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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  February 5, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, but we will not start with the news that is related to the topics outlined in the announcement, with the news that well, for about an hour or so it appeared on the feeds of news agencies - there is even something to discuss here, probably for me personally such unexpected information, it means that the georgian special services announced that they had intercepted a cargo of explosives, it was disguised as car batteries that were trying to to carry it through georgian territory to russia, to put it roughly, from ukraine through a different route there to georgia, to russia to commit terrorist acts on our territory, the georgians there separately say that it is possible.
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intelligence services, and kiev was just about to shift the blame for the terrorist attacks to georgia. the curator of this entire operation is said to be a certain desi with georgian roots, his name is andrei sharashidze, he is a former candidate for deputy from the ruling ukrainian party “servant of the people”. the total weight of the intercepted explosives was 14 kg. the georgian special services designated the route as departing from odessa through romania, bulgaria and turkey. the cargo arrived in georgia on january 19 and...
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paris, as the agency writes, insists that there are no mercenaries in ukraine, but the french press argues with this official statement, because even the television and radio company artel previously reported that they are fighting for the ukrainian armed forces at least 100 french citizens, the french ministry of defense itself had to respond to all this. there are french civilians who went to fight in ukraine in ukrainian military uniform? we can't stop them. we still have a democracy. by definition, these people have no connection to the french armed forces, do not wear french military uniforms, and are not affiliated with french military institutions. and in the lugansk people 's republic, the investigation into the circumstances of the shelling of a bakery in the city of lysechansk, which killed 28
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people, continues, our investigative committee intends to personally establish which ukrainian military personnel are responsible for the shelling of this peaceful object. the ukrainian armed forces targeted the building of a local bakery on saturday, and also hit a nearby restaurant. the owner of the bakery was about to celebrate his birthday at that moment. after shelling, apparently from hymers installations, the building collapsed, among the twenty-eight dead were a pregnant woman and a 5-year-old child. we managed to save 10 people from the rubble, four of them remain in intensive care in extremely serious condition, well, let's listen to the victims, something hit me in the back, i turn, i was crushed by slabs and very there were a lot of people shouting help, but we were all under the slabs ourselves, well, thanks to the uh guys of the ministry of emergency situations, there were military men there, commandant’s offices, they all helped us a lot, they helped me pull out the crap there, they didn’t work very well, thank you very much, kiev here are the official
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comments has so far refrained from speaking about this attack, but the ukrainian edition of the suspilny writes that their journalists tried to get a comment from the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs, the ukrainian ministry of defense, but they somehow decided to remain silent, however, the ukrainian officials who are considered responsible in kiev for this territory, they do not hide from responsibility for the terrorist attack and say: the bakery allegedly worked for the needs of the front, supplying the russian army, and they confirm that they deliberately hit the building when it was nearby quote: the occupiers had gathered, although they bashfully did not comment death of a woman and child. the main ukrainian terrorist, and this is the president of ukraine, zelensky, is now busy with only one thing, he continues to explain the western...
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the beginning, when we talk about this, i mean in of course, a reset and a new this means a change in a number of government leaders, and not just in one sector, such as the army. y. resignation, or rumors of resignation, may raise an army against zelensky and stage a coup in ukraine, while publicly the state department has so far disavowed any comments about all these kiev showdowns. we have made it clear that we are not going to interfere with this particular decision. we directly stated
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this to the ukrainian side. this is not a matter on which the us authorities should decide one way or the other. another solution. therefore, we do not interfere in these personnel decisions. it's sovereign. the western coalition led by the united states, it dealt with other issues, they finally struck back at
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the yemeni rebels and at those people who in the west are usually called pro-iranian groups there, in general it turned out really strange, here i am in general, i understand jake salevan, because on the one hand it seems. or where they will hit, and so that, apparently, the real damage is not so severe, why are they doing this, well, this is the most interesting thing. on saturday night, the us military launched strikes against pro-iranian groups in iraq and syria and islamic revolutionary guard corps facilities. in total, as reported by the pentagon,
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125 missiles were fired and 85 targets were hit. according to the arab press, the series of attacks killed 16 people and injured 25 people. simultaneously. the americans fired tamahawk cruise missiles at houthi militants in yemen. the fatal strikes took place on friday evening and we are still assessing the damage. but i would simply say that the president made it clear when he gave the orders that this was the beginning of our response, with more steps to come. the bloomberg agency believes that the americans are cautious, fearing to derail negotiations between israel and the palestinian hamas movement, but iran, taking advantage of the situation, is going for... escalation, immediately after friday's attack by the united states, pro-iranian militants intensified, military bases of the states in iraq and syria were subjected to new attacks . militants claim that a drone strike blew up army truck with soldiers, up to ten people were killed. in washington
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, they do not comment on information about the victims, but they admit the attack on their bases. several drones attacked the us harir base, with casualties reported. the iraqi islamic resistance stressed. it will continue to attack and destroy enemy strongholds. russia is convening a un meeting on monday in connection with american strikes in the middle east. the media stated that these bombings were specifically designed to further inflame the regional conflict. in the western press they deny that washington’s task is to start a big fire in the middle east, destroying all living things. a comparison with the animal kingdom will help you understand the middle east. the usa is an old lion covered in scars. it’s not enough to roar for everyone to scatter, you have to hit. iran is a parasitic wasp that lays eggs in caterpillars for the larvae to devour from the inside. these are the houthis, hezbollah hamas, and the caterpillars are lebanon, yemen, syria and iraq. there's no other way to deal with it than to burn this jungle down sometimes, you know,
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dude's been dreaming of writing about animals all his life, oh animal world, but you have to write in the new york times, politically, yes baanki, bass, that means this is not a reaction, this is the beginning of a reaction, this is how jake salevan explains it, and how do you understand this, you don’t have any, well, you know, once again and as in yemen , as before, many times, so... there is no need to say at the beginning, the mountain gave birth to a mouse, they could have waited another week, given the opportunity for the pro-iranian comrades there to prepare for an american strike, they well, we waited a few days, it’s five, it seems days, they struck, and it is clear that the damage was inflicted minimally, but even the damage that was inflicted is a plus for iran, a minus for the united states of america, because now, as far as i see it, in many ways it is going the fight, that means... for image , for prestige, for the stability of the myth, that
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’s what israel and the united states have, this is very, very bad, they have weapons, and they have enough missiles, 125 of them, they issued a question, where, and what is the result, like in yemen, that’s it, and as for the houthis, as for, let’s then i’m talking about the image, but why are they doing this then, the americans, the americans have been driven, they have been driven into a corner, they can’t.
