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tv   UGRO-5  NTV  February 11, 2024 4:50am-6:31am MSK

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i’ll go in and check, maybe there’s a lot of people there, look at your watch, there’s no one else there at that time, i’d go in first, yeah, so that these fools will later remember that some dude came in, your sketch was put together, that’s it, get ready, hold on , nadyusha, bring the forms for ah, ah, quietly, don’t twitch, oh! that's it, let's go, hurry up,
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well, are you being affectionate again, someone?
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one through the official one, and he locked the girls there, he came here himself, he didn’t come here right away, first he hid the safe and took the money, yes, you know, it seems to me that they knew very well, how is everything organized here, where are the premises , where is the safe, well, yes, usually the robber is right at the cash register, but these knew that the main money is ordered from the bank and stored in the safe , and why do they order it, well, why, people receive transfers , the cash register was so messy. vova, go talk to the girls in the next room, bova, quietly, quietly, quietly, tell me, your boss, where? and she went to the clinic right before that, of course. well, what do you think?
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everything is the same as in other departments, three in masks, in black clothes, they worked clearly, quickly, two are silent, the leader in charge, everything is clear, well-coordinated, no fingerprints , no evidence, some of his own acted, and others were robberies, well, if a person knows how one department is located, he definitely won’t get lost in others, well, yes, well, yes. it started, he’s calling the matrov, let’s go, but how can it be here , get through one thing, let’s go, let’s go, help, help, help, lord, oh, how is it, lie down, lie down!
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why are you so late? and work is like that, you 're idle, and what about me? sitting at meetings at night, thinking for you, are you talking about a robbery, or something at the post office, but what about again, they screwed up again, well , what have we got to do with it, we’ve been sitting in an ambush for the third day and nothing, and today the ambush was lifted, tell you with a brush, who could know, you should have known, the third robbery in a month, the devil knows, what is it, i can’t even find any words, olga leonidovna, you know, you go, and then i will, otherwise i’m late, and he’s already angry. you know,
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it will only get worse, i’ll work there for now, yes, you can, yes, olga leonidovna, please come in, good evening, take a seat, thank you, what? it is obvious that this is operated by the same gang, three men in masks burst into the post office , threatening them with pistols, demanding to give up money, two entered through the main entrance, the dictionary through the service entrance, and so again , only the dictionary spoke, well, his accomplices expressed themselves with gestures, this is what i think if
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they are silent, maybe they have some kind of peculiarity, well, stuttering, uh-huh, both at once, silent, because the smart ones don’t give us any clues. no voices, no appearance, no prints, but today they were pierced, why? because they came right after we removed the ambush, well, that’s right, that means they have their own man at the post office, well, come on, take care of all these postal ladies, their husbands, children, brothers, matchmakers, oh, here comes mr. senior lieutenant, what are we...
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did he say anything? so, while i was calling you, did he lose consciousness? what do you think, is it his? yes, easily, they got into a fight. ostapovil, and he killed ostapov. that's all. well, it doesn't look like it. he's such a decent man. nikolaevich, i’ll tell you this, these are the most decent men, they are also the most dangerous in the lyceum. why are you? and while you're here chatter, look what i found. oh, there among.
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here, listen, don’t chat, rundu, go to work , well, nikolaevich, you’re a real hero today, hello, come in, this is anastasia ostapova, hello, asya, oh, hello, asya, we’ll show you the body now, you ’ll tell me then , okay, yes, they explained it to me, yeah. you can, yes, it’s him, right, right, be careful , okay, we’ll go out, uh-huh, come on, i
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’ll accompany you, be careful. lord, petechka, why? please tell me he had enemies, where did he come from! he didn’t even raise his voice to anyone, or maybe he could have a large amount of money with him? maybe he could have been robbed? what money? where? at the end of the month, money was generally difficult for us. petya
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works at school, worked, and i’m at the post office? where do we get the money? i will go. wait, i 'll take you there. “ostopov identified her husband, while she assures that he had no enemies, uh-huh, well, that means we can assume that ostapov became an accidental victim, yes, he met some thugs, they asked for a cigarette, well, words for words, in general, they stabbed the poor teacher from..."
