we were asking, begging, that help, we asked that they ask us , well, that is, that they make a request to tajikistan , give us a certificate, call us, so that he could first get an internal passport there, and then come here, there was nothing of that, they didn’t help us in any way, who one of timur's relatives lives in tajikistan, this little sister? who was deported there from an orphanage ; her father lives in tajikistan, and her mother? mom is missing, we don’t know where she is, at what moment she disappeared, it turns out that this is when timur began to live an adult life, and
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well, since he was seventeen years old, he hasn’t seen her since he was eighteen, probably, but how long have you been together with timur? well, we’ve been with him for seven years, it’s like we just met, he’s courteous. where we met in a cafe , walked, relaxed in groups, showed sympathy, well, it started spinning, spinning, as it were, as they say, timur immediately admitted to you that he had no documents, that he was unlikely to be able to make you his wife, and he seemed to say that he he has this sore subject, that he can’t ask me to marry, that yes, he didn’t have this secretly, that he doesn’t have documents, well, we’re like, i say, nothing, i say we can. he is a very good person , a father, and in general, a strong shoulder, behind him, you can rely on him, but i’m sure that you still thought that living with a person without documents is problematic, well, yes, i was afraid that they would deport him , this
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is exactly our theme: you can’t go out anywhere again, you can’t go to the same novosibirs to go to the same zoo, we don’t go out because we’re afraid that the police... will deport, well, the family too you have to support how your man earns without a passport, yes, he earns extra money in the summer, so he does concrete work , lays tiles, but in the winter, as they say, it’s fashionable here now, it’s the husband for an hour, who calls, what ’s a friend, that they advise he earns what income he has per month , well, 20 thousand a month, and you somehow earn money, well, i worked, but now i’m on maternity leave, you get some benefits, well, yes, up to one and a half, as a single mother, and where do you live, we live in my apartment, donated by my parents, it’s like we live there, but your parents are happy with this situation, well, they
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at first we were tense about everything, but then they said, you are a strong daughter, you can do anything, you can help, you know how to achieve anything, as if... well, they came to your program. for 37 years a person has been living without documents, it is unclear how he exists , he is not in the system, god forbid something happens to him, no medical assistance can be provided, neither legal nor financial, nor any at all, the person is not, in fact, neither am i, of course, i adhere to the idea that this is simply a careless attitude, doors are closed to us everywhere, but i have a feeling that it’s not just understanding where to start and how to bring it to fruition.
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consultations that will at least direct you where to start, then, if , as you say, you apply and get nothing, but you should have some kind of trace, documents, get some...
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i understand , no one could help me, so i turned to you for help, how did it happen that you don’t have any documents, we lived in tajikistan, as if our mother took us to russia, well, on the road, when we were driving, we my documents were stolen, i'm probably 12 years old there were nine sisters, why did you move with your mother, without your father? well, they were divorced from their father at the time when mom and dad were married in tajikistan, do you
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remember how you lived? yes, i remember, we lived generally well, well, even at that time, my father came to moscow, bought, say , a tv for a remote control, at that time no one had such a tv, it was only we who had a color tv in those days, that is, they lived in abundance, everything seemed to be fine. it was, but why then did your parents divorce, do you think? i don't even know, mom asked, she didn’t give me any answers on this issue, after the divorce they didn’t communicate anymore? no, they didn’t communicate, i kind of lived with him, and my sister lived with her mother, well, we were sort of divided, so i lived with my father, but my stepmother didn’t let us live. well, one day my sister came to visit, they poured us some tea
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, she just took it like she lifted the table and poured boiling water on my sister, that’s how she didn’t accept children from another woman, and how it all ended, nothing, i left to live with her mother, and her father stayed to live with her, and after that, your mother decided to take you and you moved to russia, and after all your documents were stolen in... they rented out a room, your mother began to drink, went to her own companies, my sister and i were left alone. we had a coal warehouse nearby, i carried coal to sell
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, buy bread and instant noodles, well , that’s how we lived, that is, there wasn’t even food in the house, there was nothing at all, and my mother didn’t care about it, but my mother as if at that moment it was not for us, and the guardianship authorities in this case did not pay attention to your family, according to there was no initial response, and then apparently one of the neighbors turned to the guardianship authorities. and my sister was taken to an orphanage, that’s how old she was at that time: 13, about 14, and i was about 17 years old, i didn’t seem to be the right age for the orphanage, but they continued to live with my mother, no, i didn’t continue with to live as a mother, i told her that i was leaving for novosibirs to earn money , but how she reacted to this, no way, as if she had no time for us, probably at that time it was, she had other friends, well ... more interesting than our own children, but you know how how did her life turn out? yes, i know, somewhere they
