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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  February 2, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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a still frame from the surveillance camera recording has already been posted on all city internet resources, those who recognize the woman ask to contact them or immediately call the police, a statement has already been written against her, you have never seen this girl before , no, you haven’t seen the girl, well, someone here said that it looks like they saw it there near the amega, someone wrote in public today, someone says there at some other stop, within the uralda of our area, the residents of an apartment building say. just like that, six months ago to the same pensioner in robbers broke into the apartment, took out money and valuables, a statement, the relatives also wrote then, but a criminal case was never opened, so the relatives decided that until the suspects were detained, they would not leave one elderly woman. tamara simonova, alena kryukova and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. more news on our website in the chpntv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention.
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today in our program, while ukraine is fighting for us, we must help it financially, a shot in the foot, the european union persuaded viktor orban to give ukraine 50 billion euros. why does brussels so stubbornly refuse to notice?
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it turned out that the descendants of the soviet elite chose another homeland, my mother said that i am the most american american, watch right now, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrei norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we work in live, we'll start today with a few messages that relate to... investigation into the death of the il-76 aircraft on board which were captured ukrainian armed forces soldiers who were being taken for exchange, we, of course, here i am i don’t know how our people authorized to conduct business with representatives of that side are forced to do this, because there are some unique people there on the other side of the border, look, the main directorate of ukrainian intelligence, not only that, but from the very beginning denied the fact, the fact of the existence of people in general. on board this plane
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, you remember, yes, they said that they were carrying some kind of missiles, then there was not enough evidence there, and so on and so forth, now the same main ukrainian intelligence department is reporting the fact that they are turning to moscow with a request to hand over the bodies of the dead to them, while officially, according to documents, the ukrainian side does not consider these dead ukrainian armed forces fighters to be dead, you don’t ask me how this is possible, it means they have... according to the documents, all these 65 people who were supposed to be exchanged on january 24, they are still passing through like prisoners of war, the kremlin commented on this, but you know, there is no more clarity, because according to dmitry peskov, the press secretary of the russian president, let's we'll be there now look, but this is naturally not dmitry sergeevich, this is just some representative from the other side, which means peskov ria novosti said that the kremlin did not receive any requests regarding this at all. transfer of the bodies of the dead, in general,
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what kind of statement this is is not clear, but it is clear that representatives of the investigative committee of russia reported that work has been completed to identify the remains of all the people on the plane. let me remind you that these are six crew members, three military policemen who accompanied the blankets, well, actually 65 of these ukrainian vssushnikov. uh, all this was determined by genetic testing. an investigator is at the crash site. discovered more than 670 fragments of bodies, personal documents, including military id cards and passports of ukrainian citizens. all the wreckage of l76 had already been removed from the crash site by this time and is now at a special site. the investigation also intends to identify specific people who were involved in the attack on our plane, and not only citizens of ukraine are suspected here, as the tas agency reports, citing to sources in law enforcement agencies. calculation of the patriot anti-aircraft complex.
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moved to the positional area, after which it went into the so-called silence mode, turned off the radars, was invisible and was only waiting for orders, and, well, an indication of the target in order to shoot at the right moment. in the western press, the number one topic remains the conflict between the terrorist zelensky and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, the general, as they write, has only a few days left, his resignation is planned any day now, for the analysis of this kiev toad-viper, as we we call it, the american investigative journalist seymour hirsch got involved, you remember him, because it was he who said last year that american intelligence services were involved in the attacks on our nord stream 1 and nord stream 2 gas pipelines. now hirsch
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says that general zaluzhny is being dismissed so quickly, why? because he was conducting some negotiations about a cessation of hostilities . according to hirsch, the terrorist zelensky is striving. ending the conflict in order to end hostilities agree on a financial plan for ukraine. according to hirsch, the united states is ready to support the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and even change power in ukraine. well , once again, the sad state of affairs at the front for kiev was reported directly by the still commander
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of the armed forces, zaluzhny, he wrote such a large text, we call it a column, but nevertheless a large text for cnn, in this column, zaluzhny says , that the military... russia’s superiority over ukraine on the front line is undeniable and speaks of kiev’s inability to strengthen the army without some unpopular measures, after which it directly blames the leadership ukraine is that it is actually not ready to help the army and take those very unpopular measures. we must recognize russia's significant advantage in mobilizing human resources to compare it with the inability of ukrainian state institutions to increase staffing levels.
