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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  February 6, 2024 1:25pm-2:00pm MSK

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moment the man approached the first-grader, sharply grabbed her hand and dragged her along with him , her brother reacted to the girl’s screams, he walked ahead, the schoolboy grabbed his sister’s hand with all his might and did not let go until the stranger gave up, they walked to the entrance, he was like they wouldn’t have noticed, then the little sister lagged behind , a little by a meter, probably, so they reached the entrance and this man grabbed his daughter, pulled her in the other direction, and the son saw behind them, ran and took his little sister, this is footage from a different angle , which... it is clear that before the children had only a few meters left to reach the entrance when an unknown man grabbed the girl and dragged her along. it’s good that his older brother, who is 11, was not at a loss, the parents admit, the children often return home from school together. a search is currently underway for the man, police are interviewing eyewitnesses , and cctv footage has been seized and is currently being studied. immediately after his sister was almost kidnapped, the boy held her hand tightly until he took her home, she kept looking around to see if there was a stalker
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nearby, they were very scared, their mother met them at the entrance on the first floor , the school is not far from the house, when classes ended, the children called their parents and informed them that they were going home, as they say, all safety measures were observed, the parents could not think that a child could be kidnapped like this in broad daylight in their quiet yard, this man was purposefully following them, his wife was in the entrance, i was at home, i quickly put on a jacket and shorts, ran outside, the main thing is that they came home , and then i just began to realize that what could have happened, the son is more worried, and the daughter is fine, the daughter is no less, but at night i had trouble sleeping, i had these nightmares, i woke up a couple of times. in the near future, the children, of course, will not go to school, they are recovering from the shock they experienced, the parents tried to find the attacker in hot pursuit while they were waiting for the police, they independently walked around all the nearby courtyards, but even so, he managed to hide, but in the field of view of the surveillance cameras. .. the man was still caught when
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he was running away, the mask fell off his face, and there is hope that his identity will be established it will turn out quickly, the route is already known, before he began to pursue the schoolchildren, another sign, the kidnapper is limping on one leg. the investigative committee authorities opened a criminal case based on a message from social networks about an attempt to kidnap a minor on the street in the city of streltamaki. there is an assumption that the villain is quite young, the fact that he was watching the children, wearing a mask, speaks of the premeditation of the attack, detectives do not rule out that the criminal, a man with... the cleaning site was not shared by the janitors in kirov in in the end, one attacked the other, the one who beat, according to some sources, is serving a sentence in the form of correctional labor, he had all the power of aggression in this conflict, that none of the eyewitnesses even decided
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to intervene, the victims are disabled and how the injuries were received it is still unknown how they will affect him; gian kavanto has the details. the residents of the high-rise building turned on their mobile cameras when they realized that only thanks to these images would the police be able to find and punish the man who, sparing no effort, was striking the janitor randomly in the face and head. after the first slap, obichek immediately realized that he could bully the janitor without fear of an equivalent response. he was scared, confused, timidly...
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he ran into him, but we don’t turn around, we go and go. disputes immediately flared up on social networks about why this modest man, the janitor sergei kryukov, beloved by the residents of the high-rise building, had so annoyed yuri basalaev, it was he who struck. at first, eyewitnesses claimed that zhek’s employee sprinkled salt on the snow-covered sidewalks with sand and allegedly accidentally threw a handful on the shoe of basalaev, who was walking towards him, who they say he was pretty drunk and couldn’t control himself. but he mostly hit him on the head. true, his blood was still running, well... he says that yuri basalaev, in a sense, his colleague, was serving a sentence in the form of compulsory labor, for what crime it is not yet clear. when he saw that they had sent an additional team of utility workers, he was afraid that these hours would not be counted towards him and he became angry. now, after the publication of this filming, yuri basolaev will most likely end up in court again, and mandatory work will no longer be done... all residents of the yard are ready
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to support the injured janitor and even raise money for him for a lawyer, these guys , who are already having a hard time, it’s not easy, every day... they clean our yards, our yards, and every morning when i go to work, i simply admire them, they are not just they are cleaning up, they are scrubbing, at first i thought, brother, sister, there it is, then i found out the information, it turns out brother and sister are conscientious people, it is a big sin to offend for this, now these shots are carefully studied by the kirov police as part of a pre-investigation check, yuri himself they are still looking for basalaev, they are waiting... at the ministry of internal affairs department for a conversation. diana kovando, alina ilyukhina, denis zadokhin and alexander tutarinov, ntv. a terrible accident in pervouralsk, this is the sverdlovsk region, was caught on surveillance camera footage; eyewitnesses hope that in this way local officials and road inspectors will pay
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attention to a dangerous intersection where accidents happen too often. this time a ten-year-old boy was hit, he was hit by an suv, the child fortunately survived. despite serious injuries, he is still in the hospital. circumstances of the accident studied by ilya usheninin. what the driver of an almost six-meter suv weighing 3 tons was doing still remains a mystery. the man , at a relatively low speed, did not notice the small pedestrian at the crossing directly in front of him, and did not even try to brake. a huge pickup truck first hit and then ran over a ten-year-old boy, and then continued driving as if nothing had happened. employees of a nearby store watched all this in horror. how can you not see it? more pedestrian crossing, still possible slow down somehow, at least even if these are the same snowdrifts, well, humanly speaking, just slow down, see for yourself, it means the person was driving, probably, or with a phone or something. then the recording shows how people are running towards the boy lying on the road , including, as it turned out, the same driver who was stopped
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by eyewitnesses with signs, he also took the child to the children's hospital, now the schoolboy with a traumatic brain injury is still under medical supervision. local residents assure that although this intersection is not considered an emergency, it is everyone is afraid to walk here.
