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tv   Pyos-5  NTV  February 6, 2024 10:35am-1:00pm MSK

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on wednesday night it will be more difficult there than later in the day, at night the precipitation is heavy in places, strong steamy winds, weakening during the day and there is a high probability of rain, because the temperature will begin to rise quite intensively, in the stavropol region in the caucasus by 10 degrees, and the cherished sunny and warm weather in crimea , everyone else has cold plans in ryazan tomorrow afternoon another -4, on thursday -1, in orel the lowest daytime temperature this week is -8, well in mormansk -19, it will get warmer on saturday, and this trend will be for everyone. well, tomorrow
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about the drawdown from the west, a strip of snowfall will slip into the black soil with rain, charges of snow will reach the vulgovyat region on the middle volga, most likely without precipitation and the capital in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be light snow in places at night up to -15, in the daytime -10.12, in moscow it’s still day -5 with snow, but on wednesday afternoon it was already -10, on thursday night in the moscow region everything was -20. now tell your colleagues, maybe we can work, colleagues, maybe we can work, the victim had enemies and conflicts, the victim had enemies and conflicts, no, there were no conflicts, but recently with him with help, an employee who robbed a bank was caught, ask his name, what’s his name, igor, igor is me, ilyinsky, ilyinsky is not me, hey, nightmare. he was already arrested, not arrested,
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kicked out of work, there was a scandal, his wife left him, now she works as a waiter in a bar, well, i’m shingle, to the bar, so to the bar. it’s not me, no, well, the alarm is really sensitive, the cat ran by, kostya waved, she screamed, which girl smiled at me, which one, congratulations, just fasten this fly so that the girls don’t smile, it has nothing to do with it, i don’t have a fly feathers
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stand ilyinsky, my respects, mr. ilyinsky, igor, what makes you fat is the hard stuff.
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why are you running all the time? just to talk, just to persuade, with arguments, come on, no, once he ran, that means digging into the cannon. what’s wrong with my snout
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, sit down, sit down, it’s not him, it’s not him, no, that means it’s not him, everything’s fine with him, get up, move it, that’s it, on each other, then on each other, my friend, let’s go , friend, listen, well, they greatly inflated it, as if i was robbing the bank, but this was not so. no, well, it happened a couple of times, well, so systematically stealing for years is too much, now we are not interested in your machinations, but in the murder of yusupov, and because of this little angel my whole
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life went down the drain, i’m not talking about you, this is an expression, maybe you killed him, he didn’t kill him , angel was lucky as always, which means as always, yes, he was lucky in life , girls were literally molded to him, he was constantly promoted at work, and he even constantly beat everyone at cards, that is, they hated him
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, i didn’t kill him, awesome luck, but there were no feathers on him, but on his body, on his pocket, “everything is definitely fine with him, take pity on your nerve cells, solve all the issues under the helmet policy from renaissance insurance online click, swipe-click and your problem has become ours, renaissance insurance, you can exhale, comrade colonel, he just hit a pedestrian, if dies, i'll shoot you , i don't know, but they've declared a hunt for you, do you continue to doubt the strength of my powers? what 's going on? seryoga is a hostage, or seryoga is someone else's, listen to me carefully, don't ask unnecessary questions, i'll throw down my weapon, i'll shoot to defeat, special battalion, today in
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22:15 on ntv. mask, new season from february 18. 20:20 on ntv. two bighits at a bargain price. only tasty, period. who benefits from an azonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. no matter how you look at it, the azonbank card is beneficial for free. spend and save with ozonbank. raffle up to 100% cashback. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice: calm down, don’t be nervous, you need to sleep, but in fact anxiety can be treated, new, afabazold with a gradual release of the active substance allows you to take only one tablet per day, anxiety
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can and should be treated in obzol, what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort? and it smells like new, everyone has their own good car, find it on autoro, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool video, how high the speed is, and what a wide coverage, where are we going, where are your videos no one saw, although the megaphone even picks up there, the number one mobile operator in terms of speed of coverage, my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, i do sports every day ... but how to protect my joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix, it helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. playite is an unusual service that allows you to pay in installments. you don't need to apply for a new card to look for a list
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of stores. play is available everywhere. pays the price in six parts and works with a card from any bank. what about interest rates? there is none of them. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. men's sneakers ultimate shop up to 879. grandma. sweater retinues made of yarn, the warm sun of the summer beach, the long nights that were, this is the warmth that we saved, rolton, 25 years of warmth, if you get up more than twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase, modern a drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma, a bank for business, what is it, suitable for the scale of my business, and for a smaller business it is suitable, of course it is suitable, but is it profitable for you? this is the meaning of business. vtb - bank for your business. everything tastes better when
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there are two. coupon crazy wednesday. two portions of wings for the price of one. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. women's jacket finflar for 4.49. sysderma cleansing foam for 1.399. pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints. it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation. and a special component. for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel is designed to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. convenient packaging at an affordable price. who benefits? ozonbank card, for those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. whichever way you look at it. the ozonbank card is beneficial for free. spend and save with ozonbank. up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to 16% per annum on deposits, new season, new costumes,
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new stars, who are you mask, mask february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. we know that you know where he is, we should be the first, are we going to make a movie about
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a spy, you russians are such romantics, just i want to know what’s needed with me, he’s on a mission , today they tried to blow up the minister, and tomorrow they’ll blow up the wall, sasha ustazi, she’s in serious trouble, maybe someone leaked it from the embassy, ​​we have an informer. the main premiere of the year. in our business there cannot be half friends. a half friend is an enemy. gdr. coming soon to ntv. i feel good about these guys. what? you ate like a man, you ate. and i'm hungry as a dog. so you are not my friend, understand? and don't look, i collected it. information about the victim, no, tell me, yusupov was a big fan
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gambling, debts, no, rather , they owed him, he was lucky, he recently revealed a car in cards, but leonidov is doing this, come on , sit here, let’s talk to you not about work, so, i’m listening, you’re in the laboratory, what did you do? alebelsky was confirmed, at the time of the murder he was at work, after all, they can kill for this, for what? for property, for a lost car, uh-huh, when did all this happen? if you're talking about the car, he won it on thursday. he was killed on friday, and i have to go now, that’s it, bye,
