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tv   Kodeks chesti-5  NTV  February 9, 2024 3:15am-4:50am MSK

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excuse me, how are you feeling, dinka? it’s better, i was very scared. well, i hope we’re all seated, right? you remember about the plane, right? dim, what a plane, well, you see what’s wrong with me? we prepared so much for this, we were going to, well, then understand, i can’t cancel the procedure, right? you understand yourself, right? well, there’s no need to cancel anything, you fly, and i ’ll heal a little and definitely fly to you. what's stopping us from flying away right now? well, they put you in a cast, nothing else.
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of course, i knew that everyone, almost all men , were complete egoists, but to such an extent? yes, our dmitry doesn’t look much like a man in love, especially considering that he always talks about some non-existent fatal disease, and that he’s calling somewhere, let us listen, yes, yes, a second. georg, yes , i understand everything, but don’t yell in the end , nothing will happen to your deadlines if we arrive a week later, listen, is it my fault? listen, georg, but this is such a product, but they will fetch twice as much for it as usual. okay, i got it, i got it, that’s enough, don’t yell, i’ll try to do it, but i don’t guarantee anything, this is a turn, yes. at
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180°. egor, hi, listen, i need your help, check two characters. michal personally, i just don’t know what to do. do you want to leave early again? no, i already left once on my own, i bought tickets. a friend won’t be able to go, his ticket is lost , well, give it up, there’s still time , i’ll probably lose money, i’m wildly sorry, of course, but i’m ready to sacrifice myself to save the situation, well , here you go, why isn’t that an option, no, pash, you ’re sorry, of course, but if you take it with you a man, then of course i’ll offer mikhail lichut , but he’s still nearby and... well
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, my friend and i listened to your advice, now it’s europe, castles, monasteries without the sea, and that’s not interesting to me, mikhail ilch, agree , well, no, sorry, well, you know, things are not going well and there’s no time for vacation, but you should definitely go. with whom, by the way, we also have egor, who here remembers egorova in his own way, okay, not by night, maybe by night, especially girls, especially you, i found out, yes , i found out, well, let's start in order, let's start with your his psychopath yarik, detained, this is good, as for dmitry and georg, the situation is more interesting here, both appear in several interpol cases. about the missing
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girls, damn it, i didn’t think to check the interpol database, now it’s clear why we find out about everything so late, but what about georg? georg, the owner of a network of brothels in eastern europe, according to data, sex trafficking is involved, as we found out, in general, girls from romania went to albania, then their traces were lost, then some of them surfaced in brothels around the world, it turns out that larisa faced the same fate. it turns out, well, as i understand it, dmitry can be taken, their dialogue with georg was recorded, you offend , egor, well, now the investigation will be, what to show him, then we will take, pasha , track the geolocation of his phone, carolina, hello, oh , yes, i have more news on your case, you are busy, wait, under no circumstances let larisa go, do you hear? i
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will explain everything, the main thing is to detain them, what happened? dmitry finally persuaded larisa to fly to romania, they need to be stopped. dmitry voronin, you are detained on suspicion of human trafficking, put your hands forward, what is happening, let him go, this man is seriously ill, we know his illness, they called him. called, yes, what are you talking about here , he has leukemia, let him go, i said, girl, when you find out what’s wrong, thank you, say, let’s go, larisa, daughter, wait, wait, wait, larisa, larisa, calm down, my name is olga, i am an employee of a detective agency, this man is a criminal, come on, we will explain everything to you.
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well, don't you be offended that i refused you go? no, why should i be offended, it’s our business to offer, your business, i hope the money won’t go to waste, and if it does, i’ll use it for you , but it’s not about the money, well, i’m ready and moral, like a movie, are you serious? well, i didn’t expect such spiritual generosity from you, so what can i do right now? why? cool, i just choose the movie, and tickets for the last row, what do you say? and why in the last row, i’ll tell you in the cinema.
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standing from a place, standing, means.
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that the killer didn't see your face, you're saying that i might be in danger, a million dollars, serious money, and apparently criminal, has anyone stated?
