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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 7, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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tell the whole truth, american journalist acker carlson announced an interview with vladimir putin, seven contenders for the highest post in azerbaijan today. the next presidential election is taking place outside, clean land, a sapper is clearing mines from the liberated territories of the lugansk republic. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. ukraine is spending western money on projects in the style of a banned islamic state. this was stated by the russian permanent representative to the un. according to vasily nebenze, the kiev junta is final. dropped the masks
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choice in favor of terrorism. of course, the ukrainian armed forces feel its impunity and permissiveness. i will say more, they feel the unconditional support of washington, london and brussels, who do not care about the killing of civilians, broken families and crippled destinies of people. in its blind hatred of our country and its desire to somehow weaken russia, the west is ready to pay.
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i would like to hope that the whole truth about the atrocities of kiev and their government is complicit in them. they must know that the lethal weapons regularly sent to ukraine are used to commit terrorist acts against civilians and civilian infrastructure in violation of international law. russian senators spoke about the same thing today, in the federation council they named the state of the collective west in connection with the ongoing supply of weapons, direct accomplices in the crimes of the kiev regime, and adopted an appeal in which they called for an immediate stop to these supplies to on the issue of mortgage lending, i think that not only parliaments should hear, but instructions must be given through the ministry of foreign affairs to our embassies in these countries.
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the enemy's strongholds and places where manpower and equipment accumulated were hit, and several formations were under fire at once, among them the first presidential brigade of the national guard of ukraine. in the lugansk republic , russian sappers are working in territories that were under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. retreating, the nationalists mined kilometers of fields there and expensive. then, alexey chebotarev observed how the lands near the city with the self-explanatory name of happiness were freed from deadly surprises. the outskirts of the city are happiness in the lpr . liberated in the first days of the special operation, now ukrainian troops have been driven back 80-100 km from here, but for this russian unit this is now a battlefield, no matter whether mine clearance is taking place near the contact line or in the rear area, as in this case, to sappers of the international mine action center of the ministry of defense russia always has to take all measures precautions and ingenuity, mine clearance is not mechanical, but, without exaggeration , creative work, in it you need to be more talented than the enemy, ukrainian... the military
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actively use improvised explosive devices, place various mines on the so -called non-removable, that is, they prepare deadly traps, which is not what mines , which cannot be neutralized or touched, the armed forces of ukraine use western products and do not learn to work. another explosive discovery was marked with a red flag, after some time the sappers were with maximum caution and thoughtfulness they will take it out too. at the end of such a day, as a rule, the most spectacular stage of work. i don’t
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know if it’s visible on camera, but with tapes like this. now this rather large field is literally dotted, these are all places worked out by russian sappers, in the lnpr, specialists of the international mine action center have already taken hundreds of thousands of these steps without room for error, there are millions ahead , they have cleared 16 thousand hectares in the republic from explosive objects, another 60 thousands are to come, the region reborn from the speck of hostilities needs to make room for a step forward. everyone understands perfectly well that this is work.
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supplies, 30% of explosive objects are triggered, the rest remains in the soil, unfortunately, the enemy does not take into account that he uses submunitions in populated areas, on the outskirts of a populated area, where civilian life does not stop, even if there is combat actions to stop the advance of specialists from the international mine action center are only possible by the weather; heavy snowfalls sometimes paralyze work for several days. but the sappers are not wasting this time lose, they have prepared a course of special classes for schoolchildren, they want to teach them how to act correctly and safely when explosive devices are detected; this knowledge will be in demand in the regions of novorossiya for many years to come. alexey tipataryov, valeryan kushnir, ntv, lugansk people's republic.
