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tv   UGRO-5  NTV  February 8, 2024 4:50am-6:31am MSK

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police captain melenteva is listening. i’m writing it down, but why did i give him a cup of tea, i thought i was immediately wondering where the money was. once, they’ve already been scamming that now we’ll tell the boss, yes, okay, gray, we’ll come to the house and search it, no, but i don’t even know where these batki are, what, no, no, no, no, that’s not the case.
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yes, he got it , he got it, well, well, why the hell did he bang it, and if we don’t find the tower, they’ll hang it on us, you moved in, while you’re going into the house, we’re with you... okay, okay, dim, traces , narrow nose, sloping heel, look, it looks like cowboy boots, what counters again? intam, it seems that this is no longer necessary, yes, well, look.
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it looks like that’s what they hit him on the head with, so put it down quickly, now you’ll erase all the prints, why will you get hit in the head with this stone, everything’s okay, okay, listen, i’d also check his pockets, well , go and check, andryukh, help, yes , let's turn it over, well, by the hand, it's a bunny , it weighs like a horse, oh, you, lord, you're alive, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, what, quiet, quiet, call an ambulance, andrey, what have you got there? with your bunny, but nothing, in the hospital, when he comes to his senses, i’ll just talk to him before you just couldn’t talk to him.
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listen, when you just talk to him, without reminding him about tangerines , okay, that’s enough for me here, let’s not make jokes, volodya, yes, how are our general paintings, well, ivan mikhailovich, we have oil paintings as usual, if, for example, at first, the story is basically like this, the counters, they took away the begged money, well, which this guy in the cap brought, yeah, with the number 32, it’s probably,
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okay, let’s do this: dima, volodya, you continue with the counters , uh-huh, andrey, you to my pet in the hospital, i ’ll take care of the doctor myself, come on, work quickly, guys, come on, come on, there’s a lot to do. and slavik still doesn’t call, god forbid, what happened, oh , what happened, well, he went on a spree, the guy who doesn’t happen to anyone, oh, i don’t know, the main thing is don’t worry, otherwise you see that it’s 140 to 100, so what? i ’m nervous, he’s not like that, he always told me everything, he doesn’t answer, i can’t find a place for myself, nothing, nothing, these children, our children, grandchildren are even worse. there’s my little girl, vanya
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says she’s picking up something employee, dried up, and my heart just breaks, how dangerous is the work? marsan, hello, what room is the bunny in? now, wait, that means, take your temperature, yeah, and then tell the nurse how much, okay, so, let's go, you know what i'll ask you, hello, hello, now, wait, yes, okay, come in on the fourth, there's no one , listen, go to this hot son, kick him well, you completely forgot about your mother, malsana, but i really don’t have time, you don’t have time, but like cutlets they come to me, there is, there is time, yes, you know how to motivate, okay, let's go
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, well, there's your bunny, thank you, runaway, thank you for sending you to me all the time, because i still haven't caught people like you, through and through, counters? and so these were the meters, they were on your head , i don’t know, i didn’t see, i was on my way to catch the bus, there was someone behind me and , in short, where were you going, i grabbed a suitcase with things, there’s a crime situation in the city, why should i hang around here? well, that’s it, i can’t take it anymore. oh, come on, yoshkin, matryoshkin, come on, roni, why aren’t you watching your step, why did you instruct
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michal is here, well, go ahead and clean it yourself, where is the cleaning lady, god, what are you thinking about, i don’t understand, but i’m talking about the counters, but don’t go here, don’t, don’t you see, it’s wet here, well... yes , the senior lieutenant divided the water, come on, find mikhailova, about which meters, we have too much one, neatly, neatly, but there’s no need to walk here, go around there, i understand, they’re walking around here, they’ve set up the office, but it’s dangerous, nikolaevich, you know, if vasilevskaya finds out, and i fail all this, she will kill me and what’s easier? take it and discuss it with this is a matter for her, well, she’ll give the go-ahead, then , you know, she won’t get swollen, nikolaych, come here , help, ah, rub, i’m telling you that you , to whom rub, hello, olga leonidovna, this is pronin, and
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i’ll just be a minute, i wanted to get some advice, huh? okay, i understand everything, let’s get started, i, i, i’ll call molavina, i’ll call her right away, i’ll call her right away, molavina, zloner, mikhailovna, go, put it away, obviously. there’s a nice cafe not far away, the cakes there are fresh and in general the view is so romantic, you know, i don’t really like sweets, i’d like a sausage sandwich - yes, that means here we are the same , apparently yes, we are the same, you better tell me what we have on old cases, and you
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found out, found out, yes, found out, and you know what ’s most interesting, well, tell me , yes, yes, yes, yes, a theatrical break is needed here, here we are. i obviously don’t agree, i can’t stand the theater, okay, okay, in short, all our terpils once got it not just from the bandits, but from the bandits of zotich, he was just operating at that time in trigorsk, and now that means before his death he decided to atone for sins and give money, and then regret it took it back, listen, maybe he actually has a split personality, it’s unlikely, he has cancer, schizophrenia, most likely his sixes are operating, which he disbanded, for sure... it turns out that zotych really gave the money, and his sixes were taken away, wait, how did they find out then who the zotych gave the money to when, from the doctor, just like in the case with the hot one, the prony thinks that he is the eminence grise in this matter, well
