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tv   UGRO-5  NTV  February 3, 2024 4:50am-6:21am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] a charred corpse was found at a construction site, wow, who found it? yes , the local khonuriki came to the watchman in the morning , uh-huh, they saw the body, they thought it was a watchman, so maybe this watchman is a watchman, he was cordoning off at home and returned only when our people had already arrived... even if i accept your statement , this makes no sense, we will start the search only in 3 days, and you will accept it, and then it will be visible, well, well, well, that’s it, calm down, what’s the matter, ivan mikhailovich, the woman’s husband didn’t spend the night at home , she wants to submit an application, listen, you’re the boss, that’s right , colonel mazarov, you have a wife, of course, if your wife hadn’t come home to spend the night , she wouldn’t have answered the phone, what would you have done, firstly, this would never have happened to my wife , secondly, should take
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that here are the people who? so i’m looking, he didn’t come to spend the night , he didn’t come to work today, people are waiting for him, there are important negotiations, but he doesn’t answer calls, ivan mikhailovich, i explained, excuse me, citizen, but maybe your husband is that one how is she doing with this matter, are you crazy, i haven’t drunk styopa since i was born, so wait, excuse me, what is your name and patronymic, vera igorevna, vera igorevna, we will definitely take measures, our best employees will look for your husband, here are pronin and alekseev. but what about construction? i went with ignatov, why are you standing there, let’s go , thank you very much, thank you very much , i’m very worried, something happened to him, but don’t worry so much, vera igorevna, well , we’ll find your husband, nothing’s wrong with him it will happen, oh, everything is great, guys, so
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good. vomchik, i wanted to ask about my mother, how is your health, everything is fine, thank you, and how are you? oh, according to his age, thank god, my grandson will soon go to school, oh well, yes, you didn’t get married, but somewhere, you’re still looking for a princess, but what, you ’ll find yourself, and then you’ll die a little woman, we had such a case, girl, and why are you so inflated, you’ll burst, everything’s fine, drink a kvozka, you’ll disperse. nothing, nothing, aunt galya, don’t, i won’t, you’ll dispel the melancholy, you definitely won’t, okay, let’s have one more, come on, come on, don’t want it, but no, no, not up to that, no, oh, so , means, your husband didn’t show up for work yesterday and missed some very important negotiations, a technical break, this has happened before, what do you mean, no, for steppe, work is sacred, that’s why i was worried, you understand, he himself raised everything from scratch , uh-huh, first
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i opened one store, then a second, okay, and then here’s my own confectionery shop, vira igorevna , tell me, your husband has friends, well, with whom he could stay overnight, well, of course, yes, but only he warned if only something happened there, you understand, i feel, listen, my husband didn’t spend the night at home, yes pokaberina, but he didn’t get himself some young woman, i know,
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he was in our house here, quietly, you didn’t share it, with whom didn’t you share it? i don’t know, i don’t know, he doesn’t like it when i interfere in his affairs, but there was something, that’s for sure , that’s something, so now we’ll go to your husband’s office and talk with the employees , yes, let's go, maybe something will become clearer, but for now you go home, as soon as something becomes clearer, senior lieutenant pronin will immediately tell you everything, yes, he will tell you, but for now we need to work. yes, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, really , oh, poor woman, what can i do, i already, i don't know what the hell, yes, what happened next, but i have no idea, the suppliers came, they waited, they waited , then they left, uh-huh, tell me, your boss used to miss work, no, it seems, but you’ve been working here for a long time, about a year
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and a half, but what, did osnetsov have any conflicts? well, just a little thing, we have small production, a confectionery, little money, problems too, if i worked for an oil tycoon, vasnetsov’s wife said that someone threatened him, but i’ll tell you... here every collective farmer threatens him, who do you mean marin, well, farmers, our company buys milk from them, yeah, well, someone is always dissatisfied, someone is always unable to come to an agreement with stepan, with whom, with stepan alekseevich vosnetsov, and what about these farmers, huh? either they weren’t given any money , or they weren’t given enough money, uh-huh, someone is always demanding something, nothing serious, they argue against each other, then they come to an agreement, marina, tell me , does your boss have a mistress, of course
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he does, who? this, this is me, what time was the body found, eight or seven, we... especially we don’t keep track of time, but how did you end up here in the first place, we came to semyonich on business, we looked, and he was lying there burned out, so this is not a watchman, by the way, but where is he, he was here, and so he has something... something happened to his heart, he went home to get some vlidol, we are taking the rap for him here, and not only did he ignore his official duties, but there was also an unidentified corpse at the site, foreman silivanov. ivan mikhailovich, brigadier. i got a call one day and i came here right away. okay, where can we talk to you? let's go to trailer, i'll tell you everything there.
