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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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says, here, please, the amount in words, it’s like, well, like, well, in letters, young man, are you out of your mind, how can i write the numbers for you in letters, this was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday ntv, all the best to you, goodbye. the will to live, a seriously early participant in a special operation, underwent rehabilitation, and is now engaged in business and teaching children. azerbaijan is preparing for early presidential elections, what is the current balance of power in the republic? ecuador is preparing a response to russia’s ban on the transport of some bananas from this country. how can he maybe we'll tell you in business news. leaders from all over the world send wishes to karl.
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russia will hold an urgent meeting in connection with the recent shelling of lesechansk. the barbaric attack on the city took place on saturday; hymers rockets hit a cafe and also a bakery. 28 people died, including a child. 10 civilians were injured. un secretary general antonio guterres has already condemned the actions of the ukrainian armed forces. russian troops repelled 17 attacks in the ssu. the ministry of defense reported this today. during the battles, subdivisions of the groupings center, east and south occupied new enemy positions, thereby improving their tactical position on the front line. in the kherson direction, our artillery prevents attempts. nationalists to land
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troops on the left bank of the dnieper, striking at areas where enemy troops are concentrated. in just one day, manpower and equipment in the ukrainian armed forces were hit in 112 districts. air defense forces shot down two hymers missiles and 30 ukrainian drones. svo members are now increasingly being recruited to work in schools, usually teaching courage lessons or basic military training. special operation veteran dmitry bolshakov from the novgorod region teaches children medical training. he left the army. due to health reasons due to a severe head wound, airborne training helped him not only rehabilitate himself, but find a job he liked. mikhail chebanenko met with the hero. this is how he looked a few months ago, he was not aware of what was happening around him, and any touch to the damaged part of his head could be fatal. and this is what hurts us. and now, incredibly, he is actively getting in shape, evening jogging after a hard workout. working day. in the small town
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of pistova, novgorod region , our hero is well known not only because he is a member of the svo, dmitry bolshakov, a well-known businessman and public figure here, but recently it was difficult to imagine that he would be able to return to normal life at all, he had to learn again, speak, read, write , a head wound, in order to pull out a fragment, doctors had to remove part of the skull bone, that’s the desire to live, to help those at the front, in many ways played a decisive role for... in the city center of the military-patriotic education today full house lesson on military medicine taught by children's favorite dmitry bolshakov, paratrooper, medical instructor with experience, spins how many times, three, everything is correct, dima literally explains to the children how to quickly provide first aid, what a field first aid kit consists of, and thanks schoolchildren know what a tourniquet is, a hemostatic agent, what bandages are, the most favorite part of the lesson. this is a tactical part,
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training, they didn’t have enough one person to play the role of the wounded, i volunteered, right hand, left leg, of course, everyone it’s clear, it’s a game, of course, but there’s no other way to master tactical medicine, the kids are hurting , hurting, hurting, that’s it, slow down, slow down, slow down, otherwise i’ll be really wounded now, partnershakova.
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i don’t know, there is no bloodshed, he himself studied in different places, the red cross, the special forces university in chechnya, moscow, st. petersburg and now he has his own method of work, he went to the northern military district to nearby, it was in the kherson direction , khaymars’ projectile, broke through their trench. i called my friend, they started drinking tea, i said, listen, sing, well, sing, i take a mug, so you, a little, well, i’m slurping, here, the dark screen,
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i opened my eyes, the guy with whom i hit the mug is lying in the trench like that, i’m like, wow, i’m stretching the stretcher, mechanically he just starts. yes, yes, well, because that’s it, there is a person who needs help, i start to grab him under the chest, i say, and i understand that i’m not getting a damn thing, this dude, he just weighs a megaton, just like that i open my eyes, well, i open my hands, and everything just pours from my forehead, i’m like, yeah, that’s interesting, well, because i don’t feel any pain, that’s when you already have parts of your head it wasn't possible. woke up in a room with a bandaged head and decided that it was a ukrainian hospital, there was no talk of captivity , he began to try to escape, the doctors understood his
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anxiety, after all, he had a head injury, anesthesia , they calmed him down, moscow, vishnevsky hospital, and then his parents and wife we’ve arrived, we’ll film your father, your family... we stayed close to dmitry, showed letters, photographs, conducted a video blog with him on a 3d printer, printed a titanium plate, which now occupies the missing skull bone. dima has been involved in sports all his life, his parents, coaches, and himself came for several months, now he even drives a car, his right hand is still half anime, his left eye sees a blurry picture, but has adapted, and we recorded this interview at the bar in his cafe, a successful business from... i like it a little stronger, but very cool, cool, cool, cool, thank you, thank you, just like that, i’m drinking
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coffee made by a paratrooper who returned from a special military operation zone, a man of all trades, but now he continues to live. it was a good trip with my wife diana and they are raising little alice, she recently turned 2 one year old when dad went back to the army, then to the front, she had just been born, but diana understood that it was useless to dissuade her husband, all his thoughts were only about how to support the guys in the special operation zone, when they call you and say: you
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know bolshekov dmitry nikolaevich and they don’t tell you the details, your heart breaks right away, you don’t understand whether he’s alive, dead, what ’s wrong with him, and so on, i realized that he himself... knows better, what he needs, where he should be in this moment in time. his day begins no later than 7:00 am, even though the city is small, but things can't go wrong, and you can't leave your family without attention, those who helped him return. ahead is the sending of humanitarian cargo for fellow countrymen from pistov, as well as the collection of ammunition to the north military district zone, thanks to people like him, the guys on the front line feel the support of theodim is not going to stop, because he is not the last hero. michael.