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white powder particles were found at the bottom of the bag, drugs? yes
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, that’s what i’m thinking, perhaps the murdered homeless woman was somehow connected with drug dealers, or these homeless people witnessed the exchange of goods, and they somehow managed to steal the money, and all this could have happened somewhere near a vacant lot there where they live. in this regard, i am going to send a person there. our employee is already in the vacant lot. uh, what are you doing here? good afternoon, what are we looking for? yes nothing, major nekiite, who are you here? i'm a watchman, robbers? at least, what happened, what? there was an attack last night, witnesses
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saw homeless people, is this where they live? well, there are homeless people living here, but they won’t flock to me, because you won’t get me sick, how many people? two, that's three men, and women? once a homeless person came to see them, fed from him, yeah, but you know what, if these people show up again, please call this phone number. i’ll tell you right away, but what does the investigator say? yes, i don’t believe the investigator’s version, apparently, i’m a homeless woman the shooter was an amateur, the bandits involved in drug trafficking would not have left without making sure that she was dead, and they would not have left me alive, perhaps you are right, absolutely for sure, they would never have left her like that. money, no, there’s something wrong here , something’s wrong here, comrade major, i very much doubt that
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this woman is homeless, you say, well, first of all, she was wearing expensive underwear, she could have found it in a landfill , look at her hands, her hand is well-groomed, manicured, several nails are broken, but this happened during a fight, tell me, how old do you think she is, well, about 35 years old? 37, no, after all, she was a wealthy woman, where did you get such conclusions? i looked at the cavities of the yurt , look, she was visiting an expensive dentist, what happens, this is all, she’s wearing a masquerade tripe, yes, she could deliberately dress up as a homeless person to get away from an unknown pursuer, or maybe she’s a drug courier, she took it and threw it away their owners, nonsense, a drug courier... wants to get his earned money, and not a bullet in the living, so, if the murdered woman is not homeless, then, firstly, she
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must have a place of residence, she must there may be relatives, friends, in the end , they have to look for her, buzz, you look again at the information about people who are wanted, among her friends there may be a murderer or the owner of a million dollars, general, but the murderer doesn’t know, this woman is probably alive or not, he can do it too. her and the money, well , perhaps you’re right, which means it’s impossible to make public the information that there was a shootout, a woman was killed, and there was a shootout. but the woman was wounded and is in the hospital, that’s it, ivan, let’s finish, we found our homeless woman, meet me, pierced the fingerprints. irina aleksandrovna proshina, 35 years old, unmarried, former employee of the federal
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drug control service. wow, yes, i quit my job 2 years ago. nothing would have worked out for us, she was a good agent, and then what, she quit for health reasons, not every man can withstand such pressure, irina broke down, tell me something, about friends, about relatives, yes, no one has been here for a long time didn’t
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show up, no photos, no receipt, what can i say, there’s not even a kettle in the kitchen, no, she clearly didn’t live here, she’s coming here, hello, hello, yes, this is the neighbor of the citizen of proshina, good afternoon, hello, please tell me when was the last time you saw irina, it’s been a long time, she didn’t appear here, but you don’t know where she moved, no, she didn’t communicate with anyone, she lived quietly. tell me, did anyone come to her? well, no, but a couple of times i saw her with a man, yeah, but could you describe him? no, the thing is that he always waited downstairs in the car, he didn’t come up here, but what kind of car was it? i don't know anything about cars, black such an imported, let's say, proshina worked
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under cover, then came into contact with a criminal line. what do you have? well, irina’s parents are dead, there are no relatives, no friends, there is practically nothing to cling to, but irina’s colleague said that she has a sister, yes, he has never seen her, knows nothing about her, lives in some village in moscow region, name is marina, they are twins, so i think, maybe...
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it looks like here, hello, tell me, is the house 54 on lenin street, are we not mistaken here? no, you are not mistaken, who do you want? marina sanna does proshina live here? oh, here! unfortunately, second floor, thank you, no call,
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is anyone alive? what is another corpse or what? what is needed, well, we are from moscow, major nikitin, you are a citizen, verkov.
