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tv   Proshu prosti  NTV  February 9, 2024 4:50pm-5:56pm MSK

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for those who like to simply save and receive interest on their deposits, spend and save with ozonbank up to 25% cashback in rubles and up to 16% per annum on deposits, it is impossible to live life without making mistakes , it is important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and even more important to learn to forgive, people come to this studio people who are ready to ask for forgiveness from a loved one and... who must make the most important decision whether to forgive or not. hello, i am with you, nadezhda batkina, and this program, please forgive me, is on the ntv channel.
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who do you want to ask for forgiveness, i was alone, i took care of my mother, for her , do you think she is offended, i think yes, it was hard for her then, there is resentment in her soul that she behaved like that, it’s very scary when you count the days until you part with her loved one, she didn’t want to believe, because it’s incomprehensible, yes, i just understood how hard it was for her , how much she was trying to be strong, she said don’t leave her... i found a message that she told me, it turns out, sent, 2 weeks before she died, you can’t even imagine, how she is waiting for your decision whether to open this door or not, unfortunately , this happens often in life, you understand that you have to say very important words to a loved one, but there is no time, or no strength, or
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no courage, but then, when time appears, and strength, courage , the person himself is no longer there, the feeling of guilt does not leave you for the rest of your life, this is the story of our first heroine, elizaveta vershinina, come in, come in, my dear, hello, hello! you and i will have a difficult and long conversation with whomever you want ask for forgiveness for what? i want to apologize to my aunt. the fact is that 4 years ago my mother died from a very serious illness. and then i became very distant from my family and for the most part i obliged. lay
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on my aunt, and i blame myself very much for this , after my mother’s death, we became much closer, but i understand that she is partially offended by me because of this, do you think she is offended, i think that yes, it was hard for her then, was it you talking to her or she talking to you, no, the topic of mother is very difficult. “especially for me, i immediately begin to get emotional about what kind of relationship i had with my mother, in principle i had a good relationship with my mother, but everyone has a teenage period, it is quite difficult, i can just say, a tough person in terms of determination, if i - i decided that it would be like this, my mother was a little softer, but still we seemed to be fighting, as my relatives said, that since childhood - we just
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seemed to be competing, do you have one daughter with your mother? no, but i have another older brother, we are from different fathers, we have a very big difference, 12 years, but it’s like having two beloved children, that is, your parents loved you, didn’t hurt you, well, mom, yes, mom loved us with our fathers, she raised us alone, yes, she raised both me and my brother alone with our fathers, somehow it didn’t work out very well . yeah, i had a rather difficult childhood, from the age of 14, we lived in an apartment with my grandfather, with my uncle, my mother ’s brother, with my mother, yeah, and my uncle drank, my grandfather had dementia, and there were a lot of scandals from outside , yes, from the outside, it turns out that when my uncle was drinking, it got to the point where he was running around with... a knife, and my grandfather was in
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at some point he lost his mind and began to run away from home, and he had to be put on medication, in the end... he had to be looked after as if he were a bedridden patient, even at some point, since his grandfather and uncle, they often climbed through garbage dumps, they brought bedbugs, at some point i had to throw out all the furniture in the apartment in order to get rid of these bedbugs, the bed, accordingly, everything in general, and how old were you then, i was then a little over 14 years old, a little over 14 years old, and my mother she was working, and i needed to help her somehow,
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i remember, i was probably about 11 years old, it was, i think, summer, and we were walking around st. petersburg, at some point there are, i don’t know, people who cut out your silhouette on cardboard, yeah, and i i remember it cost, in my opinion, 50 rubles. mom had the last 100 rubles. she spent it on this, did she spend it? i still have it, do i still have it? well she was a wonderful person. lizanka, how