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in order not to pay attention to them, the decision to allocate 50 billion euros to ukraine over the next 4 years was agreed upon by the leaders of the european union just an hour and a half after the opening of the emergency summit, which was joyfully signaled by the head of the european council on social networks
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charles michel. he also said that the decision was unanimous, and german chancellor oolaf scholz, who is flying to washington with a report, continued the rejoicing. we are talking about 12 billion euros annually, made up of loans of direct subsidies, for a total of 50 billion euros before the end of the financial period, this is urgent... necessary, whether ukraine will receive the money was unclear until the last moment, due to the uncompromising position of the hungarian prime minister , viktor orban, who blocked the financing plan at the last summit in december and threatened to do it again, but the eu leadership, the press claims, was ready with its own version of how to put pressure on orban so that he would surrender, if orban could not be convinced, the european union is preparing to undermine the hungarian economy by putting pressure on its weaknesses, the document prepared. the european council talks about economic vulnerability, including a weakening currency and a decrease in economic
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attractiveness. the very publication of this article brought down the exchange rate of the hungarian forent; the british guardian newspaper wrote that orban was squeezed and could not accept another solutions. the role of chief negotiator went to italian prime minister giorgi miloni. they spoke three times at the summit. as a result, orban pushed through his conditions. eu leaders agreed to discuss and allocate annually.
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using the proceeds from frozen russian assets, they will be kept in special accounts even after. we welcome the fact that eu member states were able to reach agreement in principle on this proposal, this is an important step forward and the ultimate goal is to be able to transfer proceeds from frozen russian assets to ukraine, regarding where to get the money, we will come back to this later.
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the success of europe, but here i am saying, however, the most important thing, after however, however, let’s count, and 50 billion will be allocated over 4 years, which means only two per year.
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and mrs. fondeyan can’t pick up the phone, call the european central bank, say, bring down the foreign ministry, that’s how it fell anyway, this is from the financial times article, and the european union, the brussels bureaucrats can’t bring down the hungarian economy, who can bring it down, so these are americans, that's why all this talk there about the multifaceted pressure on hungary -
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this is a sham, there was no real meaning in all these conversations and pressure. there was apparently secret behind-the-scenes pressure from the americans, it was just secret from the americans or obvious from europe, these are the same eggs only not quite, because european pressure is nothing, if we talk about that , is this supposed to be a success or not, is it necessary for the same ukrainians to rejoice there, no, this is not a success, because ukraine’s need for funding - 5 billion of ukraine's financing needs is impossible, it is impossible to indicate any figure. this is roughly the social system , this social system needs to be provided, these 50 billion are a billion a month, and in order to pump up to 2 billion, you need to get about 50 more, and where to get them is still unclear, that’s what we’re talking about zelensky said, who then should still celebrate some
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kind of success, well, probably everything doesn’t happen at once, so that not everything happens at once, including us, by the way, that...
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they are intensely discussing how to allocate money ukrainians, and not farmers suffering from taxes and rising prices. of the european authorities, only viktor orban came out as a protester; the hungarian prime minister went for a walk
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and talked with peasants instead of having dinner with colleagues. we need a new european parliament. we will have to find new leaders or truly representative people. it is a mistake of the european union that the voice of the people is not taken seriously. peasant unrest does not subside in france either. in paris , police yesterday arrested 90 people trying to seize europe's largest food market. according to the head of the country's ministry of internal affairs, the number of protesters in france alone reached 1,000 people. a total of 79 people have been detained by police as worried farmers let their anger boil over. the young french prime minister, homosexual gabriel, has to pacify them. the day before, he promised to allocate money for...
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russia cannot win, while there are more and more rebellious farmers, tonight the netherlands joined the pan-european peasant revolt, in amsterdam, protesters arrived at the central square on tractors, similarly, only irish farmers are active in dublin, the portuguese are also preparing for rallies, so scenes from french supermarkets may be repeated throughout europe. the scene is repeated everywhere, the fresh shelves are almost empty in this supermarket in isère or here in...
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i wouldn't say it, i wouldn't say it, and you're sitting here, we'll protect you, yes, but still, just a priority for the european union - this is the protection of ukraine, than the protection of their own snickering farmers, they are not as important as i’m barely surviving, there won’t be brussels anymore, that ’s all, they come and go, almost every year, so i wouldn’t say that anyone except macron is particularly concerned about this. well , by the way, in fairness, macron said that if the situation is not going to change, we just need to think about returning ukrainian agricultural products,
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because this is one of the reasons. i admit that they, of course, live much better, not only compared to many other countries, but even compared to how they lived, well, let’s say, 50 years ago, but everyone starts from what they have, and not from what once was, correctly, logically, so in general this is quite normal, alas, this is what i agree with, that since they got greedy in quotes, although i don’t like this definition,
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it’s that...
