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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  February 3, 2024 5:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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but you also need to understand that you have met something important, a person must have some fyodor mikhailovich, whom he remembers, says: here i had a guy named fyodor mikhailovich, this is what he told me and here i am that’s how i remember, it’s true, it’s true, but in artistic creativity without this, in general, everyone who starred in his films, to some extent , can be said to have changed their fate. leninov came to his senses and graduated from school as an external student at the age of 16 and entered gitis. lyanka gryu immediately after the premiere received an offer to film in tv series and advertising. alexey panin, too, as they say, fell into the right stream and very quickly became one of the recognizable russian actors, and evgeny krainov finally believed in himself. i really have to say that this is not some kind of pass-through, although the role there is tiny, but this meeting gave a lot, a lot. and in general, the fact itself
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, here you are, and it’s like this is an important, important moment in your life, this is unconditional, but apparently, the inoculation of kindness, humanity and decency from valery priyomakhov has ended its effect and having caught the virus of russophobia, some artists suddenly began to believe that their homeland is unworthy of them, the authorities are doing everything wrong, and loyal fans immediately turned into fools, regimes change, but the homeland. remains alone, you have to stay with her, with your homeland, i think that mikhailovich would have reacted this way, meaning his homeland, fatherland, he would not have accepted it, just as i do not accept any renunciation of the teacher who - who guides you through
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life and reveals to you this life, wisdom, professionalism, skill, this is betrayal. the film, who if not us, came out appeared on screens 26 years ago, they say valery priyomykhov had several variations of the name, but he borrowed the motto of russian paratroopers, true patriots, strong, brave and loyal to their country. the director thus drew a parallel, just like the airborne forces, everyone should have one. one’s own measure of responsibility, to listen, to be able to listen to the younger generation, not to waste oneself on formalism and window dressing, to try to be sensitive and kind, to protect those who are weaker and to support one’s native fatherland in difficult times, otherwise, who will do it if not us, right now leonid konevsky in central asia is one of the greenest cities in the world. the most
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high-profile case in the history of soviet kyrgyzstan. the police were shocked, the children were on the street. where's your mom and dad and the commotion on television. the most popular announcer has gone missing. where is the most famous man in the republic? who saw him last? kidnapped by bandits? i did it. was he killed by a maniac, or was he killed by women? that's just where she comes. mysterious death of a celebrity, he shouldn't have died in in the documentary series, the investigation was carried out with leonid konevsky, he looks very masculine, a stellar case, watch it right now.
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84, city of frunze. that day, passersby noticed two unfortunate children. where are your mom and dad? the elder explained that dad brought it to the circus, but forgot to pick it up. it seems. they were indignant at how irresponsible the father was, but the boy defended him, the dad is good, he works on tv, he’s also a screen star for me, i forgot about the children, passers-by didn’t suspect, the tv itself was in chaos at that moment, comrades, a program with zheldub’s participation and kaipova are cancelled,
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who saw him last? a usual question in such cases and an unusual answer, everyone saw it, he was in a good mood, was preparing for the next program, did not complain about his wife, the investigation always develops different versions,
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even the most absurd ones, sometimes they turn out to be true, don’t worry yet, he is not in hospitals , then no one could have guessed. everything is just beginning, this will be a tragic page in the history of soviet kyrgyzstan. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. there was an attempted palace coup in kiev. who tried to fire commander-in-chief zaluzhny, what came of it? if the general wanted to resign in a good way, then now how will he be removed in a bad way. the blockade ring is tightening around paris, why did the french rebel? this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. serber, premiere,
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tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. four components vs. the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicold lore spray is not it simply helps relieve sore throat, and fights its causes. maxicold to stop cold symptoms. at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sale. for example, tifal electric grill for only 18,990 rubles. the pain and discomfort of pescystitis cannot be tolerated. try urinal f, it is capable of action 20 minutes after use, so that you are not distracted from the most important things. urinal f. don’t endure the pain, try it. does it seem like something has changed? no, everything is as we like. kfc
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now rostix, and the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat that you love so much. who benefits from the ozon bank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores, those who just like to save and receive interest on their deposit, no matter how you look at it, the ozonbank card is beneficial for free, spend and save with ozonbank up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to 16% per annum on deposit. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if more often, than getting up twice at night, afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate - afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. make a first impression or celebrate 30 years
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the number provided or order at website saintchutvorets.rf. the medal is plated with pure silver and made in the highest quality of coinage. call now. the call is free. central television. today at 19:00 on ntv. not for everyone. hand take cerberus big premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv.
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this is the brother of the missing speaker kaipov, a serious man, he served in the state security committee, but even he is worried, remembering how dubai disappeared, they called relatives, well, they thought. maybe the machine is stuck somewhere, maybe there is some kind of breakdown somewhere. alybai kaipov, brother of zholdebai kaipov. it turned out that the announcer took the children to the circus and did not pick them up after the performance. the confused kids were brought home by strangers, but where did their dad disappear with the car? the police could find no trace.
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green cities in the world, so say the locals. it’s hard to believe, but once upon a time there was a semi-desert in this place, hot stones, then every city dweller was obliged to plant at least 25 trees in front of his house, and the desert was transformed. the main character and pride of the kyrgyz people is the magical
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hero manas. according to legend, already in at the age of nine he destroyed the winged serpent. by the way, the epic of monas is the most voluminous epic in the world. longer than the iliad and odyssey. and this beauty kanekei, the wife of the hero monas. she saved her husband when he was left wounded. on the battlefield. a similar situation also arose in our history. ges-5 is an artificial reservoir 5 km from the capital of kyrgyzstan. that morning , a woman was riding a bicycle nearby. and suddenly i saw a car, it had half slid off the road into a ditch. this is a swampy area. so... this car is stuck. leonid zelichenko. in 84, head of
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the initial training school of the ministry of internal affairs of the kyrgyz ussr. the woman ran up to the car, maybe the driver needed help. but the cabin was empty. the trunk was slightly open, she decided to look inside and saw a human face. the woman rushed to the bicycle, and soon she returned with the police and doctors.
