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tv   Pyos-5  NTV  February 8, 2024 10:35am-1:01pm MSK

10:35 am
tomorrow i will tell you, evgenia neronskaya. most of the far east is under the dome of the anticyclone, so there is minimal precipitation. but coastal areas will remain aside. cyclones follow each other here. but in chukotka there were snowstorms in places. and by the way, only here the temperature is eight degrees higher than the climate norm. in the rest of the territory everything is within the limits of what is required. high temperature anomalies in siberia, where it is 12° warmer than normal. it is not surprising why in many cities in the southern part the values ​​turned positive. precipitation...
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maksimov, this is murder, the inside of the hat is treated with poison, uh-huh, the poisonous substance got into the skin and the actor died literally in a matter of seconds, how theatrically direct. like in agatha christie’s novels, yes, i’m rare, organic, uh-huh, why are you so pale, didn’t show it today, that i, what, you touched the hat, well, how can i say, touched it, of course, uh-huh, drowsiness, pallor, dehydration, what?
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don’t touch me, okay, but if anything happens, come straight to me, and under no circumstances sleep, come in, i’ve simply never eaten lobster, the first time, they were a little expensive for me, but that was before, now of course i’ll be stuffing myself, first thing in the morning, sit down, uncle, don’t be shy.
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remember, this is my beloved uncle ignat, uncle mokhnat from brazil, a billionaire, by the way, shut your mouth in general, are you crazy, you wanted an international scandal for me here, well, guys, on the occasion of our acquaintance, i’ll give everyone a bucket of black caviar, hurray, hurray, and a bucket of champagne, really? there is one problem,
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i only have with me brazilian tugriks, reals, which, yes, that’s what i say, yes i say that and said, could you friends lend me your local money, of course, uncle, yes, take it, i don’t mind anything for you, thank you, thank you, well, since you are friends of my beloved nephew, then i’ll go buy it to every armored hummer, a joke, uncle, there is, wait for me, listen, by the way, what do we have with our wife, this is a murdered man, a divorce from the murdered man’s wife? lives
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separately, she has a new boyfriend, last name is filatov, he has something, well , divorce proceedings, they divide property, the wife would not receive anything, apparently, but after his death she...
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on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. mask - new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. this is a happy sale on ozone. have time to please. benefit east. product of the week. philips trimmer for 2.699. oh, it's good in the old courtyard. i'll move in with you and cut down the house. it is necessary to chop according to science. here, take our meat grinders. for this sausage we chop the meat coarsely, coarsely with a meat grinder for meatiness, and for the meat mincer servilat we chop the meat into small pieces so that the taste is more tender, finely minced, comparable, and really different in appearance, mm and taste, delicious in the old courtyard meat grinder, i’ll definitely run over,
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meat grinder old farmsteads, delicious meat grinder, yes, i’m not a good guy, people have secrets, and i have photos of these secrets, but... the villain of the story is not me, dim, i got caught spoiling, he has your photos there is also, of course there is, this is the all-seeing eye of the industry, but i’m not happy that he has my photos, where i eat, where i relax, where i look ridiculous, these are my personal data, and personal data, so he exists and at the same time, he leaves his passport on an unreliable site, so he rests and dictates a code from an sms to someone, if you still do this is without... a defender, scammers will strip you down to your underpants, by the way, there is also such a photo, what kind of defender, we care about your digital security, connect mts defender, intelligent platform of security technologies, blocking incoming spam calls, data leakage control, monitoring applications for unauthorized
10:43 am
loans and other services, alen, let me help, thank you, you have a whole package here. i’m not sure, banks have so many conditions, legal entity, alen with a free vtb debit card, 10% cashback on everything, help, it’s better for me, there’s cashback for there is enough for everyone, vtb, together everything will work out, the peculiarity is in the fermentation technology, so my choice is doshrak, and my chan ramen and my own recipes? kozherak is the secret of taste in the broth. choose your favorite brands on wildberries. enjoying tenderness and quality every day. the tender night towel will allow you to plunge into an atmosphere of complete relaxation after a shower or bath. at great prices on wildberries. holiday discounts on your favorite
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products in a magnet. briquette flombir 48 kopecks. 99.99. magnet - the price is what you need. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video, how high is the speed, and what is the wide coverage? where are we, where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can pick up even there, the number one mobile operator in terms of speed of coverage, who benefits from the ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores, those who like to simply save and receive interest on the deposit, with azonbank a draw of up to 100% cashback. and up to 16% per annum on the deposit, to please one princess or to arrange a holiday for everyone, every occasion is important. order from your favorites shops and restaurants. sbermarket - for
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any occasion. grandma's sweater, yarn sweaters, the warm sun of the summer beach, the long nights that were, this is the warmth that we saved. while the bride was dreaming of a wedding, her groom ended up in a pre-trial detention center because he strangled and dismembered his mistress, he strangled her, he began to cut her up. she is torn to pieces, this is cruel, this is very cruel, but the bride does not believe that the groom could intentionally kill the girl, and now she is waiting for her betrothed to come out of prison so that she can still marry him, i still love him, she was in love with him, just like you, for which the groom grabbed his mistress’s neck with a death grip, she insulted him, and he was able to effectively strangle her, why didn’t he take her like that, if he wanted to bury a person when he dies, he... it’s very difficult, you can’t lift him , you know, if a person dismembers another
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person simply to make it easier to carry, but this is beyond the bounds of truth, he also mutilated her so that she would not be identified, such a person will free himself and he will start killing again, this is beyond the bounds, today 16:45 on ntv. igor, what? and where? who? rolls-royce, joke, just joke, i’ll soon be bathing in luxury, and you ’ll still be wandering around the trash heaps, miserable assholes. igor, what an unexpected meeting. uncle, hello, shut your mouth, kill your animal, he is disgracing me all over brazil. now, now, you’re in honolu, my friend , can you imagine, but my bentley still hasn’t
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been delivered to the car dealership, the bentley hasn’t been delivered, but i have business in the city, could you lend me your car, uncle, to you, yes, well, what questions for you, i still don’t feel sorry for anything, it’s good to have such a nephew, yes, it’s good to have me, yes, but what, you haven’t exchanged your money for mine and ours yet, wait, are you afraid that i won’t return your money? uncle, what are you, how could you think? no, i just asked again, this is a gold standard, i’ll give it to you when i take you away, sorry, i have a lot to do, see you. i propose to set a trap, i’ll come up and immediately
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tell you about that dead actor, if she ’s surprised, it’s definitely her, stand, stand, stand, stand, now i’ll give you the number, run through the owner. come on, do you hear, maxim, there won’t be a place for you in my , my car, and then, if anything happens, i can even take you as my driver, well, i say, lord, how i dream about this, really, i, i realized that, i understand, yes, vaktan, max, the minibus belongs to grigory felatov, this is the lover of the kidnapped woman, where to look for him, how do i know, he has a car service center, i sent you the address. got it, touch it,
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oh look, igor! and this is not your car, mine has doors, a hood, wheels, look, and the numbers look similar, think about it, exactly, this is a coincidence, now, now, now, look, my mother wrote this word to you, what do you want to say, my millionaire uncle sold my car for parts, not much, he was tanned, good, well, that means the weather was lousy, hello, hello, please tell me, here is n’t it on this bus
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that a dyed-haired blonde was kidnapped literally half an hour ago, well , what can you do, then it means a garage, a bus, everything is ready for inspection, guys, figure it out, but figure it out, let’s do it! oh, and the documents are just like mine, what a coincidence, amazing, oh, and the wheels are not mine, you're a lousy detective, maksimov!