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and simple, because for some reason we always think that the european union, europe, is like this passive structure, so the americans force them, but they shoot themselves in the feet, there they have decided instead of feet. i'll remind you one moment, remember, when trump was elected president, but he had not yet taken office, there was about two months, a month, absolutely right, a period. european sanctions against russia were already expiring at the time trump was supposed to take office. so, on the initiative of merkel, this very european bureaucracy, the european union met earlier to extend sanctions against russia so that the united states would not prevent them from doing this. did they do this out of stupidity? no, the reason
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is this.
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for russia to exist, it is necessary to apply this is a strategic defeat of russia alone, without the united states, they cannot, they cited it here, the united states does not help them, they are kicking them now and generally using some kind of united states, without the united states the kiev regime would not have won in its time, the kiev regime would not now have the opportunity to fight the way it is fighting, because the equipment is mainly supplied by the united states, one more thing, here it sounded that they somehow lowered their authority by twisting orban’s arms, so i’ll remind you , in the fourteenth year, no one hid it, by the way, the newspaper shpigel, in my opinion, yes, shigel published
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the newspaper, the magazine shigel published material in which it was directly stated that when the first package of sanctions against russia was introduced after the downing of the boeing. orban refused to vote for him, that’s what was written there, frau merkel called him, explained who he was, his place, and orban immediately voted and voted all these years, now germany’s position has weakened a little, let’s take a break, after we 'll continue this topic for a few minutes. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. there was an attempt at a palace coup in kiev, who tried to dismiss glovkom zaluzhny, what came of it, and if the general did not want to resign in an amicable way, then how will he now be
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removed in a bad manner? the blockade ring is tightening around paris, why did the french farmers rebel and will the parisians really have to forget the crunch of the french bread, who is behind this great peasantry? those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. spend and save with ozonbank up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to 16% per annum on deposit. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video. how
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messages from russian customs, we don’t do this often, but that occasion is certainly worthy in chita, on a freight train that was in transit through china to poland, they found a military uniform for soldiers apu. according to the head of the cheta customs, they stumbled upon the ukrainian deception shipment while scanning the goods using a scanner. according to the declaration, baulakh should have been sports and work clothes. and during the inspection it turned out that there were uniforms, in total the customs detained eight containers , the contents of which are now being inspected, the inspection will continue for another week, the customs reported, they have not yet opened a criminal case, and today russian defense minister sergei shaigu during a conference call with leadership of the russian armed forces, reported on the successes of our army in the zone of special military operation. according to the minister, after the failure of the ukrainian counter-offensive, russia. protects strategic initiative throughout
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line of combat contact, so in january our forces managed to liberate the settlements of vesyoloye, starkhmalnoye and tabaevka, 3,000 weapons were destroyed, including western equipment, high-precision weapons struck ukrainian defense enterprises, an arsenal, a military airfield and fuel bases of the ukrainian armed forces, losses the ukrainian army, according to shaigu, amounted to 23.00 people killed and wounded. in order to prevent the collapse of the defense, the ukrainian leadership throws its remaining reserves into battle and hastily carries out the next forced mobilization, to demonstrate, the western curator of at least some successes , the zelensky regime carries out terrorist acts against russian civilians, while the kiev authorities do not hesitate to destroy their own citizens, well, here i would return to the first news from customs, because for me andrey ivanovich doesn’t fully understand
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the wording through china to poland, but who the manufacturer is, how they sent it all through our chinese, i don’t know, but through china.
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the armed forces of ukraine will achieve parity in expenditures with, in particular, double funding germany. as for where to get the money, for the sake of ukraine’s freedom it is proposed to confiscate the savings of french citizens. below the column is a list of almost 500 famous french people who supported this idea. such zeal has frightened opposition politician and brexiteer florian philippot. he called the idea of ​​giving french money to ukrainians madness, as help. 50 billion euros. right now, the european union has decided to pay ukraine 50 billion euros, which will also allow this country to compete even more fiercely with our rural farming meanwhile, we are letting our peasants die. let's leave the eu, quickly,
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let's stop sending our money to the zelensky regime. the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine shocked others.
