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tv   Versiya-3  NTV  February 4, 2024 3:05am-4:51am MSK

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training, it seems to me that at first i will still turn here to do something here, and we also had a kitchen here, we need to somehow comprehend this, very organic, a lot of storage places, i immediately took it from the refrigerator , put it in, washed it, all the frying pan, in the pan, threw everything in, i like the welding panel, the hood, i need to test the oven, bake something , i’m already waiting, i can’t wait to start cooking here, thank you very much for meeting us halfway, you did it we insulated everything there, now we have another additional one there, like a you can have breakfast and lunch there yourself, and if the guests are under that gorgeous chandelier overlooking the garden, the mood is just, well, pleasant, here there is a country house and some kind of estate, but most importantly not an apartment, there is no feeling that we are in moscow, come visit now come to us.
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well, we’ve solved one issue, now we need to get the chick before he gets you, and you think he’ll feel sorry for you, but he has no financial claims against me. only personal, and
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the chick is a practical person, but it depends on how much greenery you spend, in a week they open the envelopes, the main thing is that we, and not muscovites, dictate the terms of the competition, what leshy thinks, he doesn’t want to get us another address of the chick, he swears that he can’t , for some reason i believe him, he had difficulty remembering the last address, it was a good tip and the place is good. only there was no need to skimp on the performers, screw you, the cops are predictable people, they will now be looking for a meeting with tsypa, you just need to be on their tail.
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a parliamentarian from the personnel department suggested resigning, kissing, she also has a dad with i didn’t meet my mother, and i already commanded a ship in the black sea fleet, all my brains were formatted in iq, you say who is our widow, i say, no sorokin, oh, strange, but i thought you were imprisoned, it’s good that you are here, we have a place in the order from last week and it would be very good for everyone.
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if you submit a report of your own free will, did you write? no, i said that it would be too easy for the street people to stay here and correct my own mistakes, lyosha, no need, what do you think, it will count as a judge, i need you to be able to work, one has already been completed, forty it was necessary to close it, but do you think you are better than someone else? how did you set yourself up like that, old man? how did i know that he had a voice recorder under his bed? can you call petukhov again? i can call, it’s unlikely he’ll come. but you don’t have to come anywhere, i’ll come myself, let him tell you where? and then his phone number probably changed. just try it, you know, luck loves the persistent. lyosha, falling in love is your last chance, or you're already here. what did you take?
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look, a normal woman won’t tolerate this, why? i hope you're not a drinker found. fedorych, fedorych, dinavita stepanovna , that means they seemed suspicious, called the police, that’s all, what else, i told you everything, how it really happened, help yourself, yeah, thank you, you know, you’re great, because the whole undercut could have been blown up , people would have died , by the way, you don’t know who they could prepare such a surprise for, well, what are you, it’s better for you to know, you are the police, and in our entrance all the people are decent, well, strictly speaking, i’m not the police,
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who is the police , relevant, no, i’m not the police, but on time, your cat was lost, found, which cat is yours? cat, well, cleopatra , cleopatra, yes, no, she was not found, she disappeared, check it out, read it, you know, i also had a cat in my childhood, loved her very much, wow, she got lost, ran away, i spent a long time with her i searched, but i didn’t climb all the basements. i never found it, i cried for a long time about where to sign, i’m late, he’ll run in now, you know, it was read from my words, the number of the signature, right, it was read, did they lose something?
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no, your apartment is interesting, cozy, good, good, good, although strange.
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well, everything is fine, be normal, be here, so he said, i myself know that i’m not a big deal, but why should i talk about it to my face? will this make me any better? don’t be upset, he has changed since his wife left him, stepanovich, by the way , left three wives, but he doesn’t allow himself such insults, stepanovich,
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stepanovich, what a fruity fellow, we had no luck working with men. yes, and by the way, apart from work, i have no personal life, i don’t have any, well, okay, it was hot, that’s still understandable, but he didn’t even apologize, if you please, olga vladimirovna, i must apologize to you, i’m sincerely sorry, a man shouldn’t say that to a woman, oh, did your wife come back to you or something? at work i’m not a woman, i’m a senior researcher, lovely, especially since a man shouldn’t say that to a senior investigator.