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so i don’t have a sister, no, your sister really doesn’t exist anymore, she died, well , she died, she died, if i had died, no one would have known at all. you need to remember that you are standing, may, go get a bottle,
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the last time we saw each other was at my father’s funeral, the kingdom of heaven. when it was? a little over a year, we sat, talked, i went to her i asked to live, but she was short-lived, and then she opened up and said, she’s getting married, yeah, who? i didn’t tell you exactly, and then she gave me money, yes... she thought about paying me off, well , so as not to see me again, i guess
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she grabbed the cool one, since he gave her a hut , she herself told you about the new apartment, let it slip, she got married , no, i didn’t come out, how... guys, come on, let’s go out, i need to deal with the woman, now comrade major will deal with you, right? but i realized, oh, i should have warned you, sorry, i’ll come later
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i’ll come in, you me, vasya, vasya, it’s ready, thank you. it looks like someone brought in a computer, so well, let's call the guys, we need to do it.
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hospital, yes, and i think this is why she is not visible, or rather, not heard, in what sense is not heard, well, you understand, she loved to listen to loud music in the evenings, played the piano, and at this moment i’m working, but you you see, there was suddenly silence here, but i thought that she had gone somewhere, but the other day there was some noise in her apartment, what noise? i don’t know, there were some screams, they slammed the door, they moved something, and that’s all for some reason at night. do you remember when exactly? i think it was wednesday, are you sure? no, absolutely, yes, it was wednesday, i work at night, i'm a writer. ok, thank you very much, all the best. the purchase and sale agreement for this apartment, here is the address of the realtov
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agency, i’ll try to rush there, maybe... find out something, come on, sergey sergeevich, there’s a broken mobile phone here, can we do something? i'll give it to the technicians and we'll try to restore the memory card. well, sergey sergeevich, look, an original solution, drugs again, i’m her
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i remember. yes, i was looking for an apartment option for her. how did she pay? cash. yes. did she come with a man, fiance? no, she came alone. are you sure? absolutely, i'm sure of it. she came to the apartment alone. yes. and i didn’t consult anyone on the phone. listen, i don't remember this anymore. ok, thank you. sit down. well. what about the prints? apart from irina’s prints, nothing was found in the apartment. but what’s interesting is that there are no prints on the bag of drugs at all. perhaps it was planted to throw us off to no avail. well, it looks like the mobile memory card has not yet been restored, well, the technicians are working their magic. and still no clue? there is one clue. here. these are printouts of incoming
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and outgoing calls. i was interested in one number, it belongs to a certain salov, and so a large number of calls have been made from salov’s number to irina’s number recently, but irina herself did not answer these calls. who is this salov? salov owns a chain of jewelry stores, is married, has a 50-year-old daughter, well , that’s all for now, no criminal record, nothing of that kind, for any reason things didn't go well. well, a wealthy man could buy an apartment for a woman, you tell me all the information about him, and one more thing, just in case, check his identification at the time of the murder, clearly.
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yeah, i understand, but you sent me the addresses of these garages, okay, thank you, well, salov is as clean as a diamond, now on a business trip he flew away on the day of the murder, where, the employee said, somewhere abroad, well, we still need to check this alebi , if. involved in the murder, i could well have been on the safe side, we’ll check, but i didn’t i think this is our client, no criminal record , no connections with the criminal world, maybe irina just bought jewelry from him, well , let’s find out that too, wait, this is already interesting, yeah, usalova has two garages, yeah, now they sent me the addresses, the address of one of the garages is
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the same. near a vacant lot, we need to check, let's go, yes, where are we going, who will give us permission to destroy the garage, i don't think it's a coincidence, we need to check, there is an order, proceed carefully.
