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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  February 2, 2024 2:50am-3:21am MSK

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i want to give you one gift , i’m not a smoker, that’s right, but i want this pipe to be in your collection of successfully solved crimes, well, there should be such a collection, thank you, maybe we’ll start with your pipe, thank you all, good luck to you, goodbye, goodbye. he turned out to be not as disgusting as i thought, i hope they will have mercy, i wish i could, otherwise it turns out that our agency ruined a family for their own money, boss, and i also have a gift for you, wow, what are you doing all of a sudden? well, i recently ruined your shirt, so here it is! like
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your size should be like mine , olenka, and how did you find out the size, this is a very intimate matter, not every wife knows, so now you’re lost in conjecture, i like it, yes, very good, hello, you should get out of here immediately.. . cities, if you want to stay alive, just do it differently, and you’re a corpse , lord, who is this, hello, hello, what are you doing, what happened, ol, nothing, just... somehow in my life everything
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is going wrong, no, i know about this suffering in general, but today, what exactly, nothing, it’s just something like this, that's all, something is wrong, olya, olya, oh, little darlings, what is this, am i seeing tears, or what? yes, these are not tears, i just accidentally poked myself in the eye, when you are nervous, you lie extremely poorly, well, come on, listen, well, here you and i are sitting here. we’re doing the same thing together, that’s it, you only need me for business, you just don’t give a damn about me, stop what you’re saying, well, what’s going on, child, what kind of child am i, i’m not a child at all, i’m for you i’ve said this a thousand times, if you were friends with my parents, this doesn’t mean at all, so olya, calm down quickly, let’s lay out what happened, nothing, my friend is getting married , she’s a witness, she called me, so you’re wondering why
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, you don’t even know her, and there’s no need to know anything here, you’ve dumbfounded me with your logic to be honest, i didn’t understand anything at all, and there’s nothing to understand here, she’s marrying a goat, he’s just a bastard, a womanizer, he cheated on her a month before the wedding, she doesn’t want to cancel anything, because everything needs to be like everyone is normal, photo, dress, rings and i think that after the wedding with they can cope with his character, now you surprised me, but i never thought that you, too , are obsessed with these dresses, rings, photeas, so that like everyone else, i, well, not me, you’re even ready to cry, obviously not because of that , that my friend’s fiance is an asshole, but you didn’t understand at all, i’m sorry, please, this is asuka, yes, and you may, you came early, but that’s even good, please come in and sit down. and
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you are mikhail, what is your middle name? mikhail ilvich, i’m olga, i may be shameless. okay, and you are like me, please, you are something else for me far. agreed. well, then tell me what brought you to us. to be honest, i’m not completely sure, but no other explanation comes to mind. so, it seems they want to kill me. why do you think so? you see, i live now. i never had a father, and my mother died recently, i don’t have a boyfriend at the moment , i understand very well, it seems to me that these are black realtors hunting for an apartment and surviving me, there’s simply no one else, there are threats or something, and threats or something, actually , became a threat the last straw, after that i immediately turned to you, someone called and in a changed voice told me to get out of the city, otherwise they would kill me, so, now let’s talk about it or what? in order, to be honest,
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at first i didn’t connect everything into one, but then i was surprised, i lived, i lived in peace, then one after another fell down, once the staircase was rubbed with oil and it was right next to my apartment. well, i flew through the air, upside down, got bruises and a crack in my rib, but it could have been worse, that’s for sure, but what else? they started a fire, the balcony caught fire already on the curtain it went into the apartment, but thank god they managed to put it out, the firefighters said it was a cigarette light, but a neighbor lives above me with two small children, they have residual allergies, and of course they don’t smoke. the entrance to the roof was closed, in general, i don’t believe in this version, you talk about everything so calmly, you’re not afraid at all, the worst thing in my life has already happened, i hope, and of course i’m afraid, otherwise i wouldn’t have come to you , i’m just not going to leave and