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, what about sandwiches, about sandwiches, but you can’t do it on the phone, why did i need to go to the department? trudge, the question here, you know, is extremely confidential, you sit down, sit down, sit down , just today the counters will try to take your money, but let him come, i’m still not a step home, i’m living with my godmother now, so what if they almost killed the bunny, and what if they killed me too , well, so that you don’t get killed, we’ll be nearby, it ’s like setting up an ambush at my house, well, something like that, please tell me, they ’re calling on my mobile, but only... the number can’t be identified, so if they call,
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tell me right away, here’s a physicist, don’t worry, the guys and i will be right here here, take it, take it, ol, what do you mean, let me read, i’m just sketches, estimates, especially without a finale. don’t be angry, i’m interested, you know, i want maximum documentary, but how can i finish the novel if the story is still ongoing, well, okay, okay, sorry, that’s it, i won’t do it anymore, listen, after all, opera is idiots , since they are going to catch the counters with someone like lena malyavina, why, what are you saying, she reeks of fear miles away, anyone who fights will understand that this is a setup, the counters are not fools, well, yes, that’s for sure, well, see you in the evening , like dinner in a restaurant, don’t worry
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, don’t worry, it’ll all be over soon, you’ll have a finale, that’s it, kiss you, bye, bye, bye, bye, oh, you again, i thought they cut everything. “let ’s go, otherwise you’ll see that there’s nothing superfluous, well, well, it means that not everything has been resolved, well, in general, where is the doctor and where is your security guard, you let me go on a legal weekend, i now respect human rights, okay, come on their mobile phones, but i don’t..." i know, i don’t call them, in general, zotoch, stop fooling around, i
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know that people get money from you, my money, i do what i want, well, yes, only your former counterfeiters then take this money away from them, you know about this, by the way, whoever is there in cowboy boots tells interesting stories, but i don’t look at their feet, i’m increasingly looking at... the eyes of whoever is taking the money, yours security guard, just know that your doctor immediately leaks all the information to your exes, he couldn’t, franron, yes, i have a completely different opinion on this matter, you are a nurse, me, why? and leni pavlovich invites me to be a nurse for vladimir georgievich when he has a day off? i don't know anything, i haven't
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seen anything. okay, okay, but you're morphine seen here, can you show me? yes, yes, yes, here you go, uh-huh, so, explain, what are these records? and here lening pavlovich writes down the dynamics of the disease, how vladimirevich reacts to the medicine, this is how, what is his temperature, how does he feel? look, judging by the records, zotov was given five morphine injections, right? yes, this course was recently prescribed, but six ampoules are missing, and you ask vladimir georgievich, i haven’t injected him with morphine yet. give me the doctor's phone number. here, here, now. well, he won’t pick up the phone while he’s at galina’s nikolaevna. she has him on weekends. which galina nikolaevna? sovelyeva’s, well, this
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is his woman, he found me through her, he ’s always with her on weekends, okay, the address, here you go, thank you, goodbye, all the best. well, did you drain everything? no, no, no , what, i don’t like it when people lie, that’s it, out of here, fired.
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your fingerprints, and what will you tell me, that at that moment i was in a completely different place, and morphine, of course, i bought it, and where were you, here, the person with whom you were, he it may confirm, it’s her, galina nikolaevna , apartment number 17.
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no, i don’t have the honor to know, the ampoule with morphine was missing, i didn’t even know that it was missing, for me the main thing is the condition of my patient, and a few illusions of love. there is, damn it, so what, at the time of vaneev’s murder
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of a doctor. wears it exactly, if you put on a warmer, yes , it fits the description, oh, good, i have such a reaction, otherwise it would be marsanne, if i had wet myself , my uniform would have torn my head off, well, excuse me, all the backs, wait, i asked
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bring hot. calm down, you, listen, you would run wild, and at the same time you would bend over backwards in front of your relatives, listen, stop it as much as you can, relatives, yes relatives, after the boy i’ll say so, just out of respect for mara sanna, you ’re drying yourself, come here, slava, slavik!
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“wake up, hear me, wake up, what are you , in short, i decided it’s better to give the money to the counter, well, give it back , what have i got to do with it, what are you doing, i’m missing 80 grand, the bank will open only tomorrow, they ’ll hide today, you’re silent , give me the money, where am i from, what are you doing, where did you hide it? in the garden where he buried them, they are not there, what are you saying? rummaging around in my garden, right? well, go and do some more digging, maybe you’ll find something, now, i
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’d better tell them where to look for you, wait for guests. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week.