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old were you when your mother got sick? i was 20 years old, already an adult girl, but i had no, let’s say, separation from her, sorry. and then i got married for the first time literally a month later, we found out that she was sick, sick, that is, as i understand it, you got married and left the house, yes, no, you lived together, no, my ex-husband was a military man, and he was sent to kaliningrad, at that moment it was very difficult, especially very difficult for my mother. and i don’t know, maybe it was partly a betrayal that at some point i tried to choose a family, uh-huh, and your husband somehow sympathized with your situation? no, he actually didn’t understand until recently that my mother was dying, why didn’t i
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am i moving to kaliningrad? there was a very unpleasant conversation, a couple of days before her death, we had already been divorced for a year, and he... surprised, yes, is she dying, yes, you broke up with him because of this, well, for the most part, because there was no support , there was no understanding, for me it was important then, who looked after my mother all this time, then, when it got worse, my aunt, my cousin, looked after her, yes, she came from belarus and lived to look after her when she i couldn’t even walk anymore, my mother suffered for so long, my mother she suffered for only a year and a half, a year and a half, but for those year and a half it was terrible, because she tried to fight to the last, yeah, but i have a feeling that this is all the treatment, she only got worse, even at some point she simply refused from medications
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, because they simply stopped helping, it was scary, very... very scary when you are counting, in fact, the days until you part with your loved one, i don’t know about others, but for me mom was everything, every month to hear what was left for her just a month, it was terrible, it’s very hard, and you didn’t want to count these months, days, hours? lisa, i understand correctly that out of your own fear you somehow pulled away from this situation, yes, just because of this fear i was afraid to seem
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weak, afraid to show her my tears, my suffering, including, yes, you i didn’t want to be exactly like that in front of her eyes, yes, i just understood how... it’s hard for her, how much she’s trying to be strong, if she’s trying, then i can’t be weak at all, but you can’t it turned out, no, i... it seems to me that i even closed myself off then, when i was supposed to help, i didn’t help, you weren’t there, no, i worked, i pretended that i was working, although i i understood that i could easily not work to help them, my mother, yes, on the day of my mother’s death, you were next to him, yes, ah, i was next to her, but that night my aunt spent the night with her. that is, she was in the room with her, it was actually very terrible, because
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i could not sleep because of those cries of pain that were happening, there was such a situation, at 6 in the morning i get up, she was screaming very loudly , i asked my aunt to come out, i said, let her die in peace, and after 10 minutes i didn’t... it just became quiet at some point, before that , a couple of days before, i watched her at night, this it’s very scary when you wake up every 5 minutes and look closely to see if the person is breathing or not, lizonka, please tell me, is that you? i managed to say the last words to my mother, no, i was very afraid that you love her,
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no, no, i just recently found a message, uh-huh, i don’t remember it, i don’t remember it saw, which she turns out to me, sent literally 2 weeks before she died, it was on... “i felt worse, remember that i love you, i don’t remember this, i didn’t even see it then, this it’s so painful after 4 years to see such messages, as if they were sent from above, yes it was terrible, well, it’s nice and you didn’t answer, no, i didn’t answer anything”? “very often they tell me stories now that when she
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could still go out, her neighbors met her, she always said how can i leave, how can i leave your daughter, she hasn’t grown up yet, i still don’t understand how this happened , why this happened to her, but it seems to me that you don’t want to ask for forgiveness from your aunt, she herself. you suffer, you suffer, you realize, it seems to me that you atoned for your guilt, precisely because you admitted your mistake, not everyone can do this, even the tears that absolutely sincerely flow from your eyes. “we all miss people who have passed on, but we must learn to let them go, you
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haven’t done this yet, that’s why the wound in your heart does not heal from the loss of your mother, i really want to talk to your aunt, there is a waiting room behind this door, go there, sit, listen, and i will talk to your aunt." okay, okay, prizes, hello, checkmark, you're going to die now, who gave up your kikimra for natalia floteyeva, sidina in...
