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tv   Shef  NTV  February 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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tikhomirov, stand, guys, you made a mistake, you were told to stand, hands, don’t twitch, we’ll shoot right away, give me a handcuff, i’ll put the jack down, slowly, and... you’ll all be there, who sent it?
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well, viktor sergeevich, i finally got around to it and you. how will we work? i don't
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work, i serve. dogs serve, but we are people, we work. okay, i understand your sentiment. now i want you to understand me. i don't have time to sort things out with you. it’s not for me to explain to you that in the work of any department in our system there are a lot of violations. i can do it at any time. send you to resign or somewhere else, but why? someone has to catch the villains, right? you seem to be doing it well. so, either you play on my team and strictly carry out my orders, or i ask you to go to hell and friendship with the minister will not help, i don’t play, i serve. on
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operational work himself, he gave me a complete breakdown of the organized criminal groups in our region, and nikola. romanov, he’s a nomad, as i understand it, he’s now the number one figure in the city, the issue needs to be resolved with him first of all, i don’t resolve issues, i serve, oh, what are you really saying, the city should be in prison, shouldn’t it be, you were given the opportunity to reorganize the administration, your people were returned. so prove that it’s not in vain that they wear shoulder straps and receive a salary? well, yes, about tikhomirov, he is now at least in a supporting role, well, like a gray eminence, but this does not change anything. viktor sergeevich, can you even
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hear me? yes, i can hear you. i read here the other day that vytali arrested a well-known authority, the leader. they couldn't catch me for 30 years well, you and i are not in italy, really, we can handle it in a couple of weeks, you go, do everything, eat, yes, here’s another thing, how is my son’s health, i can help with something, thank you, comrade general, we we'll handle it, okay, go, are you watching where you're going? excuse me, i'll pick you up
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, i haven't seen you before, are you a visitor or a patient, a patient, undergoing rehabilitation after being wounded, where do you serve, unit? this survey, okay, i’m not up to you now, see you later, vitya, i already told you, kolennichenko’s appointment passed me by, yes, they didn’t even inform you, you wanted to hear this, did it make you feel better, no, it didn’t make me feel better, i just don’t understand how to continue working, that they stopped at...
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“sorry, but the entrance is visible from all sides, even from the street , even from the roof , but we haven’t yet established the customer who loaded the torpedo on you, they want to kill you, they will kill you, you became a fatalist long ago, you forced life , when i served in the combined detachment, our commander said, if you can keep your head down, don’t stick your head out, you will stay alive, oh, wise words of a wise man, yes, only his..." they shot, he leaned out,
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we go out, meet us, accepted. everything is fine, as always.
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so tell me the world, what do we have for the nomad, i’m interested in more promising materials, well, there is something, it’s just not everyone has gotten into the swing of things yet, but it’s time to get in, as our president says, now there’s no time to get going. well, if you want my opinion, i wouldn't rush into implementation. why? after we
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have completed the topic with the count in the city relatively calmly, we will detain the nomad, a new redistribution will begin, there will be people willing to take his place. hence the question: do we need this? you're right, it's not necessary, but there is a direct instruction from the new leadership. hit list? and who else was included there? tikhomirov, who else? what did he not like? i can only guess. in general, yes. let’s put the priority developments under the carpet for now, as they said before, and you prepare for me materials that require additional operational measures, in case the new general decides to check how his instructions are being carried out, it’s absolutely right what you will do, viktor sergeevich, i need to think , i want to understand why he needs this, it’s not just that he said these two names, when we understand, then we’ll decide what to do together. “i haven’t kicked the nomad off the board yet, in some combinations he can be our
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ally, i made you breakfast, or rather even lunch, you’ll find it in the kitchen, and i’m off to the office, the editor-in-chief must set an example for his employees, and you give me all the cards did you get confused when you arrived at night?” “i think i’ve worked, oh yes, i’ve worked, i’ll arrive in about 8 hours, you’ll be here, i don’t know yet, leave the keys just in case, the spare set is in the same place as always, you can at least call, say, i left, don’t wait for me, listen, but by chance you don’t have a spare handset in the house, you have a phone, here’s a sim... well, are you
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going somewhere again? stuck? i don’t know, you know, otherwise i wouldn’t have come to a place where no one would look for you, i’m right, you’re a smart woman, well, thank you, at least for that. i will be very glad if you stay.
