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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  February 5, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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the attack took place in front of his colleague alexey kiberchi, that was the name of the deceased, but he was unable to prevent the tragedy , he tried to detain the criminal, but also unsuccessfully, he could only grab a pistol and ran to call for help, the attacker acted quickly and unpredictably, eyewitnesses recall. i heard a shot, called, well, 112, called everything and pressed the police, it turns out that our employees gave it away, they didn’t notice the rocket launchers. no, honestly , i didn’t see it, i thought it was a single-shot pistol. yuri kulikov, that’s the name of the shooter, was detained that same night, was hiding at home, what came over him that evening is now clear, the father of three children has not been convicted according to all previous characteristics, he is a positive person, but lately they say that the neighbors have become addicted to alcohol, so much so that he has completely lost his he was in control, yesterday he was pretty drunk, very simply, that is, i didn’t understand, it seems to me that he was doing everything, he was walking around with this speaker, this music speaker. fell constantly, and then i
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say, he went somewhere and toured, barely able to stand on his feet with a portable speaker from store to store, pestering everyone he met. according to one of the versions put forward by those who knew the killer, shortly before the tragedy he found out that he was very ill, fell into depression, started drinking, began pestering passers-by, could go into any store and fall asleep there, one of those who that day decided to reprimand him was the ambulance driver aleksey kiberche, not suspecting that the man would turn out to be aggressive and go... on night duty, the first volunteered to drive away the drunken brawler who was walking around the ambulance station with music for the whole area, they called him here and he, lyosha , you’ll call there, lyosha, you can help there, well, with something, just no problems at all, and he’s the first everywhere, of course, it’s a shame, he never did not conflict with anyone, did not scold.
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and it literally just became known how emergency services managed to locate the site of a helicopter crash in karelia. this became possible thanks to the mobile phone of one of the crew members. after the plane disappeared, the helicopter commander’s cellular billing was set to the latest approximate location of the mi-8. it was located
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near the village of derevyannaya. rescuers were subsequently sent to these coordinates. investigators are now looking into all versions of what happened, including bad weather conditions, icing and equipment malfunction. the day before, a helicopter from the ministry of emergency situations took off from peski airport in petrozavodsk, followed the route, but at some point disappeared from the radar at the appointed time and did not arrive at its destination. the last signal was recorded near the village of derevyan. large-scale searches began with the participation of divers, it immediately became it’s clear that the helicopter fell on the ice of lake onega, broke it and went under the water. there were three people on board, the aircraft commander , the co-pilot and the flight mechanic. their search continues. during a training flight over lake danizhskoye in the republic of karelia , the mi-8 helicopter, the northwestern aviation rescue center of the russian ministry of emergency situations, stopped communicating. later wreckage.
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rescuers and researchers continue to work at the site of the helicopter crash, who will give an accurate assessment of the actions of the pilots and establish all the circumstances of the incident. guilty of for undermining a technical dam in the krasnoyarsk territory , a punishment was imposed. an emergency happened in 2019 , then they died. man, the tragedy occurred due to a violation of safety regulations; in addition, during the investigation it was established that the management also did everything possible to hide shortcomings and existing problems from inspectors. ilya usheninin will tell you the details. thirst for profit and a disregard for their direct responsibilities, this is how former workers of a gold mining enterprise, where the dam broke. only the mountain guard personally decided to come to court to hear the verdict. tamby at the field near
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the village of shchetinkova in the krasnoyarsk territory occurred back in 2019. as it turned out, the management of the enterprise tried to hide the pollution of the river from inspectors by deliberately accumulating water in process reservoirs. at some point, a breakthrough occurred and a dirty stream mixed with stones and clay poured into the workers’ village. according to eyewitnesses, the accident occurred at 6:00 in the morning, when many were still sleeping, the waves reached 5 m and chances there was practically no way for gold miners to survive. no no. rescuers then worked on the spot for days trying to find survivors, but with each passing hour hopes faded, search engines found only rare evidence of the presence of people here. our dogs are trained to specifically look for the smell of a person, well, it doesn’t matter what kind, that is, exactly the smell of a person, we find things, simply, bags, things,
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shoes, mattresses. investigators worked on this case for several years, the general director of the enterprise maxim kovalkov, the head of the site andrei yaganov of the same master aleksandrov, at first they were detained, but... they soon changed their measure of restraint, all this time the defendants lived at home, communicated with their families and waited for the verdict, as a result , the consideration of the high-profile case dragged on for more than four years, with an interesting nuance: by court decision you didn’t even have to come to the announcement, that is, two of the defendants would go to the colony directly from home, this long term is primarily associated with the large volume of the criminal case, that is , during the judicial investigation, more than 90 volumes of the criminal case were studied, more than 250 were interrogated faces of witnesses.