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and i know that the electronic form of work with citizens is also developing; last year, in my opinion, there were about 9 million.
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such a form as video conferencing is used, with its help we we consider about 500 thousand cases a year, and web conferences are about 500-6000 a year. vyacheslav lebedev also reported that the supreme court has submitted to the state duma a bill to limit the detention of women with young children. development and digitalization of the country. the prime minister noted that strengthening technological sovereignty is one of the key tasks set by the president for the government, and of course, it is based on the development of it technologies. according to mishustin, digital transformation the state has launched five strategic initiatives at once, which are designed to improve the quality of electronic services, reduce time costs, and saturate the market. young people received additional
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it qualifications in the so-called digital departments, 30 advanced engineering schools were also created in partnership with high-tech companies, another 20 were selected. 93% of settlements where more than 2.0 people live and without... security for the opening of fourth generation lti networks. about 115 million records are registered on government services portal. 3/4 of all notifications are sent by government agencies exclusively in electronic form. the prime minister also spoke about the progress of implementation of significant initiatives for the regions in the construction industry. today is a day of silence in azerbaijan; the period of campaigning for candidates for the post of president of the country officially ended the day before. there are only a few minutes left until the early elections. the head of state of the republic has registered seven candidates, including the current president ilham aliyev. this year
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voting will take place in karabakh for the first time. edmund zhelbunov about the balance of power on the eve of the elections. the current presidential elections in azerbaijan, like those that took place in 1818 , are also extraordinary, that is, early, but against the backdrop of all previous votes in the entire history of the republic, they stand out for a different reason. the fact is that the elections on february 7 will be the first in the country after the historical reunification of azerbaijan and karab. so political scientists perceive these elections rather as a referendum on confidence in the current president ilham aliyev and as a starting point for a kind of restart of the political system in the country after the final restoration of its territorial integrity. for 30 years, part of our territory was under occupation and 450,000 of our voters were forced to vote in other territories. therefore, tomorrow is a historic day in azerbaijan. i believe that tomorrow's elections. is of exceptional significance, since for the first time in the history of sovereign azerbaijan, elections
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will be held throughout the country. there are others in the program of the current president points. aliyev believes that it is necessary to reduce the dependence of the azerbaijani economy on the sale of oil and gas, to develop green energy, to make azerbaijan an even more significant player not only in the caucasus region, but beyond its borders. for example, as a transit state on the north-south corridor stretching from russia to iran and india. in addition to ilham aliyev, two self-nominated candidates and four representatives of different political parties, there are seven names in total on the ballot, however, despite such a representative list, experts agree that political competition in azerbaijan is now rather conditional, and there is only one favorite in the election race, it is clear that ilham aliyev, better, is the favorite as always ilham aliyev, definitely, definitely, will there be changes in relations. between baku and moscow after these elections and such a political reset, another question
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that is increasingly being asked in the regions of northern baku as the vote approaches center of the electoral commission, political scientists are unanimous in this regard, russia, in their opinion, has been and remains a strategic partner and good neighbor for azerbaijan, especially in february twenty-second during aliyev’s visit to moscow, the presidents signed a declaration on allied cooperation, do not forget that ilham aliyev himself, as a graduate of magimo and a person who has lived in moscow for many years. understands well how to build a dialogue between russia and azerbaijan, we are a valuable partner for azerbaijan in the sense that a third of its exports of not raw materials, not oil. from the azerbaijani people, according to, but the outcome of the vote depends in any case on the current constitution, the head of azerbaijan has no restrictions on the number of presidential terms, this choice by the azerbaijanis will most likely be made not only for the next 7
