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tv   Versiya-2  NTV  February 2, 2024 3:20am-4:51am MSK

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never olya, you teach you, you teach, but your emotions are always ahead of the locomotive, well, in this particular case, i guessed, they are guessing on the coffee grounds, on the betrothed, and we must rely on the fact, boss, when will you stop teasing me , but i don’t understand, what a strange question, of course never.
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what are you allowing yourself, but it almost killed me, the point is, you’ll hang around here until the police move over, i realized, i kind of like the police myself was in a hurry to get to work, if unnoticed, but you have to be able to drive, and i, of course,
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by the way, a hanged man is waiting for me in priozersk, i’m an investigator, what do we have, we have a truck, with multiple wounds to parts of the body and head, a witness to hide, there’s a motorcycle. well, let’s continue, once again in order, the motorcyclist followed you for a long time, no, he didn’t follow us for a long time, he didn’t drive at all, he stood, clearly, where he stood, but from a kilometer away, maybe he was at the side of the road.
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you have the right, i’m a representative of the press, she ’s gone out of here, let’s go through, i ’ll fix you right now, representative, you creature, are you in an uproar, how much crap has she poured on us, she’s walking around here, she sniffs around, she snoops around everywhere, she’s making a name for herself, she’s promoting herself at our expense
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, i hate it, listen, i wasn’t messing around with anyone, you know, my phone just cursed, my battery is dead, the battery is dead, put the phone in your head and the battery at the same time, or better yet, to the gardener , look, what’s the weather like, it’s time to go fishing, we still need to figure it out, so that ’s enough, let’s sort it out, i’m heading the investigation, it’s up to me to call, goodbye, happily,
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yes, they’ll recruit the children to wednesdays, and then you make sure that they are not buried in sandboxes, for sure, well, why give you a lift, i’m in a suburban village , i was having fun there, but no, thank you, well, let’s happily , bye, so, paramon, get out, sorry, vova , promon, thank you very much for everything, a huge, heavy thank you, get out, i can’t see you, so i’ll drive up the car with a full tank quickly. hello, baby, hello, and i ’m leaving for stokolm, yeah, for a week on business, so what should i do? so, baby, i’m not going for a long time, yeah, call petrovich, he knows where i’m going, he understands me, baby, everything will be fine, hello, hello, hello, let me go,
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prosecutor's office, lieutenant tyurin, nikita sergeevich, citizen vaganov, you are detained on the grounds, i understand, i understand, no matter how cold it is, i won’t freeze in the little blanket, you won’t freeze, and okay, take him away. my suitcase, grab it, i'll grab it, thank you, take it away, take it away, let's go, guys, calm down, carefully, just like that, sit down, sit down, goodbye, 15, now it's getting closer, i'll bring the documents when on thursday, uh-huh, from 10 to 11, remember that you are not the only one applying for this building site, from the kharak children's sports fund. yeah, thank you, viktor ivanovich, you will thank me when we agree on the resolution, but i understand, goodbye, all the best, once again, that’s enough, your opinion, well , what can i say, the speech of two people is recorded on the phonogram, voice number
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one belongs to murashka viktor ivanovich, voice number two belongs to yushchenko to mikhail pavlovich, the phonogram is undoubtedly original, there are no splices, no traces of editing, the recording is continuous. it was recorded on a dictaphone, listened to at least twice, but does it matter? no, this is not decisive , but the recording is of very poor quality, of course, this is not in my competence, but what? i got the impression that the low level of recording is not an accident, in the sense that the low level of recording hides the emotional background, which makes me suspicious, interesting, can you explain? well, look, on the soundtrack there are two people talking like... but i thought, thank you, we all would have thought that this would help you, we thought correctly, as you are a little further than
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their duties prescribe, we revealed everything, not why, thank you, did this help you? there is a version! go ahead, go ahead, aren't you going for interrogation? no, i haven’t liked the circus since childhood, especially with clowns, dwarfs and bald investigators.
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so, comrade investigator, you wouldn’t keep dangerous objects near the detainee, otherwise they might hit you in the head with ashtrays, or he might gouge out his eyes with scissors, don’t, i’m embarrassed to bother you. but 2 hours have already passed since my arrest, can you explain to me the reason? but don’t explain, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, okay, give me a piece of paper, i ’ll write a confession, only you must give me a guarantee that you will conduct a full and impartial investigation of this case, i i won’t take too much, but i will answer in full for my own, at least give me your word of honor. i promise, it’s okay
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, i believe, adekolan, hello, hello, a synonym for the word news, seven letters , news, right, in the sense, i heard the news, which, from syria, you won’t believe, your tsyurin, so, for some time now he became mine. okay, well, hello, sergei konstantinovich , i’ll go, you also have news for me, yes, perhaps we need to talk, preferably urgently, please, please, i’m vaganovich, in 1963 i committed the assassination of the president, yes
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us president kennedy with a sniper rifle from the top floor of a toy warehouse, completely by accident, well, first of all, us president john f. kennedy was shot from a book depository. and secondly, in the sixty -third year you were 3 years old, well, that’s why from the toy warehouse i demand a thorough investigation of the facts i have stated, i demand an on-site check, you know, that i demand that i be transported to dallas to conduct an investigative experiment, i i’ll show you everything, i can see everything in front of my eyes, well , let’s go?