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motherfucker, you’re unlucky, interesting, why am i so unlucky, maksimov, right? don’t be silly with me, i don’t believe in it, it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, the main thing is that it works? leonid savelyev, the name of the lucky guy who lost the car, thank you, by the way , yusupov won a brand new bmw from him, that ’s lucky, yes, igor, well, the grub, the umbian and the gurney don’t go, but... sovelyev has never
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lost like that before, they say that he was furious, yes, anger, resentment, a desire to get back what was his, all these are very serious motives, yes, sovelev needs to be beaten, taken and interrogated. well, sovelyev doesn’t live poorly, maybe a car isn’t such a big loss for him to kill,
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but who’s with him in the photo? angela jala , you don’t understand actors at all, that i don’t understand, i do, i know them all personally, many of them by sight, so what is he shaking, you keys, maybe the car is in the parking lot, so he leaves it like that didn’t have time to give it back, or killed yusupov, took it back, did sovelev love yusupov? dearly, well , here’s your motive, please, oh, ah, i need to leave urgently for work,
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it’s distant, that’s it, where did this bacchante go? by work, for what work, maybe aluminum , i don’t know, you’re lucky, relax, well , it was your fault that you were hit, breathe out this guilt, let it go, because on, there’s a discount on a helmet, even if something happened due to your fault, renaissance insurance, you can exhale , lie down, i’m about to be captured, no one should get hurt, i have a hostage, first third, everyone stay in position, wait for the order, don’t open fire , we just let them carry out the massacre, we are not angels, we are just doing our own work, boss,
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new season, guns on the floor, quickly, law. justice is not the same thing, today 20:00 on ntv. mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. honey, you’ve already gotten ready and thought about it. there is so much to pay, and i also need to send money to my mother. let's pay for tinkov. get a tinkov black card and always make payments and transfers without commission. tsenkov. at the megamarket you always have something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sale, for example, a tall frying pan for only 1,799 rubles. when we got married, my husband set the conditions: only turkey, it is lean, muscle mass, hypoallergenic, good for children, what can be prepared from turkey, everything, turkey
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pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia, from pava-pava you can prepare any dish that will always be... leave coughing in the past. elmucin is an innovation for cough in the 21st century. playite is an unusual payment service in installments. you don't need to apply for a new card to look for a list of stores. plat is available everywhere. pay the price in six parts and works with any bank card. and there are no interest rates. go to play. change your looks for any occasion mood. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. it’s just space, the real taste of smoked meat, meat
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from cherkizov’s own farms, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo, mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. hello! great, are you so happy, yes, i spent the whole night again today , i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i started to forget how it happens, can also buy what is there, as they call it, prostatricun, i remember, more remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think so, i know. dark, of course, now i’m getting my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how to take it, call, everything is simple, when you order, they’ll explain everything to you in detail, just a second
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, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it , i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call , be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times. meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold. prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. no one should be. disappointed, when ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men
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order it for themselves, and women for their men. men hurry up, women hurry up to try prostatricum gold. boss, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. the father of many children ran away from his family. from my own house because of three dozen neighbor’s dogs, they make tunnels, come to us, walk around the territory, as if at home, and the neighbor’s dogs almost tore a pensioner to pieces on the spot, four huge black dogs come at me from the forest stripes, i i can’t bring my grandchildren there, but the owner of the dogs is sure that nothing threatens the local residents, and they never attacked anyone, never attacked anyone, will the owner be responsible for those who have been tamed? gave me the condition that i have the right to move out of this area along with my dogs, otherwise you will regret it, and there are options in which everything could end
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in eviction, seizure of animals, if it is established that she actually has an illegal shelter for dogs there , then she may be obliged to resettle the dogs, this is beyond the bounds, today is 16:45 on ntv. effective igor, what is it, this is not bad luck at all, i ’m not saying anything, well, shut up, you ’ve made me brainless with your pen, i guess i’ll have to for the sake of a mean experiment, to take it from you for a while, i probably won’t give it to you, let’s go to the left. oh, hi, max.
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i’ve broken the spell, i can open it, well, it looks like a profile, nix, sovelyev. damn, you think it’s just for beauty to stand here, i don’t understand, no, we didn’t understand,
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why do you still have the car? and what’s the matter, this is my car, it was until they lost it at cards, yes, i never lose at all, especially at cards, a sharper, yes, and who are you anyway, collectors, almost, you yourself are an osenizer, that’s it, everything, everything, everything, on, on, come on, guys, hit him, and oh, catch him, they're getting stuck, now it's going to hurt someone.
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what, oh, not him, he doesn’t have wings, do you seriously think that the killer is an angel, no, well , actually, there are all sorts of devils, witches , otherworldly hooves, i don’t believe
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in horseshoes, well, i... yes, this is not the same car, i i just bought myself the same bmw as i lost, so that my wife wouldn’t guess, he’s lying, he’s lying, there are documents , you can check, blood was found in the trunk of your car, if this blood matches iusupov’s blood, it will match the pig’s blood, no, no need dead
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insult. and the dead are either good or not at all, especially if you killed them yourself, but i didn’t kill them myself, and it was still monday for you, but quickly, you’ll be in the same cell with him , what an accomplice, i just bought a pig carcass at the market , we went with friends to a barbecue, to wash the purchase of a new car, when we washed it all day yesterday, everyone will confirm, but why did you hate this one? i saw him, but i hated him not because he won the car from me, but because he bragged about everything, but i wasn’t going to kill him, he had enemies there were a lot of people who didn’t like this little guy, for example edik, edik, edik, he even
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divorced his wife because of him, why? edik, because yusupov got involved with his wife, with someone else’s wife, i myself would be smart for this, yes, max, you will break through, eduardo, in my opinion, is killed, yusupov is a muragan, it’s being done, well, he’s not in the database,
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than i didn’t guess, okay, was it lena now? no, who? so, here is the information on lomov, you can follow him, but marital... shift, this is not a crime, stop it, the doctors still can’t see you, even. great, that means i have a great disguise, oops, next, oops, oops,
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oh, oops, oh, oops. “i’m already running, sorry, i was a little delayed at work, vindal, how lucky i am, what a place, parking, blocked everyone in the shade”? but the toad is strangling, it’s okay, you’ll soon get used to it, i’m looking inside, you’re outside, okay, what a hurry to leave the keys in the ignition,
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but i’m just stupid, that means i’m looking inside, and you ’re outside, come on, easy, look, look , igor, it’s clean inside, mine is too, that’s all , i looked in the exhaust, i was just about to do it, don’t rush me, okay let's look. shall we go to work? let's go to!
