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tv   Kodeks chesti-5  NTV  February 11, 2024 3:15am-4:51am MSK

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well, what impressions we are all in shock , it’s just the color scheme, it’s about everyone, it’s probably cozy here, it’s so warm, so good, you don’t want to leave here, you know, yes, when designer zhanna came here for the first time, she asked me, well , what do you want, i said, well, how can you explain it, i couldn’t find the words, she looked at me like that and said, i understood everything , she really understood everything, yes, yes, she understood everything, i came here and saw kitchen here, i was shocked, of course, and how it was all done, executed, there were no thresholds, i was very i was worried that after the renovation there wouldn’t be , as you say, such childhood memories, but when i saw this log wall, this window, which was always hidden under the carpet, it became easier, that yes, everything is there, everything , that is, the memories will all remain, i really like the multi-stage lighting, it’s very cozy, it’s very convenient, and it’s great that there is this... closet, display case, because
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there really are some important family things for us that we have we have always been hidden inside, in closets, we have them there i was tired of the holidays, yes, but here we can admire them every day, all these memories of ours, my emotions are overflowing, i ’m just happy.
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no, this can’t be, this, come to me urgently, what happened?
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great, great, what happened, well, where is she from, like at home, yes, okay, good, oh, lidika, max wasn’t late, great, great.
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that the general is not there, we are waiting for something serious, i think, yes, it is unlikely that we would have been thwarted so quickly over trifles, hello soldiers, how are you in the mood, the general is fighting, as usual, this is very, by the way, sit down, then it’s straight away, there was an information leak in the niyagat special department, industrial, espionage, that’s right, what does this special department do? nanotechnology only for the military industry, they are developing a so-called invisibility cloak, have you heard of it? yes, i read, i read an article by the scientist teller, and so he says that the one who is the first to master nanotechnology will take over the entire technosphere of the future, this means power, well , there is less power, so calculate...
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mr. mole, but in fact a spy is needed you will be introduced into niya’s structure under the guise of security; none of the employees there will know. so that means, arly, all personal belongings of employees are collected and put into these cells, and what about mobile phones? are you so stupid? i said all the things, without
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exception, then employees go through the access system to their departments, understand? that’s right, no one brings anything in, no one takes anything out, well done, you caught the essence, nothing, come with me, i’ll show you. only the monitor works, good morning, hello, new guy, that's right, go through system, oops, you have something in your pocket, look, didn’t you know that they were from children’s.
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"let's have lunch together, i'll tell you , well, they said, hello, hello, go through the system, your phone is in your bag. please, here everyone who in one way or another has access to classified information, there is someone who is special to you suspicion? well, after
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what happened, i can suspect everyone except the leader of this project , ivanov. why do you trust ivanov? as far as i understand, he is the one. the creation of this secret material, and you know, nikolai andreevich would never have agreed to such a thing, he could have been offered money that he would not have resisted, but big money changes people, unfortunately, sergei sergeevich, you know, several years ago vanovo was begged to work in the west, he was offered conditions that one could simply dream of. no, this is not just a great scientist, he is a patriot.
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all the video recordings have been made recently, but it’s impossible to take anything out of here unless it’s just that, unless someone colluded with there are two security guards at the entrance, it is difficult to enter into an agreement with two security guards, but you need to check, yes, for sure, i will look at all the videos of the guards in contact with the employees, okay, so silence. well, lunch , lunch, you say, look, so, i'm off, come on,
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hello, handsome, yakovanova, he's not here, he 's coming out tomorrow, well, let me in anyway, i need to talk to the jester, are the jesters on sick leave? what are you saying, what's wrong with him? broken leg, a long time ago, well, yes, but i don’t know, but i ’ll get through it anyway, i need to take something there, well, a magazine. with the article, you’re not allowed, vorontsov , what, am i snubbed, i have free access to you, ivanov personally allowed it, i don’t know anything about it, ivanov will come, then it will be clear, that means you won’t let me in, no, what are you, well ok ok.