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let's drink some chika. what were you doing here? that's it. so we are. we've been relaxing culturally since the evening , we have witnesses, there's a whole house, svetka, svetka since 12, so she even threatened to call you, yeah, tell me, we had a normal rest , we came here for money, oh, that's right, okay,
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let's check, yeah, let's go , and there, wait, and here, if any news appears, we will call you right away , no need to see you off, by the way, i myself am vera igorevna, and you know your husband’s secretary, marinka, or something , well of course, so what you’re thinking about her, but hello, clearly , hello, hello, someone has already told you something, yes, supposedly she’s my styopa’s mistress, yes, they’re all gossips there, they’d only like to say nasty things about people, the fact is that marina told us about this herself, she herself, she sleeps and sees how to tie up my steppe, so she comes up with everything
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to embroil us, but she lies all the time, and you, instead of listening to this nonsense, would work better, yes this is exactly what we are doing. we’re trying to find out where her husband is, sorry, i didn’t have time to have breakfast, traxel, they’re calling, there’s a body at a construction site, well, you know , it’s hard to swallow, you told your workers, yes, yes, yes, yes, everyone will come soon, how can i tell your boss, and this is with kucherenko, and you didn't they call him? called, unavailable, but clearly, this doesn’t happen , he drinks somewhere all night, and then the phone cuts off and goes to sleep until lunch, i need
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to call home, i’m here now, hello, alla petrovna, good morning, they’re calling you from the construction site, from polar street, we have an emergency here, can i have your spouse? asking, goodbye, strange, there is no guard at home. all night it was, yes, okay, show up, but what do you have at the construction site? often do strangers come? no, no, what to do here? well, homeless people climb in , it happens, of course, so maybe this dead man was one of their own, it’s unlikely, they killed the homeless person, threw him into a construction site, then
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they burned the corpse, one wonders why? well , yes, yes, well, the face and hands are absolutely burned, i think that identifying the corpse will be extremely difficult, well, something can be said, you can, the corpse belongs to a man of heavy build, of average height, i think that he was quite wealthy man, why are you like this you think, well, because you see, the upper part of the body is very burnt, but the lower part of the sole is partially preserved. and it’s clear that these were quite expensive shoes, how expensive? italian, berlucini, costs 500 rubles. how do you know? i saw natyuchy in the store, since when have you been interested in men's shoes? well, i just noticed, take it, come here, i ask the workers, but how do i know who? this
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dead man, maybe he wandered in by accident, but there were conflicts on the site with management, with competitors, no, no, what are you saying, no, well, of course, it happens, it happens, but so that he would sing after me before committing murder, i immediately told him, why the hell do i need you, katya, and what’s wrong, he ’s mad, he’ll get drunk and straight away get into a fight, and what , he often fights, every single day, not with one but with another that you’re delusional, but who got into a fight with kucherenko yesterday? i personally don’t get involved in these squabbles, although sometimes i want to, i don’t have any strength, it turns out that the owner of the construction site , kucharenko, doesn’t pay you wages, why didn’t he pay, he paid, only every month he takes half back, calculates, fines, for what, you ask him, then the building didn’t pass the deadline, then he’s working... finished an hour earlier, he’ll find out why, oh, your eyes
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are lying, you didn’t grab kuchurenko by the chest in front of me yesterday and threatened to unscrew his head, well and what, he threatened, but i didn’t do anything, and then you yourself know, i’m at it, he himself is to blame, it’s true, our boss is a hundred bastards, so quietly, in addition to the fight with the boss, the strict kucharenko there were also conflicts, yes, i didn’t fight, there were, there were conflicts,
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someone got into the habit of stealing my mittens, hello, svetozar petrovich, you remember me, of course, vera igorevna, hello, but i think you didn’t make an appointment for today, i didn’t make an appointment, but i need it urgently, i’m in grief, okay. go ahead, what happened, my ritual didn’t help, but i don’t know, exactly, my husband disappeared, if. assume that the corpse is kucharenko, then the killer is plasterer
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fyodor saiko. motivate, firstly, they had a quarrel the day before, secondly, everyone assures that fedya is a very hot guy, that he first hits and then thinks, thirdly, he has the skin on the knuckles of his right hand was torn off, which means that he was in a fight, that’s who he doesn’t talk to, that’s how it is, the neighbors confirm that he came in the morning and was very agitated, that’s it. but we still have to wait for the results of the examination. ivan mikhailovich, maybe yes, come in, come in, guys, what's new with you? have you calmed this woman down? yes, of course, calm her down, she followed us. it occurred to yourself that he had already been killed and kidnapped, but do you have a different version, or what? well, it looks like this vosnetsov is still a walker, everything about it is great they know, only his wife is sure that her husband is about the family man, oh, yes, she knows, she just doesn’t want to wash dirty linen in public, but of course, in short, nine out of ten, that now this mr. carriers is lying next to some beautiful young lady, you need to wait the required 3
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days, if he doesn’t show up, then yes, but what worries me is that here we have one more missing family man, the construction manager kucharenko, presumably he is, killed, and kucharenko and vosnetsov did not spend the night at home, and now they don't answer calls, both of them wealthy middle-aged men, about kuchurenok there is a version that it was his corpse that was found at a construction site, guys, but what if something similar happened to snetsov, then we need to check what the connection is between them. but i think this is superfluous, kocharenko slammed the plasterer, what does vosnetsov have to do with it, maybe it’s superfluous, volodya, yes, you still check what it means, he disappeared when he didn’t come