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the murder of one of the most famous people in the republic, an unheard of emergency. the deputy prosecutor general of kyrgyzstan arrived on the scene with such energy.
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kaipov convinced the police leadership to release tv program on air 02. what if the caring zhaldubai unearthed some important information, the trail of criminals came out, and for this he was killed. the attempts to get rid of the body were too zealous. traces of soot were found on the car, that is, they tried to do it. burn and then drown. in the place where the passenger was sitting, in front of him lay a large cobblestone, about 50 kilograms. leonid toropov, in 1984, senior investigator for especially important cases under the prosecutor of the kyrgyz ussr.
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local agents were involved in the case and given the task of finding out who of the criminals was dissatisfied with kaipov. for 17 days i worked day and night, i had many public assistants, there were no results, we decided to personally check each crime boss, arrests began in the city, the dark pool of local criminality became agitated, soon an unusual event occurred. that day, one of the bosses received an urgent call the duty officer at the checkpoint reported that stan serikov , nikolai serikov is coming to you, to us, the police officer did not believe it, serikov, nicknamed gray, is a major crime boss, he cannot
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come to the detectives myself, i’m on business, but it was serikov. he assured, the criminals did not touch the announcer, the boss, they believed the words of the criminal leader, he took a mortal risk by appearing at the police, but who then dealt so much with the popular tv presenter , he should not have died, he did nothing like that, he could even scream , a new version came to the fore: it had nothing to do with the criminal world, seryozha, don’t run, otherwise you’ll sweat, i see how nice it is, what a sweet boy you are, just like that looks like you, both the nose and the eyes, the eyebrows, well, your breed is immediately obvious, this is not my child, the neighbor asked me to slow down, what are you saying
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, figuring out a child’s relatives by appearance is a useless task, it’s easy to make a mistake, genes are a thing: the similarities between parents and children they don’t guarantee, come here , please, tell me who you look like, like you , like me, two arms, two legs and a head, really, everything is like mine, well, go play, this is not my son, well, of course, external similarity is by no means proof of family ties; in the ussr, the father of a child was determined by law sixty-eighth about marriage and family. when establishing paternity , cohabitation and running a common household before the birth of the child are taken into account. but even the law did not eliminate doubts.
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colleagues tried to make an impression, spectators were bombarded with bags of letters , detectives tried to understand, maybe there was a secret affair, no matter what the crime, let alone murder, even theft, there is always a version of a love relationship, but relatives assured that kaipov adored his wife and children, one day, operatives came out of a television studio, suddenly...
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turned out to be of the slavic type, but the baby is not at all. there were rumors that kaippov was short, but women of any height loved him. the gossip girl confessed that one day she called maksakova’s husband and opened his eyes. so she said in plain text that he was growing horns. what if an angry spouse decided to punish the announcer? detectives established secret surveillance of the suspect and soon discovered strange facts: a house with no corners, what
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is it? yurt, a huge portable house that can be assembled in just an hour and a half; by the way, this has always been part of the duties women treat the yurt with great respect, entering inside with weapons is forbidden... it is modest on the outside, luxurious on the inside with very strict rules: the right half is female, all household utensils are stored here, the left is male, here the head of the family keeps his saddle and equipment for hunting, well, opposite the entrance there is a place for guests. since ancient times, the kyrgyz man has been the head of the family, he
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always makes decisions about the household and raising children, but in our history the man was not like everyone else, he did not trust his son to his grandmothers, “we are very happy, my son is not like me, but this doesn’t matter at all, i love him like my own. ” the version of murder out of jealousy fell apart,
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but a new one appeared. maksakov suggested that maybe kaipov had problems at another job, at another job , the operatives were surprised, the man explained, new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask, mask, february 11 at 20:20 on... ntv. chef. new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. which same here pin code. so. looks like
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you don't remember the correct answer. if simple question turns into a quiz, naapept can help. naapept helps improve brain function, restore memory and concentrate. appetite to get your head working. two bedhits at a bargain price. only at a tasty point. who benefits from an ozonbank card? for those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. for those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit, with azonbank there is a draw for up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on the deposit. mom, guess who started a new job today? there are many vacancies on avito, you will find not just a job, but your place. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin.
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let's do without pain. it’s so nice when they do something for you, for example, when a credit card brings cashback in rubles and pays itself off , the best credit card in platinum shades now with cashback in rubles, apply for a card before the end of february and always receive cashback in rubles, not bonuses. that's it, don't go on vacation, i won in stickermany, it's all for plus points. lisa, i bought a chicken example at a tasty spot, scanned the code in the app and won a million yandex plus points. believe it or not, you want a million points and millions of other prizes under the stickers in the app, it’s delicious, period. any business begins with a desire, i wanted a comfortable chair,
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and in order to do... as you need, gather a team and do it yourself, but sometimes development stops, with support it doesn’t stop, we expand further, the national project for small and medium-sized enterprises is by decision of the president, our business is support yours, they told me, you will dance with this house of culture, well, let’s dance and dance together, everyone will sing in the renovated house of culture in the city of orekhovo-zoevo and 1200 more renovated and new ones... today we’ll talk about male power, but first about its absence, i mean that sooner or later men’s sexual function begins to fade away, this is always the reason for mental experiences of trauma, those who have gone through this know how not sweet it is for men in such a situation, it must
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they always feel his attention. thank you, fellow taxi driver. these words are often addressed to him. almost every day kaipov took off his ironed one. suit, put on simpler clothes and went to drive his zhiguli car. i came out of the program and there is still time, let me shuffle, then it was a rare case, we also condemned how it is that such a person shuffles. sultanbegbaev, in eighty-four, senior detective of the criminal investigation department almedinsky district department of internal affairs.