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an extra problem, goodbye
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, firstly, never barge into the office, there is a telephone, secondly, never start talking in front of strangers, thirdly, don’t be so nervous, your hair won’t grow back, okay, what happened, so in -firstly, at the scene of the crime of yushchenko’s murder there was a terrible scandal, the journalist elvira, elvira chervonaya, accidentally turned up there, and dziuba buto was twisted, screaming at her like crazy, it feels like he... is not afraid, this is of course nonsense, but that’s all -it’s a fact, and secondly, i detained kursky, i mean, i mean, vaganov vladimir sergeevich kursk, so about the journal. i'll take it into account, thank you, yeah, now about kursky, i detained him, but i can ask on what basis, on what, please, so the motorcyclist has a red yamaha, kursky has the same one, the second one is in the case, which means he has a motive with murzina , thirdly, he tried to hide from the investigation, he was brilliant, he interrogated him, he came on this occasion, he confessed, he admitted to killing kennedy,
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he asks to be taken to dallas, where to dallas. well, then transfer him, now you make a decision, okay, what to do with him now, don’t do anything, immediately let go and apologize, oh well, firstly, you have absolutely nothing against him, secondly, i’m sure nothing will happen, thirdly, if you don’t do this myself, i will be forced to go to the prosecutor, oh, how, then, old friend, you are shielding, i mean, i mean, i thought that you...
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you can, come on in, it was kursky who organized everything, these are your guesses, or do you have facts, there will be facts, let's continue to work, you saw the statement, i saw it and i don’t understand why you don’t registered him in the prescribed form, we wanted the best, first we wanted to ensure the safety of the witness, did we ensure that? your rash actions led to the death of a witness, i will petition for an official investigation into the fact of your violation of registration discipline, you will also open a criminal case, there will be grounds, i will file a crime, we will answer, we would not want to suffer because of some misunderstanding our common cause, a misunderstanding, you call yushchenko’s murder a misunderstanding, he’s not mistaken the one who does nothing, screw up, there are still applicants who are ready to testify, and why am i
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learning about this only now, because they only now agreed to give official testimony, do you want to say what prompted them to do this? the murder of yushchenko , because of your negligence a person died, i will insist on removing you from operational support of the case, it’s a pity for kursk, you are shielding an acquaintance from zhelvis, so you are not the only investigator, we’ll see who will remove whom. do some repairs here, yes it seems like we’ve already done it, so, elvira red, gypsy, or something, if we don’t stop him,
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he’ll screw up the whole thing, well, how will you stop him, since... always, as always, you ’ll decide in your area, and here is politics, you won’t bring down the investigator because of work disagreements, and why, wait until he lets everyone out, he doesn’t let everyone out, he has bosses for that, i would just kill him, and we’ll spur him on, let’s go to base, slander against zhelvis to write. oh, how interesting everything turns out,
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connections, 30 minutes for maximum information about... in the cell, maybe you really were imprisoned, then why don’t i know anything about it, fuck you, or maybe you’ll write everything yourself, i won’t write anything, asshole! so white fluffy that who the hell will believe your writings, who will believe it, he ’s not fluffy and not white at all, such people are not principled, but this one will put his own mother in prison out of principle, such assholes as cherry
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are on the ass of any boss, well, so it’s interesting what you inferred from us, firstly, the unprofessional actions of the investigator, which led to the death of a valuable witnesses, further, yes... friendship with the well-known authority kursky, which also does not look good on the representative of the investigative committee, and some other little things, give it here, hmm, but you went too far with kursky, it seems to me, you went too far, you didn’t go too far , and they’ll have to remove zhelvis, they’re not going anywhere , be careful, i brought it, well , i think you could find more on the internet, but you ’re interested in something else, i mean, so, elvira
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chervonaya, she came 10 years ago from murmansk, got married , then divorced, no children, no information about lovers, pretty, you learned something about investigative journalism, of course. our feather shark settled on a rather interesting topic, namely raiding. she was offered to change the record, but she refused, then she received a wolf ticket, they stopped publishing her, then she succumbed to television, they also sent her there, but the girl with the topic did not jump off, and moreover, she dug up quite interesting information that was unpleasant for our department , and according to unverified information, she is looking for some connections in moscow in order to reveal to the mountain everything that what she dug up. o. do you have a phone number? yes, there is a phone number, an address and a secret mobile phone. everything i could. so what to follow the regime?
