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tv   Spetsbat  NTV  February 9, 2024 12:00am-12:56am MSK

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better than any tour guide, now with these damn navigators they can’t find a toilet in the apartment, damn it, i’m sorry, alena andreevna, it’s okay, i’m already used to it, yes, times have changed, and people are not the same anymore, where are you going, what is there alena andreevna, well, he writes that the taxi will be there in a minute, but he ’s been writing this for 10 minutes, maybe he can’t find us, well, he sees my electronic tag, you also have a tag?
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"hello, hello, well, let's go, we're a little late, sorry, while you collect it, such a hassle, well, you're a client, you you see, the free wait is 3 minutes , it’s been working for a long time, i understand, but the chair, the child seat is here, so here’s the chair in the cabin, have you seen my child?” “she’s almost 7 years old, and i don’t even know if this is for newborns, no, well, in the order you specified with a chair, here is a chair, but it’s a normal chair, but something doesn’t suit you, what do you mean it doesn’t suit you, my child won’t fit in it, so then we cancel the order, and you cancel, but the money will still be debited from my card for the call, no, well, the car is delivered, i’m waiting half an hour, not for the beautiful ones little eyes, okay, let's go.
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well, alena andreevna, i heard you can be congratulated, on what? well, how about a device for our special bar? i haven’t settled in yet, are you happy for me? very, very, now we can see every day that you are chatting there, we can’t hear a damn thing, nothing, makarovich, we’re just chatting not about business, of course, it’s actually dangerous to take a taxi now, you can’t guess. while
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driving, how long he slept, or rather did not sleep, whether he has a license or not, what kind of license, not everyone has a license, let alone how they drive, i in general i’m silent, well, yes, but they trust people with their lives , no, well, not all of them are freaks, there are also normal ones , that’s what i’m saying, you can’t guess, but the christmas trees are standing, dear ones, who are standing, and there are tpniks, now we’re killing them - cunning. tribute, you see, the taxi is backing up. oh, he noticed you and waves his wand at you. well, it’s okay, i ’m driving backwards, i don’t see him, so i ’m telling you that you’ll also pay 2500 fines for me, but why are you being rude to me?
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do you know uncle styop? who is this? this poem was about a policeman. my grandson loves it very much. don't miss it, central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. the general is against the president, how zelensky got his more popular one out of the way. political
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competitor, why didn’t it work out the first time? ukraine has lost its main trump card, washington's military assistance, what will happen on the battlefield when western assistance finally stops? and could the ukrainian front simply collapse, as western experts predict? the moon is shrinking in size, what causes this, why is this very bad news for people? this will be your central television, on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. this is a radu sale show. with notes, oh, childhood dream, rejoice, sale on ozone, hurry up , casiio watch for 1.599, boyson mattress for 9.999,
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red square keyboard for 2.699, alfabank, the first in russia, canceled all commissions for transfers of payments, order a free debit alpha map. not just profitable, alpha profitable! with wellson, you can fall asleep within 20 minutes and get a good night's sleep so you can enter the new day full of strength and energy. yes, i'm not a nice guy. people have secrets, and i have photos of these secrets. but i'm not the villain in this story. dim, i caught a piss. he has your photos too. of course have. this is the all-seeing eye of the industry, but i’m not happy that he has my photos, where i eat, where i relax, where i look ridiculous, this is my personal data, your personal data, so he has it and at the same time leaves his passport on an unreliable website, here he is resting and dictating a code to someone from an sms, if you still do
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this without a defender, the scammers will strip you to panties, by the way, there is such a photo too, what a protector, we care about your digital security. connect mts defender , an intelligent security technology platform, blocking incoming spam calls, monitoring data leaks, monitoring applications for unauthorized loans and other services, this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment, mom, look, mom katya is a teacher, dad maxim is a fireman, gavrilovy respect traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it developer, alena is a designer. gavrilov has a move, the guys have a dog, they are so different, but there is something that unites them, vtb, everything will work out, this is a happy sale on ozone, hurry up to please, the benefit is a delight, don’t miss it,
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hartens tv for 12,999, geltek eye cream for 699, desk for 1,699, kagocel starts to take effect from the first day of use. reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv, regardless of the type of virus, therefore kagacel is the highest antiviral measure. who benefits from an ozonbank card, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. for lovers simply save and receive interest on your deposit. spend and save with ozonbank up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to 16% per annum on deposits. chief new season. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, you're apalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate -
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afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. 25 years ago you first came to us and asked. is there enough for chocolate here? enough even for two. and for... breakfasts, dinners, whatever you want, especially with a holiday discount of 25%. pyaterochka helps out. minse - non-hormonal support during menopause. we have a full life, please, minse - life without a pause, more than 23 million prizes are guaranteed. leon's dream is twenty-third, give a dream. if you get up more than twice at night, afalase. at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma.
