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tv   Mi i nauka  NTV  February 2, 2024 1:20am-2:21am MSK

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as part of the youth festival, very soon , yes, this is very soon, so we actually held a selection in december, now experts are finishing evaluating applications and creating lists of nominees, and i think that we will announce the nominees in february, the second part of the award will take place at the end of may in moscow, in fact, as a national award, and there will be nominations such as best series, best film, well, ours... so to speak, the usual standard other nominations, on the internet you often read all sorts of things related to the fact that they filmed it again any content, including government money, and this is some kind of nonsense, you often have to deal with such negativity, do you generally follow this, maybe you just perceive it as a completely normal phenomenon within certain limits, when the content is of interest, i would even say so, otherwise it is always practically ambiguous, it can cause both approval and negative reactions. in different
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audience groups, when we see 1, 2, 3, 5% there, in criticism, we consider this an absolutely normal healthy share, if suddenly within some the project of criticism is a third and half, well , this is a really serious reason to look into it, to be honest , i don’t remember such cases in our practice, but let me give you a recent example, the series the boy’s word, which we supported, aired in november. last year, but quite a big story, it turned out to be loud, noisy, because there were people who liked the very fact that this series quite honestly shows the history of these youth groups, associations, through which half the country somehow passed through, if not participates, then at least, watching somewhere nearby at school, college or somewhere else, and many didn’t like it, why are you doing this?
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30 years since 1989, and 96% of people in sociology, in focus groups, having watched the series, say: i understood everything, i remember it, or there is an option, i don’t remember, but i imagined it, and i don’t want to go back there, i want to live in the country where you and i live now, because i ’m not afraid to go outside now, this was the key message that guided us when allocating funding. this series.
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alexey sergeevich, thank you very much for the conversation. thank you. hello. there is a decade of science and technology in russia. the ntv television company and the state corporation rusatom present a program, science and us, a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years. i am vladimir antokhin, and i am ekaterina shugaeva, and in 10 years we will understand the nature of antimatter. we, in the sense of people, or we as things, i hope you and i will go today. well, let's really hope, because i invited optimists who believe that in 10 years we will really understand the world antimatter. this is nikolai kolachevsky, physicist.
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good evening, and mikhail sachkov is an astrophysicist. hello. traditionally, my guest is septic specialist vyacheslav moiseev, an expert in philosophy and scientific methodology. good evening. and vitaly paichikov, metrologist in the field of time and cleanliness. good evening. at the end of the program , our optimist guests will make a prediction about how likely it is that in 10 years we will understand the nature of antimatter. our expert, professor kapustin, will tell you about the history of antimatter. the term antimatter was a pretext.
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then they immediately annihilate. next the rediscoverer, so to speak, was poldirak, and he discovered the antielectron, by the way, he discovered it, solving his own. opinion , he called this particle a positron. they laughed at the derak, but soon positrons were discovered in cosmic rays. moreover, it turned out that all particles have antiparticles, except for neutral ones, of course. it became clear that it was impossible to find positrons in our world; they would immediately annihilate with the electrons around us. we must look for them in distant antigalaxies. which consist precisely of such particles , but it has not yet been possible to detect them, that is, galaxies are like fluff, and there seem to be no anti-galaxies at all, this is strange, what is the reason for such an asymmetry of the universe, in the sixties of the 20th
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century an unexpected discovery was made, antimatter is slightly a little, a little, but different from matter, precisely... thanks to this, we, our planet, our entire universe, exist a little. you know, valod, it seems to me that our salary is like antimatter, it annihilates very quickly, and it is always impossible to find it. well, it's mine exactly. here. mikhail evgenievich, when did people even think about what the world consists of? well, i think the primitive hunters and gatherers thought about this, yes, after eating to their heart’s content and thinking. about what the world is, but a more or less scientific understanding appeared among the egyptians, these are already four elements, four fundamental principles: water, earth, fire and air, yes, but if we want names, then these are the ancient greeks, this is falez meletsky , meletsky