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i have the right by law not to disclose my sources of information and you will not succeed me. if you answer a couple of my questions on a problem that interests you, and after this problem is resolved, i will give you
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an interview, you and no one else, i assure you, you will receive an exclusive on material that will be a bomb, this situation suits you, zhelvis liver. i feel that you are cheating, but on the patient you know how to step on a callus, i’m afraid that i can even guess what kind of problem this is, well , it’s good that you can guess, yes or no, yes, damn you, where are there eight in arganaut, okay, agreed, yes, you heard , sasha, i won’t let you in alone, that’s how it is, at what stage is this, what is it? you’ll do it, just wait, listen, while she’s stirring something up there, the guys are keeping an eye on her, i ’d keep an eye on her if i were them, the stakes are still not small, and if this is the situation, no one
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listens to her, no one will print, and if you they'll notice that you've met her, who they'll start with, with you, and then everything will start like an adult, sasha, these are wolves, sasha, these are real wolves, quietly, quietly, what are you doing with such pathos, this is for you it’s even somehow unbecoming, sit down and don’t make any noise yourself, well, just think about it, are they going to blame the investigators from the prosecutor’s office, or what?
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it’s not necessary, i mean, it’s not necessary, as you say, but excuse me, this is a violation, quiet, quiet, good, interesting, well, next, citizen vaganov, you were detained in accordance with article 91 of the criminal procedure code on suspicion of murder of yushchenko, tell me, isn’t it funny to you, introduce yourself and sign, no need,
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do you have rubber boots? and also, i will petition the court to choose arrest as a preventive measure. for god's sake. well, let's go, let's go, and you'll take the suitcase, yeah.
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goodbye, goodbye, before, under the soviet union, everything was run by old senile people, and now stupid youngsters, uh-huh, poor country, hello, hello, well, what’s here, i should have been here a long time ago, i greet you, dear. i mean, he’s quick, he’s agile, he’ll gain experience, there will be no price, i’ll close the door, i say, i’ll close the door. “you detained
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kursky, so what, i have something, what exactly is the matter, you should already know that the investigator is a procedurally independent figure, first of all, this figure must be smart, you know, and not assert himself, assert himself at the expense of the position, have you come to an agreement or something, zhelvis has already eaten all my brains with this kursk"? because this is zhelvis, because he is headlong friends, unlike you, i don’t know how he is headlong, but he’s been friends with kursk for a long time times, what doesn’t suit you , i’m not happy with the level of your intelligence, you know, in general, where, where did you pick up on this, first detain a person, then collect this evidence on him , if you detained him, then there were reasons, mother
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and... opportunities , motive, motorcycle, motorcycle , well, well, about the friendship between zhelvis and kursky, i’ll tell you this, if kursky had a snout in the dust, zhelvis would be the first to put him in a cell, this one, and secondly, kursky a man with concepts, even in his youth he didn’t make a fool of himself, that’s two, thirdly, now he’s still you have to learn to learn from life, that’s three, so let me out, my advice to you, let this kursk out, i’m sorry, that’s enough, fuck you all, i ’m not your boy for vitya, i’m an investigator and leave the office, why is this unshaven at work, igalsk , look
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at you. obliged, you are still an investigator. what did you want to say, i completely forgot about you, yes, my mother gave me sandwiches here, let’s eat, don’t go hungry. so what do you want? i think everything is written in the rapport, but what kind of report is this? the report
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is submitted to the authorities, but i don’t work in the department you are not your boss, then this is more like a demand, so please note that i am not subordinate to you, sorry, you have no right.
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“we won’t leave this like this, and there’s no need , take it with you, yes, gentlemen officers, tomorrow at ten for interrogation with investigator tyurin about the shooting at the crossing, your testimony needs to be clarified, i’m listening, yes, yes, where, thank you!” damn, do you remember that serf who’s writing, what’s going to get us? yes, i installed the equipment on it, it just assigned an arrow, somewhere in the naizmailovsky cafe, we won’t have time to intercept it, bitch, so what to do
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shall we? we will work on the results. flew away, you are a worm, yes, hello, zhalova, this is for me, thank you, half-staff, let's go straight to... yashin, these are your couple of questions, yeah, pretty good, from where did you get the idea that i know something about these valiant employees of the ministry of internal affairs? i
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carefully read your publications on the internet and a few other things between the lines, and we agreed without lying, but not only you know how to read between the lines, those who are more influential than you can do it too. in my publications there is not even 20% of the material that i’ve been doing this for several years, and i’m embarrassed to ask, why do you want to find out about them from a journalist, you can make official inquiries, trip up the cases they were involved in, identify the persons involved, why don’t you do this, because i won’t get anything, you you just said it yourself, it’s obvious to you and to me, and if you share your materials with me, there’s... there’s a chance to fight, you convinced me,
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here’s a flash drive, no need to return it, i have three more of these, different ones, i hope , hidden in inaccessible places, thank you very much, how's it going? you say, you can’t pour thanks into a glass, that’s... i mean, don’t forget about the interview, i always try to do what i promise, i want to tell you that you’re a great fellow. and we’ll order something, yes, goodbye, coffee and 50 book, uh-huh, zhelvi is listening, the duty unit is bothering you, major klimenko, yes, alexander fedorovich, you’re on duty today, but there’s a murder at our doorstep, two foresters are not divided, where to send the car, to the prosecutor's office. i’ll be there now, i understand, i’ll hold on to it, they say i’ll spend the night at home now
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i definitely won’t have to, lera, here’s the deal, why did you call, tell me that this is an assignment, a separate assignment, in connection with the investigative necessity, i am entrusting it in full.