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what is it? room service! guys, are you crazy? edik, let's go! edik, don't be a fool! we are from the sublime of morals, you will have to answer a couple of pleasant questions, you black-faced bastard, fuck off, this is racism, i will complain about you to the doll shlan. the doll folds, i give up.
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the mouth keeps crossing your spine, it was broken by eduard ivanovichi. stop, suddenly there is a treasure in it,
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lie down, lie down, lie down, just like that, i have this bang. i promoted it for a month, and you ruined everything for me, you sucker, edik, i got it in 3 minutes drove away, handcuffs. what, oh, my, igor , it didn’t bother you to vacuum, so vacuum yourself, hands here, come on, no, well, now i understand, of course, why no one parks a car here, but this shit is good for bobos, yes. to spending money on a car, what is this, then this
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, go ahead, we are investigating the murder of nikolai yusupov, we have information that you had conflicts with him, do you think i killed him? divorced? we know that you were cuckolded, an excellent mon for murder, well, we really broke up because of the leader. but he didn't mess with her, he gave me to her
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pawned, that is, like in a pawnshop, or something like pawned? i meet actresses there from time to time, something like that, but don’t you have mistresses? that's it, that is, you also killed him because he pawned you? no, of course, he... spilled the beans, and by the way, he himself had a mistress, an actress, where they were on the night of the murder, in the same hotel, in the same room, only with a different actress, you can check, let’s air it out, yusupov’s friend played in an amateur theater, oh, these amateurs are so funny, i’ll tell you, i once thought, just for fun, this sign up for acting. katerina tropova, 30 years old, does she know about his death? no, but if
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she is married, maybe her husband is jealous , as they say, with all that that implies, there is still something interesting in this theater, beautiful, but easily accessible actresses, to the theater, so to the theater, address, same where usupov’s body was found, the back door leads to the same gateway. meet lieutenant antonov, from today in your group, this is egorov, yes, we studied his cases at the academy, i’m an investigator, i’m a construction officer, you work them off, maniac, yes, if you decide that this is a maniac, then prove it, there is one, i found a frostbite that is suitable in all respects, i want to check it, police, bro, but... i’m reporting to you, comrade major
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of justice, that my suspicions against you are very justified, i will definitely prove that it was you who killed the journalist, one day, give me 4 hours, i’ll find the killer, i’m yours, i won’t find you, i ’m also yours, in short, i’m yours anyway, just qualitatively different, i give you 2 hours, trainee on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. chef new season today at 20:00 on ntv. i'm ready support you in the most stressful situations, because i am number one for excess stress and lack of magnesium. i am magne b6 and is available on the yandex market. bank for business. what is he like? suitable scale of my business. is it suitable for smaller businesses? of course it does. and it's beneficial for you. this is the meaning of business. vtb is a bank for your business. the first rule of hunting, it begins at any
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second, the second rule of hunting, the prey goes to the one who pursues it. new game, hunt, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunt, check your instinct. stoloto. everything tastes better when there are two. coupon, crazy wednesday. two portions of wings for the price of one. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. pants with... happy for 1.299. fen scarlet for 999. for 37 years, desherak has been preparing the broth base using fermentation technology that lasts more than 100 days. dogerac is the secret of taste in the broth. every day we arrange a small holiday for our loved one. happy monday. make your loved ones happy every february with discounts on orders from restaurants in yandex food. holiday discounts in magnet cosmetics. 30% discount on serving and cooking utensils. magnet cosmetics.
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the price is what you need. to please one princess. or arrange a holiday for everyone, every occasion is important. order from your favorite stores and restaurants. sbermarket for any occasion. national lottery. what should i give you? seriously? girls, if you don’t know what to give, give a dream. this is guaranteed more than 23 million prizes and super prizes of 100 million. a bank for every day, how convenient it is, what do you think, is it fast, what will the younger generation say, cool vtb is your bank for every day, this is the same smart speaker, the top smartest
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speaker, and also top quality discounts up to 50%, honor x7b smartphone for only 18,999. that’s it, we’re not going on vacation, but i won stickermania, it’s all for plus points. lisa, bought a chicken example at a tasty point, scanned the code in the application and won a million yandexplus points. believe it or not, you want a million points and millions of other prizes under the stickers in the app, it’s delicious, period. mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. attention u. one of the most revered heavenly patrons is st. nicholas the wonderworker; millions of people turn to him for help in prayer to ask for protection for themselves and
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their loved ones. today, especially, each of us needs a patron saint. the imperial mint with pride. substitutes an illuminated medal in honor of st. nicholas the wonderworker. order a medal of the patron saint nicholas the wonderworker. the medal is absolutely free for you, subject to payment for postage packaging - 299 rubles. call the phone number provided or order on the website holychutvorets.rf. the medal is plated with pure silver and made in the highest quality of coinage. call now. the call is free. national television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. it is impossible to live life without making mistakes, it is important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and even more important - to learn to forgive. i want to apologize to my aunt. kirill, who do you want to ask for forgiveness from? denis's. is it your
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friend? yes. 4 years ago my mother died from a very serious illness. i crashed someone else's car. denis. i took a picture of it all and sent it to my family, she didn’t understand that mom would leave and she wouldn’t be there, i decided to teach this man a lesson too, it seems to me that you don’t want to ask forgiveness from your aunt, but actually from your mom, he arrived as if nothing had happened, if you want to regain friendship again, it would be advisable to start communicating, to forgive or not to forgive, the final decision is yours, please forgive me, the premiere of a new show: with nadezhda babkina on friday at 16:50 on ntv. only psychos and maniacs return to the crime scene. and the police. by the way, maxim, you owe me
