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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:51pm MSK

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tens of millions of views, what questions vladimir putin answered in an interview with american journalist tucker carlson and how western media and political elites reacted to this conversation. i have to thank takir carlson for ...
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the list of goods for parallel imports, which was included in the updated list about this in business news. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. an interview was published tonight that attracted the attention of the whole world. tucker carlson asked questions to vladimir putin. for the first time since the start of the special military operation , an american journalist came to talk with the russian president. and for the first time, a western viewer had the opportunity to hear the words of vladimir putin not in an angiro retelling.
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turned to avoid answering the question about at first putin thought that putin was looking at the history of russia for the reasons for the svo, but it was after this information that it became clear to the american interlocutor about the history of relations with ukraine and about russia’s long attempts to avoid this conflict, about the growing ones. anti-russian
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moods. in a conversation with carlson, vladimir putin agreed that the united states has a powerful information weapon, because it controls all the world’s media, and western political journalists do not want to analyze and draw conclusions. they have one goal - to unite against russia. who blew up the nord stream? i was busy jelly.
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it’s possible to get into this work, but it’s more expensive for ourselves, we can, we can simply expose our sources of information, but we won’t achieve results. we talked about the role of the dollar in the world, how america uses it as element of political struggle, about the prospect of brix, where russia is now the chairman, about relations with china. carlson asked putin if he was worried about the dominance of beijing, the leading economy? these horror stories are well known to us. this is a horror story, we are neighbors with china , we don’t choose neighbors, as well as close relatives, we have a common border with them of 1.00 km, this is the first, second, we are accustomed to coexistence for centuries, thirdly, we have foreign policy chinese philosophy, it is not aggressive, it is always looking, china's foreign policy thought is always looking for... a compromise. and it is china
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that helps to realize the idea of ​​a multipolar world, while america is increasingly withdrawing into its own exclusivity, trying to establish its own rules. you said. the world is divided into two hemispheres, the head is divided into two hemispheres, one is responsible for one area of ​​activity, the other is more creative there and so on, but it is still one head , the world needs to be united, so that security is common, and not designed for - on - on this golden billion, then only in this case the world will be stable, sustainable and predictable. after this interview in the kremlin, carlson spoke out about the opinions of rumors popular in america. washington has long been imposing on the world the idea that russia wants to seize the territories of its neighbors. russia is already very big, it is the largest land mass in the world. they have 150 million people, they have 80
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de facto provinces or semi-independent states. there are different nationalities, religions, languages. imagine they have more than natural resources needed. they swim in natural. resources, the idea that they want to take over poland, why do they need this, they want to secure the borders, maybe they are very paranoid, perhaps, but the idea that they will go to vienna or somewhere else, you have to be an idiot to to think so, this is not true , there is no evidence of this, the full version of vladimir putin’s interview with tyker carlson is on the kremlin website, fragments are also posted on the internet by the journalist himself and shares his impressions of communication in moscow, so carlson called the answer: putin about ukraine extremely detailed. he began to describe in great detail the history, starting from the 9th century, starting with the transformation of russia from tribes into a nation, and the role of ukraine in this process. and at first i was irritated, i said: “i am an american, i asked a specific question and i want
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a specific answer.” fast. he didn’t, i pressed, he became irritated. i became irritated, i thought he was avoiding answering. maybe that was the case to some extent, but after reviewing it, no, that’s what happened. his answer. this was a prelude to the answer. history of the region, nation-building and connection with ukraine are the basis for his ukrainian policy. it was interesting and became even more interesting when i realized what it was. it's like a window through which you can see the region. mikhail chibanenko, ntv television company. and by this moment, the most resonant interview has more than 90 million views, not counting hundreds of thousands of reposts when users share information. and here’s how officials from the largest media in the united states reacted to the interview with...
