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tv   Shef  NTV  February 6, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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oh, antok, good morning, it’s great that you’re so gloomy, your head hurts, you didn’t get enough sleep, as they say, we’ll sleep it off in a coffin, blow in the gun room, we’ll be leaving soon, yeah, okay, antok, hi, hi, how are you, the best. put the safety on, don’t forget, uh-huh, brody, sign, uh-huh, anton, hello. how are you doing okay? well,
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good. konstantin igorevich. yes, i said a long time ago, he wanted thank you. for what? because they hired me then. i'm very glad, anton. good morning, konstantin igorevich, you have already received three calls this morning, anton borozdin’s wife, me, why? i don’t know, i asked what to say, but she said that she would wait for you. oh, one second, a private security company, the chief, yes, he's here. again she,
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elbows, i listen, i understand, i said so. thank you, thank you for warning me, bring your briefcase into the office, but no, i understand everything, in principle, they didn’t see anton borozin, downstairs was, yeah, yeah, antokha, antokha, don’t be stupid, open the door, anton, just back off, anton, this is breaking, open the door, anton. damn, i know everything, your wife called,
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let's put whoever he is aside, be prepared, you're walking on thin ice, shit,
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i’m fine with the nomad, i always send him shares, you think no one sees how much you’re pushing and to whom, but it’s none of your business, i’m a walrus. i may be a watchman, but i found a rat, you're a rat, hey, who are you calling a rat,
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bell ringer. the nomad just asked for a solution, so i decided, we need money from drugs, not this mass grave, don’t fuss, boar, now everything will be, help, help, please help, i’ll help, just tell me about the new batch first, where are you waiting, where and yes, but i don’t hear? what smiley? but i got it, well done, rest, tomorrow from the dragon’s group is bringing a new batch of heroics into the city, and we’ll take it, they ’re waiting for hash, but they’ll get us, and we’ll take the whole batch from them as punishment for bad goods,
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but the nomad, there is no nomad here, and you have to decide whether the boar is with him or with me? use your head and tidy up here a little. don't you want to talk about what? about anthony barzden, i didn’t stop him, i didn’t have time, a couple
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of seconds weren’t enough, if i had come running earlier and knocked down the door faster, i would have saved him. well, why he did it is already known, but that’s all trite, his wife said he was leaving for someone else, he couldn’t stand it and, and most importantly, i met him in the morning, i asked how he was doing, and he said, yes, everything is fine, no, to... say, there will be an inspection by the investigative committee, as you understand, but i think everything will go fine, the guy was not killed, he himself, any examination will confirm this, yes, i understand, that’s not what i ’m worried about. hello, reboot,
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what are you losing today, let’s meet, what can i say, i’ll learn first, but he can’t come now, come. blocked,
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we are looking for chekhomirov, comrade general, city but so far to no avail, do you have any? it’s possible, well, by and large, what kind of claims are there for us to escape from the courthouse, how is this even a complaint, it’s the convoy platoon that made a mistake, they have their own superiors, i’ll draw conclusions based on them, your job is to return tikhomirov to the cell. the task of the dream, that’s right, allow it to be carried out, you are doing it, and also inform
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the personnel that if tikhomirov resists arrest, shoot to kill, that’s all. until the noise after your escape subsides, we’ll live here, yeah, whose mansions, offices, settle down, and at the same time we’ll discuss some details of the operation. what do you call it, it seems , a legend, in your case i don’t even know what it
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’s called, i mean, maxim sanovich, you really killed a policeman abroad, they’re really looking for you for attacking finland, foreign media wrote about it to create such a legend needs to spend a lot of time, effort and money, but for you everything comes naturally, a loop, a hook, a handsome man, plus an escape from the courthouse.
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real pleasure plays in every new facets, reveals itself in the elusive nuances of subtle taste. a unique blend, signature roasting, jardin original oro, a multifaceted pleasure to feel, comrade colonel. he just hit a pedestrian, if he dies, i’ll shoot you, i don’t know who, but they’re hunting you, you continue to doubt the strength of my powers, what’s going on, listen to me carefully, don’t ask unnecessary questions, weapons, i’ll shoot to kill , special battalion, today at 22:15 mask new season from
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february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. i'm always with litters i know what to read next, more than half a million books and podcasts in the subscription, read and listen for free for the first month. litteres, that's how i read it. everything tastes better when there are two. coupon, crazy wednesday, two wings for the price of one. it's so nice when they do something for you. for example, when a credit card brings cashback in rubles and pays itself off. the best platinum shades credit card now.