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oh, the phone is ringing, the reception, oh, now, excuse me! on the path, oh, already gone, so much to do, phone, phone, hmm, um, tea, and i thought you wouldn’t come, but it turns out you ’re a real man, delicious, yeah, i like apple pies, i guessed it, olga
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vladimirovna, tell me, have you already interrogated boy, petya boltov, of course, on the very first day, but can you read it to me, thank you, here. how interesting it is that you don’t like , he described the appearance of the kidnapper, and what can you demand from a ten-year-old child, you interrogated him in the presence of a parent, of course, in the presence of a father and a teacher, and children are often shy, without parents they can say much more, well i know, so what , let’s interrogate him again, that’s all, once again, you will ask questions, i will only be present, and only with a teacher, the law allows us to do this, but you do you know a teacher? there is, that’s great
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, my friend, the school director, let her send you a reliable person, some old lady, a geography book, okay, wait, it’s true, it’s true that sorokin was imprisoned, it’s true, it’s true, why? here. such cop games, games, that is, to imprison
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the person who saved our child, this is a game, but what do you want from me, i did everything i could, and then you yourself saw what a fuss was made in the press, and sorokin will sit all this time, why are you in such a hurry, let him sit until everything settles down, yes? i don’t understand why you ’re defending him like that, and you won’t understand if the investigator comes. she wants to interrogate petya again, why? he probably thinks that
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he was embarrassed in our presence, and now he wants to invite the teacher. no, i don't like it. yes, yes, i’ll check now, get ready, i ’m in the car, okay, i’ll drop you off, at the same time i’ll meet the investigator, i hope this will help the magpies, god, as much as possible, what a child, i’m afraid that nothing will help him now, endless candy wrappers, candy wrappers, go, get ready,
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why are you standing there, get dressed quickly, what when it’s all over, green pants, what a cat, yes, that’s it, no, she doesn’t have a cat, once again everything is in order , i’ll explain, once again in order, it’s the grandmother, citizen gorlova, who called the police, released these miners, she said that it was supposedly by accident that it turned out to be in the entrance, well, i was looking for my cat here, but she didn’t have a cat, i’ll explain, i myself had a cat in my apartment for 10 years, can you imagine what that is? the wallpaper is in tatters, the furniture is torn, there is a smell in the apartment that doesn’t go away in 2 days, no matter how you tidy it up, and this throat woman has a cut on her head, she doesn’t even smell like a cat, don’t throw your head around, what does that mean, the citizen lied, she lied, and that’s a fact, why, i don’t know, this needs to be found out, and urgently, well, maybe she has an old man’s lover, she went to him, then it’s awkward to admit, it’s not an option , i saw her, it’s not an option, no lover, no
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old man, no cat, well, maybe the chick’s secret security, so secret that she doesn’t even suspect it, the usual pensioner? old woman, lives in a small apartment, in a simple house, the most important thing here is that she has no one more or less shabby cat, it’s strange , but let’s note it, what do we mean, let’s note it as a fact , we need it, i know, we need to take it here now, i’ll organize a search warrant, petrakov will meet me halfway, when we bring it, we start gutting it, stabbing it, get information out of her, aleksandrovich, while we are talking, she takes tickets, things run away from the ripper, and listen to what kind of cats there are, and what do cats have to do with it, alexander ferovich, you don’t tell me... you’re an investigator, i’m larisa bolotova . take your time please carefully, turn back.
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you understand that sorokin is a hero, and you imprisoned him, the law is the law, torturing a suspect is not a heroic feat, but he had no other choice, i mean, listen, i myself worked in the police, maybe not for very long, but good i imagine that whoever you worked for, i was.
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ask the boy, if it helps sorokin, interrogate him, hello, i'm investigator vysotsky, hello, who are you? teacher, teacher, teacher, the director asked me to help interrogate someone here, excuse me, what kind of education do you have, higher education, yeah, what do you teach? how is physical education the basis of life safety, yeah, that’s clear, but if i’m not needed, no, no, please sit down, we really need you, really, please, petya, please invite him,
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well, what’s there? nothing, golden, nothing will work out for you with this contract, so be afraid of the king of spades, yes, i know this king of kings, listen, maybe somehow you can bypass him or just eliminate him in the best way, don’t think about him. think about yourself, look, you are everywhere danger, yes, i know the danger, which side to look from, be afraid of a man in uniform, normal news in uniform, i thought that the wind was on the other side, but where i don’t look, you have it on all sides,
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the wind is quiet, yes , what now? a man in uniform showed up, quickly take pictures of yourself, just a second , you don’t have to be afraid of him, hello, yes, in principle , you can meet, write down the address, he said that i should remember him, when i was at my dad’s work, he came into the office, but... over the past weeks, it seems that you yourself in fact, i was at my dad’s work, well, yes, i went with him, uh-huh, we got into the car
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, these, these, uh-huh, then, then he talked to someone on the phone, and says that dad is late, he says, that the son of a policeman should be strong and not be afraid of anyone, and then he asked me to play for a while, come on, he says, let’s imagine that you are a hostage, we’ll see if you’re scared or not, and he blindfolded me, but i didn’t it was scary, wait,
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i wrote to the section, but can i go to the cart for hand-to-hand combat in order to become completely petya, you better study well, then you won’t have to use force, mom, who is chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, what a funny name, home, so i ’ll go alone, what do you think, no, of course, come on , no, well, you were drawing, i could n’t name them another place, yes, well, i’m almost finished
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, you’ve become rather weak, and baron, you ’ve known me for the first year, i know, and i see that i was wrong, you could have turned us all in, you should have seen it in your eyes, i saw it, your eyes are like eyes, but it’s just deep, who are you? i 'm listening to the store, drag it, why aren't you already? we haven’t used it for years, tell me what’s wrong with me, i didn’t have anything, i could talk about others as much as i like, guys, you’re lucky, you’re lucky, go for a walk, horses to fight, that means there’s a tip, widow,
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what will happen to you now? they will reward you, posthumously, i feel guilty, you are to blame and i am to blame, everyone around is to blame, just please, don’t try to fix anything.
