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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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what is this, i walked all day, i thought, in the evening i told my wife about it, she says , okay, get it out of your head, you never know how many idiots are running around, a few days later he is standing at the bus stop again, he sees the same athlete running again, he stops, again he unfortunately, it also turns out to be a sneaky sign, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. registration of candidates has been completed, who will be on the ballot in the russian presidential elections, the striking force in the northern direction of the special operation is breaking through the enemy’s defenses with tank units. the pilots of the il-76, which was shot down in usa over the belgorod region, said goodbye to their last journey in orenburg. the court
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recognized 17 volumes of the case as genocide, the atrocities of the nazis in the kursk region during the war. about the main thing, ilya fedorovtsev is in the studio this minute. hello. in orenburg today they said goodbye to the crew of the il-76 military transport aircraft, which was shot down by kiev militants in the skies over the belgorod region. about 2.0 residents of the city came to pay tribute to the memory, as well as fellow soldiers and relatives of the deceased pilots. by presidential decree. on the crew of il-76 awarded the order of courage posthumously, the awards were handed over to relatives, after the farewell ceremony a funeral march took place, on january 24, missiles were fired from an american installation on the humanitarian board that was carrying ukrainian prisoners for exchange to the armed forces of ukraine: in the last
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seconds, the hatches managed to take the burning plane away from the populated area, saving civilians residents, the transport ship crashed into a field, killing everyone on board, nine russian soldiers and 65 captured ukrainians. russian units of the center group took up new positions in the krasnoliman direction, improving their tactical position along the front line. more advantageous positions were also captured by the troops of the south group in the donetsk direction. artillery.
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come on here, so we moved on for several hundred meters, breaking through thorny bushes, winter-bald forest plantations , accompanied by hysterical signals from a drone detector, accelerating the pulse to extreme values, an unpleasant walk, a colleague, a colleague regularly receives an alarm that somewhere in the radius the drone operates for less than a kilometer. it’s not clear whose ours, the alien’s, is already in position, even though it is closest to the enemy among its kind, psychologically a little calmer, well -camouflaged armored vehicles are covered by special air defense crews with anti-drone guns. but it’s difficult to catch them, it’s difficult to catch them, yes, so we have to shoot them down with small arms, there is such a profession, to defend the homeland, that’s how it is, hard, not hard, we work. that's what camouflage means,
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i'm 25-3 meters from the tank, but which one is smaller even until he fired, i personally didn’t see him at all, the work of the tank battalion of a motorized rifle regiment from the rostov region is endless these days, only when cucumbers manage to deliver shells in the language of tank crews, attack aircraft from their own regiment knock out...
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electricity and televisions heating, there is a kitchen and even a bathhouse, tankers from the rostov region assure that they can arrange their lives in this way almost in the direct line of sight of the enemy, they can start from scratch in a couple of weeks, they can, as they say, repeat it if the command comes... move to new positions, tankmen by secretly they are looking forward to such a task, their t-62 has a peculiarity, the rear one never turns on, the crews charged with victory have the correct move, only forward. alexey tebotarev, valeryan kushnir, ntv, lugansk people's republic. vladimir putin had
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a telephone conversation with chairman of the kapr sidinpin. as the kremlin said, the conversation was thorough. the leaders of the two countries discussed crises in a number of regions of the world, for example, in the middle east, heads of state. noted that both russia and china support a diplomatic settlement the palestinian problem within the generally accepted framework of international law. putin also reaffirmed his principled position on the taiwan issue of supporting the one-china policy. the current situation in ukraine was also touched upon. in addition, politicians emphasized that they are interested in further promoting cooperation between the two countries in all areas, including, for example, energy, finance, infrastructure and so on. vladimir putin congratulated.
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the candidate for whom more than half of the voters will vote in the first round, but the intrigue in these early elections was not in who would become the new leader of the republic, in how many percent ilham aliyev would ultimately gain, if more than 90, then there would be a new record, less than a day after the end of voting, a result that many were pleased with obvious even before the opening of polling stations, it finally took on its final shape. currently, the cec has completed the counting of votes after processing data from 93 and 35.