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someone else is being brought to us by trouble, it’s great,
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bro, it’s great, you’re not kidding that you got lost or what, there are no places, get out of here, what am i doing, i ’m okay, i have this independent investigation, and what are you doing, me? yes, ex, well, it’s all in the past, but what are you looking for? my sister was offended here, my bag was taken away, it’s not you, my sister , who says, well, let’s say you took the bag , some woman was hanging around us here, well, and then she left, and then she came back again, but with a bag, she gone wasteland? we are after her, why did we want to scare her, there is no money at all, yes, damn it, who killed her, we don’t know anything,
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when we were running after the woman, there was a faster car it was driving, what kind of car, who the hell knows what, it was dark, you couldn’t see anything, a car? there’s a car in africa, okay, thank you, come on, listen , i checked alebi salov, what’s up, salov was supposed to fly to turkey at one in the morning, the time of irina’s murder, yes, salov is out of the question. but no, salov’s flight was postponed until 4 o’clock in the morning, therefore, if salov found out about this in advance, he could have committed murder in time for the plane, wait, wait, this means, if we assume that there was
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money there, irina goes to the garage, steals money because she is completely sure that salov at the airport that he is flying away, but he knows in advance that the flight has been postponed, he appears there, do you understand? we will never prove this in our lives, there is one option, the criminal does not know whether he killed irina or not, if it is salov, he can take one bait, which bait, the twin sister, you want to pass off as her.
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well, okay, okay, talk to them, these women, twins, yes, i see, well, let’s try, and for now you can rest, okay.
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on the first date, let's hope for the best, she will drink some more of our blood. what are you sawing? how do you like it? marin, you are simply
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beautiful. come on, in a word, sharman. listen, they cast a spell on me for half a day. i want to eat so much, my guts are cramping, i want to swell. delicious , okay, you eat, and i’ll tell you , look here, this man, we need to check, he’s not my type, but what did she even find in him, his name is petrovich, perhaps. it’s not enough to marry him, but what a wife he is, he
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’s a woman, in its purest form, listen, such an appetizer is going to waste, we’ll order it for you, but you’ll get by , now you look like your sister, well, i, but this is not enough for us, you understand, we need you to behave the same way. and she was talking, it won’t work, nothing, let’s practice , learn, you don’t understand, she was silent the whole time , not like me, what’s on my mind, you’re on the tongue, so, i met irina’s colleague, and he gave me some tips. irina behaved modestly, she really was
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a woman of few words, she, listen to me carefully , remember, she had a favorite phrase, i ’ll think about it tomorrow, exactly, you know where this came from, what about them, and this, placed in the wind, well irka, she read this book to the core, it’s a plague, so stop with your jargon. “listen, i’m asking you , let’s go crazy, and i said, it’s over, listen, scary boss, i told you, take her back, if the situation doesn’t change, it will have to, but why will it change, we’re just wasting time, salov will be back soon , let's take it into full development, something..." hope will emerge, okay,
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let's wait a couple of days, hello soldiers, how is our operation going, everything is fine, general, and what about our lady, there are successes, gets used to the character, okay, work, work. well, give me the bottle, give me the bottle , i told you, i won’t give it back, hand, mokamdai, look, move away, look, see, see, freak, i’m not
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a freak, now come with me, i’ll go, come with me, i won’t go , come to me, i said, come on, mirror, come, look at yourself. look at yourself, you're a beauty, you want to become an old woman again, if you drink, you'll become one , and even your vase won't need you, light, what's the matter, fuck off, you fool, fool, fate gave you a chance, you're a beautiful woman, if not if you drink, men will give you joints, yeah, and you’re 100% sure of it, but you liked them, not yet, but you have a chance,
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the groom has arrived, open up, i’m not afraid, do as i taught you, not stra i’m nearby , gertika, hello, hello , everything is fine with you, yes, otherwise i heard a noise, a scream, so i decided to ask, but no, it’s the tv, i’ve already turned it off, okay. “i’m very glad that you were released from the hospital, how is your health, nothing, you look good, thank you, well, i won’t bother you, i i’ll go, yes, all the best, goodbye.”