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ask, force, i don’t know, offer, bribe, well, of course, they will promise hezbollah some economic goodies, move hezbollah 8-12 km from the israeli border so that people who left the territory, settlers, can return there, why, why then we need to attack, well, let's just say there is an ally. so as not to look completely finished, then in general it’s like, well, look what is happening in the north of the gaza strip, they declare that hamas has been destroyed, the palestinians continue to operate there, which means hezbollah must be destroyed, something needs to be done, something needs to be done, a component, to show oneself not with everyone, it means that they are completely losers, some there is also a story in this, well, because for me it’s strange,
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in management and in the direction about this general movement in mismanagement or
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someone else, within the framework of this story everyone will lose, including these eastern regimes there, the americans and so on, that's why that they are moving away from the optimum point , there is an optimum point, and in this conflict, stop having fun, maxim anatolyevich, you don’t know anything in game theory, so sit quietly, let me listen, there is a point in general, the balance is...
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what our benefit speaks in our minds , well, the benefit is that another source of tension is created, wow, what, and everyone, but first of all the americans, is distracted from the ukrainian front, and the fact that they are shooting in syria is nothing, but don’t care this, let them shoot even more there, our base, on ours the base is not being touched yet, because no one needs to contact us again,
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they are not fighting with us there, syria for us now is a conflict, well, i don’t know, maybe on the fifth-sixth level. wait, iran is our partner now, it turns out that they are trying to attack it, this is the situation that exists now, tension, but not maximum, diversion of the forces of the united states, but without starting a real war with iran, this suits moscow , because iran has not yet been destroyed, and i cannot imagine how to destroy it, but it remains as a valuable partner, including for the military. cooperation and so on and so on , which we all know about, but somehow don’t really like to say out loud, this is what is happening with the united states, but i agree with the bass, this is really an image story, first of all, everyone wants to show off cool, the biden team has a very difficult task, they don’t want this confrontation, they absolutely don’t need it, they have
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completely different priorities, they now need to establish a truce in gas, a serious conflict with iran will ruin the chances of this truce. it's necessary here something needs to be done, we need to make sure that trump , who is now in disarray as the election campaign ramps up, doesn’t criticize them very, very much, in order to show himself as cool in the eyes of his compatriots, and not just in the eyes of those who read washington just watches everything - in the end, the agreement, actually about this, contradicts a little, because you said a conflict, but not quite flared up, that is, everything looks like chaos, but under control. in the best traditions of american military operations, the current escalation of the united states began with lies, or, to put it mildly,
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misleading the public. washington told its middle eastern allies that it had agreed on the current one. with iraq. baghdad immediately declared that it was a lie and called an american diplomat to the foreign ministry. iraqi government spokesman bassem al-awadi denied any coordination of this aggression with the american side. according to him , this false statement was made with the aim of misleading international public opinion and distorting facts. further more interesting. iraq imposed sanctions against jordan, having stopped oil supplies there, precisely because... the country participated in american strikes, the jordanians responded by saying that they had nothing to do with it at all. the jordanian air force is not involved in any military operation in iraq. iraq is our brotherly country. we urge you not to believe various news sources, but to trust only our official statements. yemeni rebels, after yet another american bombing, promised to cut off
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the fiber optic cable that runs along the bottom of the red sea. this threat is more serious than attacks on merchant ships. cable. in response to the aggression of the western non-coalition , large-scale military exercises have begun, dozens of drone aircraft are involved, the islamic revolutionary guard corps is practicing air defense, all methods and strategies used in these exercises are developed and implemented in accordance with the realities of threats to our state. mikhail vladimovich, for me this does not look like a controlled conflict,
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they hit, one country stops oil supplies to another, the third says: it has nothing to do with it at all, we stood on the side, don’t attack us, this doesn’t look like a controlled story, just for pr? no, no, it does not look like controlled history, although they would like to control it, the americans would like to take control of it, as far as it is concerned. these specific situations, yes, what do the americans say: we agreed, baghdat says: no, it wasn’t, this is a typical middle eastern story, well, as a parallel example, i’ll give the history of israeli-palestinian negotiations on regulating the israeli-palestinian conflict, when the palestinian country , for example, she stated some things at the negotiating table to the israelis, completely different things for arab audiences, most likely the same story happened here, they told the americans one thing, but for internal use they gave something else, this always happens in the middle east, this is normal, that from the point of view . the usa is really a problem that needs to be taken under control, because it is getting out of control. the current administration absolutely needs to
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somehow ensure that this conflict is somehow limited in scope, otherwise this will, of course, have a big impact on biden’s electoral chances, and vice versa will help, it is still limited, but today it is still limited. they insist that post 22 was attacked, and it is in jordan, i talked with an officer who was there and there, spent a month there, several years ago, these are, in principle, very small
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things like that, there are up to battalion personnel in each , this is an observation point, an outpost, no more, 30 km distance, but the difference is huge, if this is altan, it means americans it shouldn't be there, and guys, i'm sorry, but if this is jordan, why do the americans insist on this, they are there legally under an agreement with jordan.