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give the pyro. from which one is this? this is evidence, igor. this is not evidence. and what? okay, i admit it, it's mine. i came with it to the crime scene, i lost it by accident, yes, this is our family mamulet, this is an heirloom passed down from grandfather to great-grandfather, and i lost it, i lost it, here you go, grandson, thank you, friend, next to me, that means i want with these tits, i can’t , i can’t believe that he was killed, i have to, be healthy, thank you, i mean he... just nadya , katya, tell me, during the murder , witnesses say that they saw him in the twilight
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some angel, can you explain what this means? kolya was just playing an angel with us in the play, that’s why he had such a costume, a wig, wings and a white toga, could someone wish him death? no. he was very good, yeah , kind and didn’t harm anyone, yeah, right, erokhin, excuse me, erokhin, my ex, he was obsessed with me, he was very angry when i left him for kolya, he called and even threatened who threatened you or yusupov, both. i even thought about going to the police, be healthy, in order not to sneeze, you need
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drink water, or champagne, no, no, no, he’s at work, so just water, vindal, that’s all, such champagne, you see, it’s already starting to tell me, would you come from here, you’re a sneezer, and what is an allergy due to a feather? at the opera, it would be better if you returned the pen to me, i can’t wait, now you will only get the pen through my corpse, temptingly, impressively. “you see how i feel, i’ll go and catch my luck
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with the towel, yes len, hi, what do we have according to erokhin, that guy, he was convicted three times, once he even served time for armed robbery, he could kill, true, especially if there, precisely, the informant says that erokhin hangs out with friends all the time." in the garage, listen, in principle erokhin could have strangled yusupov after the performance under the crowd, but why did he cut himself so stupidly, for an alibi, he went out in a suit to bows, in the darkness no one even noticed, it’s logical, well, logical, and at night he dragged yusupov’s corpse out into the street, uh-huh, and there he was disturbed by drunken witnesses, in any case, you need to look for this erokhin and communicate with him, it’s like you have a watchman there ?pass the phone to him?
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here, oh, here is your fallen angel, wing, let's! everyone to leave about their places , nestilov is working, there is no one, he missed , the bastard left, i think we need to set up an ambush, brilliant, here, get into the trunk, logical , go ahead, good one, by the way, i got a lift, i will sit in a safe shelter, yes, yes, yes, go with him, make sure he doesn’t get out and go nowhere. legs,
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you see how lucky i am, and how lucky you are at the same time, i understand how to work well with me, we run in safety. warm, good, in, someone came, great, the ambush worked, what are you doing in my garage, talk came, well, tell me, tarich erokhin, you were seen
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next to the corpse, and there are fingerprints there. without a clue what you mean, they knew you, you know, despite your angel costume, you won’t prove anything, we’ll see about that later, come on, in vain.
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i’ll buy myself a yacht, but what’s the matter with a yacht, i’ll buy it for myself, you’ll come to me as a watchman, there’s nothing to take?
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at the most inopportune moment, everything, all the words will go to us, i don’t understand,
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now is our finest hour, sit, sit, be quiet, damn it, my car.
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they make careers and give birth to children one after another, i can already sleep in any position, in million-dollar secrets, famous mothers of many children...
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mothers, their million-dollar secrets on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. who benefits from an azonbank card? those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. for those who just like to save and receive interest on their deposit, no matter how you look at it, the azonbank card is beneficial for free. spend and save with ozone bank, drawing up to 100% cashback and up to
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winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. keda tervalina for 2,199. women's bag lilsia for 849. pay less, chips and russian potatoes. 90 delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the application pyaterochka pyaterochka helps out the bank for every day, how convenient it is, what do you think , fast, what will the younger generation say, cool vtb - your bank for every day, boss - new season today at 20:00 on ntv, breakthrough of the blockade. victory in the battle for leningrad is the most important event for our homeland. for 900 days and nights, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, together with the townspeople, fought against the fascist invaders. this is a story of heroism and
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invincible fortitude of those who defended our homeland. the city did not give up, despite the terrible trials, no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. in honor the anniversary date of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, emperor. the mint issued a commemorative medal for every russian. the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay 299 rubles for delivery. save the memory. about the heroic victory and pass it on to your children and grandchildren, call and order an anniversary medal toll-free number 8800 600 68 05 or on the website medaallengrad.rf. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. at the age of 14, she found out that she was not related to her family and brought the foster mother before the stroke. you are not our own daughter.
11:38 am
at that moment my psyche was very much broken, the first stroke was because of her, and i decided that that’s it, girl, i’m stopping all communication with you, she decided to find her own mother and find out why she abandoned her for another child , it was said, i won’t be able to raise a second child, and although the adoptive father is categorically against my daughter looking for blood relatives, she hopes that her dream will come true, i have relatives. my blood is good, he is not guilty of anything, so will he find daughter to her mother after 20 years of searching? i asked my mother to leave my little sister , i found myself under investigation for six months, only there i found out that i was pregnant, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv, dear, mine, just don’t fly away, my, my precious , my!
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no, no, no, witch, you ruined your whole life, that ivanushko is weightless, the bandit was arrested, this is logical, here you are alive, this is strange, yes, fuck off maximov, i’m sad. out of
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the blue, are you upset? i had to tell this story, i had so many plans, i had so many plans, for the lottery win, find the top lover mandel , the meaning of life is over, i have an alternative for you, if it’s not pedro angelo, i ’m not interested, the angel’s feather is nearby, the caprolite lay there, numb for a thousand years, something painfully looks like the hooves of a cassowary, yes, no, of course i don’t believe you, but i’ll take it and check it out, i’ll check it out, they say, if you stir it into the tea. yes, well, a little, otherwise
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it will lead too much, well, we’ll see, we’ll see, oh, i could end up without teeth, a gift, no, well, sit here.
