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tv   UGRO-5  NTV  February 10, 2024 4:50am-6:26am MSK

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i, i really deal with garbage, humanly, i'm trying to cleanse humanity of garbage, and now klyud, think about it.
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we need to inform the police, i’ll go, but you stay, no, i won’t give you one, okay. please, look, i was filming last week , we hadn’t quarreled yet, listen, tanya , you’re so beautiful, every year she ’s getting better and better, it’s an optical illusion, oh well, i’m telling you seriously, you should have mercy you and her or something, but never, uh, what, do you want to get rid of me, oh well, no, live. thank you, look, well,
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wait, what? listen, can you give me a photo? so take it, you like it, or what? like. eh, please, where are you going? please, please, are you going to court, but ours is scary. pronin! so, are you sure? yes i am for you. i’m ready to give my hand if it’s him , we’ve been on the wanted list for two years now, listen, this is a noble thief of russia, what he specializes in is gold and precious stones, you know what his style is, he’ll do the job, and then in a quiet place sitting out when the photo was taken, last week, recently, so what is this what a young lady, your friend, what are you doing, is this ushako’s wife? well, remember, i told
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you, i had someone live with me, who, as you can imagine , left her, listen, she’s beautiful, i wouldn’t leave someone like that, so i say, beautiful, and he says scary, scary, damn, fergie in the city, it’s not a matter of turning, but i ’m dangling here with my leg, give it to me, you lie down, come on, listen, you’re on wheels,
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what do the doctors say? it’s okay, they’ll find out, they’ll put you to sleep for humane reasons, are you here, there’s no work, or what? that's how i work, listen, with unaccustomed, it’s hard, come on, come on, nothing, you’ll get used to it, nothing, nothing, well, let ’s tell us what news you have, what you will do, come on, my witness has disappeared, a turkin’s colleague. yesterday in a conversation he was fussing about something, didn’t finish, but today he’s neither at work nor at home, he doesn’t answer his mobile phone, oh, we ’d like your problems, get out of town, oh well, that’s it, this is the one who’s worth the gold , yeah, more careful, hot, thank you, yesterday we confiscated some gold from filn, and it’s not simple, although i’m not an expert, i understand what it is expensive antiques, an expert will come today, we’ll evaluate it, and i won’t be surprised that the queen might be involved in this, listen,
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phililin’s expert, have a heart-to-heart talk with him, well, let’s think about how we’ll look for the queen? he’s an evil, cruel guy , we shouldn’t forget about this, so these cute features of him need to be turned against him, and in the meantime i’ll check to see if the filthy overthrowers have crossed paths in prison, guys, there’s work, your beloved, corpse, olga nikolaevna, i everything, uh-huh, good, thank you, all the best, here. goodbye you did you see anyone? no, but we’re lost , and there’s no one to ask, it’s clear that what brought you here, we already need this material, we need to make beds out of something, and here
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there are abandoned houses somewhere, ven, here there are no houses, they are there on the right, let's take off your shoes, why? let's see where you tracked down here, it showed up, it's not dusty, olya , i beg you, please report to her, my nerves are already on edge, okay, well, let's just stand there, let's go, we'll both take pictures, hello, hello, what's up? here, yes, burnt a corpse, most likely the car rolled off a cliff , but you can find out, but it’s unlikely that you were badly burned
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, but it’s somehow strange, you know, i’m not thinking about it myself , it seems like i can’t go anywhere in the middle of the week, but if it’s a business trip, well, if only where would he go? -he left, he would definitely have told me, because i’m looking after his apartment, or maybe he ended up in the hospital, i called at the hospital, the morgue is nowhere to be found, it’s like he fell through the ground, and the phone doesn’t answer, tell me, maybe he he has friends, well, with whom he could stay for the night, not even with me for the night stays with my sister, laziness, laziness , you’re at home, he didn’t spend the night at home yesterday, why did you get the idea, my brother likes to play chess with himself every evening, he
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writes down his every move in this notebook, and for yesterday evening there are no records here, you see, well , that means he didn’t play chess yesterday, what are you saying, it can’t be like that, it’s his ritual, he never pro... admitted it, he didn’t think he was her father , so is he a father or not a father? who knows how it really was there, but his daughter really doesn’t look like him, blonde, blue-eyed, we had one here, but then
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he disappeared somewhere, sasha’s fiancé, a rare womanizer, they even seemed to be friends at first, and then everything went on and on, well, he told me that... we just worked together? listen, can you find me a photo of him? and this is now, as much as i love order, but my brother has everything laid out on shelves, not far from him. andryush, where is my friend? speaks on business, what business? well, i don’t know, i didn’t really understand, does it say something about some kind of remains? well, if about the remains, then to let us. and please, thank you, hello, hello, what business are you on, i’m talking about the remains that were found in the yard of the house, about the skeleton or what? well, yes , they say this is sashka turkin, but we
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haven’t established his identity yet, but did you know turkin, what’s your name? utkin, and ignat petrovich , but sasha and i were friends together, and then, you know , it seemed strange, somehow he left, didn’t say goodbye, and then didn’t write, didn’t call, and we’ve been with him since early childhood, okay, petrovich. you came to us, please write to me, everyone with whom turkin was friends, and well women too, if of course you remember, sasha was a walker, now if i remember, of course , good, yeah, everything, free, so, boards for the crib, take the forty, crib, yeah, the house is there, deprived, why are you, look, cigarette butts,