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4 4 km, yeah, in general, it’s unlikely that the houthis have anything that can go down there, and this cable, that is, it looks more like vomit, on the other hand, there might probably be someone willing, some person or organization that will provide them with some next yacht, whatever it was called, adelaide, you admit this possibility, i admit it again but if the americans continue to escalate, and i don’t think...
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well, the americans are completely fools, iran is now defeating everyone, well, that’s all, it seems to me, a gross oversimplification, underestimating the enemy is a very bad thing,
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but not right away, not right away. iran. on the one hand , according to iranian proxies, on the other hand, they hit those territories of syria and iraq that the official syrian iraqi authorities do not control. on the one hand, they beat themselves, on the other hand, who helped them? jordanian air force. air force jordan, they then it’s like they denied it, they didn’t deny it, it’s a very incomprehensible story. the iraqis have no doubt that all jordan and all took part in this. and ... jordan is partly a proxy of saudi arabia, the task of the united states of america is to gain support in many ways, to involve the sunni world in all this, to oppose sunnis and shiites, partly they succeed, why am i trying, what are you doing now? say, this reminds me of some kind of construction site, where there is a contractor, there is a subcontractor, there is a sub, sub, subcontractor, well, sometimes i understood this a little
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more simply, he tells us that well...
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here i already agree with the obbas, because this is being done, first of all, for public opinion in the west in the united states, in order to distract public opinion in the west in the united states, precisely from the palestinian-israeli conflict, specifically from the conflict in gaza and defocus it into different ones, then let’s introduce additional characters, as we always do, when there are difficult situations, i say, oh, i don’t understand anything, let’s complicate it even more, then it will be easier, so wedge-wedge,
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let's keep it short. kill in a couple of minutes, unique blend, author's roasting, jardin original oro, the pleasure to feel multifaceted, nikolai romanov, maxim tikhomirov, the issue with him must be resolved first of all, hands, i want to understand why they need this. it’s not just that he said these two names, i’m afraid of a leak, i have no idea what to do, improvise, we’ll detain the nomad , a new redistribution will begin , there will be people willing to take his place, boss, new season, you put me in prison, now it’s not profitable for me, either you play on my team, or i’ll wipe you out, i don’t play, i serve, today is 20:00 on ntv, mask, new season,
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the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and let’s start this part again . american ordeals to allocate aid to ukraine. the senate has finally published a new bill, which, as they hope it will get the ball rolling, but it’s not that simple. this bill...
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i've seen enough, this bill is even worse than we expected and won't even come close to ending the border disaster the president has created. if this bill makes it to the house floor, it will be dead on arrival. but in ukraine, it seems, the treasured dollars are completely desperate, see, so the former ambassador of ukraine. germany andrey melnik, you probably remember him, he called scholz an offended liverwurst, the other day, in an interview with german media, he suggested that scholz hold negotiations with vladimir putin. let's listen to him. why doesn't mr. scholz meet with putin? perhaps he doesn't need to invite him to germany for a beer or fly to moscow right now. but there were also meetings during the cold war, for example, in iceland. conversation can work wonders.