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do not let the journalist return to the states and check whether his interview with putin under the espionage law, suddenly carlson violated something, in general, on-screen insults
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may turn out to be just flowers, tucker is not a journalist, not even close. he just flies to moscow. and offers itself on a silver platter to the kremlin, doing the kremlin's job of disinformation to the american population. kremlin propagandist tucker carlson, the leading voice of a far-right disinformation campaign, is now in moscow. yes, ironically he is there to brief the americans and he is recording an interview with vladimir putin. the only truth that all these commentators reached, on february 8, when carlson announced that he would post the interview that evening eastern time, the entire internet was abuzz. only about this, in the white house they pretended that nothing extraordinary was happening, the interview will not affect the mood of the public in support of ukraine. i don't think the american people can be swayed by one interview, and i think anyone who
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watches this interview, no matter what is said, should understand that this is vladimir putin. can't be taken at face value everything he says. in the first half hour after the interview appeared on the platform. mask viewers he already had 6 million , after another half an hour their number exceeded 12. by the way, cartoons about this immediately appeared on social networks, here’s one: on the left are viewers of carlson’s conversation with putin, on the right are those who decided to watch at this time american tv channels. by the way, they completely ignored this interview, except that cnn showed a few frames, but no sound at all. but the press conference was shown on television with sound. president biden, who told reporters that he had a good memory and that everything was fine, immediately confused egypt with mexico, sending the latter to coexist with the gas sector. as you know, president.
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secret documents, the special prosecutor decided not to initiate criminal proceedings against the us president. the investigation report contains almost 400 pages of shocking details. the prosecutor reports that biden could not remember when he was vice president and forgot when he completed his work in this post. as a result, the conclusion is this: the fact that the president did not keep track of the documents containing state secrets, just an innocent mistake, it is wrong to judge an elderly person for it. the reaction of former president donald trump was immediate and quite logical . he said that if it was decided not to punish joe biden for taking documents out of the office, then
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the same decision should be applied to him too, but for now the case opened after the fbi seized papers from trump’s house that he should not have taken out of the white home, remains open. vladimir putin conducted an operational operation in the kremlin today via video link meeting with permanent members of the security council. in this group we discuss various topics, but... unfortunately, no one has canceled floods and wildfires, they cannot cancel them, but you and i must think about this in advance and do everything to minimize the consequences. let's talk about this today. ming has expanded the list of goods that can be imported through parallel import. next on the air is business news with denis talalaev. denis, so what did they add there? well, let's just say, good news has come for the domestic industry. minprim has expanded the list of goods for parallel import. it
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included, for example, mining equipment from the american brand devalt and the swedish brand husqvarna, as well as industrial pumps, fans and compressors. the ministry of industry and trade commented as follows: parallel imports are aimed at those niches where russian manufacturers need more time to meet the needs of both industry and russians. the ministry of industry and trade also reminds that import into russia without the permission of the copyright holder. only those brands are allowed the manufacturer of which left russia or stopped production here or stopped supplies. parallel imports became legal in russia in june 2020 . the list of product groups of brands that were allowed for parallel import took up 23 pages in the order of the ministry of industry and trade. at the end of last year , the head of the ministry of industry and trade denis mantrov said that the authorities would gradually reduce the list of goods for parallel import as russian companies begin to produce goods in... the required volume and quality. first deputy prime minister andrei belausov said that over 2 years
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, goods worth more than $70 billion were imported into russia through parallel imports. in less than a month, the united states will begin banning the import of non-industrial diamonds and diamond jewelry from russia. as the us ministry of finance reported, from march 1 , diamonds larger than one carat will be banned, and from september 1, more than half a carat. the measures apply to diamonds that were mined in russia. no matter in which country they were processed. previously , he announced a gradual ban on the import of russian diamonds the european union, all this is the implementation of those agreements that the g7 countries announced at the beginning of december last year. they said that they would not just ban the import of russian diamonds, but by september 1 of this year they would create a system that would allow them to track the origin of the stones. according to reuters, the g7 countries account for 70% of global diamond demand. according to camberley's calculations. process, russia produced almost 42 million carats in the twenty-second year, and this makes it
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by far the largest producer on the planet. as bloomberg noted, most russian diamonds are sent to india for processing. on the russian stock market, yesterday's correction continues, but analysts say that the reason for this correction is technical, so growth may resume at the beginning of next week, especially since oil is quite expensive. at these moments, the ruble is decorously rising in price, but... today , during trading, the dollar exchange rate immediately soared by 3 rubles in a minute, and then quickly returned back. yes, it could be a trader’s mistake, he entered the wrong data, but the head of the department did. economic and industry analysis psb evgeny laktyukhov, in a conversation with rbc investments, suggested that this may be due to high demand for foreign currency with insufficient supply. gazprom today announced that the chairman of the board of directors of the company, viktor zubkov, and the governor of the krasnodar territory, veniamin kondratev, commissioned two modern gas-filling compressor
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stations in the vadlersky district of sochi. more than 2.0 cars will be able to fill up with gas every day. today in sochi, as the governor said today, more than 7 million are on vacation, vacationers per year are 7.3, in my opinion, the residents also live in a very large city, and of course, breathing exhaust fumes is not very much pleasure. today there are three gas stations operating in the city, one in lazarevskaya, and here are two of us now. opened, and viktor zubkov said that in addition to environmental friendliness, gas transport is also distinguished by reliability and efficiency, refueling with gas is two times cheaper. vella is all about economics. thank you, denis talalaev, for your economic review. with this shot 100 russian military personnel returned home after months spent in ukrainian captivity.
