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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  February 2, 2024 2:20am-2:51am MSK

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after all, there is, yes, indeed, it will just have to be found somewhere in the next 10 years , where it was hidden, and well, the world is not simple, not at all simple, yes, but fundamental physics has not gone away; the future lies behind it, and to me it seems that it’s good that there are scientists who don’t stop, they are searching, it’s quite possible they will find an antistar in the nearest ones, the most important thing is that physicists don’t forget that it’s not only the formulas and mathematics themselves that are important, philosophy is important in all this about...
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ask , a hidden camera agency, engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities, the head of the agency , retired lieutenant colonel mikhail ilyich troshin, served in the operational search department of the fsb, was transferred to the reserve after being wounded. sirovova olga yuryevna, operational officer of the ask, daughter of major sirov, his deceased partner. pavel,
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a technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved by trochen during his service. sovisky egor pavlovich, senior police lieutenant, part-time employee of the agency. ask, hidden camera agency. thanks a lot. coffee is just what i need right now in the morning, somehow everything didn’t work out. sugar? well, boss, as always. oh, sorry, please, sorry, now.
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this is a whole ritual for me, i never break it, do you suspect anyone? i think masha, the housekeeper, could have taken it, i had a fight with her a week ago, yesterday because of her with my husband, i noticed a ring on her finger , i asked if she was engaged, she looked at me like that, haughtily, proudly, ring, she says :
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well, yesterday i told him everything, about him, about masha, he immediately ran to the balcony to smoke, he has a beautiful hundred-year-old pipe oak, that’s his tradition , he’ll smoke a pipe of peace, calm down, then you can talk to him, good family tradition, just not for this time, as soon as he came out, i immediately heard a noise on the balcony, i think he fell into a stupor or something anger?
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i open the door, he’s standing pale, there’s a broken pipe in his hands, did he fall on the phone? no, he was just worried, he broke it. well , naturally, i immediately got scared, fed him blood pressure pills, and sent him to bed. who else lives with you? now no one, but before there lived vlad, the son of arkady from the first marriage, well, then they quarreled, and my husband took the key to our apartment from him. why did you quarrel? vlad kept shouting that he was already a grown man, that no one interfered in his business.
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great, in the meantime, give olga all the phone numbers of your family, hello, ramuald klimovich, hello, yes, yes, it’s me, how ’s your health, well, it’s good that everything is fine, romankinovich, i kindly ask you, i ’ll send you a photo of one thing now , if she suddenly appears in your stake... by sight, don’t punish me for your work, let me know, grateful in advance, always yours, goodbye, olya, i i’ll give you my phone number now, you can send it the photo of your dreams, you’re talking about the necklace, okay, the necklace, ramualt, it’s just another world,
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yes, ramualt klimovich is a different world, it’s better to go to a special antiques store in the city, i’ll introduce you to it on occasion. so where have you been? i had already installed the camera and escorted the hostess out. well done, where did the hostess go? as agreed? first to go shopping, then to see friends, in general, she won’t be there all day, but masha is already there, well, in the apartment, i mean. well, you deserve it, then hold it, boss, so you went frozen, thank you, well so cute, i’m melting right now, wait, thief, let’s better see what masha
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is doing there, well, nothing interesting so far, she works as a pipedaster, which, what a bad masha, has found something to work with. well, pipedaster, this is a broom for collecting dust, but i didn’t come up with something, now the fun begins. it’s very interesting, pavlik, you can make it bigger , i’m just a minute, boss, but this is a set, a chain, a ring pendant, well, in any case, it’s very similar, well, the case is closed, we call the owner,
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our masha, the thieving magpie, is dragging everything that glitters. somehow everything turns out too simply, well, our girl is simple, an ordinary provincial predator, trying to get hooked in moscow by all means, the client said everything about her correctly, so, should we call her? it’s too early, we don’t know where the stakes are, if masha is a thief, she ’ll lead us to him herself. comrades, please take a look, i have prepared something interesting for you, already on the monitor. so, maria kravtsova,
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born in 1990, came to the capital from the village of novinki in the tver region and won a regional beauty contest. worked in a modeling agency, registered in the capital’s modeling and acting databases, in general, everything is clear, she didn’t work out as a model, she wants to stay in the capital, she got a job. the housekeeper seduced the owner , the usual story, the usual, you say, not a fact, well , maybe she has another talent besides thievery, maybe she serves coffee without spilling, you're a bore, pash, stop, oh, on the way out, uh-huh, i'm already running, i always dreamed of at least holding such an expensive thing in my hands, pavel,
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try with the images, we will need close-ups, what kind of cameras do they have, such we have plans, but while i’m connecting, you can look at olga’s cameras, i can tell you that the thing is beautiful, but i don’t see the three treasured numbers. i don’t see a sample here, maybe you ’ll see, wait, but here, here everything is clean too, this is a private master’s job, they usually don’t use a sample, well, who knows, now i’ll just take a drop. blackened,
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nari soloto, i can give you 200 rubles for this , 100 rubles per item, also money, hmm, almost knocked me off my feet, all your clients are so fast, i don’t have such clients, uh-huh, please tell me , this little thing? to you i’m not familiar, it’s a thing, it’s a very beautiful thing, bring it, we’ll agree, well, the thing is that it ’s not mine, unfortunately, but you didn’t have it in the pawnshop, no, but you can immediately see that the things are old, okay, but what there’s a good thing here, if you don’t have it, well, you don’t, that means one less pawn shop to look for, goodbye. thank you,