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to get israeli citizenship or any other citizenship. friends, you can't wait. how she was. sweet for the banderaites on the maidan , sweet as it was, she was preparing reserve airfields for herself in israel, indonesia and the imirate. i received a passport when the world around me began to collapse and it became clear that i needed to protect myself from this, just as she took strangers away husbands, where were you, expanding, walking, a jar of spiders, where everyone slept with each other, how she later took revenge on her rivals, she threw me off the stairs, a leech that sucks all the blood out of you and to whose tune she dances now our kryn, i can’t say that, sobchak will answer everyone for everything, on sunday at 60 pm on ntv. the minister of internal affairs has been kidnapped, we don’t have a single estimate, you have a specific proposal, there is, but you won’t like them, well, guys,
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god bless you, stand, police, chief, new season, we need her alive, what happened to ratarguev, why is he still alive? everything will be ok. today 20:00 on ntv. i invite zinaida kononova to our studio. zina, please. hello. hello. “zina , your niece lisa came to our program , yes, who says that she is very guilty
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before you, you know what, well, i looked after my mother, for her, i was alone, i looked after her because she was very scary a disease that took her down literally in 3 months, lisa, what really took her away?” " yes, yes, i pulled away and i didn't understand why she did, and you zin, talked to her , talked, but i don’t know, she didn’t understand that her mother would leave and she wouldn’t be there, and that is, maybe she didn’t even want to believe it, yes, yes, she i didn’t want to believe it, because it’s incomprehensible, when we lose loved ones, we only then understand that after time passes, you begin to understand that a person is missing, that you did something wrong. yes , leza’s mother saw the lack of attention on the part of her daughter, she was offended, angry about it, of course, she was offended, offended, yes, that is, she told you about it,
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she told, of course, yes, but what she said, she wanted to be supported by the hand, daughter, yes, that is , this daughterly love was missing, yes, yes, yes, yes, how a mother usually communicates with her daughter, she herself did not i understood why this slime was happening. “i don’t know, i don’t even know, it’s her age, but was she too young, or somehow purposeful, or did she have her own ambitions, that sacrificing her relationship with her mother, yes, she gave more priorities in that side that concerns her personally, yes, yes, yes, yes, but she understood that mom is sick, she understood, yes, she understood , of course, but all the same, when..." she finally began to understand that she was left alone, that her mother was no more, time had passed, yes, time had passed, she realized that no mom, no, this
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is the closest person we have to love and feel sorry for, and bring back, you can’t bring it back, you can’t bring it back, that’s all, and she’s still a child, she ’s never encountered such situations in her life, and to accept this story , you know that you will be left without your mother, maybe she was, let’s say, overcome by fear, who, well, seriously took possession of her , do you think, maybe psychologically, yes , yes, maybe, yes, yes, there was fear, fear, but you didn’t talk to her about this topic, no, no, i didn’t, of course i’m offended by her, yes, of course, there’s resentment, there’s resentment in my soul that she behaved like that, that’s how it was, well, okay, but some time has passed, you’re close now and kind of. you don’t leave her, she doesn’t care, you are trying to somehow replace her mother, apparently, because when suddenly a loved one is no longer there, you want this
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to continue a family connection with someone and to support at least someone, here is a sister, you were close with your sister, very, very close, well , tell me what kind of relationship you had, how you communicated, how you talked, yeah.
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uh-huh, she wanted her to get married and have a child, yes, she really wanted it, that is, she wanted it yes, and yes, well, lisa, well, she got married , yes, everything is fine, yes, no child, no, you know, maybe maybe your forgiveness will be some kind of reassurance for her, you should always ask your mother for forgiveness when she is still alive, or maybe she wants to do this through you, maybe, zinochka, here she is sitting behind this door, you can’t even imagine how she is waiting for your decision, to open this door to her there or not to open it, to forgive her or not to forgive, the final decision is yours, think about it, we are waiting.