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today at 22:15 on ntv. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. with ozonbank, a draw of up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum. it is so pure that it is invisible, but gives incredible power. gas - the ultra-pure base of rolf ultra motor oil, synthesized from gas using two innovative technologies gtl and pao, ensures maximum engine performance. rolf ultra -
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a new era of motor oils. honey, are you ready yet? i thought about how much i need to pay for and also send money to my mother. let's pay at tenko. apply for a card. hello neighbors, how much do you rent for? i won an apartment using sticker money, do you hear, irina bought french fries at a delicious spot, scanned them.
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ozonbank card is beneficial for free, spend and save with ozonbank, draw up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on deposit. mask - new season! from february 18, 2020 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail? is it possible to stop these harmful changes? can. our body has a main computer, the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system made up of nerve cells. and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age
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, changes occur in the brain: brain cells become damaged by the environment and stress as they age. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk, it is called azektinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain restoration. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids, there are more of them. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. extend the youth of your brain. 8,800,100 exactly 1985. 8,800,100 exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence, violation. in the work of our bodies. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese mozgterapy product. it
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contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed. and he will serve you faithfully again. prolong the youth of your brain. 8800 100 exactly 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product brain therapy. sorry, premieres on fridays at 16:50 on ntv. live again emergency. we are continuing production. a suspect was detained in an attack on nineteen-year-old figure skater vladislav dikiydzhin; the young man was attacked in the subway with scissors. the sixty-year-old man is now answering questions from the police, and some of the athlete’s followers on his
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social networks burst out with accusations that a swindler staged the attack. our correspondent pavel kuznetsov studied all versions of what happened and found out the truth. exhaling with relief, the silver medalist of the russian figure skating championship leads your emotional live broadcast from a car near the police department. vladislav dikzhi disappeared from the radar on social networks for some time, the most alarming rumors spread around... thank you for your support just like that, but the skater’s brief explanations did not reassure the fans, on the contrary, guesses and assumptions appeared, someone even accused the young athlete in a deliberate performance for the sake of his own pr, someone wrote there that well, two maybe that they don’t believe. and that i made it all up, they understood, yes, but of course i have nothing to do, that i made it up,
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specially done to promote the audience, nevertheless , the police have a suspect, this quite respectable man, ivan yukhtenko, works as an engineer in a private st. petersburg company, plans to retire very soon, he was detained a few hours after the attack, he is a law enforcement officer explained that he decided to raise a young man in this way, who, in his opinion, does not know how to behave in society, an engineer... what are you spying on? what are you to me? well, that’s it,
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it’s sad, well, it’s very difficult, morally, i’m just, well, not at all comfortable with this incident. probably, one of the older relatives recommended not to enter into a discussion, yet, after showing the subscribers the turtle, the dog and the medals, vladislav dikidzhi decided to share his sore point, he says, he was on his way from training. in headphones with a phone in his hands, when suddenly an unknown person began to pester me, he would pester me, hit me on the knee with his leg, i already took off the earphone, i asked, grandfather, are you okay, i have him... but i don’t understand, what he says, i’ll think about it, well, maybe it really can, well, maybe it’s purely mine assumptions that you need to give in to someone, but i, i always look to see if there are any older women, pregnant women, women with children, the wild ji further shared how in a blockbuster an elderly man took out scissors and began to threaten, there’s a stop , the doors begin to open and he’s like, come out or you’ll kill
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me, come out or i’ll kill you, i think, well, if you... listened to both sides, the process could be sorted out by the police, they’ve already simplified the recordings of surveillance cameras, but the conflict, as it turned out, the lens didn’t hit, which means the proceedings will drag on. paul kuznetsov, daniela baklanova, denis zadokhin and anton lukyanov, ntv, st. petersburg. intrusive fake lawyers who... literally forced pensioners to accept their help , appeared in court, victims of almost half a million people, every one of them were gullible elderly people who were promised to restore justice in any matter, after long conversations with attentive employees of the company, everyone had problems, now there are more of them for mistakes i have to pay the bank, when can i count on