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i didn’t suffer from star fever, so, like an ordinary person, i took up driving and gradually paid off my debts. this characterizes our intelligentsia, that in soviet times they were also in great need, although there were fees. it became clear how the man ended up outside the city. most likely, he took passengers there, but he was killed on the way. why didn't the criminal steal the car? he didn’t even tear the radio out of it, why did they deal with the driver? the detectives remembered important details when they examined the corpse, he
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one shoe was missing and he had no handle. timerbeg mazhinov, 84 years old , detective officer of the criminal investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs of kyrgyzstan. ussr, maybe the criminal is a sadist, and he is collecting a collection of trophies, will he really go hunting again soon? in ancient times , the kyrgyz were engaged in horse breeding; many breeds of horses are unpretentious and hardy. spent in the saddle, so the ability to control a horse is in their blood, children begin learning to ride a donkey, and as they get older, they sit on
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a horse, beauty! during weddings, not so long ago, the bride and groom always played kiska umai, or catch up with the girl, the bride was given the best horse, and the groom, finally worse, had to catch up with her, caught up, took her as his wife, didn’t catch up, still took her as his wife, but slowness and the news resolved. whipping the groom with a whip is rude. by the way, a horse whip is one of the most popular kyrgyz souvenirs. the horses are extraordinarily beautiful, in real life and in photos.
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this played a fatal role in our history. in eighty-four, a photographer appeared in one of the equestrian schools. he enthusiastically photographed the horses and riders, promising to bring photographs, but did not return. the athletes decided, but i just forgot. little did they know, the photographer had disappeared forever. he is a very famous photojournalist among us. abdumazhid kasymov.
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the boys refused to approach kutepov; at first the detectives decided to be panicky about the criminal, but then they realized what was going on. both of you, what, has mama passed away? i got it, i got it, i got it, almost all the parents in the ussr experienced a similar destruction at home. then children didn’t surf the internet, they built fairy-tale
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cities and magical refuges right in their apartments, so this is grandma’s new dress, well, it’s beautiful, it’s not there, but i understand, i understand , it’s a veil of invisibility, come on, show yourself in full, young man, oh, this is dad’s weekend jacket, all wrinkled or not, but i understand , i understand, this is... the costume of the president of the new galaxy, yes, i have been liquidated, and i understand, my memory has been erased, yes, the imagination of children is limitless, if they are not loaded with toys, any stick can become a sword, a gun or even a horse, in in our story, children's imagination only confused the investigation.
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there was no attacker, maybe photographer berdigan will appear soon, but an important event happened here, it left no chance for optimism. that day , a man came to the police station with a camera in his hands and said that he had just bought this japanese nikomat at the market. for only 50 rubles, although
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a similar treasure costs 50 times more. the amateur photographer saw the camera and suddenly clearly remembered where he had seen it before, at the missing berdiganov. every professional, especially a photographer, always has unique things, a unique lens or something else. detectives immediately went to the market. but the camera seller disappeared, another thread was broken, every evening we reported information to management that there were no leads to this murder. so, two similar emergencies happened in frunza, men with cars disappeared, one announcer kaipa was found murdered, the second photographer verdigan has not yet been found, but is there. suspicion, he was also killed,
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detectives checked hundreds of people for involvement in the case, they soon had the most important clue, hello, welcome, greetings, mariim, yes, and me please, beshbarmak and some kind of green tea, it’s good, they say, visiting kyrgyzstan and not eating without barmak is the same as not getting mad in paris. kryz meat ranks second in the world in terms of the amount of meat eaten, but who is first? wolves, this is of course a local joke, but there is some truth in it: the kyrgyz cannot live without meat, in fact, beshbarmak is translated as five fingers, this is a hint that it is eaten
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with the hands, without cutlery, but foreigners are forgiven for ignorance local customs. oh, fantastic, the feeling of flying, with respect, without, with respect, interestingly, quickly, the less tea in the bowl, the more i respect you. thank you! this way they show that it’s not at all difficult to look after the guest once again, that’s why tea with respect. the participants in our
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story also drank tea in a cafe and did not even know that they were being watched. two friends were sitting from the frunzinsky cafe , sharing news over a cup of tea, one of them told a friend an important secret, it turns out that he saw the killers of speaker kaipov, and even helped them pull the car out of the mud, only in secret, the men did not suspect, nearby there is an agent of the operatives, he can hear everything perfectly, after that he began to go home, and my agent followed him, the informant followed him to the house and rushed to report, despite the night time, detective mazhinov was at work and immediately
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left to bring an important witness, then the car did not was, the car came to me right away, i went to my car. i asked my husband and he told me everything as it happened. the man confessed that he really saw the car on the day kaipov disappeared, but there were not an announcer in the car, there were three men. they are stuck near the city asked a passerby to help, push the car out. droop, help! after that, they thanked me, gave me a ride to the city, and then hosted me in their apartment. most likely, these are murderers, they drove around the city with kaipov’s body in the trunk, the crime itself was daring, they were already transporting the corpse, you know, they were already mocking the dead man, at him, but now the police know where they live, go there immediately, the door to two
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girls opened the apartment, they were amazed, there had never been strangers here, we live together, and... beautiful says, this is one dark hair, the second is red, this. the apartment was nevertheless checked, there were no traces of the presence of the men, did the witness mix everything up, or deliberately mislead the police . the case slowed down again, at which time the killers attacked again. what a miracle this city is... the weather, i mean beshke, according to statistics there are only 36 days of clouds a year, the rest of the time the sun is amazing, the front or bishkek is very reminiscent of new york, and i