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is that everything consists of water, and his student anoximander, earth, anaximenes, is air, heraclitus criticized all of them, that no, everything there is fire, but a little later dimocritus introduced the concept, what we call, introduced the concept of atom, that is, an indivisible particle, well, if we talk about names, then the ancient one can be added as a philosopher, here we must also mention two very important names: plato and aristotle, by the way, they led, well, they thoroughly examined the category of matter, they had a slightly different interpretation of matter, plato viewed it more as a negative principle that distorts, disfigures, caricaturizes. the world of ideas, perfect beings like these, and aristotle began consider it more positively , as the beginning of possibility, as such philosophical clay, which does not have its own form, but is capable of flowing, joining and taking on any form, so he singled out, as it were
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, two principles in all objects: matter and form, their unity, actually form all the things that exist, this is a very important addition, the category of matter was precisely... electron, positron, neutron, atom, well, when such concepts appeared, it’s good if matter is, apparently, aristotle, yes, plato, plato, aristotle, yes, schuster, who predicted antimatter , noticed that cathode radiation, he did not call it electrons yet, but these are elementary particles that carry... the same completely identical charge, negative, and he was the first to measure the ratio of this charge to mass. as for the positron, the situation here is much more complicated and at the same time more interesting. paul andrei maurice dirac even
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published this in the neitch magazine, this is a serious magazine, but his argumentation did not stand up to any criticism, and simply this... publication was not seriously paid attention to, paul dirac, the author of the famous dirac equation, received this equation in the form of so-called charge invariance, that is, he describes both a particle and an antiparticle, in the end it turns out that he has, as it were, an extra solution , these extra solutions of the dirac equation precisely describe antiparticles. a few years after the dirac equation and dirac's hypothesis about the existence of this particle, the american physicist andersen, who observed the arrival
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of positrons from space, was in a cloud chamber a special magnet was placed along... the curvature of the trajectory, which, so to speak, indicated that the charge of this particle had a plus sign, and the conclusion was made, that is, electrons and positrons were always born in pairs, and here it is important to note that it should
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the energy expended in order to create this pair is equal to the energy, so to speak, of rest of these particles, that is, it is somewhere more than one giga, mega electronvol, that’s why, since it existed. x-ray radiation with the same power, immediately a hypothesis arose to test this experimentally, which was done; tracks were observed indicating the formation of electron-posited pairs. subsequently, such exotic formations were obtained in the form of positronium, this is a system consisting of an electron and a positron, it existed for a very... short time, but nevertheless, during this time it could enter into chemical
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reactions and manifest itself in some way way and the so-called molecular positrons, this is when there are two electrons and two positrons, this is already practically matter, another positron has now been found, well, the crown of the synthesis of such new... formations is the discovery of 2017, this is an antigel, when we have two positrons, two antineutrons and two antiprotons, that’s it , these are definitely mothers who are already antige , we’ll talk about anti later, but after the advertisement, the advertisement on ntv, the damned bsu officers, whom zelensky did not have time to... kill, like a draft dodger ruins
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the fate of young guys four times, they stopped, just threw them into boost, they said , you will run, you they will shoot, what bandera’s people pump up and how they intimidate their own, ours fired at us from behind, shells exploded in front of us, how they are abandoned to death for billions and the ambitions of the kiev dictator, someone dies for them, the boys are at the front, they have nothing to eat, and there in kiev, where the war ended last year , why is he hiding the truth?
