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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  February 11, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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grisha, i would also add, but i have it myself, and it’s all clear that you, yes, where did you get the money, you know, well, they’re waiting for you, the local police officer detained me, of course, and what, nothing, she said , that she came to pick up the photos of the piss, they believed it, well, cool, listen, asya, i was thinking, what kind of witness was there? maybe this is seryogin’s friend? well, they conspired to frame me, huh? no, he’s not local, he came from moscow, he doesn’t know anyone here, some igor ivanovich, last name kotlyar, i think. okay, let's figure it out. grisha, where are you spending the night, huh? and why do you need it? so it does not matter. don't forget about the billiard room, bye.
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in the headlines of the main topics of this week, which ended with the resignation of the ukrainian commander-in-chief, the president’s behind-the-scenes battle. zelensky with general zaluzhny, the breakdown of negotiations between israel and hamas, and also the farmers’ revolt, which from france spread to other european countries, but it would not be a lie to say that this week the attention of the whole world was focused on moscow. legendary american tv presenter tucker carlson not only made it to russia, but became the first western journalist to interview the russian president since the start of the special military operation in ukraine. well, right now we won’t just tell you. events of this week, but
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we will try to explain them. good evening, my name is vadim tokminev. today is saturday, february 10th. in most cities where we are now watching the exact time. 18:57. and we begin. tucker kalsyn in moscow. why his unexpected visit can change everything, both the result of the american elections and the course of world history in general. ukraine has lost its the main trump card, military assistance from washington. what will happen on the battlefield with western help? will it finally cease and can the ukrainian front simply collapse, as western experts predict? peasants against the greens, having played with the green agenda, have the eu authorities driven european farmers to revolt? so what now? will they really raise the green icon, greta thunberg, to the pitchfork? olympics on steroids, an eccentric american billionaire is organizing an alternative olympic games in which athletes can use so much doping, as many as they can, but what? could the moon
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be shrinking in size, why is this happening , why is this very bad news for people, as well as special guests of the program who filmed a series about a soviet intelligence officer in the gdr, is it really about vladimir putin? hello, tick, you're going to die now, who gave up your kikimra for natalia fvateeva, sadena in the beard without a rib, like natalya kustinskaya stole the cosmonaut from her, and he found out about it. what was his deal with andrei mironov? mironov told me that i begged her to marry me. why couldn’t fatieva then live with the son of vladimir basov? she falls in love very quickly and falls out of love just as quickly. and why was the actress going to give her grandson to malyutka’s house? did i ask who he doesn’t advise? the novels, infidelities and secret seclusion of the people's artist are based in a new investigation. on
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real events today at 21:50 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. honey, are you already are you ready? i thought about it. there is so much to pay, and i also need to send money to my mother. let's. and always make payments and transfers without commission tinkov. pentalgin extragel - it contains the highest dosage of a substance against pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel - against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. sometimes it seems to us that everything should happen at once, but great success comes to those who themselves move towards it. we will not make your
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tinkof. bad blood vessels. angeonorm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionm. keep your blood vessels normal. so, live on central television. it certainly won’t be an exaggeration if i say that the attention of all the world media this week was focused on moscow. and although most western political journalists tried not to advertise this attention, some even tried to hide it behind news from russia. the capital was monitored by all news agencies, editorial offices and non-usrums. well, everyone had, of course, the same question: what did the famous american journalist and mega-popular tv presenter tucker kalson forget in frosty russia? and will he really succeed? after the first reports
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about tucker carlson's appearance in moscow , it was absolutely clear that he did not come here to taste the capital's fast food, walk along the street, sit down in a restaurant, or... although this is what was mainly captured by russian reporters who opened up on him a real hunt, and yes, he did it. studying price tags in moscow supermarkets, after the start of the military operation in ukraine, carlson became the first foreign, and also american, journalists who were able to talk with the russian president in private. putin's interview with kan, no matter how one feels about putin or kartzen, in all respects it looked like...
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they don't know what is really happening in connection with the military actions in ukraine. he stated the following: no one told them the truth. their media is corrupt, they lie to their own people. readers and viewers, but since in addition to the official media in the world there are also social networks with billions of subscribers, then despite such a dinner of silence from the official media, the interview was watched by about 180 million people, vadim, not bad, isn’t it, well, it’s quite obvious that in the west they were not ready for such a turn of events, that’s why the opinion , what to do with the interview, and most importantly with samson, were strongly divided in the range from... not noticing to lynching, not in the literal sense, of course, lynching, in the modern, more
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vegetarian version of this type of execution, well, that is, simply canceling. reaction word the russian president, who openly invited the west not to fight, but to talk and negotiate in the american media, albeit belatedly, but it still appeared. the authors of the editorial notes, each in their own way , tried to humiliate kalzen and reduce the significance of the interview, but almost all agreed on one thing. the most notorious journalist in america, and, probably, the whole world, at a meeting with the russian president looked like a schoolboy in a history lesson. about other details of this meeting, including those unknown to the general public, our reporter mikhail bogdanov will tell you. tucker carlson looks into this hefty folder for the first time. here i have such an old-fashioned folder, i haven’t opened it yet, not the documents that putin left me, i’ll read it later.
