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tv   Nash Potreb Nadzor  NTV  February 4, 2024 1:00pm-2:06pm MSK

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where did our agv go? let's go, solemn , both of you, yes, wow, how did you come up with all this, wow, amazing, let's fill it up, look, even the filter is tired, the filter is even standing, i 'm just opening it like that, right with trepidation, with trepidation, you can sit down look at the table, it folds out into two tables, oh, so we’re almost all together, you can move it as you like, you can even have several tables here. it’s so unlikely to build up to the point of annoyance, not that it’s beautiful, not that it’s practical, it’s brilliant, now the second batch will come, we’ll now we’re sick of watching their reactions , let’s call them then, yes, that’s it, that’s it, i went to call them, let’s rush here, be stunned, stunned, guys, we’re glad to see you, wow, yes, look, you don’t know what to grab onto our
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photos are definitely you and i’m great here , close the fire, what impressions we are in shock, it’s all just the color scheme, that’s how it is... well, it’s probably cozy here, it’s so warm, it’s so nice, you don’t want to leave here, you know, yes, when the designer zhanna came here for the first time, she asked me, well, what do you want, i say, well how can you explain it, i couldn’t find the words, she looked at me like that and said, i understood everything, she really understood everything, yes, yes, she understood everything, i came here and saw the kitchen, here, i was shocked, of course, and how everything it was done, completed
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, there were no thresholds, i was very worried that after the renovation there would not be, how to say, such memories from childhood, but when i saw this log wall, this window, which was always hidden under the carpet, it became it’s easier that yes, everything, everything, that is, all the memories will remain, i really like the multi-stage lighting, it’s very cozy, it’s very convenient, and it’s great that there is this closet, a display case, because there really are some family ones for us. important things that we always had hidden inside, in closets, we took them out there for the holidays, yes, but here we can admire them every day, all these memories of ours, my emotions are overflowing, i’m just happy, water from street vending machines, although it costs a penny, is no worse than expensive, bottled, clean, it’s good, as if it was drawn from a well, but it is pumped from an ordinary water supply. and
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no one monitors the quality, how it is filtered , how much the owners of water booths earn, i thought it was crammed with all sorts of equipment, filters, it’s empty, look, there’s nothing here , a batch of defective cars was brought to russia from china, which could catch fire at any moment , vermicelli from which brands is not made of durum wheat at all and spreads into porridge, the manufacturer deliberately adds flour from soft wheat, which is used to torture coffee beans at the factory where they prepare soluble powder for... why does it brew so quickly, what is added to taste the smell, this device is never shown to journalists, only for us they made an exception, water is life, and everyone knows this... you have
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the opportunity to see this life with your own eyes, because it happens that various evil spirits are moving in the water from the tap, residents of perm, yekaterinburg, the moscow region , chita, yaroslavl found worms, but what to do, the water supply is worn out by as much as 70%, in places like a colander, through which it crawls. all sorts of rubbish, so many people try to buy water, but only bottled water, yes, it won’t be enough , it drains the budget a lot, so many go to get water from a water dispenser, these are the kind of machines, well, not like this one, but the ones that are near the under...