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mean the streets here were built, like in new york, parallel and perpendicular, streets and avenues for the mountain air to blow through. and it’s almost impossible to get lost here, and yet, excuse me, where is the bus station? the bus station is straight up to the right, and thank you very much, the eastern bus station, stalin's empire style with the inevitable columns, such have been preserved in few places, in soviet times traffic from here often stopped, there are landslides around the mountain... the roads were often blocked. there were always private drivers on duty at the bus station. they were ready to take the client around the landslides if only he would pay. near here with the bus station and our story continued. this is valery bilkevich, in the distant past
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he worked in the police, then became a taxi driver. that fateful evening ended up in a private car at the bus station. i was driving home, but i saw men voting and stopped to give me a ride, not for money, but for free. chief, we need to take our mother to the hospital. there will be a couple, what kind of injury did natalya varley receive, she fell along with the christmas tree, to whom yuri galtsev owes more than one million rubles,
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it has to be, i keep talking about poverty, what a gift i gave for 6 million rubles daughter anastasia melnikova, i think drops me the child sets conditions for me, than ekaterina strizhenova angered her husband, he doesn’t beat me at home, but i’m very scared, you won’t believe it. today at 20:20 on ntv. mask, new season. february 11, 2020 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat, maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. maxicold to stop cold symptoms. who benefits ozonbank card, for those who like to go shopping and for those who like to earn money after going to these stores, for those who just
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universal remedies against different types pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. sesame bun, two cutlets. go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. with azonbank, a drawing of up to 100% cashback and up to
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16% per annum on deposits. genferon light spray is green light. green light to my goals and plans. and a red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks the double strength of interferon and a special component, which prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses in the flu, contribute to penetration. gemperon light spray - the power of green light with mint scent. i always know what to read next, more than half a million books and podcasts in the subscription, read and listen for free, the first month of litres, i read so much, it’s so nice when they do something for you, for example, when a credit card brings cashback in rubles and pays itself off itself, the best credit card platinum, now with cashback. apply for a card until the end of february, always receive cashback in rubles, not bonuses. timkov. this video
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lasts 20 seconds. it would seem so little, but not for arvi viruses, once they enter the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us, but there is orbidol, it prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell, and the mechanism of virus reproduction is disrupted. orbidok is ready to fight influenza viruses and other viruses. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. naked diamond dress for 649. philips steamer for 5,999. remember all. moscow of course, well, i remember everything, it’s really me i didn’t even wait, but i remembered everything , everything that was possible, for which the main witness in the case of the murder of a child had to be put into a trance, what terrible secrets the subconscious kept for 17 years, in 206 there was a witness , a girl who saw our missing woman with a man, unknown with a woman, but due to her age she was not able to describe in detail the man and woman, where
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the killer was hiding all these years, what? why now he himself may need a hypnologist, why can’t this evidence be filed in a criminal case? explanations that were given under hypnosis or using a polygraph is not evidence in a criminal case. mind games in the author's project of andrey kunitsin, a person has the right. tomorrow at 16:20 on ntv. the fight in the cabin was short and furious. one criminal was strangling, the second used a weapon, hit me in the right thigh with a knife here, so i found myself limp between the seats, my vision was foggy, then the scoundrel got out of the car to take a seat behind the wheel, valery gathered all his strength and rushed,
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i used his right hand by the door opening hook. a left for this blow, i gave it as much as i could, and he me, it’s hard for him to remember these terrible minutes, now, the bleeding man started to run, around the corner he heard the saving sound of another car, help back and forth, how he survived so far it's hard to understand. together with the ministry of internal affairs officers, he returned to the scene of the incident, but there was no one there anymore. and then valery remembered that on the way the criminals discussed some two girls and agreed to visit them. most likely, it was a guess. what if those same beauties. they have already been checked, nothing was found,
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but, what if? still involved in the case, it was decided to immediately detain, the suspected citizens lived on the last fifth floor, summer, heat, windows are open, judging by the sounds, they are celebrating something, there are men there. well, how to detain bandits in a cramped apartment , lure them out onto the street, but here are children, how to not give them a chance to use weapons, in those years there were no special forces in frunza, so local
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operatives decided to become special forces. the police officers had to arm themselves thoroughly, they took a machine gun and that’s all, and we went to the fifth floor, left the room, in the apartment it turned out to be a whole gang, two women, three men, they were already responsible for several deaths of innocent people. the leader turned out to be muratbek kuseinov, the son of a military man. the father , the lieutenant colonel, was shocked when he learned the truth about his own son. khuseynov and his two friends did not want to work. they took money from their parents, but it was not enough for a luxurious life. khuseynov saw himself driving
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his own car, picking up girls, driving them. restaurants, and a car was generally a rarity back then, the company decided that it would ride in other people’s cars, but the first victim turned out to be... they felt, so to speak, the smell of blood, of course, and then they couldn’t stop. the son of a military man, along with his friends, killed people for seven minutes of pleasure. two friends,