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nobody kidnapped me, i’m hiding here, so what kind of circus is this theft, it was my idea, it was i who suggested that lari hide, why, when i found out that yakovle was dead, i immediately. i understood what he would think about us, but we decided to sit out until everything was sorted out, all the passions had subsided, these are complicated plans, maybe you just decided to get rid of your ex-husband, so as not to share anything, we have nothing to do with the death of my husband, did n't he die of a heart attack? no, no, yakovlev was poisoned, you’ll find out, no, no, no, no
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, you can’t touch it with your hands, i put it on it, oh, this is the hat that i wanted to try on, try it on, no , no, no, if i try it on, it’s screwed, it’s all mine wealth is down the drain, who feels bad , wait, it’s not yakovlev’s hat, they decided everything, yes, i remember my husband’s hat well, yes, it was the same style, but its color was different, it was brown, and this is gray, we’re sure of course, he could have gotten it wrong; he was colorblind. what kind of tuning is this, which parts are easier to get, for a ferrari or a bounty, for hearse, oh, envy, keep quiet, bacchante, and my
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uncle will install a gas installation for me. new stars, who are you, mask? mask february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. chef, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. honey, are you ready yet? i thought about how much i need to pay for and also
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send money to my mother. let's pay for tinkov. apply for a tinkov black card and. make payments and transfers without commission always sinkov. choose your favorite brands at wildberries. reliable helpers for skin care during and after shaving. a wide range of men's products with pleasant discounts. you can find all this on wildberries. it's easy to imagine your ideal home. it’s not always possible to build , so just imagine everything else, from selecting a site to choosing a contractor, trust the section build a house for a house click that again the holidays everyone needs gifts, gifts, daughters
10:55 am
a toy, mom a bag, husband a jacket, gifts, buy them all at once split 006, hour 0 rub. everything else later without overpayments. even more gifts on yandex market. homsley blanket for rub 1,440. or realmi c53 smartphone for rub 11,260. oh, where's your damaged one? martin? i won a new sticker. the owner of the rvs 729 car bought a big special at a delicious point. i scanned the application code and won the car from blueprints. believe it or not, you want a car. mask new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv.
10:56 am
than hearing 100 times what you think works? what, i don’t think so, i know, you’re dark , of course, now i know my wife, how and what’s there, how to take it, call, it’s all simple, when you order , they’ll explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, leave it. try it for yourself then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what’s there to think , call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better
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to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold - this is a modern complex on based on natural ingredients that are on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. when ordering by phone on the screen, you guaranteed to be protected from counterfeiting and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. “hold your hands,
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we’ll figure it out ourselves, after all, this is our operation, i’m not interested in the laurels of the winner, my job is to catch bandits, boss, it’s a new season, but warn me”? gave it away, wanted another, gave it away and a third and so on, i only knew about nina, but about i didn’t know anushka with anyone, she had four, then she gave birth to another fifth girl,
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named tanya. 60 years have passed, and they still cannot all get together. i have a 20 -year-old younger sister, tatyana. will all the children of mother cuckoo finally be able to see each other? and already in the orphanage. a girl came and said that she was my sister, well, somehow we didn’t see each other again, i opened the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv, here’s a question for backfilling, where yakovlev could take someone else’s hat, well, before the rehearsal he went into the bar.
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that's it, come on, so igor, come on, go with max, take the magazine and go, yes, i remember this red swimsuit, wow, i'm on it, wow, come on, but time is inexorable, fucked anderson, it's already a little old for me, yeah, and don’t let him sleep, hello, well, hello, why don’t you ask me what to pour for me, alyosha? they obviously didn’t come here to drink, this is only
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for regulars. yeah, this is a fairly regular visitor, i don’t remember, i don’t keep track of visitors, i don’t, but it’s hard not to notice, look at what hat he’s wearing a little stupid, but our visitors are well-mannered, they leave hats, umbrellas, coats on the rack at the entrance and don’t wear hats in the bar, like your friend, i’ll tell him that, okay, but you have a surveillance camera, only outside. well, let's go, take me to her, or what? get out of here, it's a simple place, not for me, i know, it's less than a buck a piece, i don't drink a bottle, but why do you judge the taste by the cost? well, there is a simple rule: what is good is expensive, we millionaires don’t know this, i’m thinking about it. where are the pitchforks
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buy, maybe in switzerland, don’t know where the products are cheaper, this is mine, oh, sorry, i didn’t know this was your sandwich, this is my girlfriend. look, 10:45 , a man comes out of the bar, he’s wearing the same hat, only of a different color, lesh, here, and yakovlev left the bar 10 minutes earlier, he mistakenly put on someone else’s hat, and i ’ll become a millionaire, right away i’ll get myself a personal chef for one half-eaten
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sandwich. this is how every time there is such a scandal, the man in the video is fyodor primogenov, like fyodor primogenov, businessman, 46 years old, i don’t know, what was he doing there, his office is at the other end of the city, well, i need to talk to him, maybe he knows who wanted to send him away to his father, that’s right, i suggest we split up, yeah, i’ll go to his office, yeah, eh you? go to his house, okay, i’ll go, yes , listen, you don’t look so sleepy anymore, and i lyoshka pretend to be cheerful, and i lyoshenka, i ’ll go with maximov, i want to distinguish myself on the last day of work, and then guys, arividerzein, i’ll get drunk then, well, look.
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yeah, igoresha, where have you been, uncle, i thought you were kidnapped, listen, how are you here without me, oh, i repainted the car, and by the way, i wanted
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you... excuse me, how did my masredes end up being dismantled? god bless him, i just bought a porsche for you, but a problem arose: the car dealership doesn’t accept brazilian cards. well, it’s a bastard and a mess at the ministry of finance, but i called and asked to transfer 2 million brazilian bullion to your card, to my card? yes, how much is this in dollars? 2 million. i ’ve already talked to you about this, yes, listen, well, to make a transfer, i need your card, your passport, yes, yes, of course, uncle, of course, what questions, here is my passport, oh, and here is my card, come on, come on, come on, dmitriev
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will arrive any minute, and how will we recognize him, what kind of car he has, well, this is it. you don’t understand something,
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there are two options, which one? i’ll probably go with mine, it’s the right choice. yes, i had disagreements with the prima agent, but we are in the same business. well, we decided to have some fun with our competitor, right? yes, i didn’t intend to kill him and poison his hat, it’s completely insanity. what was the scandal in his office then? didn't we make a scandal? on the contrary, i invited the direct one to sign a settlement, he agreed.