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uh-huh, apparently someone stood here for a very long time, since he just smoked, uh-huh, look, the filters are characteristically bitten, oh, look, a shoe print, yes, the size, i think, is 42-43 and something they put a rectangular canister, well, where you set it on fire, the canister is very, by the way, okay, then i’ll take a sample of the earth, let’s hope that there are traces fuel, let's go, come in, here's andryusha , please take care of it, comrade, come in, what do you have? i have this car, it basically disappeared, i installed it last night, and this
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morning i go out and it’s not there, i asked my son, and he sometimes takes it without asking, but he didn’t take it, good afternoon , yes, hello, who is this, senior lieutenant, pierced, here, have a seat, well, yes, i’m thinking
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, “listen, i’m now piercing it through the database, they found it, they found it, oh, yes, i’m just afraid you won’t have to ride the neter, but okay, i still wanted to sell it , for this insurance i received, something else, they crashed the car, there’s not much left of the day, that’s what, now a friend will write a statement, vova, and you, go with him through the neighbors, question, maybe what you saw, okay, listen, i only need an expert i need to talk about gold , he’s coming to see me now, what time did you miss the cars, this morning, at 10 am, well, the time period is from 8 pm to 10:00 am, okay, expert, i’ll let you go now, go, go, write, so, this is the 19th century here, and this is most likely the beginning of... the twentieth, which means valuable things, yes, even very, yeah, excuse me, out of curiosity,
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this is some kind of museum that was cleaned out , i don’t know yet, please tell me, these things can go to a pawn shop or a thrift store, it’s unlikely that such things are not sold to pawn shops, such things are sold at auctions, yeah, okay, let’s imagine this history, you are a criminal, these things ended up in your possession. your actions , well, it’s difficult to find a buyer for such goodness, but it’s possible, that is, if this is not a theft on order, then it will take time to find a buyer, so most likely yes, yeah, but until a buyer is found, the things are better hide it, absolutely right, oh, andryukha, well , thank you, now vovka owes me a bottle, he lost to me, right? no, i bought the debt from him, now i owe you a bottle, that’s also good, yes, listen, do you know
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a thief named fers? fers, no, here he is, handsome, mm, he’s been wanted for two years, yeah, but now in the city, either he’s sitting out after a case, or he’s starting a new one, listen, you should talk to people, you have someone to talk to, well, in our business it’s impossible without informants, that’s for sure, just be careful, he’s a very slippery guy. hmm, so, time to visit it's over, it's time for lunch, what do you have? so, you know what , you and i are always on... this is not about us, so you know, let's go, oh, nikolayech, well , you seem to be a big woman, so plump, but evil, you should be kind to be fat people , kind, like me, so, yes, yes, then be kind, let's get out of here, i understand , choose a better brandy from me for bad heartburn, we'll figure it out, do it, go, come on, andryush, this is all for you, look , here are the pies, cold,
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really, i’m going to run out now, you tomatoes, nikolaevich, why, how? well you’re disabled now , you can’t look after yourself, well, eat, eat, dear, oh, really, he’s hungry , you see how handsome he is, at 11:00 in the evening he went out onto the balcony to smoke, he went into his car climbed , better, at 11:00 i already saw the tenth dream, i went to bed early yesterday and my wife can confirm, so, guys, calm down, it’s already dark at 11, the yard is unclear how it’s lit, the streetlights say, just above the entrance , and even then we won’t refuse, for sure...
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wait, that’s why she cut off the phone, who? yes polonskaya is from the mayor's office, this is the one which deals with housing issues? well, yes, yes, she’s wondering why this matter , andrey, you and i can’t drag ourselves into this matter, oh, how can’t we, ivan mikhailovich, well , look how many people are on the list,
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we need to interview everyone, i don’t have people , the guys were knocked off their feet, and i’m still out of stock. i’m fit for office work, are you suggesting that i hold a press conference, so i said, be patient, dear comrades, we can’t cope, so what, no, of course, okay, listen, i just talked to my wife about antonov, we can subject him to hypnosis so that he remembers what happened after the fight , of course, this won’t work, but we’ll get off the ground, so what, that’s a good idea, well... only ivan mikhailovich, i can’t go to the hospital , otherwise marsan change it, i realized , i’ll take him myself, i found my witness, and in general it’s like i fell through the earth, i got a printout of his calls, and so the last
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call was from the tax office, the door is open, strange, yeah, firin, chief, sit down, let's go,
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hello, ah, hello, this time, yeah sergei sergeevich kosachev, nicknamed phillin , served a sentence several times for buying stolen property, was killed with a pitchfork, yes, yesterday his gold was requisitioned, yeah, but the things stolen during the attack on the woman were not found, traces of a struggle were found on his hands, and pieces of fabric under his nails , i think i resisted as best i could, the killer must probably have some left over. lived alone, yes , and he swears that he’s done with the past, uh-huh, so clear, that means no one, so okay, i ran, i don’t have time to handle it myself, yes, of course, oh, dim, dim, please wait, dim, you couldn’t stop by the store to buy some groceries, andryushka has been hungry all day, i just won’t have time today,
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please, excuse me, by golly, there’s no time, i still have 10 places to go, sorry, problems, yes , andrey is hungry all day, but i can’t go to the store, i just don’t have time, you see, you can’t ask anyone, everyone is busy, so i don’t know, i can go. you, of course yes no , thank you, ol, thank you, of course, whatever you want, listen, it means they found gold in this garden, yes, yes, of course, that’s funny sounds like a goldenrod, but wait , you really could go shopping for groceries, of course, i said, okay, then you buy something at your discretion, okay, now i’ll give you the keys, go ahead, and you ’ll get there yourself, but i have spare ones in my bag, and money now, money later.
