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tv   Versiya-3  NTV  February 3, 2024 3:20am-4:51am MSK

3:20 am
the wound doesn’t bother me, there’s only a little bit , but it’s bearable, the main thing is that i was able to get out to you and thank you personally, because because of this idiot owl i could have lost my child, why are you doing this to him, after all, he also helped free us sasha, if only he hadn’t helped, it was his fault that the child got into trouble, sasha is now, of course, a hero, although i still feel cold at the thought that the worst could have happened, well, that’s part of it and...
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i never i won’t forget, good luck to you, thank you, goodbye, again, thank you, take care of yourself, thank you, boss, give me a lift home, otherwise i i’m late, where , if it’s not a secret, and it’s not a secret at all, the plumber should come, wait , you already had him, he was, he was,
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pash, hold your tongue, boss, honestly , just a tap and an outlet, and i ’ll cook you some cutlets with potatoes, i’ll make a salad, he doesn’t refuse such offers.
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a screwdriver, quietly, a lupa, don’t hesitate, we’re working, eh, a key for 14, i forgot, a cleaver, a cleaver, a cleat, there’s something else somewhere, yeah, yeah, give me a screwdriver. yeah,
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otherwise you know, i didn’t see how she ran away, i opened the door, she ran away, she became completely blind, listen, boys, but maybe she ran out into the attic, there were cats screaming there yesterday, well, if the cats were screaming, it means they were definitely in the attic, but i just can’t get into the attic, the attic is locked, and what are you doing here, what, what? i broke it, what? no, grandma! we change the light bulbs to energy-saving ones, yeah, it’s good, it will be brighter, yeah, brighter , that’s good, otherwise i can’t see anything, old age is no joy , i don’t see anything at all, i don’t see, i’ve become completely blind, blind,
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klepa, klepa, klepa, klepa, cleopatra, look. i'll knock you down so that the joint is on us they hanged us, well, grandma saw us, but she doesn’t see a damn thing, you heard about her eyes, if they ask, she’ll say, two men in uniform, hold it, that’s all. there is, alas, the police, there are some guys giving birth in our entrance, my last name
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is stepanovna, write down the address and come immediately, put it calmly, maybe it’s not to our liking, who scares us here at night? exactly citizens, what kind of work, ordinary work, uh-huh, vasya, why are you standing there, show them your outfit, now, now let’s see your outfit, what are you doing, horseshoe, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, yeah, wait, i’ll shoot, i’m standing, i’m standing, where is the second one, where did he run, oh well, he’s good, he won’t
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snatch him, they delivered him, take him. “great, teska , well, he took off, well, he took off, but he was a simple district opera, but i always told everyone in the zone, zhelvis will fly high, thank you, i didn’t forget, zhelvis will fly high, because a person with a great soul and intelligence, alexander yakorovich, you they're stuck, you know, sasha, the devil got me wrong, well, this is the second year that no one in the city has been clearing the snow, it's impossible to get through, zhek nods at the road committee, they're on zhek, these bastards don't even make ice with sand they sprinkle it, i sprained my leg several times
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, well, bad weather happened, my leg began to ache , well, i think, bastards, i’m languishing and decided to break the bosses’ apartment, but what should we do, we need to punish them, there is no justice for these goats, i cleanly took zhekovsky’s hut , i raked out a whole van of goods , took everything to the homeless dump, not a penny, everything is fair, i quit, well, you give alexander yakovich, the girls give, we take, this one from the road committee. again he grabbed it completely immeasurably, set up a complex alarm, froze, sasha, it looks like he’s become old and stupid, but no, out of spite i fell for it when my eyes are blurred , you don’t cut the clearing so much, that’s true, but why
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did you call me, you know, i have a hut on someone else’s... my name is current, i live there, but i still have a savings book on the sofa, no, but also interesting, i didn’t finish reading it. “if you’re not a fool, look in and bring me a book, you know, i don’t want to show my house to anyone, now no matter how much they give it, the house will wait for me, andris, the keys, just don’t say that you threw away the tool, there’s no price for the tool, so the neighbors will say, they say, stradivarius is at work, well, tell guarnere,
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neighbors on the stairs, old women who are blind and deaf, after the program it’s time to go to bed, you can come in without any problems, yeah. put it on like that?