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everything is fine, everything is visible everywhere , here are the snowdrifts, now i’ll come up, they are up to my knees, they are up to my knees, that is , there is nothing global, however, the inspectors still found shortcomings in the maintenance of the roadway and issued an order to the road worker to inspect , which is being carried out by the local police, the prosecutor's office is also involved, it is monitoring the progress of the proceedings, well , the snowdrifts on this street, as local residents say, were removed, it took the utility workers only a few hours, the company ntv. and then, everything that was hidden from the eyes of the subscribers of the happy mother, daughter and son was shown by the surveillance camera at the entrance. the harsh shots became the reason for initiating a criminal case. we will show the methods of education after the advertisement. a father of many children fled with
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his family from his own home because of three dozen neighbor's dogs. they make tunnels, come to us, walk around the territory, as if at home. and the neighbor's pensioner. the dogs almost tore me to pieces on the spot, four huge black dogs are rushing towards me from the forest strip, i can’t bring my grandchildren there, but the owner of the dogs is sure that nothing threatens the local residents, and they never attacked anyone, never attacked anyone, will the owner answer for those she tamed, set me the condition that i have the right to move out of this area along with with your dogs, and otherwise you will regret it, there are options in which everything could end in eviction, seizure of animals, if it is established that she actually has an illegal shelter for dogs there, then she may be forced to resettle the dogs, this is beyond the bounds, today is 16: 45 on ntv. man with
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long-term anxiety often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous! you need to sleep, but anxiety can actually be treated. a new product, afabazold , with a gradual release of the active substance, allows you to take only one tablet per day. anxiety can and should be treated. who benefits from an ozone bank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after shopping in these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. with azonbank, a drawing of up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on deposits. taste has a name. sasha, polya, max, at the table. shebek. so they invite you to try it. as we age , changes in vision can change the way things are done.
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toufon was created to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months, three courses per year. tulfon is now in new packaging designed specifically for course use. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video. what kind of speed is high, and what kind of coverage is wide? where are we going, where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone is even there catches mobile operator number one in terms of speed coverage. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. no matter how you look at it, the ozonbank card is beneficial for free. spend and save with ozonbank. raffle up to 100% cashback. up to 16% per annum on deposit. bad blood vessels. angeonorm helps improve
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microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionm, keep blood vessels normal. mask, new season from february 18, 2020 on ntv. being healthy and strong like the first cosmonaut is now not just a childhood dream, but a real possibility for an adult man. we are proud to present to you the apollo soyuz device. physical therapy office in your home. this improved development of russian scientists is intended for drug-free treatment of sexual dysfunction in men caused by vascular diseases and neurogenic disorders. the apalon union was created to relieve inflammation, cleanse tone blood vessels and improve metabolism. the combination of vacuum massage and alternating magnetic field helps reduce pain, improve the health of cells and blood vessels, and the pelvic organs. please note, this is technology.