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what, i don’t understand, what is this? this is a response to a separate instruction in which i report that during operational search activities it was not possible to establish a connection between citizen vaganov and the murder of yushchenko.
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i went myself, old man, i need a sample by phone, which contacted me, at the right time, in the place i needed, but don’t be afraid, it’s early in the morning, out of town, what a lot of towers, i watched. no need, thanks. oh, excuse me, but
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your affairs are not good, what do you allow yourself to do? look, an unpleasant meeting, another one, yes, but no love. thanks for the information, goodbye. listen, what do you want from me? i want you, my dear, to leave my son-in-law alone. from which son-in-law? and the one you were chatting with here just now. lord , you misunderstood, it was just a business meeting, yes, business, why did you blink your eyes, and why are you pretending to be innocence, my dear, do you think i didn’t see you here? we were laughing, lovebirds, and we chose such a secluded place to order something, no, thank you, i want, i understand, my dear, of course you want, bastard, although... everything is already visible, of course, but you know what, i’m warning you,
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if you don’t leave him alone, i’ll arrange something for you that then not a single cable will look at you, i understand, i’m like a doctor to you, i promise, first it comes out, then madam comes in, i’m not madam, but dzyuba, and you too , allow me. good evening. on what basis was vaganov detained? oleg ivanovich, i wanted to, i didn’t i’m asking what you wanted, i’m interested on what grounds, you have nothing against him, it’s not true, there is a motive, yushchenko threatened, he has a motorcycle, the city prosecutor also
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has a motorcycle, you questioned yushchenko , there are witnesses to the conversation, what i cut my hair, completely lost my brain, what do you mean? you ’re making yourself look like you decided to play mafia fighter, i ’m an investigator and a procedurally independent person, yes, but not independent of the law, if you decide to engage in legal extremism, go somewhere else, tell me which one, and which one if you want, we love people like you these days, when they’re out and about, would you at least ask your father what he thinks about this, and i’m not in kindergarten to ask my father? it seems so to you, okay, i’m saying this once, i made the mess myself, handle it yourself, but keep in mind, if you don’t figure out this case, you won’t work in the prosecutor’s office, so you know, you’ll go to your dad
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to carry papers, i understand, i understand,
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“say louder, you can’t hear that when, yes, i understood everything, okay, what happened, last night they kidnapped elvira, the red one, and i
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warned you. citizen vaganov, having examined the case materials, i
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have decided to release you, sign the decree. and also vladimir sergeevich, i hope that you are not going to leave the city, this is a written agreement not to leave, but i’m not going to, i have a lot of work. well, come on, don't forget your suitcase,
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yeah, goodbye, all the best, yes, listen, vdovin, what? what about fishing? okay, i heard. yes, he's probably listening. hi where are you? at work. and... i was already on duty at night, yes, and now i have my own job, yes, by the way, you have a child, you too, yes, it seems that it’s only me
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, he has nothing to do with you, never again, never say that again, i won’t, alexander fedorovich, i can’t see the will for a century, just tell me how, sorry, i was waiting for another call , you were looking for me this morning, yes, i need to question you again, is something wrong? we need to prepare to identify the painting, but okay, tomorrow at three will suit you? yes, just some kind of nightmare on the street.
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good relationships with people give very good results, my sources found your chemical engineer, in the late nineties, there was a development for smuggling, and the development was done by zyuba, how clever we are. do you remember the address? i remembered. what? come here. can? meet recitalist klepikov. hello. hello. well, yura, the bandit for whom you almost went to jail, still shows up at the lady from your house? don't know. look, this house, this one
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, this is the floor, the third floor, a girl lives there alone, the hut is rented, this bull comes to her, yeah, you didn’t hit the car out of a feeling of proletarian indignation, alexander fedorovich told you that, no, telepathically i guessed what kind of girl she is, her name is olya, she works in some bar, she’s beautiful, yura, listen, but you spend an hour in her for the wrong thing, no... but she ’s cool, but where am i, listen, if that’s what you mean to yourself you will say, you have nothing to do in the future, better go to botany, i am already a botanist, i graduated from the agricultural institute, what faculty, plant growing, plant breeder, so why did you stand up, there he is, who, he is here, well, be quiet, don’t fuss , went.