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therefore, no one waited for the official announcement of the results; azerbaijanis were confident in aliyev’s victory and a couple of hours after the polling stations closed, they began to celebrate his victory in baku at the cultural center named after the father of the current president, heydar aliyev. spontaneous folk celebrations took place in all regions of azerbaijan and especially in the settlements of karabakh, people took to the streets with flags, danced and hugged, in shusha they even celebrated the end of the elections with fireworks. also in baku, khichevan, ganja and many other cities of the republic, local residents organized car rallies. so, azerbaijanis celebrated not so much the elections themselves as the restoration of the territorial integrity of their country. today is the first day of a new era in the history of the republic, which
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ilham aliyev previously promised to the azerbaijanis. and it’s time to understand where and how to move on. karabakh needs development, and the entire country as a whole can now pay more attention to the development of technology, international supply chains and...
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in the future, after the presidential campaign, the cec will offer to collect signatures in support of candidates remotely via
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public services. pamfilova also announced that every day dirty technologies are used against members of russian election commissions. for example, attackers, on behalf of pomfilova, send various types of fake messages to employees of the central intelligence commission. the head of the commission calls on his colleagues to be vigilant and not fall for such provocations. rosstat shared its assessment of the russian economy. according to the department's calculations , last year's gdp. ross announced that the russian economy grew by 3.6% last year, which is barely better than the forecasts that the ministry of economics made at the end of december, when we were talking about growth of 3.5%. moreover, this is rosstat’s first estimate; there will be five in total. and traditionally,
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each subsequent assessment from the department is more optimistic than the previous ones. in general, forecasts for the domestic economy have been tirelessly improving throughout the past year. for example, back in april, the ministry of economy expected growth for the year of only 1.2%. but, as experts point out, in many respects, the active growth of russian gdp at the end of last year is explained by the growth stocks. economist dmitry polevoy points out, in theory, reserves of raw materials and supplies. may grow because companies are preparing for demand to increase, then this is a good signal for the economy, or inventories of finished goods may increase because demand is falling, then this is bad. now, according to dmitry polevoy, companies under sanctions can stock up on critical components. in addition, the military-industrial complex is active. the largest co-owner of yandex, after its restructuring, will be the company's managers. this follows from yandex documents that it prepared for voting. shareholders, as announced earlier this week, yandex's parent company, the dutch yandex&vi
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, is selling its russian assets to a consortium of private investors for rub 475 billion. in other words, yandex will be divided into two parts: russian and international, in which arkady volush will obviously remain the main co-owner and which will change its name. the main owner of russian yandex will be a closed mutual investment fund called consortium one. and today it became known. similar to yandex services, with the exception of the four startups that the dutch company already has:
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drones, cloud technologies, data tagging and online education, a shareholder meeting regarding the yandex section is scheduled for march 7. oil is now rising in price by about a dollar, but domestic investors are not affected by this; the market seems to be preparing for a correction after three days of growth. in the global foreign exchange market, investors are now pondering at what speed. rates will decrease in europe and the usa, as a result, the dollar is now standing still against the ruble, the euro is becoming more expensive, the rate is 9824. almost 2 years after the massive increase. sanctions in russia were able to localize all mass packaging formats for dairy products, the national union of milk producers reported about this. its ceo artyom belov says: the introduction of sanctions had a shock effect on the packaging and food industries. quote: at one point there was a shortage of raw materials on the market and a rush of demand for packaging, but manufacturers were not ready for this. end
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quotes. this is not ready, many russian buyers saw this unpreparedness when, for example, packaging began to appear in stores. highly colored only on one side, but as artyom belov continues, the largest players were quickly able to localize in russia both the packaging itself and its components: cardboard, paper, polymer, plastic, foil, paints, however, in the national union milk producers add, that specific problems remain, for example, in russia there is not enough cardboard lamination capacity. ilya is all about economics. thank you, denis tovalayev with his economic review. today, the kursk regional court made a decision on a high-profile case about nazi crimes committed during the great patriotic war in the region. tens of thousands of brutally tortured killed civilians, including children. hundreds of villages and settlements burned to the ground, the destruction of farms and the mass abduction of people into captivity. the investigation was able to collect all these monstrous facts thanks to archival documents and eyewitness accounts.
