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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 7, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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the targets and time of the attack were not chosen by chance; the post of russia at the un named the accomplice in the attack of the armed forces of ukraine in lisichansk. americans need to know that.
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what is really going on between moscow, kiev and washington, and how deeply ordinary americans are involved in the conflict in ukraine. perhaps the most famous and popular journalist in the world today promised to give answers to these questions to his compatriots, and not only to them. tucker carlson announced an interview with vladimir putin, without editing, freely available on one of the largest in the world social platforms. well, here's the authorities. the united states , unlike its citizens, is aware of what is happening in ukraine like no one else, but is still trying to pretend that it is standing on the sidelines, this was stated by our post at the un at an emergency meeting of the security council, where barbaric strikes were discussed last night at russia’s request in the ssu for non-military purposes, a cafe in lisichansk, a market in donetsk, the central streets of belgorod. it’s just that helping kiev continue to kill civilians is becoming more and more difficult for the states, money no. at least while the finances are stuck in
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congress, which is in no hurry to give ukraine new billions, and this causes a very nervous reaction from president biden, he made another attempt to push through the financing of the ukrainian adventure. first things first, our us correspondent, alexey veselovsky. president biden addressed the american congress wearing a bow in the colors of the ukrainian flag with a corresponding badge on his jacket, biden spoke mainly about the migration crisis, but the bill.
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without new aid to ukraine means less artillery shells, fewer air defense systems, fewer opportunities for ukraine to defend against a russian offensive, this is exactly what putin wants. supporting this bill means opposing putin. to be against the bill is to help it. but even the division into friends and foes for the american president does not seem to help in the senate, where the bill will be considered today; it has very little chance of passing, but... even if the upper house suddenly passes it, the republicans have already promised in the lower house to cut the document down, that is, there is no point in expecting new american assistance to ukraine yet, although they are not abandoning it completely. what they are offering us is not a reform of the border system, which is why the document is doomed. as for assistance to ukraine, we are not refusing it, we will discuss it, but more work needs to be done. the white house should give us the details as they see it. ending the conflict, strategy,
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reporting for investments, all this needs to be discussed before we make a decision, with reporting and especially strategy, not everything is ok, it’s unlikely that the americans will like the fact that the united states uses their money to buy missiles, which kiev then fires at, including civilians, as happened on february 3 in lesichansk, where a bakery cafe was hit by supposedly american hymers, killing 28 people, at an emergency meeting of the un security council, russian permanent representative vasily. nibenze called it another terrorist attack. and we doubt that the targets during the attack were not chosen by chance. the city is located near the line of combat contact and is regularly shelled from different types of weapons. there are few resting places there. the neo-nazis deliberately waited for the moment when families went out for a walk on their day off. and they cynically attacked almost the only place of leisure in lesechansk. the blow
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was delivered from an explosive high-power precision weapon. presumably, rszzo hymers rockets were used. i will say more, they feel the unconditional support of washington, london and brussels, who do not care about the killing of civilians, broken families and crippled destinies of people.
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that lethal weapons regularly sent to ukraine are used to commit terrorist acts against civilians and civilian infrastructure in violation of international humanitarian law. american journalist tucker carlson, who flew to moscow, will probably soon find out and announced an interview with president putin today. he decided to record the russian leader because in the west they do not know the whole truth about the conflict.