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you can, whenever you want, well done, well, the neighbor believed you, how great, movement is life, what do you know, that’s it, let’s take a break, come on. you know, it’s not always it was like that, forget everything in the past, i suffered because of love, yes, because of love, it’s like, and so,
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i fell in love in the tenth grade, then i barely finished school, and then i went. “nirka me first he pulled me out of all the companies, and then he captivated me, i was falling in love, she’s not like that, but what she is, she’s like tell you, she’s prudent, she always said that it wouldn’t be a price to get out of our dora, rich, dreamed.” always, i listen, accepted, came back, well, he flew away , yes, everything is fine, oh, why did you bother so much, well
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like, gifts for you, daughter, really ? no one called me? no, someone should? no, i just asked. well, did you recognize him? you know, he looks bigger than that one. well, at night all cats are gray, he keeps calm, it’s not clear from him that he killed someone or lost a million. well, for some, one million more, one less, his wife seems okay, are we really mistaken, but soon we’ll find out, in
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the photo khyra is most often wearing this suit, probably his favorite one, when your fiance arrives, i ’ll wear it. “you’re talking like they’re sleeping, you’re a good teacher, this is for our general, tell the general, yes, that means it’s time, we have to find out where the call is coming from, okay, okay”? yes, remember that you are ira. hello, i’m listening, i can’t hear you, hello, it’s you, don’t
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be silent, if you want to talk, come, i hung up, there’s too little time. "hello, what do you have, i understand, they spotted it, if this is the one, oh whom we think, the main thing is that he heard your voice, maxim, and if he has the keys to the apartment, he will come and kill me, this is impossible, firstly, there are our people around, and secondly..." i’m next to you, i understand , i’ve just never been a bait, it’s scary
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, i think it was him who called, maybe they got the wrong number, while salov was abroad, there wasn’t a single call, here it’s on you, marina did everything right, what a promise he was, the only one the question is, is it always like this. the one who called heard a woman’s voice, so if it’s ours a killer or the owner of a million, he will show himself , it looks like salov has gone to bed, it’s not evening yet , let’s wait, so, that means, if marina agrees, then we’ll go with the backup option, ivan, you’ll have to play the role of her newly minted fiancé, comrade general, but. .. max will do it better, right? no, max disappears, what are you talking about? first of all, max lit up when he was talking with salov’s assistant, right? i
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also fall away, the alleged killer could see my face. i understand, admiral. okay, show off your marina. my name is konstantin dmitrievich, you know our new plan? yes, maxim lyanilovich told me, yeah, what about you? have you ever been in similar situations? no, then you have time to think, can you refuse? i
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won’t refuse, after all, ira is my sister, and i would like the killer to be found, i think she would have done the same, well, great, and in general you have no one and nothing to fear, these...
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it suits you very well, dear , we’d better leave, i ’m not ready today, but look at this option, white gold, diamond, very elegant and noble, try it on, good afternoon, let me offer your lady our exclusive, yes, i’ll be glad, we just can’t decide. here is a set with emeralds, unique work, a worthy thing, little world, look, it’s worth thinking about, i’ll think about it tomorrow, i really don’t feel well, yes, yes, of course, sorry , i wanted to make a phone, we’ll come back another
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time, sorry. i found out, doc, the saloh came out, he took the bait, he’s coming for you, we act according to the plan. don’t worry, everything is fine,
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the jeweler here doesn’t look like a murderer, if he didn’t kill irina, then he might know who did it, everything is fine, we say goodbye as calmly night, goodbye. hello, good afternoon, i’m listening to you , my friend, proshina irina aleksandrovna, is staying here, is it possible to find out what room she is staying in, just a minute, yes,
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number 317, you can call, you know, she’s here. okay, the room was rented by a man, ilya ivanovich prokhorov, a doctor from st. petersburg, in moscow at a conference, i can go to this room, yes, yes, yes, but i’m asking you, but of course, of course, that means 317, yes, thank you , yes, i remember you, come here, if anything happens, i’m nearby, don’t
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worry, don’t worry yourself if he asks about money, i will say that i am not in a safe place. oh, sorry, i got the wrong number, nothing.
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i urgently need to meet in our place. damn, where did he disappear to, and his car is still parked with a driver near the hotel, and he is nowhere to be found, he went through the back door, there is no other option
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, something scared him off, we made a mistake somewhere, but he took the bait, gave himself away with the patriarchs, so marina, you will stay here for now, alone, but not alone, under the protection of our employees, that’s all, max. let's go, let's not waste time, doc, let's put salov on the wanted list, we're going to his to my wife, good afternoon, forgive me, i scared you, yes, i’m going to see evgeniy petrovich, if you allow me. i won’t allow evgeniy petrovich at work, and i just got there, he left, i thought he was at home, no, no, excuse me, i’m in a hurry, yes, yes, of course, goodbye, goodbye.