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olga chernova listened to the court's verdict. 17 volumes of the case nazi atrocities in the territory. the region 's established and newly discovered crimes committed by the nazis during the great patriotic war were recognized by the regional court as genocide of the soviet people and crimes against humanity. the court took into account the testimony of thirty witnesses, relatives of those killed by the german occupiers, historians, local historians, search engines, liliya osminkina from mantrovoy told how they hid in cellars, starved, witnessed the execution of judges, chairmen of the village council and a seventy-year-old pensioner proskovya tolokova. we had fun for a few more days without removing the corpse. they didn’t allow, they didn’t allow, yes, yes, well, sadism, anna krasnikova from the village of tim gave the court the testimony of her ninety-year-old aunt, their grandfather and the germans were executed for helping the partisans, all the detainees, teachers, jews, doctors, were taken to the outskirts of the village, shot, after the body was thrown into the cellar, it was covered with earth.
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the mother of sergei kuleshov from the khomutovsky district had her eighteen-year-old sister killed. in the village of berezovoye, the nazis executed 28 women, old people and children, took them out to the garden, they put machine guns in front of them, he says, and shot them. an employee of the military history museum spoke about numerous, terrible facts of murders of children in the kursk region. they didn’t even spare infants if they found out that they were children of communists. due to the fact that the german officer did not find his cigarette case, 26 children of different ages were driven into a hut in the village of dubrovka, cheremisinovsky district and brutally killed. germans. children were bayoneted, their heads were smashed with rifle butts. according to the prosecutor's office, in the kursk region, hitler's troops destroyed more than 10,000 prisoners of war and 18.00 civilians, this is not the final list of victims of genocide. places where people were executed continue to be found to this day. thousands of psychiatric hospital patients were killed in the village of sapogova. the court also took into account the facts of forced blood donation by children from 9 to 14
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years old for transfusion to german soldiers. more than 157 villages were completely devoured, and work was carried out in germany. more than 38,000 able-bodied residents were forcibly removed and subjected to extermination by back-breaking labor; 36 death camps operated, where they were kept in inhumane conditions prisoners of war, civilians, women, children who were subjected to terrible torture. previously unknown facts of massacres were hidden as a result of excavations in our time; the remains of 3.00 civilians with traces of torture with nails driven into the skull were discovered by search engines of the search center in znamenskaya grove. in one of the pits there was: one of the places of massacres of civilians was the fifth mine of the fosrudnik near the city of shchegra. the nazis brought those doomed to death in closed cars to the mine table and shot them. to hide your tracks crimes, the dead and wounded were thrown into a thirty-two-meter mine shaft. the court
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also added to the case the acts of the atrocities of the german occupiers in the mikhailovsky district in the list of burned villages in the kursk region. the village of big dub. after the war , a memorial was erected in its place in memory of the victims of fascism. for suspicion of helping the partisans, the nazis killed all the inhabitants of the large oak tree. these were mostly old people, women and children. they were driven into cellars and grenades were thrown into them. in the autumn of '42, the nazis burned residents alive the villages of kholstinka and zvezda. there is a large oak tree at the memorial complex - 11 mass graves. during the 17 months of occupation , 624 civilians were killed in the mikhailovsky district alone. among.
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today, taking into account new challenges, we have to determine current approaches, principles, directions of work in the field of fundamental research, applied
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development, for the future, for the years to come. let me remind you that at the last meeting of the council, we agreed to make changes to the strategy of scientific and technological development. today i propose to discuss its updated edition, with taking into account our discussion, i ask you to make the necessary contributions.