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stop, stop, stop! i was assigned, yeah, put my hands on the hood, be careful, sorokin, your man. in my youth , of course, i bought cops individually, but glory god, now i have the means to buy a boss, believe me, this one is cheaper and works better, i answered. yes thank you. then the second
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question and the last one. war requires reasons . the reasons are clear to me. what is the defense reason? do you need an honest answer? or in the face? can you guess? well, you have legalized the bulk of the business. why don't you answer when it comes to white projects. what's the point? meaning? well, remember the classics. yes, man is mortal, but that would not be so bad. the bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal. that's what question. and he doesn’t even know what he is. will do this evening, but at least my evening today is more or less known to me, yes, but it seems to me that you would like to be avenged for you, who will you take revenge on? no, but at least i will have a version, well, although there is something in this, okay , everything is simple here, i have a white business, almost, baron is also almost white, in a week there will be
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a tender for repairing roads in the region. half of the companies participating in the tender are mine, half are his, of course, the choice is between bad and even worse the worst, i wouldn’t say so, i’ll roll at least 30% of the budget money into asphalt, but he won’t even put 15, take it. pick up the phone, the widow said, urgently call an ambulance, you know the address.
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i won’t take his permission anymore, get busy, wait for the medicine at podkovyrov, send it to court, to other cases, so that a cannon shot, you understand me, you understand, you understand, yes , no matter how much the rope is twisted, i sent people on a round, but it’s unlikely there will be witnesses here, interception has been announced, yes, just who to intercept, eduard stepanovich, sorry, what... i understand that sick leave is a sacred thing, but there is no one else, it’s okay, i’m always ready, thank you, i had no doubt, proceed, the main witness will be interrogated from you himself , maybe he’ll immediately turn himself in, funny, zhenya, he came to me first came, offered an exclusive, i had to take advantage. we
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conducted an examination, the recording was fake, oh well, yeah, i went to the hospital myself, interviewed him, the beaten man confirmed everything, and he will confirm anything for you, you know that he was released after that, and now he is unknown , where maybe commits a new murder, i was doing my public duty, listen, you were just used, for real. expert's conclusion, institute of digital technologies, with a stamp.
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this can’t be, zhenya screwed up as always, he was daydreaming about the police prize , what should we do now, well, he’s getting ready to fight in court, the government will overwhelm you with lawsuits, and he will... listen, so if you have a person in the baron’s narrow circle, then maybe? it can’t, if there were a person, the baron would have been in prison a long time ago, this is such amazing information. it's clear that it's interesting local? well, i agreed with tsypa, he arrived at the place 10 minutes before you,
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therefore we have two options: either one of you spilled the beans, or you were lost. who knew about the meeting place? you, me, and the chick. so there’s no point in talking about it, i didn’t share it with anyone either. listen, san. there was no tail behind you, what kind of tail, lesha, the sniper was shooting , he knew the place, he chose the position, listen, some kind of bullshit is turning out, we are surrounded by chicks, we will never figure it out, because of this inheritance such a fuss flared up, harrow anyone could have dumped him, but the chick too, he’s not a fool, he’s wagging his tongue all over the place, lyosha, i asked you to find out something for me in the gadchinsky search, what i asked was clear. you won’t forget now, however, listen, lyosha , i’m sorry, yes, who is this, my journalist,
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look, media popularity is capricious, i took into account, well, well, how where, where did they agree, here i am, shaking my hat, and why do bald women love you, where did you get the idea? okay , okay, i'm just happy for you, seriously, remember, i introduced you, sasha, lend me some money, now, now, yes, here enough. “i’ll return it, consider it operational , thank
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you, it’s cold, i’m sorry, i got some fresh air, yes, i’m trying to remember it , what ay, come to me. come here, well, in the house, well, that’s enough, how ’s that enough, why? can quickly ring the phone. quickly, i can, oh, i'm broke, i'm not in the mood for jokes , look, you can find out who this subscriber called at this time, and what will this give us? it will give us the number of the one who leaked incriminating evidence on you. this phone is probably registered to fake pass. i broke all my corporate rules for you, you understand, for your sake, you hear me , let’s go, you understand what will happen to me if they find out about this, no one will work with me, let me go, i’m a snowman now, all my
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mascara is running, i’m sorry,
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get it! teacher mukhin vladimir sergeevich born on 02.1275. here is the passport, registration. ah, he didn’t stay, he didn’t get involved. well, check the old database. wow, well that's actually illegal. alexander fedorovich, how... we persuaded, but at the very moment when
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the country is so violent with piracy, we are looking for a person in databases purchased on the market, cool, database of the untimely deceased rubop, here is the nickname mukha, read, nickname mukha, member of the upg zabiyaki, in the ninety-seventh year he was detained on suspicion of extortion, oh, what a shame, widow, i need your memory, no, mukh, i don’t know, y bullies. there were a lot of people hanging out, how was he? and he was spanked in belgium 5 years ago, team? yes, team, who ran where? one ran all the way to school and is now quietly teaching. well, what kind of children, such teachers. and who was the bully closest to? to the chain or to the baron? yes, he tried ours, yours. well, that’s probably why they spanked me, okay, that’s it, come on, bye, you have a fun life, are you in place, are you getting along? so
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we’ll drink it all away and not disgrace the fleet? let's remove it for the fleet. which of ours did you see, no one, everyone ran away, sit down, come on, you remember, our shooting, on the eighty-ninth, of course, i remember, if you hit half a cable, to the left, we wouldn’t be talking to you now, i should have learned it by now, it’s good that you’ve at least finished your shells, let’s drink to that, come on, come on, to luck, to it, something beeps, uh-huh, now, here
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there are five numbers on your phone number, for whom i registered, for a citizen of tajikistan, ravshan makhmudov, hold on, that’s what i thought, okay, it’s time for me to sit down, let’s continue, leave it aside. i still have to go to gadchina, i’ll have to go there too, this is nonsense, listen, vaska, do you remember what vaska, bezukhov, went with my senior mate, remember, well, of course i remember, so he now works in the gadchina wanted list, he transferred there recently, i understand, who is vaska, vaska, who are you, this vaska, well done, come on for vaska, come on, come on, it’s time.
