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tv   Shef  NTV  February 7, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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hey, hey, did you leave the car? what are you doing, take the little thing in it, give it here , whoever they ran into, i’m me, you’re not me anymore, do you understand why, no, i remind you, you owe 100 grand.
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when are you going to pay off the debt, what are you guys, i owed it to the bell ringer, but he died in the pre-trial detention center, but there is no bell ringer, but your debt remains, when you are going to pay off the interest, i will pay it back, i will pay it back, just give me time, okay, yes, it’s you you will ask the scoundrel, you have 3 days, give him an injury, so that you understand that no one here is a fool. i don't have any money right now, hut sell it, let's go, some? problems, but it’s not normal, that’s all,
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i slipped, fell unsuccessfully, it doesn’t seem to be slippery, but i still slipped, not bad, well, not bad, not bad.
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no, there is no need to display the construction company’s materials, because if it’s not 100, then at least double check it. yes, we are a serious publication. i’ll call you back, viktor sergeevich, in a minute. alisa evgenevna, if you’re talking about an interview, i’m sorry, i don’t have a bonus at all. no more than yours. well, everyone knows that. sorry, i have nothing more to add to you. you why aren't you looking for him? i have no right to discuss these with you. “listen, i know that there was
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information that maxim killed two policemen in the region, but you understand, this is not true, he could not have done this, the relatives of the killers often repeat, he could not have done this, i am not a relative, i know who i'm sorry, all the best, okay, yes. it's me again, so you're gathering all the correspondents, i need all the information about tikhomirov, yes, where he is, how he left the building, here, that's it, you hear, and one, two, three, in the opposite direction, one, two, three, well done, no forget to breathe correctly, like this, and one more time, okay, let’s warm up all the joints, go ahead.
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we stand on our tiptoes, well done, again, in the opposite direction, and now we warm up our shoulders, let's go forward, one... 1 2 well, what, an a in physical education? okay, pack your things , i'm getting discharged, let's go, four, five, don't forget about breathing, i have prepared documents for discharge for your son, thank you, here are the prescriptions for the drugs that he should continue to take, now, the sooner he gets to society, so much the better, and after... two weeks, it would be nice to see a doctor, but how is he in general? well, overall it’s better, the regime, vitamins, procedures, psychotherapy, all this did its job, but memory, memory, when it returns,
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i don’t have an answer to this question, time heals. i always thought this was an excuse, but no, it’s really like that, time heals, thank you, doctor, everything will be fine, all the best. where are we going? home? i have a house. you have your own apartment in st. petersburg, but it will be better if you live with me for now. am i in the way? no, no,
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thanks. yes, konstantin igorevich, we still need sign an agreement to terminate the lease. listen, i've already packed my pens. yeah thanks. uh-huh, thanks. thank you for your work. we have. look for a new job, all the guys need to be paid their salaries for the last month, i remember what
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to tell them, tell them that the issue is being resolved, let them wait, uh-huh, uh-huh. we found a pen, but there’s an unpleasant aftertaste left, so come in, settle down, there’s my clothes here, well , not yet, but now they’re there. ha, so, here is the toilet, the bath, so, this is the refrigerator, oh, take what you want, and i eat it, well, actually i eat it
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me, but if you need something, i’ll order it, i can’t do it myself, or what? of course you can, only later. pasha, is everything okay? yes, yes, there is just not enough air. do you want some tea? oh, yes, yes.