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what are you doing here? lord, how did you scare me? is that you, what did you put out of the package there? listen, just? don’t say anything to your superiors, you see, ivanov has some kind
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of secret here, he’s on vacation, he asked me, well, and i, what do you mean, well, well , look for yourself, a month ago i got wet, and we ivanov took patronage over her, how did you bring her here? yes, for small change, how can you carry it, you know , you can’t carry anything at our institute, i somehow got in there myself, huh, very interesting, listen, don’t tell anyone, but i beg you, don’t tell me, okay, why? he needs her, he puts some experiments on her, these are little things, what kind of experiments, he just loves animals, he can’t take him home, his wife is allergic to wool. the kittens will grow up, we will give them away to good hands, please don’t tell anyone, i won’t tell anyone, but only
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on one condition, you still tell me how you brought her here , agreed with the guards, and what kind of guards, we have guard dogs, chain dogs, you are the first one i spoke to, don’t tell me that your eyes are normal no one, in general, i looked at the entire basement, there aren’t even windows, but you see? there is an air vent here, in principle, a cat could walk through it, so what, what? well, if she went into nya's building, does that mean she could have made her way back? wait, i don’t understand something, what are you talking about? look, he or they train the cat, then strengthen it flash drive, she carries information from the ninh publication. do you even understand what you are saying? in general, our criminal, he does not work in the circus. is it you who don't understand? a cat is an ideal tool for a spy, firstly,
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it is invisible, and secondly, it can go anywhere. there's the shepherd, finally. there is new information, a certain vorontsov, a mathematician. so ivanov left russia during his vacation, just like that, he does not have the right to do this without the permission of the first department,
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nevertheless, he flew to morocco, but a visa is not needed there, here is the dispatcher’s confirmation airport and his passport details for the grant , wait, he ran away, no, ivanov returned to russia, strange, we are putting ivanov under surveillance, our employee has already taken up post at his apartment, they are expecting him at work tomorrow, yes, great. so, so, ivanova, his entire entourage, we’ll take the full development, doc, we need to check the receipt in his bank account, we’ll do it, while i’ll find out where he stayed in morocco and... didn’t meet, but it’s clear, okay, you’ve agreed, yes, what did you want to say, so, varantsov and ivanov have a common secret, yes, who, cat, who, the cat, max thinks that the employee got the information out with the help of a trained cat,
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yeah, i could tell myself, and the cat probably went through school with the doll. here is the hotel where he stayed, one for his wife, yeah, and how much he tried there, 3 days, he didn’t leave the hotel anywhere, he didn’t even book excursions, well, everything is logical, it means he sat and waited for the contact, everything fits according to the numbers, western media published an article a week after ivanov’s visit
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to morocco, yeah, so what else, the apartment is under surveillance, but not ivanov, not... there no, i have to go to work today, we’re waiting, you understand, seryozha, one thing confuses me, which one is more precise, yes, of course, ivanov had full access to information, suppose he was recruited, let’s say he managed to take all the secret information from the institute , but an explanation? why do you need to fly to morocco in order to convey this information, this is the first and second, how can you fly abroad under your own last name, this, this is not professional, you know, perhaps they were in a hurry, they didn’t leave, these guys don’t allow such mistakes, trust me,
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that means, continue to develop ivanov , this one... also varantsov varantsov, he’s very talkative and frank, so there’s no need to work, okay, clear, free, yes, thank you for not giving him away with the cat, oh well, nonsense, she scratched you, yes, she wanted to pet you, but she didn’t, which means the best minds are working here, yes, that’s right, one. our ivanov is worth something, he is our asset, but i thought we cooked the best thing abroad a long time ago , there are conditions there, salary, well, not everything can be reconciled with money, but oh well, if that’s what you care about are protected, which means these very secrets cost a lot of money, we have private investors , the state helps, of course, i would like
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to get more for my work, you are used like schoolchildren, no, the situation is changing for the better every year, and if it doesn’t change, but life is one, it flies by quickly , it’s worth waiting for so long, you now speak exactly like my wife, she also says, you are used all the time, you are expensive, you are paid little, good, good, but i could be you useful, in what sense, i don’t understand, well how i'm standing guard. i could turn a blind eye to something, because of people like you, our country was stolen piece by piece, i’ll now go to the authorities and tell him everything, you’ll fly out of here like a cork, you creeping bastard, that’s how
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i got fired, yes max, you overdid it with this mathematician. he worked rudely, yes rudely, but the mole would not have reacted so quickly , we didn’t have time for tenderness, and now we know that vorontsov is our man, a good man, good then good, it’s a pity that the doc was just left alone, i understand, but the situation cannot be changed, where we are going to ivanov’s wife’s dacha, they haven’t returned from vacation to work, they’re not in the apartment, maybe outside the city, far away, but no, we’ll be back soon.
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the house is so-so, a world-famous scientist could live better, look, max, his car, the gate is open, go into the house, check, pretend that you are looking for someone, you have lost your way, come on.
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the bodies can be taken away, well, for us, on the body of a man and a woman, no traces of violence were found, no bruises, no signs of suffocation or beatings, feel, look, there are some graphs, tables here, you need to show tomashevsky, only he can tell me what it is, they took the prints, that’s right, that’s right, i’ll take it out with me, and you talk to
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the neighbors, okay. hello, hello, i’m from the institute , a colleague of professor ivanov, tell me, they ’ve been here for a long time, they ’ve been living here all month, they’ve been living here, they’re taking my eggs, yeah, here’s nikna’s milk, yeah, she’ll hold it, but i i don’t like goats, i don’t like it, yes, i don’t like the smell either, oh, tell me, what were they doing here, walking, walking, walking all the way to the family home
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, and they weren’t lazy, but the roads are bad and far away, but tell me, this is the car, they are on it we didn’t go anywhere, but they didn’t go anywhere, we didn’t sit in a taxi, yes, well, a couple of times ivanov went to the store, that’s all, one came to see them, a woman, yeah. ivanov could not have done this, we will check it, i can prove it to you, yes, how?