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were drinking in some company, as far as i heard, she killed someone, she was imprisoned for murder, do you know when this happened? oh, i don’t know exactly, i already left there, i moved to live in taguchin, novosibirsk region. and they told me where she is now, has she been released or is she still serving her sentence? no , she came out, she was sitting somewhere in the kemerovo region, right now... where she is, i don’t even know, you were looking, well, i tried to look, it didn’t work, but what did you do to restore documents? i contacted the passport office, but they told me, you are not a citizen of russia, we can’t help you, but through the embassy, ​​i went to the embassy, ​​they supposedly made a request
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to tajikistan, well , they filled out the documents there, filled out the form . a photo was attached, well, i paid money for this form, they said wait, a request will come, well , we waited and waited and i didn’t get an answer, why didn’t you apply again, we applied a second time later and what did they tell you, they said pay and wait the answer again, here it is the man who dealt with me, he left for his homeland and... i asked, where is my case supposed to be, they sent a request, they say there was no request, there was nothing at all, that is, you paid, but in the end you don’t even have your file, no, your application was lost, yes maria, this could happen, well , of course, the loss of documents in the authorities can happen, but when they submitted a request, they were clearly
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given a copy with a note that these documents had been received. most likely the man who dealt with you should have it, nothing to us they didn’t give it, even when i paid, i said, can i take the check, they say: we don’t give you checks, that is, how did you just put in a hundred money, but put everything in the hole , paying the money on the table, this is generally a strange payment , in fact, i don’t know who you put the money on the table, now everything happens electronically, i gave the embassy to the employee, let’s understand when it was in what year, maybe it’s not yesterday, not today, it’s 20 years ago, a year. what was it, you were asked to pay in exactly this way, yes, when you arrived, it was none of your business, any requests, and it wasn’t even there , it could probably be a deception, of course, it’s quite possible, but in this case, what needs to be done, go once again to record all this, photograph what you are submitting, who you are paying, well, take pictures , this is not prohibited here,
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how can you help timur in this situation, well , at least now you have your civilian. husband, yes, he is without any status at all, we need to start with the fact that we can get him the status of a stateless person and get a temporary identity card here in russia, with a temporary identity card you can move around, at least as it turns out, but you contact the territorial division of the internal affairs body with an application for identification, there is a form, you fill it out, attach photographs and collect evidence, there will be an interrogation. witnesses will need to confirm from what period of time you have been living on the territory of the russian federation, who can confirm this, collect as much evidence as possible, maybe you can collect some other documents, well , naturally they will help you make inquiries. maria, what if one of the relatives confirmed timur's identity through a dna test, this would simplify the task, it would make it
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much easier, out of ten documents, this is one dna test that would help, yes, it would make life much easier. timur, and you tried... at that time my sister and i were buying a ring, choosing it together, then she met maria. maria, what impressions do you have from your sister, good ones, just like her brothers , what impressions were there, also responsive, like what, timur, why didn’t you ask your sister for
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help, but i asked, well, you see, again they say i need to go there so that i can get it there, but as i went through the embassy, ​​i wanted to go there, but they just deceived me, your sister herself insisted that her teenager without documents be sent from russia to her father in tajikistan, in studio zarina djalilov. hello zaren , please sit down, my brother is already with... yes, we communicate, he sent me a video, he sent me photos with his daughter, they look very much like me, very much,
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tell me why you don’t have problems with documents, but your brother there is, well, you know, it turned out that they took me to orphanage, from there they sent me to my father, my father gave me a passport for 18 years. my brother stayed, but i understand that you yourself wanted to go to your father, yes, yes, they wanted to take me to a foster family, so i refused, refused, i said, i have a father who is in tajikistan, they sent a request then, that in fact i am a citizen of tajikistan, i grew up, atama was born, and what is, my father is such and such, it turns out, so the guardianship authorities sent me with an escort. to the point. zarina, how long did you live in the nursery? at home? i'm three 3 years old. did you have a good time there? yes very. do you remember how you met from?