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and while, having fought off the besiegers, carlson is lost from sight, the network is making the most fantastic guesses about his
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whereabouts: this post is getting 10 million views. tucker carlson became the first american in 10 years to be allowed into a barbecue joint. us citizens have not been allowed into the kebab shop since april 2014 in response to anti-crimean protests. sanctions. lyubertsy, moscow region, here is a cafe that has collected millions of likes in the american segment. on the wave. after all, it seems very symbolic that this particular joke about the kebab shop became one of the main memes of the week, because carlson really broke down barriers and taboos. tonight we are in moscow, we are here to interview russian president vladimir putin, and we will do so soon. it is our duty to inform people about two years of war that is changing the entire world. most americans have no idea what 's going on here in russia. 600 miles from here in ukraine. but why did this interview, before it even
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came out, create so much noise in the foreign and russian media? he's definitely there as a celebrity, supporting putin. it's unclear now whether an interview between putin and carlson will take place, but if it does, it would give putin a chance to meet a big supporter. you know, after he was fired from so many media outlets in the united states, i wouldn’t be surprised if he got a contract with the russians. notes an important point: western media do not talk about putin’s point of view, they only criticize it, saying that it is unfair, groundless, untruthful. at this time, carlson announces from snowy moscow that the interview has taken place and will soon be completed. and it seems that ask any foreigner what he associates russia with, and you will hear: the bolshoi
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theatre, snow, bears and putin. it’s unclear about bear, but everything else is like... former cia analyst larry johnson notes that zaluzhny’s resignation and biden’s press conference allow the american media to shift their focus to these topics. i didn't even see the news about the interview was somewhere in the top, but of course, it attracted a lot of attention even before it took place. but it’s still impossible to completely ignore the interview, no matter how hard you want. the new york times already quotes putin, who in an interview emphasizes: russia has never refused peace negotiations. but after we withdrew the troops from kiev, as i already said, the other side, namely ukraine, threw away all these agreements and took into account the instructions of western countries, european, united
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states, to fight with russia to the bitter end, that means, moreover, the president of ukraine.
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food buys two cheeseburgers, potatoes and cola, all this cost him 566 rubles. karlolshin, as it turned out, is not against making a similar order for hryvnia in kiev, offering an interview to vladimir zelensky, but there, it seems, they are in no hurry to agree, in case the questions become awkward. mikhail bogdanov, politaev family, alexander karlov, central television. and of course, no one doubted that the main topic at
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tucker carlson’s meeting with the russian president, of course, would be the ukrainian crisis. but oh we'll talk about how... events are developing on the front line right now. the russian ministry of defense reports that ukrainian naval drones attempted to attack russian transport ships in the black sea. and right now, i think we will learn the details from yulia bekhtareva. yes, vadim, russian ships in the southwestern region of the black sea were attacked by ukrainian unmanned boats. one of them was destroyed by our artillery, the rest were suppressed by electronic warfare. in the special operation zone itself. according to of our ministry of defense, troops of the russian center group hit 140 targets in the krasno-limansk direction; in the south donetsk region, units of the vostok group did not allow the armed forces of ukraine to carry out a rotation and destroyed two control posts and a communications center with drones. and the formation of the south group took more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction. the russian defense complex
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is entering a new stage. now enterprises have to solve problems that arose during the course. special operations, the minister of defense announced. sergey shaigu checked fulfillment of state defense orders at factories in udmurdia. he inspected the production of drones in one of the divisions of the kalashnikov concern. in the twenty-second year , new workshops were opened there, which made it possible to increase the production of drones by 60%. well, this week the world continued to watch the behind-the-scenes battles between the general and the president, that is, how vladimir zelensky got out of the way. his more popular political opponent. on thursday evening , this round of ukrainian political confrontation ended in what seemed like a victory. zelensky, zaluzhny is no longer the head of the commander-in-chief. but for zelensky himself, this victory may be the first, that is, one that will ultimately lead to defeat. the british tymes calls zaluzhny an iron general and
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writes that quote: zaluzhny today can boast of almost 90 percent support from ukrainians. at the same time , british journalists call zelensky the best salesman in the country. so these are the actions of this country's most effective salesman, that is, the best seller. approved by only 62% of the population of this very country, which zelensky, as the british put it so sweetly, sells so skillfully. however, it is possible that ukrainians trust zaluzhny much more than the president only because zelensky speaks more and more often; in the situation in which kiev now finds itself, it is better to remain silent than to speak, isn’t it, yul? come on, this is exactly what is said in a recent and rather panicky article by the washington post, i will quote. the forces of the ukrainian armed forces are exhausted, and the front may collapse, at least this is what american journalists who visited the front line say. also an excerpt from the washington post reports that the ukrainian
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military is facing a critical infantry shortage, resulting in depleted morale on the front line. end of quote. here's an article, vadim. yes, the new ukrainian commander-in-chief alexander syrsky inherited another inheritance. well, besides, judging by the news that came out of the white house this week, ukraine. has practically lost its main trump card, the military and financial support of the united states. alexey petrushko, together with experts on both sides of the atlantic, tried to understand what will happen on the battlefield when western assistance finally stops, can the ukrainian front simply collapse, as many western experts are now predicting, and what will the new ukrainian commander-in-chief, who, by the way, unexpectedly found russian roots, do in this situation. no one could have thought that this personnel leapfrog that was taking place in ukraine would echo in the russian outback. friday, february 9, a typical high-rise building on the working outskirts of vladimir.