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yes, please tell me, is there anything else on attacks on women, well, besides porridge wool? well, yes, i think one of them probably has a cat, one? yes, didn't i say that in each of the two attacks, fingerprints were on the tape? are different, this means that at least we have two attackers, that you are looking around, are you afraid? i’m not afraid of anyone , it’s just that my friends won’t really like it if they find out that i’m with the police, by the way, about your friends, do you know this person, no
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, i’m seeing this for the first time, so, well, remind me that you and i are in the last time we met was a month ago, did you hit your head, robin bobin, no, i remember, but what, so what did you promise me, who am i? no, i, listen, garlic, i 'll arrest you now, you know the cameras, how it quickly comes to my mind that the camera is right away, but i’m not right away , i’m fussing with you a lot, and you constantly promise me to cover your shop, a little time passes, again it’s great, by the way, not a single law prohibits to accept guests, yes, and the law establishes , among other things, liability for participation in gambling for their organization, article 164, just in case you forgot, but we for ourselves, for ourselves and... it breaks our brains, but you can’t tell me something here, it’s clear what you’re doing there, and it’s clear what kind of money there is they’re spinning, you still have a percentage, go with the building of the premises, why are you silent, the car is a must,
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you shouldn’t think so badly of me, so this can be easily changed, you know this person, well, i know, i know, i’ve seen you a couple of times, or what? comes in, well, where does he live, what does he do, but honestly, i don’t know, i don’t know where he lives. what does he do, you know, this is a man who generally plows a crab, and he, he ’s been steaming in a government house for half a month, well, okay, okay, so you’ll find out where he lives, what he does, who he communicates with, and he came to see me a couple of times , a couple of times he came, sat, was generally silent , now i understand why they call you garlic, there is no pleasure in communicating with you, so you will find out where he lives, with whom he communicates, what he does in the city, otherwise we will talk to you differently . now you will fall asleep, i will count to five, and you will fall into deep sleep, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
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so you are sleeping, we will show you a documentary from your life. you are in a cinema, there is a screen in front of you, that person on the screen is you, you are heading towards the square, and alexander turkin is standing there, alexander turkin is standing there, you look closely at the screen, what are you doing? well, this is a rather difficult case, he fell into too much sleep, well, wake
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him up. i’ll count to three and you’ll wake up, one, two, three, why isn’t he waking up, comrade colonel, you’re bothering me. what's there? they killed owl, stabbed him with a pitchfork, and checked the gold that was seized from him; it was listed as stolen a month ago in moscow. okay, let's go to the department. what about hypnosis? did you say anything? yes, you know, even under hypnosis he is silent. i have the impression that he is mocking us. yes send him home under subscription, and not leave and be done with it. no, let him go until
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... listen, maybe let's get in the car? no , wait, wait, let's talk in nature , i've already had enough, pasha told you well, well, he spoke reliably, yes, but the speck doesn't throw words to the wind, well, that means they're bad little boys, bad people, nothing but a thief, yes , i need to get out of here, but it’s up to me, uh-huh, i need your help, well , i’ll help as much as i can, i’ve entrusted someone here with the safekeeping of my valuables. and he handed it over to the police, you need to rescue things, you have someone in the police who you notice, well-fed, you need to think, well, think, think, think, just think quickly, otherwise i need to quickly get out of here, uh-huh, i’m wet, no, listen , wet, this is not an advisor, so who is it that is asking for advice, but the advisor, there was only one here, my redhead, now you know where
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in heaven? the angel advises, in general, find a cop, i’ll pay what you need, anyone there can buy them for half a half, just so that the goods are, okay, yes, there is only one, little man, persecuted, well, in principle, this is exactly what it’s for, that he’s greedy or something, but no, the club, what you need, listen, vers, hey, how can i find you, i’ll find you myself. i haven’t finished with the burnt car yet, uh-huh, well, is there anything, just the results of the autopsy, it’s clear, so what and what, what does the dead man have?
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a blow to the head, presumably with a hammer, of course, well, that means it’s clearly not suicide, well , such injuries don’t happen in a car accident, here’s another thing, a man of 50-60 years old, height meter 68, yeah , wait, i interrogated the witness, he said that he is the same height as his owner car, he even thought that it was the owner of the car, and that big man was 90 meters tall, well, well, you can’t argue with the facts, it says height is 68 meters, this is interesting, interesting, and you also remember that at the top of the ravine they found tire tracks ? well, well, well, the car didn’t fly into the cliff on its own, it stopped in front of the cliff, only then flew into it, and they pushed it, they set fire to the fire in the back seat, yeah, that’s how
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it works out for us. picture: someone tall steals a car, kills a man, puts him behind the wheel, pushes this car into the enemy sets it on fire. no, wow, he first sets it on fire, only then pushes it off, because around the car i found traces of only the nura wenka, the killer probably knew about this, that there was loose sand there, and the terrain there was very bad. and he probably watched everything from above, because if i were in his place, i would definitely wait until the moment when the car burned to the ground. well, i'll make sure. uh-huh, besides , look, i found traces of cigarette butts with a characteristic bite, and the person who left them wore size forty-two shoes, for with my shoe prints i found traces of something rectangular, most likely it was a canister of fuel that was used to set the car on fire, but
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a canister. found, most likely the killer, took her with him, hmm, just like that, neat, followed, hmm, vova, take my suitcase, why? well, take it, take it, okay, take it, now come to me, come to me, go, go, go, take another step, well done, put down the suitcase, explain to me what’s happening, vova, you don’t understand, look, if the killer stood facing the burning car and... placed the canister on the left, it means that he is left-handed,
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well, and you say that we have nothing , so the killer is left-handed, and the last of the missing people we have only one, this is a witness in the turkin case, dimoch interrogated him, listen, what if , no, wait , i didn’t tell you the main thing, the deceased is missing two fingers of his left hand, the ring and little fingers, yeah, i can say for sure, but they’ve been gone for a long time, because there are signs of healing on the bones, and also, look, this is the only thing that survived the fire. well, what did the fer say? i asked you to find a corrupt policeman, and i said, i have this, who are you?