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i myself cannot understand my actions, what i want, i don’t do, and what i don’t know i do, i don’t do good, although i want, and evil, although i don’t want, i do. so, i discovered a law in myself: every time i want to do good, evil comes out of me, yuu shot, the path of fair selection, what are you looking at? work, here are sausages in the dough, certificates, by the way, must be
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submitted on time, comrade major, about certificates for young people you’ll be selling me for sausages , thank you, why are you pushing me, you’re not the one on duty, you’re barking with yours, he’s barking with me, and i proudly and silently go into the night, they all lie that there are no normal men, they keep saying they're out of stock, they need someone strong, reliable, independent, and when they find someone like that, they immediately try to bend them to their advantage, yeah, that is, they try to make the guy weak and obedient, but if they don't succeed, then they leave for someone else, you 'll have something to eat, where is the logic, is it you who wanted logic from a woman? but there must be at least some kind of instinct
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of self-preservation, after all, they are sawing the branch on which they sit, thank you, i’m not an expert in this, but i’ll tell you one thing, she saws you until you take her to the office, and as soon as you get married, everything will be fine, and barshchi will cook, we must be experts, otherwise we will die out like mammoths, and as for additional borscht, i’d rather eat sausages in dough and instant noodles than... the
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evil eye, you understand, well done, you worked quickly, so to speak, the authorities stopped , yes, such luck rarely happens, half a kilo of plastid, then... the entrance to the damn mother would have been blown away, and the detainees are not yet well, when here he is, let the operatives work with them, warm them up, so to speak, in vain i wish, i wish in good health, so.
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lyosh, if we put aside the deductive method and logic, i still have one question left: what, who were they asked about? in such a sucker’s house, why throw away logic and the deductive method, this is your area, you know better, yes, very funny, oops, what’s there, magpie, what, that’s the answer, this is a citizen of the roosters, named chick, rubob it
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was developed for 10 years, and i... thought he department left, it was the rubop who left, and the citizen of the roosters, the bitch, is the most alive of all the living , they planted a bomb in the entrance, just a little more and he could personally say hello to his forefathers, the bitch, and here they figured out that some bastard betrayed him, let's go, but some strange address for the circuit, very strange. and what’s strange, maybe he came here to visit a young lady, he’ll start wandering around other people’s houses, that he has nowhere to invite him, it’s as if the baron ordered him, martsinkevich, it’s logical, but no one will give evidence against him, they found it, well done, what have you got here , mm, what disgusting rouge, who is this, a citizen
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of roosters named chick, are you losing your qualifications? petukhov gennady ivanovich, a big bird in criminal circles, give me a flashlight, maybe you heard, i heard, of course, i didn’t see it, you need to know the contingent by sight , when i ran around the territory myself, i knew it, now i don’t run myself, but there’s no one to ask, all people are smart, that’s how he is, everyone has fled somewhere, hello, work, work, dawn is still far away, it’s time for chocolate bars again.
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okay, honey, but i'll call you back. soroka, are you stuck yet? yes, i'm coming, good morning. don’t torture me, i’ll bring you velcro to keep the flies closed, i’ll seal your mouth, you see, your muscles are already crowding out your sense of humor, and if you don’t calm down, i’ll bring a second velcro and i’ll glue yours, alexander fedorovich and nikita sergeevich, petrakov is calling you urgently, that brilin i got sick again, and how do you know, read the police reports and
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draw conclusions, hold on, young man. good morning, good morning, let's go out, let's go out, on the one hand everything is clear, they were detained while preparing to commit a crime, they caused injuries employees, on the other hand, there may be difficulties, zhelves, i think it’s time for nikita sergeevich to grow up, accept it. investigate, and alexander fetrovich will provide you with any possible assistance. it will be difficult to insist without the conclusion of explosion experts.