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everything is bad, two cold ones, buravin and smolkov. and vasya yakimov, he was wounded, which hospital was he taken to? i’m telling you, everything is bad, apparently , he himself shot to kill. what the rave? well, nonsense, not nonsense, but you took his service yourself. who is he anyway? he ran around the region to the local police station and came to us on a recommendation. he turned out to be a smart guy, we put him on the route as a driver with the possibility of promotion, kostya , and what can you say about him, but i won’t say anything, you understand, i recruited the first fighters myself, well, then, when they came in droves, i just i don’t have time to talk to everyone, i have other responsibilities, contracts, clients, negotiations, but everything is clear, what do you understand, they missed the killer in their own ranks, that’s all. listen, friend , we still need to prove this, quietly, dearly, quietly
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, we must, we’ll prove it, but there’s nothing to prove here, but if you want to talk to the experts, they ’ll give you the whole schedule, sorry, okay, let’s go, it happens, you’d better tell me his connections, who he was friends with, what he drank? wife, children, where to look for him anyway? you will receive the information in full, i promise you, that’s good, why not ask what was in the car, but why ask? money, of course. apparently large, any cargo can be there if honestly, i don’t know myself, confidentiality, i’ve heard about this, but if you are ordered to transport drugs, what will you do then? we don’t do this, but it’s unlikely that i’d get a couple of boxes of cucumbers and two cold ones, how much money was there? i don’t know, how is
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this possible, dear, yes, they don’t inform us about this, our task is to transfer the cargo from point a to point, that’s all. wonderful job, just a dream, dangerous, as you can see, yes, pavel viktorovich, i was asked to find out if everything is all right with you, yes, there are requests, wishes, complaints, i'm happy with everything, doctors, how are you all treated? you ask, yes, no, only you, why? you know perfectly well why pavel viktorovich, no, i don’t know, you are not an ordinary patient, you are the son of the head of the criminal investigation department, your father was an assistant to the minister of internal affairs for special assignments, strictly speaking, you should not be here, why?
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because you are not a police officer, and this is a sanatorium of the ministry of internal affairs, there is a commercial building here, i know, but you are not staying in it? to be honest, i don’t know anything about this, next time if you have no more questions, i’d like to sleep , i’ll come back tomorrow, why, answer these questions, just yes or no, why, i told you, you’re a special case, management is afraid to do something wrong, thank you. relax, well, it was your fault that they hit you, breathe out this guilt, let it go, because on, there is a discount on a helmet, even if something
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happened due to your fault, the renaissance of insurance, you can exhale, but... the lost one is operating under your nose all fear, hijackers, don’t give a damn to the police, the hijacker is clearly one of our own, i’ll find him, who are you running after, sergey, look at yourself in the mirror, you are the same hijacker, and today tomorrow they will come to kill me, well, first of course they will torture me, but time is still running out, death is not the worst death. special battalion today 22:15 on ntv. mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. that's it, we're not going on vacation. yes, i won in tiikeria, it was all for plus points. lisa,
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i bought chicken. scanned the code in the application and won a million yandex plus points, believe it or not, you want a million points and millions of other prizes under stickers in the application delicious and period bank for every day, how convenient it is, what do you think, fast, what will the younger generation say, cool, vtb is your bank for every day, syntec oil with moth gard technology increases the service life of the engine. sintek: always a smart choice. the special feature of dyshirak is fermentation technology. therefore, my choice is dosherak. and my chan ramen and my recipes. the secret of taste is in the broth. this is the ecology of the city. this is an investment in the health of our children. this is clean air. they are talking about converting transport to methane. it’s about protecting