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i had no doubt that it would be exactly like this, i think that no one doubted it either, you are now very close people, and you cannot lose this connection, you must always be there in difficult times, not be afraid. lizonka, you may have one soon. there will be children, i'm very excited about it i hope, and you should invest everything in them so that something like this never happens to them, you understand me, yes, all the love that you did not give to your mother, you can give to your children and your aunt, but your life
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is enough for that, i am sure about that. well, hug me, my dears, thank you very much, who do you want to ask for forgiveness from, denis, but i told him, i went to my house, i saw that my door was open, well, we arrived at his apartment, took out the equipment, there was a refrigerator , microwave, to the scene . the police arrived and kirill they detained you in place, they gave you a sentence, yes, i spent a year and a half in a pre-trial detention center, i can’t even comprehend that after so many years of such faithful brotherly friendship, i didn’t expect, of course, from him, but kirill claims that he didn’t do it just because he was taking revenge on you for something, i don’t think that i betrayed him, good friends, what can you say, prince... an eye after an eye
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can make the whole world blind, is it worth returning evil for evil and destroy strong friendships. one of the heroes of our story once greatly set up his friend, and apologized. let's find out, we meet kirill yakimov in our studio. hello, kiril, hello, hello. sit down, let's talk. kirill, who do you want to ask for forgiveness from? denis's. and i beat him up. is it your friend? yes. we talked with him for a long time, about 6-7 years. i have a natural mother, but she has been deprived of parental rights. we grew up in an orphanage, and we communicated. and in which city? in the city of chelyabinsk. we ourselves. and we talked for a long time, when he...
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from the orphanage, i also graduated, tell me about your story, well, it turned out to be a very not very good situation, it turns out that my uncle gave me his car, gave it away, but i don’t have a license, i... have not yet weaned on them, and that night when my uncle left me the keys, i called denis, to drive this car, well , i invited him for a walk, to drive around the city , i picked him up, and it was dark in the yard and i crashed someone else’s car, and then the next day denis took a picture of it all from the interconnection and sent it to my family sister , these are uncles, and accordingly we stopped communicating with uncle my sister and i didn’t communicate for a very long time. what did he do it with? well, i don’t know how it even happened, why he did it, what he wanted to achieve, and somehow i felt hurt in my soul, why don’t i communicate with my family, wait, but you talked to him, talked, tried though i would like to find out from him why
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he did it, well, i came to him, yes, i found out , he says, i say i just did it, he says, he just laid out everything, well, that doesn’t happen, he was thinking about something, well, i i don’t know how it could even do this. because you about? i won’t even tell you, he set you up , wait, but you have your own version of why they gave him a car, i don’t know, i don’t think it’s an absolute set-up, but for some reason i was interested in him, i couldn’t get in to him, due to with whom you didn’t even begin to sort things out, even if you spoke, he didn’t answer, it’s unknown, yeah, but since he messed with me, i decided to teach this man a lesson too. and let him understand that there’s no need to do that, tell me in more detail, we were at the girl’s apartment, we were relaxing, he fell asleep, i took the keys from him, called the man , another friend of mine, well, we came to his apartment while he was sleeping with the girl, we took out
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all this equipment, there was a refrigerator, a microwave, well, a lot of things, well, in short, we completely cleaned it out, yes, on in the morning he went home, i went to my place, respectively, and when he came in, my friend and i didn’t even close the door, and he for... and you gave him the keys back when he was sleeping? well done, and he came, and there was nothing there, no tv at all , nothing at all, it was empty, but he waited for some period of time, then he called the police, and i he arrived, as if, well, i kept insisting to the end that i couldn’t be seen on the cameras, no, in fact, i couldn’t be seen there on the cameras, yeah, but he just knows me, i know my friend in general by his gait, because well, how we would communicate for a long time, respectively. and came, i thought that nothing would happen, but he decided to write a statement, he wrote a statement, there was a trial, probably for about a year or more this case was sorted out, on that day it came to court, the case came to court,