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what, what, what, what? should i have told him something? no, it’s just somehow strange, so what does he want from a corrupt policeman? he has a police document, a box of gold, in general, he wants to pick it up here, so, yes, he’s ready to pay for it, well, it’s your damn thing, i don’t know, i don’t know, he said it, and i passed it on, keep in mind that i have nothing in common with him, and i’m not at the same time with him, he actually killed a man who stole his gold, and he threatened me, but i’m just playing cards, me, i’m not doing anything else wrong, i have nothing in common with the murderers, good, good. say the corrupt cop agrees. which hand doesn't have two fingers? on the left. chegir was missing two fingers on his left
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hand. nameless. yes, this is all that remains of his personal belongings. this is his tie clip. when we met, i also paid attention. turned. nowadays, few people wear such things. looks like we've found your missing witness. and olga thinks that the killer was a lizard. so, is this him? yes, it’s him, it’s chigil, missing witness in the turkin case. it was beneficial for someone to make him disappear. just when we needed him as a witness in the turkin murder case. he probably knew something about this. or maybe he knew the killer. now yes. yes, yes, of course, there is already progress in the matter. yes. okay, i’ll run to you, goodbye, well, they’re calling from the sea again, and polonskaya, well, of course, what am i talking about, and the killer, do you think that it was one person who killed both turkin and chegir, i think, and in the upstairs
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where the car fell from, cigarette butts were found with a characteristic bite, perhaps the killer stood watching the car burn, and olga, she suggests that the killer was left-handed, because he put the canister to his left, like i did... that is, we can assume that one of the criminals has a cat , excuse me, yes, hello, what, yes, yes, we will kiss you with the whole department,
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well, ivan mikhailovich, in filin’s house , the queen’s fingerprints are on the pitchfork with which he was stabbed, and he was sitting with... andryukha, come on i’ll help, so, tamara nikolaevna, come to me, don’t drop me, no, it’s urgent, yes, i’m waiting, quickly, quickly , quickly, quickly, it’s coming, come in, come in, tamara nikolaevna, there’s a conversation, i need to explain something, i didn’t understand something. and what is there not to understand, this is a serious matter, very
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serious, what happened, 20 years in the police, seriously, come on, come on, pour it, oops, come on, come on, give me more, more corvalon, for you, so, oh, for the muse of our department, for the best, most beautiful part of it, tamara, you have beauty, what do you want, health, prosperity, hurray, hurray, be healthy, how i love you all, boys, come on, come on, come on, nikolaevich, that’s not all, and also... we give you a certificate of honor, and not just
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a certificate, but with all our autographs, thank you, i’ll hang it up on the wall, and let everyone see it, well, tell them, are you staying or going, well, well, nikolaevich, i’ll stay, well, one more at a time, come on, come on, andrey, andrey, andrey!
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come on, come in, just be careful, that's it, you're already home, yeah, what are you doing here? i, olga asked me to buy you some groceries, didn’t she say that, no, she was probably tired. "well, guys, i'll go, no, wait, no, no, you figure it out yourself, come on, i’ll help, no need, i’m on my own, and olga thinks that you’re sitting at home, don’t tell her, otherwise she’ll be upset, if they don’t ask, i won’t tell, but i won’t lie, i know that, thank you. it hurts, yes
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, i’m tired, i need to rest, well, let me cook dinner , isn’t it necessary, i’ll do it myself, oh well, sit down, otherwise you won’t be able to escape to work tomorrow, you know, tanya, i love you very much , no, honestly, honestly, misses you all the time. he’s very afraid to call you, because he thinks that you’ll send him, bronin, why, look me in the eyes like that, looking into my eyes, tell me honestly, honestly, he got you , it’s clear, but now i know that every person, every morning at 6 a.m., should do exercises with the window open, yes, and if he didn’t do this, then he’s a complete loser. “don’t be upset, i’m also out of this category
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, i’ve been fighting with this pedantry for so long, he says that i’m putting pressure on him, depriving him of his freedom, listen, tan, this is very difficult for me, this whole family psychology, i really like you i ask, for god's sake, take him away from me, please, my house is in such order for me going into the apartment, it’s disgusting, no, i need to catch my breath, let him live with you for a while longer, listen, i’ll find him a woman, who needs him, until i figure it out, i really need him, he’s a nice guy.” he’s tongue-tied, so where are you planning to look for a woman for him? i warned you, that’s it, if you do this, i’m tanya, i was joking, what are you doing? i was joking seriously, tanya, please, take him away from me, you really wo n’t look for anyone for him , honest policewoman, just take it, i can’t do it anymore, okay, i’ll call him, bye got it, and thank you, freedom,
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andryushka, hello, how did you spend your day, andryushka? okay, i was lying on the sofa, i was lying there all the time, i would gladly swap with you, although no, the whole
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day on the sofa is a nightmare, i would have run away in an hour, but you’re doing great, you’re holding on. thank you for not giving it away, you’re welcome , but i don’t approve of your boyishness, although you don’t care what i think, but you know how much work we have now, oh, am i on time, as always , or... no, yes, sit down, sit down, why are you scared? no, i, i didn’t bother you, maybe i lesh, sit down, what are you doing, this is the first time i’ve seen you refuse food, sit down, come on , well, yes, no food, i won’t refuse, oh, in general, i have something to do with you, let’s talk, or what?
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, no, for work, well, all yours, tell me, yes, well, in general, the queen’s man came to me, the queen offers to buy gold from the police for money, oh well, yes, the bait is ready, all that’s left is to cast the fishing rod and pull out the fish , i’m a corrupt policeman, so that ’s great, well, yes, that means we need to get ready to think through everything, okay, okay, get ready play cop? undercover, i personally don’t approve of this heroism, if the opportunity presents itself to take the queen, yes, but you don’t have insufficient skills or experience for this, and you yourself know this very well, well , wait, no, i won’t wait for anything, i ’ll listen i don’t want to, why put yourself at risk so unjustifiably, in the name of what, explain to me, guys, some kind of stupidity, by the way,
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don’t forget that he’s not just a thief, he ’s a murderer, well, that’s great, that means they should take him more, so work, calmly, without these cossacks and robbers of yours, tell me why you actually invited her, oh, well, i was joking, oh, it hurts me, it hurts me that you treat your work like a booth, that’s why our indicators are lame, together. ol, well, i was joking. you know, i really wanted to help you. olya, well, we wanted to help the department, but it seems to me that this is sisyphean work, it ’s impossible, you’ll never change,
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okay, stop everything, okay, thank you, thank you for the pleasant evening, for the meeting. special thanks for the hospitality, no need to accompany me, ol, ol, well, i was joking, yes, what was it, a family dinner, that i didn’t understand, or what?
