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tv   Pozdnyakov  NTV  February 2, 2024 1:00am-1:21am MSK

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anton, marina and polina have 40% of the shares, so think, decide what kind of bitch you are, bitch, nadezhda borisovna, dmitry alekseevich, i absolutely agree, schedule a vote as quickly as possible, let’s do it next week and closer to moscow, thank you, my respect.
1:01 am
stop, please, i'll smoke. yes ok.
1:02 am
we'll be cleared for takeoff in about five minutes, maybe i can bring you something, a book, bring some water, okay, just a minute, thank you. are you
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late for the last train to moscow, yuri sergeevich, forgive us, we wrote you off early, like brothers, you took us all you will survive, you will isolate us all, you must lead the company, period, we all ask you.
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it's funny to you.
1:06 am
it burns beautifully, but who? igor fravlov , son of kudryavtsev, you still wanted to shut me down, but... great, i think you’re grieving for your father , i hope i don’t give a shit, but what the hell do you want
1:07 am
, yes, i came to offer you help, help, how funny everything is . they want to offer each other help, they throw me away, when i prove my relationship with my sister, and i prove it, i will challenge the will, half of cyprus is mine, what is that, my half plus your share is 20% of the company, i cyprus, everything is very, very complicated, but it doesn’t matter, and there’s also a guy who was ready to testify? terekhov, after which terekhov supported my father, remember? yes, so my guy is sitting in my basement, ready to talk, together with terikh, we have a third of the business, what do you think?
1:08 am
don't miss it on monday, extensive track record, special forces, gru, major, searches for the seizure of state criminals of various ranks, resignation from government agencies, private orders, cool passenger, i'm behind you, we are the best team in europe, i was told, boatswain better. i told karl, this is my order, my son disappeared, he was stolen, i connected all the local connections and found out how this happened, so i came to you, and he won’t close your eyes ahead of time, i need him to be able to talk.
1:09 am
the state has underestimated the internet for years, but has finally opened its eyes, so what kind of content do we need on the internet, how is its success measured, how many projects, one way or another, dedicated to nwo have already received support, when not western, but domestic computer games will capture the minds of gamers, what can i say? critics who believe that some kind of nonsense is being created at state expense? let's talk about this with the head of the internet development institute, alexey garislavsky. alexey sergeevich, in 2023, the internet development institute supported projects in the amount of 20.7 billion rubles. taking into account long-term what will be the main thing for you this year? what are your plans? i would know, i even said a slightly different figure: in the twenty-second-twenty -third year, in total, this is 45 billion rubles
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, which were invested in russian content in four areas: a this is content for social networks and the blessing sphere, these are tv series, everything you see on... 5 billion in 2 years, yes, that is , it turns out that there is a certain decline, or something, in the financial capabilities of financial potential, because well, there was 24 turns out, yes there approximately , now in the twenty-third 20, approximately 22 became 20, well, the money is approximately the same, it depends, this year it will be the same , somewhere around a little bit less it will be approximately the same, question not critical, let's take a simple thing, 5 years ago the government invested in the internet. less than a billion rubles a year, well, if you count everything in total, and these were some
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small subsidies from the ministry of digital development and so on, now it’s practically 20 and 18 or 23, it practically doesn’t make much of a difference, it just means that attention to this area has grown by several orders of magnitude, well, accordingly, we can see the results, then if in the twenty-first year , out of 10 series, nine were foreign, namely american, well, let's say, hollywood.