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lyuba and lena, knew very well where the car came from, they themselves were sometimes even present at the murders, as a form of entertainment they had, they hee-hee-ha-ha. the popular announcer was an emotional person. having given the untied company a lift, he demanded payment. khuseynov pointedly poured pennies into his hand. kaipov could not stand it, threw the change in the cheeky person’s face, and immediately received a knife in the heart. i didn’t know him that he was kaippov. if i had known, i would have even given the money. the next one. became photographer berdigan. after driving his car, the scum drowned it along with the body of the murdered man. khuseynov sincerely
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believed in his luck and laughed at the police. the idiot was shocked when he was arrested and brought to trial. kuseinov and two of his friends were sentenced to death, with the girls it was more difficult, they themselves did not kill, they laughed, looking at the torment of people, the blood on the seats did not bother them, people demanded shoot both, soviet justice treated women humanely, brainless thrill-seekers received 15 years in prison. this story is terrible because it is not about maniacs, not about madmen, it is about thoughtless cruelty. as a result, their
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loved ones had to suffer, look people in the eyes and try to move on with their lives, knowing that it will never be the same as before. however, this is a completely different story. right now leonid konevsky and his new detective. the most important thing here began in a couple of minutes: a small village crimes. kills people, shot point-blank in the face, your own, let her go, someone else's, renya got scared, or a mysterious executioner, be afraid
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of your desires, films from the series were investigated, amazing, watch it right now. september 1970, the small village was in turmoil, residents ran from house to house, retelling rumors, and people were killed. no one knew exactly where anyone was; the police went from house to house, looking for the criminal, which meant he was somewhere nearby. this house was one of many, it didn’t stand out in any way, there were a lot of things, all of different sizes,
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a large family lives here, it’s unlikely that we ’ll find anything here, the procedure is standard, identify all the residents, maybe someone noticed something unusual, here besides you, grandson. does anyone live? well, two more grandchildren, a daughter and a son-in-law. large family, three adults and three children. the garden is well-groomed and doesn’t look like a killer’s den at all; we must move on. the police did not suspect that the most important thing here began in a couple of minutes. the grandmother and granddaughter hastily dragged the load, unloaded things from it into a basin, a raincoat, pants, a shirt. everything is covered in blood. planed
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laundry soap, half an hour and the evidence was destroyed, the ends were hidden in the water in the literal sense of the word, this was one of the pages of our unusual history.
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the udmurd village of kez, 3 hours drive from izhevsk, there is still beauty and beauty all around , asks where are you from kes, and kes is a wonderful country, yuri loshkin, in 1969, a resident of the kez district, but one day kez ceased to be a carefree wonderland, something happened here emergency, a local resident has disappeared. in the village it is impossible to disappear unnoticed, everyone is in sight of each other, the neighbor, she saw, as tamara left the village with a can. a can
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is a necessary thing, with it even for milk, even for kvass or berries, there is a forest of lingonberries nearby, the places are swampy. tamara, tamara, rumors spread throughout the village, sometimes incredible, the bear is a cannibal, but no, they say a gang is hiding in the forest, in our story everything turned out to be simpler and even more terrible. tamara tretyakova was not found in a swamp, 150 meters from the village, in rosehip bushes. here she was lying here, next to it was a path, and next to it were bushes, here was a wild place, there weren’t these houses. german sannikov, in sixty-nine, head of criminal. wanted by the ministry of internal affairs of the udmur
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autonomous soviet socialist republic. the victim's head was covered in blood. an examination determined that someone shot her in the back of the head with a gun. shock, bewilderment. why was the unfortunate woman deprived of her life? it would seem like a simple murder, it would seem like nothing, on a bare field, in a bare place, but still.
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i understand that the dancing lover does not feel sorry for the deceased fellow villager, and what is most important, she is not afraid of the killer, but i’ve been sitting at home for 3 days, so what? but it was a lie, only one detail gave it away,
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so let’s add mustard, here, now put it down feet in the water, ah, it’s hot, nothing, nothing , but it heals, even if just now, people are running to the pharmacy, in the ussr they respected home treatment, folk remedies, i ’m getting a little too hyped, i’ll go to bed, read the press, maybe you what medications are needed? no, i’m used to using my own remedies, homemade, so , i’ll open my mouth, tongue out, so ugh, what ugh, i understand, smearing your throat with kerosene, even for health, is a barbaric method, okay , no one uses it now, let’s deal with a runny nose, so, i bet my nose, well, it
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’s okay, aloe grows in almost every house an aloe bush, and if not, you could always take a sprig from a neighbor, homemade please. the remedies were often not very pleasant, except for a brew of berries, raspberries, currants and a decoction of rose hips, no, that’s enough, you need to be stricter with some patients, otherwise they will get sick until all the rose hips are gone, in our history this the medicinal berry helped the investigation, the captive seushushniks, whom zelensky did not have time to kill, as four times a draft dodger ruins the fates of young guys, they stopped, simply threw them into the beads, and said: you will run away, you will be shot, what bandera's people pump up and how they intimidate their own, ours fired at us from behind, shells exploded in front of us, how they are abandoned to death for
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billions, the ambitions of the kiev dictator, someone dies for them, the boys are at the front, they have nothing to eat, and there in kiev, where the war ended last year, why is he hiding the truth about these prisoners from their homeland? boss, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. the pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if there is pentalgin. a universal remedy against different species pain. pentalgin, we can do without pain. it’s so nice when they do something for you, for example, when a credit card brings cashback in rubles and pays itself off. the best credit card in platinum shades now with
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restaurants. sbermarket - for any occasion. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores, those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. no matter how you look at it, the azonbank card is beneficial for free. spend and save with ozonbank, drawing up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on deposit. new season, new costumes, new stars. who are you? mask? mask! february 11 at 20:20! the operative noticed