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police of gadchina, thank you, but we are more accustomed to working with the commander-in-chief, but we also don’t show off our bast shoes, there are opportunities , as for the commander-in-chief, you will forgive me, but sorokin , as they say, is not like the heroes of the series, he had the honor of working with both, one does not come out of a week-long tailspin, and the other, he doesn’t know how to do anything except wave his fists, but in principle you know better, thank you, nikolai. i think your help will be needed. time is running out, let's get started. is this chick a big authority? no, average hands, all the big ones
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were imprisoned. abaron martsinkevich, the same flight, only a little more cunning. so, you just need a motive, right? but their motive is always the same, money. well, colleague, let's get started. forward. in the temporary detention center. lyosh, i have a favor to ask you. you couldn't do it on your own. well, where will i find him now as usual, let’s meet there, well, where it looks like he’s sleeping and sees that i will invite him for interrogation, no,
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well, yes, yes, baby, well, i’ll be free by lunch, yes, well then i’ll come by as always, but i can’t say now, well, i have a surprise for you, yeah. mr. petukhov, i’m glad to hear you are in good health. alexey vdoevin is bothering you. yes, yes, yes, yes, the same one from the criminal investigation department. were you expecting a call? i'm very glad i didn't keep you waiting long. do you understand your rights? it's clear. therefore, i
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refuse to testify. yes. in your situation, this is the most correct thing. see what evidence has been collected, then choose luny protection. sign, well, he asked for a ride, i gave him a ride , but i had never met him before, by the way, he saw that the sign in the entrance was hanging, i listened, the shield means the scythe is hanging, yes, yes, yes, and he says, we need to fix it, otherwise it will fall on someone’s head, well, i just brought a screwdriver from the car, they immediately detained us, that is, we were detained, that is, it is quite obvious that the shield was damaged by the people who were planting the bomb, yes? you need to find, yes, and not blame a person for just wanting to do good to people, sorry, it’s clear, what about the photo in the car and podkovyrov’s phone number, and
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no one is imprisoned for this, yes, they are not imprisoned yet, it’s clear, okay, shield with shield, why did he attack the police officer, who attacked, yes he attacked, you attacked, attacked, yes, no, yes no, it was your police officers who tried to plant drugs on my client, we even have a complaint, yes, there is already a complaint, it’s interesting, okay, let’s sort it out first , what did you think, nikita sergeevich, they will tell you right away they will write a confession. no, my friend, you have to work hard here, and i have this the feeling that this matter is not as simple as it seems, we’ll figure it out, you’ll figure it out.
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tell our guys to get me out of here by any means necessary, understand? the situation is complicated, you understand me, i understand, i understand, i’ll tell you, but don’t forget, i’m only a protector, only from you, protector, goodbye, take it, on your way out. facing the wall, yes, hello, you can, you called me, i came. sorry, don't bother yourself, please.
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petukhov, gennady ivanovich, private entrepreneur and philanthropist. well, i said everything, that's it, i'm free, wait, i said free, well, wait, we... and forget the way here, goodbye , we need to get the guys out, i don’t leave my people in the war , it’s commendable, but how to do it, they seem to be in vain, i don’t want to, but these are not the types of problems that were solved. what does comrade
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leshy think? and lesh knows what he thinks about this, you know, he ’s been stressing me out a lot lately, it’s his fault that the guys got tied up, in fact, he’s been annoying me lately, he’s been overindulging , the bitch, he’s only counting money, the man lazy by nature and depraved, but he gave the ringer to the correct address, but to no avail, in short, he messed up himself, let him clean up the mess himself, i think so. and period, theoretically speaking, he is even more interested in our liberation of the horseshoe, so let him tense up, exactly, they wanted to kill me, and they probably would have killed me, by the way , we should light a candle, baron, these are his things, baron, he this is probably the sixth time he’s trying to send me to the next world, but why does he hate you so much, business, just business.
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i'm being frank because it's not for anyone a secret, that’s why too, but i won’t give evidence, you’ll figure it out in your own way , or you’ll leave the city, no, in my business this is not accepted, if i had 100 million, i would gladly leave this country, but their no, that’s why i’m here now, and if i’m not there, then there will be someone else, who’s a baron, and what is he? or what, look what’s going on in the city, there’s someone smoking under the stairs, but do you know anything about these two whom we detained? horseshoe, which podkavyrov, industrial explosives, high class, worked for yakut mines, in my opinion, the yakut lads still have questions for him, i don’t know the second one, but oh well, they will still be released, i mean, i mean, free, so
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if you agreed to give evidence? come on, you and i know perfectly well that my testimony will not yield anything, the crows will not abandon theirs, firstly, they will start talking, and secondly, his own reputation is important to him, if he doesn’t get these out, who will work with him , drugs, sixes, to occupy my niche, the harrow needs very serious people, so there will be no testimony, i can be free while you can, bye, funny, sign here and here. “you know, alexander fedorovich, i, of course, may be the devil, but i’m not the most horned, handsome commander, give me, what a pity, or what, i’m kidding, all the best, private entrepreneur and philanthropist.”