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well, obviously this is a gang, there are two of them, one strangles his victims, and the other hits them on the head, why did you decide that there are two of them, well, because in the last attack the fingerprints were of another person, wait, why am i only now finding out about this, well, because i just talked about this myself... after yesterday, ol , tell andrey that i will write a report about their venture with gold, i don’t want to do anything behind their back, but i also don’t want to expose people to unjustified risk. olya, come on, maybe let’s not be like this, let’s everyone do their work, i don’t interfere in your work, tell me the phone number, okay, but i thought we were friends, i thought so too, but i didn’t think that someone would be this use, yes good, all the best, all the best, yes, goodbye, what the witness said, but i didn’t say anything special. you write this in the report, the svetel said that in the morning he decided to take a shortcut and came across a body, that’s all,
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negligence and arrogance, this is the hallmark of your work, there is something object, but no, well then, let’s everyone mind their own business, write. “fortune will play the role of a corrupt policeman, give the queen the gold, then we’ll tie him up, and mikhalych will agree, i’ll try
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to persuade him, feris is greedy, he won’t leave the city without gold, after killing filin he won’t stick his head out much, so it’s very difficult to reach him , i understand, this is not the only thing, but at least the most real opportunity to reach him, well , if only just, unless vasilevskaya makes a fuss, and we won’t say, yes, she’s already knows, i was visiting, there’s luck with this whole story, are you and vasileska , are you friends with your families now, you tried, oh, if only she didn’t tell mine, otherwise olya still thinks that i’m whole i’ve been sitting at home for days, over there, mikhaloch, you called, yes, yes, yes, just admire what antonov’s daughter wrote, but i don’t need, the father is a murderer and the mother is a whore, dashing, so... “she’s as crazy as dad, put the young lady on the wanted list, no
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matter what she does, she is also a minor, okay, please tell me how old your daughter is years old, 17.5, yeah, tell me, she can’t be “turkin’s daughter, huh? yes, how, yes, how can you? i’ve never cheated on my husband. well, excuse me, we have to know everything. yes, he too so he thinks that she is not his daughter, he loves her immensely, then he doesn’t want to look at her. he tormented everyone with jealousy, at first he created scandals, and then he himself apparently got tired of it,
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but after all, one is like two peas in a pod like his mother, maybe everything - so arrange a date for you with your husband, and oh, let me go to him, i’ll tell him, i’ll definitely straighten his brains out, no, no, you you know, just talk to him calmly , not about this matter, but he thinks about him in the morning, in the evening, all the time, you better tell him what about the house there, well, and that his daughter disappeared, it’s very useful for him now to think about someone else besides myself, i’ll talk , i’ll talk, well, of course, without andrey it’s very difficult for us, very, yes, let him sit at home, of course, why should he run around with words, let’s cope, we can handle it, yeah, that's it, come on, well, listen, olla managed to remove his fingers from the cigarette butt, which was found near burnt-out car, she ran them through the database, there are no matches, it’s clear
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, yeah, what are we going to do, so we ’ll be looking for him... until the end of our lives , we don’t have a database for kurilchikovsheit, yes, listen, why do you think he stole this particular car? indeed, maybe he knew that it was easy to steal, maybe he knew, or maybe not, or maybe it was just a coincidence, don’t tell me, he has pipes on his hands, you can’t be wrong , i bet you that he knew that this car didn’t have an alarm system, listen, you’re right, vovka, already i’m running to meet the owner of the stolen car to find out. you among his acquaintances will make someone smoking, well, it wasn’t you who killed him, well, you couldn’t, you wouldn’t hurt a fly, it was an accident, i didn’t want to, lord, but he again did his own thing, but that’s not enough for you, i can’t go out i can , well, i’m ashamed of people, my daughter ran away from home, like she ran away,
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she ran away like that, she left a note saying that it’s not necessary... her parents ran away, like it’s all because of you, of course, we have to look for it, we’re already looking, yeah , yeah, so that your own daughter would abandon her parents, and after all, your daughter is yours, are you really you still don’t believe me, she’s like two peas in a pod, you find her, we’ll do everything we can, if you want, we can... take you to that place, no, no, thank you, but how the one who broke his leg is being treated, yeah, you see, half the city is suffering because of you, take me to the cell, i want to remember everything, oh, hi, nikolaevich,
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hi, ol, are you trying to check something? well , don’t worry, i’m keeping an eye on him, i’ve provided him with all the provisions, but didn’t he, oh mother, didn’t you know, or something, well, you me just don’t give it away, okay, well, you figure it out yourself somehow, hi, andryusha, it’s me, what am i doing, right? i’m not doing anything, i’m going to watch the news, oh, cuckoo , in short, it’s hard to sit at home alone, well, andryush, can’t you be patient for at least two weeks, well, of course i’ll be patient, so try to be patient, at least for my sake, but, but i can’t sit at home, you know, i can’t, i
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’ll get sick there, but i still don’t go anywhere here. nothing will happen to my leg, especially since he brings me in and out, it’s some kind of a conspiracy against me, why a conspiracy, well, i didn’t want to upset you, but whatever, it turned out the other way around, andrei, well, forgive me, and vasilevskaya knew, she knew, it’s clear, that’s it. i don’t even want to talk to you after this, only about work. what about work? well, here are the reports, read for yourself. great, great. and did you know? no, what? i don't want to see you anymore.