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home last night, and today he’s also nowhere to be found, it’s me i know, i know, there’s only one day to show up, that’s what they told me, the police too, you know, they’re still hinted? that maybe another woman has him, and you don’t believe it, no, well, of course not, because you performed the ceremony, yes, on the contrary, he should have returned home, yes, you’re right, well, here’s svetozar petrovich, please help me , “i’m happy to, but searching for people is not my specialty, i understand, tell me, at least he’s alive or, the corpse belongs to a middle-aged man of heavy build,
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height meter 78, cause of death - head injury, parched temporal bone, but judging by everything, he was beaten, there are also marks on his hands some. fractures, i think that the deceased covered his head with his hands, this is what happens, first they broke his head, doused him with gasoline and burned him, well, it turns out that this way , tell me, it is possible to restore the identity of the murdered man, i made impressions of the teeth, we need to send requests to dental clinics, oh , we’ll check for a year, yes, kucherenok also had a broken leg in his youth, our deceased also has an old fracture, but did you ask about his boots? yes, i asked, berlucini’s boots, these are the kind of boots anyone can have can afford such shoes. so what do we have? the burnt dead man, in terms of height, age
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and complexion, fits the description of the construction manager, kocharenko. we need to get this fedya. fine. ignatov alekseev, to the construction site. and i, and you, volodya, look for voznetsov, go, work , that’s what it is, this is so that you can feel the energy better, they told me i need personal things, here, and this, this is his t-shirt, i haven’t washed it yet. vera igorevna, but i’m not a service dog, why do i need personal belongings with the smell of the missing person? sorry, well i thought i was told that, well, you know, there are so many charlatans in our business, they
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will tell you this in order to mislead you, i beg you, so what? well, everything is fine, your husband is alive, god, my god, thank you, my god, where is he, i’m not a wizard, why did he disappear, maybe he was kidnapped, judging by... he’s in a difficult situation now, it’s okay , he just has some problems, problems? don't worry,
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everything will be fine, calm down, go home and wait for your husband. thank you very much, svyatosar petrovich, thank you, 2 o’clock, the authorities are still not there, they’ll show up, where will they go, yeah, will show up, unless they found him today, come on, kosyanu, why did you see the corpse? no, yes, leave me alone, oh, when i arrived, they were already loading it, oh, i can imagine, they were all burned, good afternoon, bon appetit, hello , you can, of course, but we are here, having lunch, and you sit down too, he cooks delicious food for us here, try what god sent you with, andryukh, you’re
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fine, let’s go get it, you bastard. wait, i'm going to shoot, i get up, damn, everything 's fine, otherwise i caught the criminal? criminal, i think he broke his leg, it’s okay,
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let’s see, andryukha, you’re bleeding, yes, that’s nonsense, you’ll also answer me for the shovel, what a bastard, if only a little more in weight, by the way, kucherenko ’s head was also broken, but i didn’t touch that goat, let ’s go, i turned off the phone, you know, i myself sometimes dream of doing this, you know , you’ll get so worked up in a day that i already understood everything, where you ’re going with this, of course, it’s more profitable for you to say that
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styopa just went on a spree and do nothing else at all, what are you saying, that’s it, okay, i understand, goodbye , thank you, may i say goodbye, hands here, come on, delivered, yes, well, okay, what is this? “not only are they not looking for my husband, for some reason they are also insulting us, we
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’ll figure it out now, okay, but you’ll have to interrogate him yourself, let’s go there with volodya, yeah, i ask you to come to my office, thank you, here, yes, well, comrade, colonel, and at first i thought that you were not like that. what do you mean? i just thought that okay, what can i say, the main thing for you is to push the matter aside, that’s what you should help people , no one remembers this, vera igor, well, wait, why do it right away, but no, i have only one hope, svetozar petrovich, who is this, but not one of yours, you don’t have anyone like him, svetozar petrovich, volodin, master of black and white magic, i wonder what he is? so he helped me bring my husband back to the family, he will find my styopa, well, tell me what it is,
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our competitor is not yours, he is not your competitor, he is from moscow, but... he will only stay in trigorsk for a month, so how did he help you? what is this to you? really interesting, right? yes, but what’s wrong with me, why was i detained, comrades? for suspicion of murder, resistance, assault, infliction of grievous bodily harm damage. things are bad for you, fedya. i didn't kill anyone. andryusha, leave him alone, and let pronin and alekseev take care of him. you need to provide first aid. well, let's go. ok ok. but you can’t turn me away like that, i understand, we’ll meet again and we’ll talk, wow, fedya, wow, you’ve pissed off comrade major in earnest, but i didn’t even do it on purpose, styopa and i have been married for 25 years , well, she knew, of course, she knew that
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he had someone on his side, a segretar, well, yes, marinka. i was very worried that i might not divorce, however, we’ve been together for so many years , then, where will i go, i don’t have a profession, what did you decide, you know, one of my friends helped me, she had the same problem, she found out that she was coming to trigorsk this tmak, volodin, yes, you see, he is an expert in this. i don’t know what he’s doing there, but after the first session, husbands immediately return to the family, it can’t be, i didn’t believe it either, but my friend went to see him , what do you think, that evening her husband came home early and gave her bouquet of flowers in he called the restaurant, don’t say anything, yeah, of course, but now he’s the one
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who goes to the dacha together, on vacation, and goes together every time. his mistress, she worked for him, he fired him right away, imagine, miracles, well , the main thing is, this is not the only case, they say a hundred percent guarantee, well, in general, i went too, and what helped, i don’t know, just at that the evening when svetozar petrovich conducted his session with warmth and did not come home, but you still... are sure that volodin will return your husband to your family, so of course, he said so, vera igorevna, your spouse will not cheat on you again, well , it would be good to ask your spouse about this, svetozar petrovich also said that he is alive, this is from his photograph, oh my god, what is it,