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the military transport il-76 landed at an airport near moscow. on the runway , the fighters were greeted by a cross. oh, how many years, 19, somehow, contracts, this time we rescued a hundred of our men from captivity, fighters it turns out, even colleagues, but everything is fine, we arrived home, we are very glad that we were at home, i worked for ntv before, 3 years, seriously, colleague, hello, driver, well, it doesn’t matter, but in
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any case, i’m very happy. sees here thank you, thank you, we are glad to see you too , thank you, we are glad to see them here, but they will be even more glad when they are home, greetings to the family from alexey, to whom he could not convey before our meeting, i want to go home from the irkussk region, to whom, who is waiting there , come on, our child is waiting, and they know that you are no longer, no, they don’t know, i don’t have phone numbers for them...
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they know, although does it matter who? i can’t say who is doing this, but i have great gratitude to these people, they make a great contribution, and they reassure families, give them an opportunity to once again feel this value, the importance of the institution of family, these are people with a capital letter, the main thing is dreams, they are captive of dreams, and they are there to come true, what do you dream about? mikhail plokhotnik, lasha chutkarashvili, andrey bogrov, ntv television company. ntv viewers in the capital, then await the release of the program today in moscow, and we will continue our broadcast for other regions in the central part of the country. russian troops of
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the west group repelled five attacks by vysu in the kupinsky direction. the ministry of defense reported this today. subdivision. two were broken in one day launchers of the s-300 radar complex, as well as accumulations of manpower and equipment were hit in 118 areas, pvu forces shot down 15 missiles, multiple launch rocket systems and 97 drones. but drones not only shoot down birds with air defense systems; they also hunt with the help of radio-electronic systems. and sometimes enemy weapons. vladimir bogomolov will continue. we get to the place where the drones are shot down from a regular rifle shooting in the back of a ural. along the way we notice lively movement not only on the ground, but in the sky. not by drone you can determine whether he is one of your own or someone else’s, so you can’t stop. the shaking inside is significant, but you
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have to sacrifice comfort for the sake of mobility, otherwise it’s impossible to get to the position. the car will simply get stuck. at a distance of about two kilometers from the line of combat contact we meet a crew. they are preparing, according to their expression, punitive orders. a fragmentation grenade launcher shot is attached to the drone. a drone with a trailer is sent to enemy positions. in search of purpose. enemy dugouts, infantry, equipment, well, wherever we see, that’s where we work. there is no need for supernatural skills, here in most cases it is luck, weather conditions, but learning to fly is not difficult. in response, the enemy announces a hunt for the drone crew. this is a desired goal for the ukrainian armed forces. the fact is that the bird, as military personnel call drones, appears suddenly and causes serious losses. for their part, the soldiers of the russian army are conducting the same hunt not only for the enemy. but they get trophies on their drone; we take portable rap kits, boxes or an anti-drone gun with us, we immediately turn it on, he loses contact, the operator freezes
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and we open fire on him, if he is at a low altitude, but within 100 m, then you can get in . your partner shot down the hovering drone calmly, with three rounds, the drone, the so-called camikadza, which was shot down by my unit, in the hands of a fighter with the call sign long, one of the captured drones, the device: it will be disassembled for spare parts, the engineer has a real field service center not far from the position, here they do firmware, repairs, and manufacture of components every day, a native of vladivostok has earned a reputation as one of the main masters of the south donetsk direction; he puts on the wing any downed drone, from factory to handicraft production. since school, i have been repairing phones, all kinds of equipment, i love the army, everything connected with it, so i joined the army, signed a contract there, so when we came here, the commander knew about my skills, so he said, who, if not you , the most difficult cases