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good news, has the culprit been caught? firstly, the wounds to ostapov and kotlyar were inflicted by the same weapon, that same knife, and secondly, the prints left on the knife belong to two people, one of whom was the murdered peter ostapov. his prints are blurry, so i believe that most likely he resisted when he tried to snatch the knife from the criminal, but... his wound on his palm also speaks about this, that is, he grabbed the knife by the blade,
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well, the second prints, oh, well, no tomi, come on, i punched through the database, the second prints belong to grigory vsevolodovich ostapov, 2 years ago convicted of robbing a grocery store, well now... i don’t understand, the murdered pyotr ostapov, the murderer grigory ostapov, are they relatives, well, brothers, probably both have middle names, all volodovich, but not maybe this is just a coincidence, well, it turns out that our dead man is not a random victim, but it turns out that this is the case, which means i’ll go now. to grisha ostapov's apartment, dim, go to the hospital, show the witness his
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photo, but you used to, then go to the widow, ask her well, maybe she ’ll tell something about this grisha, whether he had a reason to kill his brother, yeah, we’ll do it, why are we frozen, we’re working. lost, but this is a fixable matter, a week and you will be as good as new, well, drive around here
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in circles, oh, you know what villages we have, small, clean, oh, and fishing, berries, what are you talking about, hello, marisan, hello, dima, how are you feeling, it could have been worse, marsanna, let me talk to him, okay, dima, just for a little while, okay, you’ll find out, mm, yes, yes, it’s him. this is where we can talk. ema petrovna, this is from the police. hello. good afternoon, i
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already understand. yes, yes, please. asenka, hold on. such horror! maybe we can sit down? yes, have a seat. yes. thank you. would you like some tea? yes, i won't refuse. oh! asya, please tell me, did your husband or his brother have any conflicts? how to say? you see, petya was a very intelligent person, he never quarreled with anyone, although of course he did not approve of grisha’s lifestyle, but what do you mean? you see, petya and i lived all our lives honestly, we were raised that way, and money wasn’t the main thing for us, you know? yeah, would you like gingerbread
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or cookies? asenka, i don’t care , that is, it turns out that... grigory did not share your life principles, but what do you think, if he robbed a store, although that ’s not even the point, it was stupidity in his youth, but petya hoped that after the trial grisha will change and that this will be some kind of lesson for him, but he, what is he? nothing, it doesn’t work, some strange friends, he kept begging petya for money and even mocking him. i mean, he scoffed, well, he said that he would n’t ruin himself at school for a penny, like petya, what a word, rot, and petya, by the way, was recognized as the best teacher three times,
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you know, how the children loved him, vasya, well, calm down, everything is fine, sorry. well, why are you asking about grisha? you see, the knife that was used to kill your husband had grigory ostapov’s fingerprints on it. asya, asya, are you all right? asya, asya, asya, everything is fine, everything, help, someone! help, please, what happened, help, asenka, well, what happened next, well, and there’s this one here with that guy’s knife, i didn’t have time to figure anything out, but he was lying dead, and then this guy raised his head and saw me, well, you
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didn’t try to run away, but why did it all happen so quickly, i was completely animel, yeah. “i didn’t even immediately realize that he had stabbed me with a knife, but the one who attacked me, i don’t remember anything else, my eyes darkened, there was such pain, i fell, he probably also thinks that i died because of you, but here i am you see, alive, wow, if it weren’t for that woman, i don’t know how all this would have happened, this is our employee, tamara nikolaevna, god bless her good health, please tell me thank you so much, yes, i will, i will, i will definitely pass it on, well, thank you, get well, but tell me, this is the killer , why is he for this, for the other, it’s still unknown, we’ll figure it out, get well, yeah . asya, are you
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breathing, breathing, ambulance, what, maybe we can talk later? no, no, i’m already better , you’re asking, are you sure, okay, you, for sure , emma petrovna, you couldn’t, i ’ll leave you alone, asenka, are you okay, yes, yes, thank you, you’re definitely okay , tell me, your... your brother, will they ever quarreled for real , you know, to the point of a fight, what a horror, this is your own brother, this, this is the most terrible, forgive what you said, i want to know if
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they ever quarreled for real, so that, for example, grisha lost his temper, grisha in general often got angry. “i don’t know, we hardly communicated, what we have in common, but petya, that petya, you know, a couple of days ago he came so angry, i ’ve never seen him so angry in my life, but what made him angry? i i'm not sure, but he said that it wasn't enough for him to he disgraced me at work , didn’t he say that?” i think so, but i didn’t clarify, he was very irritated. go ahead, turn it up, in short, i talked to the jackdaw, she says, it’s worth a try, yeah, but you’re like, no you know, the jackdaw is talking, but
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you don’t seem to know, but i know, the two of us can’t handle it anyway, the jackdaw is in business, what kind of rubbish , when did you cook it, yesterday, what are you telling me? , good, i’ll eat at home, with a weapon, in short, everything is fine, you can’t tell the gas one from the real ones, so the gray-haired ramadan drove it, which was from the market, well, yes, i’ve already paid for everything, all that’s left to do is pick it up, okay, that’s it, i’ll go, we’ll call you tomorrow, come on, come on. normal munch, what's driving you? he’s been doing well for two years now, he’s been behaving normally, well, my friends really comes, well, everything’s quiet, yeah, so, only he
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killed his own brother, otherwise he’s a great guy, yeah, what floor, first, here, apartment thirty-three, call, that i'm calling. who is the local police officer, please open the door, the neighbors are complaining, your music is loud, but volodya, how are things going there?