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of youth. 8 800 100 exactly 14 18. 8 800 100 exactly 14 18. free anonymous call. sorry, premieres on fridays at 16:50 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air, we continue broadcasting. relatives of the deceased surgeon and doctor were dissatisfied with the court decision in novosibirsk straightened out on the embankment. according to investigators, a group of neighbors were walking on the street, one then went to the car and took a bat and a knife. two people were injured: he was a doctor, who later died, and his friend. what started the conflict and what terms its participants received will be told. it was here that her husband
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was mortally wounded by his neighbor, whom the widow can now meet in the yard at any moment, because after the jury’s verdict , denis golovanov and his accomplice were released, having assigned suspended sentences, they they claimed - daria says that they were defending themselves, and the deceased roman himself ran into a knife, looking at the recording of the surveillance cameras, it’s hard to believe it, the moment of the blow is clearly visible, as well as how the attackers finished off the already wounded surgeon with a bat on the head, the wound was serious. internal organs were damaged, the main artery was damaged, if they had immediately called an ambulance , perhaps if they had taken some measures, but unfortunately, time was lost, lost because... they also did not allow them to call an ambulance, that is also finished off with a bat to the head already mortally wounded man , by the time the doctors arrived, these amateur footage shows how they tried to resuscitate him, the wounded man had already lost 3 liters of blood, it was not possible to save him, a friend of the deceased, the attack happened before his eyes, recalls, they were resting on a bench when drunk neighbors came up and offered to have a drink with them, but at another place
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along the road, judging by the recordings from the cameras, a conflict arose, at some point mikhail sviridov went to his car and took it from there. handed over the knife and bat and edged weapons to denis golovanov, who hit his opponent in the stomach. one with a bat, another with a knife, uh, they tried to attack, this one knocked down, hit me on the head, uh, the second one also threw a bottle at my head, well, i had a concussion, but i tried to stay conscious, well, because i knew that if i passed out, i wouldn't wake up. then this is also on the video, the attacker. they went to their friend to wash the blood from their hands and the knife, that is, in essence, they hid the evidence. however, this evidence did not seem obvious to everyone, some the jury came to the conclusion that the defendants actually defended themselves, but only exceeded the limits of permissible self-defense. as a result, golovanov will serve a suspended sentence of 2.5 years in prison. well , the court decided everything here, i think so. well, that is, the verdict
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satisfied you in principle. that's it, let's leave the trial. the court ruled, the court sorted it out. what happened, why? to add nothing more, why the weapon was used, to add nothing, his accomplice sviridov was found guilty of causing minor harm to health, and was also appointed a suspended sentence of just over a year, neither the doctor’s widow nor his mother can come to terms with this. well , the jury decided that they are not dangerous to society, having killed a person, they are not dangerous to society, the soul groans, the brain generally refuses to perceive this information, what is this possible, a novel for many years about...
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with the fact that they are filmed by non-biased surveillance systems . prosecutors are now studying the video; investigators immediately opened criminal cases. in her right hand there is a bottle of alcohol, in her left hand she is dragging a five-year-old child by the collar, which it is this mother’s priority, no questions arise. showering the crying baby
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with treasures, she simultaneously strikes with her hands and feet, clearly not commensurate with the strength, and even when frightened... why she scolded her son, it’s difficult to understand in the verbal chaos some strange men appear for them, for some reason the child should be ashamed , however, when the intercom video camera went online, everyone was more interested in where the woman got so much hatred for her child. all this is a barbarian, there was no point in giving birth, you need to think about the sphere, why are you, why do you need a child? you 're mocking me like that, that's why you should express it to another question, who is this woman, the answer was found faster, cruel lessons in education were taught by the mother of two children nadezhda kozlova, a person whom they couldn't think of, in her social networks she called her son and daughter the main value, she constantly shared photographs with them , moreover, nadezhda even monetized her love for children, made casts of children’s hands and feet as souvenirs for moms and dads,
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she was also in good standing in kindergarten, the children were always neat, well-groomed, “nothing like that.” we noticed that my mother was calm - i didn’t see her when she was sober , she helped the eldest child in the group, the teacher says, she participated in social work, we didn’t even expect it, it seemed like my mother was always calm, what came over her that evening, hope to explain and she herself can’t, everything is in fragments , the day before she quarreled with her husband, her nerves were on edge, there was also alcohol, the last straw was her son’s active behavior, in the end kozlova lost her temper, now she seems to repent, but somehow she’s unsure, and this will never happen again will not happen again, this is for me, let's say, probably, some kind of lesson, who has hyperactive children.
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long conversations with law enforcement are awaiting; a criminal case has been opened against her under the article of failure to fulfill duties in raising a minor. the prosecutor's office has organized a check on messages on social networks about child abuse in the city of naber chelny. upon confirmation of the information, the city prosecutor's office together with relevant specialists will assess compliance with the requirements of the law on the prevention of neglect of minors and if there are grounds, it will take response measures. in addition, the family, which was considered exemplary, is now being visited by guardianship officials to find out.