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for him are damage to the cameras, the problem is that you need to order components and wait, the simplest thing is the production of plastic parts, they can be printed here, in the arsenal there is a whole set of 3d printers , i print the same part for the dumper on this printer for 8 hours, on this printer i print for 2 hours, the service center allows you to remake enemy drones or return your own to work in a short time, and such efficiency gives an advantage in the air; from the moment the drone hits the masters of the fifth army of primorye until it returns to the front line, it takes an average of about 4 hours. vladimir bogomolo, vladislav robakov, ntv television company, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the northern military district. the volume of agricultural production in our country has increased by 87% since 2000... grain and meat production doubled, fish production increased by 60%, this made it possible to ensure food self-sufficiency in russia and increase exports by 30 times. today
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, minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev spoke about this at the russian exhibition, where the day of agriculture is being held. ilya lyadvin will tell you what else those gathered at vdnkh were talking about. tagged ivan diev. one of priorities for the russian agricultural complex will finally gain a foothold in the niches of the economy that western brands have kindly vacated. among them. production of pet food , today such a plant was opened in mordovia as part of the day of agriculture at the russia exhibition. the total area of ​​the plant is about 13 m2, which is two whole football fields. every year the enterprise will produce 50,000 tons of products using the most modern, mainly russian equipment. just a few years ago, domestic production of feed for our little brothers could not completely cover the needs of the domestic market, but now with total capacity. sphere of 1 million tons, we can even develop exports. and this product is already finding its buyer abroad. supplies have been established to belarus, armenia, kazakhstan and uzbekistan. minister of agriculture
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dmitry patrushev emphasized that the new production was built not from scratch, but according to the so-called closed cycle system. in fact, we have completely closed-cycle enterprises. we have no waste from processing our products. all this waste. as far as i know, the meat-bone fly is also used in the production of these feeds. mordovia now produces wet and dry food. the region plans to strengthen its leadership in the market by increasing capacity. let's move forward, next we have expanded the territory of protecting socio-economic development, there will be a large wet food plant, there are already investments of 4.3 billion rubles. so we continue to intend to conquer this market and operate in it with confidence. it is with the help of investments that the country's agricultural complex can develop. committed a giant leap over the past 20 years; since the beginning of the century, the industry has begun to produce at least twice as much product. the agricultural sector
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received support in 2000. pork, chicken and turkey are already supplied to more than fifty countries in southeast asia, the persian gulf and africa. now another promising direction has been opened. 2023, remove restrictions on russian pork supplies to china. we spent 13 years together with the state in order to get this result for agriculture and livestock breeding - this hundreds of billions of rubles of further
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investment, jobs. not only agriculture, but related industries. the country's total export earnings last year exceeded $45 billion, with fish, oils, pulses and grains also in hot demand. according to leading industry experts, confident growth in indicators in the future is guaranteed by the development of domestic selection and genetics. we’ll be done for 3-5 years, and self-sufficiency will be 90 percent higher, and so on. this is a strategic task, it, it has always been underestimated. but i i think that if you do this, friends , you will go down in history, because it was, well , impossible, great attention is paid to the development of biotechnology, the country needs more domestic enzymes, vitamins and organic amino acids, the development will be carried out by scientists from three agrotechnological parks, the first of them is already working in the belgorod region, the planned outcome of the program is complete self-sufficiency for a number of positions by 2030 . ilya lyadvin, andrey beldyanov, ivan
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nikozov, ekaterina kolonitskaya. ntv. this is what we will talk about further in our issue. guru intrauterine surgery. how ural doctors share their experience in saving unborn babies, and what is the benefit of such lessons for sheep. report by olga zenkova. there are a few weeks left before the games of the future, as dancers prepare for the competition. nakhit babaev not only watched, but tried to dance himself. this is moscow, this is moscow. this show is a happy sale on ozone. longboard.