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8:17 pm
i didn’t, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget, as it happens, maybe i should also buy what ’s called about staticum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than 100 times hear what you think, it works, what are you, i don’t think, i know, you’re dark, of course, i ’m now my wife, you know, how and what’s there, how to take it, call, everything is simple there, with when ordering, everything will be explained to you in detail. a second, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that ’s it, i drove off, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you again, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call me, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once
8:18 pm
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8:19 pm
pig ears - three servings, fish-flavored chicken - two servings, i'm sorry, i'm the general maytorguyev, i came about sokdali, police, hello, this is my restaurant.
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no way, we live here according to the law, your laws don’t work for people, they work, yes, yes, you’re right, in their country the laws of the police are incompatible, in your police the laws are the same.
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that is, you met borozdyan in the corridor and literally 2 minutes later his wife called you, yes, i already explained everything to you, yeah, she called you often, no, why, for what purpose did she call, she said that she confessed to anton that she was leaving for another man, yeah , there’s something i don’t understand, but what do you have to do with it, why did she tell you about this, apparently she was worried about him, thought that he could... do something to himself, thought that i could stop him, why didn’t they stop? konstantin igorevich, did they come to you from the russian guard? okay, then tomorrow i'll see you at
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investigative committee, by 10 o'clock, goodbye, goodbye, come on in, konstantin igorevich loktev, yes, what actually happened? major konoplyov, inspection of your private security company. we’ve already checked it recently, so we’ll check it again, and as you wanted, your employee shot himself, so now everything is in full, safes, conditions for storing weapons, accounting, documentation, etc. well, we’re starting, well, are we working? that is, this asian was attacked here, yes, uh-huh, swept away and disappeared, uh-huh, according to eyewitnesses, they left in the courtyards, yes, now look for candles,
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legal, i ask you as a human being , help me find these scumbags , the press service has cut off all the phone numbers of the bosses in general, as if with a knife at the throat, you checked the cctv camera, but i don’t have time, uh-huh, i’m spinning like... in a wheel, only for yesterday, two fights, one murder and another robbery at the market, but who has it easy now, what versions do you have, this is your land, maybe some doll here got a divorce on the grounds of racism, tip you, well, yes , or maybe it was the guys from the boxing club warming up, maybe he it's not far from here, right there on the corner. okay , i'll check this, and you take care of the cctv cameras, and let's go at the pace of waltz, you're not alone like a squirrel in a wheel, uh-huh, yurets,
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let's go to the boxing club, i 'll send you the location and grab the resto, and let's move, well done! well done, right, you're doing a good job, well done, excellent , well done, you're working energetically, well , marik, energetic, energetic, you ate little, but yesterday he had too much whiskey, someone pulled your tongue, good evening, you're older, yes, hello, we continue to work as best we can help, police major, vosku, this happened here, on the next street someone attacked a foreign... citizen, maybe you heard something, no, i didn’t hear anything, more questions, our boys are beating us, calm down,
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calm down guys , everyone froze, no one moves, muzzle floor, ice, everyone lie down. athletes, stand, what are you doing, and the police don’t twitch , you’re hitting so weakly, you’re sick after yesterday, you understand, uh-huh, you don’t know where it’s coming from, it might immediately succumb to the windshield wipers, you know who my father is, i don’t care they'll let you go they'll fire you, they say? yes, yura, he caught it, yes, he took some godilnusha, come on, come out, good fellow. i froze, i said, don’t move,
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they called, the package has arrived.
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the parcel was delivered, great, now we will prepare the delivery of the parcel to our address, get away before you are cut off. start unloading, i want to try the product, take out the box with the smiley face, carefully, just be careful, unload faster, what’s taking you so long, the box with the smiley face, bring it here.
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if you try, come on, what are you staring at, continue unloading the car faster. name, surname: roman toropilov, roman evgenievich, well, of course, does the name evgeniy toropilov mean anything to you? no, he doesn’t say, if he didn’t take part in the beating of citizen sokdal, i don’t really care who it is? this is my father, director of the construction company seva dubstroy. i see, i see.
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novel form. go, and who are you to demand, what else are you going to tell me, no way, no, and why did you drive for so long, this cop has already messed with me, and have you already picked up slang?