3:51 am
so what, no one expected that the detainees would confess, or that the chick would make a sensational statement, especially since confession, as is known in our case. not evidence, evidence must be objective and comprehensively studied, so, aleksandrevich, fingerprints on the shield in the entrance to the explosives belong to kubikov on the bus, the fingerprints of podkovyrov’s and kubikova’s. in addition, microparticles of an explosive device were found on the bus, a device that could be used to remotely control the fuse, which was what had to be proven, so get ready for court, a petition for the arrest of both, i think no questions will arise. do you have anything new, nikolai? no, but we continue to work, the places of residence of the detainees have not yet been established, we heard, but we need to conduct a search, damn it knows what kind of arsenal they might have there. nikita sergeevich, prepare a separate assignment for the criminal investigation department, i think our heroes
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have more than one episode, we just need to do some digging. and keep your nose up. the fuses of remote control bullets are made in an old-fashioned way, but very professionally. it is necessary to analyze information throughout the region where such devices could still be used. well, well, i'm off, well, no worries, fuck off
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, hello, aren't you going home, i'm working, on the switch, a separate assignment, oh, and we what, we’re delivering papers to tyurin, he just stopped by on the way, and then... i don’t know what this affects, but for some reason they were waiting for him there, it seems to me that this might be important, here’s the list of residents, and so what? nothing, not a single woman of the right age, not a single criminal type, all pensioners, listen, maybe his relative lives there, or maybe the first teacher, well, he’ll never tell about it, because he was going there to someone, yes how do i know who he was going there for? sasha, well , we saw him, he came to some apartment, no one knows which one and at what time. lyosha, i ask, this is important. let's have a fresh head tomorrow morning, but for now, um, i'm going home. lord, what
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should we do at home? let's go to my place. well, sasha, yes, but why? i’m alone, you forgot, to you, so to you? well, you maryak leave it with me , it’s not scary, i’m not going to worry about you, squeeze it out, squeeze it out, fight, we can do it.
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you scared me, but what is the reason? i thought you were on duty, i was on duty. i came in for dinner, where were you,
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paying the rent, okay, and where is petya, still at training, yeah, but he should be home soon, eats all sorts of rubbish, then with... these sweets hurt him, what's wrong with you, nothing, uh-huh.
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i didn’t think that i would be able to stop by, you won’t have cutlets yesterday, there will be cutlets, there will be cutlets, yeah, and i’ll have borscht, borscht, borscht too, larisa, it’s mom, take it, okay,
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hello, yes, i’m listening, that’s you, who, i don’t know, didn’t introduce yourself, a male voice, yes, yes, bolotov. i understand, kolya, did something happen?
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come in quickly, hello, hello, hello, nikolai pavlovich, excuse me, hurry up, hurry up! my child was kidnapped, my god, they called me at home, they put forward conditions, podkovyrov and kubikovo must be released immediately, otherwise, how much time they gave , several, they said that they would call again, it’s strange why they called the home number, they called the number that they could find out, that’s all, so as not to find out the harrow’s mobile phone number, what if nikolai pavlovich was not at home, quietly, lesha, unknown number. yes bolotov, i understand
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your conditions, what are the guarantees that nothing will happen to the boy? petya, petya, petya, are you okay, petya, they didn’t beat you, listen, if anything happens to the boy, yes i will, yes i will i’ll get it from underground, you understand , they hung up, they’ll call back in an hour, you need to urgently contact the operator, you think they’re fools, well, what other opinions will there be, you can’t risk the boy’s life, oleg ivanovich, i ask you to transfer the case to me, i’ll make a decision about the release of kubikov and podkovyrov on bail, nikita sergeevich can do this, what other options are there, what are the options in the ass, we need to release, we can’t take risks. well, okay, they’ll leave and to hell with them, they’ll get caught again, they’ll blow up
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the chick, it’s not a big loss, but if they’re not a boy they’ll let him go, well, they won’t kill him , we have to work, we all talk a lot, in principle there shouldn’t be any surprises, but who knows, we ’d like to stand there for a day like in a fairy tale, but... hold out, tomorrow we’ll solve the issue anyway, no don't worry, i've been married for years, so i'll put lyokha here, but you've seen him, you can't get the truth out of him, he's so stupid. baron, hello, yeah, open a case on the kidnapping of the boy, using operational capabilities to establish the phone numbers used by
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the kidnappers of their location, taking into account extraordinary situation, i hope they will meet us halfway, yes, yes, i will contact the headquarters, establish the location, take the maroon under public surveillance. petukhova and we don’t know anyone else, offer the kidnappers to release the boy after the release of one of the detainees under our guarantees, release the second if the conditions are met, well , who will believe our guarantees, they immediately said, release both, so, i make a decision, olga vladimirovna, initiate a case of kidnapping, uh-huh, nikita sergeevich, prepare a resolution, zhelvis for you it will help, we will let both of us go, i will not take sin on my soul. so that things don’t work out in the future, i hope those at the top will understand us, i need cubes and horseshoes, here’s the investigator’s permission, why is it so late? we have irregular working hours, let's open up.