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oh, i’ve already fixed it, what a guy, a healthy girl, and i have a photo, show me, don’t even think about it, it’s her, in a bar in st. petersburg works, bikers gather there, they gather, well, bikers, here. “she herself also drives, she’s like that, yura, you’re a good guy, but sometimes you want to kill you, zhelovi listens, and for a long time today you’re going to work , as long as it takes, yes, please tell zenaida gavrilovna to stop cheating on you, we tell him..." wait a second,
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i'll go to the boss for a minute, uh-huh, well, well, anatoly khimikovich, no one is asking you to say too much, everything is as it was, nikita sergeevich, nikita sergeevich, wake up, listen to me carefully. i have zyum in my office, now you will go into the office pretending that you met him by chance, you will take him to you for interrogation on the murder of yushchinok, do not let go until i say so, okay? yes, it’s clear or not , this is very important , i have no one else to rely on here, i understand everything, everything is clear, repeat , that’s it, hold on, don’t let go until you say, everything is clear, okay, so, in 2 minutes, uh-huh , debu, detain, 2 minutes, so
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he disappeared behind a crossing, that’s it, yes, listen, you would say that... you need interrogation, we’d do it ourselves we quickly interrogated, well, what’s the point of wasting time , but we have an important investigative action there, and maybe in an hour, and i’ll hurry teshin up, we’ll quickly run everything through, and bro, i also have an important investigative action here, and as an investigator i can’t carry it out anyway how, your testimony is very important for establishing the truth in the case, we must find out the truth, right... brothers, sit down, what is this? why are you so nervous? anatoly khimikovich, you don’t like it when you are reminded of past exploits, smuggling, criminal record, parole, true, then you were poraevsky, in what year did you change your last name, well, what does this
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have to do with my application, almost nothing, if you don’t take into account that... yes, he fought corruption, i’m sure that the rest of the applicants in the dzyuba cases will reveal their connection with him in the past, this is an amazing conveyor of high-profile revelations, custom bribe-payers, legal killers and not only legal ones, and anatoly khimikovich, what do you think, if i let you go and you tell
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dziuba about my guesses, who will be easier to clear out? me or you, that he is busy, not you, it’s a shame lost, and at home there is a wife, a child, and he hangs around with women, i saw your ilahudri in the cafe yesterday, i said everything, she’s common to you for the whole sharashka, i don’t understand, you’re from the door, it’s your dzyuva at the door, you’re completely shame, sweat, more and more, that someone is knocking at the door, protect me, i’m ready to testify, just protect me. it’s killing me, he’ll kill me, he’s capable of anything, yura, your idea was correct, but the execution
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leaves much to be desired. like this, learn while i’m alive, maybe we’ll call idris, he was engaged in wrestling, no need, idris, i’m a champion myself checkers school, maybe there’s no one, stop, stop, stop, stop, guys, i’m freaking out, what are you doing, yeah, and we’re from the animal welfare society, you won’t park on the lawns, let’s go talk. so what could i do? dziuba then pushed all my smuggled goods to the left, the case was only a drop in the ocean, and my accomplice threatened to blame everything on me, and you began to work with him? well, where to go? and when did the topic of bribes start? when did he turn to corruption? anything about the rest of the episodes? do you know? oh, i don’t know anything, i never showed off my people to each other, except yushchenko. after all, it was he himself
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who brought yushchenko into debt, and then forced him to fulfill his claims. goosebumps, what about the painting you testified about? well, what happened to the picture, they showed me 3 months in advance , they told me to remember it, then it hung up at home that a friend saw it, then dzyuba called, it’s time, he said, who shot yushchenko? oh, i don't... i don't know, but i'm sure i organized everything dubo. i have a surprise for you. you are a motorcyclist do you love? here i am, i’m so sick of it that i can’t sleep at night. and if with ksiva, your acquaintance, even more, is a member of your investigative team. look, you see, i would have been involved in the disappearance.