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yes, it was a very emotional meeting. he was passing across the road, i asked him to stop the car. he didn't know the time and place when i would arrive. here. it was unexpected. i stopped near the road, i said, stop, here is my father, i said, he passed across the road. we hugged, but... naturally, there were a lot of tears and emotions, and how did you live in your father’s family after returning? well , not bad, okay, how is his wife and him? well, my wife and i didn’t communicate very well, because that i don’t know, maybe jealousy, maybe there was something else, he doesn’t have children from his second marriage, but he was very happy to see me with his child, so maybe it’s even because of this. dad asked about his son, about your brother? yes , he asked, i told him everything, what happened, what happened, i told him that he stayed, he cried for a very long time, he
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had emotions, he wanted him to come, for his son to return, yes, well, it didn’t work out , nothing, well, maybe he tried to do something about it, well, he went to the passport office, i found out, but... they couldn’t help. zarina, you said that your dad gave you all the documents, which means you are a citizen of tajikistan. tajikistan, i am a citizen of tajikistan, are you coming here to visit? yes, i'm coming to visit. zarina, what do you remember about life before moving to russia with your mother? you know, it was very good, we lived well, we never needed anything, while my mother worked and my father worked. they worked at two rates, so we ate oranges, at that time other children could not afford oranges, tangerines, yes, my father brought us
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that’s all, my father looked after us, we had our own house and our own apartment, everything was fine until my mother sold the apartment and took us to dushambe, and from dushambe she transported us to novosibirs. well, there had to be some reason why mom did this? maybe because he already had a second family at that time, maybe because of this his mother left. but after a while, did you try to find out something about your mother? and we were looking for her for a very long time, until today we still haven’t found her, i i don't know where she is. tell me how you managed to find your brother? i came to moscow to work. and started looking for him through social networks, i didn’t find him, i found his neighbor, his neighbor gave me his number, and we
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called, talked, do you remember this moment when my brother answered the phone, yes, i called his number, it was unexpected, he himself didn’t know that i would call, it was very emotional, but then after a while i came to him, and had you already met maria at that time? that's when we called him, i i arrived by train, it was just before our birthday, he was born on august 12, and i was born on august 14, we are 3 years and 2 days apart, and i arrived for my birthday just in time, we went to the store, shopping, he then bought me a gift, a gold bracelet , and said that he lives with a girl, with maria, and her birthday is on august 24th. and we went with him to choose a ring for her birthday and there we met her, maria is very nice, very, she’s really very,
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she’s... holding my brother like that just like the apple of my eye, another woman , probably, she would have already said, go ahead with your problems, you know that in fact maria is very worried, yes, because she became a mother, and timur is not in the father column, i mean i know this, she’s very worried, she wants timur to be in the count, and maria is also very worried that timur might be deported. well, we are always happy to see him, we will take him with us, we will also take maria with us. zalin, your father, does he know that he has become a grandfather? yes, yes, when maria was taken to the maternity hospital, and i i tell my father, that’s it, i say, you have become a grandfather, they sent me photographs, a video from the discharge, i showed them, he was very happy, he cried, of course, timur, are you connected? with your
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father since your sister found you? no, don't you communicate? well, i tried to him a couple of times, well , i called, no matter how he picks up, he never picks up the phone number, but he has this habit of putting the phone on silent for everything, putting this phone somewhere aside, well then you can see, my son called, call back, like this, like this here he is with us, he loves - timur, do you remember your last meeting with your father, how you remembered him, how i remembered him, i kind of remembered when they went to work for him, he worked for us as a joiner, he was always at the machine , this image seemed
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to remember him, that he... is constantly working on a machine, turning something out there, do you think that if you met again, he would recognize you? i think yes, we just look alike. for the first time in 30 years, timur will meet with his father, who came to help his son establish his identity, but should a dna test confirm their relationship, the most interesting thing is ahead, a big premiere at kinopoisk, others, i don’t know how it works out when we are together... they can’t win, others are already subscribed, kinopoisk, premiere today, tomorrow, always, the more children in a family, the happier she is, in general we had 16 of all adopted children. marina adopted alexander when he was 8 years old, she told how difficult life was for him, he wanted to eat, sometimes he even stole, his mother asked her neighbor to look after for the baby, and
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then just... you are the sixth child, wait for me tomorrow at 17:55 on ntv. mask, new season, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. amateur simply saves and receives interest on the deposit. no matter how you look at it, the zzonbank card is beneficial for free.