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sit, that's it, sit like that, lesh, look after him, yes, well, boss, i’ll be kept for a long time, 15 years, but for what? hello, it's me. in short, here ’s the thing, but listen to me, they said, the cops
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came to the hut, but i didn’t understand anything, they’ll take me to this department, what should i do, hello, boss, give me the dishes. even if you wash it, it’ll go rotten, because everything needs to be cleaned up, yes, it will stink, be a man, just look, i’m on duty, that’s it, stop, what kind of murder are you telling me to do, murder, normal murder, just like that with a knife, by the way, you have three of them, there should be four in the set, where is the fourth one? i don’t know, but i know, we have a fourth in the department, with your prints, who
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was killed at least, oh, what are you turning on the fool, and your brother, pyotr ostapov, andryukh, what are you doing there, found something, petka , here, damn it, yes, well, did he leave? no, he’s sitting, waiting for us, oh, yes, some one, ivanov, where did he go, a holy man, this is the late peter, for 10 years he didn’t quarrel with anyone, he didn’t kill someone like that,
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so the other day he came here, and the teachers told us that they have never seen him, ivanov, stop hanging around, i said, so what next, but the fact that your teachers don’t know anything , he never came to school, he was waiting on the porch for his brother, he’ll call him then let’s look at the money, well, last time it was the same , well, yes, well, not really, at first everything was the same as before
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and... then everything went wrong, i mean , when he was waiting for petya, he clung to some boy, i don’t know what happened there, but he took his phone away, petya- when he left school, he immediately realized what had happened, and he just became not himself, he returned the boy’s phone to his lessons sent, and then, well, what happened then, and then he shook this guy so much by the twists that i was even scared, i never liked him...
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ivan mikhailovich, how did it happen, and what now, it’s my fault, i admit, he admits, i have there is no church here to forgive sins, it’s your fault, you will answer, i obey , what are you going to do, first check grisha’s circle, well, that’s right, right, yes , talk to the neighbors, find out who came to him, who he was friends with, ok, i also think it should be with the widow. no, i ’ll talk to her myself, let’s work off the local one too the whole population, andryukh, well, what is it like , in general, he made me like a child, andryukh, why are you so little, well , wait, what is ivan mikhailovich,
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apparently. post office employees who were robbed yesterday, so what? well, among the employees themselves, as they say , there was no one suspicious, they were all decent women, among their entourage, well, olga leonidovna, well, the head of...
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before the robbery, and even the owner of the car didn’t know that they were legal, so, but what about this suggests, and this indicates that the robbers are confident in successful theft that they can take any car whenever they want, yes, exactly, and it also says that they have a high-class thief in their gang, that arthur tsaplin steals a car for the robbers, and his wife, and his wife calmly told him when the post office was under surveillance.
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well, well, well, that's it, come back soon, the door is open, but what is there to take? well, don’t tell me, you know, homeless people have their own wealth, which other homeless people can encroach on. if the broom is with... well, what else, i don’t know anything else. so, comrade major, he wants to ask you a few questions, so stop and don’t rush around. i can’t, now, now anna will come home from work, and i’ve spent my stash. and what? well, what? we need to quickly destroy the evidence.
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yes, suddenly you don’t notice anything. well, then, it is in your interests to answer us quickly, clearly and truthfully. understood? understood. what can you say about this ostapov? i am interested in his acquaintances, preferably close ones. you don’t know anything in particular, but all sorts of guys go to him, drink beer, listen to music, and so who, what without concepts, well, that there are different people walking around, or someone maybe more often, but they didn’t pay attention , well, in general, i avoid such people, otherwise they’ll get attached, they look like thieves, like a girl with him sometimes, sometimes, well , what do i mean, well, comrade major, well, that’s how i feel about grishka, whom i can’t, just get out of here, so what do you say? well, i think he’s not lying, grisha just recently moved in with us, he first lived with his brother with his wife, and then, when
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he went to trial, they exchanged money, in general he’s a new person here, yes, okay, i’ll go along neighbors and you, let’s do it until we’ve interviewed everyone, we won’t go anywhere, okay, well, let’s do this after lunch sometime, well, yeah, maybe you should? sleep, hard, nikolaevich, hello, hello, hello, so, oh, where the hell are you, and there were witnesses at school, they interviewed, yes, we found out that the late pyotr ostapov, he caught his brother extorting, threatened to write on him a statement to the police, and this is already a serious motive, by the way, where is he, who? grisha ostapov, suspect.