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“comrade colonel, he just hit a pedestrian, if he dies, i’ll shoot you , i don’t know who, but they’re hunting you, you continue to doubt the strength of my powers, what’s going on, seryoga is a hostage, seryoga is someone, listen to me "be careful, don't ask unnecessary questions"? good weapon, i will shoot to kill! spetsbas, today at 22:15 on ntv. anxiety
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she learned that the property was gone. from her, how ? the woman has her own guesses, but the other side also has a strong version: stanislav kostikov listened to all the applicants for owning the house. every time, entering her mother’s room, natalya sidorova cannot help but tears, first the woman lost her loved one, and then the house that she planned to inherit, and now connects these two events. i believe that my mother was driven to death by people who wanted to take possession of this house more. during my grandmother's lifetime. the people whom natalya considers guilty of her mother’s death are distant relatives. according to her, they had not paid attention to the elderly man before. they suddenly showed up at the moment when the pensioner was admitted to the hospital, and supposedly after their visit, the old woman’s health began to worsen deteriorate. the attention of the pensioner's distant relatives was attracted by this house in which the woman lived. nice area, quiet place in the central part of the city. according to realtors, the cost of the site is about
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8 million rubles. when an elderly woman with... found out that the house had been transferred to her cousin's nephew, the daughter of the deceased was sure that the gift agreement was drawn up illegally, since she believed that her mother was not aware of her actions, the pensioner was already having difficulty navigating the space of time, her condition was eloquent these frames are transmitted from hospital, year, yes, what a year, well, 2002, only now the pensioner was taken from the hospital by her nephew and his wife, according to them, the woman needed help with constant care, which allegedly could not.
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she insists, all this time i couldn’t find out who took the patient where from the clinic, i called, the phone was turned off, and exactly every month after the phone was turned off, i called all the hospitals, i found out, but i couldn’t find her anywhere , only the police did not record a statement about the disappearance of the pensioner, a complicated story, in in the center of which private property obviously stands, there is a third country. tatyana khapugina rented part of the house from a pensioner shortly before hospitalization and for a long time...
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until its validity expires, she is not going to move anywhere, which she informed the new owners about. they responded by turning off the lights and damaging the gas doors. the lock was broken, my husband and i installed a new one. here. there’s a hole right there, here it is, apparently, perhaps the court’s decision will be the turning point. natalya filed a claim to invalidate the transaction: if her daughter the pensioners will win back the house, the tenants will most likely be able to safely stay for the entire paid period; if the nephew and his wife win, then the tenants will have to urgently move out and demand a refund from the person to whom they were transferred. the court will probably order examinations, underlining and others, which will make it possible to determine who actually signed the deed of gift in what condition.
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the researcher in one person, who lost his son , decided that he had to take revenge by lynching, he planned for 6 years, in the end, under an innocent pretext, he made an appointment with lyudmila melnikova and her common-law husband , alexander gladyr, both of them were relaxing on
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the shore with the son of a pensioner, what happened further was told during the verification of evidence at the crime scene, they came with me in a car, what were you doing here, they were drinking alcohol and... i didn’t drink because i was driving, where did they get the alcoholic drinks from? i bought alcoholic beverages along the way, let’s say, the pensioner finished off his late son’s hated acquaintances with a bayonet, then buried the bodies and weapons of crime in a long-prepared hole, with this during the investigation, he insisted that he committed the murder unintentionally, demonstrate, hold the weapon, once or twice that’s it, which part of the body? for several months lebedev was silent about the fact that he had become a self-proclaimed judge for his son’s acquaintances, until their bodies were found by investigators. if during the investigation he was confused in his testimony , he repented, then did not admit guilt, at the announcement of the verdict he was already calmer, i
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found to kill my son shot them, so i don’t regret anything, the name-hunters confessed to me that they killed my son, after this... they told how they did it, and after that they began to mock my son’s memory, my hand trembled, i shot them, being in great emotional agitation, the relatives of the murdered do not believe that there was a confession, just as they do not believe in a trembling hand, the accused, although a teacher by training , held a weapon in his hands more than once, in the past he was a police major, a participant in a chechen company, he hoped that the punishment would be commuted if he admitted that he acted in a state...
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by examining his corpse with by interviewing people present at that place and it was decided decision not to initiate criminal proceedings. the defendant's father himself did not appeal this decision. today in our program, calm, only calm, western bresa.


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