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ducker cartson is in moscow, what is the legend of american journalism doing in the russian capital, why can his unexpected visit change everything, the result of the american elections and the course of history in general? peasants against the greens, who played into the green agenda of the european union authorities, brought the european farmers. and what now, who will be recognized as the biting goat and will they really raise the green icon greta thunberg on a pitchfork? this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. well, there are fingers. cowboy boot marks, like those who attacked the bunny. what are these, counters? well, apparently, yes, when the dectiloscopy result comes, i can tell you for sure, that’s it, i’m done here, i went,
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oh, i forgot, olya, olya, andry, please look, the documents for the purchase of a used car, one and a half million rubles, listen , a little expensive for a guy, so i’m the same, and please note, the deal was finalized a little more than 2 weeks ago, right here... hot notes, instructions from management, meetings where possible, because it’s interesting, so the last entry, dostoevsky 17, abandoned substation, this is for you in the bushes, whether? yes, listen, what if they made an appointment with a hot guy there, asked him to bring 1.5 million rubles, and made an appointment with the counter in which this is honored? the recording was made the day before the attack on the hot one, well, well, well, wouldn’t it be better if our guy pointed it
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at his mother, but ivan mikhailovich, together with oleg vikrenko, nicknamed gray, works by alexey kotelnikov, nicknamed the boiler, admire this handsome guy, from starozotovsky, that ’s right, these are... prints in the apartment of the hot one and his cowboy boots, cowboy kick him, goat, well done, good, ivan mikhailovich , i don’t understand why we can’t just drive up and take these meters, we can’t just do that, why, don’t you understand, first a decision, then a detention, well , call quickly vasilevskaya, i called, you’re not picking up the phone, ivan mikhailovich, well, try again time, well, time is running out, hold back your ardor! you’re talking to your boss, oh, olga
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leonidovna, are you at home? no, what is it? yes, that’s it, it’s good that i won’t be here, you won’t believe it, not even six months have passed since mazurov’s eagles figured out the base of counters, they’re going to stop me. goryachev, you’re still on sick leave, that you miss work, it’s better already, listen
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, of course you were born in a shirt, after such a wo... damn it, okay, i’ll wait, oh, quietly, it looks like their lyoshka is here, so we act like this, alexey with fortune on the other side, and you and i, maybe i’ll stay here, and what are you, now , it’s much more scary here, can you imagine, the brushes are jumping out, here i’m like, that’s enough, go
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to work, let’s go, damn it, i should have jumped with a parachute as a child, why, well, they say, the fear goes away , yeah, where, in your pants, huh? lie down, police, oh, stand, roben bobin, fartun, are you crazy, should you shoot at your own people? well, it's my fault, isn't it? i didn’t want to be with you, but shut up, there’s no one around,
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yes, listen, i’m still warm. the rush was gone, what did they know about our friendly visit, guys, koboski boots, at least now for sure it’s clear that the libs are here, but one of them is clearly without shoes, damn goats, he’s still worn out his boots, but he’s not wearing normal boots, hello, yes, well, where are we going, you’re there, get your boots ready for work, and we’re getting the hell out of here with skins. but why is this not allowed, what is he driving? now, wait a minute, he says that until we shake the hare out of the little guy, so that we don’t rock the boat, otherwise he’ll break us in completely, and that he’ll also open up the dacha in the return line, but damn, okay, okay, you’d better tell us , where to hang out now, what’s right there? well, yes,
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they won’t cover them for sure, we’ll sit out for a couple of days, yes, let’s go, it’s a long way, then i’ll say, van, well, they didn’t detain me, so why shoot now? van, where are you washing your hands, i don’t understand, grandpa, you have only double standards, it means that in a crashy life this happens to everyone, but if you haven’t washed your hands, turn off the light, yes, go wash, i’ll go wash, go , well , what is light, well, well, light, what are you? well
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, get up, come on in, don’t shoot yourself now, ivan mikhailovich, yes, the counters sensed that we were going to take them, did anyone else know about operation, no one. well, vasilevskaya, but she doesn’t count, why doesn’t she count, very much even counts, in what sense is that, but why does vasilevskaya have a new car, new cool clothes, or maybe she’s along with the counters, that she’s covering for them , they pay her, you realize that this will go far, but shut up, i ’m already sick of these jokes, that they’ve brought the girl
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down again, yes, your girl herself will bring on anyone you want , go, look, in general, guys, “if necessary, with vasilevskaya , i’ll talk myself, but i won’t accuse her unfoundedly, i won’t allow you, ivan mikhailovich, believe me , i studied her very well, you better go , look for the hot slavik, what are we standing for, go, work, clowns." vera ivanovna, just don’t worry, i hope that everything is