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hello, i won’t bother you, oh, maksimov, my last name is knyazdilov, i’ll ask you to remember , but also remember, igor, what police bribe-takers turn into, what do you need, you were hired to look after your daughter, premogenov, you can’t even remember your last name without me . well, let's say, yeah, well, who is his daughter dating, and you want me to tell you this information for free, of course, he disappeared, he only paid you an advance, right,
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so it's in your interests to tell me everything, what do you know, the daughter of a primogenic ing is dating a guy named zhenya, who is he? he is a swindler, he meets rich chicks, conning them into money, where to look for him, he takes the chicks to the same hotel, and i’ll send you a photo, thanks for the free consultation, nestilov, my last name, yes. igor, please, my friend, send me your card pin code, so i can make sure that the money has been transferred, 1, 2, 3, yes, four, thank you, please.
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oh, our clients, we give them a couple of minutes, let’s come in.
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new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. we are with
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yurai decided on gifts. and you, your son wants a radio-controlled car, and maxim is hinting at smart watches. and will you give me a hint? i want a robot vacuum cleaner. i'll give you a life hack. come on, buy a gift with a free vtb credit card, a full 200 days without interest. and 20% cashback on everything. so how? than you get up twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate
11:14 am
, afalase, afalase - a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma, grandmother's sweater, twisted from yarn, mother's hands after separation, the warm sun of a summer beach, the support of her best friend and correspondence through the distance, the long nights that were, an old photo with all my friends, this is the warmth that we saved, rolton 25 we fly warmly. hello, we found out that i told you a thousand times about sbp, now i’ll come out and tell you about sbpay , download the sbp application, link your bank account and you can pay for anything through an nfc sign in one touch or using the sbp qr code, thank you , that it’s easy to find, and if you’re too lazy to go somewhere, there’s an sbp button for online shopping, well, see you later. national lottery, leon's dream
11:15 am
23 - this is guaranteed to be more than 23 prizes of a million and a super prize of 100 million, tickets at mail, dreamleon, crush your dreams, every day we arrange a small holiday for your loved one, happy monday, please your loved ones any february with discounts on orders from restaurantsex-food, this is a delightful sale on ozone, hurry up to please, the benefit is a delight, don’t miss it, hartens tv for 12.999, eye cream. geltek for 699, desk for 1.699, this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment, mom, look, mom katya is a teacher, dad maxim is a fireman, the gavrilovs honor traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it developer, alena is a designer, gavrilov’s guys have a dog. they are so different, but there is something that unites them. vtb,
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everything will work out. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. the breakthrough of the blockade ring and the victory in the battle for leningrad are the most important events for our homeland. for 900 days and nights, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, together with the townspeople, fought against the fascist invaders. this is a story of heroism and invincible fortitude of those who defended ours. homeland, the city did not give up, despite terrible trials, no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten, in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade and... the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal for every russian. the medal is absolutely free for you. you only pay 299 rubles for delivery. preserve the memory of the heroic victory and pass it on to your children and grandchildren. call and order an anniversary medal
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toll-free: 8800 600 68 05 or on the website medaallengrad.rf. central. television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. it is impossible to live life without making mistakes, it is important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and even more important - to learn to forgive. i want to apologize to my aunt. kirill, who do you want to ask for forgiveness from? denis's. is it your friend? yes. 4 years ago, my mother died from a very serious illness. i crashed someone else's car. that’s all and sent it to my family, she didn’t understand that mom would leave and she wouldn’t be there, i decided to teach this person a lesson too, it seems to me that you want to ask for forgiveness not at his aunt’s, in fact at his mother’s, he arrived as if nothing had happened, do you want to regain friendship again, it would be advisable to start communicating,
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to forgive or not to forgive, the final decision is yours, please forgive me, the premiere of a new show with... tell me how you work with girls, but i don’t understand what you’re talking about, come here, why so, good, good, okay, well, i find
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a suitable candidate, i seduce you, let you try coke, and then i scam you out of money, i mean damn, it’s me and my friends who can get hooked on drugs, like all the hollywood stars, have you gone crazy or something, this is for people, i’m interested in the father of one of the girls, what’s his last name, primogens, here he is, he figured me out, well, that i want to scam inga out of money, first he threatened, and then ... we agreed on what we agreed on, he offered money so that i would leave, so i left, it’s clear where i am now, took my daughter, took me abroad, away from people like me, like there are no such people there, from here?
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what is it, what do you want, get out of here, by the way, he saved your life, otherwise you would be lying in a coffin in a poisonous cap, well and that, by the way, i also often warned about the danger when i said that i would kill him, it’s better for you, yes, i’m not bad, but i’m not sure, it’s not yet clear who could have poisoned him. his competitor dmitriev disappears, well, this is evgeniy’s fiancé, also beyond suspicion, you took pills, yes, mom, it’s strange why they don’t work, maybe you’ll sleep with us today, with pleasure, i have a better idea,
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primogens only arrive at night, tomorrow we’ll warn him in the morning, but for now i’ll stay overnight at max’s... i’ll keep an eye on him, and then i’ll stay overnight at your place, lyosha. don’t sleep, don’t sleep and you, my dear, good morning, there’s no such thing as a good morning, especially when you’ve spent the night in hell. “yes , he was watching me so desperately, leshenka, right up to the point of snoring, i never snore, this is your dog, no, leshenka, he
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doesn’t make completely different sounds from you, hello, hello, good morning, how are you feeling, it happened and it’s worse, but it’s like i’m already, there ’s nothing to even worry about, you should cook something, i’m for it. let’s do without these breakfasts for three, okay, let’s do without breakfasts for four, especially since we’ll all have breakfast we won't have time anyway i also need to warn pryamogenov that yes, uh-huh, uh-huh, i understand, come on, this pryamogenov has been killed.
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is there anything from the cctv cameras? this unlucky man refused primogens, they wanted to poison him, and you see how he died from an unfair accident. why do you say that? well, it’s obvious, the man didn’t get enough sleep, he stuck him behind the wheel and into the wall, there’s practically no damage on his body , just like a car, he didn’t even have time to accelerate, that’s right, he didn’t even have time to accelerate, he just stuck him in the first pederraci, and you went look, what is he doing, what is he doing, second since igor saved her in the ass, he tore my pants, now i’m new... i’ll buy it, i don’t even have money, there’s no more left, a question for you, by the way, uncle, you know, igor, you’re
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still worried, well, i’m glad to see me, listen, uncle, here’s the thing, they didn’t send me any money, and i’ll tell you more, and mine disappeared from the account somewhere. so it’s probably that money was withdrawn from the card to pay for the transaction, 2 million, that’s a lot of money, no matter what, of course, yes, and i’m dealing with the documents, like, i want to transfer my villa to you on the ocean shore, a villa, but there ’s a problem with the documents, what a problem, you have a bureaucracy in your country, in order not to pay taxes you need to register it as an exchange, you know? no , well, i need you to sign over your apartment to me, in exchange i’ll sign over my villa to you, i don’t know, i don’t know, along with the keyboard, well
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listen, here’s your villa, come on, where to sign, come on, please, here here, come on, look, it’s being done, well done, come on, be there. i won’t even pay attention to you, envy in silence, i understand, there are only envious people around, you look like the devil, or like leshy, goblin. the poison on the gear lever is the same as on the hat, which means the killer
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finally completed his plan, well, they made it homemade, but with knowledge of the matter, they used an extract of a rare plant, chymus, which means that this orchid grows in the tropics, and somehow you can track the traffic , there is an address for an office that supplies flowers from brazil, it seems. hello police, we need lists of people and companies who ordered orchids from brazil, do you have a decree, do you hear that smartly strong or what if we had stopping here, there back, something to hell with you, dudes, i haven’t understood anything myself yet, but we really hope for your cooperation. it’s more expensive to cooperate with a cop, but bubend is of course cheaper, you go, we can’t help
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, well, that’s a different conversation. well, we can’t leave without lists, then they’ll take you out, lists!