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it’s like you pay rubles 5 per liter you get the purest water, but is there any point in spending even this small amount? after all, these water pumps are often connected to a regular city water supply; do they have some kind of superfilters inside? rumors are leaking that no one checks these uninterrupted sources, but what will we do, of course everything... we will check, in the summer at the dacha galina goes to the spring for clean water, in winter moscow to the neighboring house, choose the number of liters, pay, the machine fills the bottle, i take this water
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because it’s very convenient, i don’t have to buy an expensive filter and install, then change cartridges, they they are very expensive and not very convenient to change; it is very expensive to buy such water in a store. and i bought 5 rubles a liter near my house, clean, good water, from such water she cooks borscht, compotes, drinks without boiling, they say it tastes, of course, the water is crystal it’s clean, it’s clean, it’s good, as if it was drawn from a well, as it used to be, and alexey boasts of such regular customers a dime a dozen, in moscow and the moscow region he has more than 100 such water pumps, sometimes the pressure of customers is such that queues form
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-for... they know that the water from the kiosks attached to the houses, which businessmen call clean, living, life-giving, is actually not from underground wells or tanks with imported artesian water, but from the same city water supply, we have the right to connect to communications, we also pay according to the meters that are installed in this device, the water meter , please, that means the electric meter, which... we pay in full for them according to tariffs, like all residents of the house, although, of course, the water shows before it gets into the bottle a specialist, goes through a labyrinth of filters, the first is mechanical, sifts out large debris, such as sand and dust, the second is coal, cleans from chlorine,
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pesticides, bacteria, the third is the most expensive, removes the smallest particles of minerals, then all the water is accumulated in tanks and passes through... the scheme is indeed transparent, but the reviews about water from street machines are sometimes, to put it mildly, cool. i bought 10 liters, it smelled terribly like bleach, it was impossible to drink, so i threw it away. the water from the water pump clearly has an unpleasant taste. it is possible that competitors are merging each other in this way - the businessman suggests, because 15 years ago hundreds of entrepreneurs flowed into a new niche from... at the same time, and some soon became cramped, because to open such a water bottling point, correspondent anya studied the issue shishmintseva, it’s elementary, in russia nine people with a quick mind walked along the water to rivers and springs, they built villages around them, they
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always carried buckets in their left hand, so that the sign that a woman with an empty bucket would not work for good, and also to walk... it was necessary during the day, in the dark the water is spoiled by evil forces, in general, in order not to become a little goat, there was the sea, now everything is simpler, a water dispenser is right in the house, it’s a miracle , but the most amazing thing is that to install the miracle worker. it turns out that they are not needed no permits from the sanitary service, just open an individual entrepreneur in two clicks from the phone and come to an agreement with the residents of the house, then just put in buckets, profits pour in, such simplicity, explains senator sergei mitin,
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who has been working for many years in the federation council for improving the quality of drinking water, is connected with the fact that water machines appeared not so long ago, 15 years is a drop for... processed sowing, divided it into water for baby food, all this is marked today using digital markings, allowing you to determine when it was mined and where. now each bottle of drinking water is sent to the counter only if it rolls under a brush with a square sticker like this at the factory. the barcode that is applied to the packaging contains all the information about the composition and expiration date, that is, you can check it. the application is an honest sign that is easy to install on your phone, so if
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, say, an overdose of arsenic or dangerous microbes is found in a water bottle, all this was recently found, by the way, the brand’s water is more alive, all h2o from this plant will be available for sale instantly stop with one click and the water will simply stop making its way at the checkout, and the water from the vending machines not only does not pass the high-tech control system, it... the head of the association of h2o bottle sellers admits in a low voice, the state does not control it at all, i’ll just explain such a subtle point , the topic has not yet been fully studied, and therefore there are no strict regulations, like in bottled water, but we only this market is regulated, even such concepts as bottled water or that vodomat or aquamat no longer legally exists due to...
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“he doesn’t inspect the device, it was confirmed to correspondent anna shishmintseva at the company that sells such installations. but in general , he checks for cleanliness, i’m still worried that someone will be able to, you know, here as if we have never had inspections anywhere, and legislators cannot prescribe inspections for tap water, because all tap water is generally considered clean, well, in that case, why check it, and therefore water sellers do not install filters obliged." this box is empty inside, i thought it was stuffed with all sorts of equipment, filters and
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so on, there is nothing here, however, filters for the water pump were still found in the basement, another question is how they are changed or cleaned and whether they do it at all, it will be decreed like this in a week, in a week, and do you change it once a week, no, once a month, a gap in the law led to the tragedy in yekaterinburg . look at our consumer supervision and after advertising, what i will show would be good for everyone to know, owners of water machines falsify protocols on cleanliness, what experts found in the water from these booths, which jug filter cleans water better, budget or expensive? because of a fatal accident , the rules for traveling on trains are changing. which brands of vermicelli are not made of durum wheat at all and crumble into porridge, which is what they use to torture coffee beans? at the factory where the soluble powder is prepared, why does it brew so quickly, what is added to taste
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the smell, when we congratulate dad and wife on the holiday, they turn from favorites into unnecessary ones, no need, but i need it, well, or not need it, but i still need it, thanks mozber, thank you, that’s what we need, this is how we become loved again, nice. receive thanks and bonuses thanks for taking care of your loved ones megamarket bring joy profitable new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you mask, mask february 11 at 20:20 on...