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nature, but it’s not just that. methane cheaper, savings on every kilometer. netting works perfectly, installation of equipment as part of the national fuel project, i converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations, a bank for business, how suitable is it for the scale of my business, but for a smaller business it’s suitable, of course it’s suitable, but for you it’s profitable, that’s the point of business. vtb is a bank for your business. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. hi, great, are you so happy, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall
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, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i started to forget how it happens, so what? well buy, what’s called prostatricum, remember, and also remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, what do you think works? what, i don’t think, i know, you’re dark, of course, now i’m my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how to take it, call, it’s all simple, when you order , they’ll explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that ’s it, i drove off, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you again , okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll buy it too , what can i think , call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than 100 times to groan, come on, meet the new golden
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prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try it prostatric. gold nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatric gold. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. darling, i’m listening , i found out this, this is my temporary number, don’t
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tell anyone, there’s something wrong, problems, some unhealthy movement around me, i just wanted to ask, the attack came from your office, this is not a telephone conversation, we need to meet, better in the evening, your son and i have a mutual friend, yes, i... left, but there is no one there, yes, this was there from the very beginning it’s clear, and what’s next , for the neighbors, well, for the neighbors, hello, hello, police major resitov, major zvezdakov, please tell me, it’s been a long time since you last saw your neighbors, the akimovs, vasily left for work this morning. he works as a security guard for days, but what happened? and my wife, son, boy about 5 years old, yes you what, all 12 of them, an adult guy, when i saw
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them three days ago, they were getting into the car with friends, and what kind of friends? well, i don’t know, they’re as strong as vaska, athletic , i’ve actually never seen them here before, what time was it, about two o’clock, i just... found them, yes, exactly, about two o’clock, thank you very much , you helped a lot, here is my business card, if suddenly your neighbors show up, please call, this is very important, what happened, we won the lottery, lucky ticket, well , let's go, goodbye, all the best, that's it logically, he knew that he was going to kill, and he hid his wife and son and took them to a safe place, but what was the reason? listen, well , hello, listen, well, to kill two comrades to take money, you need a reason, he has an apartment with a mortgage, maybe to check
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payments, suddenly he was evicted, or his wife is sick or his son, or maybe his parents, this is a reason, no , i couldn’t, what i couldn’t, kill, but you , listen, i don’t know, and i don’t want to know, god forbid anyone ends up in such a situation, okay, let’s go, let’s see the cameras. maybe we can find out who? yakimov tried to persuade him to stay, anyone can confirm that for you, but what? a service apartment, a car, he was in good standing, a bonus from management, thanks. yeah, yes, that year he was generally recognized as the best district police officer, and this must be earned, the best district police officer, and then he quit his job? there was no money, stupid money, his wife took out a mortgage on his apartment, and after a couple of months she was laid off, he had to pay, so vasya went to private
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security. there's your ex in charge, izglavka, elbows, yeah, i know who he's with at work could be among his loved ones, where to look for him now, which of his colleagues could help him, but you ’re crazy to help, no-no-no, you don’t connect our department with this freak in any way, i don’t need trouble, just wait, you say , a normal guy, a professional, suddenly became a villain, how come, it means he’s always been like this, he just skillfully hid his gangster essence, how is it simple for you? mayer, life is generally simple, there are just freaks who spoil it, that’s for sure.