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here, this is not all the information, thank god, if we assume that ivanov is a criminal, he could have handed over all the secret documentation, only he had full access, you know? perhaps he decided not to give away all the secrets at once, he wanted to check these people, no, you don’t understand, ivanov - he... he never, yes i i knew him for 20 years, such a loss for science, for all of us, for our loved ones, i ask you, sergei sergeevich, find the real criminal, eternal general, according to the expert’s conclusion, ivanov and his wife were poisoned with potent pesticides and died 2 days later. yes, max also talked with the ivanovs’ neighbor, she claims that ivanov did not leave the village at all during his vacation. he was away
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for a short time, and his wife ivanov. create an alibi for his neighbors, yeah, and you said you found ivanov’s laptop? yes, found, prints on the laptop belongs to ivanov. i think that the criminals got all the information from ivanov, and then they removed him so as not to pay him money. i don't believe in this version. i do not believe. but if they recruited ivanov, then why would they kill the chicken that lays gold. murder, i admit, i admit that ivanov had a partner, by the way, you checked his account, yes, it’s empty, oh, empty, which means they could have transferred the entire amount to the partner, the partner killed ivanov so
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that the entire amount would remain. although i don’t believe in it either, everything is too clearly rigged against ivanova, it feels like they are planting evidence against ivanov, please, go away, like your bruise, it’s healing little by little, this is an identikit of the woman who came to vaan, uh-huh, that means... well, this needs to be passed on to tomashevsky, in case he recognizes her, i could be wrong, but it seems to me that this is katya sumova, a distant relative of the ivanovs, how did you meet her, well, we saw each other a couple of times at family celebrations in the ivanovs’ house, and the last time at nikolai andreevich’s birthday, this is very nice woman and how old is she? she is no more than thirty,
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it seems. lives in moscow, yes, works as a doctor in a clinic, i think that the death of nikolai andreevich will be a blow for her, as for all of us. we have a request for you, please don’t tell somova that ivanov died, okay, we’ll do it ourselves. you know, i understand everything, but excuse me for my directness, sergeevich, sometimes it seems to me that you are borrowing. whatever, instead of looking for the real culprit, sorry, i have to go, yes, of course, thanks for the help, it would be better if he kept an eye on his footage, he’s an unpleasant guy, oh well, god bless him, so let’s start studying the dossier from the very beginning, and the video recordings will have to be studied again, relative,
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there’s hardly anything here, but it’s worth... believing , you wave to her, as you say, yes, yes, you come to me, ekaterina gennadievna somova, yes, major maslov, twenty-sixth department, i’m listening to you, i’m here on this matter, nikolai andreevich ivanov, your relative, what’s wrong with him, m , unfortunately, i come with sad news, your relative. passed away, lord, yes, excuse me, but i need to ask you a few questions, yes, yes, of course, of course , ask, wait, and his wife, why are you asking about her, she could have called me, god, no, yes, yes, unfortunately
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, yes, they were poisoned, or maybe they were poisoned , it is still unknown, the results of the examination are not yet available, tell me, the last time you saw the ivonovs, i went to their dacha on march 6, so you remember this date exactly, yes, i had it’s a day off, okay, tell me, have you noticed anything unusual in your behavior? for example, maybe they said that someone threatened them or something like that? - no, no, i didn’t notice, although uh, what? well, did you remember something? maybe it seemed to me, uh, but nikolai andreevich, he looked preoccupied, i would even say nervous, not as usual, and i also thought then, i must be on vacation, i’m
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so nervous. thank you, shepherd, she knew that ivanova had been killed, she answered questions clearly and quickly, yes, as if she expected that they would come and ask. i don’t like this, oh, seryoga, let’s get in touch, she’s leaving.
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why, no clue, i have too , this is a buffoon, ivanov’s assistant, one of his assistants, and he has been on sick leave for a long time, even before testing the material, he had a broken leg, we checked, checked, he sits at home, doesn’t go anywhere, others are also unsuspicious . so what happens? what happens? it's a dead end.
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sasha, it's me!