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early presidential elections are being held in azerbaijan today; they started a year before the expiration of the term of office of the current head of state. among the candidates, besides ilham aliyev, there are also... queues at voting stations in baku and other regions from 8 am. today is officially a day off, and for the first time elections are being held throughout azerbaijan, including karabakh, and many wanted to become part of this historical event. we elect the president of azerbaijan. we love him very much, he is our hero , everyone will come today, this is very important, we elect a president , we know our president, our only president ilham aliyev, always only for him, for our family, in general for our residents of the country it is very important who children support, the main favorite is the current president
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ilham aliyev, in power since 2003, at 62 , is seeking a fifth consecutive term. earlier , aliyev said that these elections should be the beginning of a new era in the life of the republic and many. azerbaijanis come first of all to support their leader. by the way, a thumbs up in elections in azerbaijan is not only a sign of approval, but also protection from repeat voting. before each voter is given a ballot, he applies a special solution to his hand, which only appears under ultraviolet light, and special there are lamps in every area. this is the azerbaijani protection against carousels. other measures have been taken to ensure voting transparency. at each polling station there are cameras monitoring the elections, a total of 90.
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but like the previous elections, the same opposition forces are participating in the races, elections, i think that they... also assume that ilham aliyev will win these elections unambiguously, and other candidates did not even argue with this balance of power, the election campaign took place without scandals or shocks, the opposition did not conduct any one rally, but some approached the company creatively, deputy razi nurullayev , for example, told voters how to properly prepare a candidate drink, two kiwis, lemon, a little soda and chia seeds, i drink this and sleep well after that, i wish everyone good days and good night bye. nurlaev was developing his own recipe for success, the current president was thinking through a recipe for a successful economy. aliyev believes that after
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the restoration of territorial integrity, more attention should be paid to the development of the country as a whole. in case of victory, he promised to hold social reforms, rebuild karabakh, sign a peace treaty with armenia. in addition, develop modern technologies, alternative energy, and even launch a new satellite into orbit. none of its competitors can boast such a versatile program. our most important decision. people, choose their president, who returned karabakh to us. but the rest of the candidates are united by the fact that almost all of them are participating in the elections not for the first time; the record holder in this list of six names is gudrat gasanguliyev. he advances for the fifth time, then has competed with aliyev since his first presidential term, 20 years ago. this is zahid arooj's third attempt, but in the previous elections he took second place. then the first candidate after aliyev gained only 3%, and there are no prerequisites. to ensure that this year the balance of power somehow changes, so that in azerbaijan today they are rather re-electing
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a president rather than electing him. edmund zhelbunov, konstantin kharlamov, artemy chinkov and anton zagorsky, ntv television company, baku, azerbaijan. joe biden again unsuccessfully tried to explain american taxpayers, why washington sends israel and ukraine many times more money than it spends on protecting the country’s borders. answering journalists' questions about a possible truce between israel and all this leads us to the question of whether america is keeping its word, is america moving forward, there are some movements, and i don't want, i don't want, i will choose my words, there are some movement, was the response from...
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2/3 of us citizens believe that the mental abilities of their eighty-one-year-old leader are declining before our eyes. tucker interview carlson with vladimir putin will be released when the journalist is ready to publish it, dmitry peskov said. he confirmed that the former fox news host spoke with the russian leader on tuesday. in addition, peskov noted that the kremlin received many requests from western media for interviews, but from publications that cannot boast of attempts to at least look impartial in terms of covering the conflict in ukraine. the conversation, which has not yet been published, has already caused an unusually violent reaction in the west. the white house has to justify itself and explain that they
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they did not try to prevent carlson from interviewing putin, and the video announcing this conversation has already received more than 61 million views. for the first time since the start of a special military operation, an american journalist came to talk with a politician whom the west blames for literally all the ills on the planet. thanks to the us and european media, which did everything to silence moscow’s position, this interview will attract the attention of the whole world. carlson himself says that he came to russia for the sake of the americans, to whom he wants to tell the whole truth. not a single westerner the journalist did not bother to do an interview with the president of the country, which is also involved in a conflict with vladimir putin. most americans have no idea why putin invaded ukraine or what his goals are. they never heard his voice. it is not right. americans have a right to know everything about this conflict because they are involved in it. and... we have the right to talk about it. carlson's colleague, another star
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of american political journalism, alex jones, said that the conversation lasted 2 hour and stated that he would go down in history, emphasizing that carlson is - quote: trying to stop the third world war. today it became known that all payments with russia were stopped by the chinese bank, which was used as the main bank by russian importers. next on the air is business news, denis tolalayev is with us, dniz, what are the reasons, apparently, they are afraid again. russian importers have new problems with payments in china; chow jou bank announced that it was stopping operations with russian clients. the vedomosti newspaper writes about this, citing several businessmen, financial consultants, representatives of business associations. some clarify: bank chocho has stopped transactions in favor of russian clients not only using the swift system, but also through its russian analogue, the financial messaging system.