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birthday surprise, turned to leonov, and what did you think? well, i thought something like this, what about without me, but i’m glad that everything was resolved, and i think i’ll go, go, perhaps you’re offended that i didn’t ask you, you’re offended, no? i came to conclusions, come on maksimov, i didn’t want leonidov to be jealous on the eve of his birthday, well, you can help if you want. call him in the cafe, i ’ll think about it, unobtrusively, max, as best i can,
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yes, max, i didn’t notice. well, stop it, they didn’t leave together, no, stop it, it can’t be, how can it be lionov and lena, it’s just funny.
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thank you, thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, well, you give, congratulations , well, well, ah, oh you, well, you came up with it all, no, dear, i was just a bait, honestly, how did you guess that i i’ll follow him, you’re very simple, lesh, you’re extremely
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predictable, yes, lemonidas, yes, you want to at least ask me, you’re a piece of shit, what a predictor, happy new year to you , dear, let’s go eat it already, happy birthday, thank you, with happy birthday, health to you and patience, yes, health will be useful to me, my heart almost stopped, hurray, that’s so quietly, yes, don’t appoint anyone else today, i already have two consultations today. well, i don’t know, it’s okay , move them to tomorrow, all the best,
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yes, that’s it, last time and go home, you saw the time, you’ve been chasing me here all morning , come here, uncle, that’s it, give it here, that’s it, that’s enough, that's enough, i said, you've been torturing me with your stick all morning. where, where did you go, dirty as a miracle, thank you, i’ll get you settled, you can’t run them around in december for sticks,
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yes, yes, lesh, well, let igor take care of it, let him show himself at least someday. yeah, but 15 i have a minute, yeah, okay, come on, we'll be there soon. what do we have here? male, 40 years old, cause of death unknown. here, judging by the forest. he was strangled in front of his eyes, his face is blue, his eyes are red, but
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there are no signs of strangulation on his neck, which means strangulation can be done in different ways , let's wait for the results of the examination, there are some headlights lying around, maybe someone hit him and drove away, yes, but then he came back and strangled him, a colleague called him, damn, size forty-seven, probably, well, maybe it’s not related to the crime, of course, but why is he here like that? i insisted, then i’ll go and talk to the witnesses, come on, what about the cameras? yes, the watchman and i looked, there are no maps, i thought, why did i have such a good time? igor, let me immediately voice your version , so as not to torment anyone, the man
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strangled himself, only without traces, he just scattered traces nearby, but not his own, but someone else’s, so that, in order to confuse the investigation, did you, dear, know deceased? it wasn’t enough, it’s just, lyosha, life is so unfair and short, that’s how you live, you live, here suddenly the base that's it, and you're in a black bag, life, alexey, is death.
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he arrived dirty, drunk , unshaven, he cried, he left, so that it would always be like this, and why are you kidding me, you and the dog, by the way, are also dirty and unshaven, it’s good that you’re not drunk, although everything is clear with you, and what’s clear with us, you live like two scarecrows, you’ve seen me sloppy at least once, of course you saw me, i kicked you out of the house, you cried drunk at my place... this is the exception that confirms the rule, and before you lenka beats me with a broom for the wrong tie, i myself love cleanliness order, between by the way, you are licking yourself, he saw lenka instead of you, comrade colonel, he just hit a pedestrian, if he dies, i will shoot you, i don’t know who, but they have declared a hunt for you, do you continue to doubt your authority? what's going on seryoga as a hostage who is there
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a good price, only at a tasty point, me. these images are for any occasion. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. beyond the new season with timur eremeev. today at 16:45 on ntv. sometimes a habitual way of life can be ruined by one small detail. papillomas and other unsightly growths on the skin are familiar to many. appearing locally, they quickly spread throughout the body, creating a lot of inconvenience and depriving us of the opportunity to do the things we love. clariol gel is ready to resist them. its special formula is aimed against papillomas, warts and dry calluses. with with it you can forget about the problem of unsightly
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myself, it’s very convenient at home. now there’s even a gym or a swimming pool. attention, a special promotion for the fastest, call right now, 8.800, 200 exactly, 7 567 and get clareol for just 1 rub. 8800, 200 exactly, 7 5 6 7. calls within russia are free. mask, new season from february 18 at 220 on ntv. in winter, you especially want warmth and bright emotions. we have. in the drawing , cars, houses, apartments, studios and cash prizes, there are more of them than snowflakes in winter, even if it’s cold outside, it’s warm in the soul, because they win with us, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv, victim valentin lezhnev, 42 years old, worked
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as a psychiatrist in a clinic, colleagues speak well of him, and was not involved in conflicts. relatives were informed there are no relatives, and there is no wife either, it is unclear who will take care of it, this is the sad fate of a bachelor, of course, of course, the cause of death is asphyxia, but the injuries are unenviably varied, cracks in the chest, non-displacement of the cervical vertebrae, hemorrhages in the eyes and damaged back tissue, well, a person could not do such a thing , but couldn't. listen , maybe the cars were really beaten up, i don’t think there would have been any traces of damage left, there would have been other signs, what is it, igor lezhnev was a psychiatrist , you didn’t get treatment from him, you didn’t get treatment from him, i just thought, what kind of cruelty
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take over a living person like that, take over to kill death, there are several threatening messages on the victim’s phone. you see, after all, there were conflicts, and what kind of threats, some very vague ones, well, you will answer for everything, or go and look around, something like that, i wonder who wrote these threats, a certain roman baranov , there is no criminal past, but among lizhnev’s patients was his wife alla, well, we need to go and talk, well, go. lyosha, don’t slouch, lyosha, don’t slouch, it hurts to look at you, by the way, a dog can at least to lie down, even with a crooked back, even with a straight one, he can even jump up to his ears, and no one can tell him anything, what a privilege, one of the only ones, leshenko, by the way, to sit with a straight back - it’s good for
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health, yes, lesha , well, don’t give up... i’m upset.