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yes, because in this case you need to understand that the crisis of european agriculture, its inefficiency, this happened before ukraine, now history has simply worsened, they are simply european politicians, with their characteristic jesuitical cunning, pointing the finger at ukraine, although in general it is ukraine’s direct fault this is not the case. maxim anatolyevich, do you understand? as a european, well, in general, the european political mainstream is moving along the same lines. rolls along a rolling track, supports ukraine, as if nothing has changed, that is , as if we are in the twenty-third or even the twenty-second year, but even you look at the publications of the western press, even the most. in general, pro-ukrainian like this mentioned newspaper mont, a completely different tone, the tone is not even in the comments,
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their comments are terrible, what you quoted is also there, it’s just on at the editorial level of the newspaper, it’s true , it’s 1980, it’s terrible, but when there are reports from the field, reports from ukraine, it’s simply amazing, this didn’t happen last year , that is, now, if our journalists had gone there, it would be in approximately the same tone would do yes.
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that they can do it so calmly and nothing will happen to them, he will say, you know
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how we have a joke about sorry, i couldn’t there about a horse, such a stupid horse, such a decrepit nag in general, which the owner’s man put there, she still can’t blame it the owner couldn't they will also say sorry guys another other horse blair and when did he apologize for iraq when was it? happened to tony blair, you tell me, he did a great job, he left, well, they called him a little bit there, for 1000 pounds and he walks fine, but who the americans had back then was bush, the dog bush, then 100 years later he said, yes we everyone was deceived, and vanya is right in what he says, he makes great money, including talking about how they deceived the whole world with this. and be proud of it, so the same will happen with the european politicians who are now in power, so i say that they are afraid, about fears, look,
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this is important, one of the cracks that is now widening in the european union, and this motivates behavior in including political parties, according to the principle i believe, i don’t believe, there are politicians or parties who believe that russia will win, and there are those who do not believe that... and no, well then, well, this can’t go on forever, in the end we we we will eat olivier at
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the funeral of the european union, we will go directly. who are eating olivier, do not remove the plate, short pause, we will continue, captive vseushniki, whom zelensky did not have time to kill. how four times a draft dodger ruins the fates of young guys, they stopped, just threw them into boost, they said, if you run , they will shoot you, what bandera’s people pump up and how they intimidate their own, ours fired at us from behind, shells exploded in front of us, so they are abandoned to death for billions and the ambitions of the kiev dictator, someone dies for them, the boys are at the front, they have nothing to eat, and there in kiev, where the war ended in the past
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not in general, just using specific examples: we had outstanding political and government figures in the country, they had families, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, some of them left countries, some back in the days of the soviet union, some...
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and without sparing themselves, travel between continents in attempts to achieve negotiations that could end the conflict in ukraine. what is this peacemaker stoltenberg doing now, he really is traveling around the continent, now he is in the united states, where he has already given a speech to american special forces, but there he spoke, in addition to the usual stories about what it means that russia needs to be stopped in battle and how important it is to support ukraine, that’s all, but there, apparently, in ardent in front of the special forces, he agreed to the point that, in essence, the nato bloc is a thing that... serves the military-political interests of the united states. it is nato that helps make the united states stronger and safer. the alliance is important not only for washington, but also for
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allies, because together we constitute half the world's military and economic power, and the alliance must continue to operate. well, let's say a few more words about the peace-loving nato blocs. the daily telegram, a british newspaper, reported that the united states of america intends to place. britain has nuclear weapons. journalists, citing pentagon documents, write that the americans are going to transfer nuclear bombs to an airbase called lakenheath. it is located in safak county, and supposedly these warheads will be three times higher than the powers that the united states dropped on japan. the sun newspaper today told readers that the british navy will test a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead for the first time in eight years. naturally, without warheads, they will be launched under.
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without this anti-russia policy we would never have seen the security situation deteriorate as much as it did, but if they believe that re -nuclearising the uk... would be an act of deterrence towards russia, then they are miscalculating again , us it won’t stop, so from the stoltenbergs everything that followed back to our generation for today with news, apparently everything, if nothing extraordinary happens, so i said specific examples, let’s give a specific example, today is february 2, this year february 2 marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of valery chkalov, he was truly a fiery man. a motor
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instead of a heart, in his very short life, you know that he didn’t even live to be 40, he did a lot for his country, if only didn’t die, he probably would have done even more, but he had a family, he had children , so, so, so, yes, now we come to the great-granddaughter of valery chkalov, her name is daria bogdanova, she has been living abroad for a long time, herself in fact , she became famous a long time ago in the social - in this segment of social networks, now she has simply become more active.