8:10 pm
hello. good afternoon, did something happen? it’s possible, colonel, this is my son, what ’s going on, put down your weapon, i demand an explanation. during a search in the apartment of the goldfinch, i beg your pardon, vitaly anatolyevich shchapov, files were found on his laptop, namely a dossier on general rastarkuev, and what’s there? there is also personal information on general rastorgoev and recorded the time at which during the week viktor sergeevich left the house and returned back from service. if you noticed, all the photos were taken from a distance of no closer than 10 m, and the last ones were taken from a car window. and you... the goldfinch is an intermediary, he
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could have accepted the order for your murder, theoretically it is not excluded, and in practice , grivov has already shot at you recently, let me remind you that he recently escaped from prison, and we still have not identified the orderer, and i don’t understand, comrade general, well, the rest is yours what actions? "we decided to report to you first, i remind you so quickly that this person does not come through this door to report, with ready-made solutions, what do you think, i will work for you, look, go, look for the killer, stab the goldfinch, identify the customer, allow get started, get started, you colonel will stay, the rest are free,
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good morning, will you keep company? dolts , as you know, but they came up to me, noticed
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hit. your people are guarding him, of course, take off the guard, well, this is necessary for his safety, i don't see any reason yet rastorgoev walked around under guard, there is already a state protection center there for this purpose, i consider it inappropriate to use osb officers for this, comrade colonel general, an order was clearly placed for rastorgoyevo and we do not know either the customer or the contractor, he could be killed at any moment, but should i fire you, ilya, or are you playing for my team? or give me the airport, there will be
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many people willing to take your place, it’s free, well, you eat, you eat. yes, there’s no appetite, hmm, appetite comes with eating, you’re maxim tikhomirov, so what? hmm, so what, are you in authority, here recently on tv they told very interesting things about you, everyone is looking for you, and the flag is in their hands, let’s shudder, what do you want from me? “i think we can be useful to each other, help you
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burn people on buses, a mistake, there were no people on the bus, just a complete misunderstanding, just bugs and cockroaches, but there were definitely no people there, people, it’s you and me, your own, from your own land. well, you help me, and i will help you, but you don’t need to help me, i have my own path. this is unlikely, you escaped from court, disappeared, if i kill you now, no one will ever find you, hand,
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i can, but please stand, thank you, all the best. do you have any idea how glad i am to see you? i can’t imagine it yet, because i don’t know why. i need your help,
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did the bell ringer’s people run into me? well, the bell ringer is dead, yeah. but his business lives on, not my level, why did he contact me, and not directly through the head office, there was no point, otherwise the truth would have been revealed that i had business with the bell ringer, what is the truth, you resolved some other issues with him, well, sort of besides, if you help me, we’ll shoot the arrow, but why did you turn to me if you decided to take the unofficial route, well, what’s your life? i don’t know, the brutes , the trunk, the boys will think that there’s someone behind me and they’ll back away, and if they don’t, well , you’ll detain them there , you’ll give them some kind of administrative notice, you’ll slap something else on there, listen, no i like all this, you can’t help me, i’ve already
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been shot at with a traumatome, and because of mine, my tires were punctured. it will only get worse, help me, okay, to hell with you, shoot the arrow i’m in the wings, only this is the first and last time, i still want to serve until retirement in peace, thank you, brother, listen, but you won’t take me, my leg hurts and there’s no car today, the coffee is delicious, you say you will? let's go, take pity on your nerve cells, solve all the questions using the helmet pole from renaissance insurance online, click pile click and your problem has become ours, renaissance insurance, you can exhale, new season.
8:19 pm
new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask? mask, february 18, 20:20 on ntv. sletre, i always know what to read next, more half a million books and podcasts with subscription, read and listen for free, first month. that's how i read it. syntec oil with molygart technology increases engine service life. always a smart choice.
8:20 pm
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8:21 pm
this is a happy sale on ozone, hurry up to please, the benefit is a delight, product of the week philips trimmer for 2.699 results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. hello, great, are you so happy, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i didn’t i understand how you do it, i ’ve already started to forget how it happens, well, what ’s the deal with buying it, what’s called prostatricum, i remember, also remember... trying once is better than hearing what you think 100 times, it works, don’t you think so , i know, you’re dark, of course, now i know my wife, how and what’s there, how to take it,
8:22 pm
call, it’s all simple, when you order , they’ll explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i’ll go. keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what’s here think, be sure to call, order remember , it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for your... try prostatricum gold, no one should be disappointed, when ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and
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overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. mask! new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. are you interested in the grand coupe? so here it is in the hangar at the car wash. those who look for vova always find them. when exceeded by 10 times, relax. there haven't been any chickadees here in a long time. residents, it’s not too soon to go home, the main thing is not to leave anything behind. malsov, i didn’t rat you out, but i won’t forgive you. you think they stole it themselves and found it themselves. i don’t understand, but how is it
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possible to remove security from you, this is what happens, i don’t want to shoot at the target , it’s just a setup, come on, it’s even good that there will be no bodyguards, what’s good about it, none of them will die, bodyguards are always the first to get hit by bullets, that’s what their job is, i don’t want to be guilty of...