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is this how you got a girl? she flew out of the pawnshop with a killer smile, this is what happens when a lover cheats, is her ring not gold, like the whole set? i think she is now corresponding with her lover, with arkady. i confirm, i hid that phone number of our car, look, it came 3 days ago from arkady golovatsky’s phone, strange love, man, economical, even halved the set so that there would be enough for two meetings with masha, a pathologically greedy type, or maybe the man just problems, do you hear, pash, i hear, i hear, i’m already looking for information, but in the meantime , if anyone is interested, i’ll let you know that masha just wrote to arkady that she’s coming... towards a park, apparently it’s somewhere nearby. fields, i
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want to hear everything they say, somehow change your appearance so that they don’t find out, you can’t imagine what she’ll do to him, she’ll pour coffee on him, it’s very pleasant to douse herself with coffee in the morning, really, yes, it’s warm, everything’s ready, just a second. i don’t understand, i missed something, where she got the shepherd from, i don’t know, i only know that we are dealing with a master of disguise, that’s for sure, i ’m not even sure which of them is the dog, what a boor you are, pashenka, dog there is a dog. “i rented it from the local guys, the asking price is 200
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rubles. until they run around frozen, i ’ll take a walk here, come here, come here, hello, well, it’s started, the matodor is in place, the bull himself came up." that you just reported, little girl , a lot has happened to me, and i need your support, otherwise i will die. then you will die, you won’t even have time to give me a gift, you see, there was one, but today i didn’t find it, and by chance you’re not looking for this cheap thing, yes, well, from where, from a camel, just like your filthy ring, well done, he split the set, yes,
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divided it, and come on, masha, work for two in one, yes, you know who ?it’s not like you have a mistress, but you can’t keep the cat, she’ll die of hunger, mashenka, you don’t you understand that everything, everything will be, we will have everything, i’m taking some steps, you treat your inga, it’s not towards me, take steps, macho, damn it, let’s go, yes, the bullfight didn’t take place, the rest is not even interesting, disgusting but this little man, this arkady, deceived his wife, abandoned his mistress, ungenerous, ungenerous, where did the generosity come from with such and such
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matters, read out a statement for tax bankruptcy, it’s better to move on. then we read it, it means bankrupt, all the poor people are bankrupt, uh-huh, yes, ramual klimovich, yes, i understand you, yes, thank you, i’m also very pleased to have such friend, of course, quid pro quo, always call. there was a rut in a pawnshop garden, a man named arkady, and his last name was golovatsky, sent him there, i got a little more information here, 2 days ago arkady withdrew all the money from his accounts, let's start running to get ready, well, now you can call the client, thank you god they sorted it out, the husband stole
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the necklace, gave his mistress a ride, let them sort out their shortcomings themselves, we’ll call you. but i had one question for arkady, why is she such a bastard? different, but also very important. inga, hello, yes we are finished your case, we know where the necklace is and who stole it. as you say, yes, we can pay when we meet. i just have a small request for you. stand up, the resolution to terminate the criminal case, we will work through it to the result, i want the whole city to be put on its ears, this is a seizure, boss, a new
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season. we have no choice, do what you must and come what may, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. hello arkady, my name is mikhail. i know inga has already introduced you to me in absentia, come in. well, look, no women’s things, inga slowly dragged everything to her mom, it’s all because you, a skilled detective , found out everything about everyone, well, of course, there’s no one to blame but me, i’m sorry, i’m just still in a nervous state, i can’t figure out how
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to get out of this situation, let’s go to the office. pash, pash, do you have any idea what kind of question our boss has for arkady? how do you like this option? find out where arkady is hiding the rest of his grief. you are not a serious person, pasha. arkady, won’t you show me your broken pipe, but you didn’t throw it away, can it still be repaired? well mine is hardly possible, although you are right, i really haven’t thrown it away yet. that’s what i thought, it was a great shot, do n’t you think so, i see you’re a really good
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detective, they threaten you and demand money, so you withdrew all the money from your accounts , stole the stakes, who knows, where did he come from, the enemy is defeated and lies with a hidden brain , bravo, boss, of course, a poet, 3 days ago they called me and said that my son had been kidnapped and i had to transfer 3 million rubles to his card. otherwise i will get my son in pieces. at first i thought it was someone's stupid joke, and of course, he didn’t do anything. but after the shot, yes, i almost died of fear when this tube shattered in my hands. and they began to collect money. yes, i wrote everything off . but there was still not enough money, then i took inga’s necklace, i simply had no other choice, everything is very
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bad at my company, inga wears this necklace extremely rarely, and i hoped that i would buy it back before she discovered it was missing, why didn’t they tell you about everything, but i wanted to at first, but the fact is that inga, stepmother, vlada, they have very complicated relationship, and i think that she would hardly give up... this brat decided to marry her, i explained to him that masha would not marry people like her, but it was all useless, i even... told him about our relationship with her, then he flared up, and so did i, well, okay, tell me, arkady, have you already transferred the money? yes, yesterday, i think that they are already on
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my son’s card, and i’m waiting for a call, bad, i mean bad, as soon as the bandits get the money, they won’t need vlad anymore, oh my god, what an idiot am i? and what should i do now? do you think vlad is still alive? i don’t know, maybe time is lost, listen, help me, i’ll pay, i’ll find the money, i’ll borrow, it’s not about the money , okay, stay in touch, we’ll do everything possible, pasha, did you hear everything? engage? pasha, urgent location of vlad. the object is located on the territory of an abandoned factory.