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settled in israel and from there gives interviews to journalists and agents. this time daria bogdanova suggested that western countries launch a nuclear strike on moscow and even stated that i’m ready to sponsor it myself. this way, in her opinion, it would be possible to stop the conflict in ukraine, because this tactic once worked in japan. the girl is not worried about the fact that her mother and grandmother live in moscow. if we have to shoot at the kremlin, at all our favorite buildings there, i, of course , prefer that they hit the lubyanka on this one. it’s over, first of all it is necessary, we need to destroy these decision-making centers. last year, on the eve of may 9, the granddaughter of the front-line poet evgeniy dalmatovsky, tatyana, who lives in london, wrote on social networks, that the quote “i gladly denied the russians the right to sing their grandfather’s patriotic war song.” because now russia, in her opinion, is the aggressor. we are talking about the song "road to berlin".
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vynuchka is the heir to the rights to two of her grandfather’s works: the road to berlin when we were at war. however, the emigrant cannot prohibit the use of musical material until she terminates the contract with the russian copyright society, which regularly pays her royalties. writer zakhar perelepin was previously indignant. an attempt relatives to appropriate the feat of the grandfather of the red army soldier. poet and red army major evgeny dolmatovsky and composer matvey blanter wrote a song that was managed by tatyana dolmatovskaya, who went abroad. you have nothing to do with him, his poems, his life, his exploits. recently, another family divided by immigration experienced a split over political positions.
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this is monstrous, and this war of 1914, i perceived it as some kind of local conflict, they captured donbass, which no one needs, why it’s unclear what they’re doing there. today, on the 12th anniversary of the birth of the pilot chkalov , the state duma drew attention to the statement of his relatives, they noted that, unlike her great-grandfather, the scandalous great-granddaughter did not do anything good for our country, another great-grandson of the hero and... chkalov, by the way, he lives in moscow
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and explained the behavior of his second cousin by saying that the girl came under the influence of her husband, a former massat employee with ukrainian roots. he said that bogdanova left russia about 15 years ago, not according to for political reasons, but now it’s just publicity. daria bogdanova has not lived in russia for a long time; she has citizenship of another country. daria is trying to build a career as a political blogger. and these statements are intended exclusively for hype on the eve of the 120th anniversary . let’s start with you, after all, you are the grandson of the prosecutor general of the soviet union, so if you see in this that these are attempts to advertise yourself at the expense of your famous relatives, some kind of feeblemindedness, or maybe this is really the action by which it is possible to give an assessment, including from the point of view of the criminal code. and you know , well, i wouldn’t attribute this to coumia, because
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people certainly have different intellectual abilities, they see the world differently, but on the other hand, in the gospel of matthew it was said: “tell me where your treasure is, i’ll tell you where your heart."
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he can see exactly the algorithm in this, well , you know, quite a large number of people from the soviet elite, children, children, especially grandchildren, for some reason left our homeland, and treats them as our homeland is really
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somehow very critical, i partly perceive this, because the elite that was created after the revolution, it had such a bad inoculation, well , let's say,
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opportunities, probably, and a life path that, in general, helped you, your parents choose, but they helped me choose, so, well, they helped me choose a path in life, as always , the main goal was to protect the interests of our country, this was in the soviet union.
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maybe it works partly somewhere, but for the most part it doesn’t, you know, it’s very individually, this is very individual, my classmate, sergei aleksandrovich, also knows him very well, we also know him quite well, well, what does he belong to, when he entered ingemo, where, where is this level? listen, vladimir sergeevich, you know that at some point they even took him under special quotas, there for christian workers. we have 1/3 of
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the course, i know, wait, here we have alexander nikolaevich, a man who suffered from soviet power, as he believes, well, as he believes, yes, in your picture of the world, there was is there some kind of intellectual stratum in our country, called nomenklatura there, the elite, who had more opportunities, exactly from...