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it’s nothing like a modest postal worker lives so well, and her husband is the owner of a car service center. at first he stole the car, now he’s fixing it, and something like that, wow, what a beast you are, with teeth , what a beast, dangerous, quiet, quiet, calm, calm, hey, calm, is there anyone,
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oh, oh, what have you got? , well, the same thing... i asked, they say that grishka lived quietly, friends visited, but no one knows their names, i think maybe you should go to his old address, well, where was he born, listen, it’s a good idea, there - probably the friends remained, well, yes, only first mazurovna shot them, then to where he lived, and near the bridge, oh well, i’ll try it in the department, that’s it, come on now... “listen, andryukh, forgive me, but i missed him, and you’re taking the rap, lekh, but this is actually not your job, you’re detaining suspects, so, okay, whatever, but
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still, i’m sorry, welcome, you're welcome, please come in, please sit down, thank you, arturchik. now he's chasing the dog out of the barn, he 'll join us, and tell me, do you remember me, we saw each other at the post office, of course, yes, i remember, poor asenka, such a misfortune! emma petrovna, we would like to talk to your husband, why? we need it, yes, yes, of course, but maybe some tea, coffee or something , no thanks, we're full, what's wrong? arturchik, the guys from the police want to talk to you, hello guys, what's the matter, are you? don’t worry, we want to ask you, uh, one
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question, where were you last night from 5 to 7, mm, i was at home yesterday, so, oh you, oh you, really, i’m here now vrazki, get it, get it, you bastard! anya, ana, pull yourself together, i'll take it for you, i'll take it for you , i'm working hard, and he's spending my money, oh, what's wrong with this, i have to relax a little, but i need to relax, and you didn’t tense up even once , you asshole, so that i don’t see you again, i understand , she didn’t see,
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well, before ulik had time to hide, it’s because of the lousy bottle, she did she kick you out like that? yes, the bottle is just an excuse, the reason is deeper, we have different views on life, but then, okay, so, listen, if grisha appears in the area, let me know. of course, or if someone comes to his apartment, understand? yes , i understand, i understand that it’s not clear, well then come on, come on, damn it, so you, artur dmitrievich, claim that you were at home, yes , he was at home, well, who can confirm this, well, somehow i, i can confirm,
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okay, all the best, see you off, well,
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guys, if you need to fix the company car, so you are welcome, thank you, thank you, all the best, good luck, goodbye, happily, listen, and if he lets the dog out now, i don’t worry, volodya, mazurov knows where we went, if that our torn corpses will be found quickly. not yet a crime, you need to prove that he i was present at the last robbery , yeah, but i don’t know, you need to think, arthur, what to do, what to do, arthur, it will be fine, lord, where did they come from on our
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heads, brought them, maybe the dog should have been unleashed on them, okay, good dog for you, arturchik, i don’t want to go to jail, i don’t want to go to prison, arturchik, i don’t want to go to prison, no one wants to go to prison, i promise you, everything will be fine, i’ll do everything, yes, you will , well, asya, i don’t know, well, how can it be, asya, he was your husband’s brother, so no friends haven’t seen it, maybe some girlfriend? no, grisha and i almost didn’t communicate, but what did my husband say? nothing, you see, gresha only came when he needed money, they generally lived as if on different planets, you know, forgive me, asya, asya, asya, calm down, you’ll go home now, but
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if you remember something, i’ll i'll give you the phone number and you can call me. okay, okay, okay , all the best, oh, you know, i remembered, he has a friend sergei, well, last name, i don’t know his last name, but he lives on proletarskaya, yeah, they went to school together, i think, thank you, goodbye.
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i feel sorry for her, that i fell in love or something, you yourself fell in love, i’m telling you, it’s a pity, she’s helpless, today i felt sorry for her, tomorrow i fell in love , this is the law of psychology, then with women it’s like that, yes, with men it’s different, but what are you, but what about?
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on that, thank you, in general, anastasia ostapova showed that grigory has a friend, write it down, lives in the proletarian area, his name is sergei, they studied at the same school, but his last name is unknown. that is, it’s okay, somehow you’ll manage without a last name, work, work hard, so here!
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we didn’t get along, and so on, i really need help, you hear, asya, grisha, go away, asya, go away, otherwise i’ll scream, i’m not guilty of anything, i didn’t kill petka, i didn’t kill petka, you understand, i didn’t kill him, he’s my brother!
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“i, i have nowhere else to go, you know, the cops are herding my friends, and you won’t have anyone from kata, everyone knows that you and i hate each other, eh, i need to sit out, but i’m tired, i’m at a dead end, you know , i’m not guilty of anything, you need to think about me, someone’s cool with me..." he set me up, you understand, well, thaistish me, will you?
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come in. andryukh, okay, do you think mazurov yelled? well, is it the first time? he yelled today, will he leave tomorrow? but what does mazurov have to do with it? i'm merging myself, puncture by puncture. that's it. lyalin sergey stepanovich, lives in proletarskaya 3, graduated from school number 8. ay, well done, this is the same as me. look , i graduated the same year, andrey, i was wrong
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, i’m sorry, oh well, ivan mikhailovich, i’m not angry, well, it’s my own fault, but vovka was found by our friend grigory ostapov, oh, that’s good, stop watching him, here. there is dim, and vasilevskaya came there, she wants to know how things are going with the postal robbery, for some reason she comes to us often, well, what can we do, you can understand her too, there is pressure on her from above, the case has been taken under special control, and well let's go, let's go, tell her how you went to the heron, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, that i'm the only one blowing myself there, come on!