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little sofia still has no information about her father in her documents, and maria has to bear the status of a single mother, they are not listed because he has no documents and no matter what doors are knocking on him. everything was closed everywhere, so we decided to contact dna. timur does not and never has had a passport. his childhood memories are associated with sunny tajikistan, where he was born and lived happily with his parents and younger sister. the relationship was good all the time communicated, went to visit each other. soon the children had to go through the divorce of their parents and go with their mother to russia, siberia, where they were not given a very warm welcome, because on the way the family was robbed.
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to prison for murder, now i don’t know where she is, my father has not seen timur for 30 long years, he has now undergone a genetic examination to help him get documents to see if he will recognize his son after
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years of separation. timur, your dad is ready to help you with identification, because he himself wants to become sofia’s grandfather. in the studio, ikrom juraev.
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meet, thank you, she is very good, maria, my wife, a civilian, hello, yes, god willing, yes, she is very good, she always holds timur, supports him in everything and so... she took his daughter , your only granddaughter and i am the only one aunt, i’m very happy because i have a granddaughter for so many years, i haven’t seen my son for 30 years, if i had seen him, i would have kept him near me. how is it that your children were not raised with you? lived with me, my daughter often came from her mother,
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the mother persuaded him and took her to where he didn’t know, i was looking for both of them, they didn’t tell you where the children were being taken, that is, you didn’t know anything about the novosibirsk region, you didn’t know why you divorced your wife, because i arrived home late from work, well, i brought bread in my purse to feed them , well, they attacked me in a group, i had to drink wine, how did i defend myself, i sent one to the royal heaven, that’s why i was later put on trial, well, about five cases were opened and they gave me 8 years. after that i
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submitted an appeal and after the appeal i was removed, they said it was self-defense, they removed me from this, well , from there, you still ended up in prison, yes, i was in prison for 6 months, 6 months , it turns out you were acquitted, i was acquitted, but how is it self-defense, and what happens during this time , your wife left you, while there is no medical information, then she was afraid that i would supposedly... i would also kill her, that’s for it was she who was afraid to file for divorce, i was not that kind of person, we were in love when we were young, i knew her in 1979, i knew her, and we lived, everything was fine, and we lived well, everything was with us, then she went to court filed and developed, and you know what happened to her later, then she heard. at my daughter's when she
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she arrived, she was 16 years old, they were at home here, they lived with her, she was looking for him, and she was looking for him , and she was looking for this mother, her mother had already ended up in this prison in the kemerovo region, i don’t know anything else, you didn’t try to communicate with her, anymore i like this, this is not a conversation anymore... i began to communicate, well, maybe look for her in places of detention? no, because like this, she said very bad words to me, i didn’t stand for it anymore, but how did they tell you that they want to send your daughter from russia to you? this is from there, stay at home, headmistress, in my opinion, yes, that’s what the teacher said very well... she herself said that i
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’m not under guardianship, i’m not going anywhere, i ’ll come to my father, why didn’t they tell zarina to come pick up her brother, they didn’t tell , we didn’t see each other, no, we had already lost touch, we had lost everything, yes, so we didn’t see each other, we didn’t see each other for a very long time , except even after the return of our daughter, you no longer tried to return your son, i no longer knew him no longer a telephone. didn't call me where he was, i didn't know, and you're ready now will you help your son establish his identity, yes, will you invite your son to visit? i’m calling, what if my wife says against it, again? no, i have one in this dacha now, it’s big, there’s enough room for everyone. timur, you haven’t been able to visit your sister and father for so many years. my colleagues have prepared a story from tajikistan for you. let's get a look. in the city of
