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tv   Shef  NTV  February 9, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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what is this anyway? the minister of internal affairs of the russian federation was kidnapped. yes, such a thing could not even occur to anyone. a disgrace to the whole world. comrade colonel general, we are working on it. you have already worked beyond the roof, the operation to infiltrate tikhomirov was supervised personally by you, which again did not go according to plan, the work is really underway, the investigative committee opened a case of murder of fso employees for the abduction of the minister and his wife, then only the search for criminals, that’s where it comes , the question is where and how to find them. what do you have,
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comrade colonel general, the may general has arrived, let him wait, it’s not up to him, well , to be honest, i think general arstarguev’s opinion would be useful to us, he is an experienced professional, everyone has known this for a long time, perhaps he has something to tell us, i agree with viktor maksimovich. i’ll terminate the deal, let him come in, eat, let me go, come in, viktor sergeevich, take a seat, the situation, of course , is monstrous, it’s possible that she and her wife were already... murdered, we don’t have a single
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concrete clue, if they wanted to kill, they would kill right in home, which means kidnapped along with wife, why for the sake of ransom, no , i don’t think so, i’ve known novozhilov for a long time, he’s an honest man , he doesn’t have any savings , there’s something else here, something else, i agree with major general rostorguev, it’s not about ransom, according to our information , the operation is supervised from abroad,
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most likely, or maybe it’s some kind of combination, maybe there was no kidnapping at all, but no , it can’t be, they don’t use ministers in combinations, okay, let’s go find the boss, the criminals had been preparing for the kidnapping for a long time, one of them was a police officer, that is, knows very well how to arrange it. our system,
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he knows what investigative measures we will take, that is why he is so impudent. this means that in order to find novozhilov, another path is needed. which? viktor sergeevich, be more specific, please. please. firstly, only my team, people i trust, will be involved in the search for novozhyly. we have a chance. and secondly, and secondly, it wasn’t. there was no kidnapping, no. the news is on air, let's start with the main thing. the crime situation is heating up not only in the city, but in the region. so, according to sources who wished to remain anonymous, a shootout took place not far from the dacha of the minister of internal affairs, so far there is nothing about this, which means we cannot guarantee their authenticity. it's really strange. and my friends
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from the press service of the main internal affairs directorate are silent like partisans, although one said that the entire city police are on their ears, it seems like they really kidnapped the minister, pasha, maybe you can ask your father, i don’t think this is appropriate, what’s inappropriate here, just a son calls his father, actually this is normal, you don’t know my father, i know, great idea, if i had such a father, what would happen then, but i don’t know, i don’t have a father. well, forgive me, then my mother got married again, then the third, fourth, fifth, straight married, of course, she told me that when i was little, the men in our house didn’t
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stay long, and at first i called them all dads, you fool. and in yours there is something of mine, he died. hello, hello, are you coming for pasha? no, i'm not going anywhere. hello pasha. i'm coming for you, general major asks you to be taken to him. right now. so i'm quick, i'm now, yes, why, i have no idea, you need to ask the general, although he’s unlikely to say, hurry up, please, we have very little time, i’m ready, great, i ’ll wait for you at home, how are you, okay?
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the idea is risky, viktor sergeevich, but it can work, i hope, find novozhilov, only he knew that i worked under mitrofanov, if you are killed, i will remain a corrupt official for everyone. you said that external surveillance is from moscow.
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“nothing yet, look, if you are busy, i’m only interested in one question, where is tikhomirov, i have no idea, i think he’s with us he definitely won’t get in touch now, yes, if
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he does, report to me immediately, immediately."
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hello, police, we have this here. some man broke into an abandoned house, it seems with a weapon, yeah, yeah, i got it, i got it, i got it
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, okay. where is he? in the house, he’s in the house. now let’s check. your mother. yes, there’s probably some local drunks who got into the house. we’ll throw him out for being crazy. i’ll cut the drunks with a knife just at the entrance. ananariki are even worse, i had one. a partner with a garden pitchfork stabbed, with a pitchfork, so come on, take out your weapon, that’s also true, damn
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, hands, hands, higher, hands, higher.
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a duty officer, an attack on a patrol, the criminal drove away in an official car, damn, what do you care about here, or what? we are chasing the intruder, he is moving along the ninth line, hello , this is max, i need your help, i have cops on my tail, but when when, now, will i be in the area of ​​​​the old oak trees, yeah, i’m waiting, the plan will be ruined, of course, in no way , but the situation is stalemate, what do you think, viktor
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maksimovich, i think now this is the only thing that can work. therefore, just wait for developments. well, in the end, if it doesn’t work out, we can say that it’s the fault simu ratarguev exceeded his powers. this is wrong, sergei konstantinovich. you are already initially looking for the extreme, although rastorgoev is trying to save our asses. if you sat in my chair, i would look at you, as if you were looking for the last one, my chair suits me quite well, so if you don’t have any more questions for me, okay.