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viktor sergeevich, viktor sergeevich, are you at home? hello. who are you? oh, your door was open. i'm your neighbor, opposite. is viktor sergeevich at home? no, he is not, i don’t know when he will be. and... who am i, pavel, his son, then this is for you, i don’t eat that, thank you, on a diet or what? no, you can't, sorry, you come in the evening, okay, your door was open, you should close it, who knows?
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the opponent is temporarily unavailable, they cut him off, so where are you, valiant security officers? as a result of the tragedy that occurred near the border with belarus, more than thirty people died, all of them turned out to be illegal migrants from neighboring countries, immigrants from the former republics of the soviet union. the investigation suggests that the cause of the bus fire could have been a short circuit. on to other news. tough, yes, tough. what about tikhomirov? no connection yet
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went out. in general, comrade colonel, it’s a shame you didn’t give me the opportunity to be with him , he has a chance to cope, and if you were together, it would have aroused suspicion among the bandits, oh, there are such serious bandits there that you can’t take them, yes well, we can take them right now, a question of 5 minutes, but we don’t need them, we need those who are behind them, and those about whom we know nothing. i repeat my question, who ordered me, but i have nothing to tell you, listen, shchapov, it’s not in your position to play silent now, i don’t understand anything, you shouldn’t be here at all, or the citizen investigator gave permission for the meeting, no.
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i’m listening, comrade major general, it’s as if i shouldn’t be here, you see me , no way, comrade general, i don’t see me, exactly, exactly, exactly, or exactly, exactly, there’s only one person here, citizen shapov, you ’re not here, you didn’t come today, everything is free. should i repeat the question? i still don’t know anything, i don’t have an answer for you, recently a bell-ringer hanged himself, they say it’s out of grief, listen to the chaps, do you really think that i i know that i was ordered , i won’t be able to get you to talk, yes there was an order, there was an order, but i don’t know the name of the customer, it’s like the order came
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through an intermediary from moscow, i don’t know his name, well, i swear, i swear to my mother, if you want to have children, don’t i have to swear by children , you don’t have any, why can’t you find fault with your words, you were about to get a bad name, in short, how much did they pay for me, 50,000 bucks, then 100, because no one agreed, then 200, in the end 3000 bucks, well well, not bad, but for whom?
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will kill you, take all your money at once, and this it could be anyone, your co-worker, your neighbor, the latest addict, you have been sentenced, general, nothing can be changed. well, where are they, yes, they should be here , the bell ringer kept this base, are you serious, well, yes, what were you thinking when you agreed to meet on their territory, not
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only am i driving you in a car, but you also... i i told you, mine is under repair, and because of these morons, that’s all, here they are. well, did you bring money? talk to me, i’ll decide for him. come on, how can we solve it? he owes the bell ringer, with the bell ringer i would i decided, but he doesn’t owe you anything, so i suggest we break up right now, or are there other opinions on this matter? i guess i have a different opinion. please, apparently we can’t take any more money from you, just a gemar, the campaign doesn’t need you either, wait, redhead, listen, maybe it’s working, well, lucky guy, i’m ready
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to work off the debt, well, i’m ready, well then listen, for i’ll cancel your deal, they’ll give you a lot of money, decide here now. "either we bring you down here, or you are generals, you will solve your financial problems with one shot, and you don’t owe anything you will give us, i don’t have a gun, what ’s the problem, take it from a colleague over there, well, i agree, i agree, well, that’s a good girl,
8:33 pm
at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sale. buy thousands of products with up to five cashback. mask new season from february 18, 2020 on ntv. this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment. mom, look, mom katya is a teacher. papa maxim is a fireman. the gavrilovs honor traditions. and their new neighbors are modern people. yura is an it developer. alena is a designer. at the gavrilovs' move, the guys have a dog. they are so different, but there is something that unites them. vtb, everything will work out. this is a happy sale on ozone. have time to please. the benefit is delight. do not miss. tekna smartphone for 8.999.
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exaggeration or double meanings, because from the first day of use it begins to reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv, regardless of the type of virus, it helps to shorten the duration of the disease, so cagocel is the highest antiviral measure, and this... packs of cagocel, you can easily find them in the pharmacy. this is a radu sale show on ozone. longboard. i guessed right. dart apple. and you?