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tell him hi, i didn’t understand, funny the fact is that if you are covered with his fly, he will run, and if he is not covered, he will come to us, i’m not sure, he doesn’t have it, but officially i
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can’t ask anyone about this, wow, wow, he’s busy, vasya, how much years old, lyokha, how many winters there are, i don’t come to you empty-handed, greetings from lyokha pankova. we'll drink it all away, but we won't disgrace the fleet, come here! come here, yesterday it was stolen from vodka liquor, so the owners thanked
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him, well, turn right, that means
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he didn’t run to us. he ran, well, in pursuit, where, where, take care of the pinnay, kitty, how much driving experience do you have, yes, it’s already been a year, but my life is dear to me, and this won’t go anywhere, and then, you know, freedom can be easily sold, but you can only get it back as a gift, philosophy, directly, no, it’s experience , to the base. oh, i thought the investigator was calling me. hello, dear. the investigator will call you again, but i have a different question. what are you all about the investigator, as a husband? no way, i ate too many pears. okay, that's enough, let's get down to business. sit down. "i can guess how?
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well, you understand that i didn’t come up with this, this is a common practice, and it will be better for everyone , and it will be better for me, stop explaining, we already have the whole police department on our ears because of you, you know, we already have too many criminal employees, and what if you at the end of the year they will condemn you, then i don’t know what to do.” and if i am acquitted, if you are acquitted, then we will immediately take you back, yes, listen to me, i can still include you in the order from last week and fire you according to of your own free will, well, think for yourself, why would you spoil your work record?
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dismissed by court order, thank you, sign. well, think about your team , about me, after all, thank you, but where is your id, and my id was stolen from my cell, you reported this, and the investigator has an id, who will give it to me in my cell? well, it’s nice, on the way out, that i’m deaf or something, on the way out.
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it’s so far from the city, you’ll live here for a couple of days until we get new documents. here's another exclusive.
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evgeny, this is valery pavlovich, hello, as promised, i have information for you, in continuation of an old topic. we have just received information about a man killed in this house. this is the hero of our stories about corruption in law enforcement agencies. we are ready to call his last name: alexey podkovyr. a few days ago he was detained for a trumped-up crime and severely beaten. you 'll be sitting down soon anyway. don't go to batka.
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so the recording is genuine, if they give it to us, and no one doubted that it was genuine, maybe he can negotiate with an expert? no one else can do it. i heard, yeah that's it, eh, lyokha, lyokha, what's here , it's never met, go to work, okay, there's a desire there and sides, well, guys, please don't block the light, well, alexander fedorovich, sit, work, we've finished playing, in i mean, you see how your flirtations with the operas turned out, if you had been detained in a timely manner, vdovina, thank you, vdovina. this would not have happened, excuse me, but what does this mean? stop, it’s all clear to everyone where widow is, he probably
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works with concepts, i’ve already called his superiors, they don’t know either, i wouldn’t be surprised if he i’ve already traveled abroad with a false passport, to dovinto, i’m rather crossing the black sea with scuba gear, it’s not funny, yes, yes, so, you know what you should do?
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the number of ascents was equal to the number of dives, wait, we are not submariners, today we are submariners for conspiracy, remember? in may ninety, in june sergeevich, that’s it, i left, what in june?