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sit down, where is the boy? where is the boy, i don’t know, sergeant , take him away, yeah, i came to free him, yes, of course
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, where is the boy, what boy, i don’t care who you work for, i don’t care who you wanted to blow up, where, boy, answer! you don't know who did it, who did it, don't know who did it, you don’t know, you don’t know, well , think about it, think about it, think about it, lech, guys, it looks like there’s an address where the boys are being kept, let’s go quickly,
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it’s closed. what’s really closed, really closed, that’s the thing, boss , you need a hangover, you’ll get over it, let’s get out of here, and what ninka doesn’t work, no ninka works, go ahead, and young masha doesn’t work, so young masha doesn’t work , let's get out of here already, i can't understand what's really closed, let's get out of here, it's closed. what was he up to? don't worry, lieutenant colonel, everything is under control, what he is doing, he knows best in place, chief, well , that’s the thing, you yourself understand everything, well, the pipes are burning, well, at least for 300 rubles. take out the bottle, didn’t you understand me or what, you’re the one from here, chezhek, haven’t you drunk some rams,
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we’re working, we’re working. we're working, we're working, we're working, let's go, it's clean, everything's fine , it's clean, you're fine, where 's dad, is it clean, dad, where's everything okay, alive, dad, alive, alive, martyah, alive, well , well, martyakha, how are you, the tooth hurts, the tooth, lord, what a tooth, well, because singing like candy bars, bars, what's going on, guys? why are you lying down, it’s time to eat, eat, at least
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it will be easier, why, speak clearly, otherwise nothing is clear, get up, breakfast. stars, i was assigned to guard the store, so i was on duty, i didn’t even go into the back room, honestly, it’s clear who put you to guard the store? well, what a blunder, what a blunder, what a blunder, what a blunder, don’t you know him, everyone calls him that, a blunder, but he pays
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well, 10 rubles a month, and anything else besides the fact that his name is lyapa , you know, well, yes, he has a silver jeep yes, he showed it to me, 300 horsepower, all-wheel drive, there’s even a turbodiesel, but it’s not a car, it’s a fairy tale, a dream, please sign here, here, here, yeah. here, yes, uh-huh, thank you, go, i 'm free, well, go, go, thank you, thank you very much, thank you, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, i'll never forget it. did you let him go? what was i supposed to do? delay for 48 hours? he said
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he didn’t know anything, do you want any extra? who owns the store? i will give a separate order to the criminal investigation department, they will find out but the boy didn’t know anything, boy, who are you calling a boy? security guard? why are you looking at me like that? what i can? that's it, don't measure everyone by yourself. and according to the law, according to my conscience, now i will be rude, turn on the head, olga vladimirovna, and don’t just shove buns into it. strictly speaking, several hours passed between sorokin’s visit and hospitalization, so stop it, everything is clear to everyone, but how
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did he get there in the first place, exactly how? nikita sergeevich, did you give sorokin access to the detainee? no, i didn’t, but if i could , i definitely thought so. in short, obvious 286, part three. alexander fedorovich, send someone to the hospital for a more precise diagnosis and initiate a case. don’t rush to arrest, give him a signature, he will behave well, he will receive 3 years probation, yes, we are so smart, we are sitting here in the office, only one sorokin, and you, nikita sergeevich, continue to investigate your case, load more district detectives, and then from the glavkovskys, i see, so far there is only harm, yes, if not for sorokin, it is unclear what would have happened to the child, now he is imprisoned for this, he knew what he was doing, goodwill, justice concept follow the criminal code subjectively, this is objective, if you extract testimony, crime will certainly decrease, but we have already gone through this, remind us which ones? there are special cases, it always seems that when you start to support the law with your fists, then you don’t have enough resources , then you don’t have time, or you’re just too lazy to use your brain, and then these special cases
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add up to a system, dinosaurs, dmitry petrovich, dmitry petrovich, exploded, you know, how many microbes are you
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bringing us, sorry. oh, so, oh, you would be a young man liver take care of it, it’s your own, not official, how much did you drink yesterday, a liter, one and a half, at your weight, half, a lot, and the nails are historical.