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years. edmund chelbunov, anna ivanova, ekaterina kovalchuk, artemy chinkov and anton zagorsky, ntv television company. baku, azerbaijan. exports of bananas from ecuador to russia fell by 30% after our sanitary services found in banana pests. next on the air is business news, denis tolalayev is with us. denis, instead of ecuadorian ones, what kind of bananas can there be? ilyan, for now the most likely option is that the place of some ecuadorian bananas in russian stores will be taken by other ecuadorian ones. ecuador is preparing a phytosanitary response to the rosselkhoznadzor after... the russian agency partially banned the supply of bananas from this country. the banana marketing and export association of ecuador expressed hope that the russian side’s reaction to this answer will be positive, the situation will break the deadlock. on february 5 , rosselkhoznadzor banned the supply of bananas from five ecuadorian enterprises, explaining that the polyphagous humpback fly,
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a dangerous quarantine object, was systematically found in bananas from ecuador. the general director of the fruut news agency, irina koziy, reminds us that ecuador is practically. the only supplier of bananas to russia, but there are other companies there that continue to supply our country. this is not very good, since restructuring supplies, restructuring document flow, restructuring logistics is there are always additional costs that will be included in the price of the final product and the price that the russian consumer will pay for bananas on the store shelf, but nothing catastrophic has happened yet... that is, bananas are supplied from ecuador to russia, supplied by other companies, most likely, we will now see some surge in prices caused by such panic sentiments, the excitement simply by the very fact of introducing a ban, then the situation should stabilize a little, but still the price will probably be a little higher,
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than now, most likely by 5-10 percent, well, something like that. coincidentally, the discovery of the humpback fly in ecuadorian bananas happened against the backdrop of the fact that relations between russia and ecuador had deteriorated, all because in mid- january, after a mafia mutiny occurred in ecuador, the country's president daniel naboo announced that he was going to to exchange old russian military equipment for new american ones, russia said that they would consider this step unfriendly, to which daniel nabo replied that there would be no agreement are not violated, because he gives the americans not equipment at all, but scrap metal. but it seems that this only made the situation worse. this morning, the russian car sharing service dilimobil announced the results of its ipo. he placed his shares on the stock exchange at a price of 265 rubles. and all this, by the way, is the upper limit of the previously announced range. in total, the service attracted investments of 4 billion 200 million rubles. dilimobil states that investor demand has,
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quote, exceeded supply many times over. delemobil was founded in the fifteenth year according to data. company b1 is the largest car sharing in the country, in terms of fleet size, and number of trips. the russian stock market as a whole continues to look for sources of inspiration and continues to fail to find them. indices change little. the ruble, having risen in price yesterday, went in the opposite direction today. the dollar is currently reaching 91, the euro costs 97.70. the period of anti-crisis tax regulation is ending, and there are no plans to extend it. such words are in favor. minister of finance alexei sazanov, said at a meeting with business, are given today on the ministry’s website. alexey sazanov says that in the twenty -first and twenty-third years, tax policy was built based on the need to respond to external challenges, now the economy and budget are adapting to external shocks, and we can move on to building a long-term tax policy so that it is more predictable. last
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year there were quite a lot of these anti-crisis measures, first of all the so-called excess profit tax. companies, with its help the budget was replenished by 319 billion rubles. and from last october until the end of this year, almost all russian exports have been subject to duties tied to the dollar exchange rate. they should bring in 700 billion rubles by the end of the year. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev, for your economic review. world leaders wish a speedy recovery to king charles ii of great britain. the monarch was diagnosed. cancer. doctors determined this during prostate surgery last week. it is not yet known what kind of cancer was discovered, but there is information that the cancer was diagnosed at an early stage. the king will be treated on an outpatient basis. on during this time, doctors recommended that he refrain from performing public duties, but, however, charles ii will continue to engage in government affairs and work with papers. according to the times, prince
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william of wales will take over some of his father's responsibilities. queen camilla does not plan to change her participation in public events while her husband undergoes medical procedures. prince gary will fly home from the usa in the coming days to talk to his father. ntv viewers in the capital are waiting for the release of the program. v moscow, and we will continue our broadcast for other regions in the central part of the country. in senegal, presidential elections brought the country to the brink of internal conflict; voting was supposed to take place at the end of february, but president macquisal decided to postpone them. to change the date , a parliamentary decision is required. it was received, but it is true that for this purpose the police simply removed the majority of opposition deputies who were against changing the date from the hall. after that, not even...