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i even served your time in prison, you have time given, yes, i served a year and a half in pre-trial detention, how old were you at that time, 18, listen, what is probation then? well, because i was given a good probation, but why were you in prison? well, i paid him half the amount of material damage, i still have to pay him the rest, but somehow i pay him every month , good friends, what can i say? you were probably driven by the anger that you accumulated for what he sent to relatives, for how you scrapped someone else’s car, of course, because this is your own blood, with your own blood if stop communicating. then a person will still have some kind of sediment on his mind, well , that’s why i decided to go for it and teach this person a lesson, but not only did you teach him a lesson for a ruble and a half, but you didn’t teach him a lesson, you, let’s say, yourself
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that’s what we’re talking about, you regret it now, well, yes, there is such a thing, well , what do you think, i wouldn’t do that again, well , now i don’t communicate with such people anymore, but you communicate with your family, well, we started communicate yes? somehow forgave me, somehow didn’t reproach you for being his gift did you treat him that way? no, he just sold the whole car later, without my knowledge, i gave the money to this woman who crashed the car, what are you doing now? well, now at the moment i’m free, i left college because i was expelled, i need to recover. well, in june i’ll go reapply for a new college, yeah, at the moment i’m working as a warehouse keeper, but when you go to college, who will you study for? i’m either a slinger, or a crane operator, a driver, well, such
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a serious profession, well, yes, tell me, after all this, well, after some time you communicated with him, well, we somehow, you know , called each other periodically, sometimes we wrote off each other, but so that you know these directly... but yes, that is, now you, let’s say, are honestly not friends, well now at the moment no , we can say we are related to each other, we just know each other, it’s just that everything is from one orphanage, but i came to ask for forgiveness, why did you, he framed, but you came, well, somehow there is some kind of sediment in my soul, and there is a feeling of guilt, a desire to apologize to the person, that yes, i’ll insult him like that. what do you want to apologize for? for
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the fact that i, let’s say, left him in such an awkward situation, when he needed help, and in general just to ask for forgiveness for everything, purely as a human being, you know, so that your soul would be easier for yourself, you want to return the friendship again ? well, it would be advisable to start communicating as if the person is not bad, let’s say, and is as it was before, but now there don’t seem to be many such people. there are a lot of them in general in russia, and in the world, well, in the world, well, guys, there are a lot of things to do, well, there is such a thing, behind this door there is a waiting room, go to this waiting room, and i'll talk to your friend, okay, and let's hope, come on!
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they make calvera and give birth to children one after another. i can sleep in any position now. in a million-dollar secret, famous mothers of many children will share how they manage everything. where to run? to the salon, the gym or to work, i thought that i would be some kind of great star. for what offenses did actress maria kozhevnikova commit? punishes four sons, if i kiss musya musya, you know, just kiss her ass, what will grow next, the older brothers don’t offend, of course i offend, how much is the star comedy woman natalya medvedeva was treated for postpartum depression, i don’t know how my husband even put up with me, how daria mikhalkova told her father andrei konchilovsky that he would become a grandfather again, he laconically said, it ’s your business, but it seems to me that it’s difficult to realize it with three children , mothers of many children. and their secrets are worth a million, tomorrow at 21:20
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western experts predict? the moon is shrinking in size, what causes this and why this is very bad news for people. this will be your central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. in the program studio, please forgive me, denis davbenko. hi denis. hello. hello. you know, just now your friend was sitting in your place, or is it a friend, i don’t know, yes, he is your best friend, and we have known each other for about 3 years, we studied together at a boarding school, then i
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graduated from the boarding school, he still stayed there, i entered a technical school, yeah, so i also came to visit him and picked him up. there, we walked together, yes, we walked, we relaxed, but what happened? a year ago i was renting an apartment, and at that time we already, well, somehow didn’t communicate with kirill, we didn’t communicate much, yes, much, because i noticed in him that he spent too much time with other friends, was moving away somehow, yes, uh-huh, it happened that he called me and said that i i want to be your best friend , the shopping complex invited me to relax on an attraction, yeah, i agreed, we went, jumped on trampolines, relaxed, went bowling, then went home, yeah, stayed at home a little, he