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from gnesenka, namesake, well, that’s all here, my brother actually said, that’s because he told me, that is, ukrainian the trace explains everything to you, here is the reason, yes, absolutely , that is, she married an assad employee, besides, now there is love for the russian federation, they will scold us, no, i don’t mean it in that sense... this is an attempt, and in a certain sense , to promote oneself, in a certain sense, even to distance oneself from one’s own, to show own importance, we will now take
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a short pause, and then we will move on to examples, these are people about whom everyone seemed to know, here about state leaders. yes, yes, a short break. agony, the final collapse of statehood. zelensky tried to dismiss zaluzhny, but there were no people willing to take his position in the future to sign the capitulation. victoria returned to the crime scene 10 years later. what control centers did she bring? the demilitarized zone in ukraine should be at such a distance as which would provide security. peaceful cities from shelling, where will the boundaries of this zone be when we establish them. the state duma adopted a law on confiscation of property from those who spread fake news about our army and calls for actions that threaten the security of the state. who else should be deprived of property and banned from earning money in our country? watch today on ntv. chief
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three in one at a super price. 399 rub. leamax - purchases with a plus. call or order on our website this. the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, in this part, let's try to do this: we will not just look at the fate of the descendants of the soviet elite. elites are a very flexible concept, as we said in the last part, to descendants soviet leaders, leaders of the soviet state, many of whom left the country of their own free will at the first opportunity. the great-grandson of joseph stalin, vissarion dzhugashvili, a former georgian director, has been moving to new york for 20 years now. asking for political asylum there. the granddaughter of the generalissimo, chris evans, also lives in the usa in portland and does not understand a word of russian. her body is covered with tattoos and piercings, and she also sings in
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a punk rock band. her mother, lana peters, is better known in our country as svetlana alliluyeva. in 1970, the woman went overseas and married an american. i learned about my mother’s past as a teenager, and until then she protected me from all this. she said that i was the most american. the american woman always wanted to protect me from all the horrors that she herself had to go through. on july 13, 1999 , sergei nikitovich khrushchev took the oath of allegiance to the united states while receiving american citizenship. by that time, 40 years had passed since his father, the leader of the ussr, nikita khrushchev, promised richard nixon that his grandchildren will live under communism. by the way, nixon and george bush personally helped khrushchev’s son obtain us citizenship. how do you live here? life is good, you see, i’m not an emigrant, i came by invitation for a year, but then the union
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fell apart, my institute fell apart, i liked it here, and it was interesting for me to write about why everything happens this way, what happened in my times, why we don’t they built communism, and year after year, so to speak, i lived here until i was ninety. in 99 adopted the american citizenship, but did not lose russian citizenship. nikita khrushchev's great-granddaughter, nina, also lives in the usa, she is a professor of international relations in new york, regularly appears on american screens and comments on the political situation in the world, especially likes to criticize the modern russian government. in march 2014, on cnn, she assured that vladimir putin - quote - would choke on crimea, because this piece was too tough for him. but nina khrushcheva sympathizes with the terrorist president.
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there she runs the gorbachev foundation. later , her daughter ksenia also moved there, bears his grandfather's surname. gorbachev’s youngest granddaughter, anastasia, has been living in germany with her husband for several years now. the couple had a son. nikita, great-grandson of the former ussr president. you carry this surname with you all your life, in general, it’s difficult to say, is there a secret surname from your first husband? is this a good thing, or vice versa, because it’s both, probably yes, it’s both, it’s difficult for me to draw a line between which is more. andrey nikolaevich, you can somehow build a logic for me, because for me so far the chain is alarming.
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a film has been released, my dear man, there is a very beautiful scene in it, when the soviet admiral , who had served there faithfully and faithfully all his life, was brought to drink some water by his son’s family, and then they were shaking very much over the glass, because, as was said, from nicholas ii personally drank this glass of vodka. the problem was that back then, even before the fortieth anniversary of the october revolution, the problem of the decomposition of the second generation of revolutionaries was felt, it was already observed then, and such a struggle against the philistinism was already beginning there. was problem, you know, or, for example , a good example from the life of timur arkadevich gaidar, who, as you know, in addition to being a journalist, also had a great career in the navy, when he was awarded the rank of rear admiral at the next planning meeting, i don’t remember the editor- in-chief , i won’t confuse who said it, but i looked at him and said , you know, timur, you don’t look much like an admiral, quite like the enemy, and you know, this catchphrase, if you remember what happened next with this family, she was right when
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she said that. you see, they love it here very much to say that there are secret names , you know, for a certain part of these sons, daughters, grandsons, great-grandsons, in fact, this name of that hero actually propelled him through life, let’s be honest, if you look at the history of that family of chkalovs, it’s just history valeria chkalova was that pivotal factor who helped to make a career, receive benefits, you see, that’s the point, that at some point people stopped understanding the difference between.