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yuri believes that it is this kind of life that mobilizes, disciplines, helps to overcome difficulties, a person feels responsible, feels needed, he understands his role in this family, and this is the academic town of novosibirsk. this is my husband, alexey, our eldest daughter veronica, middle son. vova and younger sasha. svetlana works here at the institute of nuclear physics with one of the most amazing states of matter, plasma. the most striking example of plasma is our
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sun or any of the stars. i have an idea to create such a ray of sunshine on earth, the idea to create a thermonuclear reactor. this is where the thermonuclear fusion reaction occurs. this installation is unique; there is nothing else like it in russia. svetlana is developing a device capable of monitoring processes in plasma. a split second, it looks like this, it ’s disassembled, programming such a thing is a separate task, for an outsider the equipment is soulless hardware, but svetlana found a source of inspiration in it, i called this series an aesthetic-scientific experiment, to me i wanted to depict this work process, the beauty of the installations, hear , the installation is literally breathing, such techno in the literal sense of the word, this installation is part of the laboratory, dubnium, named after dubna, the city where we are located, it
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was obtained here. the heaviest element whose existence has been experimentally confirmed is aganison. this is the rarest case in history, or rather the second time, when a person’s name is given to a chemical element during his lifetime. yuri tsalakovich oganesyan meets us in the museum’s office academician flerov. this place is special; the most important decisions are made here. when they decided to name the element hanisson, this also happened. and why? but because it is not accepted. this is so, the scientific community proposed to name an element of the ogonisyan surname as a sign of the highest gratitude for his innovative contribution to the research of superheavy elements, this is an incomprehensibly difficult path, a search in science, let it be banal, but it’s just like you are looking for rowing in the forest, you go where - look, no, come back back, then you won’t go anymore, you go to another place, this is it every time, you have to have patience, such a desire,
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you have to have the desire to go, not find , come back, go again, come back, go again, come back, go back again, and not every person wants such a life. the path of a researcher is always associated with failure, with the expectation of a result and without any guarantees that theories and calculations will be translated into the final result. and i would like it to be somehow clear that scientific work, the work of a scientist, is very great work. with search and discovery, one of the main tasks of a scientist remains the transfer of knowledge and experience to the next generation. you should see the eyes of a student who sees the sunspot for the first time with his own eyes through a telescope or through safety glasses. it's such a delight. in tatiana podlatchikova’s office, everything speaks about the main subject of her scientific interest. shine like the sun. but the sun is just your passion, i see. the sun has been generously giving us light and warmth for 4.5 billion years. and by the way, we don’t
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think about it. just now. within the walls of skoltech a new test satellite is being prepared, the goal is to find out what type of computer memory will best withstand the influence of our star. this is a laboratory of small spacecraft, microsatellites, here we develop cupsats and launch them into space. thus, students and even schoolchildren receive not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical experience. but it seems that this is not only about the educational process. science endlessly expands the boundaries of our immediate. perception of the nature of our worldview, when i share this, i i want to share how amazing and beautiful our nature is. it is difficult to describe in one phrase what the life of modern scientists is like; guitar strings and string theory, lively humor and endless wisdom, love for children and colossal machines, the power of the solar wind, the power of their own hands are intricately intertwined in it, but one thing definitely unites scientists: sincere dedication to their
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work , research has not yet known. by the end of this year, the number of youth scientific laboratories in universities and scientific centers of the country will increase to 900, about this today the minister of education and science, valery folkov, stated. according to him, this will attract more young people; the future of russian science depends on how effective their work is. now the country has created an excellent base with the most advanced technologies, the minister said. various fields, priority is given to microelectronics, medicine, energy, scientists can conduct research in agriculture, climate, tasks, of course, the laboratory needs to be oriented towards interaction with industry, i think that this today there is a general need, it concerns not only the youth laboratory, from the point of view of the fact that we need it more closely, we just formulate this as a task for ourselves now with our colleagues, to more closely organize
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interaction with... representatives, well, with industrial partners, with potential investors, there is no universal minister recalled that at first laboratories were created on the basis of leading academic institutes, but later the focus shifted to higher education. the project included university science, which made the program more applied. in moscow today they presented the clubs that will play for our country in kazan at the first ever international tournament of the game of the future. the competition will be held in the format. the number of players in the team with good physical fitness and digital game skills. secrets of success. balance is important for hockey players . qualifying games were held from july to november last year, their winners were shared today . tactical shooting athletes admitted that they get adrenaline from both virtual and physical activity. well, the winner of the qualifying stage for the rhythm simulator said that he had already learned more than 100 dances.