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answer quickly, what the hell is this, let’s look, there’s only one delivery for these orchids, the rio denero bar, and by the way, i have an uncle from brazil, a billionaire, he didn’t know, maximum, that you were calling like that, but i thought that private mailers never at all... you abuse free consultations, the one who planted the daughter of this primogenov, so he took all the drugs, in a bar in rio de janeiro, from barman , nicknamed lesha, the issue of the unification of germany is up to us, not the losers of the war the germans lived so well, why this
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perestroika, your gorbachev will ruin our country,
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this is the enemy. the gdr will soon be on ntv. i feel good about these guys. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. holiday discounts on your favorite products in a magnet. briquette 48 kopecks 99.99. magnet. the price is right. this is a happy sale on ozone. have time to please. vyga east don’t miss it, lego for 1.599, richard’s assorted tea for 379, bacheti jeans for 1.899, one friend of mine can do everything, but what can you do, and i get gigabytes from the megaphone just like that, naked charisma, the megaphone cares about its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month, hello, in the magnet you can win your own smart prize, the one that you yourself seethe desire
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to help, the one that spins around the house for you. and now all you have to do is be with loved ones, give time to your loved ones, buy with a card from the magnet application, play, get instant prizes, win smart technology, magnet, national lottery, but what should i give you, seriously, girls, you don’t know what to give, give a dream, lyon’s dream 23 - this is guaranteed more than 23 prizes of a million and a super prize of 100 million, tickets by mail at, dreamleon, give a dream.
11:32 am
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russia, around it are symbols of power, wealth and fertility. call to order a free commemorative medal for every russian. you only pay the delivery cost, 349 rubles. order for free. phone 8800 600 6885 or on the website matishka.rrf. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. they make careers and give birth to children one after another. i can sleep in any position now. in a million-dollar secret, famous mothers of many children will share how they manage everything. where to run? to the salon, to the gym or to work? thought what?
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it seems that it’s difficult to realize yourself with three children, mothers with many children have their secrets worth a million, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv, well, uncle, check it out, but it’s crazy, otherwise, i know what i think. “let’s go with you to rio de janeiro, why won’t i take klava, there are a lot of them there, as he feels, now, hello,
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klava, i can’t talk for long, i’m leaving on a business trip, yes, an urgent examination for shore of the ocean." i don’t understand, you signed the apartment over to someone else and the car is being taken away for debts, someone got a bunch of loans for your documents, damn uncle! that he robbed me, you swindler , i smell swindlers, i can smell what a swindler i am, i’m an artist, when you were bragging
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about your millions in the theater, i decided to punish you a little with money, a little, a little, but you robbed me like a stake, well, well , i’m playing too hard, it happens here, that’s all, you ’re addressed, addressed, then - you’ll let me go to the toilet first, why? are you very scary? i was scared, no, well , of course i understand you, go, just quickly, i’m cooler than the frost bastard, my god, my god my, i actually exposed my uncle, what to offer you, ah, alyoshchik, please, i’ll have some coffee.
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stronger , by the way, well done, you can handle it, he has more drugs, excuse me, what are you talking about, i forgive you, oh, you don’t know the whole story, now i’ll tell you, here, this is evgeniy, he knows what he did, what got a girl hooked on drugs , i don’t know him, of course, you don’t know him, this is dad, one of the girls he got hooked on drugs,
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oh, famous detective, sharlok gnezdilov, would you like to treat the lady? we don't want a lady treat, we are waiting for a particularly dangerous uncle, get lost, well, whatever you say, what have i got to do with it, cctv cameras filmed you smearing the handle, the gearbox with poisons. it’s not true, it’s impossible to identify a person in a camouflage suit, run, you scoundrel, oh you uncle, address, come on, na na!
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and i’ll drive you to hell, fakality, secret brazilian move jiu jeans, that’s it, you’re fucked up.
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alyosha, alyosha! what do you say? i'm chewing! i won't give up! i was shouting that i could smell scammers from under the asphalt a kilometer away, now no one will deceive me, understand? do whatever you want to me if you want, just don’t take my capacabana from me, what kind of capacabana? this is the largest belan in brazil. it is known as
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the blue lagoon, and it costs many millions , but what about blue, if it is green, no, blue, where did you get it, and stole it, i will give it to you, just give me the money, well, for a return ticket to geneira. well, if you dreamed it all so honestly, of course. this is all i have left, i'm poor now, get out of here, i 'm poor now, go, get out of here, go, go, get out of here so i don't see you, i'm back again.
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hello, nothing, don't you want to tell me, but lika collected enough for leshy , enough to lock him up, this is murder, this is wonderful, but that’s not what i’m talking about, i found pills, you didn’t drink them, well, you didn’t drink them, the symptoms are also water, yes, you just didn’t get enough sleep. why, why didn’t you get enough sleep, lin, symptoms, why was it issued, i wanted to be nostalgic, to remember, somehow, when you care, they worry, well, tell me, tell
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me, lesh, come on, by the way, i was also offended, that is, to visit you don’t wait, no, and there won’t be any calls from you either. no, thank god, lesh, at least i’ll get some sleep, go, it’s better with two people always gets offended. who are you, from here, take your hands, help, cover the dolls, save, police.