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no one has anything to do with her, this was all wandering around in the wrong place, guys, don’t
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telling stories is good. well, by the way, in that episode that you just remembered with a glass, they had a very strong fight there , so much that there was almost a heart attack, but that’s what i want to talk about, so you said the decomposition of this, how how did you have the second generation of revolutionaries, what was the reason, how did it begin? this is decomposition, the result of which is such metamorphoses of some kind of humanity. can you explain to me the meaning of the decomposition of nomenclature - what kind of thing are you? they mentioned entering the moscow state medical institute, this was certainly the case. i would add to this that there was a quota for national personnel. i would also add here that the opportunity to get a good
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education was very selective geographically. a boy from the village, of course, could come with a convoy of fish to moscow, but he would already have a chance to enter moscow state university. the number of benefits that a child, a schoolboy, had, if her father was the first secretary of the regional committee, well, for example, as a child, as a schoolboy, i was friends with kruchina, well, with kruchina’s son, who was then, to be honest, he was... the first secretary of the regional party committee of salinogradsky, and i was friends with a couple of other people, for example, a journalist for the newspaper pravda in kazakhstan, and so on, they had completely different capabilities than me,
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well , just as an example, i don’t want to offend anyone, and that this opportunity has other possibilities, excuse me, the good side, life is like that, well, i’ll give one example, i won’t name it, god willing. in health, that means, a respected person, certificates of maturity are handed out, well, that is, grades, when it’s time to graduate, a very respected dad comes to the director and says: how is my son doing? the director answers him that , unfortunately, there will be no gold medal, and there won’t even be a silver medal, because there is an error in the essay, in arithmetic, in mathematics .
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no, they, they are in plain sight, but they say such things, i don’t understand, if you have a dad , wait, serge, if your dad could come to the university and correct something there, what are you dissatisfied with then, well and then i would be glad that such
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opportunities, i don’t understand this, to the question decomposition, and let us also use andrei nikolaevich’s methodology, what examples will we use to analyze this, i think there is something to object to here, short pause, we will continue. new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you? mask? mask! february 11 at 20:20. premiere today at 16:50 on ntv. who benefits from an ozonbank card? for those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores.
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the place where everything becomes clear. andrei nikolaevich here remembered one of the wonderful soviet films, we are now doing the same most. why? because it turns out that if, again, here he called, let ’s be honest, and we always try to be honest , it means that even if we look at films that were released in wide release, but for the general soviet audience, there is
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some kind of... then confusion, please show us the plot. for example, in 1964, at the end of the khrushchev thaw, the film zastava ilyach, directed by marlen khutsyev, was released. the main character sergei zhuravlev lives modestly, works for tets, but at some point he finds himself in among the so-called golden youth, who mock quasi-patriotism. the hero is surprised that young people are visiting. only creative evenings or parties waste time. hey, come up with something, let's drink it. dancing, dancing, may i know your phone number? i’m married, so i’m not asking you for your hand, but for your phone number. at the height of perestroika in 1986 , the film courier appeared, then still a soviet director, karyn shakhnazarov. the film shows ordinary young people who have lost hope
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of somehow realizing themselves and are tired from soviet stagnation. there is already social inequality in the country, if some people study at technical schools and wear the same clothes. the film talks about the way of life that arose after the death of joseph stalin , about the subculture of fans of western
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... well, sergei aleksanovich, don’t point your finger at him, i told him, well, if we go back to the beginning of our conversation, in general, in my opinion, we are somewhat overly politicizing , the so -called relocants, or as immigrants used to be called, people leave the country for a variety of reasons, there is no need for them at all classify everyone as some kind of obviously hostile stratum, yeah. in this layer there are such characters as you showed us, but it seems to me that this is not unrepresentative, is there such a, you know, wormhole in the very system that we had, we just showed these films, that is, it turns out and the first wave, as it were, of this decomposition, the sixties and
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the main one, like sergeslavich, the eighties, well, in general, it turns out that even then we saw everything and understood what was there. a certain part of society are such patriots who like my parents there or andrei nikolaevich go to the factory for themselves, but there are slightly more correct patriots, they send their sons for an internship abroad, with the right goals, so that he later returns to defend, like you sergei alexandrovich, they said the interests of their homeland at the very forefront region, abroad, there in the lair of the enemy, but it turns out that sometimes... this scheme, it failed, and the person turned out to be, well , some kind of semi-traitor, you know, you laid out the scheme from the very beginning , if you build this scheme from the very beginning, then we will all see who, what children, what high-ranking leaders of our
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state defended our homeland during the war, everyone, yeah, yeah, his father, including my father, were at the front, so, yeah, joseph, place in society - due to the fact that they incorrectly perceive their own position in this society, this is also typical for - modern russia, for the soviet union, for the united states, look what is happening with biden’s son, well, there’s nowhere else to go
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, yes, it would probably be difficult to imagine such a thing here, yes, but this, this, these are... people who have become disconnected from society, they do not understand their own importance, they live in the name of their parents, well then you have completely confused me, and why then are we these, as you say, relaxants who have also become detached, and we shouldn't pay attention to them, should we? no, they shouldn’t, well , it’s strange, somehow, but why, we have no one to pay attention to, why? no, i understand that, but what does this give us? we create advertising for these people, somehow we ourselves descend into some strange discussion, you know, actually indeed, any normal person raises questions, why do the children or grandchildren of high-ranking officials
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of our state choose another homeland? this seems to me an absolutely normal question, because?