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listen, why did you come home, call him, yes, i called him, his mobile is connected, that means he’s busy, call me later, i have a very urgent business matter, help me find him, and where could he be, you know, he doesn’t report to me , evgeniy petrovich said that you are a wonderful woman, so now i see it myself, these tricks haven’t worked on me for a long time, after all. thank you, i ’m the only one who doesn’t know where he is, let me go, yes, of course, goodbye, yes,
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difficult auntie, well, shall we go after her? this private cold is need off or out of the color.
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tsalov never showed up, i thought that he was going to fly with his wife, his salon and house were under surveillance, she received the package, now she will probably go home, not a fact, let’s go for a ride, general, if you please, do you have something urgent? well, i think so, then report back. experts managed to restore memory card.
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listen, i’ll listen to irina proshina’s text message, if you don’t leave your wife, i’ll report your parcels to the authorities, again, hello.
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okay, citizen salova, what is in this bandura? massager, yeah , your husband sent it to you from turkey, i’m not sure, maybe your husband, maybe a friend, i asked many people to buy it, i have back problems, the sender, your husband, it’s indicated here, yes, well, you see , you yourself know better than me, tell me, why did he send it by mail and not bring a personal one, well, a gift after all? i'll i beg you, what gift? and then what's the difference? i don't understand you. open up. my god! citizen salova, can you explain where these jewels come from? i
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’m afraid i won’t explain this, i don’t understand anything myself, and you didn’t know what was there? no, but you changed it, this is what you changed , i ask you, give me my thing, i’ll go home, my cat is hungry, i need to feed him, that means you refuse to answer our questions, no, i just don’t understand you , you yourself replaced it. "comrade general, these two were watching me, then they climbed into my the trunk was changed, you know? i understand, i understand, we are putting on another performance, yes , civilly, god forbid, something happened, salov showed up, where, he paid for his credit card in the sosinka matel, it’s on the leningradskoe highway, so, max, report the situation to the general, let’s go." well,
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what do you have there? smuggling, salaya looks like non-exchangeable goods. that's it, let's go . salov may be armed, max, check the emergency exit, good afternoon, how can i help you , hello, please tell me, is this gentleman... living, yes , he is here, alone,
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one, uh-huh, where is his number, here, this one , please, i’ll take you, one moment, one moment, i’ll go to the number now, if suddenly he answers, you say that you came to check the pipe in the shower, okay, okay . left, there is an emergency exit, only through
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the basement, we were late, tell me, definitely no one came to this man, no, maybe he called someone, made an appointment. he called from our hotel number, we urgently need to establish who he called, excuse me, who are you? it's you, forgive us, lieutenant colonel pastukhov, upsm. very nice. he went to the village of dubravy, we have a telephone address where he called, so someone ignatyuk lives at the address, he is now getting through
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the database, let's go! i understand everything, keep me informed, that’s it, invite me, have a seat. “citizen salava, i once again strongly advise you to voluntarily confess everything, listen, i don’t understand what you want from me, in this case you alone will be responsible for smuggling, you understand that, what kind
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of smuggling, what kind, listen, i’m okay i don’t understand, my, my head is pounding, you know, humanly speaking, it’s more important to me, why?” “ along with him, i don’t believe you, this can’t be, okay, then read this, these are her text messages to your husband, where she demands
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that he leave you, otherwise she will go and tell everything about your parcels. they cleverly set you up with mandiryu, very cleverly, fool, to exchange me for this one, he swore to me that everything was over between them, i would never forgive him. okay, okay, i ’ll tell you everything, well, we agreed,
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here, here’s the domityuka. and what fat you can’t see is hiding somewhere in the house, we are distributed, max is on the street, the doc is with me, we walk along my path.
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is he there, where is he? and the documents are waiting. what documents, where does it wait? is he alive? yes, hold on, otherwise
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he will leave. yes, hold it. well, you're like, fine. just like that, sala, stand, sala, stand!