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compensation, yulia bletsova found out. u pensioners who came to court, 479 victims, most of whom were old people who turned to lawyers for help out of despair, each tells their own story of how scammers in their old age drove them into debt bondage, i wanted to return the deed of gift, but it turns out there was a deadline, i i say, the deadline has passed, we will help anyway, we will do it anyway, it was the contracts with the elderly that were a kind of gold mine for... inside, right at that second, helpful employees were processing visitors, forcing them to sign loan agreements, call center workers put masks on their faces when they saw the investigators,
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state legal center, something like that , help for pensioners for free, come sign up. the employees of the law firm were ready to resolve any issue , even the impossible, they took on obviously losing cases, one of the old people, for example, was promised to return ussr citizenship, another was given money for a voucher from the nineties, tamara ivanovna did not even think of turning to lawyers, but they persistently called her , then she remembered the organizers of the spam mailing because milestones that have beset her lately and... the strength to punish them, she called for the third time, i say, well, there are two, one question, i don’t know whether you will help me or not, and she says, what kind of question is that, i say, yes, the french need to twist their tails so that they don’t write letters to us saying that we won both cars and yachts, we took up this business, we need to carry out the plan on which the profit depended, the task of attracting
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as many clients as possible is always before our eyes, these are the means by which we achieved goals, no one cared for the sake of profit to value
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on... now when, well, next time you come and the documents are ready, we will sign them, then they already give you tea, the counter is high, you reach over there to look, they just push it back so that you don’t see what they are there it is. on gullible pensioners, scammers enriched themselves by more than 40 million rubles. one of the organizers, the cathedral fighters were detained in his luxurious cottage, in total the criminal group included more than two dozen people, the ideological inspirer... well, that's not all, see below, a wedding without a groom or money down the drain, the bride in omsk decided not to cancel the celebration,
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despite the fact that the betrothed could not attend, and whether he had reasons for this, we will tell you after the advertisement. i'm worried that it wasn't her who was buried in a closed coffin. tatyana’s mother insisted on a genetic examination and the result was zero, she died of covid, many said there were mistakes during burials, then tatyana took the test with her father, to the horror of her relatives it also turned out to be zero. i did a dna test with my dad, and the results were negative again. why at 45 years old tatyana turned out to be neither my mother nor my father’s, and what will the test be like with my sister? she was similar to oksana's sister since childhood. i personally have always seen this and still see it. secret adoption or another change in the maternity hospital? i went to zaks and asked on the basis of what documents my birth was recorded. they said
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it was based on documents from the maternity hospital. could she hide the fact that she adopted a girl? no, this can't happen. there was some kind of change in the maternity hospital. i open the dna envelope. today at 17:50 on ntv. pentalging against muscle pain and joints, it contains the highest dosage of a substance against pain and inflammation, and a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel was created to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, convenient packaging at an affordable price. who benefits from an azozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. for those who just like to save and receive interest on their deposit, no matter how you look at it, the azozonbank card is beneficial for free. spend and save with
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drug for early treatment. prostate adenoma, it’s easy to imagine an ideal home , so just imagine, and the house-click will do the rest, from a dream to a house one house-click, weather sensitivity, dizziness, sleep disturbance, weakness, increased anxiety, all these can be signs of vsd. eltatsin, assistant in the fight against vsd. there is another emergency on ntv live, we continue broadcasting. the bride from omsk closed the gestalt after all get married, even despite the absence of a groom. no, he is, but he could not attend the ceremony, but this is not a reason to postpone the wedding, especially since it was not possible to register
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the relationship the first time. circumstances constantly interfered, they had been organizing a holiday for many years, but on day x everything again did not go according to plan, and i was finding out the impossibility of being together on the first day of family life and whether there were objective reasons for this. what is more important in marriage: stable feelings or stable internet connection? both when speaking it's about a wedding where the groom attends only online. good evening everyone, someone thought it was a prank about the runaway bride syndrome, many have heard, is the groom really off the hook this time, he usually sits on the right hand, at this wedding his place was taken by a tripod, a tripod and a mobile phone, aslan watched the broadcast in real time and said goodbye to his bachelor life, his bride was dancing at that time, life was a success for the couple, the lovers admit.