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the benefit is east. don't miss out, a set of men's mixit for 369, a set of underwear omsa for 699, a board game, a large adventure game for 919, any business begins with a person. “at first i cooked myself, then the team began to expand, but when there are more clients, you don’t always keep up with demand, with support the development does not stop, we expand further, the national project is small and medium entrepreneurship by decision of the president, our business is to support yours, mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv, every day we arrange a small holiday for your loved one, happy monday." loved ones of any february with discounts on orders from restaurants in yandex food. sometimes it seems to us that everything should happen at once, but great success comes to those who move towards it themselves. we will not make your child
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the second clematis, but with us he will receive an education that will reveal his potential. there is no recipe for your successful business. , but there is the right ingredient to expand it, we won’t cover your main distance for you, but we will support you every kilometer of the way, we won’t turn you into an internet star, but we will help you recharge with creative ideas worth a million. we will not decide to buy an apartment for you, but... we will provide the opportunity to choose the right one. we won't send you into space, but we will be happy to inspire a future astronaut. we will not achieve your goals for
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you. but we will give you everything to do it yourself. the stars have aligned. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we we continue our release. the eu countries have agreed to conduct a joint military operation in the red sea. its purpose is to protect shipping from attacks by houthi rebels from yemen. the size of the allied force is still unknown. well, while the eu is pumping up its muscles far from its shores, great britain is studying the interim results of its presence in the hot spot. united kingdom ships carry out targeted attacks on infrastructure. solidarity with palestine is not allowed to pass through the red sea ships linked from their point of view with
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israel occur without prior approval from parliament in london, like the british strikes on syria in 2018 or polyvia in 2011 . after the third series of attacks on the houthis , british parliamentarians became worried whether it was time for them to discuss these actions with the government and perhaps condemn them, clearly not the time, judging by the lack of any debate, legally the british government, when it once again decides to bomb someone there for the campaign with the americans, there is no obligation to discuss this with parliament and make a fuss here democracy, so the deputies did not complain about the bombing of yemen. however, the parliamentary committee on international affairs listened to the experts in a narrow circle. the chairman asked whether the airstrikes were having an effect, although all the experts were unanimous that it did not stop the bombing. no, we can all probably agree on this,
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airstrikes are counterproductive from every angle imaginable. according to experts, due to the actions of the united states and britain, the houthis, who support palestine, have become more popular in their cause. region sharply the number of men wishing to join their armed forces increased, they proposed to strengthen the work of the british intelligence services, because the east is a delicate matter, and hitting the head with a sledgehammer is not subtle, they have already beaten it and more than once it did not work, it just hardened it. in seven of the last 9 years , the houthis have suffered 25,000 airstrikes from the saudi-led coalition , their capabilities have not been greatly damaged, we shouldn't.
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we have to decide which country will take command, where the headquarters will be located and where the naval forces will be based, which will be represented by the participants in the operation. this. a serious difficulty, when there are no americans, it is difficult for europeans to decide who will command them, here germany, its frigate heson and 250 military personnel on board, has recently recalled its former power, which has been greatly eroded, it was the first eu country to send to the red sea, and barel is still but he approved the name of aspida’s mission, translated the word as defenders, and in russian aspit is a snake, a bad person, a radish, whatever you... call the yacht, that’s how it will float. elizabeth
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gerson, boris halfin and maxim zaichenko. tv component. london. doctors in yekaterinburg are now mastering unique operations. the most experienced specialists in fetal, that is, intrauterine surgery, pass on their skills to their colleagues. such manipulations are very subtle and complex, but they allow even fatal defects to be corrected before birth. olga zenkova found out how the training goes and what the sheep have to do with it. it is not easy to persuade a female ram to undergo surgery. the sheep masha is expecting twins, but it is not typical for the expectant mother to worry about her offspring, so she should go to the doctors doesn't want to. here is the third, fourth stage of hydronephrosis on the left. hydronephrosis in one of the lambs requires a kidney bypass, otherwise the fetus will die in the womb. the porn-hoofed patient was incredibly lucky. the threshold will be corrected by 12 experienced gynecologists under the guidance of intrauterine surgery gurus. protection of motherhood and infancy by natalie kosovtsova, you see, here