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okay with slavik , what happened? tell me, do n’t you know, did he know about the deal between zotova and angelina? well, that you will have money. oh, oh, what, oh, do you feel bad? well, bunny, now you’ll answer me for everything is according to the law, citizens, citizens, you all know me, bunny, citizens, an honest
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businessman is being pressed by the cops, corrupt officials, centurions, why are you yelling, shell-shocked, yes, i ’m shell-shocked, shell-shocked, i’m on sick leave, and why did i run away from the hospital, since i’m on sick leave, you have the right, i have, i have goods for... this, honest, you say that they’re crowded , got busy with their own business, listen
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, let’s go and have some coffee, don’t bother, i don’t feel like it, well, i don’t want to, i can’t leave you here alone, okay, i’ll sit for 5 minutes, okay, just don’t let anyone in, yeah. from here, nikolai stepanovich was fired,
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buy them, the apples are delicious, fresh, well, kostya, we’ll talk or i’ll take the protocol am i making up? yes, we will. help was provided to the organs, everyone is free, uh-huh, uh-huh, i lied then , well, what else did the chanters take 500 pieces of, they didn’t take them, i just got them, buried them in the garden right away, alenka’s infection sniffed out everything, i had to bring them here, i just yesterday i was returning from the shop when i received the kumpol, but what about today? “the distant lady came and said that she would turn them on me if i didn’t give her the money, but i decided to hang out in moscow for a couple of weeks until everything calms down here, but
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ivan mikhailovich, no, there’s nothing about hot i hear you, i'll come and lay it down." why are you getting some hot food, slavik, when they hit me in the head with a shandar , i fell, but passed out. not right away, they rummaged through my pockets, they called this name, well , they mentioned what you can remember, well , something like tomorrow, it seems like some kind of deal at the state registration office or at the state registration office should be disrupted or something like that, krp, hello, give me the phone number. registration chamber, yes, these
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documents for angelina’s delivery did not work out for me, but i remember, i remember i remember about your advance, you’ll forget about it, it’s impossible, i was fired, okay, okay, okay, i’ll try. registration chamber, nikolai stepanovich, may i? how can i introduce you? major ignatov, criminal investigation department. just a minute. yes, nikolai stepanovich. major ignatov, criminal investigation department, connect, connect, major ignatov,
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criminal investigation department, where is your employee, vyacheslav goryachev, now? he doesn’t work here anymore, i hope he’s now writing his resignation letter, but what else has he done there? he is wanted in connection with the robbery of his mother. what are you watching? yes, i came to lie at the boss’s feet, maybe they won’t fire you, thank you that, really, i almost dug my own mother for something, where did you get that from, the boss is now talking on the phone for a minute, ivan mikhalovich, i just can’t understand how these counters know who the money is transferred to, but if not a doctor or?
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with the help of which the counters find out about zotych’s plans, namely ivan mikhailovich, but not on the phone, because zotych does not transfer money to the guard through the phone, that is, in zotych’s room somewhere.
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hello, what is it that is not locked? what else do you want? will they not let you die in peace? well, your death is definitely not my part, but i’ll have to answer for the lives of the rest of the trigorsk people , so excuse me, move over, move over, move over, what are you doing, you’ve gone crazy in the end, and we’ll see who’s gone crazy, well, well, well - come on, come on... come on, why
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are you trying to mess with me, get out of here, i’m not matzah, i’ll get rid of you, i’ll get rid of you. vladimir georgievich, we assume that one of your former comrades planted this bug, who came to your bed for the last three months, no one, only their own, they
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could not. vladimir georgievich, if you don’t if you help us, we won’t be able to help you either, i don’t need your help, i’ll figure it out myself, do a lot, the cops know everything, that everything is about mom, everything about mom, you didn’t say anything, it doesn’t matter, run. come on, potassium, what's what? i can’t, arin, wait, we’ll have to, or we’ll break up right here, you know me, i gave her away, it’s all because of me, you know, i
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betrayed her, the documents for the dacha didn’t work out for a couple, you and i crashed the car . well, the boiler called me, and like a fool i ran towards him, thinking to explain that the task was not doable, but they, well, well, tell me, they beat me, and asked you to return it, and then they took out the iron? it’s a nightmare, you know, how hot it is, i’ll remember until i die, well, further, further , what happened, well, i remembered that my mother told me on the phone that the deal was tomorrow, that