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once again you give me a surprise, you yourself will figure out where we are going, viktor sergeevich, home. yes, i’m listening, marinsk hospital, head of malyaninovo, you asked to notify me about the condition of sagdal, and how is he? unfortunately, he died half an hour ago, there was nothing we could do. thank you for calling. all the best, goodbye. turn around, we need to go
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somewhere, i understand. please, evgeny vitalievich, the cottage is fully decorated, the furniture is from the best italian manufacturers, or from the best domestic ones. well, not bad, but what is the footage? 270 m, two full floors, plus a living attic space, on the other side of the house, an indoor swimming pool, a garage for two cars, well
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, not bad, you can live, i’m glad that we have come to an understanding, i hope that we will cooperate with you, cooperation will bring good the interest, i have no doubt, will then... be yours, and we’ll put the cottage in the name of your wife, no problem. when you pick up a profit debit card, you will immediately discover all the possibilities of incredibly profitable conditions: a high percentage on the balance, cashback on purchases of up to 3%. with the card , it doesn't matter whether you spend or save. in any case, an incredible benefit with you bank ural sib, the issue of the unification of germany is up to us only, and not the germans who lost the war, and they lived so well, why this perestroika, your gorbachev will ruin our country, but stop
8:33 pm
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half friend is an enemy. gdr, soon on ntv. i feel good about these guys. mask, new season from february 18, 2020. on ntv. bank for business, what is it like? suitable scale of my business. is it suitable for smaller businesses? of course it does. and it's beneficial for you. this is the meaning of business. vtb is a bank for your business. working in an office can be painful. arthroxicam cream is a three-component composition with modern painkillers in maximum concentration. triple action against pain and inflammation. arthroxicam for accelerated penetration into the eye.
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8:38 pm
season, new costumes, new stars, who are you mask? mask february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. go away, sogdal died, i’m sorry, we know, but you didn’t keep your word. i knew that you
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can’t trust your people, i can, i realized a long time ago that the law is the law, justice is justice, i don’t understand, the law is justice. not the same thing. for us, come on, for us.
8:40 pm
oh-oh, oh, what are you talking about, in short, and he tells me, maybe i also want to live curly, like you, why should i live badly, and i tell him, why should you even live, tear it up, hey, come here , i'm listening, here quick-eyed, in short, my friends and i drank everything , we miss you, let's clean everything up, have a cocktail, yeah, of course, now guys , it's a mess, it's a grinder, it squeaked, i'll go check, so long as they don't steal it, so steal it, why will your dad give you a new one, and i’m quick, i’m telling you, roma fucked her three times during the night, little boy, yes, that’s what women see in him, and of course he doesn’t regret it, women love it, well, yes, you know the joke? you need a menu, or you can, so
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can you or whatever, but let's go, bastard, come on, come on! y'all come in, don't worry, oh, come on, that's it come on in, well, you're all gone like cockroaches
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, what will i do, you'll have some coffee, but for the mood i'd rather drink vodka, right in the morning, well, what did you drink in the morning, oh, you're free all day, or do you have some other plans? no,
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there’s no more leads either, so you’ll have a fasting day today, now, i’m running to the store, i’m just asking you... i remember that you shouldn’t leave the territory, i’m already tired of you.
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i smelled the scoop, look at yourself, the vodka is scorched, factory-made, well, give me a couple of bottles, but i don’t give you money on credit, thank you, don't puke.
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oh, who's showing up so good to us, beautiful, slow down, van, uh-huh, we wish you good health, you're drinking, we're violating. no, well, that’s boorish. alikash. so, what do we have here,
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too, poisoning, live poisoning, what a variety it has gone, viktor sergeevich, find the killer as quickly as possible, okay? evgeniy vital, i’m afraid that this will be difficult to do; for some reason the video surveillance cameras turned out to be turned off. wait, wait!
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if we had detained the guy, he would have been alive. evgeny vitalievich, can i see you for a minute? please accept my condolences, don’t, you didn’t help me in any way, my son is dead, well, i have something to do with it, you and i had an agreement that he wouldn’t be detained, i kept my word, and by the way, about the house, i asked my wife , she said that she doesn’t care about the house, so please accept my condolences, they are making careers and
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giving birth to children one after another, i can already sleep in any position, a million-dollar secret, famous mothers of many children will share how they manage everything, where to go to the salon, to the hall or? to work, i thought that i would be some kind of great star, for what offenses actress maria kozhevnikova punishes her four sons, if i am musya musya, you know, just kiss the ass, what will grow next, the older brothers do not offend, of course they offend, how much comedy star natalya medvedeva was treated for postpartum depression, i don’t know how her husband is in general, he put up with me, as daria mikhalkova told father andrei konchilovsky that he would become a grandfather again, he laconically said, this is yours. but it seems to me that it is difficult to realize it with three children, mothers of many children have their million-dollar secrets, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. mask,
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is beneficial for free. spend and save with ozonbank. drawing up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on the deposit, unfortunately, i could not detain those who were responsible for the death of sokdal, they were killed tonight, it’s a pity that they will not be able to answer according to the law, yes, someone forced them to answer according to...
