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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 2, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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ukrainian prisoners of war talked about how things are on the other side of the conflict, well , everything is stolen, everything is stolen, nothing goes where it is needed, everything is money. and yet , the european union continues to provide money for the kiev regime. 50 billion euros for four years , eu leaders voted to provide assistance to kiev, they pushed through hungary, but viktor orban still achieved his goal, the assistance will be reviewed every year. sergei kholoshevsky about how the emergency eu summit took place in brussels.
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new losses in kyiv and kupinsky direction. there, our artillery repulsed the saboteurs’ attempt to break through to the rear and destroyed military equipment. the russian military is moving forward in the donetsk direction. there our troops seized the initiative. the stormtroopers are actively supported by artillery. the result of the joint work was seen by amar magomedov. this is the rare one. a case when it would seem that filming about the service of artillerymen at the front begins not with an acquaintance with the personnel, but immediately with a combat mission. the scouts report that the enemy machine gun has fallen silent, the dugout has been destroyed, the target has been hit, so as not to i get attached to the area, i keep this angle towards the sky, but according to tradition, as soon as we shoot, we need to leave, or go to the dugout.
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or run away and change position, counter-battery fighting can begin at any minute, we make a forced march to a safe place, but all efforts are canceled by the alarm system, but what does it say? a device that allows us to detect drones warns us about the approach of a kamikaze drone; perhaps we are waiting for an attack on our positions in the dugout. naida is a loyal friend and assistant to the combat crew. at night time the dog is guarding. the position from saboteurs one day, no worse than electronics , warns fighters of the approach of an enemy drone by a characteristic buzzing sound. he goes to the post together with the sentry and as a bell, that is, a dog is a dog, its hearing is much better than that of a person. the fighters of this gun crew represent all the cities of donbass; they joined the army at different times, some started as militia back in 1414, others were mobilized in 222. to the former hard work. now in just
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a couple of minutes the fighters have fully equipped ammunition for your self-propelled gun, 40 shells of 30 kg each. in the donetsk direction of the front , what the commanders say is a real flower artillery, they are hitting the enemy with weighty bouquets from various caliber weapons: geocinths, tulips, acacias, peonies and carnations. their main purpose is to suppress enemy personnel, destroy artillery batteries, and destroy them.
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in the us capital they still knew about them. moreover, some in the pentagon and intelligence community hailed zaluzhny's assessment as the beginning of an inevitable peace process. hirsch predicts that if the popular general among the military is fired, zelensky will face an inevitable rebellion. there is very little time left before the resignation, as cnn previously reported, it will happen before the end of the week. hirsch also said that last year the director...
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the nationalists surrendered voluntarily, that the prisoners specifically told our military, anton talpa knows. the result of the movement of our military in the zaporozhye direction is not only occupied positions, but captured ukrainian soldiers who can own important information, the location of the enemy, his numbers and the amount of equipment. this time, the russian attack aircraft were, as they say, in the right place at the right time, and managed to take the enemy by surprise. it’s hot, i really want to drink water, water. as if there were no provisions, but in order for it to be delivered , let’s say, to the position itself, it, well, it’s clear that it’s not delivered, but it’s delivered somewhere 2-3 km away, that is, you need to go back there, take water, go back, uh, you enter the positions, you see a lot of wounded, a lot of dead,
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m, everyone is tired and thirsty, well, it’s a terrible sight, denis ubenik, captain of the ukrainian armed forces, was captured along with several colleagues. during the interrogation, the murderer talks about how things really are at the positions, of course, his information will still be verified, misinformation is possible, however, judging by the state of all three prisoners, the murderer’s words may be true, everything is stolen, everything is stolen, nothing doesn’t go where the money is needed, everyone is talking, that’s it, 600 tons of this volunteer disappeared in lvov, and it was all attributed to... how, well, you, roughly speaking, in russian, they said that the russians in lvov stole 600 tons of volunteers, can you imagine, the people believed it, well , it was absurd, well, i don’t know how you can believe this, ruslan popov was born in lvov, was on the recruiting trail, he says , that no military training
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is carried out in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, once on the line of combat contact, he was immediately sent for an assault, at that moment he realized that the best decision for him would be to surrender, she said that it
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was continuing, our army with the support artillery improves positions in the krasnoliman direction, strikes were launched against assault groups of the 63rd mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. anton talpa and stanislav polukhin, ntv. today our country celebrates a special date: exactly 81 years ago, the battle of stalingrad, the largest land battle in human history, ended with the complete defeat of the nazi troops. the operation unfolded over an area of ​​100 thousand square meters. more than 2 million people took part in it at various stages, the loss of the red army numbered about half a million. it was the battle of stalingrad that turned the tide of the great patriotic war and dispelled the myth of the invincibility of hitler's