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hello, lieutenant yartsev, 102nd special battalion of traffic police, from whom are you in a hurry? i'm going to the call, the speed does not seem to be exceeded, drive carefully, show your license and documents, now please. and lower the rear window, now the handle is only now, that’s it, why didn’t they stop at the request of the employee, which employee, where? hide from us on the corner of sakharov in reverse, but i didn’t see anyone there point-blank, i was driving backwards, got a little lost in the courtyards, who should i hide from? the documents and the car seem to be in order, you see, that is, you don’t see anything here . you didn’t hear the police report either, well, you did,
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i think i heard it, i was thinking on the street, who should whistle in the yards, stay in the car. okay, we got there, quickly and safely, how much do we charge, you ordered for cash, yeah, for cash, 380 rubles. here's 400, thank you, styopa, thank you, nastishok, honor the recipients.
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hello, major chertanov, 102nd special traffic police battalion, your driver's license, registration certificate and travel documents, please. that’s right styopa, test purchase, there are no checkers on the car, no roof light, information on the dashboard for passengers is absent, the check for payment for services has not been issued, you are silent, well, be silent, i am writing licenses to hell, at least he has a license. you have a license, so fill it up, major, so that
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others won’t do it in the future, you plead guilty to the listed charges, there’s no need to withdraw it, it’s not a big deal, but excuse me alena, excuse me alena andreevna. hello, hello, hello, baby,
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let's get acquainted, my name is danila, what's yours? nadyuzh, they asked you a question, it’s impolite to remain silent, well, okay, how old are you? say six, soon it will be seven. ok, girl, don’t rush to call another taxi. why? three c's for the thirty-third. in touch. hold the taxi driver. he has a child seat, it’s standing, it’s strange, hold it anyway, move it over to you, accept it, when are we going somewhere? soon, baby, soon, it seems to me that your daughter is very offended by the taxi driver who dropped you off, dropped you off, he almost threw us out, as if it were our fault that he came instead of a chair with lyulka, in addition, they also wrote off money from me, this not rudeness, yes...
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your mother, they also call styopa, chertanov, go here, colonel, interesting circumstances are emerging here. listen to me, major, clear his brains with a complete kick in the ass to eliminate the shortcomings, i’m not talking about that, so consider that this is an order, well, an order is an order, and the fact that the taxi driver is deprived of his license for six months is so bullshit, he’s didn’t pass them, continues to drive, well, let me go, comrade colonel, continue to clear my brains, don’t explain, chertanov, the deprived person didn’t surrender his license,
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that’s up to 15 days of arrest, yes, i’m sorry. this is undoubtedly your personal success, come up with, carry out such a special operation, learn, while i'm alive, both of you, otherwise you'll babysit them like this, we won't babysit, straight to the wall, well, i'm calling a tow truck, no need for a tow truck, get the deprived receiver in his own car, take the car to the impound lot before the trial, that's not how it works at all is being done, but we are a special battalion. we can do anything , do the damn thing, please introduce yourself, and karavaeva victoria, olegovna, i live in this house, sakharova 15, second entrance, seventh floor, apartment 38, the apartment could not be named, yeah, look, i received an sms about that that
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a taxi has arrived, what is the car number, please, about the fact that... the driver began to fulfill the order, also a taxi, uh-huh, that's it, thank you very much, thank you, come, 38, alena andreevna, yes, we are leaving, how are you with us, i don’t know, i she needs to go to the hr department, and i ’ll take care of her, major, direct contacts with the press are not recommended for you. comrade lieutenant , i’m losing clients, all orders are missed, well, as much as possible , come on, the lack of a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher in the car when transporting citizens is not just a minor violation, and not only you, but your taxi company will be responsible, oh,
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started, taxi company. i’ll be with you on your terms, because i would not only put people like you in prison, i would get soaked in shit every day, this is understandable, not very well yet, i explain, by endangering the life of a six-year-old child, you are committing a criminal offense for which you are given these 6 years old, it’s clearer that what at 6 years old, well... article 238 ok, i didn’t know , i thought you’d get off with a fine, well, the fine won’t escape you anywhere, just not 25,000, as you told the passenger, but half a million rubles, what a passenger, what a child, what a comrade captain, i’m not your comrade, you don’t care about the lives of children, i hate people like you, but i don’t know, i haven’t seen these fairy tales and songs,
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you’re a lawyer, maybe he’ll believe you, tart victoria. olegovna, i live in this house, sakharova 15, second entrance, my captain, well, as long as you want, we arrived, go out.