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they quickly kidnapped the boss, who are you, man? top of the food chain, okay? and who are you? what are your hobbies, tell me, besides sleeping and eating? what other hobbies do you have? well, you can still watch tv, yes, these are our relatives, well, that’s it, in the sense of going for a walk, well, yes, that’s yes, and there are all sorts of other things that accompany the walk,
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which i don’t have, hello, yes , i'm listening, "you're straight up kidnapping, come on now we're leaving, great, hello, where's the vakhtank, here's the suitcase , where?" "
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dear, lena has probably dreamed of this for a long time, you know, i'm a master at making expensive gifts, let's go, lyosh, there's nothing to catch here, okay, don't want it, don't catch him, talk to the witnesses over there, and you, and i’ll go save the evidence from the nests, come on, come on, lesh, good luck to you, what, you saw, he lost twice, on the third he’ll definitely waste the ring... dear, i’ll give it back, just not now, of course, the victim was dragged out the window, just like a traffic jam. from the rebel, but i always look at it from different
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i always do this, where are you? i ’m here, and who is this, filcher watson and his stupid , narrow-minded friend, why did you get in there, woodpecker, what is it, i’m looking for evidence? head, i understand, you will soon all envy me, the main thing here is to choose
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the right one, what have you done, predators, there’s no more horseradish to do here, we went to another point, sorry for interrupting now, but kukushkin had enemies, it’s unlikely he was a junior partner in our company, was involved in finances, oh, junior partner in finances, maybe envious people, there’s nothing to envy, a boring, uninteresting person, boring, uninteresting. neither intelligence, nor appearance , sorry, it’s probably not worth talking
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about like that, but it’s still unknown whether he died or not, so he says whatever you want, behind his back they called him a bore, maybe the bore had conflicts then, no, not i think he quarreled with brix yesterday and demanded a salary increase, but that’s normal, everyone does it, well, just not everyone... is he right? dear ones, i’m probably interested
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in the second world war, right? yes, but what, is this a crime? world war ii or the murder of kukushkin? what murder? kukushkina? for what does someone need him to kill him? can i remove the dog? what is it? the german shepherd , in my opinion, is very much on topic, by the way, you know that he is... talking to me, it’s funny, yes, i laughed at first too, they say you and kukushkin were arguing, people heard, yes, well, they were arguing, if you can call it that, that’s what i’m saying, the bore said that my partner and i don’t do anything, but we earn more than him, well, i’ll suggest we switch places, in what sense, in the sense that he will be able to do nothing perfectly well. the place is ours, and we are without it we won’t be able to deal with financial issues, well, we have to, honestly, sometimes
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you just want to kill such bores, yes, for sure, maybe i mean for sure, well, in a figurative sense - not for real, in disguise, at the time of the abduction you yourself where were you, i was at a weapons exhibition, all the best, great. "hello, tick, you're going to die now, who gave up his kikimra for natalia fatieva, gray hair without a rib, like natalya kustinskaya cheated on her cosmonaut, and he found out about it, what she had with andrei mironov, mironov told me that i i begged her to be from me married, why was fatieva later unable to live with vladimir’s son, and why
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was the actress going to give her grandson to malyutka’s house? have i ever asked anyone for advice, romances, betrayals and secrets? creativity of the people's artist in a new investigation based on real events on sunday at 21:50 on ntv. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new. afabazolotar. with gradual the release of the active substance allows you to take just one tablet per day; anxiety can and should be treated with vbazol. plate is an unusual service where you pay in installments, you don’t need to apply for a new card , look for a list of stores, play is available everywhere. divides the price into six parts and works with a card from any bank, but there
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are no interest rates, go to flight. to make smart. no need to scroll through the websites of all stores, look for the product in yandex search and compare offers from different stores on one page.
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spread throughout the body, creating a mass appearing locally, they quickly inconvenience us and deprive us of the opportunity to do the things we love. clariol gel is ready to resist them; its special formula is aimed against papillomas, warts and dry calluses, with
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recovery. my wife recommended clareol, and you know, it works, i can. using it yourself at home is very convenient, now even a gym, even a swimming pool , attention, a special promotion for the fastest, call right now 800, 200 exactly 7 5 6 7 and get clareol for just 1 ruble, 8800, 200 exactly 7 567, calls within russia are free, mask new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. while the bride was dreaming of a wedding, her groom ended up in jail because he strangled and dismembered his mistress. he strangled her, he began to cut her into pieces. it's cruel, this is very cruel. but the bride does not believe that the groom could have intentionally killed the girl, and is now waiting for her betrothed to be released from prison so that she can marry him. i still love him,
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she was in love with him, just like you. which the groom grabbed with a death grip. in the neck of his mistress, she insulted him, and he strangled her in a state of effect, why doesn’t he vengeate her like that, if he wanted to bury a person, when he dies, he is very heavy, he cannot be lifted. you see, if a person dismembers another person simply to make it easier to carry, but this is truly beyond the bounds, he he also mutilated her so that she would not be identified, such a person will be freed and he will start killing again, this is beyond the bounds, today is 16:45 on ntv, here, this is my office, here is a bacchante , there is a limonide, here is a schmuck bald bearded man. here, dear terezlitels, i work with a bold one, try to put it together, well, there are hangers, wood grouse , this is all the office, oh, excuse me, oh,
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this is lenka, the wrong guys, you, lenka, are on the right, well and okay, you take a photo for the monument, by the way, my subscribers have already doubled, i already have eight of them, and the dog is in pain? psak has an account like could it be so? yesterday i started a page for my dog, posted his photo, and immediately got 20 likes. 20, 20, oh, okay, then now there will be prank poop, there is more important news, finally, kukushkin’s blood is on the daggers, that ’s not all, there are brix prints on him, oh? kukushkin’s blood, brix’s prints, it’s time to take the warrant, what i lost, lesh, i have nothing
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to lose, you know, to die, that i was going to lose nothing, god forbid, that’s a good job, because a real detective doesn’t lose anything, he just finds, yes, by the way, on the dagger fingerprints of this brix were found, well, he has an album... to have it, that’s what i understand, now i have subscribers with coupons, beauty, grandma,
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grandma, milky egg, shut your finger, now you’re not my competition, even if it’s your ass put a horse on the head, i understand , wait, that’s it, i can show you the documents, of course, regarding our case, well, i told you everything, well, not quite, you see there was blood on the cutlass and your fingerprints, what can i say, not mine, the matter is that i don’t collect edged weapons, i can inspect your house, yes, look, thank you, let's go, this is how you should go to work, the profile is nordic and the face is peerish, well, a true korean, by the way,
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the design of this uniform was created by hugo the boss himself, you can try it on, thank you. damn, yes, well, where is it, lord, and i’m listening, if you want to see the cuckoo alive, prepare 100,000 dollars, otherwise i’ll send his head in a parcel, only this was missing,
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you got it, you hear, he wants to cling to my fame , the egg is milky, milky, and the bastard, return it!
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i hate holo weapons. gnezdilov, do you remember the killer’s face? of course i remember his face is like a gooseberry bush, that’s all you remember, it’s bad, i’m doing well, thanks to my photos in a huga-gabana suit, i have 14 subscribers, it’s already clear, but the dog has more.
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auto onton, subscribe to the page of captan nestliy, shocking sensation of murder, corpses, a knife in the nipple and other funny pictures. fascist, damned, like, like me, yes, like, in the face, class, you are not my audience?