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called his ex-girlfriend and i said that i wanted to meet, well, i need to find out, and she invited me to her place, that’s it, we went. we arrived, uh-huh, i immediately fell asleep, woke up, kirill woke me up, went to his home, i see that i have an apartment, well, the door is open, that is, it was not closed, but he was leaving, closing it, yes, we were leaving when kirillo double-locked it, uh-huh, when i entered the apartment, i didn’t find any household appliances, then i called the police, but i didn’t call kirill, i didn’t tell him that i had one like this... i mean, he came , well, as if nothing had happened , well, he supported me, of course, he helped, he sympathized,
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the police arrived at the scene of the incident, yeah, this ex-girlfriend, she called me and told me that kirill took the keys out of my jacket while you were sleeping , yes, when i was sleeping, i went to where i rented a house, together with my friend pulled me out. household appliances , then she asked to give the tube to the police officer, she also told all this, yeah, and kiril was detained on the spot, then these inquiries began, yeah, a trial, yes, a trial, and how it all ended, ended with he was given 3 years in prison, but with probation, with a probationary period. yes, he spent a short time in prison. please tell me why he did this, do you think? i, i don’t even know,
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i can’t even comprehend that after so many years of friendship, communication, such, such i didn’t expect true brotherly friendship, of course, from him, at first i thought that it wasn’t him, i didn’t think about it for a long time, and i didn’t even want to think about it, yes. i thought it was someone else, but definitely not him, but kirill claims that he did it for a reason, that he was taking revenge on you for something, but you know what? no, i don’t know, exactly, exactly, and you can’t even guess, no, you had some quarrels, misunderstandings, yes, there were. what are these quarrels about? well, there were quarrels, the fact that he spent time with his friends, just because of this? yes, there was some story
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the car you were driving had an accident when he got behind the wheel of someone else's car, what's the story? this is also my story , where i rented an apartment there for... a car , he came to me, let's go, he said, let's go for a ride , then i arrived, i sat down, we went for a ride, when he started to leave my yard, yes, from the yard, uh, he accidentally hit someone else’s car, he just sped up and we drove off, that is, you didn’t slow down, you didn’t bother to find out whose car it was, who you kept going on like that, he got scared. yes, i said that some may still there will be consequences, because i live here, all my neighbors know that later,
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well, it will be bad, and what did you do, you wanted to stop him somehow, but he didn’t listen to me, we drove on, after some time we drove around city ​​and returned home, again to your yard, yes, in the same car, yes, yeah, and you didn’t do anything else, no, kirill claims this, that after that you photographed this car, made a video and sent all these pictures to his relatives, there was such a thing, yes, there was such a thing, but you say you didn’t do anything, but the thing in that - above, a police officer contacted me because they drew up a report, the neighbor yes... my phone number, the neighbor, she saw that you were in this car, no, she saw that i live in this apartment and
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that kirill often came to me, i don’t know how it happened, so i recorded the screen and sent it, well, not to relatives, but to kirill’s sister, sister, well, these are relatives, but why? yes, and he warned her that there might be some consequences, okay, but why did you do it, did you warn her? you lie and i documented all this , yes, because, so as not to relieve myself of responsibility and not from kirio, so that it would not be a surprise for them, but a surprise, and you didn’t tell kirill about it, kirill no, well how do you think kirill reacted to this when he found out about all this, he got angry, angry, yes, yeah , but when you did all this, sent it, recorded it, you understood that he would be angry, no, he didn’t understand, he didn’t understood, no, you recorded it, sent all this to your sister, as if warning, they stopped with
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him, talk. see each other, just communicate as a human being, find out how he is, how he is doing, are you aware of these events? no, that is, as i understand it, you did all this out of good intentions, you thought it would be better this way, that you would warn him, it ’s as if you didn’t want to harm him, you didn’t even mean it, i didn’t intentionally want it to do, that is, i thought that i was doing, you warned your sister that if there were any proceedings, so that they would already be for...