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i have nowhere to go, i really wouldn’t want the caller to carry out his threat, no will lead, now you will be under our 24-hour protection. “we will put cameras in your apartment and we will monitor all telephones and calls to find out who is calling and posing as you. you can come to me with cameras right now, otherwise you know, the night is ahead, of course, let’s go, but where did they go ? , don’t rush, look calmly, but i’ve already looked at everything, they’re definitely not anywhere, well , they’ve already fallen somewhere, do you have spare keys?” "yes, at the neighbor's, uh-huh, boss, we have a hitch here, maya lost her keys, maybe she lost her keys, it’s no coincidence, hello, natal sergeevna , hello, hello, you won’t give me my keys, otherwise i sowed mine somewhere, where
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is this, how is this, where did you manage, just 15 minutes ago, yours slammed, i was still thinking i came, i need to come in and get an aloe leaf, but no, it probably seemed to you that i wasn’t there this morning until... wait, i was just wiping the intercom tube, i was at the door, i clearly heard the jangling of keys, then the knock of your door, it was your door, and there were steps along the corridor, and you are sure of this, yes, when it it was, and it felt like that, about 15 minutes , well, about 20 at most, ago, i was next to the door, i heard everything, but the door only knocked once, no one came back out, no , i’m definitely saying it wasn’t, only they came in, mommies , so calmly, thank you very much , give me the keys, yes, yes, olya, take the keys, come here, there might be someone in the apartment now, i already called yegor, i’ll come in carefully, besides , you they taught me how to fight with my dad, what kind of fights, olya, how many locks does the door
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need to close, ask may, may, both locks they work, yes, but i don’t use the bottom one, in general, if anything happens, we jump out and close it immediately with the bottom lock, i understood correctly, right away. please, thank you, natalya sergeevna, this is very dangerous, maybe call the police, god forbid thieves, but no, don’t worry, natalya sergeevna, my friend and i, yes, then shout, if anything happens, i ’ll be there, i’ll call you right away, who should, carefully. olya, what have you got there, don’t be silent, i don’t see anything, it’s dark in the hallway, there’s no one yet, it’s a small leg,
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so i report to them that the room is empty. there’s nowhere to hide there, so i go to the kitchen, boss, there’s no one in the apartment, i check the balcony, be careful, ol, as luck would have it, there are no cameras on the house, we’re unlikely to find out who came out, the balcony is also clean, let maya look at things, is everything in place, maya, everything is okay, come in. look carefully in the apartment , nothing is missing, and there’s nothing to take from me, the tv is there, my mother’s fur coat is still there, it’s my mother’s, she
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worked for me as an anthropologist, huh? i don’t keep money at home, it’s on my card with me, boss, i heard, ask may where she was today and with whom? if i couldn’t drop the keys, then i need to look for who could have pulled them out? no, nothing was touched at home, it’s strange, who could come in and why? may, please tell me in more detail, how did you spend today before meeting us? in the morning i went to practice and until lunch i was with the children at the camp, the bag was closed in the closet, and when i took out the travel card, i saw the keys, it was already on the subway, when... i went to lunch with boris, after the cafe i
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immediately i needed to come to you, i was walking, i didn’t open my bag, borya paid for lunch, but what about borya, this is my new friend, we first corresponded with him, then we called each other, today is the second time we saw each other, we just agreed a long time ago and it was inconvenient to refuse, yeah, but burya has a phone number, right? i need the name of the cafe , the exact time you were there, the cafe at the chestnut tree, we sat down there at about 2 o’clock, left at about three, i don’t remember exactly, i didn’t look at the time, yeah, everything is fine, i wasn’t late, i wasn’t even feeling well, yes, may had already left for practice, but... she walked calmly, excuse me, good morning, hello, how are you?