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the money would be in cash, well, they, i thought that they would believe, they will let me go, but they decided to track her down and rob her. i came to my mother, she saw the bruises, i had to tell everything, she said that she would call zotu, borrow money, and in the morning they would pay her, it was my fault, you know, now you’re going to leave me, are you a complete idiot, tomorrow i’ll borrow money from someone, we’ll send it to moscow, and then who the hell will find it? slavka, yes, and let them inspect all the cars , tell them to all the posts, you gave away his photos, and the hot car too, well, whatever, whatever,
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let them call me right away, even in the middle of the night, yes, that’s it, lights out, lights out, guys , it concerns everyone, olenka, tomorrow morning she’ll check the cloud, yes, of course, well, well, come on, go, go, ivan mikhailovich, yes, and you, i’ll sit still and think about it, go, she’d sooner leave, otherwise i we'll scratch your face, anna, well, we intelligent people, then you'll have to break your leg, and what, there she is, and what is this , but let me in, let me in, help
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me, let me go, what are you doing, well, help me, i 'll go to the police, kidnapping, kidnapping , kidnapped , kidnapped, there’s already a plan to intercept, but nothing so far, ivan mikhailovich, if it’s a kidnapping for ransom, then who will they demand it from, or maybe we’ll involve the press, announce a reward for
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any information, who will pay the reward, you and you in general can you imagine what will happen if the press gets wind, olga leonidovna, i’m looking at your hand, the noise, the accounting department is distracting, yes, what did you just say, stop, what are you allowing yourself to do, so everyone calmed down, let’s go to my office, start working, everyone let’s go. “excuse me, ivan mikhailovich, andryush, can you come see me for a minute, let’s go, yes, the train is at 12:10, we’ll kick around in the vestibule, and if the cops come up with something, wait, yeah, of course, you’re the only supervillain on the planet.” . now interpol will give up everything and have to worry about looking for you, looking at photos, boil it, that means
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the money they stole from them, so what? listen, well, if we take this money away, they definitely won’t run to complain, the money will be ours, the right topic, you think what you ’re saying, but wait, the money is where it is... this bug is ours, oops, how did you determine , well, i didn’t want to talk in front of everyone, well, talk, talk, well, you see, look, there’s a trace of
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varnish, i smeared it about three months ago, so i found out, cool, well, i’m accidental, and why are you happy, well, i i’m glad that you’re not so flawless, otherwise i ’ve developed an inferiority complex, yes, flawless, well, of course, please look in the magazine to see who was last given the t-uh, okay, but how are we going to find caudle there, even the cops can’t find it, wait, well, the zotach will help her, imagine how mad he is that he has this money they took it, and we know that these are gray boilers, and that you propose to go to him, yes, we will tell him who stole the money, and he will tell us where the sulfur boilers are hiding, he probably knows your children’s places, so he will find them himself then , he can’t, he’s stupid.
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yes, where, why haven’t we seen such people, i don’t know, look, the orientations are the same, uh-huh, come on, catch up, wow, this dacha needs to be given back in an amicable way, now the contract is with the deputy, it ’s, what’s his name, in simple, written form, so, wait, for some reason? “i myself bought this dacha from zotov, but it’s not his dacha , he didn’t sell his own, ted has become quite an old sick man, he doesn’t
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understand at all what he’s snoring, no, well, this is his dacha, i saw the documents, well, well, well, either money or life, by the way, the person who wants to buy a dacha, the lad offers for it, that it’s a normal price, especially for you, well, if that’s the case..." the situation, i, of course i’ll sell it, but just give it at the same price as i bought it, so that it’s not cheaper for me, okay, don’t be rude, but what if you kill me? what kind of rubbish, no, it’s cutting, those, please, is it you, or something, a knife, to the side, please come out, i myself, myself,
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myself, myself. yourself, now, there were no instructions about you, live, hello, vladimir georgievich, and what do you need? oh, can i take a picture with you on my phone? are you crazy? is this why you brought me here? where is my money? i don't have any money. if you want to take the dacha, take it, i already have it here he’s sitting there saying that he’s not there at all, he’s not there at all, then sing, i mean, oh, yes, please.
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yes, i’m listening, good afternoon, hello, dmitry sergeevich, tell me, was this person with you? where did he go? and as far as i understand, you can be congratulated, you chose a wedding dress, if anything, i have an excellent partner.
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i’ll bring it up, don’t you bark, what can be overheard, your quiet rose, the little girl put everyone in sleep in the forest, the girl put everyone in sleep, in the forest in the forest, from... the song, hello, hello, heals both the soul and sores you forget, you don’t think about death, and i want to live, yes, ivan mikhailovich, that’s right, that’s right, vladimirich, that’s right, she’s painless, familiar, what, where have i seen her, huh? where you saw it,
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you won’t see it again, maybe some water. stop, stop, raised your hands, wanted to be a policeman, get it, everything is fine, hands behind your head, come on, come on!