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this is how it plays, it’s all in dad’s general balance, add different numbers to the general balance, replenish only one; all the rest will be paid automatically, convenient for those who benefit from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores, those who like to simply save and receive interest on the deposit, no matter how
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you look at it, the ozonbank card is profitable for free, spend and save with ozonbank. up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to 16% per annum on deposits. repeated washing makes your favorite item dry, rough and even stale. we are no longer made for each other. try llama washing gel; it effectively removes dirt and keeps the fabric structure soft and delicate. llama washing gel, gentle cleanliness. try it with llama conditioner. grandma's sweater, woven from yarn, mother's hands after separation, warm. summer beach sun, support from your best friend and correspondence across the distance, the long nights that were, an old photo with all your friends, this is the warmth that we saved, rolton 25 we fly warmly, almagel a fights heartburn and pain in the stomach, carefully envelop its walls, almagel a knows his stuff for heartburn and stomach pain,
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order medicine with discounts at, every day we arrange a small holiday for your loved one... all systems are in normal mode, we work to make your life better, rostelecom’s smart monitoring system solves problems with internet before you have them. rostelecom - technologies of opportunity. you know me, and this is picador ketchup, as bright, sharp-tongued and indispensable in the kitchen as i am, picador, an unexpectedly piquant ketchup.
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slitres, i always know what to read next, more than half a million books and podcasts in the subscription. read and listen for free for the first month. litres. that's how i read it. maria loves the sun very much. but life passes among the ice floes. a sore throat is a minus. on the plus side. there is mirestin. miramestin - logical in the medicine cabinet have one. the choice of millions in russia. remember all. there is such a mosca. well, i remember everything. actually, i'm on my own.
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hypnologist, why can’t this evidence be filed in a criminal case? explanations that were given under hypnosis or using a polygraph are not proof of half the cases. mind games in the author's project of andrei kunitsin, a man in the right, today at 16:20 on ntv. the gap in the law led to the tragedy in yekaterinburg , killing a teenager who ran up to the water pump to retrieve a sword that had flown away. it turned out that the entire device was under high voltage, because the wiring was installed makeshiftly, a blunder, and the wires stretched to the neighboring dacha,
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it was not connected to our networks today, the equipment installed... was placed and connected to electrical networks without coordination with us, connected to a private homeownership. but of course, this does not mean that all water machines are cloudy, as the association of bottled water manufacturers insists. we are working with government agencies on the regulatory framework so that conscientious players of ours grow up used understandable ones. the rules of the game are accessible to everyone, which relate directly to the production of water, its transportation, its sale, namely the producers.
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which is used to clean aquariums, and biologists explain, it can be done using blue, this is not a homemade method, this is exactly how, according to the guest, he checks carbon filters, dilute it in water and pour it into a jug, so the dark blue liquid slowly seeps through the cartridge of the most popular jug middle price category. which filter jug ​​purifies water better, budget or expensive? with using what lifehack? it’s easy to find out whether the cartridge is effective even before purchasing, what experts discovered in water from water dispensers , i’ll tell you in the second part of the investigation, don’t miss it, the quality of other equipment,
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cars of the chinese brand havail recently raised doubts, and among the manufacturers themselves, who asked the owners to return 30 s more than a thousand cars are returned to the car dealer because they found a full car, is it safe to drive such cars? ride, i’ll sort this issue out in a summary of the most important consumer news. electrical under the driver's seat in the havail f7 and havail f7x models seems to be soldered poorly, which means that moisture can get into it, which will lead to a short circuit, that is, it is possible that in the worst case scenario the car will catch fire, so owners of such cars purchased in russia last year they asked to return foreign cars to car dealers so that the manufacturer could correct the defect. you can find out whether a car is on the list of probably defective ones on the rossstandart website. the defect in the railway rules will also be corrected.