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what is she? okay, i’ll figure it out, listen, we need to decide something, let’s sort it out, the garlic is in a hurry, so what to decide, mikhalych is not here, he went to the mayor’s office, and without his blessing you know, there’s no way, maybe, okay, let's make an appointment for today, great, but only garlic warned that he would definitely check what's in the package, so you can't get by with a simple doll, you need to bring real gold, well , that means i'll take the gold from the ancient treasures, i'll say , which is for the investigation. experiment, oh, and you arrange a meeting with garlic and demand that the ferry himself come, okay, well , mikhailovich, in general, he doesn’t like amateur performances, i’ll take myself, okay, thanks for coming, ivan mikhailovich, so what’s with this matter , askeletin? well, that's it for now is under investigation? yeah, that's
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what i wanted. i ask you, well, if the name of some famous person suddenly comes up, you mean yourself. do you already know something? the witness named your name on the list of alexander turkin’s acquaintances. but if you are afraid of publicity, then it is completely in vain. your name, well, in the worst case, can only be heard in court. so it will still sound. don't get me wrong, ivan mikhailovich, i have a position. husband, children, grandson, that’s all. that was born, but if you are not involved in murder, you have nothing to worry about, i’m about murder, you’re crazy, dear ivan
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mikhailovich, i was recently looking through the waiting lists and found two people from your department there, in general, you understand me, i understand you. this is called investigative pressure and is of a criminal nature, no, you completely misunderstood me , i hope, if you have everything, then i ’ll take my leave, i have a lot of work, goodbye, left-handed, yeah, why do you need it, i ’ll explain everything to you later, just tell me whether among your friends there are livshis or not, livshis, so... you can’t even stop him at school, but he smokes? why do you need it? well, i don’t know, he quit smoking and is just about to quit, but where does he live? so there he is, standing all day long, next to his car, that’s it, why do you need it?
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i’ll tell you everything in detail later, and well, sing to you , hello, you are semyonov, well, i’m from the police, senior lieutenant pronin, we are investigating the case of the theft of your friend’s car, grishina, i don’t know anything about this, i’ll tell you now i’ll ask a couple of questions, but you... don’t be surprised if you say, you smoke, no, what, what size are you? forty-five, what, more police do nothing? tell me, please, are there any people you love among your friends? no, no, although makarych, makarych is also left-handed. makarych, who is this? and this is an electrician from our zhek, we suffer together, all the instruments are made for right-handed people. yes. and makarych, he’s like... he takes care of houses, yes, these are all of them, and grishna’s house too, yes, and you’re definitely from the police, for sure, thank you, you helped a lot, what do you have,
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chegir’s dental card, this is your missing one witness in sasha's case plus, yeah, completely coincides: with human teeth, found in a burnt car, it means a chiger, apparently he knew something about the murder of sasha plus, and you removed him for it so as not to spill the beans, found a suspect, fits all the marks, zhdanko stepan makarovich, works in the housing service that services grishin’s house , left-handed, smokes in the zhek, they said that he is 80 meters tall, like grishin. the witness who saw the driver could easily confuse him with the owner of the car, zhdanko is now at home, he took time off, which means he is servicing grishin’s house, yeah, he could have known that there was no alarm in the car, he could have been in on it
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has been working in the area for 100 years , everyone knows the dog, here’s the address, dim, let’s drive there, just take the hive with you, she ’ll help you with the problems on the spot, okay, vova, well, you stay for now, whoever you are, fell, okay , let's go to the kitchen, my wife just met me, yes , i open the door, and these are your shoes, yes, mine, and your tool, mine, is so welcome, tell me, have you been to a ravine lately, which ravine, at arkhipovsky’s, no, so let’s just not fuss, say frankly whether they were or not, they weren’t, yes, but the evidence they say the opposite , there is a coincidence with the shoe imprint, i don’t understand
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what you’re talking about, so one more thing, tell me, do you have a canister for storing fuel in your house, no, you have no right to break into the house like that, there’s a canister in the basement. fool, who is pulling your tongue? there is blood on the hammer, the hammer itself looks like... so friends, let's go see what else you have in the basement. vasya, vasya, i ’ve arrived, where are you, son, you have a conscience, i’m with these, i was carrying these bags, i called you. i called, and you, well, why did you
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i didn’t meet you, vasya, well, what else , there are dark spots in the corner that look like dried blood, what it could be, you don’t know, no, but my husband is a murderer, what makes you think, he told me that himself , he killed sashka, right, but you had something with this sashka, right?
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he said that he put his head against a pipe in the trench several times, and then together with this chager they filled up this trench, he also told the chiger that now he is an accomplice and they will have to answer together, he told you all this, and in detail, he specifically said this to... torment me, look, he was very proud that he got away with it all, well, it’s okay, now he won’t get away with it, so take it to court, you can give testimony, such a cigarette, yes, but he, he won’t do anything to you anymore, number four, look, yes, that’s it, we’re packing up the citizen, you’ll find out, we still have a long conversation ahead of us, yes, yes, yes, okay, yeah, i understand, well, dictate the address, i’ll
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pass it on. that's it, see you in touch. olya, contact pronin, on veselovsky 15, there’s a dead body, we need to leave. so, andrei, here is vasilevskaya’s report, read what they did to her again? yes, i know what is written there. don’t exaggerate, she’s in her place, you also need supervision sometimes. so? do you allow the operation to be overthrown? just think everything through in detail, think it through well, i’ve got your back. well , alexey, you just went with a search warrant for zhdanko’s house. yeah, this is lefty, the smoker, the electrician, right? yes. alekseev called his office. on the evening when chigir disappeared, zhdanko was repairing the wiring at the tax office. he called chigir from there. then they met. he killed a witness, staged a car accident. well, everything is clear. yes. so. uryas antonov everything was clear. we have come to what,
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we need to let him go, i don’t know, uh-huh, so, describe who you saw, uh-huh, oops. surkov, vasily viktorovich , this doesn’t remind you of anything, oh, it reminds you, hairs similar to wool were found on the rope , well, i’ll check more precisely in the laboratory, yeah, but there’s no cat in the house, well, if i check the fingerprints , it’ll be clear he was robbing woman or not, good afternoon, hello, is our husband coming here?