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the movement of money through national systems continues to reflect the source of news. in the bank’s reporting, which may be requested by western counterparties. meanwhile, russian importers say that the chinese new year is ahead, which means since the calculations have stopped, the goods will not be able to be withdrawn from china until march. it was the chow jou bank, as vedomosti noted, that became the main settlement center for russian importers, firstly, a relatively soft procedure for verifying clients, and secondly, its location. the bank's headquarters is located in yiwu, which is called the world's largest market city. december. last year, us president joe biden signed a decree on secondary sanctions against banks that help the russian military industry. after that russian banks and companies began to experience service problems, among other things, in banks in china and turkey. the european union reacted negatively to the idea of ​​using frozen russian assets as collateral, the reater agency writes about this. this idea was previously
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proposed by belgium. the point is to issue bonds and send the money received from their sale to help ukraine. and the collateral for these bonds would be russian assets. according to the european commission in the g7 countries, approximately 270 billion euros of russian assets, of which about 200 billion are located in the european union, mostly in the belgian depository euroclear. but the proposal to make all this collateral for bonds is received by the european union with the same weak enthusiasm as another recent proposal to simply confiscate russian assets. european officials say: reuters, collateral means ownership of an asset, that is, in fact, this is also confiscation, and there is no legal basis for this, this could cause investors to flee the euro, the belgian depository has big problems euroclear, which will have to be saved at a very high cost. the russian ministry of finance also promised to respond to the confiscation of assets, hinting that
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there are frozen foreign assets in russia. last year, criminals carried out about 200,000 cyber attacks on... russian information infrastructure, such figures were announced today at the information security forum infoforum, the national coordination center for computer incidents, reported that the behavior of attacking groups has changed. if earlier after gaining access to the information system, the attackers tried to announce this as quickly as possible and show evidence, but now they are thinking about it for the future. the enemy carries out additional reconnaissance of information systems and obtains information about their architecture. identifies key elements , carries out as covert attempts as possible to spread in these systems or looks for options to attack related to it. the russian stock market continues to go up this morning, it is again being pushed there by rising oil prices, the dollar and euro
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rose in price yesterday, and today from their heights they don’t really want to go down, the dollar at these minutes is 91. thank you, this is not only in the emergency program after a short pause. that's all for now, go to, see you. honey, you’ve already got ready
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something that unites them. vtb, everything will work out. any business begins with a desire. i wanted a comfortable chair. and to do what you need, gather a team and do it yourself. but sometimes development. armed wedding guests in cherkessk , the motorcade was stopped by the police right at the exit from the city, the reason for this was very loud, the men were shooting from machine guns at a local
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restaurant, shaking the air, and when they were detained, law enforcement officers did not immediately manage to take them to the department, however, the identities of all the violators are representatives of the azerbaijani diaspora and have already been identified. details in the material by ilya ushenina. it would seem that it is unlikely that the residents of the north caucasus republics can be surprised by shooting at a wedding; this is almost certainly not the case. favorite local custom, but the celebrants shoot, as a rule, somewhere in deserted places and from cold, that is , safe, weapons. here the events take place right in cherkessk, next to one of the local restaurants. in the center of attention , one of the organizers of such a performance was supposedly this man, the security forces say, kemal akhmedov. in addition to being large a businessman in the construction industry, he is also the son of the leader of the local azerbaijani diaspora, ilham akhmedov. and, of course, the family earned their luxurious life exclusively. honest, decent business, entrepreneurs have a huge number of million-dollar subcontracts throughout the republic, plus the diaspora itself includes almost 200 people.


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