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that the woman had rose hips laid out on the newspapers, very fresh, but she claimed that she spent 3 days at home, we need to find out more about the dancing lover, it turned out that she was an old friend of tamara, also... she was getting hair dye, why? dyed, this is my natural color, this
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time tamara’s visit was interrupted suddenly, she saw gulyaeva among the guests and immediately began to say goodbye. but svetlana had already gotten up from the table and moved threateningly toward her ex-friend. all the best, live together. now i will accompany you. all this looked comical, until it became clear, the women were fighting fiercely, seriously, then no one understood the reasons for the brawl, but now the investigation became interested in the poke, perhaps they did not share the man, both divorced, probably dreamed of a new marriage, you sent an operative on the spree, he took the woman out of the house, suddenly he heard an order behind him, let her go, they won’t shoot, the police officer
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decided, stepped towards him, but it seems he was mistaken, the young man cocked the gun and suddenly declared, it’s not her, i killed tamara, it’s me, i killed her , gulyaeva came forward, don’t lie, you weren’t there. listen to him, the detective grabbed the gun, tore it out of the guy’s hands, the entire gulyaev family had to be sent for interrogation, the investigation soon found out that love was to blame for everything. oh, wash your face, wash your face. storm here, storm here. the udmurts are a very unique people, completely
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different from others. tau, so the matchmakers and the groom forgot something in the bride’s house, for example, mittens, and there was a reason to return again to ask permission. among the native udmurts, the bride is often slightly older than the groom, because the sons
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they tried to get married earlier and marry off their daughters a little later. svetlana decided to follow her son, quietly followed him, and her heart changed, he entered the house of her friend, it can’t be tamara, twice the boy’s age by 20 years. svetlana got to the window and her soul sank into
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her heels, her son hugged her friend. ex-girlfriends collided at someone else's birthday, then a fight broke out, but the brawl did not yield anything, the son continued to disappear from his mistress, then svetlana decided to explain herself to her ex- friend again, for a serious conversation, she chose the outskirts of the village and the rosehip bushes,
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the detectives and the experts fought for several weeks. what kind of newspaper? the result was surprising. the club of famous captains is on air. hurray, club of famous captains. many guys stopped what they were doing when they heard the call sign of a radio show, a club of famous captains. of course, his heroes were captain nemo, baron munchausen, robinson cruz, and even. sherlock halls from the stories of dolly. new amazing adventures of your favorite characters and a lot of interesting and useful information. a i have already prepared my lessons. in addition to entertainment programs, there was a whole radio section for lessons.
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the children were given additional material according to the school curriculum. there was even a special radio newspaper for schoolchildren, in which schedules of all programs were published. a newspaper like this became an important piece of evidence in our history. the killer made wads for cartridges from a children's newspaper, they became the only lead for the investigation. at the printing house , the newspaper number was determined from scraps of text. and this is how the knot is untied. who goes and writes out, who receives. but the detectives hoped in vain to identify the subscribers. it turned out that the newspaper can only be bought at soyuz-print kiosks. in the village of kez. there was not a single one, most likely, the criminal purchased the newspaper in izhevsk or perm, both large cities are at an equal distance from the otmur village, it is possible that the killer
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lives there, they began the search from izhevsk. the work ahead was titanic, first interview all the kioskers of the printing union, many of them remembered regular customers, identify these people, special attention. and somehow they compared it, it means there is a gun, there is a newspaper, there is no gun, there is a newspaper, it seemed a hopeless matter, but then one kiosker woman complained, an unpleasant man regularly buys a radio newspaper for schoolchildren, he is constantly finding fault with everything, he is dissatisfied with everything, and why is there no agitator magazine, we don’t they bring him, is this a disgrace? the quarrelsome buyer wore out his nerves and left happy with a children's newspaper in his hands. i will complain to the central committee.
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the citizen's name was viktor koshkin. he had no children. why does he need a newspaper for schoolchildren? the operatives decided to take a closer look to meet koshkin, we had no idea what a scandal this would lead to. “oh, i was so worried about you, i was so sick, but what does the actor and tv presenter know about his father? when we met, we kissed the cheek, i always didn’t like that unshaven cheek, now look, of course, you look very much like father, why has his mother been on the sidelines all her life ? i gave birth and he says: well, but she says it’s a boy, but at birth he did not receive either a middle name or a surname from his father. if my friend or my colleague asks: who is your dad, i want to have the right to say who is mine dad, how many dna tests did he do to prove to karina mishulina that they are
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brother and sister? your sister stole your chopsticks and sent them through sweden to america for dna testing through me. i'm like, what? and how many more illegitimate children are there in the world of shulin’s spartaks? maybe there’s not much need to dig further there? timur eremeev and his million-dollar secret. today at 21:20 on ntv. serber premiere, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. that's it, we're not going on vacation. yes, i won tikermania, it was all with plus points. lisa, i bought a chiiken. scanned the code in the app and won million yandex plus points. do you want to believe it? do you want a million points and millions of other prizes under the stickers in the app? it’s delicious, period. who benefits from an ozone bank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like
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in detail: yes, he visits his relatives in the village of kez, yes, he has a gun for hunting, yes, he buys a newspaper for radio schoolchildren, what’s wrong with that? the operative decided to ask the main question: do you know this woman? koshkin looked at the photo and suddenly grabbed his heart. the man looked terrible, was it a heart attack? medicine in the kitchen! the operative rushed to the kitchen to get some pills and suddenly heard the slam of the front door. koshkin ran away and locked the detective. there was no telephone in the apartment, how could i tell my friends? i tried to open the door from the inside, it wouldn’t budge, so i decided to knock it down.