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children's day? yes, for the children. great! jelly, as you like, thank you, you can be curious about the book, it’s all very simple, my spine wrote, oh, we and together with him on transfers, with the owner, he has a biography to shoot a movie, here it’s written about me in three places, everything is in color, as it was, you’re a book. probably, i flipped through, leafed through, leafed through, here’s the name somehow, but a good name, the path of an honest thief, the right
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name, but what about you? don’t bother with memoirs, well, i think it’s just in vain that i read my colleagues, a push is needed when life around is so quiet, you can’t start, it’s so quiet, such a trick was sunbathing here , a bomber, well, there was such a passenger in the next house, the cops gave him a hard time, they took him to the hospital, and then released him on subscription, well, lucky... well, how can i say, they shot him, already, but you’re not little, you yourself understand that whoever drew up the will could have drawn it up in the house, yes, well, who cares? hemorrhoids are needed, and so it’s clean, well, yes, well, yes, it looks like the chick is insuring himself so that no one else’s hand will rise, the chick maybe, he
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’s careful, he even has a fortune teller... he has a personal one, a channel, what kind of fortune teller, an ordinary one , she runs to her for any questions, and she spreads out that card and says which business she will say, which she won’t, with whom to have a relationship, and who to avoid, believe it or not, she told him at times, specifically, what is the name of the fortune teller, oh, you asked, although someone was drunk, something like... women zina, mother zina, mother zina , yes, hello , from the personnel department, you are in charge of sorokin’s case , i am in charge of sorokin’s case, very good, so i ’m coming to you, the fact is that he resigned of his own free will, and i need to take his id from you, he resigned, this is the first
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time i’ve heard about this, and here i am... i prepared an extract from the dismissal order, yes, okay, an extract from the order, here it is characteristic, i thought, maybe it will be useful to you for the investigation , it will be useful for the investigation, oh, yes, i see that all these years he has gone downhill, alas, yes, but i’ll bring you the performance appraisal later, unfortunately, we didn’t have time to prepare it, yeah, tell me, was he fired? what, no, nothing, what about xiva, what about xiva, yes, please, and i’ll give you a receipt. i have prepared a receipt, you are very prudent, well , this is the job, all the best, here are the personnel, no one knows the laws, yes, you forgot something, hello, hello, teacher mukhin, you i was called, called, just some kind of evening of surprises, take off your clothes, although i called you
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several times. before, you know, i didn’t succeed before, what’s this? what is this? fly trap, fly repellent, for flies? well, that means you know everything about me, we know, that means you know that i quit, and you quit? this, you see, caliber 5.45, the arrow is bought alive, dismantling in the fishermen's, and here, when i came out of intensive care, i immediately thought, why do i need all these graters, grinding, honestly, life is better, i have kids now, i teach karate, you know? you know, otherwise they wouldn’t have invited me as a child to interrogate, it’s true , we checked you thoroughly, as i understand it, the other day when you called me, two strange plumbers came to my gym to check the heating, and then another one came to me in the evening, and the main thing is that no one took the money, i
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was surprised at first, but now i understand, your people are plumbers, of course we can talk about this. it’s impossible, but you tell them to camouflage themselves better, otherwise plumbers don’t behave like that, i’ll definitely tell them if we see you, try your best, you’re good they knew citizen petukhov, why should i know him well, where is he, where am i, the day before yesterday during interrogation they called me, remember, about the meeting, so he was killed at the meeting with you? class, i’ll definitely tell the children everything , i’ll come to class tomorrow and tell you, but you weren’t hurt, you weren’t hurt, thank you, you saw that i wrote down the meeting place, you think i handed it over, i’ll definitely tell the children everything, well judge for yourself, i need it, whether the chick is alive or dead, i don’t care, i’m done with the past, i’m now teaching the kids karate, you better check your aunt, which aunt? well,
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who interrogated you, but she needs it, i ’ll tell you a secret, all the evil comes from women. your soldiers, mine, class, you must tell the children, well, interrogate, you are free, mukhin, yeah, read and sign, you are free. do you know why i was late? why? when i went to see you, there was some kind of car behind me, like it was tied, i looked, there were two people sitting in it, faces, one had a snob, like this,
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at first i was dumbfounded after the end, i thought it was a joint from the past, well, i’m the number wrote them down but you break through the water supply too. well, you don’t need to send me any more, okay, hello , hello, what kind of plumbers are they who don’t take bribes, but there are some, he came himself, he himself, and you let him go, there weren’t any free cells, he told me to come in line for me, that is, he is not involved in business, that is, yes, of course, this number is... your car, mine, and what about spies? i mean, where? and so, here, here, and also a voice recorder, can i have some tea?
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no thanks. explore, explore, and not cover up one violation with another, remember, freedom is possible it's easy to sell, but you can only get it back. this is the first, second, cases of abuse of power are brought not only by the owners, but by the heirs, although this is of course rare. and third, where is the recorder? on your table. let's try to use common
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sense, ordinary everyday logic. voice recorder, brand new, right, right. it was bought specifically for recording conversations in a hospital. perhaps, perhaps. the event is responsible, but there should be no cutting. what should they have done first? i have an expert friend who tells me i once swore that i could restore any erased digital recording. do you really hope that it will be written there, hello, my name is vasya pupkin, i’m going to do something dirty here, here’s my address, phone number, be sure to come, and
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quickly, i know, but you need to check, do it tomorrow morning, and stepanovna, hello, this is investigator zhelvis from the prosecutor’s office, you are worried about the statement about your missing cat, but your cat didn’t go missing, zinaidas. panovna! young man, sit down, don't stand there, excuse me, yes, it’s good that alexander fedorovich still remembers about me, remembers, remembers, but it’s true , yes, that you can display an old entry, this is not always the case, so what is it like? so you took it and wrote something, x, y, z, so, then you took it and erased it, nothing is clear, but if
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you look better, you can see traces, from them you can already determine the entry, now i understand, although of course, this is unlikely. yes, no one can give a 100% guarantee if your device is not new, if it is of poor quality, poor assembly, although of course he's new. and it’s not cheap, yes, i think there is a chance, but it’s unlikely, so maybe we can start, you know, so that you understand, now the fate of the free world is in your hands, is that clear?
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let’s get started then, that’s right, i’ll wait , stepanovna, why didn’t you say before, how much time you saved, what time, what time compared to eternity, and gennady ivanovich was still alive then, that ’s understandable, the client’s interest comes first . gennady ivanovich is more than a client. how did you meet him? my apartment was then robbed. i came to the police to report i filed, they accepted the application, but did not initiate a case. they say it’s all your fault, because you don’t have an apartment, but a courtyard. and they also found some kind of witness there. it turns out he was there repairing the car all day. and i didn’t see how my things were taken out. and my friend. also deceased
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, she introduced me to gennady ivanovich, i told him everything, he listened to me, and 2 days later i returned home, all my things were returned, a note, what a note, with an apology, yeah, well, then i didn’t save it, sorry please, this one here on that day when on... he was at our entrance, what a cop, well, to whom i submitted an application, who accepted it, but did not initiate a case, so this cop, when he left, i laid my cards on him , so he has a state-owned house ahead of him and a long road ahead.