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shocked, can't talk now, understandable, i'll go talk to her, but maybe it's better not now, she’s hysterical, olya, if, as you claim, this is a murder, then you need to question him without delay, in my opinion, this is known, even at the beginning. olya, if a person is inadequate, then he can give false information, and this is also taught in our universities. that's it, olga nikolaovna, i'm done. yes ok. fine. when you ask, please send the protocols to
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me. and an examination too, please. fine. yes, i hope you don't forget anything this time. maybe, eh? yes, yes, okay, i ’ll think about it, why were you talking to her like you weren’t friends anymore? just don’t, i told you, i told you, everyone told you, wow, i was wrong , i wanted to, i tried and it didn’t work, why talk about it all the time, besides, she’s going to write a report on andrei, that’s what, yuri stepanovich, you should go to the doctor anyway, with your head... not everything is fine with you , look how much grief they brought to the family, and katya, she came back, took a walk, got hungry and returned home, but seriously about the doctor, well, okay with you there were some harmless fantasies, but he’s gone,
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he’s gone, i’ll take him myself, uh-huh, well, let’s go, my grief, andrey, it’s me, i can already say for sure that surkov, who was found hanged, participated in robbing women. yes, his prints match the prints from the first and third attacks, and the most interesting thing is that i found it on the cord on which the marmot was hanged. the same cat hair as during the second attack, which means that the second attacker killed surkov, why did they rob together, and then he killed him, well, thank you very much, tell me, are you still angry with me, well, in vain, but
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is there anything about zhdanko, yes i know that you are not a machine, ok, let's wait, the prints of the hanged surkov matched the prints of two attacks on women. black cat hair was found on the cord used to strangle surkov. it is possible that the perpetrator of the attacks and surkov's killer are the same person. we need to talk to surkov's mother. i hope she's recovered at least a little. are you going to question the electrician? who, zhdankov? yeah, let him sit and start getting nervous. then it will be easier to talk to him. anger is also a bad advisor. in general, keep in mind that i will only give the gold in person to hands to the queen. he doesn't like being dictated to. well? agree with him, well , i’ll try, let him set the time and place of meetings himself, so that there is no suspicion that we are preparing an ambush, and you are preparing, it’s none of your business, you do what you promised, oh well, i ’ll do everything, just like that well, he’s not only a thief,
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he’s now a murderer, why do you need such friends, in general, there will be news, tell me, okay. “take it, thank you, vasya lived alone, i ’ve been at the dacha for 2 years already, there’s a garden and air, i sold something, my pension was enough for me, i also she gave vasya money, but he didn’t work at all, and he barely worked, he gets a job , then a week later he comes out and kicks him out? and that i raised him alone without a father, please tell me, do you know any of his
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friends, with whom he communicated, among his friends , there is no one, but zhenya petryaev, they still know each other from school, how is he with him? how did he contact him, so immediately everything went wrong at school, but zhenya is mean, mean, he, he i pulled you into all sorts of stories, oh, don’t think, i didn’t scold him, i’m on good terms with him, yeah, thank you for your time, i really really sympathize, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, see you, goodbye. great , great, we’ve already seen each other, it’s still great, so i
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’m meeting the ferge this evening, call garlic , he’ll tell you where, when, great, let me know right away, now, let’s go with pronin and check on surkov’s friend, a certain evgeniy petreev, petryaev , petryaev, yeah, okay, who? i didn’t call, you have a cat, well, yes, the neighbors are complaining, what are they complaining about, i live quietly, at the cat, she yells at you at first, they’re lying, well come on in. where do you work? i'm not working right now. why? i'll start soon. yes. this is
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good. what do you live on? there is savings. yes. this is good. when did you see surkov? surkova surkova. well, two weeks. and show me your documents, please, yes, now just hold the cat, uh-huh, well, he ran into me, for what, for what, understand? let's find out why, dim, don't press me, the report
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on the railway is not ready yet, mikhalych is in a hurry , they already wrote about us in the newspapers that we are not an investigation, a circle of fascinating archeology, but let them write what they want, this is not it means that i will do my job lukewarmly, well, at least there is something, well, okay, the blood on the hammer in the basement completely matches the blood type of the cheger, the fact that it was his corpse that burned in the car is... already proven , now on the cigarette butts, i made a cast of the teeth marks on the cigarette butts left in the forest, which we found, they absolutely match the teeth marks on the cigarette butts left in this laboratory by zhdanko. and lastly, the head of the chaeger, before being burned, was broken with exactly the same hammer as danko’s. and we still have the testimony of his wife about the murder, sasha plus. are you happy? more than enough.
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your prints were found with the tape you used to tie up the poor women. i didn't rob, i just tried, but it didn't work. well, of course, i disturbed you. and your friend surkov? what about surkov? this is where i ask questions. whose initiative was it to rob women? he was the initiator, he came up with everything and encouraged me. and his mother says that you were the instigator. she doesn't know anything. you ask him yourself. and we will ask, ask. let's ask, we'll ask. you are brave because what do you know, that vasily surkov
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has been dead for a long time, this is the first time i’ve heard of it, okay, is it serious , haven’t you heard, surkov attacked a woman, hit her a little harder than necessary, but didn’t calculate his strength, she died, and then surkov came home and committed suicide, his conscience tormented him, so he hanged himself, can you imagine? so wait, i didn’t say that he hanged himself, how do you know, sit, sit, come on, come on, well, he calmed down, yes, exactly, yes, but you know this, because you are for him...
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because he ruined everything, we don't have anyone they wanted to kill, where are the things of the first victim, you just managed to rob her, so at home i ’ll show you everything, well, here’s a writer, here’s a pen, write a sincere confession, and i ’ll definitely get credit for it, and the court will decide, decide.
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well, did you succeed? direction, hold it! so, come on, keep this deposit, the rest of the fel said, he will give it back when he receives the gold. where is he himself? i don't know, it should come up. probably keep an eye on me, see if i have a tail, wait, i 'll see what you brought there, well, yes, it looks like the ferry wrote to me, sorry, yes, yes, the goods are at me, yes, i understood where, yes, i understood, everything.
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what listen, in general, the fer said, he says, this fat man can be free, how so? you promised that he would come himself, but he promised it, i just told him, i don’t know, he changed his mind, that means, and what else did he say, he told me to go north, he wants to see if there’s a tail with me, you... let's decide this, or i'll take the gold or food, or let's close this shop then, don't rush me, listen, robin bobin, okay, fine, take the gold, you'll give it to me straight away, aferzil, yes, straight away and i'll give it back.