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is pasha doing? pasha is doing better than anyone else, i spent half the night with the cameras of this cafe, they locked everything up as if it was a state bank, well, did you defeat them? yes, watch the movie without sound, i left my purse. it’s strange, in general ordinary girls don’t do this, they take them with them to comb their hair, touch up their lips, well, you saw maya, she’s not a coquette, she may dream of chic white dresses, but for her the light didn’t converge on them, but who got it right, maybe it’s me, the boss, well, one of you, of course, is a psychologist, like pasha beloshviko, but what immediately pasha, pasha, by the way? it can’t be like that, you want me to take a photo of you, pasha , well, where are you going, you have to understand that all these slander against
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me is just that, borya took the keys , excuse me, i got distracted, pasha, but about borya and his phone, there’s something... then, of course, boris smollin, 27 years old, previously convicted of fraud, the phone naturally no longer works, registered to the left person, it turns out that his task was the keys. that he cut off contact with maya, he realized that there was nothing to take from the apartment, he leaked, threats, set fire, oil, then what’s the point, and maybe not cut off, if he wants, he can get in touch with her online, they met there, he will say that he just changed his number, the boss is right, borya did not delete our accounts, and judging by the photos on which the place is marked. yegor and i will go visit him, i’m ready, olya,
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you call, ask for water, he goes for water , you leave the camera, after that you drink, you leave, everything, i remember, i opened it, help, please, it’s very bad, give me water, come in, thank you, oh, can i sit here for you, okay, oh-oh-oh-oh, well, well, listen, maybe i can call a doctor for you, so what? just sit and suffer? no , i don’t need a doctor, i’ve already had this happen, now it’ll be 5 minutes, just give me some water, please, at least from a cold tap, now, olya, just on the corner of the closet, if you can reach it, okay, it’s time, throw it anywhere damn, we expected him to pour water into a cup, but he took the bottle with him. and, boris, listen, we need
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to talk to you seriously, we know that, oh, well, well, well, well, well, well, didn’t your teachers teach you at school that she’s a girl. i should politely interrupt, oh well, and you hang here will you be there before the squad arrives, or maybe you’ll come down? i didn’t do anything, should i tell you your biography in detail, smolin? i didn’t do anything, sit down, sit down, sit down , you came to may without permission, you took her key, so look, he’s no longer so crystal, but a pure citizen, quietly, we ’re going to rock the boat, or maybe you’ll start contacting law enforcement agencies and i didn’t calculate the time, but it’s fine, everything is as if i had no rights, but everything is fine, what did i do with someone else,
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did i carry out an order, whose, what, let’s go to spirit, can you get up, are you up? come on, airport , let's face it, my friend, idiya sorokina, paid me so well to get this maya together, they expected that on the second date she would invite me to your place, she didn't give me a ride, i have to babysit this maya for six months before going to bed lay down, wait, why does your magpie take such an active part in the life of may, i didn’t ask, it’s a matter of what everyone says, what assignments did the magpies carry out? did you steal the dirty one? what? what? no, well, men are still okay, but the woman, is she a complete pervert? it was bad, when i explained to lydia that maya would not invite me to her place soon, listen, she gave me more money, so that i could take the key, go to maya and take her panties, invariably from dirty laundry, wait, you
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i wasn’t even surprised, i went to carry out this assignment? why should i ask unnecessary questions, i’m not getting paid for this? i was told, i did what i will now get for this, and lifelong , yeah, with confiscation of lydia sorokina’s contacts, lydia sorokina is 47 years old, recently widowed, lives with her son matvey, a printout of calls and sms confirms her connection with boris smolin, she paid him to meet maya and asked him to steal the panties. maya does not know sorokina and has never heard of her. however, at one o’clock in the correspondence with the notary kalyuzhny, lidi mentions maya’s name. so, in 5 minutes the notary will go out for lunch and meet with sorokina, according to their preliminary agreement. pavel will turn off the sound from lydia’s phone, and i will walk somewhere nearby so you can see. okay, then work. yes. thank you,
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this is my gratitude to you, you pushed me to such a simple decision, just genius, thank you, dear, the dna test will be ready the day after tomorrow, what are my next steps, please instruct me, i can’t make a move without you now, you ’re... absolutely sure that the analysis will show that your matvey and this girl maya, not her own brother and sister, absolutely, this girl is a banal impostor, she fooled vincent’s brains, so he included her in the will, if you are so sure, lady antonovna, with the test result you will need to go to court with claims to
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exclude the will in may or recognition wills are invalid. according to article 177 of the civil code of the russian federation. pasha, there are natal databases. i understand what you mean. yes, i have. a single database has already existed for five years. you can find the will of vikkenty sorokin in it. trying. we separated. she gave him money for something. so. magpie's late husband. dna examination is carried out including protein isolation, so lydia calculated everything correctly. it turns out that sorokina initially wanted to remove maya, to ensure that she left. and then
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the notary gave her this option with an examination, and she grabbed onto it. why is she so confident in the result , as if she knows for sure that the analysis will show that mine is not a rain magpie, money decides everything, this is the first thing that comes to mind, but if she bribes someone, why does she need real biomaterial from may, she could it would be easier to slip a false one in, it’s a riddle, so we’ll solve it. who's there? lidia antonovna, this is from the clinic. and who are you? and where is she usually the only one who comes to me? today i took the car from the goal, a week ago it was burning all my ears, like
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says lidya antonovna, without a nurse, so i came, okay, come in, thank you, hands, i can wash them somewhere, yes, please, here, thank you. yes, yes, of course, thank you, boss, here are the razors and the machine, where to get it from, and from there and from there, take the hair from lydia’s comb, we’ll also give it to the experts, we’ll understand where the father is, where the son is. oh my god, who would doubt it? as i told you, maya is a completely stranger, and kisha
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has nothing to do with it, yes, but i know my husband, so what? what, boss, i’m really impatient to find out the results of our examination, you see how insecure, i can’t bear to get married, pasha, take a lick, but i just can’t wait to tell maya everything, and explain everything to her, because she didn’t understand why i i asked her for a curl, what’s that, boss, well, judging by our results, it turns out the same thing, matvey and maya are not brother and sister.