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vera, i’m sorry, baldes, it was a difficult day, your friend has been waiting for you there for several hours, what comrade, good, he also called you, then he decided to come, oh, bears were riding, on a bicycle, and behind them a cat, backwards, and behind him kamariki,
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“i’m listening, it’s me who’s listening to you, you know me, i know, that’s why i i personally came so that there would be no questions, i didn’t invite you, but you are the greyhounds, the cargo that your people were carrying is my cargo, i sympathize.” the money will have to be returned,
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if the police don’t find anything, you get everything according to the insurance and the contract, then you’ll shove this contract up your ass, your people, take it. my cargo, you're responsible for your people, yeah, well then the debt is on you, you’ll pay it back on time, i won’t take interest, i’ve completely lost my fear, maybe i should screw you right now, but what a time, everyone wants to kill me, but
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this won’t change anything. if you fail me, your family will pay off the debt, let’s shoot, you have a week in prison, and your daughter is a living thing. i have orders from management to close you and the nomad. your new general? yes, i don’t understand why he needs this. well, what’s not clear here? everything is very clear, you are cops. no, it's not that simple. he is not the first year in the system and understands perfectly what balance is. if you remove a nomad , someone else will take his place. yes and you. there's no
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point in cleaning you up either. hello. what happens is that i no longer skate in the city at all, no, everything is not so simple, in short, for me everything is approximately clear. “if you lock up a nomad, society will come to me and ask me to take over the city , they know me, they trust me, let’s say, but if you also put me in prison, then they will put someone else in charge of the city, that’s the question, what are you , you think kolenchenko is fulfilling the order, it’s obvious if he doesn’t i don’t know the two of you who will take this place , i’m not old enough yet, but the old people, some in prison, some in the grave, in general, this is the situation, so it turns out that they didn’t come for me from you, i would know if something happened , no, i only received the order
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today, i understand, i’ll figure it out, max, listen, you can go somewhere, where, well, i don’t know where you were, bastert, saint louise, trains don’t go this way for me now. max, keep me posted. well, there are no more ideas, right? it looks like yes, and i don’t understand this akimov at all, to be honest, that’s about i don't need reasons. listen, repeat it to you at least 100 times, you’re only hearing yourself. listen, let's just don't swear, let's do it for us. was it enough to sort things out here? yur, what? the apartment was opened with an investigator, he examined everything, and you should have seen what a mess it was, but it was just a woman and a child collecting things. your
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version? my version is that they were collecting things in a hurry, grabbing everything that caught their eye. well, everything is correct. akimov told them that they had to leave urgently. what about the guys who were in the apartment? so. let's see some more one, come here, yur, come on, well, let’s see , well, i’m telling you, this is a kidnapping, akimov was forced to commit robbery and murder, blackmailed by his family, in principle, if akimov had accomplices, it would be possible to do without the corpses. hmm, now you understand? well, now i understand, now let’s go home to sleep, it’s morning and evening, you know what? uh-huh, it’s good for you, but i’m in a day, hold on, and we don’t have time, as soon as akimov gives
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them the money, they’ll immediately kill him, and then his family, why would the bandits leave witnesses, well, what should we do, where to look for him, i don’t know, and i don’t know, yeah, they filmed the fingers in akimov’s apartment, well, yes, is there an answer? no , what's going on, what's going on, come here , look, i threw out the bottle, and if the trash has already been thrown away, let's throw a bullet in there and put the experts on their ears, that i've been leaving for 24 hours, i understand, this is what i need more, yuri, let's move , dear, well, delicious aroma, perfection and harmony of taste, the classic collection of greenfield loose-leaf tea, greenfield tea,
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finding harmony, maniac, right? i'm an investigator, you're an investigator, i'm building leads, you're working them out, i found a scumbag who fits all the parameters, police, give me 4 hours, i’ll find the killer, i’m yours, i won’t find you, i’m also yours, i give you 2 hours, trainee on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. mom, i want a pink one, mom, where is the notebook, where is the leash, and where is the dog? stop shaking my nerves, corval fita helps reduce irritability and maintain tender feelings for loved ones. mom, thank you. a feeling
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an ozonbank card, those who like to shop and those who like to earn money after visiting these stores, those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposits, no matter how you look at it, the ozonbank card is beneficial for free. spend and save with ozonbank up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to 16% per annum on deposits. it's me, maxim nikitin. the creator of nanocomputers capable of more accurately delivering drugs to diseased cells, and this is the moment when i decided to become a scientist, we experimented in a real laboratory, then i wanted to make an important discovery, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in a scientific specialties nauka.rf, new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you? mask? mask
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february 18, 20:20 on ntv. maxim, i really need to talk to you. is there no meat, or what ? at lunch! listen, let's not ruin the morning, okay, i'm not talking about us! well, what then? look, i really appreciate it. you invested a lot of money in my publishing house, but now there are problems with advertising. for example, next month i have nothing to pay my salary, i will have to lay off journalists, and so on. what, do you need money? yeah, a lot. ok. i’ll write you a power of attorney in your name