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oh my god, oh my god , maybe that’s how it all happened? that evening, when svetozar petrovich held his session, styopa realized that he needed to return to his family, he probably told his secretary, yes, his mistress marinka, about this, then maybe he even decided to fire her, she was jealous , did something, vera igorevna, wait, calm down, calm down, what can a secretary do to your husband, god, i don’t know, okay, calm down. let's do this, give me the address of this magician of yours, yes, you know, guys, well, there's something else here, that's what i understand, well done, tamara nikolaevna, the bandage is so bandaged, i tried, yeah, now i look like some kind of war hero well , i can’t do this anymore, my skin is torn off there, she
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wrapped it up so, it’s not like that, but the fact that this volodin is a good psychologist, i have no doubt about it, you should have seen with what aspiration she spoke about him, thoroughly brainwashed. it can’t do this, but what is required of me? ask him about osnetsova and her husband, but it’s clear that she was more open with him than with us, maybe something interesting and you’ll find out why all this is necessary, some kind of stupidity, well andrey, stupidity, not stupidity , and the person has disappeared, yes, you need
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to collect information, go and work. good afternoon, hello, how can i help you, what makes you think that you can help me, maybe i can help you with something, but you’re from poly. and the police come for this to ask something, so how can i help? come in, won't you invite me? oh, sorry,
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please come in. yes, it’s a little dark here , are you creating a mystical atmosphere? no, of course, my eyes just hurt from the bright light. please, how did you guess that i was a policeman? there is no mysticism, i just saw how they came out through the courtyard, you have a military bearing , so maybe i am a military man, and you pressed your left hand to your body even more tightly than your right, and what does this mean, under your arm, damn, and you to me like you, would you like to work for us, no, no, i i don’t agree, i don’t like to follow
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other people’s orders, you want it, no, thank you, i’m in the service, well, what do i owe you, and you yourself can’t guess how you do it, or you throw your cards away, freak, that’s it, that’s enough, remember where you were last night, and why should i
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remember, i remember you very well, i plow, one might say, by the sweat of my brow i earn our bread, i haven’t sent my mother money for 2 months, they also call me my son, well, i’m already saving on my stomach, you see, he’s swimming in chocolate, and i’m in this, listen, you’re in chocolate, what’s your question? didn’t i understand, they ask you where you were in the evening? i understand, well, now i’ll say, uh , you know, i met one madam , uh, or mademoiselle, but no, madam, madam, she says, you, fedya, says, no flowers to me, just don’t come close, you know , uh, flowers, champagne, sweets, snacks, well , i have to do something, what should i do, and they ask you, did you kill kucharenko, why? i
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didn’t kill him, what are you saying, why should i kill him, although of course in history, vera igorevna came to me today, she said, that... that she contacted the police, so i thought that you came about this matter, i was mistaken, no, you were not mistaken, what can you tell me about the vosnetsov family, uh, i didn’t know vera igorevna’s husband, but how you then performed a ritual based on photography, you understand, when you are dealing with the subtle world, “it is not necessary to see the physical body, it is enough for me to know that vosnetsov exists, to see his photograph, this is quite enough to influence his
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energy field, and how showed, yes, but unfortunately, he disappeared, and vera igorevna did not can appreciate my work, by the way, but what can you say about the driver herself?" " she is very attached to her husband, at the same time she hates him. on her first visit, she didn’t even hide her hatred of her husband and... his mistress, and then, when i promised to improve her family life, she noticeably calmed down, do you think, she herself could have harmed her husband, it’s impossible, she’s one of that breed of women , for whom family is everything, to harm vosnetsov is to harm the family. why did you
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hit ignatov with a shovel? he looked at me somehow, you know, it’s suspicious, somehow, well, i thought, that’s it, fedya, i need to merge, i got upset, excuse me, but at the same time you ’ve already ruined your resistance to the organ , but i didn’t resist to your organs, that’s it. what is this, what is it? was it he who tore off the face of the deceased kucharenko? you know everything about everyone, you understand everything, but you are in vain being ironic, i know something about you, so what ? most likely you are a major? well, this is understandable based on age, there is no wife, the main passion is work, eight out of ten of us are like that. four years ago
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you had a fracture of the collarbone, i feel bad vibrations in the area of ​​your shoulder, which means that your collarbone was broken in a fight, it was done by a person who hates you, there was a mistake, mr. wizard, i didn’t break any collarbone, i have everything for during... the service there was not a single injury, with the exception of this one, today i was scratched, you know better, by the way, about vosnetsov, in my opinion, he is no longer alive, but where did you get this from? vera igorevna brought me his photograph, i felt it, but
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of course i didn’t tell her anything, but why? maybe maybe you can show us where the body is? you can't tell from a photograph. well, of course, i thought so, but you can determine the fracture from the photograph. can. i didn't have any fracture. as you wish, goodbye, you won't be too bad. oh, andryuk, great! great, what are you