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oh, great, you know, that's what i'm thinking here, i'm doing everything in this knife, you know? the main evidence against me, right? well, yes, so, why don’t you eat? i don’t want to, well, in vain, it’s not like that, she’s so skinny, yes, where did my knife come from? there, but they planted it? and it goes without saying how they took it, a kitchen knife, it’s in my kitchen, on the table, in my set, but just like yours. “so they got into the house, that’s right , they stole it, so what do we have, but we
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have nothing, there are so many people at my house, again it was my birthday, there was a whole crowd, anyone could, your birthday was a long time ago , well, they stole it a month ago, gave them a song yesterday, no, fingerprints don’t last that long.” yes, yes, i read, they only last for a few days, well, aska, yes you my head, damn it, it turns out, i just need to remember who came to me a week ago , everything, okay, i’m tired, i’ll go to bed, we’re young. can you give me this phone number? i have already turned off which mobile phone, the landline one, but why?
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asya, sometimes you are so smart, and sometimes, why, why, so as not to call the cops, give me the phone, krish, what are you doing, i have to go to work tomorrow, won’t you let me out of here? oh, stop it, and i’ll leave tomorrow, you can go to your work and wherever you want, well... well, i believe you, i believe, as they say, take care of god protects, give me the phone, the fact that tsaplin doesn’t have an alibi is as clear as day, something else worries me, his wife is tormenting him for something, what’s so strange about that, they’re at the same time. she informed him, she left work at the time of the robbery, but why? if i were her, i would have done everything not to arouse any suspicion, but
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she said that she went to the clinic, she had not been to any clinic, we checked. yes, she says that now, she left work early because she missed her husband, but this is nonsense, of course, nonsense, and considering that the criminals took a new car, if you consider that they open these cars professionally, and that tsaplin is a master of theft, then excuse me, everything is obvious, in my opinion, everything is clear, yes, it is, but there is nothing to show for tsaplin yet, ivan mikhailovich, are you kidding me , take it, detain him for a while, it will be seen, maybe they can conduct a search, well, somewhere they must... this money, well, you can bring a search, but it will not give anything, they are not such fools as keep the money at home, ivan mikhailovich, you exaggerate their mental abilities too much ability, there’s no way at all, olga leonidovna, judge for yourself, the robbers took a total of about a million rubles, a quarter of the money is a claim, but this is generally impossible to track, and the rest of the money is the money that collectors brought from banks, so what, well how what?
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there are no signs, there are no prints , they don’t spend money, what should we do, think , that’s what concerns the herons, find out where the lady was at the time when her post office was robbed, maybe then we’ll find out where her husband was?
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good morning, grisha, why didn't you go to bed? not at all goodbye to me, aska! i figured it out, in short, over the last week i’ve
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had several people in my house. anyone could have grabbed a knife, anyone, you need to think not about who could, but about who needed it, oh, about the same thing, and that’s what i decided, that only one dude benefited from it, who, gray, for sure , grey, seryoga, lyalin. yoshkin's best friend is the cat, why does he need this? yes, you see, we started one thing, well, we wanted to make money, everything was already ready, the most important thing is that it was my idea, i collected all the information, came up with everything myself,
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you understand, now i’m like a worthless element , you... so it turns out that this seryoga killed petya in order to frame you? well, he had two benefits, but it doesn’t matter at all, well, it doesn’t matter, petya was killed, and i don’t even know why.
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and here is the sister of our defendant, this is galya lyalina. wow, what a sporty girl. well, what are you, the champion of the region under the south. yes, ivan mikhailovich, we’re sitting, okay, i understand, he promised to send a replacement soon, oh, that’s great, i’m hungry, yes, you wouldn’t mind getting some sleep, galya, galya, where are you going, listen, what? no one answers the phone, doesn’t answer, you saw first place, but wait a minute, what
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are you doing with your first places, it’s a shame that they took it away from us because of our cause, if it were because of ours, they would have taken us away a long time ago, well, maybe they released me, i called and called all night , they took me there, wait a minute, maybe they’ve already released me, well, so... we’re waiting for one more day, if it’s quiet, then we’ll act on our own, as long as we have a weapon, we have a weapon, we’ve paid for it, you know it, ramadan has left the market, all that’s left is to pick it up tomorrow, cool, okay, don’t be sour, bro, let’s break through, you hear, it seems to me that this is a dead number, no one will come here, no sinner either, suddenly, well
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, i don’t know, well, you can be a little on your feet, what are you, what is petka, this is just about petya, shut up, sorry, i didn’t think, that’s it, i went
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to the park in the evening, as we agreed, where you would go, but i don’t know, i’ll call you at work, you have a card for a payphone , yes, but why do you need it, asya? well , i won’t call from a mobile phone, they’ll figure me out in no time. here, take it and be careful, okay? okay thank you. i collected testimonies from employees post offices, but all they can describe is a weapon. yes, it is unlikely that frightened women can accurately identify the brand of a pistol. ol. yes , they are not capable, but... there are some details, i selected models that fit the description, and if we knew what weapons the criminals used, then there would be at least some kind of clue, a weak clue, no, wait, three