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, sell my st. petersburg apartment, i hope this is enough, that is, everything is not easy for you either , as usual, next, what next, what next, what next, look for sponsors, look for advertising, i don’t know , or should i do this, i can, you have a soldering iron in the house, it’s not funny, don’t forget to close the door behind me, allow me, viktor sergeevich, yes, yur, come in, we were lucky, zvezdakov found this damn bottle, the experts worked quickly, here is all the material, does anyone else know about this, well, you, me and the expert, of course, what do you think do, i'm afraid of a leak, i have no idea what
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to do, yes, terminate, i'm listening. yes , i understand, i’ll be there now, they’re calling me to the management, yeah , tell me, yur, yes, what do you think, akimov is still alive, according to today’s report there were no unidentified corpses, and neither was the woman and the child, i hope, improvise, operational impudence - this is the second happiness, that’s right, that is, the general. just be stubborn , maybe start cutting his fingers, wait, money in exchange for family, that’s the only way, but your family is gone, you understand, they buried it, then
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shoot me, because you don’t have any money you'll see. i’ll bring your wife here now, you ’re like a barnushka, you love a group sex, your wife is participating, money is exchanged for the family, that’s the only way, let me, come in, sit down, we have colleagues from moscow. national central bureau of interpol. major glazov. rastorguev, criminal investigation department. we made a mistake, we thought that your connections with our person involved could harm the operation, but general kalennichenko assured us that there would be no problems, on the contrary, you would provide assistance. sorry, may i have permission? yes. i'm listening.
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even so, well and good. “let’s save our colleagues from unnecessary headaches, they found him, we’ll detain him, can someone explain to me what’s going on here, colleagues from moscow are doing our job, that’s what’s happening, a request for tikhomirov’s extradition has arrived, it’s been traced to finland, but this is a trifle, the main thing is that he killed a man in the buster, killed a man?” “a policeman, just like you or me, go away, yes, i have a procedure, i remember, i came to pick up the questionnaire, it ’s ready, yes, but nothing is written here, you didn’t
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answer, neither yes nor no, i i can’t, why? because i don't remember anything. what kind of kindergarten ? are you kidding me? this is exactly the reason why i am here. i don't remember my father and i don't remember my past. if you worked here, you would know about it. but you don't know. no, i know. no, you couldn’t help but know about this, that means you don’t work here, i work here, show me your documents, they’re in the office, what right do you have, hand them over, wait,
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who are you, why are you here? oh, i wish you good health, comrade general, major, girls, i apologize, i have a phone number sat down, i need to call, call, of course, we won’t disturb you, if you disturb you, leave the office, this is an order. yes, good afternoon, delivery for mrs. molchanova, it’s not there now, so maybe you can accept it, or should i take you back, just a minute,
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go away, quickly, they’re already at the address, hello, you ’re here, okay, i’m waiting, yeah. owners, there are people at home, it’s open here.
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well, let’s say, why didn’t you just ask? and you would give me an interview, but no, you really have lost your memory, you really don’t
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remember anything, i remember in fragments, but what do the doctors say, it can be treated, well, you’re stupid, well, already yourself a journalist, so he must understand me, okay, just tell me where to drive, i’ll come. great, great, it seems to me that i’ve already answered all your questions, ask what you need, just tell me to go to the investigator for interrogation, well, just like that, let’s go, let’s go. look, what is this? your fighters showed up on the cameras
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near akimov’s house, one even managed to leave his fingers, those idiots, calm down, i’m without an escort, you can immediately see a business person, whatever you want, how we’ll decide, the share is 50%, i’m crazy, your proposals, 25 godly, 30, we decided, let's move out right away. i’ll take it, on mine, on yours, far, not far , let’s take it on yours, then you’ll throw me here, we are politicians, we must win the hearts of people, well, like rock stars, you are the messiah, misha, this is your destiny, it’s time to tear down the berlin wall. in berlin there is now a lot of vacillation, it’s a good time to fish in troubled waters, it was your
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weathermen who provoked that all this rubbish came out onto the streets, the first will be last, the last will be first, your hotel is swarming with spies, it seems they are also hunting for the archive, wait, i think you are playing your own game, which has not been coordinated with the management... by the way, just like you, do you want to break away? gdr. congratulations, mikhail sergeevich, the main premiere of the year. coming soon to ntv. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. bank for every day, what is it? convenient, what do you think? fast, what will the younger generation say? cool! vtb is your bank for every
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8:55 pm
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8:56 pm
brought it, brought it, check it! and you're great, i love punctuality, take it and get lost, just don't make a fuss, now i 'll get lost right here, daughters, hello, let's go,
8:57 pm
police, yeah, on the ground, on the ground, got out of the car, hands on the hood. let's go, let's go.