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tema, hold on! oops, keys, how are you? yes, just like on the beach!
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mask new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. this is a happy sale on ozone. have time to please. the benefit is delight. do not miss. blender scarlett for 1.199. men's set dionika for 299. baon jacket for 4,199. this is an ordinary house. this is the gavrilovs' apartment. mom, look. mom katya is a teacher, dad maxim is a fireman, the gavrilovs honor traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura is an it developer, alena is a designer, the
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gavrilovs have a move, the guys have a dog, they are so different, but there is something that unites them, vtb, everything will work out when you want to please your loved ones and... yourself, but your toad is against it, divide the payment into parts with yandexsplit, split everything you want in different stores without overpayments. like sesame, two cutlets, special sauces, salads, cucumbers. a bun with sesame seeds, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese
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, salads, cucumbers, a legendary view, this is bikhit, bighit, only at a tasty point, try investing walls, continue if you like it, open an account in tenenki investments and get a starting 50,000 rubles from bank, you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if there is no income, then reimburse it from... of course there is, this is the all-seeing eye of the industry, but i’m not happy that he has my photos, where i eat, where i relax , where i look ridiculous, these are my personal data, and
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personal data, here he is and at the same time leaves his passport on an unreliable site , but here he is resting and dictating a code to someone from an sms, if you still do this without a defender, the scammers will strip you down to your panties, by the way, there is also such a photo, what kind of defender , we care about your digital... security, connect mts defender, an intelligent security technology platform, blocking incoming spam calls, controlling data leaks, monitoring applications for unauthorized loans and other services, which again to everyone if you need gifts, buy them all at once from split 006 on the yandex market, a gift set of five pairs of nebox boards for 685 rubles. who benefits from an azonbank card, who likes to go shopping and who likes to earn money after shopping. for those who just like to save and receive interest on their deposit , no matter which way you look at it, the ozonbank card is beneficial for free, spend and save with ozonbank,
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draw up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on the deposit, you are my basket, favorite chicken for 199 rubles in restaurants, this is a happy sale on ozone, have time to please, the benefits are delightful, don’t miss it, polaris wi-fi equipment with discounts of up to 60%, persil color laundry detergent with a 40% discount. israeli citizen sobchak, who has long crossed all boundaries. i am not going to obtain israeli citizenship or anything else. friends, you can't wait. how sweet was she to bandera’s supporters on the maidan? sweet, and was preparing alternate airfields for herself in israel, indonesia and the emirates. passport. i got it when the world around me began to collapse and it became clear that i you need to protect yourself from this, how she took other people’s husbands away, where were you, hiding, walking,
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a jar of spiders, where everyone... slept with a friend, how she later took revenge on her rivals, she threw me off the stairs, the turnout that sucks you out in general, all the blood, and to whose tune she is dancing now, crimea is ours, i can’t say that, sovchak will answer everyone for everything, on sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv, what is it, borya is there, and what are you, where are you going - then to the dance? i’m more than ready that you’re interfering everywhere, that you need to explain, so to hell with it easter cakes, by the way, the devil himself came, which one of them, which one is from the ugro, go meet me, i, i ’ll go out through the gate, you get in, come here.