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doing here? yes, just one thing. lyosh, do you know that in your house a sorcerer is renting an apartment as an office. of course, what is it? and what do you tell me? well, what can i say, the man arrived for 3 weeks, as if from moscow, lives here calmly, little by little he does magic. well, no crime, what is it? there’s no crime, it’s a scam, oh, it’s just a scam, well, it’s a scam, but people fall for it in droves, especially women. hmm, maybe it helps, it helps, yes, but you yourself believe in this bullshit, i don’t, but the client is always right, as i say, there are queues for him, maybe he really knows how to do something like that, but
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oh well, be it oh, what did you want? " i’m asking again where you were at night, just don’t say that you slept all night, because your dorm neighbors saw you i came in the morning, and very, very tired , where i was tired, i burned the corpse, no, what are you saying, i didn’t burn anything, and the neighbors, the neighbors, you know, they are still those beetles, and a dishonest worker. with pleasure and say they were watching, right? listen, follow me, you will at least tell us something relevant today , or you will be like this, so we’ll have to play around all day! “i didn’t kill anyone , i’m clinging to a shovel, i won’t do it again, oh
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, you know a lot about me, of course, but why are you so disheveled, you know that my collarbone is broken, what are you talking about, from the doctor - that"? was not now, a long time ago, when i was still working in st. petersburg, i told you about this, no, but what happened, andrey, yes, nothing. he doesn’t know anything about the murder, he apologized for the shovel, he said he won’t do it again, it’s clear
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, hello, soprykin, great, ignatov, which one, which one, the same one, how are you, well, good. listen, remember, 4 years ago we caught a serf at the vasilyevsky fishing camp, well, which broke my collarbone, yes, no one called you about this, didn’t ask, yeah, and volodin svetozar petrovich, you don’t happen to know, yes no, no , i'm fine, yes, say hi to the guys, and you’ll be fine too. you don’t know, which one? how does volodyan know? hello, hello, hello, vera , verochka, styopa, styopochka, it’s you, yes, styopa,
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of course, and me, who else, styopa, like you, vera, listen to me carefully and don’t interrupt, my kidnappers, don’t worry , i’m fine, collect all the money you have, if it’s not enough, forget it, understand? i understand, styopa, how are you feeling? i realized that, as long as it took,
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there was such a bandit in st. petersburg, sergei pantyukhin. maybe he really felt, well, you you know that every person has his own energy, why don’t you want to admit that he could feel this energy, but that’s all nonsense, someone told him, who? first of all, uh, you don't have any mutual friends. secondly, you yourself say that no one knew about this fracture, almost no one, okay, let’s say he could make inquiries about you, call st. petersburg,
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although why would he need that, listen, how could he know that you today you will come to him, mazurov sent you to him completely by accident, wait, god bless him with this collarbone. "you you see, volodin said that the missing voznetsov was dead, he recognized this from a photograph , this is what, or maybe it’s true, hello, nikolaevich, this is fortune, listen, it seems like the victims are passing through, yes, yeah, the neighbors saw how she..." came in, the door is open, the light is on, well, yes, they called me, but i'm already at the apartment, you send me an outfit just in case, you never know
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what she has, well, let's wait. citizen , citizen, wake up, wake up, thank god, alive, styoka, no, i’m lyosha, dear radio listeners, on the air news, all the best
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important, interesting. there or something else is looking for him, but the child ran away, it turns out, we’ll be filming, the whole piece is already, here are the laces, but you already need to howl, and not pour it into your eyes, so now you’re dying of thirst, what yes , yes, wait, i sent a request to the telephone exchange, let's try to find out where the call was made, ivan mikhailovich, i don’t understand, vosnetsova is sure that she was talking with her husband, and what confuses you, but yesterday one wizard assured that vosnetsov is dead, and he is talking on the phone with his wife, but you
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’ll report to me about the visit to volodin later, now, volodya, let’s see, what’s with the corpse at the construction site, nothing, ivan mikhailovich, this psycho is stubborn and keeps repeating the same thing, i didn’t kill kucharenko, i didn’t kill kuchurenko that’s it, what did he do on the night of the murder, he doesn’t say anything, he’ll sit in the cell, he’ll crack, okay, work, yeah. oh, the answer came from the telephone exchange. take off your apron, otherwise ivan mikhalchim will come to you. what's there? who called? from a payphone, the address is 12 aviators. there are 12 aviators, which is familiar. i 'll go and look on the map to see what's around it. the payphone is located. do you think you can identify the kidnapper? internal affairs directorate, melentevo duty officer, a response to our request came from
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the telephone exchange, it’s strange that the kidnappers, you called from a payphone, but what ’s strange here, it’s smarter than calling from your apartment or from your mobile phone, that’s how it is, but it turns out . that they dragged the kidnapped vosnetsov to a payphone, yes, mazurov, well, okay, bring him here, the detained plasterer, he’s asking for questioning, i told you,
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he’ll spend the night in a cell, he’ll tell you everything himself, who might live there, well, not in the payphone itself, somewhere nearby, i have no idea, we had such a case, one woman kicked her man out onto the street, there was nowhere to go, so he took up residence in a telephone booth, are you talking about a chubrushka, let’s go already, he dragged a chubrashka, completely your brains have already melted, what can you say, citizen, the same as yesterday? he didn’t kill kucharenka with a shovel, he didn’t rush
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at me, i already apologized to you, comrade major, you threatened him, and everyone threatened him, he ’s already got everyone with his fines. i agree, but everyone else has an alibi for the time of the murder, except you. yes, in short, i had one thing, i had one business, but this is not a reason for me to go straight to jail, take fashion, just like that, straight into the monkey house right away, but i, one might say, just began to improve my personal life. life you say, well, yes, am i an asshole or something, great , i would love to believe you, but something doesn’t add up, that you resisted arrest, attacked our employee, and this is a direct conflict with the law, and that all this because of women's honor? i mean, i don’t believe you