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this weekend, a lot of noise was made by the announcement of the arrival of american journalist tucker carlson in moscow, and the western media were worried about what he was doing here, our telegram channels they were filled with all sorts of rumors and thoughts, quite a lot of these rumors. foreign media began to circulate information that the journalist could come to moscow to do a big interview with the russian president, more than anything else. the process between putin’s teams may be part of a secret negotiation and trump, and carlson allegedly brought some kind of secret message here. dmitry peskov was also asked about the american journalist’s arrival in moscow on monday. former fox news host stacker carlson flew to russia for
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a few days ago to interview vladimir putin, can you confirm this information, if so, when can we expect the interview to be released? we probably should n’t give any information about the movement of foreign journalists, many continue to work here, we welcome this, as for possible interviews with the president, including foreign media, at the moment we have nothing to tell you, and i see tucker carlson , which is in some way. i brought it in a secret suitcase, which means it’s not for me from trump that’s not cool, of course, especially since he had long talked about his desire to meet with putin and talked about how he was hacked by the nsa, well, that was a year and a half ago, he had just been fired from fox. i ’m still talking about mr. duda, you always tell me, the americans and the germans can’t do this and that, because they seem to be worried about their image, well, it’s impossible. they even, and i always try to tell you, that no one there
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is worried about their image, the president of poland says, crimea was, from a historical point of view, look, he says, most of the time he was in russia, two men opposite, cameras, that’s it, he denies this, that he is worried about his image, that he looks like a complete asshole, forgive me, i was relaxed, e- mine, i, you know what’s the matter, what’s the matter, and he gave out what they’re all talking about, right. let's return to the red sea, now we will show you the map again, which means that there is what i meant when i said an additional player,
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the european union is starting to develop its own company there, it also cannot stay aside, the explanations are all basically the same, the route is too important.
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it is decided which country will take command and which naval assets will be provided by the eu state. belgium and germany are ready to send ships, but not all eu countries want to participate in this idea. greece was the first to announce its desire to lead the eu fleet. then france began to pull the blankets over itself. but officials in brussels wanted to appoint italy as commander of the campaign. the greeks were offended and said that in this case will send only one military man as part of the mission. ship, well, and another one will carry out orders and zafir, while the europeans offer weapons to the participants of the operation to the envy of ukraine, and kiev propaganda is already shedding tears, realizing that everything is going over the counter, europe will take control of this situation, even if just escorting ships and cargo in the red sea, then all this will be very
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expensive, who will pay for it, this is the most pressing issue for us. the americans have not yet adopted a budget help. to the americans, to show that they are not alone, that some kind of diplomatic initiative of theirs is not european, well, well, they also don’t want world trade to be destabilized, they also want to deliver, they were more afraid of the threat that the cables are all they will cut it off, because the americans were scared,
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a greek ship and an italian ship, with all due respect to the valiant italian and greek sailors, will not change the balance of power, yes. and only americans can change if they decide to enter into real serious conflict, but as we came to the conclusion , in my opinion, almost a consensus in the previous part, they are not ready for this, they don’t need it now, so this is all a demonstration, well , let’s say the fact is that for europe, here two points, historical-psychological and economic, historical-psychological is that from the point of view of europe , this region of the red sea, the suede canal, we know who built it, why, the british empire, to shorten the path - to india to its colony , for them it’s like their own, just from a historical point of view memory. the second point, economic, means that if the red sea, the soviet canal, is approximately 12% of world trade, then if we take europe, then 60% of supplies from china to europe go through the red sea, the suved canal, so for europeans this is a disaster, because
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that there are no other alternatives for them, so now when the trans-siberian railway, that is, through.
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correct me if i am quoting incorrectly, they say that the americans, on the contrary, had the idea of ​​weakening europe as much as possible, well , for various reasons, maybe then on the contrary, now the american problem has been largely solved, but on the other hand , they, of course, would like to weaken it, but not to such an extent that it completely dies, you know, it is necessary to weaken it, while strengthening it themselves, well, yes, they think that this will automatically be a threat, of course, this is a threat to the hegemony of the united. america, if for america politics really is a show, then for iran, for islamists in general, politics and
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religion are inseparable things, so you are now talking about the consequences, in the context of which indeed, the europeans have no choice but to fit into this whole story of confrontation with the houthis, but do not forget about the reasons for all this chaos, and the reasons are in palestine, because it all started with the fact that the palestinians began to be exterminated en masse.
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this says a lot, so, ah, we overestimate our role, the ukrainians overestimate their role for europe, europe
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today has learned to live with this conflict with the ukrainian one, they kind of put it out of the equation, the red sea is question supply prices, what colleagues were talking about, so for them, by definition, the opportunity to lose this communication channel across the red sea, and also these cables lie there, right?
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conflict between israel and hamas , well, of course, of course, it began with the fact that hamas attacked israel, this is necessary, this must be said directly from the terrorist attack on october 7, then the houthis play their game, they are considered a puppet of iran, this is not absolutely true, they are not the same as hezbollah, hezbollah is essentially the dead hand of iran, they want, they will throw them into battle, they will die, but they will inflict.
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now the houthis , they are attracting attention, they want funding, they, i don’t, i don’t doubt their ideology, but the point is not ideology, the point is that they are increasing their political influence in the region, that’s their game, according to about the europeans, they will not be able to control the process in any way , i do not think that trade in the red sea will stop, but it is important to understand that, in my opinion, for 6 years after the six-day war of sixty-seven, when israel defeated the surrounding arab countries, in general... all trade in the red sea stopped, there was no trade there at all, after 6 years it stopped, yes, there was a rise in prices, yes, in my opinion, they began to sail around africa, and go, go , they began to walk, yes, okay, nothing, but they swam then too, and this and that, and it’s okay, as if life continued, so even the stop of trade in the red sea - the volume of trade then and the volume of trade now , these are two big ones, what i mean
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is... how to walk on the sea and swim between swim and in the water, and a break, now we'll change the subject, don't leave, please, black lexus 2:00, we stop, major chertanov, chertanov is on horseback again, we won't sink, nothing, that's what to do with him, they have chertanov like a bone in the throat, from a special battalion, this is the same elite, a court battalion, we won’t babysit, we’ll go straight to the wall.