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the ukrainian front can simply give up, as western experts predict. the moon is shrinking in size, and... why is this happening, why is this very bad news for people, this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. this is a happy sale on ozone. have time to please. vyga is delighted. product of the week. philips trimmer for 2699. office work. three-component composition with a modern painkiller in maximum concentration, triple action against pain and inflammation. arthroxicam for accelerated penetration into the source of pain. choose your favorite brands at wildperres. new smartphones from tekna. fascinating design, large memory capacity and stunning
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8:23 pm
sergey sergeevich, you are resisting in vain, you will still have to say this text, i know what will get you talking, leave me alone, hands! removed his hands, wait, leave us, i said, leave us, sergei sergeevich, let's agree on an amicable basis, why are you doing this, why do you need this, and not only do we need this, all citizens of our country need this, really want to live in a rule-of-law state...
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the minister, me and the district police officer, we are people in uniform, we took an oath, we know that we can die at any minute, why die at any minute? do you really want to sacrifice your life for the sake of this state? yes, the interests of the state are more important than the life of a particular person, the state does not spare anyone, i serve the fatherland, whatever it may be, and the state does it with ease. i will be sacrificed, so my confession does not matter. you're wrong, people will think about it. no one will let them think about it.
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i will say that my confession is fake. this is impossible. okay, let's forget about the state. here you are, you personally, are you ready to sacrifice the life of your wife now? and listen to me, cops, we don’t need you, we need our man, show your hands, hands!
8:26 pm
nice to see you, max, mutually, welcome aboard, great, barkhan, thank you for making it, i remember well. myself, well, it’s ok, the skin was a little damaged, but it’s ok, well, it’s okay, i know a sculptor, he’ll patch up your skin, you’ll be as good as new, and he’ll give you special pills so you don’t feel pain, yes, i wanted would be, and you are an immortal beast, rest, max , if you look at the country as a whole, then our city
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is one of the... less criminalized regions, compared to last year, the total crime rate decreased by 15%, and the number of murders decreased by 10 %. these results were made possible thanks to the crime reduction program developed on your initiative. comrade minister. what is included in the program to reduce crime in st. petersburg? can you comment? it's a whole complex preventive measures, work with personnel, increased patrolling in urban areas, increase.
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let's hope this will help , don't doubt it, you only have an hour and a half, try to make it in time, uh-huh, goodbye, goodbye, this is a bad idea, i said, the minister and his woman should have immediately taken the finnish woman out and written videos there, and then both are expended. fink, we’ll make it in time, but minister, it’s not your problem, yes, with you, i see that everything is going smoothly, but it’s okay that all the special services are hanging on our tail. what kind of special services, do you see them, i no, yes, it’s like with a gopher, you see a gopher, no, but there is one, specialists are not gophers, if they were, we would see them, a skull, but i don’t understand that you’re making waves, but about that that we are here, no one knows , it’s impossible to find us, so let’s stop, relax, yes, relax, i... if i went to
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construction at the lapin airport, they made such a mess, it was a planned maneuver, you knew that it would happen, yes, but i didn’t know that these bitches would give us bullshit instead of weapons, and these were your friends tikhomirov, this is not maneuver, we were cut down there like in a slaughterhouse, but i don’t understand, you’re alive, healthy, free, what are you dissatisfied with, i want to get my... money now, the whole share, why the hell knows what this bad fellow will turn around, so pay now, the agreement was that you will receive the money abroad, i intend to keep my word, but when we find ourselves beyond this border, you don’t want to wait, you can leave right now, but without money, yeah, you i also got a bullet in the back, but what do you want? you never
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know where to go? will carry you away, will you hand us over, or i will give you up should i regret it? look, van, if anything happens, i won’t spare you either, so the situation is this: the kidnappers are holding novozhyly somewhere in the region, most likely in the same area where they were kidnapped, logically, they didn’t dare take the minister and his wife through the city trunk , it turns out to be a spread from the fox's nose to... the place where they are hiding, they prepared in advance, they probably rented some house through double triple intermediaries, maybe the agents will question it, has anyone seen anything, knows, no, this it’s unlikely, they wouldn’t get involved with criminals or other criminal world, most likely they acted officially, why do you think so, it’s easier, you paid and don’t owe anyone anything, everything is fine, and it’s even safer to buy a house using forged documents, no, this
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is a very expensive pleasure, what’s the point? they just rented a house for a couple of days, and the legend is, for example, a family with children, but the house must be expensive with good internet, we need to find this house, get it. no, not all of them, only those that are for rent are located right by the water, why is it near the water, we received it from subcontractors the message that the criminals had connections abroad means they will go to finland, and this is easiest to do on boats along the bay. this is the home we need to find, wisely, the rich taste of princess nuri tea gives warmth and warms hearts, uniting the whole family. tea princess nuri, the magic of heat.