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isfara, in northern tajikistan. as usual, it is sunny and not at all warm for winter. ikrom and zarina. the climate of your beloved country and its mesmerizing landscapes cannot be exchanged for anything, and they also have an amazing national kitchen - zazarina boasts that she prepared aromatic pilaf for her father’s visit. okay, our pilaf is ready, now we’ll put it on. zarina is good not only at cooking, she is generally a jack of all trades. as a gift to maria, she decided to weave an openwork handbag from beads. and it turns out like this. here is the handbag, well , the lid, and the sides, and the handles , well, then it looks completely different, father and daughter love to spend time together, they often walk around the city, they warmly remember the times when the whole family was together, in this home we lived, but it turns out we had a third
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floor here in the middle, we had a one-and-a-half-room apartment, my brother spent... since childhood , here in this territory, he played, our neighbors were here, on weekends little zarina and timur went to visit to my grandfather, this house, our grandfather lived here, and we stayed, my father sometimes lived here, we lived, we came to visit, swam, timur and i swam in this canal, i ran away from home. i came here, we spent our childhood here with him, this is the very, very, very childhood, i brought, came here to show him, this is his memory , what happened, i hope he remembers, and zarina also hopes that someday she will be able to walk here with timur, just
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like in childhood, ikrom also dreams of this, timurchik, son, i want, so that you come to wisfara. to our homeland, we are waiting for you, my sister and yours miss you very much, well, god grant you happiness , so that you come, as soon as you arrive, this is your common home, and take your wife, and my granddaughter, timur, i wanted to go and visit native land, but i would like to, maria, and you said? what do you you are afraid of the deportation of your beloved man, yes, i am very afraid of deportation , you have not considered the issue of moving with timur, no, like russia, it’s warm there in tajikistan, we are already accustomed to frosts, as if siberia is siberia, for a visit yes, on not at all, timur, but
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you tried to make documents, you only thought about a russian passport, or about a passport of a citizen of tajikistan, too, i didn’t think about it. passport of a citizen of tajikistan, that is, you only need a russian passport, but i have a family, a beloved wife, a small daughter darling, i don’t want to part with them, i would just like to turn to maria when you gave birth to a child, you understood the responsibility that you took on yourself, yes, that is, it was such an irresponsible act of yours, after all, you understood, that your girl would be... without a father, i understood everything , yes, that a child could be left without a father at any moment, well, they got pregnant, gave birth, as it were, well, we’ll help with our own efforts, maria, what do you say, a citizen of which country, timur may most likely become, in fact
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, tajikistan has signed a contract with our country an agreement on dual citizenship, so he has the right to be a citizen of all their countries and russia and the republic of tajikistan, but if we talk about what is easier, well, of course, it is easier for you to obtain citizenship of the republic of tajikistan, start with this. well, having become a citizen of tajikistan, timur will be able to register his daughter and get married? yes, of course, there are no obstacles. and already on the basis of these same family ties, according to a simplified scheme , obtain russian citizenship. yes, but we must not forget that even a simplified order, that is, these are the deadlines. trp - temporary residence permit. first you will need to get an internal passport from tajikistan , and then renounce that citizenship and then seek russian citizenship,
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well, it would be desirable for your daughter to have a father in russia, if the dna test confirms the presence of a family relationship between you, then you need to contact the territorial authority now foreign affairs, embassy, ​​you contact us, based on your documents, you will be given a document to return to the republic. no, well, yes, of course i can deport you. the result of the dna test between father and son, who met in the studio for the first time in 30 years,
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will be found out immediately after the commercial. new season, new costumes, new stars. who are you, mask? february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. chief new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu. fever, runny nose, headache. and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. to stop with cold symptoms. unlike the usual remedies for digestive problems, i offer something more: the production
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same, whole chicken meat that you love so much. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration. this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so little, but not for arvi viruses, once they enter the body, they begin to multiply, time works. in us, but there is orbidol, it prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell, and the mechanism of virus reproduction is disrupted, orbidol is ready to fight influenza viruses and other acute respiratory infections. hello, i’m with you, nadezhda babkina, and this is the program, please forgive me, nadezhda babkina, come on talk frankly, who you came to ask for forgiveness, are always ready to have a heart-to-heart talk, he made you an offer, no, he didn’t make an offer to me, give wise advice. you need to wait for the moment and not put pressure or interfere, control a little, console, don’t be afraid,