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on wednesday we have turkey kupaty, on thursday we have turkey coloring, pava-pava, on friday we have turkey fillet, all this is pava-pava, our mother-mother. turkey pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. with age changes in vision can change familiar things. toufon was created to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes; it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months. three courses per year. touphone is now in new packaging designed specifically for
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but dear to everyone. all of russia is before your eyes. come to the international exhibition forum russia on the air program science and we a program about how science will change our life in the next 10 years, in 10 years we will understand the nature of antimatter, our expert, professor kapustin, believes in this, for ordinary people antimatter is the most expensive substance in the world, if you believe rumors, then 1 g
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goes to atoms, well, more precisely to antiatoms. antiatoms are captured using magnetic traps; they seem to hang in space without touching anything. their lifespan is insignificant, seconds count, rarely minutes. antiatoms are produced when particles collide at speeds close to the speed of light. after slowing down antiprotons positrons are sent into a magnetic field where... they mix, creating antihydrogen atoms. antihydrogen is not the only antimatter; there is already antihydrogen, antihelium three, antihelium four. a year ago , scientists managed to obtain particle- antiparticle pairs, and they were obtained literally from nothing, from a deep vacuum. why i
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love our expert, he says this, he says this, but... well, this was already discussed today, both professor kapustin and vitaly gennadievich said about it, i nevertheless i would like to return, because from my point of view this is probably one of the greatest such abstract, yes then, discoveries of the 19th, late 19th, early 20th centuries, really. we all know, you can take a pen, what you need, that’s what the schweddinger equation is, which he formulated in 1925, which is quite... simply written in the form of some expression, yes, this is 1925, not a school curriculum, but it was
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the wave function hypothesis was put forward, it was accepted by the community at that time, i won’t even asking what it is, well, it’s all so clear, so to speak, a certain image of probability. understanding that there are two worlds, yes, there is the schedinger equation, which describes quantum physics, describes electrons, the hydrogen atom is described very accurately, and that there is a transformation of the special theory
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of relativity, changes in length, yes, he tried to bring them together, and there is such a legend that sitting in front of the fireplace, that is, he actually wrote this speculative conclusion, he actually wrote the famous dirac equation, really very beautiful looking, it’s let’s say... uh, it looks like in the matrix - dirac, which means that, by the way, it is sometimes even used as, excuse me, tattoos, that is, people know that they are so beautiful that it, it and satisfies the tasks of describing the quantum world, satisfies the transformation, when you sit in the fireplace, this also comes to you in the year 1928, the only problem is the absence of a fireplace, i understand, that’s the only thing that me. if the mass here is put aside to the positive mass plus and there were
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solutions that were related to the negative a lot of minus, after all, the solutions were here, here they were, in fact , for quite a long time there was a very strong debate in science, what is this? because someone said? that's right, but there are particles, that is, there is an event that makes one, makes the same thing, but in the other direction, he saw it or simply understood from the deviation, it can be seen why
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the cloud chamber is interesting, that it can be seen with the eye, these are gas bubbles, that is , gas condensation occurs, and you can see all these wonders of the world of particles with the naked eye, even in some museums there are such, well, elements associated with a very similar cloud chamber, when you see cosmic particles.
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its solution is x = 2, then also , accordingly, if there is a minus electron, then there must be a plus, but
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there is nothing terrible.
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then she discovered antimatter, now dark matter is being discovered, yes, from here the idea naturally arises that there are infinitely many forms of matter, and generally speaking, there seems to be no end to their knowledge, yes, this seems to give rise to a completely different kind philosophy, the philosophy that science is always open, that our knowledge is always endless, perhaps in the future we will be able to meet such exotic... forms of matter, which, for example, are connected not just with other galaxies, other worlds, but, for example, with our human soul, of course, this is spiritual matter, magical matter, matter of consciousness, matter of spirit, but what if also spirit, and soul, consciousness, inside the world is the matter of happiness, let’s at least mothers figure it out, please, no, well, you definitely wake up in the morning , you're in a good mood, but obviously
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some kind of magical matter is taking over you.
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this means that within a few minutes the residual glow is due to the annihilation of electron-positron pairs, and all this was recorded by the japanese, and the duration of this glow was abnormally long compared to a conventional discharge, that is , annihilation also occurs with the release of energy, and of course photons, which this is annihilation, this is electron-positron, this is when energy is released.