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the police caught him doing this, with the owner of the apartment looming behind the district police officer. it’s him, detain him, he’s the one who beat me. what kind of slander? lol people. it turned out that koshkin had already managed to compose his own version. the policeman tried to hit me, forcing me to kill myself. i managed to escape. the detective was sure. the absurd deception will not be allowed to proceed, because the matter is very serious, the murder of a woman with a gun. the owner of the apartment is a suspect, but the incredible happened: the operative was removed from the investigation, reprimanded and ordered to leave koshkin alone. what happened? the police officer didn’t know, he
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got involved with a very difficult person. it's outrageous, you sold me stale milk yesterday. give me the complaint book. the complaint book is a soviet invention. there is nothing like this in other countries. and you will buy fresh milk today. again about the teeming. thank you very much. a book. a special inspectorate investigated the complaints. you could get a demotion, a reprimand, or dismissal. well, why again about kishi. you know, i see that you are not a stupid, smart , educated person. why do you need a book? you? don’t talk your teeth, the complaint book should be in a visible place, but it was often hidden, where is that book - you know, or maybe the director took it to count, then i go to the director, no, no, here it is,
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please, in some stores resorted to cunning, they started two complaint books, one for buyers, the other for inspectors, but i changed my mind, i’d rather write against you: to the executive committee, to the newspaper, to the prosecutor’s office. all the best. some complainants were very active. this one played a role in our history. viktor koshkin was an experienced scoundrel, he wrote complaints to all authorities on a weekly basis. he went over the situation very often, but he knew that his letters would always be taken into account, because koshkin was a fellow soldier of the general secretary of the cpsu central committee, however, he never personally crossed paths with leonid ilyich. he spent the entire war as a supply engineer, but almost
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threatened to complain to a famous front-line comrade. the detectives were confused the suspect could not be verified as to whether he was the one who shot the woman. the investigator , 2 months after the expiration of the term , suspended the case and he transferred to work on this case, which means that in the absence of the criminal, everyone forgot about the terrible crime for almost a year, except for the killer himself, he was already getting ready for a new hunt. good afternoon, please, these dishes have amazing names, here are perepechi, posecunchiki,
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perhaps, tabani, thank you, there are a lot of words in the mur language that sound strange to us, well, for example, mur, no, this not the moscow criminal investigation department, it’s just deep. tau, thank you poudbur for having us here, baked goods, baskets with filling, cabbage with meat, unusually, tabani, udmur flatbreads, with zeret, that is, with milk sauce, tau. and finally, posekunchiki, these are pelnyani made from rye dough, sauerkraut, opelnyany, what they smell like, opelnyany in translation are bread ears, or simply
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dumplings. dumplings are an invention of the udmurts, in any case. they themselves think so; they eat dumplings for any occasion, even for a new one. year. dumplings played a fatal role in our history. 1970, outskirts of the village of kez. that day, nina and seryozha went to visit their grandmother on pelmeni in the neighboring village, they had to return through the forest, it was getting dark, but... she wasn’t afraid of anything, because her brother was nearby, suddenly a strange click was heard from behind. and a shot rang out, and he managed to shout, nina,
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run, nina ran, she ran back quite a bit, the second shot rang out. the girl fell and wanted to get up, but terrible pain did not allow her to move. nina saw with horror a dark silhouette, that day the residents of the village still remember with a shudder, there was simply shock, people could not believe that this could happen, a terrible creature appeared on the street, at first no one recognized nina in it.
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people rushed into the forest to help. it’s here, in the area of ​​this pine tree, which means it was done. where is the boy, he seems to be dozing on the grass, looking at the sky, but it was a look into eternity. such.
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nina was tormented, she had to see the killer, but only his bestial cruelty was etched in her memory, he was still wounded, bleeding, this man hit me on the head with a rifle butt and kicked me. gorofei akhmetov, in 1970, senior investigator of the prosecutor's office of the udmur autonomous soviet socialist republic. a version immediately arose: the murder of tretyakova a year ago and a new attack, the work of the same person. the killer needs to be looked for not far from izhevsk, and here in the village of kez. the police
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went around all the houses, nothing suspicious, and how can one identify a killer without signs, wait, wait, one of the women remembered: in the evening a man with a gun and in a gray raincoat came out of the forest. but the cloak is not at all a special sign, in villages dressed the same, whatever they brought to the department stores, they all wore, important evidence, a flash from a children's newspaper was found at this crime scene, but now another piece from the local newspaper was added, a star, but again not a problem, everyone in the village wrote out the star,
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soon it appeared a whole list of secret hunters, i had to get to know each one, almost everywhere the same scene. sorry, i didn’t have time, people apologized, pulled weapons out of hiding places, only in one house the usual stereotype did not work. i don't have any weapons. eighteen-year-old evgeny khomyakov he assured that the hunters were telling stories about him. he says no, i don’t.