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news from kyiv spread almost immediately throughout the house, because in the apartment on the fourteenth floor the parents of the once soviet, and now ukrainian officer alexander syrsky, the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, are holding a tight defense. great family. the last time, says syrsky’s neighbor , the eldest son was seen here 13 years ago, he came to his parents, we drank tea at the table, tsirsky, a very good guy, if he were a bad person, he wouldn’t call his mother every single day, zelensky comes out, appointing to the high position of commander of the ground forces, decided to kill two birds with one stone, having gotten rid of a dangerous competitor in the person of zaluzhny, he received a completely accommodating syrsky, who does not enjoy much authority in ukraine. a poorly worded native of russia , whose parents living in vladimir, judging by social networks, sympathize with putin and march on the march of the immortal regiment , the last time he died,
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i don’t remember what year, so he says: we work with ukrainians, we’re sitting in this one himself, as his headquarters, so we hate all of them , ukrainians, what do you mean, yes, these are his words, well , that is, he is practically a stranger to ukrainians, and political rival. from him, although it is unlikely that the future of ukraine now depends on the vicissitudes of the fate of an individual family, rather on what the west will say about this, the ukrainian military gave syrsky such nicknames as the butcher and general 200 because of the losses that the troops suffered under its beginning, officials in washington , unlike the western press, have so far been restrained in criticizing zelensky, probably fearing ukraine’s descent into complete discord, which in turn threatens problems for the democrats. i think zelensky is feeling his way forward. he managed to assess the risks both at home and abroad of changing his top military command, and these changes are due to the need to show that
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a reset has occurred, that a new course needs to be charted. it turns out that ex-white house adviser charles kupchin adheres to zelensky’s line in this conflict, while ex-us intelligence officer scott tritor is betting on zaluzhny. i believe that president zelensky, like the whole of ukraine, is now in a rather difficult situation. headquarters battle for avdeevka. the resignation of a ukrainian general at a time when the blame for the defeat can be placed on the president rather than the general could pose a political danger for zelensky. in addition, a decision made without his support from the ukrainian military could also lead to the army intervening and overthrowing zelensky. perhaps this is why in the public sphere zelensky uses the carrot-and-stick method in relation to zaluzhny, on the one hand accusing him of not believing in victory, on the other hand, the very next day after resignation, gives him... the star of the hero of ukraine, but pay attention to the general’s behavior, he is clearly filled with happiness and twice hugs zelensky to himself as if he were his own. and this scene seems to explain it. with
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many unknowns, but let’s say how to solve the problem of shortage of shells and personnel? this week zelensky issued a decree on the creation of unmanned forces as a separate type of army, almost simultaneously, with this turkey announced the construction in ukraine of a plant for the production of such bayraktars, weapons that during this conflict proved itself enough... but perhaps in kiev they simply decided to take the quantity, it would seem that there is nothing unusual in the fact that ukraine, experiencing a shortage of military assistance from western partners, is looking for some kind of alternative, and zelensky is adopting the strategy of the foreign commander-in-chief, which he spoke about a week ago in an interview with cnn, but having fired the general, thereby making him a politician, the ukrainian president now risks turning this strategy into chaos, on the other hand, into...
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i know yulia tymoshenko very well and poroshenko, they would never have acted in their lives if they had supported zaluzhny, if they had not understood that they had no chance. well, what did they say about zaluzhny, that they say that he is almost ready to go to great britain as an ambassador, that he is already a political corpse, and this is a loser and nonsense, because the post of president is at stake for him. and it turns out that this victory of zelensky may turn out to be the same feasting victory that will lead to defeat, because by removing. a gasket in the form of zaluzhny, which separated him from all failures, nasir old zrada you won’t blame him, in the end he will be responsible for everything. alexey petrushko, yes, anton yanchenko, central television. we will continue the story about the events of saturday and this week immediately after a very short pause. and this is what will happen next, don’t switch. christians against the greens, having played with the green agenda, the authorities of the european union brought
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the europeans to revolt. and now what, will the navilas raise the green icon greta thunberg? the olympics on steroids, an eccentric american billionaire is organizing an alternative olympics where... athletes can use as much doping as they can, and that it was possible, what athletes and coaches who have already been caught doping think about it, only on central television, a sensational revelation of those whom the world of modern sports has made outcasts, the moon is shrinking in size, why is this happening, why is this very bad news for people, as well as special guests of the program who filmed a series about a soviet intelligence officer in the gdr, is it really about vladimir putin? which celebrities fell into the scammers' web? i hit a child to death yes, i lost millions of rubles. oh, i'm in trouble, i'm
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in trouble for 2 million. how many years? 2000 rub. i finally sat there and then tried to remove pakistan, pakistan. now there was a conversation, there were about one and a half million. why doesn't natalya gvozdikova open the door to strangers? you try on the mask, inhale, lose consciousness. you have collected money, now they are coming to you. they're scamming you. and how mikhail grushevsky shook out every penny from the scammers. palm oil, it cost crazy money. when you can't think of him as a fraudster, the stars aligned today at 20:20 on ntv. pentalgin extra is against pain in muscles and
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television, the first information show, about the events that are discussed and the people they talk about, we continue to work live. well, now let's look at the events of another war from a new angle. this week marks exactly 100 days of israel's first ground operation in the gaza strip. for that. time is one of the strongest, so, at least, it was considered that the armies of the world were unable to completely take control of an enclave with an area of ​​360 km surrounded on all sides, that is, to make it clear, an area the size of not the largest european city, for example munich, and this despite the fact that well-trained and armed idf soldiers were opposed by hamas militants, who have neither aviation, armored vehicles, nor modern air defense systems. but there are tunnels. it just so happened that for some particularly stubborn