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and annihilation of particles and antiparticles, matter and antimatter, humanity has been observing for many millennia, they just didn’t know what it was, they didn’t know, that ’s why it’s interesting, but still returning to those sources that are actually researched by, well, antiparticles, well, in the russian federation, this is, of course, a synchrophosotron, which is located in dubna, this is an installation ... 70 protvino, and then there are smaller accelerators in which, nevertheless, a sufficiently high collision energy is obtained in order to register antiparticles, if if we talk about the industrial production of antimatter, then this is cern, this is a large hadron collider, and there, in principle, now with
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the help of special devices. so-called pening traps, it is possible to obtain up to a million antiprotons, m simultaneously, in total , at the same time, well... they are simply driven into a pening trap, they, the special design is such that they cannot, in principle , annihilate, that is, they are replaced for how long they exist there, which means that in the first experiments the following figures were obtained: that there were only a few dozen antiprotons and they existed for a fairly short time, for several minutes, and subsequently.
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and annihilates, why doesn’t our world annihilate? and because the percentage of antimatter in our world is very insignificant, this is why there is not as much of it as matter, one ten-billionth part, 80% is the above-mentioned dark matter, 20% is our world, electrons, protons, neutrons, and i by the way all the time, you know, i kept thinking, how much? and what you you ask the question why there is such asymmetry , so much antimatter, which has occupied the minds of scientists for many, many years, including
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this question was discussed in the works of andrei dmitrievich sakharov, who back in the sixty-seventh year published, in general, the works to which he refers until now, in which... he justified such a boryonic asymmetry at the beginning of the primary explosion, in order for matter to exist in the form in which it exists, three types of asymmetry must be fulfilled, these are baryon asymmetry, ordinary asymmetry of matter and antimatter, which is observed, at the moment of the explosion the thermodynamic equilibrium must be disturbed, that’s why the question all the time seemed that the world was somehow... unfair, there is some kind of asymmetry, i, as an astrophysicist, will add how much antimatter is in our solar system, what do you think, i think that for as long as mother, the entire solar system, but how can i be told at home to understand where i have one
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gram of this matter here, where is the antimatter, if you had antimatter, it would be right there annihilated, your jacket would have disappeared, we didn't we can, except for the collider , observe antimatter, we can only say, oh, only here. that there was antimatter, because it , because it annihilated with matter , released a stream of energy, energy, and the jacket disappeared, that’s how, if the jacket had disappeared, i would have realized that there was antimatter here, advertising on ntv, new season, new suits , new stars, who are you? mask? mask! february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. chef, new season,
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were able to, were they able to? next to the body , a poem by mr. pushkin was found, four notes, four murders, a tricky case, when instead of evidence there are only lines, above an indifferent crowd, yes, this is a boo, where the murder is one of the lines, instead of suspects there are ghosts, you saw it, the sole is melted , as if he is constantly walking on fire, he gets down to business, i know. who will be the next assassination attempt, who is the killer hunting for? allow me to introduce myself,
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bashnyak aleksandromich, it is still unknown whether the kolobushnik should be more afraid of some mythical villain or not? cerbert, do you like poetry? now no, the big premiere is on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. science and we are a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years, in 10 years we will understand the nature of antimatter, our expert, professor kapustin, discusses the benefits of antimatter. perhaps some of you have had to examine your internal organs using positron emission tomography. this method uses positrons. radionucleides are introduced into the patient’s body, usually light isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, in general. in the process of research
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, a pair, a positron, an electron is formed in the body, which annihilates, emitting gamma quantum, which and are recorded by detectors. a positron microscope is an invariable assistant in the study of materials. you can study different samples, determine the fatigue of materials, and find microdefects in them. much more interesting is the use of antimatter for flight to stars. 1 g, i repeat, 1 g of anti-hydrogen fuel is enough for a flight to the stars to return home, but for now we have today...