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the transportation of animals was previously regulated with a set of strict rules. but after investigating the recent tragedy that occurred in kirov with a cat named twix, it turned out that there is still room for improvement. the whole country learned the story of twix on january 19, when a video from surveillance cameras appeared in the world, showing a train conductor dropping a cat out of a carriage into the snow in thirty-degree frost, despite the fact that a ticket for this cat was bought for almost 1.00 rubles. they searched for him for many days and eventually found him dead. carriers in the company stated that they would conduct an internal investigation and soon announced changes to the instructions for conductors. now, on any animal, staff are required to look for a tag with the owner’s information. collar, medallion , check with documents whether any of the passengers bought a special ticket for the animal, and even if the owner is not found, then place the animal in the luggage compartment so that upon arrival at
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the destination, hand it over to the station attendant, who will send the foundling to the center animal protection. in response, the railway workers quite rightly ask us not to forget that we are also responsible for those whom we have tamed to take better care of animals. it is also worth vigilantly monitoring the date when online cinemas, marketplaces, music and other services charge subscription fees, otherwise these debits from the card are sometimes out of the blue, fortunately, they will soon begin to warn everyone about them in advance, well, or almost all online platforms that offer clients a subscription have a free trial period, they say... watch the first month of tv series for free, then after that, if it comes in, then you will pay, but not everyone remembers what they signed up for a month ago; according to surveys , every fourth person loses their vigilance, and
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internet platforms remain silent about future payments, but already in march, deputies hope they will be able to pass a law that obliges internet platforms to warn about debiting money for subscription no later than 24 hours in advance, my colleagues and i in the state duma proposed ... to enshrine in russian legislation the obligation for online services to notify clients no less than 24 hours in advance when a subscription fee is debited, such notification should contain the date the payment was debited , information on how to terminate the subscription, as well as a link to the platform where you can unsubscribe; the owners of many internet services are definitely depressed by this... of course, the profit of online platforms, as experts read , will fall by as much as 20%. after all , the business model of many such services is precisely
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this. and it’s based, for good reason, in order to sign up for a free trial period, you must enter your card details, and there are a dozen such applications on your phone, it’s difficult to keep track of them all, well, now it’s free the period ends for the businessmen themselves, this is how they would look if they were not warned in advance, they would immediately begin to fine, but now you will punish them. rating of the popularity of pasta, which was compiled by analysts who sorted through 75 million of our receipts from stores. it turned out that climbing sheets suddenly jumped into third place, surpassing even the hit feather pasta. silver has a huge lead over spaghetti, 32% of all sales, solid gold is
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vermicelli, every second pack purchased is precisely small pasta straws, and what it’s nice, pasta hasn’t gone up in price over the last year, on the contrary, they’ve dropped a couple of rubles, due to which, has the quality been reduced, so let’s look at the quality of noodles from these brands: shebekinsky, noble, borilla. swil, zara pasta, federici, some stick together into a nasty lump because it was made from cheap soft wheat, and some remain deliciously elastic. pasta, be it cones, spaghetti, bows or vermicelli, is not at all a useless product, an important component of the famous mediterranean diet, which doctors call the basis of proper nutrition, but this, of course, is if
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the pasta is made from high-quality flour. which was ground from fresh wheat, which grew on fertile land, which was watered abundantly, and the amount of protein will tell you about the quality of flour; by law it must be at least 10.5%. and in all vermicelli there is more protein than the state standard requires, the richest in protein is barilla, and the least protein is in the baisat web, 11% and 70, the packaging promises 13%, a lie seems to be like vermicelli. still disgusting, and also vermicelli experts we cooked it strictly according to the instructions on the packaging and examined how many sticks softened and stuck together. not a single pack of vermicelli has lost its shape, and there are buyers who are convinced that this is a sign of healthier durum wheat flour in the composition, but this is not at all what experts warn, and there is no point in conducting such a test at home, because you know that their
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pasta... is shamelessly overcooked, brands, for example, can specifically shorten the cooking time, which is indicated on the package, so the laboratory studied what kind of flour the noodles were made from, let me remind you that soft wheat flour can be added to vermicelli dough with such inscriptions, but not more than 15%. the spread is amazing. this is our consumer supervision, a program that proves that our life can be long, comfortable, safe, it is not at all necessary to overpay for this, do not switch, after the advertisement there will be, vermicelli from which brands, not at all from durum wheat, which pasta is the most popular in the world , how bulgur is prepared, how much money knowledge about these products can help you earn, how coffee beans are tortured factory where they prepare instant powder,
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why did it come so quickly...