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mex, i took him, i found the killer, no, well, a disabled person, his wheelchair, come on, roll him down. had to use force abstinence, well done, finally, and well, where is the abstinent, think about it, the bastard escaped, daedalus, throw it, give it here, put it, on... get out of
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the car, why do you need a steering wheel, tell me the second one, you're stupid, maybe , explain, fingerprints, yeah, fingerprints around the perimeter, i understand everything, you don’t have the package, no, igor, elena nikolaevna, i accepted the fingerprints. why do you need handcuffs ? poor, this is a poor male, and i already have 18 subscribers, so you know, the dog has 312, that yes, i posted a video, the dog eats carrots, people like it, well, these stupid people of yours, well,
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i have, well, those are the balls fresh , tomatoes, tomatoes in the face, he has carrots, and 312 likes, because he has innate charisma, this is not charisma, this is the racism of isophilism, go, igor, well, most likely the killer left the drugs, yeah, and you are leonidov i saw him today, for some reason he doesn’t come to see me, i don’t know. brix was killed with a knife, yeah, that is, of the three co-owners of the company one was kidnapped, the second was killed and only lazinsky remained, well, i think maybe he’s next, i had to keep an eye on him, hush,
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hush, hurry is needed when catching fleas. don’t delay, it’s too early, now it’s time, let’s block the second exit, come on, come on, fellow bandits, can you tell me, hello, how to get through the library? why is traumatology not suitable, i recorded them, i’m insuring you in the car, i can count your knees, well, you’re in trouble, you bald bearded woman, why can’t you?
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take away the beast, he won’t listen to me, he’s our star, the internet, and he’s the one who eats carrots, i saw it, it’s cool, you all saw it, but you didn’t see me being hit in the face with eggs and tomatoes, you didn’t see it, but look, you bald bearded schmuck and say, you... why did you want to kill lozinsky? yes, no one wanted to kill him. for what? well, one of the company was kidnapped and the other was stabbed to death. here he is the third. lazinsky cheated one person out of money and refused to pay the insurance. we were hired
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to punch him in the face. that's all. that's all. and that’s it, here we go. the syringes you brought are heroin. let me ask them off myself, just a second, the handcuffs will be back, i remind you that lazinsky is in the database of drug addicts, well, citizens, bandits, have screwed themselves, yes, no wonder, go to hell, listen, this is police chaos, dear tv viewers, you have seen this, ancient methods of interrogation, now you see how it is done at the moment, captan nestilov , attention, just like that, let's harime here , smile, maybe you can take off the handcuffs, let's make it even more fun, well, let's talk already
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, that's it, i'll help you, so let's harimi, harimi, smile, you are witnessing the merging of the sub-police with the criminals, and there’s no need to bark, by the way, this video where i beat two goblins in a snowstorm got 40 views, and where the dog sent you 800, which is 8:00, because he pissed me off, it’s because i was there in the frame, here that’s why there are so many views, and in general he needs to be imprisoned for incontinence, oh , malazinsky’s dossier, a huge number of lawsuits from offended clients, yeah, charges of fraud, forgery of documents
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, destruction of evidence, so lazinsky was still that bug, oh, lyosha, these are so dangerous creatures, i 'll tell you, i was bitten by a beetle as a child, i had to get vaccinated against rabies, yes lenka, 40 injections, yes. and lazinsky was creative at the insurance company, figuring out how not to pay injured clients, not to pay, namely, it would be even more fun, once he planted evidence that the client himself had set up an insured event, so it was not in vain that the clients wanted to punch him in the face, yes, he had there are still a huge number of mistresses, big problems with their husbands, yes, and he was also registered in a drug treatment clinic. oh, it was necessary. talk to this bug, he's in interrogation, yeah,
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at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sale, for example, a tefal electric grill for only 18,990 rubles. it is impossible to live life without making mistakes, it is important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and even more important - to learn to forgive. i want to ask for forgiveness from my aunt, kirill, who do you want to ask for forgiveness from? denis, this is your friend, but 4 years ago my mother died from a very serious illness, i crashed someone else’s car, denis took a picture of it all and sent it to my family, she didn’t understand, that mom will leave and she won’t be there, i also decided to teach this person a lesson, it seems to me that you want to ask for forgiveness from the wrong person... he
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returned the friendship, it would be advisable to start communicating, forgive or not forgive, he arrived as if nothing had happened it happened, you want again , the final decision is yours, please forgive me, the premiere of a new show with nadezhda babkina, tomorrow at 16:50 on ntv. mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. holiday discounts in cosmetics magnet. 30% on utensils for serving and cooking. magnit cosmetic - the price is right. lor atritsin is able to soften even severe pain can help treat a sore throat. lorathricin works for sore throats and treats infections. this is a happy sale on ozone. have time to please. the benefit is delight. do not miss! redmond robot vacuum cleaner for 3,999. maina liba washing powder for 309. drill-driver zzitrek. for 899 every day we arrange a small holiday for your loved one happy
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one that moves around the house for you, and now all you need to do is be with your loved ones, give time to your loved ones, buy from a card from the magnet application. play and get instant prizes, win smart equipment, a magnet. in winter, you especially want warmth and bright emotions. we have cars in the drawing, houses, apartments, studios and cash prizes. there are more of them than snowflakes in winter. even if it’s cold outside, it’s warm inside, because they’re winning against us. every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. stand hands. “we’ll figure it out ourselves, in the end, this is our operation, i’m not interested in the laurels of the winner, my job is to catch bandits, boss, it’s a new season, and the warning air
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, i forbade the operation, maybe it’s easier to shoot you, what do you allow yourself, unfortunately , not as much as i would like. today at 20:00 on ntv. i want to talk to lawyer. coming soon. in the meantime, we have a few questions for you, well, off the record. i already said, i don’t know who killed brix. strange, this is not what we wanted to talk to you about. i also don’t know who kidnapped kukushkin. yes, then why kidnap him? what, ask those who did it? are you aware that a ransom was asked for him? stupid, everyone knows, a bore isn’t worth a penny, maybe they wanted to get some dirt on you? yes, i don’t care, there’s a small cart of this compromising information on me, and
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what? yes, we are aware, but your lawyer needs to be given milk for harm, alebi for the time of the murder. yes, yes, my lawyer will tell you everything and show you, then, probably, you also collect the last weapon, since there is no lawyer, or present it or release it, set it on fire, set it on fire, just a second, set it on fire, set it on fire, “i need one of your free advice, look, one of my friends, this guy, like this, started a block, but there are not enough people, small people went, they only like the dog, for some reason, what to do, and it’s easy to fix, yes, more vulgarity, vulgarity, stupidity, stupidity, and
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rudeness, people like it, more drugs, drugs, preferably a lot, class, face up to the mountain of coke, yes, i get it, i get it, sex, maksimov, huckster lives here, just a second, here, he probably knows all the drug addicts, and about this one of ours too, and you are like that without lights, without an order, yes, he snores like a dork,
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i’ll put it on the internet, let them fuck him up. “hello, police, where should you sit, like this, what kind of person are you, and before you had time to lean back, you’ve already thrown yourself in, it’s powder, dental, well, nine out of ten dentists approve, scented soap, fluffy towels and tooth powder, really, storage of weapons, once. distribution of drugs, attacks on police officers, that’s it, listen, lazinsky, your client, but he doesn’t come himself, he sends a secret message, well, let’s go, come on, come on , move your rolls, now it’s going to be like salpuccino in the movies,
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throw it in the cops, is it okay? but there is one, the doctor said, weigh your head more often, let’s move, move. oh, lida, how much is heroin for the police, that’s a joke, yes, it’s not funny, s lazinsky, what kind of relationship do you have, no, no, take heroins into the office , no relationship, i’ll take this for examination, so you didn’t tell me last time, lazinsky and i are lovers. lazdinsky also collects weapons, knives, all sorts of other nasty things, but i’m ready to swear that
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he didn’t kill anyone, hello, now the ransom for gukushkin’s life, 2000, i don’t care about him, keep this bore for yourself. they will finally give me an injection today, no one is home. oh, eat, i found a ring, i want to look at it in the car, but buy a new one, she doesn’t know
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which one it was, i would buy it, there is no money, again he controls you, you should feed him or take him for a walk, i don’t have any coins, i can’t understand what he wants, lesh, yeah, come on, i told you i’ll give it to him . now a person will suffer a little bit, i’ll give it back right away, look at who did this to you, and why the hell did you ruin such a shoot for me, what kind? with the yankees about sex, about violence, in short, i wanted to first take off my belts for war and peace, but
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there are horses, i stupidly couldn’t afford the budget, so i decided to stick to criminal fiction, well, it’s like a quarantine, well, i already have a gun, that is, the blood is not real, but where, well, what are you talking about, i didn’t want to take it from lenka, but lenka didn’t give it, so it’s beets or beets, i’m like- then... igor, in order to beat the dog, you really need death on air. lyoshenka, are you disturbing us? lyosha, why are you bothering us? sorry to interrupt your pleasures, but lazinsky's body has been found.