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pistols, similar in description, i don’t know, maybe they were stolen from some military unit, or a new batch of weapons arrived in the city, if we found a seller, it would be much more it would be easier to find buyers, sleek. your words, to god's ears, to find a buyer for a product, it's almost impossible, good morning, although, although you, although you are right, we need to try, come on, let's see, look, here's the robot pistol, something new, look, dim, olga nikolaevna has organized a new lead for us, so, we have three post offices in the city, i’ll go to the first one. second, and ignatov? wait, where is ignatov? well, he was on night duty and is now sleeping off. yes, yeah, well then, then call pronin, let him go to the last one
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department, will gather the employees, at the same time ask the captain, but pronin was with ignatov, he’s probably getting some sleep, well, yes, but pronin isn’t supposed to sleep much, he’s still young, well , let’s work, let’s go. i’m going home, well, don’t rush, i need to drop by the post office, listen, you have a conscience, i actually sat in ambush all night today, i want to sleep and eat, i need to interview the postal girls as much as possible, these girls still say nothing intelligible they can’t tell, but what did i have to do with mazurov’s order, of course, ok, and ignatov will also come, so ignatov was allowed to sleep off, so... that's it, let's go to
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the department, i'll tell you everything in detail, yeah, i see, okay, i'll be there soon, oh, okay, the day is starting, hello, colonel mazurov from the internal affairs directorate , remember me, that’s great, i ’ll come to you now, please gather all your employees, we’ll try to delay the weapons used by the criminals. that ’s good, asya, i wanted to talk to you about your boss, about petrovna, and what a good boss, please tell me, she as a person, in general, she’s normal , really, she likes to give orders, it seems to me that that’s why she works here, yeah, well, she doesn’t need money, her husband makes good money, but here she’s kind of... do you understand? i understand,
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i understand perfectly. listen, please tell me, do you happen to know what kind of relationship she has with her husband? very good, i have rarely seen such couples. you know, he was sitting. what are you saying? yes, she was waiting for him and even went to the camp to see him. so-so. tell me, please, this husband here, does he often come to your post office? rarely, though for the last 3 days he has been coming to work to pick up enme. yes. last 3 days. and how was it before? she used to go on her own, but now he brings her and takes her away. uh-huh, clear. you know, i actually wanted to talk to your girls, i need to do an identification here, is it possible? yes, of course, let's go, thank you, please, look carefully, do you recognize anything? like this one, no, there’s an asterisk on that pistol.
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it was exactly like that, he pointed the gun right in my face, there was an asterisk, i remember, yes, well then this one seems to be, thank you, you are very helpful to us helped, uh-huh, please, help yourself, oh , thank you very much, thank you, i’m hungry, but i don’t understand, where are all the girls, i asked everyone to gather, so we’re having lunch, i let them go to eat, uh-huh, that would be something to eat ok, when to come back? well, i think that not earlier than in half an hour, uh-huh, well, don’t you eat, asenka never eats here, and i ’m on a diet, of course, asya, look, please, maybe you recognize one of the pistols, just be careful. maybe i
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’ll take a look too, well avan, why don’t you it was during a robbery, well, interesting, well, please, so what? maybe this one, this one, thank you, please, volodya, where are you? that's all for today, but you eat sometimes. goodbye, all the best, dim, you, yes, i’m coming , maybe i’ll ask you for a cookie soon, i’m going , faster, come on, well, have a nice day, goodbye, well, what have you got, yes, they identified one, something i don’t have confidence in these ladies, that they understand something about this weapon, i also have something somehow vague, well , now there are tops on tt, right? yeah, the tt
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identified me too, well, let's see what mazrov says, you will, no, but what is this family of herons? listen, i said, i live with a good soul, they can’t get enough of each other, and they’re envious, yes, yeah, something’s dark about this couple, but they organized a raid on the post office, but there’s no way to take them, volodya, wait, come on, go , i wanted to ask, yes, i’m listening to you, i could... but he went on the run, why, asya, you know, i don’t want to talk about this, but since such a conversation has started, we have a witness who i saw who killed your husband, and it was grigory ostapov, what
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a witness, a passer-by, he decided to help your husband, and grisha wounded him, yes, where is he now, i can see him, he is now in the hospital, clearly, in the hospital. okay, let's go, romeo. arturchik, when will you arrive? well i will wait. come on, kiss me, bye. emma petrovna, i wanted to ask for time off early. hey, you already asked for time off today. and again you need to leave, what’s wrong with you? “sorry, okay, go, emma petrovna, i also wanted to ask, what’s wrong with your car, your husband has been picking you up lately, what’s wrong, the car is being repaired, it broke down, you wanted to go somewhere, here you go,