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die-hard politicians, and the israeli prime minister netanyahu is one of those people, even the most obvious things are the last to reach him, but after 3 months of military operations, it seems that even such politicians have already realized that the power of even such an army as the israeli one is not enough to destroy hamas dungeons. this reached many generals on the front line much earlier, which is probably why the number of victorious reports from the besieged gas decreased so much. dawadim, indeed, israel will most likely never be able to destroy all or even most of the hamas tunnels. how according to anschelpfer, a columnist for one israeli publication, this assessment is already shared at all levels of the idf, from generals to brigade and battalion commanders, who spend entire weeks on the ground to destroy just one section of the tunnel system. at the same time, an engineer. with mixed
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feelings, they destroyed an unprecedented number of tunnels, but at the same time they know that many of them remained untouched. yes, it turned out that in the promised land for which arabs and jews have been killing each other for several decades, there is also and a whole underground world. and the first thing that comes to mind is a picture of the future, which was more than 100 years ago. inhabitants of the surface of the earth and gloomy morlocks who went into dark dungeons. by the way, this is exactly how everyone who, after the attack by hamas militants on jewish settlements, sympathized with israel tried to present this war in the middle east, as a war of warriors of light against a world of darkness and ignorance, but this... a war can only look like on the pages of military propaganda, and
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the reality is always much more complicated, in the modern world, where every soldier, in addition to the machine, there is also a mobile phone, this reality, no matter how politicians, generals and military propagandists wanted to hide it, broke out this week and became a real sensation. klim sanatkin studied the gigabytes of chronicles that the army soldiers filmed on their mobile phones, therefore, as i said at the beginning, we will now look at this war from a different angle. driving a bulldozer to dynamic music, an israeli soldier will raise his thumb, then, crushing broken cars like tin cans, he will move them into dilapidated houses along the street beitlahiya district in the north of the gaza strip. if the history of the first arab-israeli war of 1948
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was preserved in black-and-white documentary footage, the yom kippur war in seventy-three was captured on color film by journalists who filmed the fighting from the sidelines, then this is perhaps the first war in world history filmed from the first... it all started on october 7 last year, when the world was horrified by these footage of brutal murders in israeli kibbutzim, filmed on mobile phones by hamas militants. now the world is discussing publications with other telephones, telephones of israeli soldiers. after the start of the ground operation in late october, the israeli military deployed its own. bases along the northern coast of the gaza strip, an area called nova beach by soldiers,
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a reference to the super novo music festival that ended on black saturday, a bloodbath in which hamas killed 364 people. now nova beach on the territory of gaza has become the backdrop for other, so to speak, festivals. brigadier general of the israeli defense forces yosif kupervaser watches with us the very videos that were published on military social networks. buildings are blown up, terrorist buildings are blown up, fun is common in such places, places where houses are built on terrorist tunnels. according to general kupervaser, this evidence of a new war, in which the army does not look to the world community as an army of liberators or avengers, but rather as a mockery of the inhabitants of gaza,
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will now be used by anti-israeli propaganda and opponents of the war. i agree, sometimes soldiers get too emotional when performing a task and it would be worth their while hold back a little, you need to understand that a huge number of people around the world are waiting for any move from soldiers sahal, which can be interpreted in a negative way, to put more pressure on israel, force it to stop the war, everyone is trying to force us to cease fire before we comply our task. official jerusalem stands its ground, fighting until the last hamas militant; official washington, represented by biden , insists on a ceasefire. as you know, i believe that the response in the gas sector was excessive. i was talking with bibi to open the border on the israeli side. i pushed really hard. indeed, it is difficult to deliver humanitarian aid in gaza. there are many innocent people who are starving. many innocent people who get into trouble die. we are on the way to absolute victory. victory is already in our hands. this is not a matter of years or decades, it is a matter of months. sahal works wonders and moves forward to
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achieve all the goals of the war. according to john quigley, a law professor at the university of ohio, whatever the noble goal, would destroy. there may be a clear solution to the conflict between us and the palestinians, because as long as the palestinians believe in their ideology, which denies the jews their own state in the land of their ancestors, a solution will be very difficult to achieve. it seems that the war on this holy land has turned into a routine, into a decade-long conflict in which grandchildren and grandfathers live everyday. all around are sands and stones
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of an almost lifeless desert. and, it seems, the main question is why this sun-scorched land is. promised land for arabs and jews, and is it really this sand that muslims and jews are ready to sprinkle with blood? there have been several attempts to reach a peace agreement with the palestinians, for example, in 2000, ehud barak, who was then prime minister, came to camp david when bill clinton was president of the united states. and proposed creating a palestinian state, but the palestinians refused. in 2008, another prime minister, olmert, also proposed the creation of a palestinian state, but then they refused. so, in fact, contrary to what is commonly believed, it is israel many times he suggested that the palestinians create their own state, but the palestinians said no. but many in the west now
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believe that israel needed this conflict to resolve the palestinian issue once and for all. i think the israeli leadership has given the military the idea that they don't have to respect the people of gaza or gaza itself, so if they want to engage in murder and destruction, nothing stops them. this week, german student shani luk, who was kidnapped and killed by hamas militants, was supposed to be celebrating your twenty-third birthday.