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well, our respected expert said, i partly agree with him, partly not, well , first of all, really positron tomograph, yes, where, where we can tell, and there, in the same way, we look at the scattering of these two energy flows, register it and say, yeah, they scattered in opposite directions, that means there was antimatter in the middle between them, that means ours is there - let's say, let's say in beautiful words, we are observing and the process. annihilation, yes, absolutely right, and this is perhaps the only application, look, in order for matter and antimatter to annihilate, and annihilate, lord, they must be nearby or they must touch, of course, of course, ok, nikolai nikolaevich, what breakthroughs in the study of antimatter do you expect in the next 10 years, or have we already studied everything,
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received it, well, humanity has really been looking for antimatter for a long time since it was, as they say , understood that it exists... colleagues mentioned that we are our universe, our generally visible world consists of matter, this is not an unfounded statement, because astrophysicists have been trying for a very long time to find antimatter in space in different ways, using detectors they tried to catch antiparticles, there are very few of them, they tried observe this annihilation glow, because if there is some kind of anti-galaxy or an anti-world, it would glow very brightly on the border with our world, on these...
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no, this is already an experience, this is an experience, dropped, dropped, that is, these antihydrogen atoms dropped them, they fell on the plate and people realized that it was falling down, now of course the question is, with the same, with the same acceleration of the combined fall that we, that we studied at school 9.8 there meters per second squared or others, well, this is a question for the next generations, like research, yes, so i think that about positronic, that this is in science. well, look, now this is, of course, the most unambiguous and powerful method for detecting and registering oncological diseases, all surgeons, all oncologists say that there’s no need to delay, go there right away if something happens, if there is a suspicion of petkt, you need to be able to synthesize anti, well, not antimatter, but substances
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that emit positrons, then you can take them into the body relatively painlessly and continue to carry out these studies. so i'm waiting for breakthroughs, of course, in the good sense, in the synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals, this is now one of the key, but at the state level, the direction of development of the pharmaceutical industry in general, that is, the more we synthesize antimatter, the cheaper it is, the more we can ideally conduct such research, this is mainly medicine to reduce the cost of antimatter. i would add a little more astrophysics, but firstly there is a good idea that all antimatter, why do we have such asymmetry, is all antimatter in black holes? gay who was formed from antihydrogen because antihydrogen is usually formed in our country, but antihelium - this would be the principle of an antistar
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already, but good, and vyacheslav ivanovich, what can the knowledge about antimatter itself give us in the next 10 years, you know, yes, that is, they can change consciousness, not the physical production of antimatter, i don’t know , not making it cheaper, not using it, but the knowledge itself, how it will expand the boundaries of our knowledge, well, i would call it philosophy - then we split zero into plus and minus, because they continue to add up to zero, so how nothing particularly strong
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happened, we moved from zero to zero, only in such an expanded form, and then we do this: we isolate plus from minus, two worlds arise, a plus world, a minus world, this is how creation arose, do you want to create a new world? no, i want to say that perhaps there are not just anti-galaxies, anti-stars, but there is a whole anti-world, which... is so strongly isolated from our world that perhaps its illumination cannot be detected, maybe there is a much larger one there... then isolation, so this is where this arises a deeper philosophy of the anti-world , the multiplicity of worlds, and well, perhaps anti-cate and antivology, even i have a very interesting question for vitaly gennadievich, i wanted to ask about practical application, because of course medicine is the most practical application, the most practical vitaly gennadievich. look, in literature, if there is a hero, a positive negative hero, well, an anti-hero, then as
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a rule, according to the laws of the genre, there is only one left, but if in life katya and anti-katya meet, not even one katya, i found almost application, they annihilate, yes, where will they go, i wanted to ask about medicine, this is annihilation, where will we go, well, i’m probably anti-katya then. it’s difficult for me, but the practical application, well, if katya and antikatya meet, it will be 50 king of bombs, that is, in fact, 1 kg of antimatter, if it completely annihilates, it will be equivalent in power, not only to me this consoles me, it’s equal to the king of bombs, that is, there are about 60 megatons in tratil equivalent, so here it ’s somewhere around 50, maybe 55, why if you see antikatya, run, run.