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germany. in honor of the memorable date , ceremonial events will be held throughout the country, with the main celebrations taking place in volgograd. traditionally, the city will return its historical name for one day. the point of attraction will be mamayev kurgan, where residents and guests of the region will honor the memory of the defenders of the fatherland. the program of events also includes exhibitions, promotions, performances and a digital show. france drowned in protests, a mass demonstration of student teachers in paris resulted in the release of tear gas and subsequent arrests. thousands of protesters demanded school reform, higher salaries and the resignation of the recently appointed minister of education. the parisian teachers received continued support from their colleagues across the country. and protests by farmers, they are blocking the roads leading to paris; the day before they tried to block
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the main street of the french capital, the champs elysees, with bales of hay. attempts to reach others governments, thousands of agricultural workers came to brussels, not only from france and belgium, but also italy, spain and portugal. they blocked the block where the european parliament is located, and the police fired water cannons at the entrance. and so it took place against the backdrop of farmers’ protests in brussels. because it took place under siege from angry farmers, everything is clear with the farmers, european bureaucrats
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don’t care about them, and because for the leaders of the eu countries, the war in ukraine is more important and the 50 billion euros allocated from the budget make kiev happy there are more european politicians. this decision sends a clear signal to ukrainians, a signal of unity to our european populations that we are not intimidated by russia, and a signal from the united states to our partners that we support ukraine and its territorial integrity. our military support to ukraine has already reached an unprecedented level of €28 billion. we will supply even more tanks, helicopters, air defense, missiles, and of course, more shells. the eu military industry has already increased production by 40%. and in the coming weeks we will sign new contracts. the belligerence of ursulla fondelaien hardly surprises anyone, nor does the anti-russian rhetoric of the baltic states. and only hungary has so far stood out from the unified european system, as he said. “we don’t think it’s a good idea to spend billions of euros to
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continue the war, but we understand that most member states of the european union are now in a state of war psychosis. last december, viktor orban blocked the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine for 4 years, saying, that in this way the eu is simply throwing money away. offered to provide financial assistance to kiev annually, and even then with full and strict control over spending." after which orban’s colleagues in the ups gave him such a hit that you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy. this time, orban was taken seriously in brussels, threatening to collapse the economy his country and not to unfreeze the 21 billion euros allocated by hungary from the european fund , roberta metsola did not admit exactly how the hungarian prime minister was bent. however, orban himself explained everything on his page on the social network, i voted, but on my own terms. we deal. about a control mechanism that guarantees the rational use of funds, and we received a guarantee that
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hungarian money will not end up in ukraine. as a result, ukraine was allocated 50 billion, 17 in the form of grants and 33 in the form of loans, with the proviso that the amount of funds would be discussed annually; moreover, the newly formed fund to help ukraine would receive income from russian assets frozen in the eu. sergey khaloshevsky, natalya markevich, anastasia konorovskaya, boris filchikov, european bureau, ntv. and as a result of this summit the prime minister of slovakia said that his country does not want to send funds to kiev’s weapons. robert fitza is convinced that the eu should abandon its plan, which aims to incite hostilities. i do not believe in a military solution to the conflict in ukraine. this money can only be spent on things that do not relate to weapons, we can clear mines, help in other ways, but these will be non-lethal means. a meeting of the heads of government of the eurasian economic union will take place today in almaty. russia is represented by mikhail mishustin. this
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morning he visited the international digital forum. the head of the cabinet of ministers toured the exhibition of digital projects and then took part in the plenary session. at it , the russian prime minister noted that when allowing artificial intelligence into critical industries, it is necessary to use models that meet national interests. the prime minister of kyrgyzstan missed this meeting; he urgently flew to bishkek after a major accident... see all important statements that will come from the summit in our next issues. florida will send its national guard to texas to fight illegal immigration, about this was announced by state governor ron desantes. thousands of people are expected to erect barriers and install barbed wire, as the politician noted, this is necessary to
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stop the invasion of america once and for all. dozens have previously announced support for texas. the criminal took such a step because of the events in the gas sector. he held the plant workers for almost 10 hours, special forces arrived at the scene, the people were released, and the man was detained and taken to the police. according to local authorities, the invader turned out to be former employees enterprises. meanwhile, in the gaza strip , an israeli strike destroyed the office of the belgian development agency.