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instead, her family and friends have not been able to return the girl’s body to her homeland for 4 months. klimsonatka natalya usenko and mark zlenko. central television. well, as you can see, from the latest news coming from the middle east, israel is betting on the continuation of the ground operation, and hamas is betting on its many kilometers of tunnels. and by the way, having seen this week an article in the american edition of bloomberg about a new subculture of people who dig tunnels as a hobby, we first we thought that it was they who suddenly and ironically decided to describe the everyday life of hamas militants, but no. we are really talking about ordinary people in different parts of the world who are interested in digging tunnels. i’m sure now, just like me, you want to understand what the meaning of such a strange hobby is. and let's try to ask yulia bekhtereva, can you explain yul? well, to be honest, like everyone else, i’m at
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a loss, as bloomberg writes, they started talking about this invisible subculture after the loud scandal that broke out in new york. there, authorities discovered a secret tunnel that led to a closed synagogue. as it turned out, it was made by a tiktoker without any mercantile purpose, just as a hobby. it soon became clear that they were like this. shrew bloggers gather in special forums on the internet, where they share tips and secrets of their craft. well, why they do this remains a mystery to journalists, and not only to journalists. one of these diggers said that 2 years ago he was raking the earth with a shovel to to build a walking path around his house, at that very moment he suddenly felt - quote: an irresistible urge to dig. now his tunnel from... to the far end of the garden reaches 5 m in depth and 25 in length, he digs on weekends, but if there was
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an opportunity, he would gladly do this business every single day, what to do with his free time, vadim, no say, well , it turns out to be such a living embodiment of the bearded joke, we dig from the fence until lunch, but what if these people are forced to dig tunnels by a premonition or some kind of animal instinct, maybe they are trying to hide underground. bad news, and much more global and worse than another war somewhere in the middle east. what if they dig tunnels under the influence of, well, for example, the moon, which, as scientists found out this week, is rapidly decreasing in size, rapidly, of course, on a cosmic scale, the moon will still be enough for our human age, it will not shrink to the size of an apple or an orange, but people can already feel the influence... of this cosmic compression, so our reporter alexey semakhin followed in the footsteps
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of people digging straight underground to figure out on the spot whether this is another whim of the city's crazy people or are people being driven underground by a premonition of something truly terrible? look: this is footage of volcanic lava coming to the surface, accumulated after a series of earthquakes in the southwest of iceland. the authorities declared an emergency in the area of ​​the town of grendavik, some houses there were flooded with molten lava, in addition to iceland , italian sicily is shaking, where ethnicity has awakened, indonesia and russian kamchatka, scientists attribute this increased activity to the influence of the tidal forces of the moon and the changes they created in the earth's magnetic field. and so, frightened by the natural apocalypse, humanity, it seems, began to look for salvation in its depths. we're starting to dig tunnels, which means we need to get ready, we need to install a winch that hangs from the ceiling of the barn. englishman colin peter furse, he is
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a millionaire blogger and so-called mole who spent 2 years digging a 12 m long tunnel under his garden. he looks simply huge, but this is only a quarter of the planned volume, we need to go in this direction three times more than what we just did, it will be huge.
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there were a lot of interesting offers, tempting, yes, yes, however, you can make money by digging tunnels quite legally, for laying communications, tunnels of different diameters are made, and for some private household needs, tunnels are made, well, as many as a linear meter, as many as possible in clay , linear meter from 20,000 in clay, on sand more expensive, for sand it is more expensive, for sand it will be from 40,000, and accordingly, if the groundwater has gone, then this will also be a completely different price, a place for our first one... asker helped us find it in the city of oksai, rostov region. we carry out excavation work with three types of sapper shovels in the mukhina balka area. digging tunnels is not at all
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easy. it all depends on the soil. clay , depending on this, you will need to use different methods, in this case we have soil, clay and we are vertically raking, if you just hit with a shovel, it will take a long time and it’s hard, this is a shovel that makes such a narrow tunnel, with nozzles screwed in, up to 5 m you can cut a window like this, we often use this in another room, we need to find out what’s going on. there is no access to it, we punch holes, then, when we reach the wall, we stick a drill, drill it, stick a video camera in here and look, this method will be useful for treasure hunters, this method, when we cut off the soil on the sides to the area we need, greatly simplifies the process itself digging, if the soil is poured, then our tunnel will have to
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strengthen, install formwork, all soils have different densities, experienced... they cannot but know this, first of all, this is a matter of safety and these rules cannot be neglected, otherwise you may not dig a tunnel, but your own grave, i have a teacher in this work vladimir, a wall of something came down on him, clay, clay, yes, the ground collapsed, yes, the soil collapsed, and he was buried, and he died, he was buried, but he, unfortunately, died, they didn’t have time to pull him out, i completely understand the appeal of home tunneling because it seems very cool to dig create a tunnel at home. secret space yourself, but, but, and this is huge, but it is absolutely clear that those who are trying to make such a hobby popular are behaving irresponsibly, diy construction is dangerous and can lead to fatalities. this is the famous aksai bunker built during the great patriotic war, it is an entire underground city with intersections with streets, presumably