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kamyshek, throw it, the next bullet is yours, come on, andrey! vladimir georgievich, besides your former henchmen kotl and serov,
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someone else could have come here, because it was someone who installed your bug, but no, there was no one, well, it’s true, my son came for a couple of months back, son, yes. they also had a fight over an inheritance, he’s a bastard, not a son, yeah, you think it’s him, andrei, yes, he’s been detained at the police station, and in the meantime i’ll drop the albino girl off at the hotel, please, thank you, goodbye, vladimir georgievich, see you goodbye, goodbye, ivan mikhailovich, let's take him away, let's go. be more careful there with my boyfriend , it will be clear, come on, let's go, let's go, each of us has something dear to us, honor, memory,
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present and future, dear, sincere, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we don’t throw words to the wind. and don’t abandon our own, join your people, stand your ground, we’ll figure it out ourselves, after all, this is our operation, i’m not interested in the laurels of the winner, my job is to catch bandits.
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last winter, my family and i lived in the urals , there were boys there with whom zotoch was at enmity, they... had a grudge against me, in short, they grabbed my wife and child and waved across the lake on the ice, zotych had something to do with it, but he didn’t even know me then, he chased after them on his own business, in short, the ice cracked and my wife and daughter went under the water, azotych chased after them. after that he got pneumonia, and now cancer, married with a child saved? yes, only after that she still
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left me, with her daughter, and now i’m not quite done, but apparently i’ll be dying without you. for the murder of vaneev you will be given at least 7 years, it’s a pity, but i’m not sorry, nothing, and i think i, too , learned in my childhood to accept my fate, come on, come on.
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who else are you? i, slava, am the son of vera ivanovna. i know who stole 3 million, i want to find the money and give it to you. well, come on in. turn me off. yes, vladimirevich. go into the house, don’t forget that
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you shouldn’t be nervous, go into the house, closer come, you want the money back, what’s your interest, i want to take revenge for my mother, they almost killed her, i’m tired of... wait, wait, i’ll tell you the truth now, well, take me for a ride around the garden, young man, you can, yes , come in, dim, well, report, in general, they didn’t find anything hot, but he’s clearly in the city, uh-huh, and he’s clearly hiding from the police, she told him how to screw up. he immediately gave a damn, which means
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he definitely handed her over, it looks like, yes, slavik goryachev will probably surpass pavlik morozov, so it’s my fault that they attacked her, i betrayed her, help me, come on. it’s all pride, son, you didn’t wish your mother harm, you had fear, yes, that’s where all the crap comes from, that ’s where everyone is clean. so will you help me?
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no, i don’t even know where serov has lyoshka with the boiler. if i had known, i would have torn them up myself, although maybe they just dragged the singer to themselves. so they kidnapped her. now my man has already recaptured her, don’t be afraid , they’re singing songs in restaurants again, but where did they take her, in which direction, they stopped them outside the city, almost in the yashkin forest, so yours is there too the house you sold her, the hut is empty , go there, check, if you return the money... so i
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’m not for rewards, come on, kid, i sent a request about zotov’s son, we’re waiting for an answer, yeah, ivan mikhailovich, yes- yes , i just found out about the bug, well now, a month ago, as if it were defective, according to vasilevskaya’s statement, apparently she took it, and the bug is working, that’s the news, how is it here? i told you,
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it’s not for nothing that she has a new car, ivan mikhailovich, you need to call at all times, it’s not human, you should talk to her first talk, but somehow carefully, or something, about being careful, i don’t promise, sit down and don’t twitch. i myself, well, first we need to coat it somehow, or what? grandma, what a wedding, how could this even occur to you? light, i just wanted everything to be calculated in advance. you spread the gossip in advance, that's why you do it, huh? a girl, i’ve always said, is graced by restraint, but not restraint, makes a girl’s demands understandable, but with
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you, damn it, it doesn’t work. marsanna, vera, ivan, why are you out of the ward? come out, well, give me some sedative, i’m heartbroken because of slavik. svetochka, please take vera ivanovna to the room, i ’ll bring you something now, baby, you, don’t argue with your grandmother, don’t quarrel with her, we, grandmothers, mothers, always know better what you need, we are here for you we will stop at nothing, we will do anything. let me actually take you to the room. well, well, ivan mikhailovich, i’m listening to you. olga leonidovna, i’m talking about the meters. so? we established that there was a bug in zotov's house, with with the help of which the counters found out when and
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to whom he transferred the money. great, and this has been known for a long time, why didn’t they tell me? because this bug is yours. according to your statement, it was written off, only you could have warned the meters that we were going to take them, what are you doing? are you crazy? what are you doing, what are you allowing yourself to do, how dare you, i don’t even know where these damn counters are, i haven’t talked to anyone about this... i’m like that, i need, i need an hour, i need
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to talk to one writer, and it doesn’t matter when i return, i’ll go myself. olga leonidovna, i can’t let you go like this. ivan mikhailovich, if only your wife committed a crime. tell me, would you like to talk to her before they take her? okay, you have an hour.