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meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue, now we will talk about lofty matters, about people who understand these matters, about the intellectual, one might say, elite. but first i must fulfill my promise, our dear viewers in chelyabinsk, are you ready? we just agreed after the concert that they would watch, no, on the contrary, we should wave to each other, hello, i convey greetings to chelyabinsk with the most sincere words thanks to everyone who came to the chtz theater last sunday, by the way, there were not only spectators of our program from chelyabinsk, but from miasy, from bashkiria, which is expressed in the gifts they gave to you and not only you, something like honey, something else. yes, you have a minute, bye, while ivan sergeevich gets acquainted with what you gave him, and i ’ll remind you that this saturday i’m coming to izhevsk, you and i are meeting at the republican house of folk art for the holiday of february 24, this is we will be in
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orenburg, gazovik palace of culture, march 1, large hall cinema houses in moscow, march 8 pern, gagarin palace of culture and march 16 ekaterinburg, house of culture, palace of culture, excuse me, railway workers, then we have, according to tradition, as you say, news. cultural front, yes, news from the cultural front, in fact, we will start with three siberian cities, these are bratsk, irkutsk and krasnoyarsk, in all three the concerts of christina arbakait were canceled, in krasnoyarsk, there are different reasons everywhere, in krasnoyarsk the reason for the cancellation of performances is not given, in administration of the trud sports palace in irkutsk, where the performance itself was planned , they said that the organizers were denied the concert because a football match had already been scheduled for the same date, previously a singer’s concert. canceled in buryatia, under pressure from the public organization combat brotherhood, which calls arbakaity a citizen of the united states. other artefacts were also subject to cancellation in russian cities. in yaroslavl
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, local activists demanded that the performance with alexey serebryakov and ksenia raport be banned. this performance is called einstein and margarita. here you see the whole poster this is cancelled. both actors, as stated in the public address, oppose the event. their own , while continuing to earn money in russia, the performance was eventually cancelled, the organizers and artists do not comment on the situation at all, since alexey serebryakov returned from canada to russia, he has not discussed the svo, but he has been helping the children of donbass wounded during the ukrainian bombing. ksenia raport actually lives in two countries, together with her youngest daughter she settled in italy, she comes to russia only for performances, at the same time, he reportedly continues to maintain contact with many of our artists who have left. including with chelpan khamatova. well, the american company hbo terminated the contract with the serbian artist, who has a russian passport. we are talking about milos bikovic. this happened just
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a few weeks after he landed a role in the third season of the fairly popular hbo series, white lotus. the ukrainian foreign ministry quickly opposed bikovich’s participation, because he accused the actor of supporting russian aggression. in confirmation ukrainian diplomats then published footage.
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cut, let's call it that, neatly , in accordance with our current laws, i think that milish bikovich will be fine with his roles, even without this work in the united states, so about the high things that we wanted to discuss today, partly this is , what i asked my colleagues to talk about a long time ago, well, this is the next block, all of you, of course, remember how the legendary meeting of the union of sword and ploughshare took place, it’s true, it was a long time ago, well , to put it roughly, there was almost... . 100 years ago, but how is it going now? now we have the opportunity to look at this, well , there are slight differences, because if you remember, then the father of russian democracy, according to ostap, arrived from berlin, now on the contrary, all the participants gathered in berlin, and the slogan of this event was: sparks rebellion from abroad, i’m now specifically spying on it myself, because at first i thought it was a joke, well, there were quite a lot of them. any
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information about events there and in telegram channels, but as i understand it, no, it really was such an official idea that united, almost united several dozen people who gathered in berlin in order to understand how to organize russia, let us do this, which means, since they themselves called it a congress of foreign agents, we first , we will give you a quote from a television report, also as if from the agency press, which was following all this, a congress, a review, one might say, of the achievements of the national agency economy, it is two days, the first day ends today, accordingly, tomorrow there will be a second one, it was organized by an initiative group of samino agents, vitaly mansky, marat gelman, annomangayt and others. the location of the congress of terrorists, extremists and those recognized in russia as foreign agents was kept secret until the last day. as a result, last friday, a little more than 100 people gathered in the expensive five-star berlin pullman hotel, where the price is the cheapest. the number reaches 27,000
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rubles. checking into other hotels was prohibited for reasons of conspiracy. as usual with russians the opposition congress had barely begun when its participants immediately quarreled. some, as it turned out, had their travel and accommodation paid for. those who were left without such sponsorship from an unknown donor were indignant on social networks that they allegedly divided the agents into ordinary and white bones. as a sign of protest, some ultimately did not attend the meeting. accusing those gathered of cynicism, it seems to me that it is very cynical to gather in an expensive hotel at a time when war and famine are all around, at the opening of a gathering of film agents it was announced that they would discuss help in ukraine, the methods of influencing political life in russia, the details of how exactly the foreign agents were going to do this, were not told to journalists, and the participants themselves did not seem to really understand.