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i’ll free myself, i’ll come in, that’s it, and that’s what hooked you there, that well, this is on the nose, there, this is
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a cat, yesterday, wild, or something, uh-huh, that means they decided a safe place for the witness. transport yes yes, i already said, to the sanatorium, which he himself named, yeah, so how did the bandits know about this? i have no idea, yushchenko probably spilled the beans, he’s all evening chatted with someone on the phone, with whom you don’t know, well, your partner yashin, where he was, went on a spree, with whom he doesn’t hang out, just don’t need to be included in the protocol, of course, that means who he called is unknown, well, read, check it out, if everything is correct , well, yes, hold your pen, yes, yes, nikita sergeevich,
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of course i understand everything, but i’m actually busy, you can’t see, i’m busy, well, nikita, sergeevich, it’s just on his wire, like there it is, there, the regional one regarding the release of vaganov, nikita sergeevich. don't let me down, sorry, don't leave, wait, i'll be quick, it will be necessary to add something in the interrogation, yes, well, let's go, let's go, the toilet is at the end of the corridor, uh-huh, listen,
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they won't bring me in, i'll give you evidence against dziuba and his partner. but your intuition doesn’t let you down, yes, you know that it’s impossible, well, i really wanted to, well, citizen, i thought, you want to go alone on business,
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it’s hard to beat, but it’s not the first day you ’ve been married, who was the first to split, you have a chance, a purely heartfelt confession alleviates the guilt, and they extend the term, but not for you, you have no place to extend it, they don’t give you two pages, why two? and what does this prove? murder yushchenko has an ironclad attachment to you, phones, a motorcycle, a leather jacket on which there will probably be traces of a gunshot, the kidnapping of a journalist is also beyond any doubt. and we’ll tie murzina up to the fact that she dug up something , but we didn’t touch her, why should i believe you, you’re a cop, but i’m a cop, and you’re trash, who now lives on one salary, i live, it’s visible, but what can you offer us? the doctors
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say that the girl is still weak, but by the evening she can be interrogated, from zyuba, and zyuba has a broken jaw, sorry, sasha, that’s how it turned out, in general, that’s it, that’s it, go, they wanted to find out what the girl told me. “it’s not me, this little guy, but he’ll say that you, where ’s the gun of the bully, look for it yourself, that i’ll help you bury yourself, nothing, nothing, we’ll handle it ourselves, who ordered the planting of the goosebump, who paid for it, but there’s nothing to offer you, that’s all , take it, i’ll call the lawyers in the meantime, and if i tell you who ordered murashka, you’ll believe that it’s not me who killed murzin, but it depends on what you say. “i
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’ll tell the truth, it’s samoilov, murashka’s deputy, he wanted to move it for a long time, so he highlighted it.” his to us, and he also recorded goosebumps’ voice for editing, and the painting that guzman supposedly gave away was also his, he gave it to goosebumps for his birthday, he took it and gave it to the woman , but we didn’t touch it, you’ll say on the record, but what should i do?
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will it be for this?" "who killed murzina, who shot yushchenko at a crossing, and where is my partner, why don’t you say that he is already in splits, and he resisted arrest, doctors are working with him, it’s a pity that they are not pathologists, a slippery fellow , i have long suspected that something is unclean with him, i think that it’s all him, well, here we go let's go in order, about all the impurities, i'd better wait, otherwise he'll put forward his own version, confusion will begin, you hope...
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you have a father, a lawyer, and the woman is generally friends with kursk, by the way, why not he is interrogating me, a lot of honor, most investigators consider the most important question of the main member of the group, and it is much more important to interrogate the stupidest one, i always knew that it was... tank, apparently, is not always knowledge, strength, wrap it up, there is no point in wasting time, pack up its, uh, climax, i didn’t understand something, it turns out, they have uncovered everything except the case i’m working on, i think the time will come when they will split with pomurzina, it’s unlikely, why, because they didn’t kill her, you believe in my word, i believe in logic, she told them... this combination
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with the painting they really needed it, if they had found it during a search, sooner or later murzina would have given goosebumps, and so everything hung on mere guesses, well, who then i don’t know, while we will take samoilov, we will, but later, he'll go off, he'll probably go off, he'll find out that we've got these guys tied up, he'll go off, he won't make it in time, it'll be announced closing the operation, clean hands, now you go to the css, then for a search in ubeb, i agreed with petrakov, everything that you confiscate is here, and the hoppers don’t leave anything, and you, and i... i’ll go to dinner.