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surveillance of somova led to shutov’s apartment. he is ivanov's assistant. ivanov could have met this shutov. yes, notice that she opened the shutovo apartment with her own. so what? well, of course, the guys are having an affair, it’s a young thing, the only question is, is this just a coincidence, or in our work there are simply no coincidences, do you understand that? that's right, touchgenal. listen, why am i listening for the first time, joking about this, huh? that is, the general, he has been on sick leave for a long time, we did not consider him as a possible suspect. listen, why didn’t you know about this assistant’s relationship? all relatives, you should have known this from the very beginning, it’s the general’s fault, it’s not up to you to catch spies, it’s up to you to train cats, this buffoon, by the way,
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may be an accomplice in the crime, on his accounts, by the way, money could have been transferred for secret information, we will check, but this should have already been done. “it’s too late now, tomorrow i’ll go to the bank and find out if this buffoon had bank accounts, more men, we need to install wiretapping in shutov’s apartment, how will you do this, he doesn’t leave the house, but i’ll take it on myself, okay, max, well, it’s already late,
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let’s run away, okay, let’s go, i ’ll stay, i want to watch the video again, maybe we missed something.” why haven't i seen this post? and this is my mistake, that’s right , we were developing vorontsov back then, i didn’t show you this disc, we were developing vorontsov guards, yes, yes, now i’ll find this recording, here’s comrade general, i didn’t understand, we ’ll have dinner today, everything is ready, yes something i don’t want is why, did something happen? everything is fine, but i see, yes, i understand that
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today i yelled at the guys, well, it got to the point, but it hurt, of course, but still there’s some kind of unpleasant aftertaste, well, it’s okay, the guys are big, smart, you’re one team , all sorts of things it happens, they will understand, you are right as always , so now have dinner, because sleep does not come on an empty stomach, that’s what i would do without you, and you don’t have to do anything without me , dinner is an order, i obey, i obey, he’s a buffoon , when this was, now i’ll look at the date, so he came... 2 days after the test of the secret material. so, it means that,
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purely theoretically, he could have received information from ivanov’s hands? yes, but on that day he had no contact with ivanov. look, oh, clowns in the laboratory. but ivanov is not here. yes, yes, yes, exactly. that's why i postponed this entry. we developed only those who came into personal contact with ivanov. ivanov could have left a flash drive or floppy disk for the jester somewhere in a designated place, that’s all. look, here he is approaching ivanov, that’s what he’s doing there, you can’t see anything, he blocked him with his back, after that he went to tomashevsky’s office, i’ll find out tomashevsky, why shutov came to him, is shutov really an accomplice, i think everything will become clearer , after we install wiretapping. good morning, sergey sergeevich, sorry that i'm late, there's already a lot to do this morning. i won't keep you long, i just have one question. ask, during his
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sick leave, alexander shutov came to the institute, and you had, yes, there was such a thing, he came to me, something important, well, since he came with a broken leg, you know, it was important for him, the creepy guy's mother got seriously ill , he needed a large sum, and then he broke his leg, and you know , as they say, one misfortune never comes, i lent him this money, tell me, was it his idea to meet there, you could have seen each other in any other place, and you know, to be honest, i don’t remember now what i offered, but the person needed help, i helped, yeah, and before he turned to you with similar requests, yes, he always did, he always returned the money on time, he after all, he grew up in a poor family and achieved everything on his own, he is a very talented specialist, well then one more question, tell me, what kind of relationship did he have with you? “well, in the relationship between a boss and a subordinate,
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however, you know, ivanov always patronized him, well, as they say, talents need to be helped, but mediocrity will make their way on their own. i see, i see. okay, thank you for the information. every little thing is important to us now, even if it may seem insignificant to you. sergei sergeevich, you know, you, you will excuse me for that breakdown, but understand, first." the leak, then the death of nikolai, yes, i understand, i understand, okay , see you later, thank you, sergei sergeevich, yes, yes, you know, yesterday katya somova called, she was crying, i told her that the institute would take care of ivanov’s funeral itself, but she, she was interested in the results of the autopsy, and what you told her, and i told her that for now nothing. it’s not known, an investigation is underway, i
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did everything right, you did everything right, tumashevsky doesn’t know what they were poisoned with, an investigation will be launched, but this is in the order of things, it always happens, listen, but it’s not known when the funeral, no, yet, i always... i wonder who it could be? i'll see. hello, scheduled check of valve risers. come on in. katyusha, who's there? izheka plumber. yes. well, let's probably
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start with the kitchen then. yes please. from the flock. please turn on the water in the bathroom. yes. well, what is there, and how are you? i'm fine. well, maybe we can go into the room then and take a look. so, where is the room? right, yeah, oh, hello, hello. well, the strategist doesn’t seem to be there, the batteries are weak, you don’t want to replace them, it’s free, you already have one for free, then no need, thank you, look, the owner is a gentleman, but
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i have a good radiator, no need, you ’re done, okay, since then you are the owner, sign, i’ll sign, goodbye, uh-huh, happily ever after. how are you? nothing special yet. so, general conversations. do you have anything? none shutoy does not have a bank account. and no money transfers came to his name. it is unlikely that he would have used his real name to receive money. but these are minor things. the main thing is that
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shutoy has constant financial problems, which could be easily solved by selling classified materials. plus, he was on very good terms with ivanov. let's wait. if he screws up, sooner or later, what is he having with somova, an affair, it looks like that, lieutenant colonel, the jester just got a call, listen, this is a partner from the agency, and so what? they offered new services, that’s it, dear, i ’m leaving, until this evening, i’ll have to find out what kind of agency the partner is. well, here is information about this partner, this is a subsidiary of a london company, what they do, they provide services to the population, which is unclear, but i tried to go to their website, it doesn’t work