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i’m preparing, but i’m just dancing, training at home for 6-7 hours a day, here i have a table xl, where i compare the records of the upcoming ones... the game of the future will be held in kazan from february 21 to march 3, the total prize fund is 450 million rub. it is expected that the events of the new format will go down in the history of sports; the capital of tatarstan will become a place of attraction for young people from all over the world. this is what we will talk about further in our issue. return of the snow maiden to the bicentenary of her birth. ostrovsky's bolshoi and maly theaters prepared the premiere from svetlana gordeeva theater square. this is a happy sale on
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ozone. have time to please. the benefit is delight. do not miss. hartens tv for 12.999. eye cream gel-tech for 699. desk for 1.699, it’s so nice when they do something for you, for example, when a credit card brings cashback in rubles and pays itself off. sign up for tenkov platinum before the end of february and always receive cashback in rubles, not bonuses. tinkov. working in an office can be painful. arthroxicam cream is a three-component composition with a modern painkiller in maximum concentration. triple action against pain and inflammation. arthroxicam. for accelerated penetration into the source of pain. who benefits from an azonbank card? for those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. those who like to simply save and receive interest
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on their deposit. with ozonbank there is a drawing of up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on the deposit. you are my basketball. favorite chicken for 199 rubles. in rostix restaurants. amazon show. this is a show. sale anazon longboard guessed the apple and you have a tie with notes oh childhood dream rejoice sale on ozone hurry up robot vacuum cleaner redmond for 3999 washing powder mainali for 309 drill screwdriver ztrack for 899 holiday discounts in magnet cosmetics skin care product libriderm collagen with a discount of up to 28 % magnit-cosmetics - the price is what you need! this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment. mom, look! mom katya is a teacher. papa maxim is a fireman, the gavrilovs honor traditions, their new neighbors -
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modern people. yura, it-developer, alena - designer. the gavrilovs have a move, the guys have a dog. they are so different, but they exist. don't miss it, casio watch for 1.599, bayson mattress for 9.999, keyboard for 2.699. this is me, irina timofeeva, i am developing new methods for environmentally friendly analysis of food products, and this is my chemistry teacher, she is the one. and made me friends with science, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties at uka.rr. chef, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. come to samolet
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divide the payment into parts with yandex split. split everything you want in different stores. without overpayments mask new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. at the bolshoi theater today there is an unusual premiere on stage, a joint production with the maly theater called the snow maiden. the performance involved actors of different genres, the result was a bewitching fairy tale in which arias, monologues, dances, etc. were harmoniously combined. on the birthday
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of playwright alexander ostrovsky, whose work formed the basis of the performance, however, today these two anniversaries coincided with another one; people’s artist of russia irina muravyova, who turns 75 on february 8, will take the stage in one of the main roles . svetlana gordeeva will continue: 150 years ago the maly theater was closed for repairs , his artists temporarily crossed the stage of the neighboring theater, a large one. this is how the production of the snow maiden arose, a performance in which opera, ballet and drama artists were immediately involved. the music for ostrovsky's fairy tale was written by the brilliant cheikovsky. today, 150 years later, that very first snow maiden returns to the bolshoi stage. the great ostrovsky wrote the snow maiden based on russian folk tales. in turn, the no less great chuikovsky managed to preserve this line by combining symphonic music with folk song. at least enjoy yourself! according to the plot, snegurochka
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is the daughter of the harsh santa claus of spring, who had an affair 16 years ago: beauty in her mother, an icy heart in her father, the girl goes to live with people in the berendey kingdom in order to understand and feel what love is. find love for her is much more important than living without love, and it seems to me that we should all strive for this, in real life we ​​should all look for love, because life without love is...
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colder, on saturday the temperature will lag further behind the norm than 10°.
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details after the break. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce body volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit evalar. stay fit. do you dream of reducing your volume in order to stay in shape? lymphotransit helps to reduce volumes, supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphotransit avalar. stay fit. so, the snowdrifts in the central... are already twice as high as last year, but they will not grow any further, now it will be sunny and frosty. the epicenter of the abnormal cold is in the northwest and in the center, while the northern regions will remain on the sidelines. if in arkhangelsk tomorrow it’s -9, then from veliky novgorod to kazan it’s a confident -15, at night it’s even lower, and this is not the limit, but it’s sunny, the precipitation zone will cover the belgorod and voronezh regions, but beyond the rostov line astrakho will not advance to danu, so the southern regions will remain blissfully unaware, here, on the contrary, it is getting
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warmer every day, in crimea there is a bright sunny spring, in sevastopol +12, in sochi a couple of degrees warmer with a little rain, in stavropol up to +15 , but in the foothills of the caucasus it is very windy, and now about the severe frosts in the capitals: in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be -13 against the backdrop of bright sun, in moscow, too, without precipitation , clouds will occasionally creep in, and during the day it will be -10-12, but on saturday night it will be -25 , let's insulate ourselves. thank you, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. that's all for now, go to, see you. hello, in the magnet you can win your own smart prize, the one that is seething with the desire to help, the one that spins around the house for you, and now all you need to do is be with your loved ones, give time to your loved ones, buy with a card from the application magnet,
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