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but to a certain extent, this is also some kind of mental choice, it means that he doesn’t like his homeland, and that means, accordingly, as he explained to you now, the union fell apart, the institute closed, i was invited here, and i liked it because he spoke russian television had to somehow justify itself, this on the russian topic, he gave quite a lot of interviews, just to the point that what they say to our audience just doesn’t satisfy me.
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hello, i am with you, nadezhda batkina, and this is the program, please forgive me, nadezhda babkina, let’s talk frankly, who i came to ask for forgiveness, we are always ready to have a heart-to-heart talk, he proposed to you, no, he did not propose to me.
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talking heads. because there is nothing behind them , within the framework of the information war, this goes without saying, of course, so mikhail mikhailovich, it seems to me that we do not need to fetishize their opinion, fetishize it, that is, elevate it to some stage, well, what a respected person i said, neither as experts, nor as people who deeply understand and know the essence of the processes taking place in our country, they have no great authority, in my opinion, how people would express such an opinion. but they have the right to it express, okay, i understood everything , the fact that it is due to the fact that they earn some points for themselves where they are, is also a fact, and we must not forget that among the same nomenclature among the same people who are right here and devotedly served their country for a long time, a huge number of people who can also speak out on this alexander nikolaevich, well, here, yes, probably, the opinion is unanimous, because, and if they give
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a historical assessment, here’s how again, khrushchova says: i’m telling about that time what is he, well, you can talk about that time, you can read his memoir as a last resort for those who are interested, but the fact is that in assessments, expert assessments, they rapidly degrade after leaving here, so, in general, here’s the expert opinion it’s not customary to listen, andrei nikolaevich, you just need to remember that, while respecting the memory of this or that hero, a worthy person, you must understand that it is not necessary that he will later be... his words, but nevertheless these words sometimes give us idea, and what is behind that myth about, for example, soviet leaders or american leaders , about whom they tell us what is behind this myth , and what actually
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happened behind the scenes in the family, they said, this gives food for... thought, without fetishizing, which means i was talking about mutual understanding between generations, how good it is when it is and how bad it is when it is not, a boy was born in one family, this is practically a parable, a boy was born in one family, well, when he became big enough to articulate his desires, he says what to give you for his birthday, well, he’s five years old it was, he says, give me 100 ping-pong balls, he says, why do you need it, well, you need everything, that’s how it goes, every year... he asked for 100 ping-pong balls, that’s where he’s been for 15 years, they tell him : let ’s give you a sports bike, he says: no, 100 balls for ping pong, he’s been there for 35 years, he already has his own family, they tell him, let us... you have a business suit, you’ll go to negotiations in it, no , give me 100 ping-pong balls, i need everything, i’m already a grandfather, i’m 75 years old, give me a cane with this beautiful knob, no, that means ping-pong balls, well, it came, in general
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, the last hour, the whole family gathered around the priest, said: grandfather, tell me, why did you need so many ping-pong balls, so that we give you something? says: okay, listen to me, children, my grandchildren, great-grandchildren, that means ping pong balls. i needed him to die, this was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekdays, goodbye, many wounded, many killed, first of all, keep your head on your shoulders, think about why they give up, what is he talking about?


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