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, i called and said that i need their services, they didn’t ask me anything , made an appointment, i’ll go tomorrow, no, you and the doc continue to watch the buffoon and somova, and i’ll stop by this office myself. okay, i signed up for the last name korednik. yes. this is nikitin, hello, please paste a photograph of pastukhov into the documents addressed to koretnikov. thank you. “please, sit down and get to work , thank you, thank you, excuse me, but you don’t know their prices, no, i’m here for the first time, and so am i, a friend advised me,
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but somehow i didn’t ask her about the money, how much do you want?” the service is needed, since everyone is alebi"? or is something else being offered here? i heard that they have some new services, but i don’t care, i have no problem leaving my girlfriend with my wife so that my wife doesn’t know. great deal, alibi, this it’s good that such services have begun to appear in our country. yes, now we are not lagging behind europe. which one of you is karetnikov? come with me, then you guarantee complete confidentiality, of course. there is nothing to worry about, our parent agency has been providing similar services to the population in london for many years now. wonderful. so, mr.
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karetnikov, let's start working. yes. do you need aliba? i need it. and where are you planning to hold your secret meeting, will you have to travel? well, i don’t know yet, maybe my friend will have to come to moscow. i don’t know what to do in this case, are you a businessman? yes, i am a businessman, but i work mainly in my office, so practically during the day i cannot leave, that’s the thing, well in such cases we usually provide a fake secretary, you will do your business, he will answer calls, yeah, yeah, that's how i understand, and if i still have to leave, in this case we...
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on your credit card, besides, we can post your photos in the press on the internet, it will be completely inappropriate to undermine what, great, great, you know , the main thing for me is to decide on plans, i ’m not ready yet, of course, mr. koletnikov, make up your mind, the partner agency will be happy to start working for you, i ’ll call you, goodbye, don’t forget the contract and priskurans, dadada, see you later, all the best. korednikov,
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wait, how are things, it went well, quite well, but with you, it’s usually a little expensive, but you have to pay for the pleasure, by the way, i never introduced myself, akuchaev.
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yes, they already hinted to me that i could fly out work because of this leak, i am responsible for everything, for everyone, but we will find him, sooner or later we will figure him out, are you sure, come on... the guys are working, but the matter is not moving from a dead point, i i’ll tell you, comrade general , i very much doubt your shepherd, listen, in my department with personnel everything is in order, you really have a spy in your place, why are you so abrupt, harsh, you said that you are responsible for everything, that means , part of the blame... falls on you, that’s why you invited me here to this conversation, to say that my employees are not professionals, i have to go, we will contact you
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if necessary.
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expensive, i understand, but no one will ever be able to compromise it, listen, oleg, these services of theirs, they are generally legal, i’m not very good at this, don’t worry, everything is fine, no crime, i’m 100% sure, this agency respects the criminal code, well , it’s clear, it’s clear, i’ll say even more, yeah, a crime is considered when real documents are forged, from two to...
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wait, here’s information about your somova, she used our exchanger , sold dollars, a large amount, 50 dollars, thank you very much, i hope i helped you, yes, thank you, goodbye, comrade peregudov, if you don’t want to become a client of our bank, i’ll think about it, so you were yesterday i was with the zhuriks who make alebi, everything is law with them. general, good services for the population, listen, this is how much money you can earn, but mostly people turn to the agency to hide their love affairs, clients, wealthy people, businessmen, politicians, yeah, then why did they call shutogo, he’s all in debt, he’s a falcon, but maybe shutov borrowed money from tomashevsky to contact this partner, he said that for his mother, shutov’s mother was really sick,
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the operation was paid, i... checked, and why does he need an alibi, he’s not married, hasn’t traveled anywhere, is sitting at home, with a broken leg, so, wait, wait, but if you imagine that shutov really flew abroad, hmm, his partner made fake documents for him, look, what an interesting picture it turns out, the buffoon is given fake documents for the name of ivanov, the buffoon flies abroad, transfers... secret documents there, then flies to russia, kills ivanov, then gives us evidence of all the evidence against the dead man, he sits and waits until he is paid money, oh, yes, and ivanov’s neighbor i swore at the dacha that the professor had never gone anywhere. we will be able to accept this version if we find out one hundred percent that the partner agency
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really produces fakes, and you will do this personally, yes. this is just a version, you know, a version. well , let's look a little deeper. at all, there are a lot of lies in this whole situation. agency, documents. could a broken leg be a linden tree? maybe. the sum to the doctor, couldn’t she write him any diagnosis? then, if shutov traveled abroad to sell documents, he could certainly establish some
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connections for further cooperation. but this one, yes. the plan changes a little, i'm listening, i have to fly out under someone else's name, excuse me, i don't understand you, i need to fly out to meet you under the name of my friend, you understand me, yes, and how do you imagine this, you they said that you have great opportunities, yes , this is true, but not unlimited, i will pay any
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price, for this any price... do you want us to make you false documents? yes, yes, i will fly under his name, and you will provide me with a fake secretary. you understand, my wife shouldn’t know that i flew away somewhere, and the proposal with the symposium does not suit me at all, we can choose other options, there are no other options, i beg you, put yourself in my position, mr. karetnik, we don't make fake documents, we we provide an alibi, money doesn’t matter, i won’t offend you personally either, i understand you. i’ll sort everything out in a minute, hello, yes , we have some problems, please come into the office, that’s it, now we
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’ll sort everything out, well, i knew that we could agree on what this means, all the best, “i’m here more than you i didn’t see it, so where is he?