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damn, well, where is he, and how did he fall into his own land, where did you rush off like that, sir, who are you, what do you want from me, come out and let’s talk about who brought you to me, what do you think, irina , whether? decided to take revenge, well, you answered your own question, how much did she pay you, i will give
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more, if only you would leave me alone, this is a business conversation, you get out , we’ll discuss everything, but i think i broke my leg, okay, grab it, quietly, you’ll have to go to the hospital, what’s wrong, mr. selov? lives, but you won’t run far, my husband, salov, constantly traveled to turkey, and before leaving, he sent parcels with some household appliance, always with gold jewelry, yes, you see, turkish gold, it is of lower quality than our russian, but accordingly, it costs less, but they don’t test turkish jewelry, you know, so what is he? did you install russian climate control? exactly, exactly, and how? and he
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hired some turkish jeweler for this work. tell me, did he have any more accomplices? no, he came up with everything alone and acted alone, so as not to share, you understand, right? in short, he passed off cheap turkish jewelry as our russian jewelry. by the way, in his office there are these fake certificates, which indicate that these turkish jewelry were made in... the best russian jewelry factories, yeah, tell me what is your share of participation in all this gold fraud, mine, yes, i sometimes received parcels, but i honestly didn’t have money from him, he didn’t pay me a penny, not a penny, you know, he hid everything in his little bag, yeah, if only i knew that everything i would get this money from this girl, i would honestly find it and burn it to hell, but you didn’t know? they are kept, no , god forbid, he hid them all the time , yeah, but he had a weapon, a weapon, yes,
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lord, lord, how should i know about the weapon, i didn’t even know about his mistress. give me my cell phone later, i'm sick, these people, they are chasing me, the patient’s sister is stressed, you need peace, and they will give it to you now, doctor, give him an injection, let him sleep until the morning, okay. that comrade, i don’t know your rank, i understood you, and there are no telephone numbers yet, yes, of course, i will make the appropriate order, our man will remain in the hospital, okay, i understood everything, well, you have read the
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testimony of your wife, you agree , no, all this is wrong, the idea with the jewelry belonged to my wife, and she also found the jeweler, well , we’ll figure it out, yes, she’s lying, she, she she just decided to set me up, she would have strangled her with her own hands, and i always supported that you are prone to violence, what are you talking about, well, what about your plans to kill and what kind, that i didn’t kill anyone, she asked for it herself. people to take revenge on me, but to take revenge for what? well, because i chose my wife and not her, that’s all, you know, oh , lord, the devil knows what the hell is going to break there, women, you know, you can’t trust any of them, and yet, we have a statement that you were preparing an assassination attempt irina, please, you can convict a person
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not only for murder, but for an attempt on someone’s life, dad, these guys, and it’s like they decided to ruin it...
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well, for the sake, as you say, of restoring justice, i will do it, get well soon , thank you, thank you, well, apparently, sala took our bait, great, and sala knows that we know about
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a million dollars, no, no, and this plays into our hands, i hope that... it’s not in this, in what? well, what are you silent? what's going on with you? maxim, can i talk to you on etina?
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so what happened? isn't today the date of everything? in advance of a date, i ca n’t, maybe this is very important to me, i don’t know what to do anyway, he mistakes me for his sister, ira calls me, who is he, well, don’t cry, don’t cry, who, maxim, i’m in love , well, to whom? our writer’s neighbor, clearly, help me , please, i don’t want to start all the fights, okay, okay, i’ll explain everything to him, but only
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first we’ll finish with lard, okay, but don’t cry, okay, okay, i’m afraid, why are you you're afraid, you have nothing to be afraid of, i'm afraid if he finds out everything about me, he'll leave me, look, first of all, he won't find out anything. i’ll tell him that you performed a particularly important task, he’ll still be proud of you, and if he doesn’t believe it, he’ll believe it, i ’ll paint everything for him very colorfully, very colorfully, that’s it, come on, come on, don’t cry anymore, calm down, wipe it off tears, everything is fine. okay, let's go, let's go, how glad i am that you came, virochka,