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i'm going to hell, huh?
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decide, nikolai pavlovich, what do you need, we haven’t agreed on tomorrow’s meeting, but tell vasily petrovich that i ’ll be with him in half an hour, in half an hour, yes, it will definitely be, absolutely sure, just don’t start without me, thank you. yes, indeed, in 2005 year, a statement was received from citizen gorlova regarding theft, burglary, based on this statement, a decision was made to refuse to initiate a criminal case. yes, exactly, i would like to get acquainted with the material. and who are you, exactly? investigator zhelves, investigative committee. here. how do you like it? i thought so, thank
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you, okay, here it was on top, you’re lucky, they’re usually sorted by month, so someone recently took it to read it, i wonder who might need a second refusenik? i remembered that nikolai pavlych recently took bolotov’s material, yeah, and i see he’s a master of all trades, but we’re not complaining, nikolai. pavlych works very well, so he was promoted. as far as i know the system, it is not always the best who are promoted, rather it is the exception. and what? well, as far as i understand, this has nothing to do with nikolai pavlich. and i'll take the material. wait, here is the resolution, and the seizures. what can you say about sarogin?
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womanizer, what else can you say? lyokha. i don’t understand, you’re wanted for murder, did we kill someone yesterday or what? i don't remember, they say some kind of podkovyrov, a horseshoe, uh -huh, what floor do you have, the third, it won’t work, bezukhov, bezuv from...
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where can he get away, that’s for sure, yes , that’s how things are, so, listen, and don’t stick your head out and don’t drink at all , in general, i will need you sober soon, bezukhov, i know that you are here,
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you know, so, who was a witness on the basis of testimony, who was refused to initiate a criminal case, you know, guessed, guessed, and since you are like that , guess that well, you were silent before, force my feet first, which of us is in general, you or i, who should work in the field, who sit in the office, he guessed, my dear father , thank you, but stupid, father, dear, how come i didn’t guess before, he’s his father, dear, i’m stupid, you feel bad, man, no, that you make me feel good, here now i feel very good, excuse me, but no one guessed it before you,
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well, the facts often lie on the surface, and i ’ll just look at them with fresh eyes, bolotov was always only interested in his career. career, money, power, it was always very reliable with him, but somehow boring, yes, and then sorokin appeared, i knew that he had reputation as a womanizer, but he always looked after me very nicely, doctors told me that i couldn’t have children, you see, in his youth, sorokin was the father of your child. as soon as he found out, he immediately offered to divorce bolotov and marry him , but i couldn’t, i didn’t dare, then i came to my senses and proposed, but he didn’t agree,
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and so everything continues with us to this day, hello, hello, he’s not like that. .. it’s very good with him, but this is not a family, with bolotov it’s more reliable, wait, well, ma, where do you get these candies all the time, thank you, i found out everything you wanted, please tell me, and it will somehow help sorokin, are you ready to go to court and tell this story to the jury on... this may make an impression, goodbye, how did you know? sorokin’s behavior did not fit into the working framework, even within the framework
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of the child abduction case, besides, you can pass, the son is very similar to his father, well, here and here, i told you, these are completely different articles, here everything needs to be fixed. elvira, hello, is it liveliness that bothers you? no, there is no news from alexey, but i
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i want to show you the soundtrack of one conversation for identification, maybe you’ll recognize the voice, okay, i’m waiting, damn, he’s not here, not a single one was cold, but don’t worry, once upon a time there weren’t even computers, but crimes were still solved, let’s go, there’s idea, where, no, well, can you imagine what they did , they are from... they urgently change the conditions of the competition, the freaks want to go under the muscovites, you had to think about what you were doing, i warned you about this option, no, you have to deal with this investigator decide something, he must either return the documents or cancel the audit, it’s easy, we’ll blow it up i’m the investigative committee, we’ll shoot whoever doesn’t explode, are you an idiot, don’t you know what kind of money i’m losing? no, and i’m not interested, because this is not my money, and
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not mine, not all mine, do you have any idea what kind of people are taking part in this project, and what should i explain to them now, try citing force, force majeure , usually this calms them down, no, i need to decide something with this investigator, buy, finally, even if i get a runny nose, the one who needs it
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will have a detailed evidentiary description of all your many exploits. why, are you asleep? no, i was just playing it safe. he left, well done, congratulations, congratulations, i say, now. listen, what do i need from you, it’s not good, it’s not good, i got a scolding from the authorities, listen, vasya, we need to figure out how to evacuate me from here before we get burned, huh? your phone is ringing, and it’s a journalist, who
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is it, landline phone, don’t answer, yes, it’s valery pavlovich, or is it better to address you by your nickname, it’s... scopist, who is it? my last name won’t tell you anything, but i won’t tell you it either. brought for examination dictaphone. do you understand what i'm talking about? so, an old recording was found there with your name on it. it seems to me that you would really not like it to be known about her. so, today i'm on the newsletter. and tomorrow morning i’ll go to work and will be forced to give my
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conclusion, you know what i mean, some kind of nonsense, voice recorder, recording, are you on the phone? not confused, i think not confused, who even gave you this number? journalist, i watched all his reports and it was not difficult for me to connect this entry with other interesting facts, you understand what i mean 5,000 dollars, won’t bankrupt you, but i’m planning to do renovations in the apartment, i need to think about it, think it over, but remember, “i have to work tomorrow morning, you know what i mean, so we have problems, remember and never do that, you they did it, i’m teaching you with a negative example, the investigator, he generally has to
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think with his head, he passes... no, he’s looking at me sideways, in the office with papers, working, and not fulfilling his duties, just because the only smart detective, bitch, got drunk, if the corkscrew had not gone away, he would have been imprisoned long ago, as he was imprisoned, he would have been released, yeah, i thought the same about sorokin, you know. freedom, you can, freedom can be easily sold, and only received back as a gift , i remember, right, right, and where is the chair, where is the chair, the chair, now somewhere here, well,
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finally, you’re a friend, from my mistake ... and you won’t get better, leshy is urgently needed , let him call the address on this phone, make inquiries about the expert, there’s no time at all, bezukhov, bolotov searched you there , he’ll wait, i’m working, quietly, yes, knowledge, no one can see him should, who is this selyora vodka gunner.