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i’m here to support you. you have something to tell your father, i am deeply offended by him, let me call him now, dial him, hello, hello, dad, please forgive me, the premiere of a new emotional show with nadezhda babkina, tomorrow at 16:50 on ntv. this is the dna program. father passed genetic examination with my son to help him become a dad. timur, here you are. i have relatives in russia, i have a maternal sister, aunt lyuba, lives in russia , cousins, they also live in russia, literally three or four years ago they were found through social networks, and before that i didn’t know where she was, where she lived, and you actually saw her with your aunt, well, just like with your father in childhood, zarina, when did you see your aunt last
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time, i also saw her last time when... i was little, timur, your aunt blames her for your situation sister, yours mom, in the studio lyubov karimova, hello, hello, that's it. yes, hello , love, sit down, you immediately recognized your nephews, yes , and you recognized your ex-husband and sister, of course, something older, the same, don’t cry, don’t
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be sick, that’s it, come on, love, tell me, how did it happen , that your nephew has been living his entire adult life without documents, it so happened that his mother, i thought he was with his mother all this time, it turns out that his mother abandoned them, and you actually knew about your sister’s plans to move to russia, well, i knew, only she, she didn’t say where, you kept in touch between each other, no, they weren’t friends, no, they were friends, that’s all. it was normal , well, it turned out that maybe she was offended , so she didn’t say anything, she left, but why was she offended, well , they told her not to sell the apartment, she sold the apartment, her mother said, don’t sell, you have two small children, where will you go, it is unknown when the sister finally moved, you tried to find out something about her fate, about the fate of her nephews, how they settled down, yes,
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but there were no messages, there was nothing, the mother... didn’t even write, that is, so crossed everyone out, yes, if your nephews hadn’t found you themselves, you would have continued to live like this, and i thought everything was fine with them. maria, tell us how you live with timur? well , we live very well, i have an apartment, we gave birth to a daughter, he takes care of her, doesn’t let her get away with it, loves her and me very much. from the first birthday of his daughter, timur became a caretaker. and loving dad. let's see, we have a plot. beautiful dress, white envelope with lace and bow. in the footage of being discharged from the maternity hospital, baby sophia is being dressed up before meeting with dad. this is the first time i held my child in my arms. i was very happy. here are the cars , father and sister. this is masha, sofa and i. the baby
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is growing every day, making her parents happy. now maria is on maternity leave; all family income comes from child benefits and temporary part-time jobs for timur. i like to do everything with my own hands. i installed this door. help friends, relatives, neighbors. well, as it is now so fashionable to say: husband, husband for an hour. timur did the renovations in this apartment with his own hands. maria was appointed responsible for comfort, thanks to her, the whole living room is decorated with pleasant little things, these are plates, our souvenirs, our friends, relatives gave us, this saber was given to sophia’s brother, and he is very dear to me, because he was in the north military district, after being wounded,
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as he was discharged, he is in my ... he gave this saber, to run the kitchen, that timur and maria love the same, and it is still unknown who makes the dish tastier, the woman smiles. timur, once... taught me how to cook pilaf, it turns out very tasty, now i cook it for the holidays with friends when they come relatives, my parents , everything turns out very well as a family, everything is very tasty , timur is especially good at fish dishes, of course, because he is an avid fisherman and cooks from his own catch, i love fishing very much, my father brought me to this, as it were i taught him to fish, i caught pike , about two or three kilograms, well, any kind of fishing can happen, thank
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you both for finding happiness, may god grant them happiness, so that they live long, and how do you like your granddaughter, i love my granddaughter very much, she’s pretty, yes looks like us, would you like to say something? envelope with dna test it hasn’t been opened yet, i want it to turn out that they are son and father, so that everything is confirmed and will help us in restoring the documents. ikrom, are you ready to find out the result of your dna test with your son? yes. do you have any doubts that you are timur's father? no. timur, no, i have no doubt that this is my father. i invite yulia severtseva, our forensic expert, to the studio.