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more about the practical application, here is the practical application, if you take the usual x -ray radiation of radiotherapy, then it destroys everything that gets in the way and great, cells, bad cells, after the cancerous tumor has passed, it destroys everything in its path, so here... it turns out that if you use antiparticles, for example, anti, antiproton, then in general it does not immediately begin to decay, but somewhere at the end of its passage near this very tumor, when annihilation takes place, it turns out more precise effect on affected cells. and there is confirmation of this, which means published in various publications
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, that is, in addition to positron tomography , it is no longer nuclear medicine that can be used in treatment methods, but antinuclear medicine, anti particles are used in this very successfully and more selectively, when compared with conventional x-ray irradiation radiation. and there are projects to use antimatter in space engines of the future, at first glance it is very difficult do, because in the process of annihilation various decay products are obtained, including electron-positron pairs, but they decay equally likely in all directions, if averaged, it is impossible to single out any direction, create thrust there, and so on, but... the so-called approach is used, i read with interest in the literature, the so-called hybrid approach, its essence is that antimatter, in
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particular antiprotons from... accompanied by a sharp expansion of plasma formations, this process can be used for an engine , there are such projects, humanity has taken the first step towards this, i recently had close colleagues in switzerland, well, until recently they were, they made a suitcase, that is, a trap in which they could move several anti protons from one laboratory to another, that is, this magnetic trap,
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the penning trap, which we talked about today, they have already learned how to move it.
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a unique country with a unique destiny, a unique culture, unique people, original and full of mysteries, with a wide soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. the program is on air. science and we is a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years. i don’t know about you, but volodya and i understood the nature of antimatter through this program, but still i have to ask the guests, dear optimists and skeptics, what is the probability
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in 10 years for us, we as humanity, as science. antimatter, dark matter, if physics continues to develop like this, therefore in this in terms of, i guess, well, about 30 percent, you mean, the very essence is lost, something most important, imagery, intuitiveness is declared, well, like a backward approach in understanding theoretical physics, well , due to the dominant copenhagen interpretation in quantum mechanics, where exactly the formal mathematical apparatus
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comes to the fore, an attempt at some... level of accuracy, we will understand there that it falls in the wrong way or in the wrong direction, or has a slightly different spectrum or something else, well 80%, that is, i really i think that humanity is close to solving several events of such global problems that we have, there is dark matter, anti -symmetry of antimatter, that’s 80%, well , there is definitely a difference, look, they kill positrons, well, or they kill everything, but antipositrons
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somehow affect the body differently. you can just turn from the other side, suddenly we are an anti-world in relation to another big world, the history of the multiverses that my colleague spoke about, first of all, well, it’s so famous, but it very well could be...
2:18 am
the process of synthesizing new exotic atomic formations, including antiparticles , here i’m generally 70 percent sure, because there is very sharp progress, so to speak, 25, 60 and 70, on average it’s somewhere around 50, 50%, thank you very much.
2:19 am
80%, thank you very much, well, with a 60% probability we will still understand the nature of antimatter, of course, today it has become clear that we , first of all, how to say, physicists already know everything about it, they don’t know. but why is there so little of it? because mathematicians can’t calculate everything yet, she’s somewhere still, there is, but really it will just have to be found somewhere in the next 10 years, where is it hidden? well, the world is not simple
2:20 am
, not at all simple, yes, but fundamental physics has not gone away; the future lies with it, and it seems to me that it is good that there are scientists who do not stop, they are searching, it is quite possible that they will find an antistar in the next 10 years,


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