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dim, what are you doing? light, should we talk about something about meters? ah... no, i’m talking about dim, dim, if it’s not done, then don’t do it now, i need to check one very important idea, well, this is about an attack on a hot one, but i won’t tell you anything now, when i ’ll be in everything i'm sure i'll show and tell everything, okay, no, light, i'm talking about us you, what are you, also this wedding fever, dim, well... “i feel very good with you, calmly, i like to communicate, but understand, i’m not ready for a new relationship yet, forgive me, no, it’s you who forgive me, dim, just let’s not be offended, okay, and as for
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grandparents, well, grandparents will understand everything, accept it, let’s be friends, come on!” olga, hello, hello! olya, you, could you give me the results of a ballistic examination regarding the murder of dzyuba and this attack on the hot one? light, well, with all due respect, why on earth? well, you see, i one thing to check maybe. that it wasn’t the boiler that fired, well that means gray and not gray, you know, at our academy we just finished the ballistics course and... well, in general, here it is.
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how will you lure them out? relax, i've already thought of everything. the main thing is that angelica doesn’t let us down. singer, what does she have to do with it? give me the phone. do you have the number of the guy who wanted to screw up the documents at the state register. what did you come up with, huh? wait here, ivan mikhailovich,
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and we made a discovery and it’s all thanks to sveta. oh, please, come on, the gray cauldron is 80 meters tall, if they shot at the duba, then the bullet would have entered at an angle, or more specifically, in short, judging by the entrance hole, a rostrel. and both of our defendants are much taller, so they don’t fit, yeah, the hot guy has the right height , listen, ivan mikhailovich, even if he killed his own mother, and that’s why she said that she didn’t remember the criminal, the bedspreads are from her son, well, yes, male, she will forgive everything, i think that, of course, i am not enough.
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i don't need anything, and i don't work here, who
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are you? my name is arina, i am from slavik, who is the son, who sold you the dacha, again this dacha, well, who are you from, from the bandits, from zotych, who are you anyway, and from hot slavik, i, we want to help his mother, she has three lemons. in life, you can’t get the treasure back, but we know who ruined it and we can get the money back, but what do you need from me, an autograph, i can take a photo, we’ll have a drink, my dad is an electrician, he talks to people like they’re oxidized contacts, you want to establish contact , wipe with alcohol, let’s not establish any contacts, now you ’ll explain everything to me in 5 minutes, or i’ll call security, i’ll do it quickly. come on i need you we made one call and lured the bandits
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out of their lair, we will do the rest ourselves, we prepare the supply, we stand up, we must catch suppliers red-handed, we accepted the driver, but what about the runner, he gave up without a fight, there are thousands of ways to legalize stolen cars, this is just one of them , fresh. news major chertanov 102 special battalion of traffic police, special battalion, just don’t hit him, no, we work with them differently, today at 22:15 on ntv. mask, new season from february 18, 2020 on ntv. vascular disorders, blood clots, valicosis. the reason for these poor blood vessels can cause health problems. angionorm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots, relieve inflammation and strengthen the walls
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there is plenty of sun here, during the day in vladivostok in blagoveshchensk it is -4-5°, but the night frosts are still... reminding us that it is still february on the calendar. in eastern siberia , calm weather prevails, it is cold only in khakassia and tyva, in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory it is not at all wintery -5, there will be no precipitation in the next couple of days, but in western siberia there are snowstorms, snowfalls, in novosibirsk there is still a slight frost, but tomorrow there will be thaw, the urals are also covered with snow, on european territory it is rapidly getting colder, however, the northern regions will magically bypass the frost, the temperature there will even rise a little, but for the middle zone there are no concessions, for the next 5 days the forecast is arctic cold, from veliky novgorod to vladimir -15 and even lower, to the southern regions of the cold snap it won’t get there, on the contrary, it’s getting warmer every day, precipitation is still possible in the ozovo region, on the black sea coast, it’s warm and sunny in spring. in st. petersburg today it is 12:14 below zero with no precipitation, in moscow
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it is still -11 sunny. max, max! what a surprise, i didn’t expect you, you know, today i also have a similar day of surprises, yeah, why are we messing around here, and me? and who are you, and max, who are you anyway, and you used me , yes, you used me, there was no book
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, there will be a book, there will be, hello, who, wow, didn’t expect it, tell the boiler and the gray one that i’m ready rewrite the dacha in my room, don’t worry, those who have been warned will be allowed through to the reception. thank you, great, great, now we’ll write our book, right, we’ll finish it now, finish it, because i’m calling to the operatives, your eyes are really beautiful, thank you, lie down, i said, lie down, i said. they'll find you anyway, max, god,
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get out! well, of course, i don’t know what this girl is really up to. no, no, albina, you did everything right, you are safe here. thank you, so, did rina say where she and slavik will look for money? no, she just said that she would see everything from the forest. sveta, if i allowed you to enter the office again, this does not mean that you can ... interfere, yes please, listen, where is alekseev, he is not picking up the phone, ivan mikhailovich, a request for the zotich boy came
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, i don’t have time now, print it out, we’ll see on the road, please, okay, thank you, albina, andrey, ivan mikhailovich, where can i go, maybe you can give me some kind of security, i don’t have any free ones people, you can sit here , no, well, maybe i can’t go to some office due to our absence, tamara, tamara, the duty officer has disappeared somewhere, she ’ll be back now, she’ll get you settled, i won’t be here like a poor relative stand, but where can i leave you behind, oh, look, we have today it seems clean here , come in, please come through, yeah, here, wait, let's go, great, come on, let's go ahead, like a trespasser, well, we are peaceful people, let us go, where, park, over there, go ahead, well, this is
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chaos , boss, anna, let’s go in, let’s go in, well, it’s such chaos, it’s so quiet that here, we’ll stand against the wall. let's go, let's go, well, let's start, sit, think about how to behave, nikolaevich, where are you, lord, i'll complain, where, to the strasbourg court, come on, come on, so that i can be quiet here, well, boss. albina! and you and i have already taken pictures!