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expenses for supporting serial products, in which direction? if measured in money, then they will be more than all other projects , but not much in reality, that is, if we take the twenty-third year, more than 100 projects were released on the platforms, about 100 projects, in my opinion 96, to be precise, in in money they cost half of iri’s budget, yes, well, if you calculate it roughly like that, well, maybe somewhere around eight actually. in the number of projects in the blessing sphere there were an order of magnitude
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more of them, and if you look at the views, then, for example, on platforms last year, this , by the way, is an absolute record, 335 million views for series on platforms, in total iiri’s content earned 6 billion views, but projects in one way or another related to a special military operation were allocated somewhere last year then approximately 3 billion rubles. what trends are expected in the current year? in the twenty-fourth year we will see the premiere of several large serious artistic projects, that is, full-fledged series that are dedicated in one way or another events related to the northern military district, in particular, this is the project 10 days until spring, it just airs on ntv, it is dedicated to the events that took place in the fourteenth year in march, in crimea, in artistic form it talks about, well, some. .. situations of confrontation even within one particular family, overall it turned out to be an interesting
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product, i think that many will watch it with pleasure, a militia romance based on the work of zakhar prilepin is also being filmed, so i won’t say exactly when it will be released, but i know for sure that this year, and such a difficult product is also, but i think that when we see it, and it will be one of those large-scale adaptations of prilepino, yeah, well, that is, now we are focused. is called this on a new stage, yes , it seems to me that there are 2 years from the moment of the beginning - this is such a very short, but objectively correct period for trying to make the first approach to the projectile, so that the first products appear, there will be more in the future, last year we carried out a special selection of projects within festival in taurida, that is, we invited various colleagues there who film both fiction and documentary blogging content and a grand jury of representatives of state funds, looked and selected
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all these ideas, so i know that two of them will come to us this year for the competition, well , these are already seriously developed stories, and of which, well, let’s count plus a year and a half for production and paperwork, well, that is, in the twenty- sixth year we will see very well -developed projects, they are one way or another they will be based on the ji, they will be connected with it, but this is the production cycle. nothing will appear before, but we now have an increased demand for folk heroes of national historical figures, well, if, as they say, for folk heroes... there are no particular questions, since here the imagination of the screenwriter, in general, in principle, the artist can be set free , as for historical characters, here it seems to me that fantasy is not entirely and not always acceptable, free handling of historical heroes, but we regularly see this with you
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on the screen and in full footage in tv series, when some such transformations occur one way or another. let's say, like familiar images, on the other hand, the whole history, well , not only images, there, in fact, historical facts are distorted, of course, yes, they are interpreted differently, i, as a historian by training, will tell you the following thing: history is and there is the art of interpretation, our task is to try to interpret as objectively as possible in the way we consider possible and necessary, namely we are collectively like the current generation. in the russian state, and it seems to me that in the current regime we, by the way, we, i mean the film industry as a whole and even the gaming industry, have learned to create very realistic pictures of the past, which we are interested in one way or another, the premiere will take place in early april ismuth games,
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some basic levels will be available in march and you can watch the beta version, then in april there will be a full-fledged one... from the game, let me remind you, the events develop at the beginning of the 16th century, time of troubles 612, a difficult period of our history, i would say, one of the most difficult periods in general in our history, the most ambiguous, this game serves primarily to captivate a person, the characteristics of a young man, immerse him in the context of russian history, immerse him in the context of troubled times in terms of aesthetics , clothing, architecture, by the way, there are new ones...
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we look, in the twenty-second year, in the twenty-third year, a total of somewhere around 2.5 billion, while we invested in games, this year in the twenty-third we expect release the first three major games, then , i hope they will also go on the first one, as i already said, this is a rush, the second game is very interesting, the military strategy is called the cutting edge, i won’t guess for now, the premiere will happen somewhere after february 23, that’s it just... on a tactical map, well, some kind of conditional one, where everything happens with conditional opponents, yes, the opponents are more than conditional, but when the game comes out, you will be able to see everything,
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the third game is very interesting, we were asked about it a lot of questions when we're just approved its creation in the twenty-first year, questions from a series... why did you do it? yes, the question is in the story from the series, but isn’t there someone in mind here? the game was called sparta, it’s about a private military company that is conducting military operations in africa, at the invitation of a certain fictitious state, well, i won’t reveal all the cards either, the premiere will be in april, the game aims at such a certain international standard, because under the game in this style, but turn-based, so-called tactical tactical...
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well, very soon, yes, this is very soon, so we actually held a selection in december, now experts are finishing evaluating applications and creating lists of nominees, and i think that we will announce the nominees in february, the second part of the award will be held at the end of may in moscow, strictly speaking, as a national award, and there will be nominations such as best series - best film, but ours, how to say, the usual standard...


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