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wait, where did he go, someone will find out. what's happened? persian didn't come? no, where is the gold? i gave. have you gone crazy? wait, you understand what you have done, you understand that we will all be imprisoned, lyokha.
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first of all. do you understand what a fuss there will be? everything will be, as you said, a big deal, then they’ll put us all in prison, tepun on your tongue, it ’s somewhere here, that’s for sure, we have to wait , as if the garlic will return here, let’s wait, ruby ​​bobbins, well look, everyone stay on their own places, we are waiting for the object to return,
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be careful, our guest is somewhere nearby, and if he doesn’t... do you know how to pray? no and i don’t , we would really need this now, it seems to me that the garlic won’t come back, and then what should we do, wait, i can’t think of anything else, also... someone is coming, lights out, it’s just a passerby, nerves already
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at the limit, we will be nervous when we miss the gold and the queen, i don’t even understand how you could persuade the old fool me to commit such a scam, what do you think, queen, the last sucker, to believe us? someone, well, you gave us a lot of fun, oh, robin bobin, i myself i’m worried, well, you see, there’s garlic, get ready, now this is interesting, start the car. dropped something, and where is your fers? patience, robin bobin, patience, lyokha, look,
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someone is coming, guys. well, come on, come on, come on, come on, touch, hands up, stand, stand, hands! well done, boss, leave it to us, take it out,
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yeah, come here, yes. you know, yesterday you were wandering around somewhere, no one knows where, working, yeah, working, he worked until one in the morning, and i was sitting, you know, i remembered tanka, how she was there alone, something missed home, hello, listen, please, you won’t be offended if i eat you, what are you, no, of course, but at home she’ll do anything better, it’s true, and you know, you have a very difficult character, you’re always doing something i’m not happy, no, i really
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tensed up yesterday, if the queen had managed to walk away with the gold, well then you and i wouldn’t be sitting here, in a completely different place, yes, that’s for sure, so you can now go to your father’s wedding with peace of mind, guys , and where? god knows what that means, god knows, 2 hours and he’s still not there, so what, idle?
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ivan mikhailovich, what happened, your faces are no? oh, i left it with my own security service, what are you looking at? did your friend vasilevskaya write a report on me? i congratulate you on your official position, i reveal the unprofessionalism of my subordinates, further down the list, i just don’t understand one thing... which of you guessed to dedicate her to our business, it so happened, ivan mikhailovich, and now it turns out you’ll have a new boss, you’ve been fired , but not yet, well, thank god, in general, i’m now, so to speak, on a probationary period, so no amateur performances in the near future, your danko for interrogation
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he asks that it’s straight... he says that, he wants an interrogation, no, he screams, if you don’t let him out now, he’ll destroy everything here, i don’t know what to talk about, i’m not guilty of anything, why are you holding me, tell us what happened in september 18 years ago in the courtyard of the house, tell us everything the way you told your wife, that’s a snake, she always set me up, but you kept her in fear, but it didn’t... it didn’t help, you saw , how chigir argues with sashka, the groom, he had previously fought with antonov, you attacked sashka, killed him, intimidated cheger, buried him the corpse thought that they had covered all traces, when they found the skeleton, you got nervous, started calling the tax office, tell me why from the tax office, i didn’t call anyone, we’d seen enough detectives, you knew that we would
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check the calls, right? there are no perfect murders , remember this, and i’ll tell you how it all happened, you lured the chegerak into your basement, killed him, stole a car, set fire to his corpse in it, that’s how it happened, some kind of nonsense, we have enough evidence to present you are charged with two murders, alexander turkin and chegir, and no statute of limitations for the murder of alexander turkin will be credited to you, i don’t know any turkins, churkins and these chigers of yours, despite the fact that... saete, i believe that the case is almost closed, oh, we won’t see you soon we’ll see in the city , you’ll answer for this, let’s not make it worse than it already is, are you also going to deny everything in court, i’m not guilty, but you planted the evidence on me, well, of course, a difficult case, my own enemy, well, i think you
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broke your other leg. and this is you, my dear, how are you doing feel, thank you, it’s better, sash, wait for me here for a minute, i’m going to the surgeon, hello, hello, but i’m being treated, memory, really, i’m even sick. they gave me, yes, me too, it would be better if i went to work, me too, dad, mom said to sit with you, hello, hello, my daughter, katya, yeah, it looks very much, yes, yeah, one face, i have my mother’s chin. oh, hello,
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hello, i took a ticket to see the surgeon just in case, my wife, lyuba, okay, are you married? let's get lucky and get married! this is what it is happiness, tv company vid presents.
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hello, good evening, you are watching the program “wait for me.” people come to our program to share their misfortune, pour out their souls, and tell the story of their family. but the most important goal for all our guests is the same: to find those who are truly dear and dearly loved. and we try to help them as much as possible. so here we go. we have many times had stories in which a husband and wife divided their children during a divorce, as if it were some kind of jointly acquired property, and these are living people who are not to blame for anything they always suffer a lot in such stories, this
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will be confirmed by natalya petrovna ivanova, who came to us from nizhnevartovsk, let's meet her. hello natalya petrovna , hello, hello, natalya petrovna , please take a seat, how did you get there, great, nothing, everything is fine, the reason was very important, yes, of course, i have no doubt, tell me who you want to find, i would like to find his own brother. i don’t have any more relatives, in fact, i don’t have any relatives today, so, but i want to say right away that my hopes have almost completely disappeared, why? well
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, you see, the very reason is that our parents separated us, you can imagine how old i am, at birth, well, my brother was two years old, and i was 3 months old. that’s it, we never even knew each other, not that we were lost there for many years, but we never knew at all, and even more so when already in the twentieth year my granddaughter submitted an application, and it was like silence, well, if those there was silence for a year, but now there seems to be no hope left, i already lived absolutely in this regard calm down, that's when they called. but if i say in russian, my brains scattered in different directions, well, hope is the last to die, let's start from the very beginning, yes, yeah, in general, we lived in kazakhstan, or rather, my mother lived, even when i was not there.


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