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the white house learned about these plans and immediately began to follow him. as a result, the tv channel canceled the trip. now carlson, in fact a blogger, works for himself, he paid for the trip to moscow himself, but he has a huge audience. his interview with trump was watched by more than 300 million people on social networks alone. carlson promised to post the entire conversation with putin without any gluing or editing, and for free on his website, on elon musk’s online platform, that is, anyone can watch it. alexey vasilovsky, alexander gusev, ntv. usa. now, regarding the events in the special operation zone , the ministry of defense reports a successful joint the attack of our aviation artillerymen on the strengthening of ukrainian national formations in the southern donetsk direction. the first
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presidential brigade, a unit of the national guard, as well as motorized infantry mechanized brigades came under attack from the russian military. in addition, our fighters thwarted three attempts to rotate militants in the area of ​​​​the village of starmayorsky. where the fighting is. demining, from deadly objects, sappers risking their lives and liberating the lugansk republic, as the actions ended, now a large-scale happiness is cleared, alekseevich bataryov saw. the outskirts of the city of shchastya in the lpr, these places were liberated in the first days of the special operation, now ukrainian troops have been driven back 80-100 km from here, but for this russian unit is here now, a battlefield. it doesn’t matter whether mine clearance is taking place near the contact line or in... the head area, as in this case, the sappers of the international mine action center of the russian ministry of defense always have to take all precautions and ingenuity. demining is not mechanical, without exaggeration of creative work, you need to be more talented than your opponent. the ukrainian military is actively using improvised
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explosive devices, placing various mines on the so-called non-removable, that is , they are preparing deadly traps, so that the mines, not only can not be neutralized, cannot be touched. the armed forces of ukraine use western products, learn to work non-standardly from... another explosive discovery is marked with a red flag, after some time the sappers will remove it with the utmost care and thoughtfulness. at the end of a day like this usually the most effective stage of work. i don’t
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know if it’s visible on camera, but with tapes like this now. this is not a small field, literally dotted all over, these are all places worked out by russian sappers, lpr specialists from the international mine action center. hundreds of thousands of these steps have already been taken with no room for error, there are millions ahead, they have cleared 16 thousand hectares in the republic from explosive objects, another 60 thousand are yet to come, the region reborn from the heat of hostilities needs to make room for a step forward, i understand perfectly well that this work very complex and dangerous, therefore, accordingly , they don’t ask us such questions, they don’t rush us , let’s say, but nevertheless, i say again, the local population has a very positive attitude towards us, military science and the logic of combat operations. requires the installation of minefields, but the armed forces of ukraine are showing their trademark cynicism and disregard
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for the norms of international conventions in this matter, and western countries are raising explosive problems by transferring cluster munitions to kiev. from one - the carrier, so to speak, of these submunitions, 30% of explosive objects are triggered, the rest remains in the soil, but unfortunately, the enemy does not take into account that he is using submunitions. in populated areas, on the outskirts of populated areas, where directly, uh, civilian life does not stop, even if there is hostilities, only the weather can stop the advance of specialists from the international mine action center, heavy snowfalls sometimes paralyze work for several days, but the sappers are wasting this time don't lose, they have prepared a course of special classes for schoolchildren, they want to teach them how to act correctly and safely when explosive devices are detected; this knowledge will be in demand in the regions of novorossya for many years to come. alexey tepatorov lugansk people's republic. from
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the front line straight to college. thousands of participants in a special military operation, having returned home, today decide to become students. it is now easier to do this for these fighters ; universities have a special quota; in some regions they have even figured out how to stimulate the desire to study. which directions are chosen? defenders of the homeland, mikhail chebanenko found out. from audience to audience of south ural. privileges, passed the unified state exam with 92 points, russian , but andrey set the goal not to use history, and shortly before that, the current student was part of a brigade that captured the fortified position of ukrainian nationalists.
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glad, shrapnel wounds, captivity, liberation, operations, and even after all this, daniil
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decided to go to study in order to return in a more professional status, he prepared with a tutor to refresh his memory after school. my father pushed me towards patriotism, uh, so i liked it, playing sports, uh, somehow expressing myself somewhere, uh, thank you very much to the school. thank you very much to my father, and there are already about 13 thousand people like andrei and daniil throughout the country, another 20 thousand members of their families, the presidential program, members of the northern military district, having returned from the front, always think about what future awaits them, naturally, they are preparing for not everyone succeeds in entering a university, but now there are benefits for them and their family members, 10% of all places allocated for applicants, for example, in mordovian state university for general medicine, the average score of those who entered through the regular competition was more than 220 points,
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and for those who entered under a separate quota, 152, on the one hand, virtually everyone has the opportunity to enroll, on the other hand, this is of course responsibility of the university, we need our doctors to be trained, well educated, also transfer to a budget-funded place in...