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and he went around the corner. so, two coffees for espresso and freshly squeezed juice, which one exactly? orange that’s all, yes, that’s all for now, that’s all for now, good afternoon, hello, we’ll order something, oh , which one exactly, koretnikov, how are you, shepherd? and it’s you , dear, no, i don’t know yet when we can see each other, i have problems, something happened, just don’t worry, don’t worry, i promise
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that i will find a way out, no, no, i can’t, no, but you know my wife, you have someone on your tail, and i love you, honey, i 'll think of something, just calm down. and you know what, i ’ll call you myself, yeah, kiss you, where are you going, here’s your order, next time, money, please. tomashevsky called tomorrow, the funeral, uh-huh, by the way, he was never informed about the reasons for the poisoning, and will not be informed,
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because our organs don’t want and don’t know how to work, you can, yeah, come back, come in , sit down, well, whatever, well... women called koretnikov all day, first his mistress, then his wife. oh, how the ladies tear him apart for his honor. that's not the right word. well, koretnikov was depressed, hung around in restaurants, called at work, and told them to cancel all his meetings for today. now he’s sitting in a sports bar, watching football. okay, okay, okay. you can go there.
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well, what are you saying, it doesn’t seem like a deep cut, yes. well, this needs to be anointed with iodine, and then here let's clean up, yes, yes, do you know where the iodine is? yes, yes, now, everything is fine, don’t worry, well, did you find iodine? yes, i found it, uh-huh, oh, sasha, i completely forgot, i need to go out for half an hour, why? but it’s necessary, there’s a funeral tomorrow, you need to buy flowers and go to the store, right? yes.
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all sick leave passes through me, i am the chief physician, without my signature the registry office will not put a stamp, everything is strict with us, comrade major, it’s good, you see how many sick leaves, people keep getting sick and sick, there’s nothing wrong with this...
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karetenko, you the agency partner is worried, i think we can agree, really, so where should i go, stay where you are, we ’ll come ourselves.
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“are you sure, or maybe it’s mine, i don’t know, look for yourself, please, here i have these squiggles, i don’t have them on this sick leave, the signature is similar, but it seems to me that it’s not mine, how can we figure it out, i’m taking these sick leave for handwriting examination , yes, of course, but i don’t..." you understand, i ’ll go get my sister, wait a minute, where is sumova, for flowers for the funeral, and the jesters are at home, keep an eye on the entrance, the sniper will be serve this standard, someone else's free kick two central defenders. i agree, if
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the documents are ready tomorrow, are you kidding, no, i’m not kidding, i have a difficult situation, then it may be too late, you know, then on this condition.
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a leg fracture is pure linden, yeah, yeah. i’m listening to golubev, well, well, i thank you for your excellent work, how hot it is in morocco, well then return to your usual climate,
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see you later, well, the hotel identified a photograph of shutov, aka professor ivanov. in addition, he carries a description of two people with whom shutov had close contact for two evenings in a row. the jesters are at home, so definitely at home. arrest shutov and somova right now. jester is at home, watching tv. soma didn't fit that way. it’s okay, we’ll wait for her at home.
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you can’t hear your leg, everything is fine with him, like this, like this, let’s not waste time, close the door.