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“sagdari helped friends to recover from them, i heard you, yuri, we are preparing for an operation, but he is generally wanted by us, motherfucker, we took tikhomirov, listen, authorities.” the account was specifically instructed, i’m not in the know, you can’t take him alive, the installation went like this, where did it come from? van, what are you doing, from above, yeah, let's go there,
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have you arrived? come out, what, where, what, where, go, let’s arrange it so that he resisted, we had to shoot him, what are you doing, lawless people, what, maxim? he's had his fun, take off the handcuffs, answer the question, he's had his fun, he's had his fun, well done!
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the recorder needs to be removed from their car, according to our data, there are only a few people in the warehouse , a position has been assembled, we need to start the assault before anyone else is brought in, the third is first, then two more cars have arrived, all armed with automatic weapons, they are coming towards you. the bell ringer has arrived, obviously not talking talk, third to first, we
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’ve been ready for a long time, i’m waiting for the command to work, we need to start the assault, there’s going to be a massacre there now. first , third, everyone to remain in position, wait for the order, do not open fire, accepted. uh, what do you need, uh, an eccentric man with a knife on the trunk , and where did i find out where the goods are, and i know where the goods are, we are looking for boxes with smiley faces, first to third, we’re working,
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we can’t do that, we just let him build a slaughterhouse, viktor sergeevich, you can , yura. we are not angels, we just do our job, call, boar, jackpot!
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not you and not your friends whom you patronize, that’s okay, i’ll put things in order here, i don’t understand what you mean, but
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that’s okay, you’re free. the brutal murder of patrol officers was committed today in the resort area of ​​st. petersburg near zelenogorsk. apparently, the police were trying to catch criminal traffic violators. an investigation is currently underway. anyone who saw anything or has information about this incident is asked to immediately contact the police. but there were no eyewitnesses. failed, i failed to kill, this time i saved your life, max, when will you understand that we are not playing beryulki, a serious operation is ahead, but what kind of operation, i am not authorized to explain,
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these are on your conscience, i asked you not to leave the territory, they said at night. well, bridge, i’ll fix everything, everything is fine , viktor sergeevich, my head is in place, my hands too, i’ll feed my family, you’ll forgive me, i’ll go, otherwise faith is worried, yes, come on.
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hmm, i would say pray, but you’re the devil, where should you pray? calm down, calm down, we'll figure it out. then you decide, you
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will resurrect my son, or maybe you will help to take revenge, you threw me away, you threw me at everything, even threw me at this house, threw me at everything, threw me, put your hands down, comrade colonel general, what fate, comrade major general? yes, i wanted to talk to you about the elbow bone, but they told me that you left to admire the new house, they say to the east, sit quietly near the threshold of your house, the enemy’s corpse will be carried past you, they could just wait until he shoots me, well, maybe next time i’ll do this, just let’s do it this way...
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i will command the parade, this is my land and i still have it in common with this one live and live , we'll check the documents together, otherwise it will drag on until the morning, okay, you stay at the entrance, eat, hold it, alex, thank you, come on, hey for... eat this kind of bread, eat armenian lavash, there is no tremors, but don’t look into our mouths, come on, here’s the commandant, hello, yegor borisovich, hello, a raid to identify illegal migrants, and of course i understand the importance of the events being carried out , i’m not enslaving, but perhaps you can somehow unify your trips , combine raids, but we don’t have a day, then check who needs it now it’s easy, you can see for yourself what time it is, you and the commandant go upstairs, and we’ll check with you.
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first floor, let's go, let 's go, let's go, oh, my home tajikistan has nothing to eat, the hay has gone up again, that's how you earn money, and don't look in my pocket, but, hello, we're presenting documents. where is your passport? just yesterday they checked your documents, show me, i have your passport there, in the office passport, as in the office, citizen of armenia, you should have a copy of your passport, ukrainian? i’m not belarusian, what are we doing here, i’m cutting lard, if you want a piece, it’s a joke you’ll be at the branch, it’s clear that the matter is in st. petersburg, well, i’m working, here’s the registration, everything is fine there.


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