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fedya and no one will believe you if you there's nothing more to say to me, go back to your cell. i'm too busy without you , wait, comrade colonel, i'll tell you , well, i'll tell you everything, but i felt it, i said it right away, you didn't believe it, vera igorevna, you 'll calm down, uh-huh, they said styopa to another woman, here she is you, another woman. i said, here he is, well, excuse me, vira igorevna , pull yourself together, now you need to think about how to save your husband, catch visitors, we will take criminals when handing over the ransom, we need to prepare a doll,
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yeah, what kind of doll, imitation money, and how counterfeit money? no, what are you, what are you, what if you didn’t catch it? criminals , that they will understand that i deceived , and what will happen to styopa, well, how can we not catch it, well, somehow, i don’t know, you always catch everyone, no, you have failures, well, no, no, i ’ll raise real money, okay, you’ll find the required amount, probably, well, what do you mean, probably, but i’ve always been involved in business? styopa, i don’t really know, i, but i ’ll collect them, i, i’ll borrow them, here, i’ll borrow them, well, okay, vera igorevna, your phone is tapped, criminals are sure to they will call, talk to them calmly
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, confidently, uh-huh, yes, what is the address of your husband’s office, aviators 13. and what about when kucharenko didn’t pay us the day before yesterday, i think i’ll hit him and well, in general, the guys didn’t give, unfortunately, any offense i probably would have kept it hidden , maybe that’s not the right word, but 2 days ago some men came up to me and asked me to sell them something from a construction site, and what kind of men, how do i know, they’re some kind of buggers, they’ll steal here, there businessmen will sell, in short, well, okay , what are you doing? did you exchange phone numbers? i promised to think about it, when kucherenko didn’t pay us, my money, he squeezed it, i called her , decided to take revenge on him, yeah, i decided to help my friends steal building materials, well , like, what next, what next, they arrived in
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the night, i opened it for them, well, he sold it, small things, a few things, but what exactly - bricks, tiles, and took the money for himself? well, of course, what should i give to kucharenko, or what? so you stole at night? yes, well, well, that’s why i came to the dorm late, that’s why i ran away from your guys, i thought they were coming to take me. where did he skin his hand? hand, yes when i was loading the tiles, it was dark, so what did i peel off on? so the concrete wall in the first building, understandable, understandable, the version is convincing, yeah, but difficult to prove, why? but it’s unlikely that your friends will want to confirm that crows bought building materials from you? yes, yes, especially since they
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have probably already moved all these materials, but what to do, comrade colonel, but it turns out that i realized purely from the heart. crime, and now i myself have to prove to you that i did not collect, well, where is the justice, and saiko, that you are not now you should worry about justice , that you won’t be accused of murder, but for... get ready, you have to go to the construction site again, well, that’s where they called, that is, you think that one of
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vosnetsov’s employees did it, well, of course, they jumped out for a minute , called vosnetsova, demanded a ransom, back, well, let’s say, and how did the kidnapped vosentsov end up here, that they brought him here with his wife to talk, this is volodya, a good question, but i find it difficult to answer it, in any case case, talk to employees will come. 8 pm, yeah, but i don’t remember, marinochka, i’ll have to remember, you know, it’s very important for us to know what you were doing yesterday at this time, but did you find out something about the boss? not yet, but we are checking all the employees of your company, so tense up, please remember what you were doing yesterday at 8:00 pm, eh? so the main book delayed me, how did i forget? well, why did she detain you? because the bastard, while the boss is away, she feels like the boss here, yeah,
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she made me retype some documents, i sat here until half ninth, who can confirm this? everything, but he not only forced me to work all night here, it’s the end of the block, there’s no boss, the documents have been completed by the coek, the suppliers are making a fuss. yes, by the way, suppliers, wait, how did i forget, there were 50 boxes of tiles, you ask anyone, now there are 30, you said yesterday that 10, 10, 20, what’s the difference, colonel, but money means , drank, when you took me the next day, the money is at home, and we’ll check this, please check, i have nothing to hide, my conscience is clear, are you serious, or something, right... dude, yes, you your conscience committed the theft, but it’s as if i stole from orphans, i stole from kucherenok, here on the left, i stole from kucherenok, but he won’t become poor, just comrade colonel, so maybe i did a good deed, i was standing up for myself for
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my comrades , he was constantly robbing us , so you are robin hood, that noble robber, but you are laughing in vain, comrade colonel, i am not for profit, for justice, but the money that you rescued from the café, you did not give to your robbed comrades, you took everything for yourself, and i have the right, i took a risk, okay, show me where you wounded your hand, well, now i’ll show you, robinhood, you’ll say the same, well, who is he? felka, of course, who else? are you kind of worried that he sold the owner’s property? no, but he's still a bastard. “i warned you, if you take him into the brigade, then you won’t end up with any trouble, well, what’s up, they
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walk around in the first building, fedya shows them something, they say that fedya shows evidence, what evidence, well, that he’s
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a kucharenka didn’t kill, don’t you think he’s lying?” i don’t understand, where is everyone? did you have a day off? well, people, leave it for half a day. you can’t, you understand me, i’ll go and listen some more, it’s not much of an eyesore there. why? watch out, otherwise they will write you down as accused too. oh, yes, a peck on your tongue, but why? do you remember how you yourself told me, if it were up to you, you would strangle this kucherenko with your own hands. do you remember? yes, no, well, that’s just me in the heat of the moment. first in the heat of the moment, and then she planned the murder. yes, your handwriting. what kind of