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oh, nikitanovich, for some reason you come to us more often, i’m already starting to worry about it, be glad, uncle bori, that it’s me who comes to you, and not you to me, of course people rarely come to me, but if they do come, it’s for a long time, no , as they say, no, it’s better to kick him out, yes, classic cinema, yes, that’s semyon semyonovich from there. but what, you didn’t tell me everything, uncle borya, not everything. semyon semyonovich also has his own website. yeah, uncle bor, crime keeps up with the times, but you kept it from me, it’s not good. i say what i say. i understand these things quite well, too smart for me. my boys, he didn’t graduate from the academy either, so i
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apologize. such ponds are with me. you know, uncle borya , nowadays they teach computer literacy in the prison zones, kostyan , now they’ll kick you out, great, niki, stop it, well , good, go viral, well, whoever sees us here, i
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’ll sew up any of them’s mouths with a thorn, nikita, probably good , seryoga put a sofa in his closet, gave him the key, gave him his knees, work, that you didn’t have to go far, shut your mouth, i’m still getting impudent, come on, twist it, yeah, vera, hello, this is such beauty. yeah, thank you, here’s the hostess, take it, borisana, you’re just a magician, it seems to me that she wasn’t so beautiful even when she was new, yes, i owe you how much, no, no, no, not how much, everything’s paid for, no commissions, no tips we take it, here, here, please be generous in
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receiving it. i don’t even know what to say, but what to say, there’s nothing to say, get in and drive, don’t fight anymore, what are you talking about, i’m now a speck of dust with i’ll hand it over, well done, thank you, please, well, what are you looking at inside, we didn’t do anything inside at all, but how... did it get better? probably just out of habit? no, no, no, no, neither a nail nor a rod , that’s what they say here, that’s what the police say, i don’t know that, the police also say boris ostapich, did you tell sergei where to look for a bmw? what, i didn’t understand, i’m sorry, that means you,
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you? what i said, vera, i say what i say, what are you talking about now, and the bekhi that maltsev from... the 102nd department found, yes, yes, yes, vera, and i’m there, sorry, which way, well, yes, again, thank you, well, you’ve already thanked me, take it off. let's go boys.
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sooner or later they would still have come to this site, not nikita.
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i owe my people a bob for your used car, you can’t earn much by buying cars, you have to get by somehow, lexus, black. forget about this preparation, uncle storms , i’m talking about whose one came to me with
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your verification and i gave it for the car. zuev, criminal investigation, exclusive interview
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with gennady krasnikov. 300 years and the russian academy of sciences. what is our place in the world according to scientific potential. we strive to be a leader in every direction. who and where understood the decree in their own way. when scientists double their salaries , quantity does not translate into quality. why is expertise critical across a range of industries? we are now in full contact with all ministries. how will the explosive development of new technologies change our lives? here is the forecast for the development of science and technology for the next 15 years. answers today on ntv. chief new season. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. this is a happy sale on ozone. have fun. the benefits are delight. product of the week. philips trimmer for 2.699. five percent gel diclofinak acos in a package with a man. the gold standard for pain relief is a maximum concentration of 5%.
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trust of millions. this is a happy sale on ozone. have time to please. the benefit is delight. do not miss. adidas sneakers for 3,999. cafesta coffee capsules for 679. razor for men. it's easy to imagine your ideal home. it’s not always possible to build, so just imagine, everything else, from selecting a site to choosing a contractor, trust the section build a house for a house, click on touring with a runny nose, no, we’ll treat it, buy it at the pharmacy, sealor suppresses bacteria and fights inflammation, sealor - it’s better to treat us. when you want to please your loved ones,
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yourself, but your toad is against it. split the payment into parts with yandex split. split everything you want in different stores without overpayments. who benefits from an azonbank card, those who like to shop and those who love it. earn money after visiting these stores, those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposits, with ozonbank, a draw of up to 100% cashback and up to 16% per annum on the deposit. lor atritsin is able to alleviate even severe pain and helps treat a sore throat. lorathricin works for sore throats and treats infections. this is a happy sale on ozone. have time to please. the benefit is delight.
12:38 am
hartens tv for 12.999, geltek eye cream for 699, desk for 1.699 , this is an ordinary house, this is the gavrilovs’ apartment, mom, look, mom katya is a teacher, dad maxim is a fireman, the gavrilovs honor traditions, their new neighbors are modern people, yura - it-developer, alena - designer, gavrilov although the guys have a dog. they are so different, but there is something that unites them. vtb, everything will work out, take effervescent paracetamoleneval, effervescent tablet ocetil solicylic acid rinival. we trust renival, we choose renival. coffee beans kapesa 1 kg with a 45% discount vasilisa bed linen with discounts up to 80%. at petrov's. holidays are coming up, valentine's day for repairs, putty day and
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international wallpapering day. don’t limit yourself, a personal loan from post bank with a comfortable payment from 1. rubles is enough for what you need and what you want. come for money. post bank. from the first day of administration, kagacel begins to reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv, regardless of the type of virus. therefore, kogacel is the highest antiviral measure. this. happy sale on ozone, hurry up, the benefits are delightful, don’t miss it, and today polaris wi-fi equipment with discounts of up to 60%, persil color laundry detergent with a 40% discount. alena andreevna, please forget it, yeah. wow, i already thought
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i wouldn’t meet anyone alive in this room. hello, alena. hello vitali. you know, i would dismiss everyone here if i left the women's club i would do it. it's clear. by the way, was our taxi driver released? yes, the chicks are sitting there, the mafia is immortal. released? are you joking? lon, i'm kidding. well, have you ever heard of it? i wish i was joking, but i wish you good health, comrade colonel, hello!