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the european kingdom condemned the attacks on civilian targets and summoned the ambassador of the jewish state. due to the escalation of the conflict , hospitals in the south of the enclave do not have enough oxygen for patients, the un reported. now medical institutions are trying to divide the remaining supplies among themselves; a large hospital that treated infants and women has completely stopped working. at the same time, hamas conditions has not yet approved the deal with israel to release the hostages. according to arab media, members of the movement are consulting with intermediaries. the agreement provides for several stages, first. after all, a six-week ceasefire is expected. russian casinos have complained that they do not have enough croupier waiters. further business news and denis talalaev is with us again. denis, where did they all go? they say that business is expanding, and russians now want to be not croupiers, but it specialists. now there's a shortage
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staff felt the russian gambling business. as rbc was told by the operators' association. in the entertainment and event tourism industry, the personnel shortage is now 15%, in the next 2 years it will grow to 25%. as they say, business needs not only highly specialized specialists, croupiers, dealers, inspectors, but is also actively looking for waiters, bartenders, maids and hosts. the association explains the shortage of personnel by the fact that gambling zones are developing tourism services, there are more visitors, and another problem is that gambling zones are far from large cities, for example, a gambling zone.
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find employees already in countries such as india, pakistan, north korea. in mid- january, the kenyan authorities promised to send 10,000 of their citizens to work in russia. american stock exchanges ended yesterday's trading with strong growth, trying to win back wednesday's sell-off amid news from the fed from the federal reserve. and obviously, today the growth of indices will continue, because after the close of the main trading on good financial reports, amazon shares rose by 7%. and here. which is recognized as extremist in russia, therefore it is prohibited, they soared by 15%. the russian stock market has been thoughtful since friday morning, the ruble continues to fall in price. the dollar at these minutes is 9051, the euro is 98.44. the european union will probably not be able to send to ukraine the almost 5 billion euros that it managed to earn from frozen
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russian assets. the financial times newspaper writes about this, pointing out that this law is not retroactive. due to sanctions, he cannot send money to the russian central bank and other russian clients in the european union. there was also an idea to confiscate russian assets themselves, but it seems that the eu authorities have finally come to the conclusion that there are no legal grounds for this. and everything about the economy. yes, denis, thank you, it was
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denis tolalayev with business news. russian scientists are improving rehabilitation means for people with special needs. now prosthetics can not only mask injury, but also provide an opportunity for a full life. people with severe injuries can play again... playing musical instruments and especially strings, it would seem a priori requires the participation of two healthy plastic hands, but there is people who overturn conventional ideas. about reality, maxim is just one of them, he not only learned to play the guitar again with a bionic prosthesis, which replaced his three fingers, but also showed by his example that there is nothing
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shameful in a prosthesis, it was a little easier for me than for other people , so i had everything in my head, so all that remains is to transfer the same thing to just playing with a prosthesis, the child says to me: listen, i want the same hand, you are a person who has a cool thing, this is a completely different perception of yourself, i’m for this i felt the year in full, so those who decided to become partly cyborgs no longer use the concept of disability in speech, because modern technologies, even after amputation, help to get closer literally at bionic arm's length to that same familiar life. we have such prostheses designed for any type of injury, from an injury when, like me, literally a couple of fingers are missing and, accordingly, to a shoulder injury, when a person does not actually have all his arms. implantable neurostimulator - this is a device with electrodes that is installed on the nerves and then transmitted. electrical impulses, which help transmit a command from the brain to a new bionic limb, and electrical stimulation not only transmits signals from the nervous system, but at the same time helps to get rid of phantom
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pain, and even moreover, allows a person to again, as if truly feel objects. every year, the social fund helps russians obtain about 60,000 different modifications of prostheses, both cosmetic and and highly functional. bionic ones, of course, are much more convenient, but significantly more expensive. on average 3 and a half. 4 million rub. now this is approximately the order of prices for them. at the same time , few people know that if you dream of returning to a full life, you don’t have to pay for this opportunity out of your own pocket. the provision of a prosthesis is a state guarantee that is provided to everyone who needs it; the main condition for receiving it is the presence of an individual rehabilitation program. as soon as such a record appears, a person can immediately contact social fund of russia and receive it from budget funds in one way or another . lirida, who has a congenital pathology of her right hand, just went through all these stages and flew to moscow from ufa to test for the first time in her life a bionic prosthesis that was made especially for her.