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remember, the thirty-second ticket, strangulation with a noose, with hands, i’ll strangle you myself now, calm down, lie down, don’t twitch, there will be no escape from custody, we’ll go the other way, don’t be afraid. all people are in the subject, the topic is paid for, you will soon leave here, look, it’s a dectaphone, and you thought i ’d bring you a nagant with a file, this thing will be stronger than the nagant, i feel it will come in handy, i’m cops i cut through two moves ahead, you would have been better able to cut through them when they flattened me, sorry,
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i wasn’t in the know yet. “lie quietly , smile, that is, you completely rule out an accident, absolutely, but your podkovirov has a closed cranial brain, a fracture of two ribs, a fracture of the nasal bone, severe hematomas, three teeth knocked out, such a bouquet will not work out with ordinary falling from the stairs, he was brutally deliberately mutilated, uh-huh, well, it depends on what kind of stairs, well, of course, i believe you, and you can guess what he was beaten with, hard with a blunt object, yeah, a hard blunt object, that is, uh, a fist or a foot,
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wearing a blunt-toed boot. what is this? in terms of? oh, it exploded. do you know how many microbes you brought here? well, excuse me, put it on. oh, can i talk to him? he is conscious, but his condition is still serious, i would ask you to hold off. he may have to have surgery. why wait, tell me, is the criminal known? perhaps he will be imprisoned, yes, if we prove his guilt, but you know, i would not imprison such people, in my opinion they should be given the same punishment, yes, yes, to sadists, murderers, rapists, the same thing that they did , the idea is not new, but for a doctor it is very unusual, and i am not only a doctor, i am also a father,
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my son was beaten in the subway last year, there are many witnesses, the scoundrels have not yet been caught, therefore, i cannot advocate that a humanist is a criminal, excuse me, goodness must be done with fists, yes, i understand you, but the fact is that the person who beat your patient was also sure that he was acting with good intentions, here is a certificate of bodily injury podkovyrova, you understand what this threatens you with, oh, wow, i thought he stronger, but what does the victim himself say? he doesn’t say anything, i haven’t interrogated him yet, i want to hear your version first, i wanted to fight, a fight and a beating are different things, this is in theory, podkov told you the exact place where he was holding the boy, probably since we found him there, really it is not clear that
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no one would... return the boy alive to us, sign that this is a refusal to testify... by bringing charges and choosing a preventive measure, it will be decided by the investigation later, a medical examination, i will inform to you, who will accompany you to the forensic medical examiner's office, write the question here while you are free. free, but what about siberia, i’m not afraid of siberia,
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siberia is also a russian land, hello, yuri ruvimovich, this is the yellow one, hello, with your prayers, no, i don’t need a defender, mine needs him. grave consequences, but i want to warn you right away, he has no money, thank you, yuri ruvinovich, goodbye, vdovin, this is zhelis, i need to talk to you about sorokin, you know sorokin well, that’s enough, he often gave up.
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did you interrogate the patient? no, not yet, but i doubt he will insist that he slipped on a banana peel. and the prison guards handed over sorokin with a bang, took him from the cell intact, returned him from the muzzle, heard a characteristic noise from the interrogation room, well, of course, now they are getting a bonus, but no, rather an article for negligence, it’s still unclear why sorokin lost his temper, sasha, you understand, soroka is the only one.
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lyosha, what, listen, maybe you need to fall in love, why? well, of course, an elderly woman will neglect you, but a young, beautiful one. go you, ah, lesh, i’m serious.
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you work together with sorokin, the answer is correct, what are you doing, that you came to talk to you, without protocol, about our sorrowful affairs, it turns out to me that your future greatly depends on our conversation. you get it, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, you’re a fool , don’t turn it on, you’ll soon go to jail anyway , don’t go to your grandmother, the evidence against you is devastating
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, you have two options, only two, okay, let’s go. but at least you understood me, and if you understand, then think about it. at your leisure, oh, how much you will have, and the most important thing is not how long to sit, but how? got it, got it, i hope.
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and we'll see later. eh, guys, let me tell you, stay here , it means he asked to bring, also, i forgot, my respects, hello, that you came to hear from a relative, almost a blood relative, yes, don’t worry too much, otherwise oh,
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after all they say the person in the cell slipped a lot, i think it’s better another time, you think, yes, well, okay, the next time, then the other time, everything’s fine.
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lucky is the one who is lucky, this man is accused of an attempt on the life of the criminal authority petukhov, the same one nicknamed chick, and that he actually attempted, he just found himself at the wrong time, in the wrong place, afraid of the roosters of his own shadow. so he imagines a killer on every corner, he asked hired cops to work, they overdid it, here is a disk, on it is a recording of a conversation in the hospital and more photographs, listen, look, i ’ll call you, tell me. why do you need this,
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are you fighting for a just cause? let's just say that many people in our country have found themselves in this man's shoes, so i'll call you. you're going to sit down soon anyway, that's no good go, but the kazuka is lethal against you, you have two options, only two, and don’t yell, you heard me, you heard me, okay, otherwise i look, rolled my eyes. “so, option
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one is the most unpleasant for you, you pull at the cop, the cop sits down, but at the same time everyone will know that it was you who issued yours, told us where you are keeping the boy, horseshoe, i promise you that all your crashes will be obligatory they'll find out about it, they'll take advantage of you every 5 minutes.