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soon the checks were completed , it seemed that the killer was hiding his traces perfectly, but he was killed by curiosity, dear ghost, is it possible a little... hush, i’m still watching the program, i was upset, children really love all sorts of horror stories, the ussr is no exception, almost everyone terrible stories have come to us since those times , we need to correct the situation, vanya, do you want
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some chewing gum, no, no, no, he is not going to share or distribute with anyone, no , there is a blade here, no, there were rumors among schoolchildren, spies insert chewing gum, needles and blades into chewing gum, some kind of horror, this is a sculpture of a bugler, these stood in all the pioneer camps, but according to the children, at night they came to life and caught the pioneers, the pioneers disappeared, like this, a red hand, a black sheet, they it’s no longer interesting to scare yourself and others. if the interest remains, this is already strange. this happened in our history. workers
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from the local morgue called the police and complained. i started constantly looking out the window to see... this guy looking at the dead, the operative went to the morgue. do not miss, central television is the first information show about the events and people of the week. the secret double of the leader of the nazi reich, why it was him, and not the real fuhrer , that the nazis rescued from besieged berlin, and threw their real leader in a bunker and doomed him to death, will be... in general , hitler’s last secret, which he tried to take with him to the grave, has been revealed. stinky pete, dirty kutcher, freezing kunis stifling deb, why world movie stars stopped washing , why hollywood is imposing a new trend on the world - refusal of hygiene. this will be your central
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tv. today at 19:00 on ntv. mask, new season february 11. 20:20 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu: fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat , maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. maxicold to stop cold symptoms. it seems like something has changed? not everything. as we love, kfc is now rosstix, and the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat that you love so much, 25 years ago you for the first time they came to us and asked, is there enough for a chocolate bar, even for two, how much
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more is there enough for everything for cooking, for everything ready for preparation. for the first riot, every day there is a feast, for warm care, for 25 years now we have been making available what is valuable to you, five, low prices for priceless moments, hello, you learned, this is what i told you a thousand times... i
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have to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate - afalase. afalase is a modern drug for early treatment of prostate adenoma. home textiles from miyakara - everything for a cozy home. miyakara is comfortable everywhere, in the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom. every day we arrange a small holiday for our loved one. happy monday. make your loved ones happy every february with discounts on orders from food restaurants. two bighits at a bargain price. only tasty, period. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin.
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universal remedies against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. the policeman found a strange observer near the morgue, what are you looking at there, he turned around, it was evgeny khomyakov, the same one whom the gunmen suspected, but they never found him, i don’t have any gun, then it dawned on the officer that he was looking at hamsters, there was a corpse there was... a dead boy, he was looking there, apparently he wanted to make sure whether he was dead or not, the guy started running, smoke was over
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pipe, it means someone is at home , no one knew yet, this is the most important evidence being destroyed, the owners decided to cover their tracks, a gray cloak, similar to what was seen on the killer, carefully washed, no traces, strangely closed, usually in villages the doors are swung open day and night , you’ll have to break down the door, maybe use your service weapon, but everything didn’t go according to plan. the door opened and grandma appeared. having learned that they had come for eugene, she
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suddenly dropped to her knees. don't take sin on your soul. he couldn’t have done anything bad, someone taught him, he’s stupid here. who is this stupid one? suddenly evgeny khomyakov came out of the house. you yourself are a hole. the irritated grandson swung at his grandmother. the detectives tied him up. the father was in prison, the mother was trying to earn money for three children, and was rarely at home. evgeny studied poorly, entered a vocational school in
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perm, but did not fit in, fought, and played truant. he felt light and free only in the forest, with his father’s gun. so, i’m alone in the forest with a gun, i do whatever i want. without a gun - a nonentity, with a gun - a hero. he killed animals just for fun, and then moved on to hunting people. tamaru i noticed tretyakova in the rosehip bushes. despite her age, the woman was very attractive. it suddenly dawned on khomyakov that there was no one nearby, he needed to be shot.
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after a terrible emergency, detectives literally turned the entire village upside down in search of the criminal, but he got scared and went back to perma, where he continued his studies at a vocational school and returned. only a year later he returned to his favorite gun, this time he met his brother and sister. i didn’t feel that he would be sorry, he had a very impudent character, indeed, as she chatted, in fact, nina lay in bed for a long time hospital, she was recognized as disabled, they made a protest in place of an eye, but the girl was never able to recover from the nightmare she experienced.
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apparently, she started drinking, and i don’t know where she went, she died, which means that somewhere after the second murder, khomyakov no longer fled to perm, he calmly remained in the village, watching the search, he could have been identified earlier, but the evidence the granny hid, found a bloody cloak and quickly washed it together with her youngest granddaughter: don’t mess around, the grandmother didn’t want to believe that her grandson was a monster, she thought he just got involved with bad company, he is good, we need to give him a chance to improve. the court did not give khomyakov any chance, no discounts on his youth, at that age people gave their lives for their
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country, and the degenerate only took away. strangers for perverted fun. execution. another verdict was pronounced for the khomyakov family. the killer's father was convicted of careless storage of a firearm. it, along with cartridges, always lay in the children's room. his father, grandmother and mother naively believed that no one would touch him. was right, any gun will fire sooner or later, however, it was a completely different story. it was an “investigation” program. well, right now it’s live on central television. and we will devote the next hour to the events that are being discussed and the people they are talking about. this week the world discussed the possible resignation of the ukrainian commander-in-chief zaluzhny, a new war that
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biden is ready to unleash, and a french rebellion. farmers who besieged paris, and we will definitely talk about this today, too, but we also have several exclusive topics especially for viewers of central television. don't miss our a special investigation about the secret double of the leader of the third reich and a report from hollywood, where even world movie stars will now have to drink water from the sewer. and of course, we will not just tell you about the main events of the week, but we will try to explain them. good evening, my name is vadim takminev, i am yuliava. today is saturday. the third day of february, in most cities where they are watching us now, the exact time is 18:57 and we begin, there was an attempted palace coup in kiev, who tried to dismiss commander-in-chief zaluzhny, what came of it, and if the general didn’t want to resign in a good way, then how will he be removed in a bad way now? texas is raising the stakes, and the rebellious state is already supported by half of american
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governors, but why, in response to an internal crisis, is the threat to citizens... clean water is now the new oil? why are hollywood stars now promoting refusal to wash your face, and will california residents now have to drink water from
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the sewer? let's go, grandma matri's house should also be warm, just like we are doing a thorough inspection of the pipes, checking the supports, hello!
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