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“hello, how’s work, thank you, we’re not complaining, it’s clear, but why should they complain, they ’ve already accepted it, it’s that life is dull, they worked it out, went home to sleep, and so on after death, what do you say, you could just ignore him?” no attention, please at me, and i would like to talk to you, and i’m your senselessness, shut up, intelligentsia, quietly, quietly, we are not against the proletariat, calm down, maksimov, let ’s sweep it away, take it
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away, what, what, you’re lying down, threw the folder. where is the ram? he's not there, where? here's a period, he hasn't left the bar for 3 days, from which bar? green melancholy? business?
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what a sad sight, what a problem? yes, have you already thought about your unenviable future? about what? that soon your beauty will fade. mine will bleat over time, the old one will overtake us, drink on the house, i don’t believe it, disinterestedly, i’m not disinterested, i’ll drink and go scare away all the clients for me, i’ll be careful, the police will do that too. you know taka, there he is , give me a ram’s novel, ugh, and what’s so official,
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so the police, there are a couple of questions, hmm, thanks. should i not know this bastard, maybe you can tell me, alka, my wife decided to go to a fashionable shrink, i don’t know what he whispered to me, he was only after the second.
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my bribes are smooth, i’m here at 3 pm, you can ask barmin, he’ll confirm. “lyosh, this is not baranov, he sent threatening letters, but because this psychiatrist is a little his wife didn’t heal from suicide, and the most important thing that he has, we also didn’t find anything, no conflicts at work, no problems with other people’s wives, no debts, nothing at all, but why was he killed then, who?” oh shit,
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come on, take this, you don’t have to pay for the drink, don’t ever come here again, you know, maksimka, maksimka? “ we found a new kind of relationship with you, i’m also thinking about suicide, lie, i think this is not non-revenge, not robbery, most likely we have a maniac, if there was a maniac, there would be similar murders, but we don’t have them yet,
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bon appetit, lyush, thank you, lenka prepared it, yes, this is one of the advantages of family life, you can tell this to your chyuchev, by the way, you’re awesome, lyosh hears, and can get it himself food for myself, yes, yes, i see this food over there, look, i
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’m taking my breakfast out of the trash can, did the doctor say that? he said i have repression. repression is when everything is bad. yes. where does your depression come from? don't you have nerves? the doctor said i don't have calcium. he prescribed those repressants. and do you accept? i can't open it. let me try.
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but one alone won’t help, dog , after all, we have a maniac, a new murder, everything is exactly the same as last time, well , let your wife cook for you, at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially at a holiday sale, for example , planetary mixer kitvor? for only 7,990 rub. everyone lie down, this is a capture, no one should get hurt, i have a hostage, first third, everyone stay in position, wait for the order, don’t open fire, we just let them carry out the massacre, we are not angels, we are just we do our job,
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generation? cool! vtb is your bank for every day. at the age of 14, she learned that she was not her own. and gave her foster mother a stroke , you are my own daughter, at that time my psyche was very broken, the first stroke was because of her, and i decided that’s it, girl, i’m stopping all communication with you, she decided to find mother and find out why she abandoned her for the sake of another child, it was said, i did not bring up the second child, and although the adoptive father is categorically against his daughter looking for blood relatives, she
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hopes... hello, victim yuri alkhovsky, a successful lawyer, 40 years old, the method of murder is the same, lesh, look, this is my favorite color, this is my favorite size, forty-seven, i think we have a gray collar, i don’t agree, what? all people with size forty-seven feet are serial killers, uh-huh, well look, the size is the same, the method of murder is the same, as i understand it, there is no camera anywhere here, right?
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guys, my dears, how glad i am to see you, max, hello, lakhan, dear, i give you, lyoshik, hello, where is our zhburik, here is zhburik, hello, zhburik, i see deadly hugs, what he came back, you’ll bring the version, of course, the unfortunate slunch, the twins. separated met, hugged for a long time until
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they strangled each other, wait, why are they lying in different places, the little bed, it’s nearby, he crawled, crawled, crawled, crawled, and then he remembered where he crawled, no, that he took the bottle of water and died of thirst, a bold version, even for you, igor, i’ll go check out the apartment, i’m already with you, finish it, finish it.
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yes, ambitiously, yes, dude, he lived, lived, built himself such a house, such a place all his life, models, and then the turbo, and i live all the living ones, the pills work, yes, yes, how , give, later, igor, yes, what is there to consider, there is nothing to consider here , we can’t help the victim, we need to have fun, life , oh, well, on the model, of course , we don’t have enough money with you, oh, i ’d go to the camera operator, that’s right, i’ve just never been to a big one, and there’s such beauty there, they say, with horses, that’s it, i, yes, it worked out for me, which one do you want, yes, yes, the girls are so half naked with long nails straight, straight on the beach, straight, straight understood, like that, like this, like this, well, this might be a ballet for you, igor, you’re a village, maxima blit, this is
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when fat women sing in bad voices, why talk to you, that’s how i’ll get rich, how i’ll start living, how i’ll start living, quieter, hush up, igor, don’t spit it all out here, oh, i ’ll take the samovar, no, no, okay. this is for you, vakhtank, max, igor, very nice, leonidov, i dug up something , in the computer of the murdered lawyer we managed to find a list of all his clients, and you know who is there, boris fomin, remember this one, borya fomko, yes, big, fat such a drug dealer, well, yes.
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and so we managed to find out that someone was blackmailing this boris fomin, i was blackmailing, listen, i have a version, but what if fomin, this lawyer blackmailed him, for which he was killed, it’s quite possible, well, we need to go to famen, but we can’t, we don’t have anything for this famen, it’s as simple as that. there, and you know that he is distinguished excessively so we sit, let's go ahead, quickly with cruelty, then i'm probably busy, but what about the girl, drugs, pills, and i 'll take all the pills from him, tell me, why do we need you there needed before cover?