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i'm off the hook, he pinned me down, bitch, he says, bitch, he said so, bitch, i won't kill myself, you can’t say, what am i, i’m not in the business at all, bitch, well, he says, bitch, i understand, i understand, here he started to fool around, it’s scary in general , i thought everything was fine, there’s only one of us, so that... lose it faster , god helped me here, that’s all, i’ve already found my senses in the cell , we won’t leave it like this, i’ve already turned to the prosecutor general, so everything will be fine, yeah, yeah, that is, you didn’t
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tell sorokin anything about the boy’s whereabouts , because i could have told him, i don’t know anything, but maybe you about... you forgot now, why the address where the boy was, what is the address, i don’t know anything, uh -huh, nothing, nothing, we’ll still fight, nothing in the world can knock us out of the saddle, the major had this saying, this major probably didn’t serve in the police, but don’t pay attention. quote: konstantin simonov , glory, yes, my love, we didn’t get into such troubles, glory, yes, what elvira,
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the red one, i don’t give interviews, you’ll have to contact the press service, what, so it’s still unknown which of we need this meeting more. andrey, remember, in an hour, what does it mean to follow? someone has arrived, you at least they checked his documents, they checked , yes, yes, so it’s you , some kind of investigator, i mean, thank god, the vigilance came to check, it’s a complete mess here, i thought, it’s unknown who they let through,
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journalists or worse, fired from the vleksandrovich organ, i can give you a ride in the car, thank you, i’ll get there myself, what are you doing, it’s not customary here, where are you going, to the house, to the hut, to the house, no, why go home, not to work, yura, he will go to the investigative committee, well , they interrogated the undercover, interrogated him. insists that he did not inform soroka of the address, where was the boy kept, how is it? he’s lying, he didn’t say what that means, he wants
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to look like a hero in front of his friends, yur, stop buying cigarettes here. i don’t like this story , of course, sorokin saved my son, but , as they say, you can’t erase the words from the song, five years ago, when sorokin was still working in our aura, an attempt had already been made on tsypa, sorokin was involved in that story, but after why did all sorts of rumors spread that he... chick, well, let's say, we became friends, but why were you silent before? well, first of all, such rumors are circulating about every intelligent opera. and secondly, there are no facts, even indirect ones, maybe a million bucks were bought in sorokin’s garage, but
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he lives like those, you can’t live on a salary, you can’t live on a persian salary, you specially floated him to glavk, but not exactly, suggested looking for a place so as not to aggravate the... asylum, why moldovans, because i don’t have enough money to run to the canadian border,
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there’s simply none, well, how can we agree, but no way, in the morning in a verse, in the evening in the newspaper, russian waltergate, opera crushes a detainee to save a child, and a fearless journalist, opens the eyes of the public to what kind of child, a stranger? vdovin, i want to understand.
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in dovin, yes, in dovin, zhelvis says, hi, hi, you can talk, i'm a little, what do you have, yes, that's no, no, no, that's me now, yeah, listen, i need something, so that you can make some inquiries for me there in the gachen aura, that inquiries, inquiries, inquiries, yes, call me when you are free, okay, well... actually, everything, well, yes, about boltov’s son, i didn’t know, we wanted to display
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the banner, but didn't have time, sorry, but i i guess i’ll go somewhere, to the moldovans, to ask for political asylum in the department of paperwork, otherwise it doesn’t work out well , they’ll put me in jail, but the papers aren’t ready , you want to get a street prize, what kind of prize, and also a journalist, i’m just that i know about the award. you think how i know this, what kind of infection you are.
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in dolovin, bdovin, wait, i ’ll explain everything to you. well, there won’t be any article in the house, in your opinion i’m not a person, or what? well, there won’t be any article, you hear, there won’t be any, they know your friend, you can’t trust anyone.
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okay, let's move on to plan b.
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vdovin, how did you become an opera?