8:32 pm
new season. new costumes. new stars, who are you? mask? mask! february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. star mothers of many children, a million-dollar secret. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints, it contains the most high dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation. for better penetration into the source of pain. pintalgin extragel is designed to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. convenient packaging at an affordable price. this is a happy sale on ozone. have time to please. the benefit is delight. do not miss.
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continue, i know who kidnapped him, and i assume that they are going to get him beyond the cordon, and the easiest way to do this is by water , across the bay, i didn’t understand something, and what do we have to do with it, you are all looking after the areas facing the bay, and stopudov’s guide must be from these places. he should live near the water, so it’s up to the cops
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to look for the gang, i don’t understand something, do you want us to help the cops, whatever, but i ’m confused, the greyhound is right, the cops and i have different roads, but where- then i saw the cops, what did i do? looks like a cop, or what? similar, since you solve their issues. well, who else wants to call me a cop? brothers, you know who i am, if i ask, then i need help, i need a guide who will lead these devils beyond the cordon. all your people , find him for me, if the main cop is killed,
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we will not live in peace, we will remember this for a long time, but i will not remain in debt, hello, great, op! lunch delivered to your workplace, what will please you, well, in general, we scoured the network for house rentals, in a given area, in just the last month there were 47 houses have been commissioned, this week will take everyone to check, well, everything is not so bad, comrade lieutenant colonel, colleagues sent birds to look from above and seven houses fit our description, six of which are quite ordinary, well, there are families, children, barbecues, there one is interested, take a look, shall we? well
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, it’s empty, no movement, no people, no cars , hmm, it’s not like that, we looked up the information, it turned out that it was removed a week ago, a certain pensioner, 87 years old for a minute, only he didn’t appear at the site, apparently a fake , but there is definitely someone there, and this someone is not wants to be seen, so, come on, print out the information on this house for me, okay. and the area around, i will do it. vik sergeevich, there is a clue, the specialists seem to have identified the house where the newly-lived is being kept, the house appears to be uninhabited, but there is movement inside. so, mish, take the military quickly to the address, no sudden movements. just watch, if you kidnap or there, misha, if
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the kidnappers are there, just don’t scare me away, you understand me, that’s right, keep me informed, i ’ll be there later, so you’ll remain silent, understand, we don’t have time, or do you want, to be tortured your wife, she doesn’t know anything anyway, so she won’t be able to say anything, but you know, first they will start tearing off her fingernails and toenails, then tearing off her fingers one by one, only very quickly, because as i already told you, we we are in a hurry, you understand me, start. you will kill us anyway with or without my statement, why did you decide so, you don’t hide your faces, you don’t hide names, i won’t help you, in vain, very in vain, let’s go, we have to see it quickly.
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the house was checked, it seems clean, we need the territory take a look, there’s an old powder factory nearby, let’s check it out too, why not, come on.
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oops, it looks like they were there, yes, obviously it wasn’t the summer residents who left it, call the boss, i’m dialing, viktor sergeevich, they found it. got it, i'll drop the point now. look, the kidnapping of the minister of internal affairs is absolute nonsense, innuendo. who benefits from this? we are currently working on this issue.
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and the minister himself is located in the main department of the ministry of internal affairs for st. petersburg and the leningrad region. we just talked to him, had a productive conversation. we discussed interim results of the crime prevention program in st. petersburg. if we look at the country as a whole, our city is among the least criminalized regions. compared to last year, overall crime statistics have decreased by 15%, and the total number of murders has decreased by 10%. such results were achieved thanks to a program to reduce crime in st. petersburg. developed on your initiative, comrade minister. they will never admit that the minister is in our hands. let's, let's kill the minister, post the murder on the internet, you can imagine what a resonance it will have, it will definitely work. van, you understand that we have just been shown that the life of a person,
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even a minister, is nothing compared to the interests of the state. they will never admit that we killed him. but we will have evidence, what evidence? novozhilov was right, they will say that this is a fake, a montage, we lost, van, we were doomed from the beginning, we need to leave urgently, you’re right, i didn’t understand what we’re doing next? do what she says so will we even get paid for them or not, skull, we’re winding down the operation, lay
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low for now, we’ll see each other in six months, i’ll get my money, i put my whole life on the line, they saw me. at the airport, now i have to crawl through the cracks for six months, vanya, pay me my share now, let me explain something to you, what else, look what it is, you knew what you were doing, you should have done this a long time ago. yur, stay here, keep an eye on the quads, yes. misha, you block the road for now. well done. i'll check the house. well, guys, sideways.