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russian society is against the current regime, and not for the putin regime. businessmen, artists, singers, writers and bloggers who fled the country announced that they intended to create practically a government in exile outside russia. it... will represent
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the interests of opposition-minded russians abroad, to oppose putin, we want to create an organization that will have its own subjectivity, will have a reason to present itself before the world community as an opponent to putin, and what is very important, since it really is a crypt of civil society, will show the whole world that putin is not equal to russia, however, the interests of beautiful russia futures abroad may be at risk. many participants at the congress were not ready, as it turned out, to participate in public opposition activities. many meeting participants refused to appear in the group photo, and some even asked nowhere at all. they say: no, no, don’t take pictures , not everyone wants their faces to be visible, for a group photo, those who wanted to came out, the rest were asked not to take pictures, i meet a man, he tells me: just listen, i’m not here, in principle, they are still
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mentioning that they were at this gathering, discussing this event on social networks, the fact is that i will step away so that marat gelman can be seen, and evgenia albats, i don’t know, was... among participants we have it also a foreign, in my opinion, agent, well , just in case, we can say, it won’t get worse, so she accused marat gelman of the fact that people like him, therefore, led to this totalitarian horror that now exists in russia, because that gelman worked for putin, earned a lot of money there, and albats himself was fired from, in my opinion, a higher economy, because albats did not give an “a” to some gelman.
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from life or is this real politics, real politics, you know, it seems to me that this is a disaster, for many, many years, many, many years , people who take the liberty of presenting themselves as liberals, freedom fighters, cannot agree with each other, this is our common problem, people within the same country cannot agree with each other, this is a common problem , so that's good.
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it’s not a problem, i understood you correctly , because it would be a problem if, on the contrary, they could agree with each other and were something serious, if i’m whispering to you correctly, but i only agree with the first ones, with the first proposal of my colleague what is this history for many many many years, the crown of the russian empire, the film, his majesty, but in fact yes, this is of course a satire, but i know history well, i have studied history for many years.
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legislation, safety valves, there was satire, we must create at the level of no, this is not the crown of the russian empire, so that this is the crap that they have there - other than this is the most satirical , i don’t know what kind, maria, well, when am i on this i see, of course my heart is breaking, because there are a lot of people there with whom i ate a ton of salt the union of right forces, which i love very much, and gozman simply. i was brought into politics by a classmate of my ex-husband, yes, but nevertheless, i want to remind you that for a long
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period of russian politics, apple and the union of right forces could not agree, if you remember, they could never agree, yevlensky spoke on air , we are uniting, we are joining forces, we have the same values, and then he came, that means his party, said, no, i won’t share the loot, yes, in this sense they are like the heirs of everything, oh, i hear footsteps, this rybakov is running, nikolai. rybakov wants to refute what you say, these are really people with values ​​and convictions who are ready to defend their convictions, or are they people who continue to save money, and conviction is quotes, a facade, behind which it’s just an estimate that is spent every year; grants are not grants there , donations, bitcoins and so on, they are different, on the one hand there is gozman, who is really a person with convictions, but they...
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how can i formulate this, it’s a shame, yes , maybe partly i even feel a little sorry for them,
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that’s right , it’s a pity, you feel sorry, well, it’s humanly, it’s humanly a pity , because for many of them the fools are crying, to be honest, because when they broke away from their usual feeding troughs, when they broke away from this, from this eagle habitat, where for some reason many adored them inside russia, they received grants, they constantly hovered somewhere around the state, they hated this state, but... they fed on it and hovered around it, and for them it was like this, you know, it’s time for prosperity, they absolutely liked her, now they understand that they are there they are needed only for one thing, for some specific anti-russian goals , they cannot take place there in any other way, although they have always been talked about, look at what talented writers, directors, artists, marketers, they are now leaving russia, they will create a new world there, a beautiful russia, a future in exile, but this is not happening, they gather together for these meetings, drink coffee.
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were fools, why haven't they gone through this many, many times before, and the crowns see that they are repeating what happened
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russian empire.