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the length of its tunnels is more than 10 km. the aksai bunker and the whole system of branched tunnels are just an example of what capable of human hands. there were no special specialized equipment. this is only if the majority have adapted something; the bulk of the work is done manually. this is also all in shell rock. these tunnels were built not even by hundreds, but by thousands of people in a short time in preparation for the defense of the city. we have already walked a kilometer, look, it is endless, this is an endless tunnel, endless. in addition, there are crossings every 200-300 m. other tunnels, well, in the gas sector there is something similar, what do you think? i think, yes, they are tunnels, in principle, they have the same properties as tunnels, if this was done during military operations, these are like protective structures, so these are not fictions, these are not fairy tales, that in hamas there are such, the entire tunnel is made of reinforced concrete steel, you can see how wide and deep it is, even a car can drive here
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, the israeli authorities say that these tunnels were needed not only to attack israel,
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but something else, oh, i don’t know, i strictly speaking, there is no satisfaction got, except fatigue , you don’t feel anything, well, you haven’t gotten the hang of it yet, yes , you need to dig into everything more often, and it seems that this, at least without an engineering education, is not worth repeating, but even if you are like millions around the world decided to take up a bayonet shovel, the main thing to remember is that this, at first glance, harmless hobby can end in death. alexey semakhin, evgenia dericheva, polina terikhova, igor kirillov, denis gerasimov and denisa anikin, central television. alexey semakhin, it seems to me equally good looks good with a microphone and a shovel, well , everything suits our daredevil, as they say. yes, but let's get back to more serious topics. elon musk called for an early cessation of hostilities in ukraine. well, i probably
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also watched putin’s interview, which, by the way, was published. musk-owned social network x. the quote is accurate. yes, vadim, that’s what musk wrote verbatim on his former twitter, it’s time to stop this meat grinder, this should have been done more. a year ago, this is how he responded to a video where joe biden said that if congress does not support ukraine, then this can be equated to criminal negligence. but about biden , another russian proverb comes to mind, like spelled and spelled. well, right now, let's take a very short break, that's what we'll talk about next, don't switch. stay with us. peasants against the greens, having played with the green agenda, the european union authorities brought european farmers to revolt. so what now? will the navilas really raise the green icon? olympics on steroids, eccentric american billionaire organizes alternative olympics, in which athletes can use as much doping as they can, and
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that it was possible, what athletes and coaches who have already been caught doping think about it, only on central television, a sensational revelation of those whom the world of modern sports has made outcasts, as well as special guests of the program who filmed a series about the soviet... gdr, is it really about vladimir putin? but, before we continue, some important information on another topic. over the past 6 years, the number of russian companies on the global market has increased by 57%. the national project international cooperation and export played an important role in this achievement, because the digital platform created thanks to the national project is mine. export is the shortest route to world markets. over the 3 years of operation of the my export digital platform, the number of companies registered on it has increased 10 times, from 2,500, these are the numbers,
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to 26,000. when the platform first started operating, 14 services were available to users. today their number exceeds 120. a national project that is being implemented according to the decision. the president comprehensively supports business at every stage when exporting, from receiving consulting and financial support to assistance in finding new markets and partners. here, by the way, are a few more figures: non-resource exports supported by the russian export center for 9 months of last year exceeded 990 billion rubles, and this is 85% more than in the year before last. exports are growing primarily because russian enterprises quickly refocused on working with friendly countries, and support for
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the national project international cooperation and export helps our business develop trade with foreign partners. well, right now we ’ll take a break for just a couple of minutes, we’ll be back live soon. stay with us! israeli citizen sobchak, who has long crossed all boundaries. i am not going to get israeli citizenship or anything else. friends, you can't wait. how sweet was she to the banderaites on the maidan? what a sweetie, she was preparing alternate airfields for herself in israel, indonesia and the emirates. i received my passport when the world around me began to collapse and it became clear that i needed to protect myself from this. how did she take away other people's husbands? where were you? shryala? walked, a jar with spiders, where everyone slept with each other, how she later took revenge on her rivals, she threw me off the stairs and the appearance that sucks all the blood out of you, and to whose oak she
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cherkizovo farms are cosmically delicious, cherkizovo! sometimes it seems to us that everything should happen at once, but great success comes to those who themselves move towards it. we will not make your child the second clematis, but with us he will receive an education that will reveal his potential. there is no recipe for your success. business, but there is the right ingredient for it expansion, we will not complete your main distance for you, but we will support you every kilometer of the way, we will not turn you into an internet star, but we will help you recharge with creative ideas worth a million. we will not decide to buy an apartment for you, but... we will provide
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the opportunity to choose the right one. we won't send you into space, but we will be happy to inspire a future astronaut. we will not achieve your goals for you. but we will give you everything to do it yourself. results of the week, today at 19:00 on ntv. we continue our live broadcast, this is central television. they don't subside in europe protests. last week we talked about the riot of french farmers who blocked all roads to paris with barricades of agricultural machinery. this week, as expected, the protests spread to neighboring countries. well, where is it hottest now? i hope julia will tell you. we aim at the hottest point. became spain, about a thousand farmers
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blocked roads on the border with france, and 2.0 catalan tractor drivers held a demonstration in barcelona, ​​along with them farmers from italy, germany and holland are protesting, yesterday to the european action polish farmers joined. and although the west and east of europe are in the same fever, the protesters have different demands. the spaniards, french and germans demand the abolition of new environmental standards, the poles say that you...