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i was already
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getting ready, thinking, so much is needed in the kitchen, in the bathroom or in the bedroom, honey, you pay for it, and also send money to mom, come on? and always make payments and transfers without commission tinkov, for dad, for mom , for brother, for woman, for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the tablet, for the smart watch, for home security, for the gate in the garage, that’s how dad plays , it ’s all in my dad’s general balance, with beelayno you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to total balance, top up only one number, all others will be paid. automatically convenient, doesn’t fit into the bear anymore, fits into the overall balance, beline is on your side, a cold knocks you out of your usual rhythm, mom, we’re already on our way, koltakt, the active ingredient
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is active after 10 minutes, a cold is not included in our plans, koltakt, apply for free gas supply to the border of your property: for details , call 8800 101 000 04. the call is free. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order with avito delivery from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. do you get irritated or succumb to anxiety? it's good that there is novo pasit. its dual action helps fight nervous conditions. novopasit - double action against irritability and anxiety.
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unlike the usual remedies for digestive problems, i offer something more, the production of your own enzymes, i fistal and available on the yandex market. mask: new season february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. mother russia is a special symbol for the inhabitants of our homeland. this is the vast expanse and richness of nature. a symbol of fertility and abundance, maternal generosity and love, she is full of fortitude and faith, pride and greatness. the imperial mint, inspired by the greatness of our homeland, minted
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a unique mother russia medal. on the medal is a woman personifying russia. around her are symbols of power, wealth and fertility. call to order. a free commemorative medal for every russian. you only pay the delivery cost - 349 rubles. order by toll-free number 8800 600 68 05 or on the website matushkarossia.rf. the stars aligned today at 0:25 on ntv. the car thieves are attacking under our noses, and the beads are not blowing. i'm the hijacker. one of our own, i’ll find him, black lexus 2:00, we stop, special battalion, we won’t babysit, straight to the wall, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv, the spread is striking in this
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noodles of soft wheat flour crumbs, in these, here it is more than a quarter, they decided... not to waste time indicates that the manufacturer intentionally adds flour from soft wheat there, that is, instead of higher quality, more expensive durum flour wheat, thereby... the consumer is misled, i advise you to take a photo of the table so as not to get into a fake from these brands, remember that vermicelli from these brands is honest, healthy. and the best part is that our consumer surveillance is now not only important, up-to-date information that helps save the family budget and choose quality goods and services. those who apply this knowledge can now earn money, good
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evening, my name is oleg, ntv television company, our consumer supervision program, we offer those who made purchases in this store, get all the money back, you need to answer five not very difficult questions about food, good, good, great, great, i'm very happy for... how much did you make purchases today? 3.500. 3,500 rub. fine. how much of this are you willing to sacrifice in the first round, where we multiply this purchase by five. let's have a cupcake. chocolate. on the check, see how much it costs. 1899. 1899 multiplied by five. all our questions will be about pasta, i will ask you. about pasta in general, what do you know about them, you probably eat
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them regularly, yes, of course, the first question is, what is the most popular form of pasta in the world, is it spaghetti or feathers, spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti, yes, that’s right, the first answer, you did it great , so, the next product, whose price tag we will multiply by 10, here they are, in fact, here they are, how much do these cost? 62.99, 62 rubles 99 kopecks, multiply by 10, the name vernichel comes from the italian word verme, what does it mean, worm or thread? the thread is probably thread, this is wrong, well, yes, so...