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how are you, how are you feeling, i think better than you, yes, how i love you, you have to believe me, the same thing, you said to my wife, i love only you. love you so much that he wanted to kill me? yes, what are you, what are you saying? well, why are you throwing such phrases at the walls, you know, there may also be ears, well, you’re talking all kinds of nonsense, i’m nonsense, well, of course it’s nonsense , well, that’s it, everything is over with my wife, believe me, believe me, i, i love, i i loved only you , well, remember, remember how good it was for us, and what plans we had, were, only you ruined everything, wait, wait, okay, i know how it all was, i’ll explain to you, i i told my wife that i was going to go to you, she betrayed me, she she framed me and
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that’s it, now i’m under investigation, i have no one but you , believe me, it’s true, of course it’s true, i swear to you, by the way, where are my things, they’re in a safe place, okay, irochka, you have to believe me , dear, can you answer one question for me, yes, please, why did you want me? i didn’t want to kill you , well, it wasn’t in my mind, well, look, darling, you tracked me down yourself, yes, okay, you did what you did, you were attacked, the only thing i wanted to do was - this is to drive these terrible ones away from you people, got caught, his words prove that he was at the crime scene, and in order to save, you started shooting, shooting, if someone shot, then believe me, it wasn’t me, it wasn’t me, i wanted i would believe it, of course. “tell me, will you marry me,
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i’ll think about it tomorrow, okay, you understand that then you have to take back your application, i ’ll take it.” what a bastard, it’s a pity, he got involved with such a nonentity and all for the sake of money, but you’re great , okay, now i’ll take you home, because there’s a lot to do, wait, you too today was to meet with the writer, today no , tomorrow yes, but today no, maxim, well, you promised, okay, okay, i was joking, i won’t leave you in trouble, thank you. “so they took him , they took him, i’m very happy, i want to look into his
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impudent eyes, soon you will have such an opportunity, tell me, they took him with his mistress, no, i can’t say that, but did they find the money, the money?” well, you see, everything is becoming clearer with this question, but not everything is clear to me, okay, you saw that irina proshina was attacked by homeless people.
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hello, general, come, sit down, well, i’m caught, let your mistress carry your parcels to prison, you’re an idiot, you need treatment, so i ask you to calm down, are you familiar with this bag, no. yeah, citizen salova, are you familiar with this bag? i’m familiar, this is the bag of my husband, evgeniy petrovich salov. are you sure about this? absolutely, i bought it myself in turkey. thank you very much. please wait. goodbye.
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i hope you become wiser in prison. so, citizen salop. this bag was found at the crime scene. she lay next to the body of the murdered irina prushina. wait, what do you mean with body? you killed irina proshina because she stole your money. parking lot in the garage , but you didn’t have time to pick up your bag from the crime scene, our employee interfered with you, let me go, yes, go away, just wait, who then came to see me at the hospital, sister, irina’s sister proshina and marina, they twins
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, yes, should i continue like this, or will you tell us everything yourself, ask, well, very interesting, i’ve never been a hero...
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good luck to you and you, i’ll see you off, well, thank you, thank you to all of you, and that’s it not that you caught him, maxim, but without if i hadn’t met you, the most dear person, be happy, yes, now i like you, say hello to the general, yes
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, i say, this book is all about my grandfather. let's fill the books with the general, the last name is different, well, all the characters are given pseudonyms, this is always done, it’s true that it’s written about your grandfather, yes i’m answering you , after all, it’s written here about his grandfather, it’s true, cool, wow, your grandfather is cooler there will be a columbus, yes, now they will make a movie about him. why is it that every shift with you is always full of work, that means one of us is unlucky, but it’s not me, that you decided that way when you were working on a shift with vaska, you slept all day or
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slaughtered a goat, so vaska was turned away, he was turned away because the grandmother of the sixth house pawned him, oh, okay, grandma, bye can’t see ten... he can’t see with his fingers, that’s why they turned , it was good with you, i don’t do anything all day, oh, let’s have enough, let’s work, god gave it to the guy, work on sunday, oh, you’re not very eager to work on weekdays either , they would have done everything long ago.
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when was the last time you called her on the phone? tell me, mashul, yes you tell her every 5 minutes are you calling that you want me to pull it? well, let the child breathe, she’s an adult already, i can’t, how is she there alone in moscow, i wave, why is she alone, she wrote, she has a lot of friends there, oh, well , what friends, well, tell me which ones friends, you saw them, and i didn’t , oh, now he’ll get confused with... eh, grandma, you still have to trust your own granddaughter.


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