8:58 pm
throw the spool, it's over, don't come closer, i 'll kill him, i don't care, there are two corpses on him, be patient, he'll die, they have my family, but i'm in know where the hostages are, fuck you! “i asked where the hostages were, the address, they were alive, the barn behind the house, alive, i didn’t want to, they forced them, these were former cops, they served together
8:59 pm
, you’re a fool, you would have come to us right away, and you would have come if your family they took me, but i don’t have a family, just move.” let him go, get up, get up, let’s take a walk, i have an order from management to close you so that you don’t go out, so you and i seem to be friends, i answered your question, yes, i don’t need to invent anything. you screwed up the article for yourself, extortion in its purest form, so jail me, no, now it’s not profitable for me that
9:00 pm
you let you go, yes, i’m letting you go, and what in return, it’s clear, but consider that i have nothing... the trace of the killer has already been left, you’ll get your money when the fledgling allows it, i’m the money i love what i have to do, sit quietly, don’t glare, but better get out of town, i’ll find a way to contact you when i need you, why do you need this, now you owe me the death of my life, thank you, if it weren’t for , everything is fine. "i am a journalist, i like my work, i investigated the circumstances of the death of the mayor lapinskaya fiklistova, i don’t want to go into details, you were shot, you saved the life
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of a witness, i was wounded, yes, you are a hero, i ’m a fool, a smart person wouldn’t expose himself to a bullet, your father is proud of you, he didn’t tell me about it, tell me about your father, you have a good, trusting relationship, i don’t know how this can be, he’s your father.” after being wounded, i lost my memory, i don’t remember much, but what do the doctors say, will my memory return? they don’t say any predictions, but i don’t know, they say you met the daughter of crime boss maxim tikhomirov, yes, probably so, but she is no longer there, your father is friends with tikhomirov, and they communicated, but i’m not sure that i can call them friends, do you miss tikhomirov’s daughter? “i miss my childhood, the opportunity to go to school and not think about anything, i miss my mother, and i miss my father, i don’t remember him, well, i practically don’t
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remember. well, what was that? you tell me, you ’re in wanted by interpol, so i told you, well, in the pig there with two locals. there he fooled me, and what are they, they were the first to start, i didn’t know anyone at all touched, i'm not talking about that, in buster, you killed a man, a policeman, he started it first, what are you doing? no, put it on, yes, fuck off, put it on,
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or i’ll shoot you in the leg, we’re kind of like friends, you’re a thief, i’m a cop, and a thief has to go to jail, viktor sergeevich. and you surprised me just now, and with what? well, because they understood me correctly, that’s good, keep working like this, i don’t work, i serve, yeah, here they are.
9:04 pm
nice place, you'll like it, cat. young man. hello, please, we would like a bottle of champagne and some fruit, yeah, what do you want? i’m driving, well, you won’t leave me, keep me company , 50 g of cognac will do nothing, that’s also true, well, let’s have 50 g of cognac, yeah, and what have you, sandwiches with red game, of course. give me
9:05 pm
two, everything will be fine now, so, what are your plans? then to you? - a friend just wrote to me, she has a cold and has been at home all day. mm, you can’t come to me either, i have a wife. well, will you come up with something? of course, we have money, we’ll go to a hotel and rent a room for the whole night. i adore you, kitty. there's one thing i don't understand. why did they connect us here? where is their opera? chernysh is on a business trip, i haven’t heard about the others. yes. in general, we provide friendly assistance. yes, someone would provide it to us. and i didn’t sleep all night, and now this too. come on, forget it, everything will be quick. one or two in kings. yes. let's see. what's so evil? nothing, i said, i didn’t sleep all night, why bothered me? oh look, things are moving. i told you everything
9:06 pm
will happen quickly.


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