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i'm sorry, thank you!" is it possible? yes, olenka, what can you please me with? here, the car that the criminals stole for the last robbery belongs to arthur tsaplin. well done, that's how you have to work. how? we found the owner. this is a completely different guy. tsaplin sold the car by proxy a month ago. this means that he can steal his own car in half a minute. actually, this is indirect evidence, ivan mikhailovich. yes, indirect, but it confirms involvement. with such a set , you can get a decree from the prosecutor’s office for a ban, thank you , olenka, yes, yes, you’re welcome, ivan mikhailovich, and i also made a recording from the phone of this, mm, sergei lyalin, there is something interesting there, well, great, so, be here, if the go-ahead comes from the prosecutor’s office
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for obusk, we’ll go right away, and you, let’s run for olga nikolaevna, sit down. olga nikolaevna, eat, you don’t have anything , no, wow, i’m losing weight, but an apple, if you want, an apple, yeah, take it, take it, stop eating, maybe you’re pregnant or something, comrade major, you slept after the night, and i’m even i didn’t go home, my strength is running low, uh-huh, yes, i need some nutrition we need reinforcements, bof, and you lie down on the couch and get some sleep. but you can, well, of course, so , andrey, grisha didn’t call the runaways, but there is something, listen, roma, hello, i received money for the goods from grin, and where did you go, when can you pick up the goods, i
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’ll call you back, i need to check that you’re the law from the mountain, so what, you called back? stop talking, i hear everything, that’s enough, i say, hear. well, how are you feeling? great. when can i go out for a walk? well, now we’ll give you some antibiotics, you can go for a walk and enjoy your health. hello, is it possible? hello,
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are you a relative? no, they told me that igor ivanovich suffered while trying to save my husband, and are you the wife of the same young man? yes, my condolences, uh-huh, uh-huh, girl, could you come later? uh, yes, of course, yeah , i brought it for you here, you’re getting better, thank you, please accept my condolences, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, goodbye, yeah, quietly, don’t be nervous, hold your hand like that. calmly, well, i checked, checked, otherwise you never know what, maybe from the trash, when for that...
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i won’t be mistaken, well, this is troma not with apples, this he certainly sells, of course, they say that he buys stolen goods and also dabbles in weapons, they say that roma needs to get everything, good morning - there is no need to take anyone, if roma sells something, he obviously doesn’t take it with him to the market, we need to track down this seryoga, then we’ll understand what he ’s going to buy there, and then maybe i’ll get some sleep, uh-huh, uh-huh, okay.
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what’s going on here? here, here, just be careful, olga leonidovna, do you hear, there their dog is big and angry, yes. you're afraid, i 'm not even afraid of ivan mikhailovich, let alone a dog, so, dima, organize witnesses, i'll do it. i’m listening to you, good evening, good, artur sergeevich tsaplin, absolutely, we
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have a warrant to search your house, take a look, yeah, now our employee... will bring witnesses, come in, take the dog away, please, don’t worry, she on a leash, okay, asya, don’t look back, you’re alone, yes. and my god, how did you scare me? hi, well, what, i went where, billiard club, about seryoga, asked, no, what, because you’re lying all the time, what are you, kuku, that i’m lying, grisha, they told me today, not only was your knife there, you were there too,
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why are you, where was i, there is a witness, he i saw how you killed petya, he... what a witness, he’s lying in the hospital like this, he says that you wounded him and killed petya, but i’m a fool to believe you, the knife was stolen from him, what can you say, so , come on, sit down, maybe i’m ... i’m crazy, maybe i have this, what’s-his-name , memory loss, but at night, but i wasn’t there, i’m there, what are you saying, they found a witness from somewhere, grisha , really not
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was, yes i swear? grisha, well, he says that you wounded him, he saw you like that , i don’t understand anything, listen, this is a set-up, or maybe they made someone up to look like me, well, it happens, i’ve seen it so many times in the movies. “asya, i’m not guilty, you understand, i’m not guilty, do you believe me, no, i believe, okay, i’ll go to this billiard room, find out about your seryoga, thank you, asya, i knew that you were a person,
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that’s all, no .petka has a key to my apartment, do you know where it is? i’ll look for it, but what? it’s there in the room, where the bedside table is. the money is in the documents, bring it here tomorrow morning, yeah, your apartment is being watched, for sure, what? ok, ok, i 'll think of something. listen, asya, why did you come? today, well, if the witness pointed at me, that means i’m a murderer, right? why did you come today? i don’t know, i’m
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probably stupid. “in the end, tell me what you are looking for, i’ll show you everything myself , please tell me, before we arrived, you were probably working, yes, but where is your workshop? in the garage, let’s go to the garage, citizen saplin , do you hear, take us to garage, come on in.
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here dima, check the trunk, okay, but my wife mixed up the sign, she thought she was driving on the main road, she ended up on a secondary road, well , you can see for yourself, this is understandable, understandable, but why are you repairing it yourself, it seems like you have a car service center, so yes, the car service is busy , the guys are sewing up in two shifts, wow, got it, please pay attention, a shovel with traces of earth, what is this, gloves with traces, i want to make a statement. i killed a man,
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anna, so why are you sitting here, you still won’t force anything, i told you not to go home i’ll let you in, whether he said it or not, how can this be, well, we’re not strangers. relatives don’t steal from each other, that’s it, not on the way, not with you, veniam.