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99.9%, the dna of matvey and his father are different, that is
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, it is clear that lydia knew that matvey was not her husband’s natural son, so she easily agreed to the examination, but why did she want it in the first place? eliminate this may, well, let her have everything. let’s ask ourselves, why bother? pasha, are you here? where else should i be? come on, while we're driving, find out at least something about this matvey. what for? is everything clear? everything is clear to you, but not to me yet. pasha, he was working. i'm already doing it. i really can’t wrap my head around all this. i never thought that i would ever find out who my father is. this is also a legacy. and they really are. did you want to kill me? olga will now try to find out. hello, what about the impostor from the clinic? wonderful. i'm everything to you now
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will explain. no need, i don't need it. explain to the police. i'm calling. wonderful. i just wanted to invite them to bring charges against you for the attempt on my ilna’s life. what are you talking about? who are you anyway? i'm an honest detective. whom maya ilina hired, in your bathroom i took your hair, hairs from the razor and from the machine, for examination, i think you can guess the results, so lydia antonovna, you will not be able to exclude maya from the will, you little trash, we need detectives hired her, but didn’t spare the money, and how did she guess i’m wearing a camera and a recording device right now, what did you involuntarily confirm? guilt, that you can know about my guilt, but i have only one guilt, that i did not save my son, and not this is the ample one. you
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have deprived me of my last hope, you bastards, all of you! what happened to matvey? what's happened? you know the name, right? do you know what happened? could you ask? do we know that he is a gambling addict and that he has significant debts? obscene debts, obscene, do you understand that? they know, and i have for many years. "nothing is i knew, my father only found out in the hospital before his death, he rewrote his will, he came to his senses, decided to raise him, and matyusha so wanted to start a new life with his father’s inheritance, to settle accounts with everything, but this is what you have done, and i really sympathize with you, true, but well, you could try to talk with maya, find some kind of compromise, beat them right away, why?" "
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what would you do in my place? i don’t know, let’s go, if you don’t want to, i can stop olga now and lidya won’t come here? no, i've already decided everything, hello, here you go meet me, this is maya, and this is lydia. you
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can talk here for now, and mikhailoch and i will go out. mikhail ilich, yes, of course. hello. i heard everything. i am very sorry for you, lydia antonovna. and that's why i won't punish you. and contact the police, thank you, but i will receive the inheritance, to be honest, i always wanted to have at least something from my father, but my mother did not want to tell me about him, and i just didn’t ask anything out of respect for her, but i will receive what i am entitled to, from this amount, if it is enough, i will cover matvey’s debts, i think your husband is enthusiastic i decided to punish him by leaving him without money. are you
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serious? yes, if he really wants to quit this and start a new life, i will help. lord, maya, forgive me, forgive us. will you tell me about your husband? well, of course, but for now it’s not easy for me either. you too understand my pain. “yes, i understand , i’m not in a hurry, we’ll still have time with you, of course, it’s good that he didn’t turn off the microphone, when i had time, you almost kicked me out of my own car, well, i’m sorry that’s so it worked out, well done, although i i didn’t initially doubt it, you can’t never doubt it from the beginning, but your
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emotions are always ahead of you anyway, well, in this particular case, i guessed, they’re guessing from the tea leaves, and we have to rely on the facts, boss, when will you stop teasing me , but i don’t understand, what a strange question, of course never.


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