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there’s no one to blame, they acted according to instructions and don’t bring up this topic of drinking, okay, i understand, your partner didn’t call? yes , i’m waiting, the cooperation is all ready, that’s right, the
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capture group is in full combat readiness, this is michina and banknotes, okay, don’t forget to hand over your weapons. it's good that i reminded you. what about the search in somova’s apartment? no results yet. the coachman is listening. everything is ready, yes, i have the money, tell me where to go, let’s go,
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everything is in order, complete, complete, it’s a pleasure to do business with you. now we are partners, who allowed everything to happen, who are you? major nikitin, major peregudov, lieutenant colonel pastukhov, upsn, you have been detained by spolichny. do you know these people? no questions, i will only talk in the presence of a lawyer, do you want to cooperate? it turned out to be short-lived our partnership, i do not enter into
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partnerships with the cops, your help in the investigation would be needed when sentencing, think, listen, maybe we can try to come to an agreement, you will be provided for, do not aggravate your situation. i ask again, will you help the investigation? who are you trying so hard for? i don't understand? for the state? shovel from morning to evening for pennies, for a handout? does the state need you? yes, the state needs us, but you don’t. shall we just remain silent? i already told you, i don’t know anything, the director didn’t report anything to me, i
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a small person, yes, you are a small person, you will get a long sentence, i didn’t know anything , listen, you were caught red-handed, you are a member of a criminal organization engaged in the illegal production and sale of documents, i ended up there by accident, well with that... we’ll come later let's figure it out, now i repeat my question, do you know this man? i don’t remember, well, i’ll remind you, yesterday a call was made on this man’s mobile phone, we have established that it was you, citizen politov, who called, take a look, here is a printout of outgoing calls from your mobile, in general i think that the operation has no meaning, if i tell you everything, how much trouble? we will inform the court that you provided us with every assistance, this
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man alexander shrutov, and i know the woman, her last name, they ordered passports for another, for the vasilyevs' last name, very good, vasilyeva's wife is declared international, but i hope they are still on russian territory , we will find them, general. time wasted, how could it have worked, it was so unprofessional, i don’t understand, they were in our hands, what else? we have established that somova opened a safe deposit box in the bank 2 months ago, well, naturally, in the name of vasilyeva, the doc called from the bank, the safe deposit box is empty, yesterday before somova closed, she visited the bank, which means they kept money there for selling information. look how they prepared, i will calculate everything, that geral, it ’s urgent, there is, there is information from
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the air traffic controller, they have just checked in for a flight to vienna, the airport, domodedovo, so urgently to the airport, connect me with the fsb of domodedovo, yes- yes, just like a general, i understand, yes, we are almost there, so what? shutovo and somova were taken off the plane and detained by the airport security services. let's hope our counterfeiters don't disappear. thank god they are not magicians, but ordinary criminals. it's over, sasha. well, yes, calm down, i'm nearby. i'm scared. you have nothing to do with this. i'm the only one to blame for everything, do you hear me? i you. forced,
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here they are, lift the load, now we are your debtors, our people, we will be counted, comrade lieutenant colonel, rise, citizen shutov, sasha, sashenka, you just have to know, she’s not in what’s not her fault , i forced her, we’ll figure it out, you know, on the way out, on the way out, on the way out, your handbags, clearly, citizen shutov, you can explain to us what these items were taken from you when you dropped them off, these are your credit cards , a flash drive with information from the institute, about all the details of the experiment, is there money on these credit cards? yes. whose money is this? i received them, for what and from whom did you receive this
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money for information. and more specifically, i don’t know, i don’t know what else to say, you don’t know, so i’ll tell you, you’re a state criminal, you entered into an agreement with spies and sold our state secrets for money, buffoons, you admit that you were involved in industry. espionage, yes, i confess, you stole information with the help of ivanov? no, the professor would not agree to this, i found out when he would not be in the laboratory and took advantage of the moment, how, well , ivanov always duplicated everything, he did not trust computers, and i knew where the duplicate
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experiment was kept, and... gorozhdanka somova is your accomplice? no, no, no, she, she really has nothing to do with selling information. i, i will tell you everything, who contacted me, where and how i was recruited, but i really ask you. please don't touch me, katya. she really didn't know what was really going on. yes, she helped me. because she loves me, and i took advantage of her trust, citizen somova , tell me, did you know what exactly the jester was doing, no, i didn’t ask sasha anything, i
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just did what he asked, that is, you got it. separate documents, you rented a safe deposit box in a bank under the name vasilyeva, and also falsified the diagnosis for citizen shutov, so and so. tell me, did shutov ask you anything else? yes, he asked me to remove the data for mr. ivanov’s passport. i knew where the ivanovs’ documents were. i came to visit them and wrote off the data for the grant. nikolai andreevich, wait, didn’t you understand that you were becoming an accomplice in industrial espionage, no, it’s strange, you knew perfectly well where your relative