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fingerprints, motherfucker. surely, lyosha, the spear is from some collection, we need to find it, that’s it, i’ll strangle the photo, wow, do you hear, limonides, i was told that you lost the ring, who said, take a couple for yourself, are you proposing to steal it? lyosh, can i have a second? it’s possible, but so what, his wife doesn’t need
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anything anymore, last warning, now the 3000 deadline expires at noon, how much time, 3 hours left, we need to hurry. that's it, great, that's what the kidnappers called, they gave the place and time, 30,000 with small bills plus a marker, everything is ready.
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i mean, let him carry it, i understand, no, i said, i said, under your responsibility, lesh. so don't take advantage of this opportunity, this is stupidity, now my dear tv viewers, there will be not a frame, but a bomb.
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wow, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, who did all this, oh, who did all this, it’s, it’s not me, it’s, it’s me, maybe it tore his head off, i would have done it myself tore off his head, what kind of operation to banish. according to your, by the way , leshenko’s fault, find him, i’ll personally rip his head off, if you allow me, i have photographs from surveillance cameras, we managed to stop what kind of minibus this is, and what kind of minibus this is, it was stolen from a film studio, listen up , nothing else at the film studio missing, a german uniform, several knives
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and a spear, it would be necessary to bring it to the studio, after all, right? you think the criminals have a nest, a hollow, a hole, a nesting box, a beaver nest there, get busy, philologists, a new season, new costumes, new stars. you, who are you? mask? mask! february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. please forgive me! premiere! tomorrow at 16:50 on ntv. big chicken burger with large tender chicken breast fillet in crispy breading and signature sauce. try something new again. big chicken mushroom burger.
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holiday discounts in magnet. sausage vyazanka 1299. national lottery. what should i give you? seriously? girls, if you don’t know what to give, give your dreams. leon's dream 23 is guaranteed more than 23 prizes of a million and super prizes of 100 million, tickets by mail at, dreamleon, give a dream. this show is a happy sale on ozone. longboard. did you guess right? yes. apple. and now the tie. with notes, oh, childhood dream, rejoice, sale on ozone, hurry up, casiio watch for 1.599, boyson mattress for 9.999, red square keyboard for 2.699, in a magnet you can win your smart prize, for example, the one who is boiling himself, with the desire to help , give time, beloved, buy a magnet with a card from the application, play and win smart equipment, a magnet, the feature of desherak in
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fermentation technology, so my choice is dosherak, and mine, this is an ordinary house, this is an apartment the gavrilovs, mom, look, mom katya is a teacher, dad maxim is a fireman, the gavrilovs honor traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it-developer, alena is a designer, gavrilov has a hot dog, the guys have a dog. not so different, but there is something that unites them. vtb, everything will work out. holiday discounts in cosmetics magnet. february 10th 20% discount on beauty products, even yellow ones. price tags. make coughing a thing of the past. elmucin is a latest generation mucolytic that combines all the important properties. elmucin is an innovation for cough in the 21st century. on wednesday we have turkey kupaty.
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thursday for turkey crust. pava-pava. on friday - turkey fillet. all this is pava-pava. and our mother-mother. turkey pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia, recommended for children. millions of prizes in the magnit mobile application. hunt, check your instinct that everyone needs gifts again, buy them all at once in split 006 on yandexmarket, coffee beans makofe arabica cream for 685 rubles. buy with a card from the magnet application. play and win smart equipment , milk chocolate in magnet stores , give time to your loved ones magnet, it seems something has changed, but no, everything is as we love, tfc
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or to work. i thought that i would be some kind of great star. for what offenses does actress maria kozhevnikova punish her four sons? if i just kiss my ass, you know, what will grow next? older brothers don't hurt you. three children, mothers of many children, their secrets, but it seems to me that it is difficult to realize a million, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. but i didn’t understand, wow, there’s someone alive, wow,
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is this what they filmed for me, or something, yes, hello, you are probably a director, yes, and you? the main character of my film, you know, since childhood i have always dreamed of acting in a movie, comrade director, and if you put the film on the internet, put it on my page, i need to go overtake one dog there, okay, i’m just about to cut you off all fingers, well, we’ll be happy to post this nightmare on your page, no, no, don’t fix this moment, because i have a female... audience, well, sensitive women will faint, so the audience loves sex, blood, violence, not really, but maybe we can make do with just sex, the show
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begins, that same minibus. yes, the numbers are the same, attention, attention, this is the police, police, you hear, we have a hostage, if you don’t provide money and a helicopter, he’s finished, give us some time, come on, you have 20 minutes. don’t forget, we’ve already killed two, well, how did i win back, how did i squish into a ruffle, huh? talented, let's be friends
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, soon the internet will be installed in prisons, i'll write to you, you know what you're sitting on, yes, on your ass, yeah, on a powder keg, and bickfords the cord will burn for exactly 20 minutes, cool, and then like this? what's the ending scene? bye, they recruit directors under the green fence to become emperors from weddings, and then they wonder why our cinema is like this, uh, uh, help, eh!
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firemen have run out of people.
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but i propose a draw, no, my dear followers, which you can’t do, like art. you will now see battle, heroic death, well, where have you brought me? do you need help?
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oh, how! the police, to serve to protect, will have to show these filmmakers what... real police look like.