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you made him, well, such a setup, frankly speaking, and he basically wanted you teach me a lesson, well, it’s not the same way to teach me a lesson, but it was possible in another way, but i didn’t see all the relatives, i saw it, it only takes one person, a relative, who will absolutely notify all the other relatives, well, you understand that? yes, you know, i’m talking about this now because you should always think about the consequences of what you do, you understand, as a result you started an act that led to a completely different revenge, i understand that his actions are unacceptable, absolutely
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unacceptable , and he... suffered for these actions the punishment is very serious, you understand , from this they will follow him all their lives, well, but you miss him as a friend, there is something that i miss, but not as much, not as it was before, yes, you have it inside yourself you can’t forgive, no, but there are things that can be forgiven, well, for example, well... i messed up the plate, well, yes, oh well, like, come on, yes, yes, another one will appear, this is completely different, even, let’s say, not the same equipment, you can still buy it, this equipment, of course, the point is that the attitude towards him has changed, well, forgive me, the car also needs to be repaired, and not only your own, well, the car
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wasn’t badly damaged, do you think that he... betrayed your friendship, yes, i don’t think that i betrayed him, i did i don’t think so, because on my part, i treated him with all my heart and soul, that is, i opened my soul for him, but you didn’t explain to him or warn him that you had already done this, because he has a connection with me didn’t come out, i called and wrote to him and somehow tried to convey to his relatives so that they could resolve it peacefully, but... the moment his sister i made contact and communicated, no one else from my relatives, well, it’s clear, today your friend did an adult man’s act, he came to this studio, he came to this studio for a reason, to ask for your forgiveness, like
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this for the whole country, for this door... your friend is in the waiting room, well , let there be exes, although there are never exes, no one, between you now, well, there’s just an abyss, and you have to make a decision, whether to forgive him or not, to open this door or not open, i told you everything, the decision is only for you to make, think and decide, okay, we are waiting , i thought, probably the scariest and most
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difficult of our stories begin with the words of my child. after a difficult birth, khadijat ended up in intensive care, and the newborn girl was taken to a baby home. 4 months passed, we went to find a lie for the girl, she was not there, without a trace at all. she got taken away, he says, by the military, he says, a sailor, so you don’t have enough strength, he says, to get her back, and also the incredible story of larisa, who was deprived of her child by her relatives, it was done with some special cynicism, he doesn’t tell you i need it because he didn’t register me, they took the girl to the station, i can’t even imagine now how this could have happened, i ’ve lived with this my whole life, wait. me today at 17:55 on ntv. mask - new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. does it seem like something has changed? no,
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brain. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again . prolong the youth of your brain. 8,800,100 exactly 1985. 8,800,100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product brain therapy. mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on nн. tv. details of marina golub’s conversation with the parents of her murdered lover. she called and said: “i know everything, i’ll come and tell you.” what secret was she going to reveal to them that fateful evening? she guesses who could be behind this murder? why did the actress decide to conduct her own murder investigation? she was sure, once again, that she was untouchable, that she had great connections, that there was always someone to protect her, and that she would punish the culprits. how the great vanga influenced
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the fate of the actress, be afraid of red, which the personal astrologer of the french president warned her about. red car is death is based on true events. tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv. i thought, well... that’s why i made the decision that i can’t forgive him, i accept it, this is the decision, thank you for your courage, today we we saw a story that did not end with reconciliation , we don’t know how events will develop further, but we really want everything
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to work out well in life for each of these guys, all the best, he doesn’t want to come here, well, i understand, and you are very offended, well, not so much, let’s say, so that a residue remains, well, yes, but did you understand that this is now forever? it’s understandable, since a person himself no longer wants, is not drawn to what was, yes, how they communicated there, you are angry about it, well, i’m not particularly angry, but there’s sort of a aftertaste, it’s unpleasant, yes, but the choice like a person, you are absolutely right, that ’s who he is, he made such a decision, god is his judge, as if listen, but you are different people in this situation, well, it’s clear, of course, god is the judge, you have... one setting for
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life, he apparently has a different one, well then you don’t need to worry, free yourself, remember this , you know, well, there was such an episode in your life, well, that’s okay, life goes on, on your way, you’re still young, you know how long friends will appear, and good ones at that, i don’t worry too much, if you don’t worry, then let’s go. thanks for support, attention, well, let us move on , well, yes, life goes on, time passes, we strive for something better, which means we will overcome further paths, that’s right, no matter how difficult they may be, really, well, yes, well, talk , that's it, thank you, well done, it was a program, please forgive me, let's say goodbye and let's forgive.


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