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i remembered an anecdote, a guy invites a girl home, well, they both understand what, uh, what the evening is going for, he approaches the front door, the guy is worried, his hands are shaking, he tries to insert the key into the keyhole, he can’t get in, this way and that. so, he looks at her, she’s not bad, the evening is starting, yeah. well, is it really funny, yes, no, really very funny, i’m just incredibly tired, who was it, was it? he will outlive us all, this is the deputy chief of internal security, colonel tyulenev, it was he who pressed us then , seryoga pressed us from the word press, funny, wait, seryoga should have leaked information through you, he didn’t tell you, but he
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wanted me what - to tell, but we were distracted, and sergei wanted to tell me something important, well , we caught the prosecutor’s son for a bribe, now, now, his wife’s car, her purse too. somewhere there must be my license, major chertanov 102 spitbat, why without low beams, as without low beams, i have an automatic machine, an automatic machine is not an automatic machine, i don’t see the low beam, so why, the indicator is on, come out, let’s see,
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yes this can’t be true, comrade. here we are, you probably didn’t even have time to get bored ; vitalya,
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uh-huh, sergey, you and alena were given a pass, but no. i’m not talking about that, maybe i’ll go home, i’m just starting to have a headache, let’s drop me off somewhere at an intersection, wait, what about your car, it’s in our parking lot, well, it’ll wait, it’s okay , i’ll pick it up tomorrow, but there’s another option, we’re going to the battalion, i’ll change the skin, and then i’ll take you in your own car, and i, and you, vitalik, to turkey, all inclusive, how do you like this option, option,
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come in , i'll come in, i won't leave. but i’m not ready yet, i have a friend, it’s true, well, this is already of interest, but i just accidentally found out about your most important and most important thing, about how you caught the prosecutor’s son taking a bribe, and how vitalik treplo later paid you for this, but no, it’s not his fault at all. i just know how to loosen tongues, this is my job, sergey , and my friend’s name is yanina staletova, this name should mean something to me, well, she is a very famous journalist, producer of the tv show
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law society on the federal channel, if i ask her, then it will promote your story, and the story is worth it, i have nothing to do with it... make sure that no one ever finds out about the source of information , i wanted to show you some official video recordings, i already understood that, you didn’t just insist that we meet at midnight, yes, yes, but the recordings are in the office, or rather in the office , but not for me, well now i can see it as quite a law. reasons, yes, you can’t argue with that.
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but the car is not mine, maybe after all? chertanovich, yes, you were detained on suspicion of complicity in a particularly serious crime under article 126 of the criminal code, kidnapping person.
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we took him, okay, take him to the department. the russian academy of sciences. 300 years, in what state does it celebrate its anniversary, who and where are we bypassing, and what are we urgently catching up with, how much additional investment
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will infrastructure and personnel require, what kind of expertise should be, how the explosive development of technology will change our lives and what will happen to ours and you psychological health, let's talk about this with the head of the russian academy of sciences, academician gennady krasnikov. gennadiyvich, in the history of the russian academy of sciences there were different periods, there were...
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spills, we cannot do without such serious large installations, research equipment, such serious results, without serious scientific instrumentation, and we have a project in the far east, in vladivostok, but nevertheless we must,
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of course, increase the number of these installations in general.
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where there are no sectoral institutes yet, then our institutes are ready to take on this function in order to already work as a customer, so that this weak link, this weak link, can take over and bring research to practical results, these are the measures of support - for scientists, in general in
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the scientific sphere in general, from the state that you consider effective. maybe the scientific community has some ideas that there is something additional to offer? well , first, of course, more money should be allocated for motivation, because well, yes, if we talk about such volumes and you do something effectively there, this of course is such motivation - this is a salary, well, i have yes motivation. there was a decree that double by region for researchers is it’s also a separate question, it’s not easy, yeah, because - well, with us - it’s kind of very well...


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