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surname, whose surname of the one who gave me pendals, ilyushchenkov used to work in the traffic police, where, where, where, quietly, quietly, quietly, our proud sailor does not surrender to the enemy, i’m calm , tell me, i’m looking for i’ll come back, yes, come on.
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good, how come lesha couldn’t figure out a damn thing? and i know that you’re no longer a wizard, the examination could have been carried out anywhere, not necessarily in gruudak, i can’t know all the experts in the city, it’s bad, you know , what’s good, what’s bad, what’s bad, you should
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try it yourself, in registered in the house, one guy, neighbors say he lives. scientist, similar, natural, similar, you know, it’s cold, we also don’t slurp. yes, i’m listening to you, i hung up, put your hand down. come on, yeah, looks like a test.
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“stop, i’ll shoot, i’m the head
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of the criminal police, i belong to you, men, men, i’m the head of the criminal police,
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there was no theft, even if the material from allegedly he was repairing a car at the entrance and saw that the archive was taken when the horseshoe was burned, and then they immediately gave us two answers: who directed boron to the fortune teller’s address, who matched him with the performer?
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finally, the sensational case of the participation of criminal investigation officers in committing serious crimes and exceeding their official powers, especially for you, investigator, nikita tyurin, which means that the investigation revealed the involvement of the chief. and his also revealed involvement in a number of contract killings committed in the city over the past 2 years, most importantly under article 105, murder with aggravating
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circumstances, here is the latest news, especially for you, special correspondent evgeniy, here is an extract from the order of sorokin’s dismissal, check it out please, yes, wait, wait, he was fired on december 14, while the action that... gentlemen, let's hurry up today, otherwise there will be breakfast in my cell. don’t rush, don’t rush, a motion to dismiss the case under article 186, due to the absence of a crime in the actions of my client. so
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please, i beg you. yuriy ruvimovich, well, well, the investigation has decided to grant your petition, send the materials to the investigative department of the police department for a decision, well, well, i don’t understand anything, maybe someone can tell me something will he explain? your personnel overdid it, sorokin, not only did they take your dismissal report before your visit to the horseshoe, but they fired you by that time. excessive zeal led to the fact that you beat podkovyrov, no longer a police officer. which means they could not have committed an official crime, so what next, terminate the criminal case, release from custody immediately, excellent, theoretically, since you are now a civilian, the materials of your case should be sent from the investigative committee to the prosecutor's office in the internal affairs directorate, but who will bother with all this, the victim was killed,
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they will also remember you, fool, lex, fool, the law is the law, thank you, but for me, what should i do now, live, it’s not for me to give you advice, sorokin , but it seems to me that you should think about what to do next, because you have a son growing up, and his mother still doesn’t know how to tell the boy that she still loves his real father,
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sasha, hi, thank you, where is egorka, great, zetyok.