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i calculated a model of a super-hard material for industry, and i calculated a model for a super-sensitive gas analyzer, and this is my grandfather, thanks to his ingenuity we became interested in science. develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties nauka.rf. reagan bush and kohl planned everything in advance. they are confident that perestroika will destroy the ussr. we work within the rules. the opponent is not playing according to rules, we need to act according to instructions. until he leads himself to the archive. you will fall against me. everyone you know.
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i will find you and kill you. gdr is the main premiere of the year. coming soon to ntv. i might as well not turn it off, mish, i have a good attitude towards these guys. for your chock, don’t worry, and what’s next, the king is dead, yes, long live the king, what kind of king is there, contracts fell through, these are not settlements, salary debts need to be paid off, thank you, now the apartment. to pay off the employees,
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let’s go for good money, yes, enough to pay off all the debts, i don’t know , repeat, let them go to court, and then we’ll see, wait, what about you, what about without an apartment, and where will you and your wife and daughter live, with them? for the first time, adam , we’ll see, but remember, you can always count on me, thank you, mish, my problems now are nothing compared to rostorguev’s problems, you need to think about your family now, we’ll sort it out with rastorguev.
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oh-oh-oh-oh! and what was that? did you cut me off? please forgive me, are you right? i'm just right recently received. let me give you some money, it looks like a small scratch. why do i need your money? and if i hadn’t slowed down, we’d buy a license, we wouldn’t know how to drive. sorry! zaya will kill me,
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oh my, hello, police. hello, hello, feed me, don’t poison me, i cook it myself, no one has ever
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returned with complaints, but apparently they haven’t, that’s the key word. caesar - what is it? is it like caesar? only with mayonnaise, everything suits me, bring it, sit down, i’ll bring everything, great,
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i just know. so hungry that i just want to spend the night nowhere, just to spend the night 500
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, let’s just do it, i have enough intimacy in my life, agreed, jackpot, started moving, accepted, citizen molchanova, captain chuprin, get
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out of the car, what happened, i ’m late for work, get out of the car. what's happened? where were you late yesterday? alisa evgenievna? what's going on? do you even know that i am the head of a major newspaper? we are aware that you are a participant in the accident, alisa evgenevna, we are working on the application. yesterday you hit a citizen's car with your car. tarasova disappeared, you must come with us. are you crazy? what kind of attack? there's a scratch there. it’s not visible, i can show you what happened , i don’t know where it came from, we’ll figure it out, you also have to undergo an alcohol and drugs test, so sit down with us and let’s go to the department, i’m not going anywhere with you, i’m going to call to the lawyer, the citizen
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is silent, put your hands away, hands, put your hands away, what are you doing, what are you doing, take it away, i’m screaming, help! disgrace, i will complain about you, where do you put me, where you're taking me, what are you doing, take new t-shirts, you seem to love this company? yes, thanks, if you need anything, i'll buy it. dad, how long should i live with yuri andreevich? i have to solve one problem, after that you can come back right away, i won’t bother you, yes, of course not, i still live alone. “i’m ready, go ahead, viktor
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sergeevich, we’ll get there, i’ll call you back , don’t worry, i remembered that i remembered, elena alexandrovna came in, i said that you were not there, and that she should come in the evening, and who is this? she said that she was from the apartment on the contrary..." it’s strange, her name is oksana, right? no, i know her, her name is elena aleksandrovna. well, let’s be happy, then we’ll figure it out.
8:48 pm
uh-huh. hello, hello, i ordered summer tires from you, how much, how much , are you crazy, or something, it’s made of gold, clearly, good, thank you, yes, it’s wounded! it’s zarubin, i need a personal meeting with you, yes, i have information about who
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ordered you, conditions, it’s daytime, the place is crowded, let’s meet on the bypass, in a shopping center near the station, okay, good, see you. something is a bit runny, but you don’t have normal tea, normal tea. no one has complained yet, well, how did you like the night, what are you, the hussars don’t take money,
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what, you pay ten for the night, as agreed, what are you talking about, i’m kidding, first of all. tim, and then volando at midnight, and this is for your bad jokes. oh, where are you going to get the money? yes. police get on the floor, hands up the hill, i'm done, that's it,
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that's it, let's get up, run away, comrade captain, i was told to report anyone suspicious on the highway, especially today, so i'm with him i saw a pistol at night, i immediately called you, well done, i won’t close your nest of vice, live and be happy, well, you little caesar, you ’ll go away after shooting, and i’ll live here. delightful aroma, perfection and harmony of taste, the classic collection of greenfiels loose leaf tea, greenfield tea, finding harmony.