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are related to climate change, but the most problems for those who feed the whole of europe are caused by those whom farmers fed at their own expense, that is, green political activists who have proliferated in unimaginable numbers, who followed the lead of environmental activists and armed themselves with the so -called... for the peasants, we are sure reporter anton chichulinsky, they turned out to be worse than weed pests, especially since even the best pesticides cannot fight off this green weed.
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this is just one example that shows why farmers are rioting across europe. in recent years , a sea of ​​various kinds of prohibitions and regulations has appeared, restrictions on nitrogen emissions, red territories, and now agriculture
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is being deprived of subsidies for diesel fuel. this is germany, where protests have been going on for several weeks, and the rioters almost manages to capture his main enemy, the party leader. and the greens of robert habeck. he was returning from vacation on the ramp, but was unable to get off until police used pepper spray to disperse the protesters. i think these actions are politically incorrect. however, something else seems wrong to the rebel farmers. the truth is on the farmers' side. they have a basic right to private property, but it is being violated. this is a lawyer and political scientist from the university of hamburg bijanata vasol. he talks about... they explain it this way, it should help restoration of the natural system, someone argues that birds and all that could settle there, all this is nonsense, of course, animals will not appear there, they live in protected
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areas. it is not surprising that these days farmers are especially furiously besieging the political center of the european union, this is brussels, the european parliament, and this is an attempt by the european chairman. i propose to withdraw this project. a project to limit the use of pesticides has been assigned. according to him, european farmers would have to reduce their use by half, which of course however, it would reduce the harvest. but having won this seemingly victory, the protesters do not disperse. the main battle seems to be yet to come, perhaps not even with politicians. the apple trees were cut down.
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are under police protection, it’s just that the current government is a green government, the police understand that they should not go against activists if they want a promotion. look who is really forced to fight back against the radicals; in these footage , it is not a policeman who enters into a fight with one of them, but a nurse. no, no, never vote for the greens, they don't care about ordinary little people at all, they only want people. designers, you said, people are designers, yes, yes, yes, perhaps the irish farmer is referring to such actions as the recent attack by radical greens in the louvre, on its main pearl, the mona lisa, which was doused with pumpkin soup like that. it seems these people no longer respect anyone, not even leonardo davinci. like
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any fanatics, they are sure that the end justifies the means, especially something like saving the world. from climate catastrophe, it’s just that it seems that their actions have only had the opposite effect for a long time, and society is beginning to hate not at all junk food and not the glorified carbon footprint, but the eco-activists themselves, especially, of course, their living symbol greta thunberg, with whose appearance eco-protest has risen to new level. so vosla was arrested, in malmo, in her native sweden, and just recently in london, where she protested against the oil workers’ conference and refused.
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frightened by the angry farmers, they will decide to betray their stockholm maiden, whose green ideas they all this time they have been building into their new agenda, greta, like jeanne, of course, awaits the fire of the inquisition. this study, published at the university of leipzig, at the height of the protests, hints that they are already starting to prepare firewood for people like her. research has examined the connections between environmental activism, dark triad traits, maquivalism, psychopathy,
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narcissism, and left-wing authoritarianism. however , it seems that environmental activists do not really feel this moment, otherwise how to explain the fact that when the farmers' revolt in brussels gained turns, the greens decided to join him, perhaps they just like to protest so much that they are ready to protest even against themselves. antoy chichulinsky, ivan brus, yuri ribakni, in china the green dragon, the symbol of the twenty-first year according to the lunar calendar, came into its own. this is the most favorite holiday of the inhabitants
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of the middle kingdom in many respects because the longest holidays occur on the new year, as many as 15 days. and in russia they celebrate the day of the diplomatic worker. vladimir putin emphasized in a congratulatory telegram that employees of the foreign service with honor defend the interests of the country in the international arena, despite difficulties and challenges. and today the most massive sports event started.