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sofia ivanova, the girl’s mother, maria ivanova, gave birth to a daughter from someone who moved in childhood. maria is categorically against her daughter growing up without a father, so she asked for help to the dna program. thirty-seven-year-old timur underwent genetic testing with his father, a citizen of tajikistan and croatian. juraev. today the men met for the first time since timur left tajikistan. in the first envelope, the result of the dna test between timur and
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ikr. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, son timur juraev. on the other hand, his father, ikrom juraev. the probability of consanguinity between you is 99.9%. see you all, see you, yeah. timur, most importantly, your personality is now using the test the dna has been confirmed, thank you, and this will be the first
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step towards receiving your identity document, thank you, will maria’s daughter become sofia timurovna, we will know the test result in a couple of minutes. watch today at 19:00. an american missile from the patriot complex was fired from territory controlled by kiev. the investigative committee presented the results of the investigation into the il-76 crash with ukrainian prisoners of war on board. farmers lay siege to brussels city center as eu leaders argue with hungary over how to help ukraine. hungary resisted and insisted on annual reports. in terms of financial tranches, will europe be able to withstand the crisis and the angry peasantry? watch tonight at 19:00, on the website, in the app now. mask: new season, february 11 at
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20:20 on ntv. this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so short, but not for arvi viruses, once they enter the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us, but there is orbidol, it prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell and the mechanism. its operating mode. takayama - adaptive engine protection. pintalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. comfort at low and green prices on the yandex market. home goods from small things to significant things. order comfort. plight is an unusual service with payment in installments. you don’t need to apply for a new card and...
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complicated relationship with the internet, cool video, how high the speed is, and what coverage is wide? where are we going to where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone it even catches there. mobile operator number one in terms of speed coverage. genferon light spray is a green light, a green light to my goals and plans, a red light to viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses and their penetration. on ntv.
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today we’ll talk about male strength, but first about its absence. i mean that sooner or later men’s sexual function begins to fade away, this is always a reason for mental experiences of trauma. those who have been through this know how difficult it is for men in such a situation; they need it to be sweet. so that all men live a full life. the emperor's secret is the optimal product for today with a natural stimulating effect without chemicals. the emperor will reveal to men his secret on how to revive and improve their intimate life manifold. the enhanced formula of the emperor's secret consists of natural ingredients that can provide arousal and a lasting erection. want to know more? and find out the details
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about the emperor's secret. calls within russia are free and anonymous. thanks to the emperor's secret, a man becomes more passionate and resilient in love. the advantage of this complex is that it allows you to get unforgettable erotic sensations. at the very first use, you will again feel forgotten, tender feelings and passionate desires, supported by masculine strength. a natural remedy, the emperor’s secret, is a happy opportunity to forget about failures and again feel the enjoyment of long-term intimacy with your loved one. do you want to know more? call 800, 100, sharp, 30, 27, 8, 800, 100 sharp. 30:27 find out details about
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the emperor's secret. the call is free and anonymous. i wish you happiness and good luck in love. serber premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. you have a day to open. eat. the whole panda is assembled. hands up the hill. i'm glad i came back, even though i changed everything here. but maybe i myself have changed, hey, man, boss, new season, you’re running, looking, risking your life, and no one will even remember about you, remember, legal, we don’t serve generals, but people, yeah, and not for medals , and for good word, today at 20:00 on ntv. this is
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the dna program. three-month-old sophia has a blank in the father column, because her mother gave birth to her from a man who does not have any documents. second envelope, please. in the second envelope, the answer to the question: is three-month-old sofya ivanova the biological daughter of thirty-seven-year-old timur dzhuraev, from his russian partner, maria ivanova. announce the result? yes please. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one side. the alleged father, timur juraev, on the other, his alleged daughter, sofya ivanova. the probability that you, timur, are sophia's blood father is 99.9%.
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timur, we congratulate you, thank you. let me at least make documents, recognize my daughter, so that there is no handwriting in the column, well, i think, invite my wife to the wedding, will you marry me, yes of course, timur, now that your identity has been proven, you are ready to give us all a promise that you will not stop, that you will see the matter through to the end, you will definitely receive your main document, yes, i’m ready, i promise, if you need a genetic examination, contact us and we will help you, in monday on ntv, new test, let's go,
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grandma in the house also owes it. if it were warm like ours, we carry out a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports, hello, i’m a fool, only here, we can do it quickly, i can.
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fragments of missiles from the american petriot complex were found near the site of the il-76 crash in the belgorod region, the progress of the investigation is reported in inna osipova’s report. the movement of the first, which unites millions of children in russia, what wishes vladimir putin addressed to the young delegates of the congress, report by roman sobol. about the work of snipers on south donetsk direction of the special operation. report by pavel rybalchenko. 50 billion euros for 4 years, the leaders of the ip voted for assistance to kiev, hungary, they pushed through, but viktor orban still got his help.


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