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he really wanted to become the editor -in-chief of a radio station and was practically sure that he would be appointed to this post, he was io, here is a man with extensive family experience, a truly professional, a very good interviewer, but he was not appointed because the owner of the radio station invited other people. they came there from the regions, and this man was so upset that he built in front of me, just in front of me, such a scheme that he was deceived, humiliated, and for a reason, and therefore by the highest order, therefore i’ll go now, that means, to fight, the second person, patriotism, i’ll clarify rhetorically, this was a manifestation of patriotism, this is zapism,
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this is fear for one’s own ass, the second person, a very talented poet and writer. incredibly erudite at the same radio station, he worked with me in about the year thirteen, he stood a little drunk, although he always says that he’s just a drop of alcohol, let’s not call him anything, don’t, why, don’t, don’t no way to call him, he was not there now, and he stood in front of me, crying and saying, i must get out, they'll put us all in prison, i tell him, who the fuck needs you, where should they put you, go get some sleep and get ready for the broadcast, no, he says , they'll put me in prison, answer, no, this is immigration, a gypsy motley nation, like in any human breast, there are different people in it, better, worse, wider, narrower, they left , listen, hundreds of thousands of people left, we give examples of ten, among whom trihal, they are trying to arrange their lives, looking for work, renting housing, but they don’t spend congresses of foreign agents who must develop
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an algorithm for change. let's advertise now we also have something to discuss, something to show, a new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask? mask 18 february 20:20 on ntv. chief new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. playite is an unusual service that allows you to pay in installments. you don't need to apply for a new card to look for a list of stores. play is available everywhere. playite divides prices into six parts and works with a card
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this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, in the previous part, those foreign agents and oppositionists whom we showed you, we more than once called intellectual people, let’s say, but not stupid people, well, that’s right, because if they were not intellectuals, they would , well, i don’t know, in their activities, for me an absolute mystery, this is what we talked about a couple of programs ago, how these seem to be intellectual is understandable. fall for the same bait, which our pranksters lexus vanas gladly hand out to them. let us just summarize everything from the last couple of weeks. the first, among the bright
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minds of our time, to fall for the bait of pranksters were foreign agents dmitry bykov and boris akunin, now included in the list of terrorists and extremists. back in december, these doves of peace, thinking that they were communicating with the kiev elite via video link, really wanted to help ukrainian armed forces with money. bykov, believing that he was communicating with the head of the office of the terrorist zelensky ermak, asked. translate your books into ukrainian so that you can then give royalties to the armed forces of ukraine. when the prank hit the internet, bykov began to explain, he supposedly realized that he was being scammed and would even be double-checked later. did these people really think that... we wouldn’t be smart enough to call the president’s office, it’s not that difficult, you know, it’s not moscow, but a foreign agent included in the list of extremists, boris akunin, talked to a man who looked like terrorist zelensky. okunin agreed with the prankster when he talked about the need to hit the crimean bridge and russian cities, because in akunin’s opinion, quote: some simple things reach stupid people in the most clear and direct way, while the intellectual luminary okunin, in 20 minutes
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of conversation, according to... ulitskaya eventually supported terrorist attacks on russian territory and admitted that she was helping ukraine with money, and the writer weller , in his usual manner, poured shit on his colleagues who came to hand, i’m paying royalties for this is how you send them to someone who needs them.
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my fees go to ukraine, no matter what, a man of extraordinary charm, but since on the one hand he is an undeniably smart man, on the other hand, a man who undeniably loves money, then i have the feeling that he got a little hooked on soros money, because otherwise some possazhi in the excitement of the last few months, i can’t explain, lyudmila, lyudmila, yes ulitskaya, yeah. in estonia stated in his conversation with pranksters that his book was under copyright, and if he lived in russia, i would have sued them. because not with any van and not with any lexus, not with kuznetsov, not with stolyarov, not with
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otvertkin, not with aporov. i didn’t enter into any contracts, this video is for this, then my every word is covered by my intellectual property rights, you can sue these two freaks, but of course no one will do this, alexandrevich, another, not the cossacks, explain please let me have this phenomenon, like people who are capable of doing some logical thinking, masters of minds. fate of course but they are definitely smart, and behave like little children, why, how is this happening, you come to me, i deliberately besieged the other alexandrovich so that he would not interfere with you, and i’m already like this, you know, these are people, well, here’s the previous one too there was a conversation about how to compare it with the immigration that happened after the revolution, well , compare it with this, this is a completely different level, here i was in the nineties.
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environment, that the main task of a good writer is not to turn into a great writer, they have simply all become inflated to the point of complete inadequacy, here is lyudmila ulitskaya, who a truly outstanding writer, she is being scammed. like a grandmother who calls from a ukrainian call center and says: go, sell your apartment, go set fire to the military registration and enlistment office, but in fact, lyudmila has always lived in an imaginary world, and this is starting from how she began to destroy, a person who lives in
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an imaginary world, a talented writer, and he splashes out this invented world in his work on this entire audience, and his world, well, it’s wrong, it’s invented, and i have to mean all this... of the russian federation, accordingly, collected by and large, they are there as agents, because many of them really have little in common, yes, but besides the fact that this label was hung on them, which does not give us the opportunity to function there in a normal way in russia, as for
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why they fell for it, didn’t fall for these so-called pranksters, so-called pranksters, and i think that here the answer is very simple, because those people with whom these pranksters talked, they are not extremists and not terrorists, because , probably, it seems to me, any terrorist and right.
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that he has accumulated questions for him specifically as a representative of the legislative and branch of government, now there’s a short break, andrei nikolaevich, then the rest will go, hijackers are operating under our noses, the police
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are blowing the bush, the hijacker is clearly one of our own, i’ll find him, black 2:00 we stop, special battalion, we won’t babysit, we’ll go straight to the wall today. at 22:15 on ntv. mask: new season from february 18 at 22:20 on ntv. bank for every day, what is it? comfortable. what do you think? fast. what will the younger generation say? cool. vtb is yours bank for every day. working in an office can be painful. arthroxicam cream. three-component composition. modern painkillers in maximum concentration, triple action against pain and inflammation, arthroxicam for accelerated penetration into the source of pain. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet.