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i’m not in the mood, remember me for the rest of your worthless life, sir! and on drums you do better ah-ah-ay. ah
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tych! how unreal everything here is, the film studio is already a factory for the production of illusions and nonsense. comfortable, oh, life has no meaning, but i know you, you
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’re a cuckoo, yes, i’m a bore, have they ever called you a bore, no, called you a bearded schmuck, but threatened to fire you? oh, i ’ll tell you more, they fired me several times , even without notice, it’s not from my wife, it sucks, but my lenka went to her best friend, let’s fill it up also, i just wanted to prove that i’m not a bore, that i’m a bright creative person, a personality, you should draw some beautiful pictures then, they say,
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krotov, this is not for me, oleg fomin, because of him we lost my friend and your father, sergei zharkov, maybe someone leaked sasha from the embassy, ​​daria ursulyak, what did he do, linda lapinzh, i have no other choice, alexander golubev, we have an informer, alexander gorbatov, the guy knew the location of the guards, had the proper admission, for this you need connections at the very top, the gdr, you need to move forward. well yes, one step forward may turn out to be a step into the abyss, soon on ntv. mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. this is nazon's happy sale. hurry up to please, the benefit is east. product of the week.
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philips trimmer for 2.699. this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment. mom, look, mom katya is a teacher, dad maxim is a fireman , the gavrilovs honor traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it developer, alena is a designer, the gavrilovs have a move, the guys have a dog, they are so different, but there is one thing unites them. vtb, everything will work out. i am ready to support you in the most stressful situations, because i am number one in excess.
12:49 pm
sing, casio watch for 1,599, bayson mattress for 9,999, red square keyboard for 2,699 , holiday discounts in a magnet, fagot sausage 129,999, what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort, and smells like new, for everyone there is a good car , find it on the car al alon, let me help, thank you, but you have a whole cashback package here, i’m not sure, banks have so many conditions, yur, alyon with a free vtb debit card, 10% cashback on everything,
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help, it’s better for me, here cashback for everyone that's enough, vtb, together everything will work out. this is the same smart speaker, the top smartest speaker, and also top quality discounts up to 50%, blender vtex with a 50% discount for only 999 rubles, is it the holidays that everyone needs gifts again? even more gifts on the yandex market, for example, a gift set of five pairs of nevo socks for 685 rubles. you are my basket, favorite chicken for 199 rubles in rostix restaurants. grandma's sweater, sweaters made from yarn, the warm sun of the summer beach, the long nights that were, this is the warmth that we saved. rolton 25 years warm. at the megamarket you will always find what to give to loved ones, especially during the holiday
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sales. for example, soft toys for loved ones with cashback up to 40%. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposit. with azonbank the draw is up to 100%. and up to 16% per annum on the deposit, that again everyone needs gifts, buy them all at once in split 006 on the yandex market, a set of boxbot tools for 1,567 rubles. keep a proven product on hand just in case allergic, this is a great sale on ozone, hurry up to please, the benefit is a delight, don’t miss it, blender scarlet for 1.199, men’s deonic set for 299, jacket. for 4.199. we, alexander and dmitry kushnin. i calculated
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a model of a super-hard material for industry, and i calculated a model for a super-sensitive gas analyzer. and this is grandpa. thanks to his ingenuity, we became interested in science. develop an interest in science from childhood. enroll in science majors. rf. mother cuckoo gave away her children to anyone who didn't ask. she sent us to different families and sent us to an orphanage herself. she gave me to the teacher , her daughters didn’t even know how many of them she had in total , there were children, all from different men, she wanted one, she wanted another, she gave a third , and so on, i only knew about nina, but about anushka with love, i didn’t know, she had four, then she gave birth to another fifth girl, named her tanya, 60 years have passed, and they still can’t all get together, i’m still 20 years old. will all of mother cuckoo's children be able to finally find out and see each other?
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friend? and already at the orphanage a girl came and said that she was my sister, well, somehow we never saw each other again. i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. sorry, save me! oh, cable, cable, turn it off! for tightening the wick, i will forgive you all the likes, well, on his son, well , imagine that it’s me, well, or overload the rope, well, overload the rope, but don’t gal-gal, gnaw the ropes, you furry monster, lesha, lebonitov, i i love you, set me free, how are you, prometheus, literally, i’ll get over it now, lyoshik, well, save me, well, you see, what is being done, well, you know, i have another idea, what, why do you
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hate me so much, not for you, but for whom, it’s for max, so you decided maksukhando, well, something like that, and you’re screwing you won’t clean it up, i will, but not now, then - further? i’ll shoot you, i’ll get a ransom, i’ll disappear forever with the money, come on, but you say you’re a bore, erkon. well, uncle
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, i've had a bit of fun right now, listen, max, you can handle this without me, not for the first time, lesh , yes, i'll go, yes, i'll go, i'll look for the ring, come on, come on , look, i remembered, i haven't looked at home yet, yes, yes. and i would have lost him anyway, and so i, and so i lost him. damn, i pierced it, and such an explosion pierced me, or maybe we’ll tear it up and dub it, huh? yes, there is still dynamite in the bornevichka, bring it, i ’ll set it on fire. my dear subscribers, we will find everyone who follows me, all for your sake.
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hello len, hello, happy birthday to you, here you are. i’ll give you a hint, yes, it’s very beautiful, yeah, why are you giving me gifts on behalf of leonidov? well, lyosha is a fool with us, you see, he lost the ring, i found it, not in time, the ring that lyosha lost, i found, which means it’s another, well, i'm stupid, i lost it, bought exactly the same one. danechka, congratulations, i wanted to wish you happiness in your personal life, but you already have it, phew, oh, how beautiful, come on, thank you very much, one more ring, well, you have 10 fingers, which means one more
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ring, well, maksimov found one thing. i found one and one from you, well done, lesh , give me another one here, oh my dear, thank you, thank you, my good one, but my friend, you couldn’t buy it, so bring it back, a woman should be modest, three is enough for me ring. what, igor, you lost to your younger brother, you’re crying, now, yes, oh, you hear, for now, yes, there are dudes, cooler, more serious and pompous, this is such a threat, this is a statement, one dude took his ears, fucked off to the yacht, whose, his and
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around the world for 2000 likes. yes, at the time , at the yacht, there used to be something like igor , he messed up something, they dipped him in shit, rolled him in pereg, go and shame yourself, now you’re covered in shit and you’re walking around in the elevator burping, you’re not a pig or a moron, no , you are a star, by and large, yes, right here, igor, maybe it’s not worth it. no no no, here, here, yes, yes, it is such a disgrace to the whole world, such a disgrace, here you already know, come on, oh, now the likes will follow, so that you don’t doubt, the phone could stand it, but such fame, you star, you doubt me , yes, you
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doubt me, now they’ll rain down. it won’t crumble, sat down, give me the phone, you ’re an internet addict, the phone told you, give it to me, scott, be a man, give me the phone, be careful. girl, take me off, please take me off, girl, give me the phone, give me the phone, just give it to me, give me the phone, just give me the phone give!
1:00 pm
in orenburg, they say goodbye to the pilots of ils 76, which was shot down in the fsu over the belgorod region. the results of the elections in azerbaijan , ilham aliyev was elected to the highest position, as the results were noted in the republic. a fascinating premiere at the bolshoi theater today. chicken according to ostrovsky, what is special about the production? about the main thing, by this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello, today in orenburg there was a farewell ceremony for the crew of the il-76 military transport aircraft shot down by kiev militants in the sky over belgorodskaya region. they came to pay their respects at about two o'clock.


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