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don't shoot the pianist, he cooks as best he can. well, i mean, well, i mean, i can’t agree, the verne-style stewed rabbit requires either a young one. then either moselle, is there really such a trifle in your chic bar, yes rabbit, i can’t say anything bad about my mother-in-law’s strap, but you could have left the wrong
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impression of what really good cuisine is, so i decided to put my return visit of courtesy in the form of a tasting, listen, i just can’t remember what... what was the name of that criminal who taught you how to open locks? why did they call you? his name now is semyon semyonovich, alive, well , retired, conditionally, of course, he gave me his instrument, calmed down, calmed down, our naive one, hello, grigory, come on, go to the market, buy bordeaux and this mazelsky, and more different ones, otherwise it’s a shame in front of the guest. tell me me, why do you need this consequence? i have three restaurants, choose any one , i won’t take ownership, okay, go with the chef and enjoy yourself and make people happy, you know, vova, it’s delicious, true masterpieces of art
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cannot be put on stream, only a select few join them, that is, you’re behind me now are you keeping your favorite? yes, well, what payment will you demand for my chosenness? i won't demand it, i'll ask. hmm, ask. i’m now solving the charades with this bribe and i just can’t understand where the corpses started appearing around her. well , just tell me so. murzin, whose hands affairs? you are cunning cops with these tricks of yours. why did you feed me so that i could have a piece? there’s a feeling in my throat, this one won’t get up , this one will slip where it needs to go , i’ve made so much trouble, we just broke bread with you, now it’s like you’re not supposed to lie, this is psychology, this is called interrogation for dessert, not psychology, it’s not me
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, who doesn’t know, i’ll be honest, olya morzina came to me to blackmail me, well done, get the goosebumps out, otherwise i ’ll rat you out, well done, i have copies of all your... business, but it’s all bullshit , there is not nothing, i came to goosebumps in the isolation ward, we settled this issue over horse meat, just out of love for the boss, she rushed to save him, i gave him the phone, he called her, told her not to twitch everything, but your eagles were frightening yushchenko, well, why bother chasing the bullshit , we intimidated him so that he would twitch in order to understand who was behind him, i didn’t need to knock him down, there’s no need, especially since he almost poked my man’s eyes out, and then ran away . yeah, but yushchenko described the same thing about the epic fighter before he shot him. sasha, come on without emotions, what did i gain from his death? nothing , just a headache and suspicion, on the contrary, he would be alive, he would point at the puppet master, but this ant on its own
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would not move anywhere, you understand this, suppose, no, you understand this, now, firstly, she is not a stranger to me, i have... now, yeah, nikita sergeevich, are you finished? okay, i'll be there soon too. i have an idea. well, not a second of real peace, not your head, but the computer, how many times have i told you, come to me, now
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brains are in short supply these days, in your prosecutor’s office they will eat you soon, for dessert without salt and pepper, you can’t do without salt and pepper, brains are tasteless without salt and pepper, for dessert we have hot chocolate, but in moderation it is part of a complete diet and a small but important pleasure in life, sorry, i don’t have time to wash the dishes, come to guests, don’t push yourself, but out of nowhere he worked competently, in a scientific way , he started working on the defendants... a real development, he studied habits, weaknesses, but it’s not clear
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, it’s not clear why there was a provocation to arrange all this, why, it’s creepy and he took and took money , but to catch him, it was necessary work, but the result is not always guaranteed, and customers demand a guarantee, so okay, close the door, i have an idea. let's try to restore the whole picture, come on, move over, why are you first, you don't know where the whole road is, just let it lie down, something scared her and led to her death, where else are you putting your legs, that you want to arrange a spiritualistic seance or something , i want to sleep, by the way, i want too, after two detentions, you will be murzena, and... with pleasure, you will be alive,
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murzena, now you will come in and say, i summons, and i’ll tell you, go out and wait in the corridor, by the way, he can’t, he hasn’t seen murzena, i haven’t seen murzena, that’s right, tyurin, you’re our director, so you’ll play murzina, the director doesn’t play, the director directs, so you’ll stand up at the door, alexander, i ask you, alexander fedorovich. sdovin, and you are tyurin, sit down and dictate the numbers of the banknotes, i don’t care which one to start with, it doesn’t matter, yeah, a piece of paper of a bluish-greenish tint, worth a thousand rubles with types of science, okay, i mean, i mean the letters are like, oh, k, then , serial number, 53, 78, 44, 48, she and says, and you called me, hello, hello, your last name, i’m murzina, deputy goosebumps, so then i went into
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my notebook and looked, and olga vasilievna, yes, olga vasilievna, don’t overact, this didn’t happen, so, i say, wait , outside the door, i ’ll call you, i went here to see you, and she stayed there, for some reason, because i told you that the money was spy money, she said, what, what are you saying, go. i realized earlier that we copied the numbers of the banknotes with which the bribe was given, and
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our corrupt officials from the murashka clan had the money general, that means we need to call there , at your expense, what did you find there , the indians are hooligans there, you go fishing, we need to get to the temporary detention center with yashin, they took the money for the bribe not in america, but where, they they took them here, so why are you smiling, i mean? go for the bottle, at 6 in the morning the guys from the sun won’t fuss, that’s right, listen, you look alike in some way, i mean, but i said it was samoilov, he stirred up the whole issue, and he gave the money, what difference does it make to us where did the money come from, what do you want, dokhora to mock you, you might think that they never took orders. orders, why didn’t you take them? in soviet times, i took a kilo of buckwheat, a pack
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of indian tea and a can of green peas, give me another kilogram of tangerines and... a bottle of soviet champagne, this was all called the order table, but where is the motorcycle, in the parking lot behind the house, tanka will kill, after the investigation we’ll bring back, don’t be afraid, tanya, about 15 years old, she won’t bother you, sergeant, can you talk? i need your help. no, you won’t need to take the obb by storm. everything is much more modest, but also restless. write down the address.