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it’s strange to behave, well, yes, their
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political position is strange, but so far it’s all been relatively harmless, and there are other characters, also from among these people who left, who are actively working, well , more actively working for our audience , that is, they are not just participating in some kind of congress, how can we change something here, but they are directly they work with our audience, roughly speaking, they incite some kind of anti-legal actions, this is a completely different attitude. this is a purchase, you will actually pay for
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a return to normality. former lawyer, foreign agent mark feigen, who was put on the international wanted list for spreading fakes about the army, proposed: holding alternative, supposedly fair elections for the president of russia, and then forming a government body representing the interests of the oppositionists. it is proposed to hold these elections on some new online platform, and you will need to register using real biometrics passports. we will immediately warn all our viewers not to enter their personal data on some dubious and dangerous platforms. the programmers proposed a technology based on biometrics.
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to the creation of protest groups and calls for illegal actions or actions. according to the deputy, all facts will be sent to the prosecutor general's office, and foreign agents will be brought to justice. so, andrei nikavich, you see the legislative side, this is our fight for the side, in general, everything is ready, we saw you last week and we, the state duma passed the law, at our request, well, at the request of our voters, of course, and i hope you vote for the ldp, so you can vote.
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we will wait for them here, we will wait for them for interrogation, and the fact that they will arrive sooner or later, well, they will be expelled from there, a little more, they will simply be kicked out of there, because they are there, you see for yourself, they come there and they say why we were gathered, that ’s what, just to talk, so everyone is forced into reality, in general , in my opinion, she doesn’t really understand now, well laugh at this gr. to separate the conventional mr. milov, who is engaged in some kind of provocations, also when he lived here and worked in the ministry of energy, he always seemed to me to be a completely adequate
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person, he worked there for six months, what difference does it make, you worked in the ministry and that means these provocateurs from those who , well...
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said, the flywheel of repression in the country has not been launched, because they will come to you, they will come to me, they will come to him, he understands this perfectly, he knows history well, but the defense of our society and even me, for example, personally, protection from...
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after a divorce from her husband, a mother of many children lives in a dilapidated house without heating. i sleep in the cold, in three socks, three pants, a winter jacket,
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and under two blankets. there is no water or convenience at all; if you flush the toilet, it all rises to the top. i warm the kettle and wash my hair in basins. from a collapsed roof, that is, you have a hole in the ceiling? there was a hole in the ceiling, fires fell, the stove fell. i don’t turn on the light, because when it rains, there... they don’t short circuit it. a nightmare. but no matter what became, wants to take the children from her ex-husband. the second time i filed an appeal to get my children back. but will the children want to return to their mother? how can she raise children who don't want to live with her? we haven't communicated with her for two years now. our relationship didn't work out. children often complained to me that their mother beats them, that their mother humiliates them. this is beyond the bounds. today at 16:45 on ntv. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. bank for
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russia are free. mask new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. at ntv the meeting place, these are those who did not have time, in your opinion, what we should still do with the participants of all these berlin gatherings, brand or regret. yes, you can understand these people.
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just that the ast royalties are so funny, there’s a policy, a half-track for a tank, look at the adequacy of this person, but don’t not remove his books from the polo, because we don’t have another ulitskaya , a national treasure, of course, so, please, i believe that there is no need to forgive or stigmatize, you need to take it for granted that there is a different point of view, and be very happy about this, because as per...
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i don’t even, i don’t even suggest branding, because branding is it's so energy consuming process, it is necessary to catch, it is not clear who, and so on, but if a person violates our criminal code, even if he sends on one spike, maria from the caterpillar of some tank, this is where the investigation should come into play and you should generally be happy, so friends mine, all for support, all at once to prison, that ’s all, don’t turn our program into some kind
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of robbery. is it good, or something, we need to forgive them, put them in prison altogether, we heard you, andrei nikolaevich, let me finish nicely, he has already had mercy, he is already imprisoning they, let me finish the program beautifully , i have no doubt that it will be beautiful, because they say that ranevskaya was very fond of telling this anecdote, which means that before the revolutionary russia in the stables of the imperial theater on a beam under the ceiling sits a flock of sparrows watching a non-participant in the play a horse that stands in a stall and eats oats. well, one sparrow jumps up and says: gentlemen, gentlemen, i visited the conservatory, of course, mozart’s little night serenade is the limit of harmonic perfection. second sparrow says: "well." don’t tell me, a little serenade, we need to learn to understand large forms, the other day i visited the opera house again, nuremberg, singer and wagner for 5 hours in one breath. the third says: no, i don’t
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agree, because for real catharsis , of course, ballet is needed, but for us birds, representatives of, i’m not afraid to say, the highest intellectual strata of society, this is, of course, tchaikovsky, swan lake, well, here they are all they began to scoff. and at this moment the oldest sparrow says: “so, gentlemen, attention, everything we are watching the horse, they are about to serve hot food." this was a meeting place that cannot be changed. 14:00 weekdays ntv, goodbye. collapsed on the ice in korelei are looking for rescuers who fell in a helicopter vanezhskoye lake. ukraine is trying to blackmail and manipulate through the russians schoolchildren to organize sabotage activities.the gun is faster.


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