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599 multiply this price tag by 15, i ’ll put it here for now. i'll show you this, do you know what they are called? yes, yeah , well, in russia it’s all pasta, but in italy the word pasta is used to describe a specific type of pasta that has a specific shape, that’s what pasta is in italy, hold on, this is for you, well , you’ll see, some strange name , i remember, these are horns, and these are shells, in russian, in russian, in russian, yes. no, it seems to me that this is pasta, remember when we were in this
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paris, yes, by the way, it was like pasta, yes, yes, this, but wait, this is pasta, for macaroni, that means this is macaroni, everything is pasta, and one of these makars, one of these is called pasta, well, these ones, so , let me see, these ones, and these ones, no, no, why, i don’t know, i think it’s some kind of funny name, but these are pure pasta, you just look at them i don’t know how, but this is the correct answer, yes, great, great, yes, the italians, well, in general, they call this particular type pasta with veins, and also slightly curled, but in many regions they call all the short tubes pasta, so i’m returning this, and i’m returning this to you, look for product number four, milk, let’s donate. oh milk, how much does a liter of milk cost nowadays,
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milk is 79.999, 79.99, we multiply this price by 20, yes, i took away a package of pasta in the shape of bows, yes, these bows, they are called in italian, forfale or whatever . you know, yes, that means the money is yours, that means the money is yours, well done, we looked carefully, everything, everything, everything is very simple, yes, yes, yes, excellent, milk is also important. then the last product , let's multiply its cost by 25, let's pears , pears, pears, well, let's pears, pears, pears, well, by the way, not bad, yes, they cost 179 rubles 27
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kopecks, multiply by 25, which of these is not pasta? two options: ptitim or bulgur? bulgur, cereal, bulgur, tetim, this is small, small, and big bulgur is cereal, cereal. so, we choose from two small, round, light-colored options, crumbly, one that is not pasta, no, just pasta, bulgur, bulgur, bulgur. made from wheat just like and pasta, but these are not processed grains, they are simply separated and boiled in boiling water, yes, you are right, this is not pasta, so it is at least served as a side dish, like pasta, cutlets or something else, yes, but it is sold in the department croup
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, you're great, your pears, i'm here for the money, pam-pararampampam, this is for you, at the moment when i started cooking, accordingly, well, this topic began, before that, i watched everything there, except for cooking, accordingly, you remember some brands, that yeah, yeah, that’s it so they told me there, like, don’t not take it, but it’s a relief to me, for example, how to create a menu for yourself so that it’s varied and that is , balanced and not too harmful, but the question is, how to correctly say coffee - it’s still he or it, not so simple. yes, linguists say that it is definitely coffee, but experience shows that sometimes coffee is like that, and they predict that it will be more, because the cost of the beans is roasted by nat’s troops, who are bombing the yemeni houthis in the red
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sea, and they used to sail through it ships from vietnam, the main importer of coffee to russia. now they are going around africa in a circle, and this is twice as long and more expensive, there is a monstrous drought in brazil, wait, it’s a pity, these disasters cannot be canceled like this one, so farmers will not wince at buying unripe, wormy and broken grains, after all, there are 23 russians anyway they buy instant coffee, and if you can at least look at the beans... but these are either granular coils or freeze-dried crystals, which are more expensive and seem to taste no worse than grain, the manufacturers assure, although they can fight for this
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write it down in gloss, oh, for them, after all, all this loose stuff of the neuter kind, it’s kind of like... imitation, chemistry, and not in vain , they say, the production process is classified , we also encountered in our consumer supervision the fact that not everything can be filmed, but still they sniffed out what varieties of coffee are mixed from, why it brews quickly, in general, how it is done, in the coffee capital of the world, dear guests, according to tradition...