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oh, this is the one we are herding , shout louder so that he can hear us, that lyoshenka, it’s envious, yes, that i live and enjoy life to the fullest, so to speak, and you’re already such a bore, lyosha, breathe, in red, you’re pretty, yes, you know, it’s okay, you can’t put pressure on you, little ring, fraud, right? unlike us, whippersnappers, yes, like cartridges, stop with drugs, igor , to hatch me out for criminals, watch samina show, who are you howling to,
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i brought money, show me the documents, first the money, do you even understand who you are you're blackmailing me, i understand. it looks like you didn’t fully understand the situation, okay, uh, what are you doing, you bastard, if you overwhelm me, what will happen?
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rhetorical question, why did you scare him away , tell me, yes, what did you say yourself, that he is known for his cruelty, and i am a man of radima, i don’t like peeps, so no, let’s find another killer, that there are few killers, come here , forward, forward, look for what he lost there, well look, come on, no, well done, well done, well done, what are you doing? oh, well done, oh, you'd think he would have told me, i'm four times faster came up, yes, let's try, it's easy, look, yes, well , you can't fit in at four, and tell me, antidepressants, do you have, yes, what
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do you want too, yes, come on, i'll share, on, come on, ah, ah, but i was mistaken, listen, we have fingerprints, fomina of the burnt car, yes, that means he’s a murderer, no, well, in fact, yes, but it’s just that everyone else was strangled, and this one was shot, that means it’s not our maniac, we have to
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go and take this famin, yes, there is a treasure, there is... a nightclub, you said, let's start with a nightclub, and if lena somehow he’ll find out, he’ll find out, it’s very funny, we’ll just go home early and won’t tell igor. yes, but i’m all shit, uh-huh, i’m ready, i am!
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you said at the beginning to the club. it’s all just fun, nest, you really didn’t see the hatch, you saw that you didn’t step over, i ’m sad, i don’t care. new season,
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new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask, mask february 18 at 20:20 on ntv, boss, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. it’s so nice when they do something for you, for example, when a credit card brings cashback in rubles and pays itself off. the best credit cards platinum now with cashback in rubles. apply for a card before the end of february and always receive cashback in rubles, not bonuses. sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. men's sneakers ultimate shop up to 879. ozone zone, you are
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an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping. and those who like to earn money after visiting these stores, those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. with azonbank, a drawing of up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on deposits. they make a career and children are born one after another. i can sleep in any position now. in a million-dollar secret, famous mothers of many children will share how they manage everything. where to run? to the salon, hall or? to work, i thought that i would be some kind of great star, for what offenses does actress maria kozhevnikova punish her four sons? if i just kiss my ass, you know, what will grow next, the older brothers don’t offend, of course they offend, how long has the comedy star, natalya medvedeva, been treated for postpartum depression, i don’t know how my husband even put up with me, how daria mikhalkova told father andrei
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konchilovsky that he would become a grandfather again, he succinctly said: “this is your business.” but it seems to me that it is difficult to realize it with three children, mothers of many children have their million-dollar secrets, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. great, guys, move over a little, okay, sit down, hands on the table, so. we saw both sixes and eights, repin’s painting, don’t wait, pens, pens, but find out why they came in the first place, and i’m not
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curious, huh? people, people, what are you doing you're doing, beast, your hands are dirty , you'll get my suit dirty
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, i'll have it, so please, what are you doing, lyosha is older, out of breath, hasn't practiced for a long time, but the main thing is to be careful, let me go, or else?
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igor, go, lyosha, help, lyosha, something like this, lyosha! where, where are the bandits , who were they targeting, get away from me, get up, get up , we'll snowstorm, get up, get up, whoever you told, and you, go, come here, come on, the snowstorm is on... this is a blizzard.
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during the search, the pistol from which bareev was shot was seized from you, yes, also at the crime scene, witnesses saw you, and what, why should i kill him, he worked for me, then that he blackmailed you, yes, blackmailed, uh-huh, this is my first time... what is a word, funny, also in your lawyer’s apartment, threatening letters were found on his computer demand for ransom, but remember it was
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like this, uh-huh, the lawyer advised to pay off, but why didn’t he take advantage of the advice, because paying is not in the concept. the last time your fingerprints were found on the car, yes, as i understand it, i need a lawyer, of course, the only problem is that the lawyer was strangled, yes, you better confess, but why confess, why should i kill him, he would be very useful to me now, nothing?
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no, maybe we just don’t know his real motive, secondly, i don’t have that much strength to crush a man, maybe he’s just like hell, he’s on a pill, he’s on a pill, the blackmailers shot him, everyone else was strangled , the area is completely different, the appearance is again not similar, he believes that murder selects victims by appearance. “this is not our maniac, the murder is not connected, on a pill,
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good afternoon, could you help me, please sorry, i have..." there are problems with the typewriter , please help, excuse me, can you hear me, i’m saying there are problems with the typewriter, i need your help, something is wrong, i can come back later, what happened, what about , so hello, do something with him, what am i, i can’t fire him, lenka, just kidding, five bucks, i just didn’t let him work before,
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especially today, and we’re catching a serial killer, by the way, this is not a tv series, that’s it, in general, i’ll leave him to you, what did he take , listen, guys, you should work together, you ’re so funny, lelka, why did you leave him? how much did you drink? 25, lelka. igor nikolaevich, you have an overdose. cool, let's rinse the stomach. cabbage juice, potato juice. great again, oh, so old.