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how, how, yes, like everyone else, i ended up in a sobering-up station drunk. and then they ask, either you’re with us, or, since then i’ve been serving in dovin, turn on the tv, the news, and what ’s spoiling the mood in the morning, turn on my work in dovin, there’s a person in this hospital whose life is in danger , and it comes not from criminals, but from those people who are called upon to protect citizens from criminal lawlessness; these people in uniform create lawlessness themselves, despite the laws on the police. a few hours ago, outside the door of this chamber, a criminal investigation officer used threats to force a stranger to incriminate
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himself. a man whose only fault was that he found himself at the wrong time, in the wrong place. “there were no sufficient grounds, so you showed softness inappropriate for an investigator, i would say, blatantly, the case received a great public outcry, they even called us from the public chamber, this is simply outrageous, excuse me, what exactly, but at a time when everywhere there is
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an attack on corruption, employees criminal investigation departments continue to create lawlessness, it’s just..." unacceptable, there is no corruption component seen in sorokin’s actions, leave this populism, now the matter is under control, you know where, where? you understand, that means so, this, sorokin, yes, sorokin in camera, a second one, yes, for a subscription , and prepare a review certificate, i must report by the evening, i have already talked with the css, they will connect, if necessary, including providing... and the man said, i am russian, god cried along with with him, what are you going to embroider? we are sure that this investigator can be trusted, this is zhelvis, sorokin, you understand
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your rights, approximately, which means approximately, excuse me, but i am conducting the interrogation, so, sorokin, you understand your rights, it is clear, the fifty-first article of the constitution, i refuse to give testimony, sign, i would rather confess, but i don’t mind, confess. and here sorokin, so now this is a decree, and the detention, i am aware, i read, when trying to escape, i will use my service weapon, be careful, just don’t miss, you will see the detainee. oh-oh-oh, i forgot my jacket, my jacket, don’t shoot , don’t shoot, i have candy here for you, well done, keep it up, you see, the painfully
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literate went to the opera, first they wave their fists, and then the constitution, yes, it’s easier to imprison the illiterate . are you by any chance on his side? i’m an investigator, when you’re investigating a case, you can’t be on someone’s side, i’m just on the sidelines. in general, in relation to paz, the investigation chose a preventive measure in the form of a written undertaking not to leave, but i knew that justice would prevail, we ’ll see. sign here, yeah, yeah, i was i wish i could, get well soon, thank
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you, goodbye, your job is to follow instructions and not play amateur, i read somewhere that the investigator is a procedurally independent figure. how many years have you been in the police? i’m 25 , then all the more should we understand, in the sense , allow me, come in, comrade, senior investigator of the investigative department of the investigative committee at the prosecutor’s office, senior detective commissioner of the criminal police, major vdovin, on your orders , appeared, ready to cooperate with the investigation, sit down, thank you, we’ll sit down we'll always have time allow me to stand, now i will question you. as a witness, excuse me, i’m ready to testify manually, the investigators have chosen a preventive measure against you in the form of
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a written undertaking not to leave the place of proper behavior, right? or they could have quartered you right away, sign , i’m free, yes, but you have to appear on demand, i’m free, go, “what a bastard, he’s mocking us, he ’s just taking advantage of his rights, and you ’re telling him this, yes, excuse me, but what should i have done? it’s because of people like you that everyone laughs at us, face to face, but i won’t under the face, but interestingly, we succeed, yes alexander fevich, that is
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, we release the criminals, we imprison the person who saved the child, i am not going to discuss this topic, especially since we have already discussed it, and where in the world about my safe, but i don’t want to discuss this topic, especially since you put it there yourself, nikita sergeevich, oleg ivanovich is looking for you urgently, oh, give me, give me freedom, i... shame, i can atone , where is prince igor from, composer borodin, chemist, by the way, friend chemist mendeleev, and this one, who bought it, yes, yes, snacked on his table. nikita sergeevich, there is a version.
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do you think he will help us? semyonich, no problem, he has an interest-free loan for me at any time of the day. vasil semyonovich, receive guests, dear ones, people have pipes. they are burning, you understand, come on, come on, come on, come on, come here, come here, now, now, leftist, now, well, semyonich, well, what are you, semyonich, where did you go, or maybe the buildings are rummaging around, well, like going around, they came in vain, or what, no, no, no, no, no, we’ll find him, we’ll find him, let's go, little doctor, we'll find him, vasil
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semyonovich, take him. well, where are you, semyonich, where are you, come on, let’s go, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, well, if it’s yours, semyonich! there’s something lying there, your lie, semyonich , what’s wrong with him, can’t you see, the man burned out at work, we just didn’t have enough blind man today, we need to get out, be quiet, as you know, but for me semyonich, like a family member, you need to call where you should.
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a charred corpse was found at a construction site, wow, who found it? yes, the local honoraries came to the watchman in the morning, saw the corpse, and thought that this is a watchman, so maybe this is a watchman, a watchman, he was cordoned off at home and returned only when ours arrived later if i accept your statement about this. what's the point, we'll start the search only in 3 days, and you'll accept it, and then it will be obvious, okay, okay , okay, that's it, calm down, what's the matter, ivan mikhailovich, the woman's husband didn't spend the night at home, she wants a statement submit, listen, you’re the boss, that’s right, colonel mazarov, you have a wife, of course, if your wife hadn’t come home to spend the night , she wouldn’t have answered the phone then, what would you did, firstly, this would never have happened to my wife, and secondly, i started looking.


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