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hundreds of companies from several countries, what new products were presented in moscow at the exhibition civil aviation. in russia, the number of students from uzbekistan is growing, which they cannot count on in their homeland with a russian diploma. pentalging extragel, it contains the highest
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for now, buy for 600. take part in the weekly holiday drawing, more prizes in the game in the application, five helps out if more often than getting up twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase, a modern drug for the early treatment of adenoma prostate, every day we arrange a small holiday for our loved one, happy monday, make your loved ones happy every february with discounts on orders from restaurants in yandex food. minse - non-hormonal support during menopause , full life, please, minse, life without pause, pay less, chips and russian potatoes 1990, delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the pyaterochka application, pyaterochka helps out when you want to please your loved ones, yourself, but your toad is against it. split
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the payment into parts with yandexplit, split everything, whatever you want in different stores without overpayments. for me, cestus is pain and frequent urges or fear that it will return again. unique phytalizin capsules help relieve pain and urges and reduce the risk of new exacerbations. capsules, a double blow to cestitis. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. the most modern domestic developments for modernizing airport development were presented today in moscow at an exhibition of civil aviation infrastructure. more than a hundred companies from different regions of russia, and also from belarus, china, iran, exchange experiences and demonstrate their unmanned aerial vehicles, security frameworks, technical lighting, biometric technologies and other innovations. on the prospects of the industry ilya lyadvin.
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innovation. ten companies from russia, belarus, china and iran this year at the national civil aviation forum have a special emphasis on the development of unmanned communication technologies in the sky for copters, helicopters and airplanes. here is an example of how this idea was implemented by russia's largest manufacturer of on-board equipment. such three-dimensional navigation units are installed on each civilian side. it is proposed to pair them with a miniature transmitter, which should be attached to the drone. it weighs only a few grams, so it will not affect the flight characteristics, but airplanes and helicopters will be able to see it already at a distance of 7 km, and when approaching , aircraft will be able to pass at different echelons, each sensor will be securely encrypted, assigned to one drone, and the database will be made open, get all the information about the flying copter it will even be possible for passers-by through a special application. we are developing a system that will work on public devices, you will be able to see the flight of the drone
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on your phone. on the tablet, thanks to wi-fi or bluetooth, thus, any participant , or security system or ordinary citizen, looking up, seeing a drone, turning on his phone, opening a public application, will be able to see how reliable this drone is. this system is also suitable for the functions of someone else’s drone without an electronic certificate can be immediately suppressed. installations for this are also presented on the forum, these from the moscow developer are almost 100%.
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due to their special conditions, the industry was restructured, even despite the cessation of flights to certain border airports and the processing of logistics, civil aviation did not lose any performance indicators. last year, the country's airlines even exceeded the planned scope of work by 10%, transported about 105 million people, of which 83 to russian destinations, and 22 to international flights, while accident statistics, on the contrary, dropped to almost a historical minimum. last year.
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the government of the country allowed to maintain the aircraft fleet. the state supported carriers during this difficult period and maintained the availability of flights for citizens. advanced financing of construction work has allowed us to achieve higher rates of modernization of the country's airport infrastructure. new terminals are being built with the participation of investors. last year alone, 12 objects were commissioned at once.
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there is still a lot of work ahead, but recently there was great joy in removing three ancient icons that returned after restoration; russian masters from siberia worked on them, and volunteers brought valuable cargo. alexey ivliev met the shrines. the bells of the ascension monastery sounded joyfully outside of school hours, just as the good things in the village greet the return of three restored icons from novosibirsk. and volunteers also brought a huge number of small icons as gifts so that they would be in every dugout on the front line where orthodox wars are fought, they were gathered by the whole world in novosibirsk,
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they care not only about the stew, let’s say, about their stomach, but they also care about their souls , they remember about their souls, they pass on icons, well, i think that this is no less, and maybe even in some ways more than... the same notorious stew, almost 3,600 km from novosibirsk to lugansk and another 40 from lugansk to the village of khoroshiy, four days and another on the way, but the volunteers say they would go further, for the sake of saving icons. there is no real meaning, in fact, that is, we are all homeland alone, we’ll have to take the girl and hang out there. a thanksgiving service in honor of the fact that the icons traveled across half the country.