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the trembling blades hit the branches of the coffee trees and from such a shake all the ripe berries are immediately shed. down, well, it seems to me i’ve already worked enough for a cup of coffee, my hands
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are shaking, i need to calm down, oh, first the coffee is soaked in such a huge washing machine, this is the first stage of sorting, here you can already see the difference between the beans, here... these floated to the surface, they are light, hollow, well, you can immediately see that they are somehow so withered and unappetizing, these ones sank to the bottom because they are very heavy, these grains, plump from aromatic oils , are laid out under the scorching rays of the sun. have you ever made a coffee angel? when the grains dry, they are sorted again, but already manually, they reject wormy
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, pecked, uneven and so unripe, they have a rubbery taste in their mouth, but there is also a demand for such coffee, it’s cheap, because if you make the roast darker, eduardo explains, the essential oils from the beans will come out and will disappear faster. ugh, what rubbish, what, what disgusting, having tried a bunch of different grains, i selected a bag of the best, i send them straight to the factory in russia, where correspondent katya tikhaya meets them. the parcel definitely arrived, judging by the documents, but to find the bag you need. it seems that katya will have to carry out a whole special operation. colombia, ethiopia, so, where is the package from
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oleg? and here it is, finally, brazil. the fact is that finding something here for an unprepared person is not at all easy. coffee is brought here from thirty different countries of the world; the area of ​​this warehouse is more than 10 thousand square meters. yes, we've stocked up, we've stocked up. the fact is that in a calm state, unroasted grains can be stored for up to 6 years, you know, there, if the humidity is not more than 50%, the temperature is about 25°, and what is the same for humans it’s nice, it’s not like there’s arabica with rabusta, yes, yes, don’t turn your nose up like that, rabusta is also needed, it’s not some cheap arabica substitute, arabica adds flavor to the coffee.
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i dug a small hole, i was able to, well, let's go, you look at our consumer supervision and don't switch, because again i have something to surprise you with, how they torture coffee beans at the factory where they prepare instant powder, why it brews so quickly, what they add for taste smell? owners of vodomats falsify protocols on cleanliness, as experts have found in water from these booths, which filter jug
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​​will purify the water better, budget or expensive? an actor with ambitions, nikita kologrivy. why did you come here from novosibirsk, of course , for fame, i want to be famous, i want to be on screens, in leading roles, i want to live well, and this is my desire, absolutely honest, i understand that i... i’ll come in and after i come in they’ll approve me, this is where your experience comes in handy when you entered the ring. basketball star ivan edeshko. european champion, this is the championship of the soviet union. i i believe that life was not lived in vain. golden hands of leila adamyan. i left the operating room, it was a feeling of happiness, unreal. and cherevichki, premiere at the gilikon opera. shoes tell us that times are changing. but invariably art is the same thing that russian opera is not like one day today at 14:05 on ntv
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causes. maxi cold to stop cold symptoms. maxi cold! here we go? well, that’s it, now we won’t see these zerds any time soon, they will be traveling somewhere among the corpses inside the plant. really? types of coffee are redirected through pipes to different bunkers, here some beans are mixed together in strictly defined proportions, specified by a computer program, and this is necessary in order to make the taste more interesting, brighter, richer, such a mixture is called a blend, the blend can consist of ten varieties,
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the mixture is sent into such a huge frying pan. well, for now, in principle, everything is like in a coffee shop, only the scale is different, but here. you can feel like a little person inside a huge coffee machine, because in order to make instant granules, you first need to brew very strong espresso. so, the coffee maker is 27 high and now we are at the top floor, where the beans are ground first, and then they are further soaked in cold water, well, for a few minutes, and this process is needed in order to extract as many aromatic oils from them as possible, and the coffee ultimately becomes much tastier. now i’ll know how to cook at home, but what about this alien
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monster? no, really, it looks like, in fact, something like local turkey, where coffee is brewed for several hours. at home on the stove or in a coffee machine, espresso is ready in a couple of minutes, and although the taste of the drink is bright and invigorating, it’s wow, but 80% of the aromatic oils, sugars of the caffeine, with such a fast brewing they don’t reach the cup to extract everything , the coffee needs to be brewed for 5 hours, this is what they do in factories where instant coffee is prepared, the aromatic oils are boiled for the first 2 hours, they are poured into a separate container and cleaned from... a giant coffee machine continue to boil the so-called body, sugars and proteins, which this concentrate is set aside, giving the drink the correct consistency, the result is an extract that is driven