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good evening, citizen samoil. good evening. something happened? you were asked to repay a debt. what? what debt? your money. olga murzina asked me to pass it on. what kind of nonsense can you put up with? she recognized this bill. maybe it was money from your common fund, or maybe she just saw it, or maybe you borrowed from her, but it doesn’t matter. called you, what kind of nonsense are you talking about, i didn’t finish, you knew that we would establish this call, later you correctly recognized it, having changed the essence of the conversation, that day you went to her and killed her her, you don’t look like a person who does something with his own hands, but the fact remains, this is outrageous, i knew olga for many
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years, you don’t dare do that, tomorrow i will be the regional prosecutor, no, “tomorrow i will call moscow , and you will really regret it, tomorrow, tomorrow, yes, if you have it, it’s tomorrow, i didn’t understand, you know, there are still people who are no worse than us, they have questions for you, they lost money, but they themselves you know how unnerving it is, so if you find talking to us so unpleasant, well, then there’s nothing more i can do for you, goodbye, goodbye." "stop, don't leave me here, i didn't want that you didn't want, that you didn't want, i didn't want to kill her, it happened by accident, it's not my fault what happened, let's move away, okay , and i
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was already thinking, the war is starting, guys, he..." he called, well, there was urgent information that dziuba's accomplices wanted to screw up the mess, so that he wouldn't testify, i was afraid that we wouldn't make it in time, but you're here next to me, i didn't understand, have you already signed me up for volunteers or something, and sazh, well, forgive me, i have another invitation to dinner, no, you’d better come to me, and i i’ll write down the ingredients in advance so that it won’t be embarrassing, go ahead, but wait, you still didn’t tell me who the... the customer is goosebumps, so we’ll figure it out, yes, but what about the eyes being so cunning, goosebumps has kept me for free all my life , decide, get involved, get busy, how many times have i been promoted to a promotion, but he wouldn’t let me in
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, he needed me, well, of course, he didn’t offend me, but every time he looked as if mercy was too much for me... well, i i got enough, they hinted at the top that if a place becomes free, then i have every chance, with murzina, with murzina, and she’s a fool, i thought that someday goosebumps would marry her, but it was convenient for him, there was a woman nearby who would complete any task and lie down on occasion, but she began to yell at me and scare me with kursk. and i was drunk, i sent her, uh-huh , then i tried to slap her in the face, then i lost my temper, i remember when everything with murzina was over, and this money was absolutely creepy, they gave it to him along the roads on the same topic, and i
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asked for a loan do you want him with his own money? by the way, i ’ll tell you all about this road issue, and also about how the markets were divided, i consider it foreign. i don’t know, but the house is all in white, and i’m a villain, but now i’m not telling you this, now, i know him all the time, nikita sergeevich, that’s it, send me to bed with alexei, i apparently hang out all night, well and that it’s the third day, we have such work, yes, and to show me the lawyer, mr. samoilova, he’s apparently already arriving, all lights out. more tea,
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good morning, viktor ivanovich, hello, alexander fedovich, well, i’m glad that justice has triumphed. and your objectivity, i was not mistaken. i'm for it too triumph of justice, viktor ivanovich, therefore i am glad to inform you that i intend to detain you on a new criminal case. it was opened today based on the facts of your repeated abuse of official powers and accepting bribes. what are you saying, alexander fedrovich? please read article 120. libel? no, no, no, no, 290. this still needs to be proven, we’ll prove it , we’ll prove it. by the way, where is your lawyer, sergei konstantinovich? well, we’ll need him, let’s go through, no, all questions through lawyer
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viktor ivanovich, please, 290. goodbye, alexander fedorovich, as if goodbye, to the office, office, excuse me, a stupid joke, well, nothing, i was even pleased.
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sanya, sit under the brooch, it’ll put you in the other direction, oh well, it’ll give you goosebumps until you go to prison. abandoned you, god himself ordered you home , let's go, do you want to come to my place and have dinner, but no, thank you, i took a couple of days off, i'm leaving, where, to the slaughter, i mean, just kidding...
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this is a family, you hear, well, sleepy, i'm home, i'm home.
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zhelve is listening, hello, alexander fedorovich, this is the police officer on duty, i’m not bothering you, i can’t call tyurin, we have a double in tikhmen, and he is on duty today, do you know where he is? he sleeps as he sleeps, don’t wake him, i ’ll go, and then i’ll send the car to you, right? send it!
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lord, why did they take so long, ah, drink, you just want to drink, and there they killed a man, and you, so nu, i, to calm down, calm down here, well, finally, why are you taking so long?
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we’ll talk about everything in due time, but for now let him go to the basement and let your kids have a good talk with him. ramzys, he says that he has no money, so let them ask about it well done, well, maybe after all, go, don’t stop, go, okay.


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