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you can give a discount, you can even make a 100% discount and actually organize training at the expense of the university. nowadays, the leaders in the number of students participating in the northern military district are cities with a population of over a million, new regions, and each educational institution has the opportunity to create its own preferential conditions, for example, in buryat, the head of the republic established an increased scholarship for future teachers returning from the front line. and according to the new program, there are those who do not have to take the entrance exams at all; these are the heroes of russia. and those who have been awarded three orders of courage, but here, in some cases, the university can set its own conditions, for example, a creative competition, but those who decides and who will be allowed to return to the northern military district zone, can take an academic leave, in general, everything in order to receive a full-fledged higher education, the only condition is diligence in studying. mikhail chabanenko, yana fedoricheva, ntv television company.
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your hot, winter ones have remained like this for... decades. today in sochi they celebrate the round anniversary of the opening of the olympic games in the city resort. the sports festival will be remembered not only for its colorful ceremonies and dramatic performances by athletes. the best games in history, as they were then assessed by the leaders of the international olympic committee. they gave a start to a new life for the entire southern region. sports facilities today remain the center of major competitions, and sochi is setting new records for the number of guests. last year we visited the resort and its attractions. about the olympic legacy and heirs sergei pikulin. for 10 years, her uniform has not even lost color. in 2014, valentina petrovna became a volunteer for the first time, and then there was no stopping her. confederation cup, world cup , everyone says they gave out equipment, but this is the most expensive olympic one. i have
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a jacket, a backpack and mittens. i really appreciate that when the event ended, they offered such amounts. the olympic park is now the federal territory of sirius, the largest scientific sports center in the country, the famous fish stadium, this is where they took place. the opening ceremony of the closing of the olympic games, then there was the confederations cup, the world cup , now it is the home arena of the sochi football club, but the most important thing is that children's sections are open here at the stadium, ranging from spoofing to break dancing. not a single object of the olympic heritage is abandoned or idle, now we are putting a stone on the house, looking forward, grouping
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the legs, look, come on, if for the coach the olympics is what it was. evgenia came here specifically to develop curling for children, only what would happen. i would really like to take part in the olympics. volodya is the same age as the olympics, born in 2014. 10 years ago, for south russia, curling was something incomprehensible, exotic, like an unprecedented fruit from neighboring abkhazia. now the national team krasnodar region is one of the strongest in the country. according to his mother, voba was brought into the raid by his older brother, who studies here himself. my oldest son, he said, "mama curling." we saw curling, we were, we, we supported the athletes, and we realized that this is our sport and we want to do it. many facilities, especially in the mountain cluster, have become the main training bases for our teams. sanna bassleigh track in the season with up to 4000 descents, is now ready to host
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competitions of any level, one of the best places for training of the russian national team. the track on... is in good condition, it is maintained, it is monitored, in principle, all the conditions for good, systematic preparation. even after 10 years, sirius now attracts tourists, a calling card, a singing fountain, programmers during all this time have developed more than 200 unique compositions, light, sound and water, an indescribable spectacle, especially in the evening. this concludes the program for viewers of the central part of russia, thank you for being with us. yes, i'm not a good guy. people have
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everything will work out. about the weather for today. in the far east, cyclones are crowding along shores, while making forays onto the continent. but in chuklotka they play out to the fullest, there is strength there. from irkutsk to omsk -2 -5 all frosts accumulate tva to the main cold weather in the region. the urals won’t be approaching yet, there will be everything here, heavy snowfalls, wind, blizzards, sticky wet snow, ice, the temperature is still at the same level, but there are plans to lower it.


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