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it doesn't move, i'm sending you the address. i understand that what doesn’t move is very bad. judging by the fact that there are no other signals nearby, vlad is alone there. try calling him, maybe you'll get lucky. i'm calling. no response, bad, very that’s bad, we might be late, if we’re not already late , boss, but while we’re on our way, explain how you realized that there was a shot, i broke my whole head, come on, come on, you saw arkady, well, the little guy is flimsy, how could he do it with his hands? break the pipe yourself, well, yes, he’s not the answer , it’s impossible to break the pipe from doom with your bare hands, so... i thought that they helped him, well, when i saw the pipe, i immediately understood everything, a very good shot, professional, every time i think, why didn’t i guess it myself, when
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you tell it everything turns out so simply, but i want to remind you that everything ingenious is simple , i also have a simple text message from vlada’s phone from masha, sent this morning, honey, you’re great, we’ll soon be on the islands, in our paradise, i love you, yes, i didn’t worry, girl, under one i worked with my son and my father as a pseudonym, i wonder which of them came up with the nickname for her, most likely she came up with it herself, we’re there, kolya, you come with me, very carefully, yeah. chief, well, there's no one
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as far as the eye can see. pasha was mistaken, pasha could be mistaken, here is his equipment - no, boss, here, i found him, who screwed you? alive. alive, thank god, it could have been much worse, who are you? police, don’t worry, everything will be fine, be careful, how did you end up here, but i don’t remember, i don’t remember anything , it’s strange, there are no traces on him, no bruises, no scratches, but why did he lose consciousness? the one who beat is very familiar with'. why
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look for them? here he is sitting in front of you in person, do you think he kidnapped himself, knocked himself out? well, it’s unlikely that he’ll knock him out , but he’ll kidnap him, along with masha, right? ok, i guess having a third was a big surprise for you. apparently, this is the same man in arcadia shot. pash, can you hear me? yes, boss, what should i do? find out where masha is now? well, i kind of already, it’s on vernadsky avenue, there’s some kind of travel agency. great. olya, contact yegor, let him help us with a police shell. let me
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introduce you. if i'm not mistaken, this man is mash's real lover, his bags are worth 3 million. a kiss worth 3 million. well, is our way out? why, why are you with him, how did you end up here? you wanted to leave with him, but our islands, with him, quietly, let him go him, we are your job, hey, uncle, uncle , don't touch him, let him in, quietly, what are you doing, let him in, you have no right, you called them, yes, i hate you, you're a freak, you, got it, you don’t be afraid, i won’t say a word to them, they won’t prove anything, i’ll remain silent, screw you, do n’t need handcuffs, i don’t need handcuffs myself , he won’t run away, take it, there should be about 3 million here, fix it in the protocol,
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you will go to the police and give your testimony. if he calls, he's in charge, let him call, okay, no thanks, no goodbye, let's go, that's it today, but yesterday vlad came to us not himself, asked for forgiveness, even cried, said that you saved him, i am very grateful to you for my son, now the main thing is not to quarrel, yes... i must say, vlad is lucky that he remained alive, mashin, the main lover, a master of sports in field shooting, is very familiar with martial arts. masha lured vlad there so that he would give her the money he had withdrawn from the cards, and victor was already waiting for them there, he was the one who shot at me, he was the one, a good shot , yes, a good one, no fools, by the way, i want you
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make one gift. i'm not a smoker, that's right, but i want this pipe to be in your collection of successfully solved crimes, well, there should be such a collection, thank you, maybe we'll start with your pipe, thank you all, good luck to you, goodbye, goodbye.


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