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he proposed to his fiancée 4 more times years ago, first a pandemic intervened in their relationship, then there were difficulties in gathering all the relatives from the other side, that’s when everything seemed to be going according to plan, the banquet hall was ready, the menu and toastmaster were paid for, 130 guests were invited, the groom was admitted to the hospital, acute appendicitis , well, there were different thoughts, of course, i thought that it didn’t matter, i really hoped that he would be at the wedding, i thought that even in the evening they would let him go, i prepared a suit for him for the wedding, i just laid everything out on the shelves, so he came from the hospital, got dressed, went to the wedding , but this did not happen, while the wedding was singing and splashing, the groom was in a hospital ward about 20 km from the restaurant, admiring the beautiful bride, listening to the toasts, in response to the bitter screams he sent her air kisses, but what about the oath in grief in joy, some are perplexed, the newlyweds say that they are not superstitious people, so they did not cancel the wedding for a million, they had fun, as they say,
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for everything.
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such rules apply in the mozhaisk juvenile colony. girls with difficult destined to serve their sentences there and make plans for the future, and the dynamo sports society tries to help them by regularly organizing competitions and introducing them to famous athletes. this time , olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics, anastasia maksimova, came to visit the students. stanislav kostin will tell you what knowledge she shared with the convicts and why her beliefs were close to them. this day is special for the pupils of the mazhaysky teenage colony. they were visited by the olympic champion in artistic gymnastics anastasia maksimova. the eminent athlete not only told how to reach the stars, but showed by personal example. you grabbed the fingers correctly and continue to try to pull them out. well, of course, it won’t work out right away. how to immediately take the path of correction. many of these girls didn’t see anything good when they were free, that’s why
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they ended up here. this is for them. a meeting is a chance to rethink your actions and an incentive to start life from scratch. the main thing is to go forward, continue, continue upward, towards your cherished dream. perhaps more i was waiting for the rest of this meeting. long-time fan of the gymnast daria strakach has only a few months left before her release, and says that today she heard from the champion the very words that will help her not end up here again. she gave herself to us so that we could feel that despite the fact that we are in an educational colony, that something can be achieved beyond the limits, as she said, that you need to rise a thousand times at a time. and behind the barbed wire, the inmates of the colony have opportunities for self-realization, here. a variety of leisure activities are organized, where almost everyone will find something to their liking. in this coordinate system, prisoners understand that they themselves are the creators of their own happiness. convicted girls create a cozy atmosphere in the colony with their own hands. for example, we made these bright drawings on the walls ourselves. however, here there is
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an opportunity to engage not only in creativity, but also in sports. the colony has created conditions for athletics, team and strength sports. this is the best way to distract yourself from negative thoughts. on your own favorite exercise bike. i was pleasantly surprised; a pleasant outcome of the day was the awarding of participants in the all-russian sports day among women's educational colonies, which are held annually under the auspices of the dynamo sports society. these competitions are already the fourteenth in a row.
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sport is not a call, it is a moment when a person must shape himself, first of all physically, in order to carry out crazy loads in the future, in life, to win when a person. feedback works, and if you witness something unusual, if you see, that someone’s rights are being violated or you yourself have encountered injustice, write to us, leave your contacts, and we will try to help you, i’m valeria gavrilovskaya, thank you for your attention, all the best and see you
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on ntv. today in our program. on the brink of war. the us launches its first missile strikes in the middle east. when will the iranian trap be closed? our methods are implemented in response to the threat to iran. sincere confession. president and terrorist zelensky publicly voiced his intention to get rid of zaluzhny. necessary reboot and new beginning. berlin patients. a congress of foreign agents and extremists who fled from russia was held in germany. who was appointed the main six of the west? he tells me: listen, i’m not here. look,
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right now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i'm andrey, mine. we are working live, but we will not start with the news that is related to the topics outlined in the announcement, with the news that appeared on the feeds of news agencies for about an hour, there is even what to discuss is probably not for me personally ; such unexpected information means that the georgian special services announced that they had intercepted a cargo of explosives, it was disguised as car batteries. which they tried to carry through georgian territory in russia, to put it roughly, from ukraine, through a different route there to georgia, to russia, to commit terrorist acts on our territory, there the georgians separately say that perhaps
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terrorist attacks were also planned on the territory of georgia, but main the target of the detained explosives is russia, now we will tell you...


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