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the needle goes, yes, here we reach the fetus, we inject ourselves directly into the kidney. operations on sheep are part of the educational course on fetal surgery, this is perhaps the most high achievements of modern medicine, because we are talking about the diagnosis and treatment of an unborn baby. as i was told, he could be born alive, but die immediately, or i could not carry him to the end of the pregnancy at all. alina remembers the doctors’ words like a bad dream. at the thirty- second week of pregnancy, the woman was informed of the baby's heart threshold. critical stenosis of the aortic valve of the main vessel that nourishes our entire body. now leva is 3 years old, then his heart was the size of a grape, and not a developed valve in diameter of a tenth of a millimeter. and we managed to pass through this stonoos, insert our instruments there, inflate a special balloon, which opened this valve and made it possible. pass from the heart throughout
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the rest of the body. cases when a baby needs help while he is still under his mother’s heart are not uncommon, and sometimes women have to travel hundreds or even thousands of kilometers from home for salvation, because so far intrauterine operations are performed only in large federal centers, but doctors are ready to share invaluable experience. ural institute of maternity protection and infancy is one of the leaders in such interventions, about 200 intrauterine operations are performed here every year, as a result of 1,500 lives saved. this baby, for example, from barnaul, nizhny novgorod and surgut uzi, gynecologists and surgeons from kazakhstan, closely monitor every move of their ural colleagues. imagine giving an injection, getting into a human vessel, it’s a little complicated, it requires technique, getting into the womb. that is why
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doctors first practice filigree techniques on animals and dummies, according to in size and weight, the fetus of a sheep is identical to a child in the womb. it’s a dummy, it’s not alive , it lies calmly, it doesn’t breathe, that is, there are no obstacles that a generally living organism causes, well, inconvenience, say, to doctors, but here these are the conditions as close as possible to natural ones. regional centers send teams of doctors to study at the ural scientific research institutes, because when life has not yet begun...
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well, i think we’ll start with the fact that i ’ll give you this controller, it ’s called a joycon, it will read your movements , all you have to do is the rules are absolutely simple , you need to repeat what you see on the screen, choose the dance forward, great, justdance appeared in russia more than 10 years ago, exclusively as
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entertainment, over time it turned into a sport, the game greatly develops coordination, helps to monitor health, that is, we dance every day, it’s still an aerobic load, no matter how you look at it, well, memory, because they know so much choreography, you know, yes, that is, you need to train, train, train, an important feature of the game, justdance is accessible to everyone , even for not the most experienced dancer, here is an example, a qualifying tournament in rostov-on-don, the main prize is the right to represent russia at the games in kazan, an unexpected victory.
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no. justdance can help you in your career. justdance put me on such a path that i now want to dance professionally all my life. and thanks to this, i am now a choreographer in the theater, director of dance numbers in musicals. great, bravo, let's go, great. so, let's look at the glasses. oh, i earned
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almost 6,000 points out of 13,000. not bad for a beginner. until the next games of the future you can still practice. i don’t have time for these anymore. the competition starts at the end of february. nahid babaev, natalya levchenkov, alexander niskov, ntv. well, now the weather in central russia is moderate frosts, but in the near future the cold will intensify. irina polyakova will tell you more, contact us from meteo studio rin. how much will the temperature drop and how long will it last? well, we will definitely lose a few more degrees, but next week the temperature will return to normal. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit promotes reduction of body volume? supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit evalar. stay fit. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit ivalar, stay in shape. so, the european territory of russia is getting colder. the area affected by the cold
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will expand. the most frozen are the komi republic, arkhangelsk region, vologda region, the northern half of the volga region, and the central region. and in the center exactly tomorrow. novgorod and cheboksary are -16, while in the north-west the temperature will practically not change or even rise slightly, but the leader of warming will not be the spring south, more about that later, but murmansk, today it is -20 there, and tomorrow it will be sharply -12, but this it’s still colder than it should be, but the south is fenced off above the ho with an impassable wall, it ’s through the don region, through the volgograd region, there’s sleet and rain, and to the south the weather really breathes in spring, the african air has blown in, and the capitals with arctic air, in st. petersburg tomorrow -12, no precipitation, in moscow too, and at night outside the city -20 and below, and sunday night is just as cold, and then they will let you go, thank you,
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