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so, you claim that you knocked down a man and buried the corpse in the forest, well, yes, i don’t even, i don’t even understand. where did he come from? and this happened the night before yesterday. well, yes, well, about 6 o’clock, because i was already home at 8, and what were you doing outside the city? m, i was riding, mm, just like that, let's go for a ride? well, what's wrong with that? i, i love cars, when i have free time, i just sit down steering wheel and going for a ride. well, yes, well, yes, we know how much you love cars, you... it seems that for this love you served 5 years, yes, you served 5 years, well , this is an absolutely, absolutely old case, where
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a corpse was buried, you can show, of course, everything , that within the framework of the law, so, well, well, it doesn’t seem to be lying, so... what happens then? if tsaplin hit a man, that means he couldn’t have been involved in the post office robbery, right? it turns out that it is so. but you still need to check. tomorrow we'll go out of town, let him show that place. well check this, of course, of course, i think not he’s lying, why commit murder , well, just to get away from the robbery, it’s somehow stupid, i agree, well, that means the version of the heron’s involvement in the post office robbery will be cleared up, well, they missed, but they solved the murder, the appearance of christ to the people, well, i slept during the day , you will work at night, i obey. ivan
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mikhalovich, where is everyone? and all the herons interrogate. you know, while you were sleeping, we accidentally solved a murder. oh, wow, your sharap faces. come on, go, wash your face, wash your face, go, i can’t, i’m annoying. i, comrade captain, will come to you as soon as possible. i just care i’m thinking, i’m looking out the windows, here. quiet. he leaves, what are we going to do? what, what? will we be detained? how to detain someone with a weapon? or maybe she 'll accidentally shut up? me , i’m not going to shoot anyone, stay where i am, israeli citizen sobchak, who has long crossed all borders, i’m not going to get israeli citizenship or anything else, friends, you can’t wait, like she was sweet for bandera’s supporters on the maidan, sweetie which one, and was preparing alternate airfields for itself in israel, indonesia and the emirates.
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i received my passport when the world around me became collapse and it became clear that i needed to protect myself from this, how she took other people’s husbands away, where she was, walked, a jar of spiders, where everyone slept with each other, how she later took revenge on her rival, she threw me off the stairs and the appearance that sucks all the blood out of you, and under whose oak she dances, now the crimea is ours, i can’t say that, the local government will answer everyone for everything. today at 6:00 pm on ntv. mask - new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. bad blood vessels. angionorm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of formation blood clots strengthening the walls of blood vessels. angian, keep the blood vessels normal. honey, are you ready yet? i thought about how much i need to pay for and also send money to my mother. let's pay for tinkov. design the tenkov card.
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february 18 at 20:20 on ntv, oh, oh! come on, help yourself, thank you, oh, listen, i wanted to ask how my godson is doing, what, well, whom i found in the park, but he’s doing great, he’s recovering, he asked me to bow at your feet, oh, okay, no, seriously, you saved his life, the doctors just said so, if it weren’t for nikolaevich, that’s it, blood flowed quickly and in general bye, oh, right?
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girls, don’t worry so much, the operatives will arrive now, we’ll solve all the issues, why do you look like some kind of criminal to me, and why are you standing like a pillar? good evening, hello, my name is venya, venyamin, i introduced myself, get out of here, as they say, thank you for helping the investigation, our homeless man local, volodya! good evening, hello, finally, great, well , who was detained, me, what,
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please sign, arturchik, arturchik, emma, ​​emma, ​​emma, ​​calm down, calm down, i told them everything that i killed a man. and where i buried him, i couldn’t do it any other way, why, oh why , arthur, i told them that i made you say that i was at home in the evening, so i didn’t understand that we let everyone in for interrogations, that is it? yes, who let you in? no one, i passed by myself, but the duty officer, didn’t she stop you, she tried to arthur, you... why, well, why, arturchik, they, they just had all the evidence, so i thought that we need to take them, well, if grisha killed petya, then we need to take all petya’s photographs so that
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the killer doesn’t have them there, that’s not good, well, well, well, well, calm down, well, i didn’t know, well, i have an order, everyone who appears here is detained, i understand, where did you get the key? petya had a spare one just in case , so it came in handy, wow, i’m sorry, but i didn’t know , can i go home and i’ll take you with me, come on, lyokha, thank you for your vigilance, don’t be offended by him, he’s always like that . hello, what are you saying, that you are not scary? it's me, don't you recognize me? no, well, i’m
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venice, well, last night, and hello, hello, i wanted to ask you for forgiveness, for what? well, it was i who called the police, somehow it all happened by itself, even though i am sure that you are not guilty of anything, not guilty, well, somehow it happened that you called, forgive me , please, well, you did everything right, really, and you’re not angry with me, of course not, “sorry, i have to go, i’m fine, hi, hi, i brought it, yes, here, just a little here.
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“listen, asya, i was thinking, what kind of witness was there, maybe it’s seryogin ’s acquaintance, well, they conspired to frame me, but no, he’s not local, he came from moscow, he doesn’t know anyone here, some igor ivanovich, surname kotlyar, like, okay, let’s figure it out, grisha, where are you spending the night, and why do you need it?” "approval, it doesn't matter.


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