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ivanov worked, or rather he worked, i... i didn’t understand anything, i did everything to just be useful and to sasha, i did everything to be only with him, okay, let ’s do this, here’s a blank slate for you, all this is okay, so you’re saying that you’re a buffoon. do you agree to cooperate with us? yes sir. here in moscow he got in touch with a certain gennady surikov. they met at some exhibition of scientific achievements. so it was surikov who recruited shutov and offered him to sell information. let's do this, let
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shutov call this surikov and tell him what's in it. some new secret weapon has been developed and he is ready to take it out information, but for completely different money, i think he will take the bait, but in general i have a feeling that this surikov, if this is surikov at all, is the main character in this whole game, so prepare the joke and get started, there is a general, urgent information about what you have during a search in somova’s apartment. more precisely, chemicals were found in her bathroom. based on the results of the examination, it is clear that these chemicals correspond to those with which ivanov’s spouses were poisoned. so. and i also found out that somova, by first education, is a chemist. put the date and signature. here. i
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wrote everything. even for murder, no, no , come on, i’ve never had this happen, and sasha would never
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have asked me for this, then look at this, you came to the ivanovs’ dacha and brought them poisoned food, did you do it on purpose? poisoned their relatives , deliberately, that’s what i also want to tell you, you never loved anyone except money, because you were paid a lot of money for falsifying a murder, that’s not true, but what do you know about love, you yourself don’t know anything o big love, not big money. “i hate you all, i hate you all, well, that
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’s understandable, i can’t believe it, she seemed, well, such a pleasant, such a sweet woman.” unfortunately, this is a fact. ekaterina somova killed both professor ivanov and his husband in cold blood. just tell me one thing, my friend ivanov is not involved in all this. calm down, your friend, professor ivanov has absolutely nothing to do with the spy. thank you, thank you.
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remember the jesters, one wrong step, i will do everything as you ordered, your future depends on your actions today life, it’s unlikely that my current actions will help me when sentencing, i already said, we can’t promise you anything, you committed too serious a crime, yes... i know, that’s why i want to somehow atone for my guilt, what are you , ready? yes, ready, it's time,
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let's go! the jesters are in place, the object is heading towards him, everyone’s attention, general readiness. hello, jesters, good afternoon, maybe we can go to a cafe? no, we will talk here, so we will get closer to the point. now, after ivanov’s death, i was transferred to a new department. and what, in this department tests new weapons. can you be more specific, an underwater missile, its principle, well, it is a so-called small ship, but it has serious combat
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power, so the new weapons actually do not give large warships a chance to survive. okay, how much do you want? twice as much. let's go to the shooting range, warm up, don't mind. well, buffoons, let's shoot, shoot, i 'll take a look, to be honest, i'm a small amateur, but to be honest, it brings me colossal news, they approached the shooting range, there are no meriks is in a hurry to agree, takes the conversation aside, i understand you, let’s wait, we’ll come back a little
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later, now the people will disperse. uh -huh, well, what can you say, i’ll say that your appetites have grown , buffoons, admit it, why do you need so much money, well, i want to get married, have children, buy a big house near the sea, in general, i want a calm, beautiful life, but all this is an illusion of buffoons , he shot at him, he leaves, quickly follows him, i’m on the cutting edge, i announce a plan to intercept, immediately block all exits from the park, the criminal is armed, there are people around, so shoot only at air, take it alive, do it, i repeat, take it alive, are you too
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late for an ambulance, he’s killed, so, you stay here, you follow me, quickly, stand, shepherd, i’m wounded, he leaves.
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car, go, go, how are you, yes, fine, fine, whatever. well, i hit my shoulder, well, i think it’s no big deal, okay , guys, thank you for your service, we serve the fatherland, see you later, yes, what the hell, he’s killed, the fool is killed, let’s go to max?
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let's go, good evening, soldiers, we have guests, hello, hello, i came uh to personally thank you, thank you very much, from our leadership and from me personally, for the brilliant work, thank you, for your kind words, sergei sergeevich, you must forgive me, well , for the fact that i then... then guests came to you, how do you feel, you can let them in, yes, of course you can, your friends just got home from work, what are you talking about, you can’t jump up yet, what are you talking about, listen, why are you treating me like i’m a little kid, but it’s better to be a choliatic, please, let’s go, varya, not for long.
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we're starting a new business, i'm for it, what are you doing, what are you talking about, he's still quite weak, who is weak, nikitin, yes, we are weak, cat, by the way, brings... good luck, and good luck will not hurt you and me.
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asenka, i’m going to the clinic, you stay in charge, okay? of course, ema petrovna, see you tomorrow, goodbye, goodbye, what i thought was better. made-to-order, made-to-order will be more reliable, well, of course, more reliable, only more expensive , and no, nothing, the main thing is that it arrives intact , maybe i’ll go in and check, in case there
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are a lot of people there, look at your watch, there’s no one there at that time, in case , i would come in first, yeah, so that these fools would later remember that some dude came in, they knocked up your sketch, that’s it, got ready. hold on, nadyusha, and bring the forms for, oh, quietly, don’t twitch.


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