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handwriting? and the handwriting of murder. in general, i have long noticed your passion for arson, what are you talking about, for sure, last week you set fire to a boiler, set it on fire, set it on fire, i set my hair on fire the day before yesterday, listen, so you’re a pyromaniac, and she came up to the coachwoman, these idiots, do you even think that you ’re talking, well, we think, well, who else has fedka’s alibi. it means you have no one else, fuck you, well, finally, at least someone has appeared, it’s not too early for lunch, there are no bosses, and they decided not to work at all, where is the foreman, mommy, i’m the foreman,
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i’m asking you what drunk what? here is comrade colonel, i took the box, turned sharply, well, the char hit here, look, well, yes, there are traces here blood, what did i say, i have nothing to hide, i’ll take it for examination, but this is my blood, you don’t even doubt it, oh my god, what happened? well, there's this one! oh my god! oh! well, i told you, it can’t be, what joy, what joy? selevanov, what's going on here? so we thought that whoever new would come would give his instructions, so we waited,
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so dmitry olegovich, if only we knew. i don’t understand, are you guys all getting drunk here, or what? oh, we showed up, what happened, why aren’t we working? saiko, again you will say that i did he fine you for nothing? yes, but in general, you are strangers at the site, what is going on here anyway? are you under arrest or what? oh my god, what happened? well, who is this? well, he, he, my god, well, he, wait, wait, who is it? well, our boss, this kucharenko , well, a dead man, who, oh my god, remember, i told you yesterday that the boss has constant conflicts with suppliers, yeah, smartly, of course, but you said so, work issues, nothing serious , yes, but depending on who you run into, you know, there is one fisherman here, he
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sells us milk, so what? fishermen, well i i don’t know for sure, but the boss, in my opinion , didn’t pay him, and he came here several times and threatened him, why are you just talking about this now, well, because i remembered that i saw him yesterday near the office, around 8, he stood on the other side, over there, uh-huh, so what did he want to do, enter the office, no, he was just standing near the payphone. no, well, what are you saying, no one killed me, much less set me on fire, we see that, that’s where you were for two days, excuse me, i need to call my wife, she’s worried, poor thing, really,
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hello, allochka, allochka, it’s me, no, but everything is fine, yes, i’m alive, alive, i got into such a mess, you won’t believe it, no, what are you saying, alla , there were no women with us, no, alla, yes i swear to you whatever you want, i was alone, alla, what are you, alla, i looked out of the window yesterday, i looked, and he was standing near our office on the other side, at first... i didn’t pay attention to it, after a while i looked at the time, he was standing again, turned around, looked at our window and left. and he was alone, your boss wasn’t next to him? no, well, well about boss, i would immediately tell you, thank you, marinochka, you helped us a lot, but what does this fisherman look like, well, such a simple collective farmer,
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in general, you have the address of this collective farmer, and the address is there, and the account number, we have everything if you have an agreement with them, that’s great, but you still have to, you need to come with us to the department to draw it up in detail. i just need to testify, yes, that’s it, i
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love you, 5 minutes, hello, hello, kolya, kolya, it’s me, well, me, me, who ? alive, alive, that's it, listen, here, that means the first thing, call my wife now and tell me that lenka was on a business trip for these 2 days, okay , i understand, that’s it, second, buy some kind of ring, or some earrings, only more expensive, what lenka, for my wife, right? and i’ll come in an hour , pick it up, here, i’m listening, call this lenka , tell her not to appear again, we have everything, well, just say that, that’s
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it, come on, let’s transfer her to the branch, deb, where, karagan deb , well, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, act, come on, yes, wife, i tell her, i’m in a situation, she doesn’t believe it. sympathize, sympathize, but where have you been? dmitry olegovich, two days, huh? honestly, i don't remember. and do you remember who treated you like that? no, well, that is, i remember, some kind of punks, well, i can’t write. well, okay, tell me what you remember? well, what can i tell you? the day before yesterday i went to a restaurant, well, there was no stress there, so what did you drink? no, everything
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was fine there, cognac, a snack, and then some guys sat down with me, and we sort of decided to go out of town and take a steam bath in a bathhouse, that is , not in a bathhouse, to wash ourselves in a river. i don’t remember, but there were no women with us, yes, and no one has asked you about women yet, no, but i did that just in case, we then drank, drank some nasty stuff, spent the night, where were you in a hotel, on the highway, had sex with whom? “i don’t remember, i just woke up in the car today, my documents, my wallet are still there, it seems to be there, oh, you’re worrying
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in vain, well, i drank too much, i got into a fight, it happens to me, well, yes, comrade colonel, but wait a minute you, well, congratulations on your resurrection, so what did you say to your wife, huh?” yes, she is used to, yes, naturally, especially helping the investigation, identifying your shoes, and what shoes, i them i bought it for a lot, real berluchinie, i have the right, no, comrade colonel, but wait , no, that is, of course, i’m also to blame, no, comrade colonel, well, am i in vain , telling you what, how, what i shouldn’t have confessed that i sold the tiles, what? i wasn’t accused of killing him, and if he’s alive, then i confessed in vain, in vain, but comrade
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colonel, the agreement, yeah, here, here’s to the gray mine. from there there were screams, screams, threats, one time even he came, i took him to the boss, and then the cup was broken, apparently your boss really annoyed him, probably, you know, he doesn’t like him at all to pay, promises to pay, and then... goon, in general, in short, i sympathize, raspberry, we'll take it, yes, val, yeah, yes, i hear, i hear, valush, yes, everything is fine, everything is in order, i say, yeah , listen, val, i’ll still be here in the city for a few days.