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from the 14th century there was a process of collecting russian lands, the moscow appanage principality became the basis of a single centralized russian state, the lands northeast of moscow, the territory of the modern yaroslavl region, finally became part of it in
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the second half of the 15th century. the yaroslavl region is located in the central part of russia, northeast of moscow, about 270 km from the capital to yaroslavl. when traveling, you can get to the city by road or railway; travel time by electric train is no more than 4 hours. one of the oldest russian cities, yaroslavl, was founded by prince yaroslav the wise in the very the beginning of the 11th century near the pagan settlement of medvezhy ugol. on the high bank of the volga. the city attracts tourists from all over the world. its thousand-year history lives on in ancient manuscripts and archaeological finds. the streets and small towns breathe it. and churches and formidable monasteries fortresses. the plans of its founders can still be discerned in the layout of the center of yaroslavl. in 2005, the unesco world heritage committee included the entire historical part of the city on the list of
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specially protected sites. since ancient times, this area had a special strategic and economic significance. its cities were part of important trade routes. yaroslavl lands passed through one of the sections of the great volga route from scandinavia to the caspian sea, from voryak to araby. in the 16th century, the main trade route leading from moscow to arkhangelsk, at that time the only seaport, became the main one. pereslavl-zalessky, rostov and yaroslavl are located on this route. the tract at different times was called troitsky, tsarsky, arkhangelsk, pereslavl. pereslaval zalessky is located 40 km from moscow on the shores of lake pleshcheevo velichava. in 1152, grand duke yuri dolgoruky founded the city of the fortress, pereyaslavl,
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a new one to protect the borders of the rostov-suzdal principality. the area of ​​the ancient city is 28 hectares, which today is equal to the area of ​​the moscow kremlin. by the standards of the 10th century. this is a large russian city, a large fortress. pereslavl residents are proud that the famous russian commander, prince alexander nevsky, was born in their city. the newborn prince was baptized within the walls of the white stone cathedral of the transfiguration. the temple was built in the 12th century on the central red square of the city. subsequently, the prince’s heroic deeds will be ranked among the clique of saints. he will become the heavenly patron of the russian ground forces. on the ancient lake pleshcheyevo, another great commander, peter ii, assembled his amusing flotilla, laying the foundations of russia's naval glory. the museum at the botik estate of peter i displays the only miraculously
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preserved ship of that time. at the beginning of the 19th century, it became an exhibit of a public museum. at the beginning of the 16th century, these lands, like all of russia, were experiencing a civil war, a great turmoil, as this was called period contemporaries. the struggle for power between boyars, false princes, and land sovereigns ruined the country for many years. for the time being , the yaroslavl cities were only observers in the confrontation, but in 1608 , polish and lithuanian troops headed here to support. a contender for the throne, who went down in history under the nickname tushinsky thief. to avoid ruin, the pereslavl people voluntarily allowed foreigners into the city. having dared to disobey, the nikitsky monastery on
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the outskirts of pereslavl zalesky was twice besieged by dmitry’s troops and burned. only a few years later the monastery was restored with the participation of the romanov family. next russian. the city that was besieged by the troops of the false dmitry ii was rostov the great, the oldest city in russia, this quiet, now paradise center in the 15th century was the center of the third most important metropolis in the country, powerful and rich. metropolitan philoret, the future patriarch of moscow of all russia, the father of the first tsar from the romanov family, called on the rostovites to defend themselves against the troops of luzhe dmitry ii. when the city was about to be occupied by sapeiga’s troops, he told them replied that he would remain faithful to the orthodox faith and oath to the sovereign, but this is firmness, this is a moral feat, he, like no one else, understood
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that there was a civil war in the country and, in principle, a foreign intervention had actually begun. the only witness to the military confrontation of those years is the assumption cathedral of the rostov kremlin, built at the beginning of the 15th century, the kremlin itself, and other churches of the metropolitan's chamber appeared only at the end of the 14th century. metropolitan philoret and the townspeople took refuge behind the powerful walls of the assumption cathedral, as historical chronicles and detachments tell the besieging soldiers knocked down the doors and carried out massacres of people, suppressing... the invaders and boris the gleb monastery, which is 20 km from rostov. during the time of troubles
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, the reclusive venerable irinarch lived in the monastery. he spent 30 years in a tiny cold cell in the monastery wall, undergoing one of the difficult monastic feats - seclusion. the cell and chains worn by the monk have survived to this day. the monk irenarch inspired his own. if you don’t meet him, near moscow you will see the glory of god above you, in one day all of yaroslavl will be filled with rumors that the venerable rinarch...
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gave his blessing to go to moscow. modern researchers place the venerable irenarch on a par with the venerable sergius of radonishsky, who blessed dmitry dansky for the battle of kulikovo. yaroslavl in the 17th century was not the center of the region, but a large trading city, which was also affected by the events of the troubles. in 1608, the poles entered the city, and although yaroslav remained under the foreigners.
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now it is a functioning monastery in the center of yaroslavl. during the 4 months of the militia's presence in yaroslavl, a temporary government, council of all rus'. its own mint was formed, and a monument was erected in the spasopreobrazhensky monastery of the yaroslavl kopek. this coin was in use until the 18th century. the most ancient monastery temple in all of yaroslavl, the transfiguration cathedral remembers one of the most exciting moments of that time. under the arches of the cathedral, decorated with frescoes from the times of ivan the terrible, the leaders of the militia illuminated the banners before the march on moscow. and said prayers for the restoration of order in the fatherland. time of troubles is like
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it would be trouble, but during this trouble we understand what the role of the people is, because the time of troubles is when there was a weak state, when the people stirred up a state of patriotism in themselves, a state of the fact that this is our land, the poles came to our land, came the invaders, in fact, this... surge of patriotism, he created this very militia, tried on various classes warring among themselves, and managed to create such a popular force that actually returned the state. in 1997, on st. michael's field, under the walls spasopreobrazhensky monastery a chapel appeared. the largest camp was located here. the campaign against moscow was
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a success and russia entered a new historical era. a year later, by coincidence, it was from yaroslavl that mikhail romanov would send a letter stating that he agreed to accept manomakh’s hat. the events of the time of troubles left a deep imprint in the people's memory as a time of betrayal, lawlessness and anarchy.
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good to have you all here, what is this? remember, i made impressions of the dead man's teeth, yeah, so one of the clinics confirmed that he was their client, who, you won’t believe, is vosnetsev.


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