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veniam! but slavik never came. everything began with this dacha. it’s not okay, my whole life is awry, oh well, everything will settle down somehow, life goes on and changes. renovations are already starting at that dacha , i met angelina, she said that she had already called the workers, black crow, why are you hanging over my... head, you won’t get any spoils,
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i’m not a black crow, well, you’ll forgive me , an albino, but... “if mazurov said, you need to sit, you need to sit, you need to, so you need to, and two zlorts appeared, well, sit down, sit down, help yourself, pears, apples, in general, at the reception they said that angelina is already on her way, so send money to everyone, thank you, everyone is free, well, i said,
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just take the gun away, hands, arms, police, weapons on the ground, come on, come on, carefully, come on, yeah , so that, wait,
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you’re like, yes, mash, van, the hot faith has disappeared from the hospital, well, this wasn’t enough yet, i’m in
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shock, okay.
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there’s nothing, well, look in the other room, the money should definitely be here somewhere, hello, hello, who are you? so i thought that the money was here somewhere, but i hid it, not a cauldron or a gray one, but someone also, someone i didn’t expect to see here. my hopes were justified, hello, on my way out, quickly, quickly, i said, please don’t. quickly, i said, to the exit, run, run, run, i said, forward, forward, forward, run, i said, quickly, enclosure, run,
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run, enclosure, quickly, let's go, enclosure, i said, let's go, leg , take your leg away, i said , yes, my grandfather will tear you apart, move away from the bars, do n’t touch them, don’t touch them, mom, why are you here, get out of here, be quiet, she said, don’t touch them, that’s what i was waiting for you, i'll i beg you, don’t kill them, i stole it for slavik’s sake, to save slavik, to pay off the debt for him, is that you? yes, yes, i, i stole the money. now, now, i hid sanzhelina here at the dacha after the deal, here, here they are, take it, here is your money, it’s all a pretty penny, please take it, who shot you, who? yes, i shot myself, i
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stole a pistol in the evening, then i specifically hid the bag in the industrial zone, well, to take suspicion away from myself, and then i wanted to shoot, as if the bandits were on... move away, it’s quiet, quiet, quiet , quiet, that's enough, help, give me the phone, phone,
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help, come on, shout, what is this, god, zastavsky, hands up, stand up, arms,
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grandfather, i know. what are you taking , damn it, grandfather again, well, guys, let's change the sharpener, yes , may he rest in peace, they say he died with a smile on his face, maybe because he knew that the money he transferred was very helped, children's. “come on, kingdom of heaven, well, as a family of goryavykhs, it ’s normal, slavik is just very worried, after all, the mother’s deadline is coming,
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svetka, as normal, writes that she passed session, it seems she has a new boyfriend, yes dimka. have you wasted your happiness? we're friends. oh, ours is singing? why talk? fuck you, i took pictures with her. after all, what do you lose ? good afternoon. how are you doing? well, at least the izbeshniki fell behind, thank god, well. “that’s good, yes, you’re in the car
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, you know, i’ll make the arrangements now, they’ll take you, no, no, thank you, i’ll take a walk, there’s something to think about, okay, good-bye, good-bye, free!” we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency incident, looking for parking spaces. from the first broadcast on ntv, the program was an emergency
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incident in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. the rescue operation of doctors in the nizhny novgorod region had every chance of a tragic outcome, but the ambulance brigade did not lose hope until the last moment and itself accepted the help of the firefighters of the tractor driver. she responded to a call from the ambulance team in the village of solovyov; she herself needed emergency help from the local residents. the car is in reverse. along the way with the patient , got stuck in the snow, skidded for more than an hour, to the left turn a little, let's go back, a little , stop, we'll dig up, men with shovels, as they say, in such cases, did everything they could, fought to the last, doctors at that time tried to stabilize the condition of a woman with a heart attack, the driver called a second team, but their gazelle also got stuck in the snow porridge, firefighters tried to resuscitate the situation... and their ural, well, here we are stuck in...


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