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history, was discovered by russian soldiers in a destroyed house, restored in novosibirsk, and finally found... refuge within the walls of the ascension monastery. on the territory of the monastery, which is an architectural monument, shells specially fired by ukrainian nationalists repeatedly exploded, all the windows were broken, and the walls were damaged. archimandrite ioan
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says that she suffered the most bell tower, direct hit by a shell. there was a crack running along the entire wall. at the beginning it was only 5 mm, now you can stick your palm into the hole. in fact. our pain is our bell tower, which, unfortunately , is being destroyed, so we can’t raise bells on it, and we can’t veneer it yet, because this destruction is quite serious and cannot be restored on our own. from the moment the ukrainian nationalists were pushed away from the good to a safe distance, the temple was transformed, broken glass was replaced, all the walls were whitewashed the ceiling, they made warm floors, so... to go up and move the bells to the very top, so that the bell ringing could be heard throughout the village. alexey ivliev, valery kozhin, anna
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ivanova, dmitry pisarev, ntv television company, ascension monastery, good village, lugansk people's republic. more and more citizens. uzbekistan go to russia for higher education. over the past 5 years , the number of students from this country in our universities has doubled. now there are more than 60 thousand of them. what professions are the most in demand and what prospects does a russian diploma open... shakhnoza ibragimova decided to become a doctor as a child, now the girl is halfway towards her dream, studying at a medical institute in moscow. i was born in bukhara, my mother was also born in bukhara, i just have a russian grandmother , it turns out that my mother’s side is russian, so she only communicated with us in russian, and there are a thousand such bilingual families in uzbekistan. this is the correspondence, a common story for tashkent, bukhara or, say, samarkand, yes, in the russian language. there is no official status in uzbekistan, but there are thousands of
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russian-language schools in the country, every tenth, moreover according to various sources, from 50 to 80% of the country's population speaks russian fluently. guess in which city this school is located, they speak russian, textbooks are in russian, scientific aids are russian in tashkent, uzbekistan. the popularity of the russian language in the country is growing, and parents are increasingly choosing to send their children to russian. language school , the majority, because they speak russian from birth, this is the first point, the second point, the majority is going to study, receive higher education, also in russian, respectively, in russia, children study in in schools of uzbekistan, using new textbooks, russian teachers, together with local authors, have prepared a line for schoolchildren from the second to the eleventh grades, in addition , the “russian teacher abroad” project is being implemented, now in tashkent, samarkand, bukhari. more than 100 teachers from russia work in other cities. this, of course,
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is advanced training and retraining of teachers. and our task is to ensure that russian language teachers in pakistan are well aware of the innovations that exist in the russian federation and from the point of view of those technologies that have already been developed in the russian language. when it comes to the russian language, uzbekistan is generally a record-breaking country. this is the largest number of 14 branches of russian universities.
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russian universities give me the opportunity to get more practice, experience, and skills in my specialty and apply them in the future in my work. foreign students have two ways to get higher education in russia, the first, like shahina, through state programs, the second on a paid basis, but there are tens of times more paying students. if we talk about the areas of training that are most popular among students from uzbekistan. the following can be distinguished: this is medicine,
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and this is construction, this is linguistics and jurisprudence. remember this guy, perhaps he is the future minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan, akaber radjabov, he already has a diploma in political science, and is now studying international relations at rudnya. russian education is one of the best in the world in terms of price and quality, it seems to me that it comes first, because for these prices you cannot get it. uzbekistan not only has the opportunity getting a quality higher education and then getting a good job is also a thread that allows you to preserve cultural ties built over centuries. nahit babai, elena alferova, andrey tkachenko and alexander viktorov, ntv. and now about the weather, there are snowfalls in the region today, which will not stop tomorrow, and up to
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a quarter of the monthly norm may fall on wednesday. irina palyakova has all the details, contact us meteorological studio. irina, as i understand it, the frost will get worse. yes, definitely, just after tomorrow's snowfall, details via few seconds. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce body volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit evalar. stay fit. do you dream of reducing your volume in order to stay? in the shape of. lymphatic transit helps reduce volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit ivalar - stay in shape. so our forecasts are confirmed, our cold forecasts for the northern half. european territory of russia, these are atlantic cyclones, no longer blocking the arctic air, so it turned out when they walked along our arctic coast, now their trajectory is more southern, now the cold has the opportunity to penetrate right up to the central regions, look how cruelly low the atmospheric pressure will be tomorrow in the capital region, it will be practically the funnel of another cyclone, if
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for the north-west it will immediately begin to tighten a portion of the cold, then in the middle zone you will first have to go through snowfall, starting from the western regions. spring at the mercy of the balkan air, precipitation only in places, but it’s really windy, in st. petersburg tomorrow the maximum air temperature during the day is -1 light snow, in moscow the snow is heavy, the snowstorm is -4 so far, but the day after tomorrow it’s already -1. thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina polyakova. that's all for now, go to, see you! hello, we found out that i told you a thousand times about sbp, now i’ll get out and tell you about sбpay. download
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