8:47 pm
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buy their place in the cemetery in advance? there is no need to buy an apartment, but there is a place, but they didn’t send wreaths. who did lonely angelina vovk make a will for? so that they don't fight later. why is vladimir vtovichenkov’s wife melting before our eyes? can i have a sausage? who will put the arrogant one in his place nikita kologrivov? be patient with the kid, you have to answer for the market, do the animal brothers really live better in the fields than the trainers themselves? you won’t believe such a fussy mother, you won’t believe it, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. the ozonbank card is beneficial for those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores, for those who just
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of the dissolution, the house is surrounded, you're the first. we'll cover you, i'm sure, yes, if i give the command to storm, you won't be able to get out of here alive, count two, one two, hurry up, let's go. give the order to your people to move away from the house; everyone will survive, including you, i propose to lay down their arms and release the hostages, save your lives, as soon as we let them go, we will be put to death right away, i know how it works, general, i’m from the same system, i give my word that you will stay alive if you hand over your weapons now, how do you like this situation , general rastorguev, you will go down in history
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as the person because of whom... the minister died, seryozh, how are you, vitya, did you find it? she wanted to torture my wife, torture my wife, where is molchanova, she ran away, molchanova left,
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meet me, where did you come from here? we, too? we know how to work without you thinking about us. stand police hands.
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welcome, welcome, yura, i can’t hear you, repeat, yura, where are you, yura? damn, i'm pursuing a target, as you can hear, whish, be careful, the target is armed, yura, over, where are you, yura?
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damn, the target has gone towards the bay, i can’t pursue it, misha, go back, i can’t find it. i take it myself, i understand.
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that's it, ripin's paintings have arrived, max, i'm so glad that you're alive, with your prayers, especially after you shot at me, it's not my fault, i had no other choice, it's all gyrfalcon, but he's... dead everyone is dead, let's leave here together, seriously, where, yeah anywhere, as long as it’s farther from here, life is different there, mats, life is the same everywhere, max, we need her alive!
9:00 pm
as you can see, the rumors about my abduction are greatly exaggerated. yes, but who made this information leak? hopefully we'll find out soon. in any case, this is further confirmation that we should not believe the fake news spread by our enemies. mr. minister, regarding fakes, today there was a report with your participation, experts suspected the presence of computer
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graphics in it. did you really take part in filming of this report. but you see, i am in front of you, general kolenichenko can confirm this. i'm not a hologram. so, do you have any more questions? you don’t understand, the task of a journalist is to cover events, and not...
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in general, viktor sergeevich, i congratulate you on the successful completion of the operation, which we failed so mediocrely, we can congratulate you, but i’m afraid our operation will never end, for whom, how explain, well, veliminov, for example, that’s all. they didn’t forgive him for the kidnapping of the minister, they sent him into retirement, of course, well, he could have slept off the last couple of weeks, yes i'm afraid it won't work. “it seems to me, viktor sergeevich, we will now meet more often, thank you for the coffee, don’t forget about tikhomirov, he helped you, i never forget about anything.”
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we are approaching, meet you, accepted, waiting for you.
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hello, good luck, i checked the perimeter, there are two entrances, one central service one on the back side, but don’t worry , they won’t go anywhere, i hope we don’t want any problems, but we’ll deal with them right away, in no case, they’ll be understood only after capture with me, okay? okay, let's get started, yeah the opera loves to portray smart people, i ’ve attended these gangster gatherings so many times, i think he did too, they won’t go anywhere, oh well, god protects the careful. we are listening to you,
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bushlak, what question do you want to raise? the future trade cluster in podlapino, construction will begin soon, but the topic is large, judging by the project, yes, a big piece, when the airport there is finished, the place will be golden, that’s right taipei , the issuance of construction contracts has already begun, you can’t fly past such a topic, yes, there is i have a man. one through it i’ll ventilate the question, there is another question , i wanted to discuss with the community , waste collection is a special transport, i wanted to take this topic under my own control, regional, well, the percentage as usual in the common fund, i have already estimated from the banks what the output is, and how many documents to show you.


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