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acquaintance, big footprint, wallet in place, cards in place, money in place, you noticed that there was blood under the nails, the victim resisted, that means he’s lying, lucky, dude, he’s suffered, but for me this is still with fresh potatoes all in front, maniacs ours works according to one type, there is a beard, there is an intelligent look, uh-huh, uh-huh. there are glasses, by the way, no glasses, by the way, this is what he can’t stand, that he’s good at stabbing, it’s time to catch the maniac , it’s me with my mouth, it’s my throat that’s scabby, so, so, a criminal aged from 15 to 90, very strong, loves bearded men with glasses, but what is it, it’s not me, it’s lenka, i just want to attract your attention, by the way, fresh potato is a great brain-buster. go
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further, clean yourself up, by the way, this one was killed much further than those two, i agree, just look at his shoes here, they dragged him here, come on, sniff, look for him. now let's get closer and bring them here, the car broke down, guys, police, what? shoe,
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yes, this is vova’s shoe, vova, where are vova’s shoes? he doesn’t work here anymore, but where does he work? a year ago he was in a terrible accident, spent a year in the hospital, his girlfriend left him, left him for another, did he become depressed because of this? i don’t know what it’s called, but he’s definitely not right in the head, so where is he now? yeah here? i just came in today, wanted to pick up some things, there’s his box forty- five, is that blood or what? and it looks like, wow, the two previous victims are not far away here we were killed, okay, i’m calling the experts, it’s impossible to live life without making mistakes, it’s important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and even more important to learn. forgive, i want
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to ask my aunt for forgiveness. kirill, who do you want to ask for forgiveness from? denis, is this your friend? yes. 4 years ago my mother died from a very serious illness. i crashed someone else's car. denis took a picture of it all and sent it to my family. she didn’t understand that her mother would leave and she wouldn’t be there. i decided to teach this man a lesson too. it seems to me that you want to ask for forgiveness. not at my aunt's, actually at my mother’s, he arrived as if nothing had happened, do you want to return the friendship again? it would be advisable to start communicating, to forgive or not to forgive, the final decision is yours, please forgive me, the premiere of a new show with nadezhda babkina is on friday at 16:50 on ntv. mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. pentalgin.
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and there are options in which it could all end in eviction, seizure of animals, if it is established that she actually has an illegal shelter for dogs there, then they may be required to resettle her. dogs, this is beyond the bounds, today is 16:45 on ntv, everyone lie down, this is a capture, no one should get hurt, i have a prisoner, first third, everyone stay in position, wait for the order, don't open fire, we just let them carry out the carnage, we are not angels, we are just doing our job, chief, new season. weapons out, quickly! law and justice are not the same thing. today 20:00 on ntv. vladimir
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novikov 35 years old. since school i dated the beautiful katya, they wanted to get married, but a year ago i had an accident, lost an eye, and severely disfigured my face. the girl left him for another. and he went crazy from old age, as soon as he saw his ex with someone else, oh, lyosha, lyosha, everything is pointless, your appearance will deteriorate, you were abandoned, nothing like that, no one has ever abandoned anyone in terms of appearance , i beg you, a couple of new wrinkles, lyosha, that’s it, goodbye, our weasel, lyosha, not at all necessary, i abandoned you because of alcoholism and an intolerable character, for my wonderful character, you got married, and it brought me to everything else, snake, stop advertising the advantages of a single life, don’t lead me astray from the true path, straighten up, i was advertising the bachelor life of a dog. she has nothing to do with her, why are you
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looking at me like that? it's not me, it's lenka. yes, yes, elena nikolaevna, with her folk means, i'm bloated now. if anyone is interested in returning to the murder, everyone already understands what this man looked like, yes, about 40 years old, give or take, a stylish beard and glasses. a maniac preys on intellectuals, that is. hatred for the class ghost, like that , where this novikov lived? unknown , there is an idea how to find him, the same murders were committed in the same area, well, yes, yes, yes, we need to set up an ambush there, yes elena nikolaevna, the true truth, right in the place where novik met his girlfriend with to others, yes, yes, i can directly see us sitting in in an ambush and waiting for some bespectacled guy, why someone, igor, vachko? with a beard, he’s still an intellectual, yes, he’s not wearing pince-nez.
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i'd like to go get some coffee, bogtanka, or what? and what am i, i have binoculars, i’m spying, i have a walkie-talkie, oh so, i need black sugar, this is hazing, go, you won’t tell me how to get to this what’s-her-name library. welcome, welcome, it’s not him , he has two eyes, there’s no library here
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, just a second, igor, please tell me, why are you talking in your sleeve, there ’s no microphone, yes, i understand, i understand, by the way, me too i think the trouble is, this is not what you thought. “beauty, lesh, yes, look how the dog runs wherever he wants, with whomever he wants, talks to everyone, and no one can say anything to him, and most importantly, he can have fun with his friends even until the morning, yes , because he is single, i know why you are telling me all this, you are advertising a bachelor life in order to bring me to a divorce, and you are such a weak-willed leshenko.” yeah, nothing will come of it, my character, you know, is stronger than a walkie-talkie, igor, stop messing around
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broadcast, listen, i’m in the bushes for two minutes, turn off the sound. you stole my girlfriend, i didn’t, i’m not an intellectual at all, i can’t even read a book, i don’t even have glasses, i don’t have a beard.
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don’t come near me in a cyclone, don’t come near me in a cyclone, just like that, phew, you’re not bad at it, huh? not bad, not at all, maxima, lenochka , drop some peroxide, please, thank you for the beard, depression again, yes, i distracted the cyclone with myself, and maxim, how come he didn’t even
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say thank you, lenka, shitty pills, don’t dream, you snake, lenka. the snake squeezed the pills, what the tinny, oh, is this not my car, well, that’s for sure... “sorry, i ’ve cut you off a little here, now i’ll also tear something off for you a little, i’ll kill you, but the depression has passed, have you noticed how igor
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feels good with a beard , unlike lyosha, who..."neither wrinkles nor gray hair suits him at all, appreciate the sparkling humor, friend? yes, yes, he’s just jealous that no one took care of them, of course, let’s hurry up and go to the car, and you’re like, wow, lesh, you can’t imagine, we’re about to go somewhere, how to meet someone, how can we spend some time with this someone, oh, well, come on! no need, lyoshenka, be careful when you get dirty, lenka will then swear that you are spinning around me, we have a holiday today, yes, we just have to figure out what
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it’s called. the prospect of a large-scale conflict, what will flexing muscles with the west in the middle east lead to, on the way to a peaceful, calm life,
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how are churches and temples being restored in donbass? leaders from all over the world send wishes for recovery to charles ii. the king of great britain was diagnosed with cancer. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. and let's start with an urgent message from the lugansk people's republic. the ukrainian armed forces were hit by a hymers multiple rocket launcher in the village of butovo. as a result, the bakery building was damaged and the gas station caught fire.


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