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through a system reminiscent of a heating radiator, inside there is a very low pressure, like at the top of the heather, in such conditions, the boiling point of water drops to 70° , the extract grows, without burning and without losing substances, well... for granules, the resulting coffee is more like jelly, and since it will no longer be heated, then aromatic oils are mixed back into it, yes, for the next stage you need to thoroughly prepare like this, few people know, but then the coffee is sent into... into a large freezer, the temperature inside, by the way, is -50°, and the chamber is in such conditions, for example, he cannot work, but not like correspondents,
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in about 10 minutes the coffee freezes, that’s the secret of the unusual shape of the granules inside the jar, these are just crushed lids, if you just take these fragments and pour them into the jar, they will melt like snowflakes, that’s why he uses this trick, this device is never shown to journalists, only for we were made an exception. in fact, this is such a gigantic long tunnel, inside of which a very low pressure is maintained, just like in space, and a high temperature, under such conditions the desks simply immediately turn into desks, well, that’s how it turns out, those
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the driest crystals. and granulated coffee is prepared using a simpler technology, without freezing units, only using heating, so it has less taste, but also a lower price. and now is the time to return to the topic of drinking water, we have already found out that the quality of h2o from street water dispensers, alas, is not controlled by anyone, and the conscience of businessmen is not always clear; for an entrepreneur, the main thing for him, unfortunately, is to sell water and make money . this was confirmed by an independent study commissioned by honest water sellers, every third sample of liquid is from a water pump; more than a thousand were taken. it turned out to be a dangerously dirty excess in the total microbial number , in general caliform bacteria, in thermotolerant caliform bacteria, in some cases e.
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coli was found, as well as fecal staphylocoma, which can cause acute intestinal infections, and some water pumps filter water on the contrary, too much, retaining not only dirt , but also useful minerals, the water turns out to be dead, distilled, it shows... the main expert in russia on water quality, it’s so good for car batteries as a solvent, but this is exactly the liquid in galina’s water dispenser. in this case, after post-purification. almost distilled water was obtained and the mineralization of such water is 39 mg per liter, that is, it is practically nothing, negligible. of course , we would not recommend using such water for drinking all the time, because such water washes out of the body what it should bring to protect itself, alas, for now there is no possibility, even protocols on water quality, which businessmen sometimes hang on the water pump, guarantees they don’t give it, the document that the water seller alexey handed to the correspondent.
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the same protocol with your signature, can we check whether it is fake or real, judging by the fact that the signature bears little resemblance to mine, it is necessary to check, the most important thing is that any sample of water, soil, or other objects that enter our laboratory, it receives your identification number, which, of course, can always be accurately tracked within 3 years. in the laboratory database quickly brought the fraud to light, we can say absolutely, definitely, that the protocol is at best an imitation, at worst a fake, the business will not be closed for such a fake, they will not be deprived of property, because laws for water dispensers have only just begun to be written, but in the meantime, unfortunately, anything can splash around in these booths , so experts advise buying water either in water dispensers from trusted companies, or filtered at home, and it was not... confirmed by the experiment. yes, a jug for
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700 rubles. it did a better job of cleaning than a jug for 500, but it also sifted out dirt better than a cleaner for 1,200 rubles. it's bleached, it's chromatic, and also dregs. there is no dregs, but we see that color is obviously present here. you can check how well the cartridge will remove impurities from water by ear. yes. there are some granules, thin particles pouring in, and here it’s the same story, so the winner of our experiment, here it ’s not, our winner, our winner, everything is firmly fixed inside the cartridge and there is no sound of particles pouring out, keep an eye on the water quality it is necessary, maybe even more strictly than for the quality of food, yes, yes, water after all, this is not just a drink, it is also the basis of all dishes. and on weekdays from monday to
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friday, watch the most important, bright and useful investigations of our consumer supervision on the air of the morning program, the best, don’t miss it! any story in the life of every person begins with the word once. once upon a time, star of the tv series the boy's word and the film. at the behest of the pike, nikita kologrivy quarreled with his colleagues and ambitiously declared: i want to climb to the top. once the great artist leonid yarmolnik answered: masters lived across the river, they did it quickly, they took it inexpensively, it turned out to be complete crap. once upon a time, the legendary basketball player ivan edeshka became a legend by making one shot. we were given a task.


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