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yes, that’s it, don’t worry, everything is fine, listen, val, we’ll get our money back and earn a little extra money, we’ll earn some extra money, i say, that’s it, stop talking, otherwise it’s expensive, i’ll call you back myself, come on, come on, come on, andrey, let's go do it , they've already detained
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you, they beat you, where it hurts, where it hurts, that's it ok, allochka, i see, alive, healthy , lord, i was so worried, well, everything is fine , it’s all over, you know, these 2 days i only thought about you, really, of course, well, i... and i ’ll come by later, ok, ok, well, congratulations, all the best, let's go, andrey, so, we've been delayed, here, everything is fine,
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be careful. well, the case with the corpse at the construction site has reached a dead end, not only do we have no suspect, we don’t even know who the victims are, oleg. well, what can i do? i immediately warned that i would have to identify it will be very difficult. well, how did this happen? okay, the shoes are a coincidence. what about a broken leg? yes, the deceased kuchurenok also had a fracture, is this a coincidence? the fracture is very old, possibly from childhood. and in childhood, by the way, many people broke their legs, so a broken leg can only mean that the deceased was a very lively child. what about the teeth? “not a single clinic identified him, it’s good
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if he had his teeth treated in trigorsk, but if in another city, okay, not with the karka that we have according to vosnetsov, a new suspect has appeared, a certain fishermen farmer, we contacted his wife, she says that he is now in trigorsk, he has some business related to money, okay, where is he staying, he says that he is renting an apartment, he does not know the address. he doesn’t answer the phone, what are the grounds to suspect him of kidnapping voznetsov, there are grounds, ivan mikhailovich,
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it’s bad. so, oh, oh, order, listen, maybe we’ll go to some cafe, but you want to eat like a human being, hang out with the people, yes, you’ve already hung out, it’s not enough for you, and now you can’t eat, or what? well, why, now we’ll prepare everything, kiri, i’m eating this of yours, i won’t, well, i can’t do it anymore, i can’t? i can’t, do you think i can do this? the boss said to keep his head down, but how does he know, but really, how does he know, we’ll quickly go to
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a cafe and eat like a human being, back, i don’t understand, this fishermen is a complete idiot or something, doesn’t he understand what to demand money for oil? and a ransom for a kidnapping are slightly different things, but maybe you’re an idiot, you’re a freak , saykov, remember, he stole a truck, tiles from a construction site, he thinks he’s right, he doesn’t even know why will he be judged, then another thing that confuses me is that if this rybakov, according to the secretary, called losnetsova from a payphone, then how he dumped her husband there, tied to
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his throat with a knife, i don’t understand, but i... i believe, but the fact that he understands people is for sure, but if vasnetsova hates her husband so much, she can simply divorce him, and the money, she doesn’t work anywhere, that is, you assume that she is somehow involved in the kidnapping of her husband , i don't know, but something is
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wrong here. what is wrong with vasnetsov, we will find out, but i personally think that she is very sincerely concerned, but what about the fisherman? well , look for the orbakuvs, distribute the orientation according to the history books, let them search, and you too, let’s get to work, ivan mikhailovich. yes, thank you, tamar. mazarov is listening, right? hello, this is vasnetsova. i’m listening to you, vera igorevna. they
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sent a letter, i need to give the money tomorrow. they collected the money, yes, don’t worry, tomorrow you will give the money, you will get a husband, and we
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will catch the kidnappers, olya, what do you have, well , only vera igorevna’s fingerprints were found , fingerprints of the kidnappers, neither on the letter nor on an envelope, no, they were wearing gloves, yes, they didn’t call, but planted a letter, that is , they assumed that the phone would be tapped. andrey, what are you doing, and if you think that you are involved in
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the kidnapping, what are you provoking, sorry , i couldn’t restrain myself, okay, let’s go, what do you think about the letter, you’re some idiots, put the money in the bag, stand at the bus stop, it’s a no brainer that they want to snatch the packages and leave, some... maybe she wrote the letter herself, well
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, maybe, but then she must have an accomplice, okay, andrey, tomorrow we’ll catch him, we’ll find out everything, quietly, quietly, calmly, calmly, calmly,
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calmly, come on! if we have it standing here, then we ’ll install the ceiling here and here, and if it ’s in a car, or on a motorcycle, and if it’s on a motorcycle, then it can rush across the lawns, yeah, you’re right, wow, let’s do it extra. we’ll also set the switch, and if he goes on foot, well , it’s unlikely, it’s hard to leave on foot from here, and if he jumps off the stockade, yeah, at that time a truck loaded with sand will accidentally pass under the overpass, he’ll say hi to everyone, yes, or maybe so, vova, you love cheap action films, i do, so what, otherwise the isocado is 12 m high, who will jump from such a height, well, who? bruce willis? i’m trying to consider all the options, and you’re laughing. okay, okay, calm down. regarding the options, you're right.
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until we have caught and established who vosnetsov’s kidnapper is, we cannot exclude any of the versions. here, even a version of proplus in ulis. well, how are you guys ? if he comes from the overpass and jumps, what's the matter? good to have you all here, what is this? remember, i made impressions of the dead man’s teeth, and so, one clinic confirmed that he was their client, so who is our dead man? you won't
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believe it, vosnetsov. tv company vit presents. hello, good evening, you are watching the program, wait for me, no matter how long the separation from loved ones may be, everything can change one day, the main thing is not to lose hope and not give up searching. well, in order to bring your cherished meeting closer, we recommend that you go to the website of our program to leave a request.
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believe me, we have extensive experience in finding people and enough patience. so, we begin. it happens that a person born into a large family finds himself completely alone. it must be very difficult to know that there are a lot of loved ones somewhere and not have contact with them. unfortunately, such stories are not uncommon in our program. and today we will hear another one, and alexey vasilyevich russkikh will tell it to us. he came to us from the rostov region. alexey, come in! yes please, hello, hello, hello, hello, come in, make yourself comfortable, alexey, i understand correctly that your parents did not raise you, i was brought up in an orphanage, the city of ralitarsk, yeah, a year


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