8:52 pm
scanned the code in the application and won a million yandexplus points, believe me, you want a million points and millions of other prizes under the stickers in the application, delicious, period, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, custom jewelry, yes who will buy it, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue. register your business for free with alphabank and open an account with free service. alfabank is the best bank for business. the peculiarity of desherak is in fermentation technology. therefore, my choice is dashrak. what about my chan ramyeon and your recipes? what a broth. the secret of taste is in the broth. this is a happy sale on ozone. have time to please.
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split the payment into parts with yandex split, split everything you want in different stores no overpayments. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores, those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. with ozonbank the draw is up to 100%. indonesia and the emirates. i received a passport and was preparing alternate airfields in israel when the world around me began to collapse and
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it became clear that i needed to protect myself from this, how did she take strangers away? husbands, where were you, fighting, walking, a jar of spiders, where everyone slept with each other, how you later took revenge to her rivals, she threw me off the stairs, a leech that sucks all the blood out of you, and under whose oak tree she now dances our crimea, i can’t say that, sabchak will answer everyone for everything, on sunday at 6 pm on ntv.
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go up to the third floor, yes, i understand, i’m coming.
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whoever ordered it for you, i’ll cancel it, and whoever ordered it, and i myself, i myself, i’ll tell you, i myself, keep it and the ruby! figured it out, perepelkin, sokolov, kredchitov, slurped up the rubble, ornithologists, comrade colonel, tikhomirov was detained, brought in,
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take the handcuffs off him, eat, wait outside the door, free, have a seat. now you understand who is in charge in this area, what am i, i didn’t kill anyone from him, i didn’t have time, it’s a shame, but the fingers on him are now yours, i can hang any crap on you, but i don’t care, the situation is like this, or... you tell me help, or i 'll shoot you right here, if you doubt it, no,
9:00 pm
straight ahead, open it, go ahead. come in, hands, don’t make noise here, you already have resistance during arrest, think about it. hello, what happened, they gave me 15 days of arrest, i respect you, so do i, why do you need it? allegedly
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she left the scene of an accident, and you left? yes, there everything is complicated, why do you care? yes, everything is difficult for me too, love. finances, again love, again finances, everything is mixed up, i’m generally a complex person, and they sew me 6:11 and 158, and what is this, i don’t know, articles for prostitution and theft, but they told me it’s in my blood they found alcohol, so that means they’ll take away my license, i didn’t drink, i said so too. everyone says that, let me call, i need to make a call, darling, well, whatever, everything
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is ready, now she’s like a lady, well, great, thank you for your service, see you, see you. let's go, shall we remain silent too harshly? stupid question, comrade senior lieutenant, in our situation unnecessary people should not get in the way.
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spring, white nights are coming soon. “we’ll go for a walk, in rostov it gets dark at 9:00 pm, that’s it, even if you poke your eyes out, in the summer i’ll show you st. petersburg at night, it ’s completely different, it’s really as light as during the day, no, it’s different, everything becomes like a ghost, well, my entrance, i would invite you, but my friend and i are renting for two.” mitya, this is my neighbor's car,
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mitya, mitya, wait, everything is fine, go home, mitya, mitya, hey, you two, move away from the car, yours, or what, no, and what, get out of here, then get off into the fog, got out of the car, i said, he’s protecting me, or what? come here , vitya, simron, there’s that raft, come , come, come, please,
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he’s bleeding, vitya, vitya, wait, wait, wait, he’s coming soon, don’t close your eyes, don’t close your eyes, about the robbery of the jewelry store flywheel, it turned out that a gang of touring performers from nizhny novgorod was behind this; it seemed like they were detained yesterday, and they didn’t give a confession.
9:06 pm
milachevka, i don’t agree with you, i’m sorry, but the killer is free, they are...


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