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these frames show the first minutes of the girl’s interaction with her new bionic hand, and it’s not easy to control right away, but the lyrid concentrated, and after a while she takes and moves even small objects with this hand, which is cosmetic it would be simply impossible with a prosthesis, it is still very unusual, this is necessary first. brain with this device, and dmitry became friends with his bionic prosthesis a long time ago, learned to trust it completely, just like on the street, i put all my support on it, that is, i can do it like this, this is the most important thing in gait, like this in a car, and while engaged in motorsports, he drives not only an automatic, but also copes with the clutch pedal on a manual without any problems, all this became possible thanks to a new generation of bionic prostheses, one of which is dmitry he’s testing it right now, and he can do it on this leg using a special application.
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this night is ours. my friend has already had to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. mask: new season, february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we are continuing the release. the final preparations for the fitital tournament are underway in kazan - games of the future, there is less than a month left before their launch. more than 2,000 esports athletes from different countries will compete for the title of the best in several dozen disciplines. one of the most popular areas of standof 2 + laser tech is team shooting, which will take place in digital format and, of course, in reality.
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kirill kiknadze watched the training of the best gamers. 3.5 billion people or 46% of the world's population are the audience for video games at the beginning of last year; mobile phones lead the popularity ranking by a wide margin gamers from 20. february 3 in the fight for prize games of the future, and this is a quarter of a million dollars, they will be cramped in the vast territory of the kazan tennis academy, we are one of the eight teams that received an invitation to this tournament, we know our opponents, we meet with them we’re not afraid, we all have six years of experience, so we all, that is , we’ve been playing for 5-6 years, the training goes well, we sit down to play in three at 4:00 pm, we play for hours from 8 to 9 to 11 and then it’s an individual game, then there are training sessions there that take six...
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and in terms of skill in the game, since the game is online, well, it doesn’t matter geographically where you are, first on the games of the future, online battles on the smartphones of the strongest teams of gamers, and then everything is the same, but in offline mode, here it is, laser so, a military-tactical game using safe laser weapons and sensors on the body and head, but first about the illusory world, they also take away the skill, the last one remains, one in five, oh well, what's going on commands? that with you the goal of the game is to eliminate virtual enemies. critics note good frequency personnel and powerful protection against hackers, and this is the most important thing. the official game of the ambulance olympics in kazan is the work of the hands and brains of russian developers. the first
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version did not catch the attention of the users, that is , but after the release of the second version the graphics, the engine and everything else were improved, because of this the game is now gaining great momentum. if everything is going well with virtual matches for one of the most titled teams in russia, then the exit will be real.
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good morning, about the weather for tomorrow evgenia neronskoye. in the far east, almost all the territory is covered by an area of ​​high pressure, so there will be minimal precipitation , even on sakhalin. the anticyclone
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has finally reached the problem area and will give time to rest from the snow. frosts persist almost everywhere; at night the thermometers calmly drop below -20. siberia does not have such a roof over its head, here. heavy rainfall will occur in the urals, but the weather will not be generous with such numbers, the numbers here will only increase on thermometers, the temperature will rise by almost 6°, it is also abnormally warm in european territory, but the atmosphere is preparing a surprise for us, in the near future it will get colder; everything that has melted will turn into ice, but let’s not rush the event while the cyclone and its assistants, the warm wind and sleet, are with us. minute. stays behind the north, the temperature will continue to drop , there is no need to expect a thaw here yet, in the north-west it is above zero, in kaliningrad the temperature will reach 9° only on the endar banks there will be no precipitation, in the center there is snow and rain, as the temperature


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