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now the doped runner is not a crook, but an improved athlete, proud of his
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status; this is exactly the kind of revolution in consciousness that the organizers of the olympics want to achieve on steroids. a marathon in 90 minutes, a long jump of 15 m, all this will soon be possible at the doping olympics. this sounds like a joke, but no, the olympics on android will actually take place, and no vada can interfere, because these are commercial competitions, they are sponsored by the american billionaire peter thiel. several million dollars will be paid for a new world record. this is not a scam at all, we create equal open opportunities. cheating happens at the olympic games, where everyone is looking for a way to get around the rules, and it is much safer when drugs are taken openly, legally prescribed under the supervision of a doctor, to achieve the maximum performance of the body. australian lawyer aron is the mastermind behind the doping games, that’s him convinced an investor to invest in a risky experiment that might
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revolutionize it. mock is stuck in an archaic idea of ​​sports, it's time to forget about the greek gods and start worshiping. superheroes, you will see how world records will be erased, who will want to watch the old, slow olympic games, when you can watch modern high-speed games of improved people. the huge prize fund has done its job; more than a thousand athletes have already registered for the games, including many olympic medalists. how will all this end, let’s ask two-time olympic champion in biathlon dmitry vasiliev and a sports functionary from the capital of the summer olympic games, parisian. a business that will enter into these games , games of death, you can call them, without a doubt, and will also earn huge money, for the time being, until they are cancelled, but there are sports such as bodybuilding, yes, where there well, they practically use anabolic steroids uncontrollably, how many deaths are there, and there is
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a cycling legend, englishman tom simpson died during tur the france in 1967, terrible footage of him riding. zigzags and faints, viewers all over the world saw it live. an autopsy carried out that evening showed that tom simpson had taken a huge amount of doping. but will gaming on steroids really become the new no-holds-barred gladiatorial combat? not really, there is a rule. the organizers will pay for each participant for a full medical examination from blood tests to mri of all internal organs; only healthy people will be admitted. take drugs from the prohibited list vada. shifts will be under the supervision of a doctor and you cannot exceed the maximum permissible doses of medication, because this is dangerous. based on this data, we will conduct large-scale scientific research, we will revolutionize the field of rejuvenation and functional medicine.
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opponents of the olympics on steroids are sounding the alarm, this is the end of an era of clean sport, but ... the truth is, such an era never existed. already in ancient egypt, athletes used doping in the form of crushed donkey hoof. in the birthplace of the olympic games , greeks ate testosterone-filled meals before the competition. in lamb eggs with glucinogenic mushroom seasoning. roman gladiators took a poisonous stimulant, shaken, and gave the horses in their chariots water to drink to make them faster. athletes of the 19th century favored an energy drink called marianni wine, a mixture of bordeaux and coca leaves. doping control appeared in 1967, but athletes did not stop taking drugs, they just now competed in another discipline - pharmaceuticals. a hacker attack on the wada database showed that record holder phelps was doping legally,
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olympic champion simone biles, williams sisters, 60%. skiers in general turned out to be asthmatics, norwegian athletes are skiers, biathletes, those who most often use prohibited drugs under the plausible pretext of some mythical diseases and so on, but just think about how a sick person can, especially with such a bouquet of diseases beat healthy people and at the same time become an olympic champion, but there is another topic that wada officials do not like to talk about at all: doping sabotage, the russian rowers nikita morgachev and pavel sorin became its victims. on the day of departure for the tokyo olympics, the athletes were informed of their suspension due to a huge dose of meldonium in their samples. all the signs, in general, indicate that the drug was indeed mixed with us by an ill-wisher, and this is our teammate, so we
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, in general, well, we know who it is, there are about one and a half de... signs , which point to him, and by mid-may we had to complete a team, here is the man already in march i was kind of thinking that if he didn’t get there, then he would be there somewhere, that would mean something. he would do such a bad thing, so he even threatened one of our crew members there. a criminal case has not yet been opened against the culprit, but the russian doping agency acquitted the athletes because they passed a polygraph test, because the drug itself raises questions. it is not able to influence the results in our sport, that is, it does not affect endurance, strength, speed, or anything else. influences. the only thing is that it is prohibited and that it stays in the body for a long time, so here we have it. sold freely in pharmacies. nikita morgachev is training hard and hopes to get to the start line again. he is not considering the option of participating in doping games. but such competitions
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will still take place and will seriously compete with the olympics in paris. at least in terms of tv ratings. no one had challenged the mok sport monopoly before. what will be the outcome of this fight? tatiana broskuryakova, anastasia lunkova, oleg baranochnik, vladimir sharikin, central television. well, here’s something else i wanted to talk about today: one of the most discussed topics of the week on blogs and social networks was the first trailer for a new spy series that appeared this week, called the gdr. well, since russian tv series lately, as they say, are shooting as they should, that is, they become events that everyone is talking about, and also considering that the actions of the spy series, i emphasize, take place in a country called gdr. in the discussion under the video , the question keeps popping up: will vladimir putin appear in the series, and if so, who will play him? well, i hope we’ll find out the answer right
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now. in our studio we have film producer yuri sapronov and actors evgeny kutyanin and vitaly kovalenko. good evening, good evening. i want to tell you right away that thanks to my good relationship with ntv’s general producer and general director, i managed to watch the beginning of this series. and i’ll tell you that... this is a bomb, it’s incredible, in terms of the quality of the game, in terms of special effects, to put it mildly, it’s not inferior western analogue, not at all, it ’s just some kind of unique series that will soon be released on the ntv platform, can you briefly say without spoilers what this series is about? it’s difficult without spoilers, in general it’s such a very multi-layered story, on the one hand the story is a spy thriller inside, on the other...
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you probably haven’t seen it yet, if you haven’t gone to the cinemas, because they show it there, which is good for the russian, then death for the german . it's time to pay the bills, you personally gave me a full cartbla, what do you want, and where did you film it, because
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it is clear that there is no gdr, or this is also a secret, well , in principle, wherever we filmed, you can list a large number of cities , in fact it was berlin, and although it was supposed to be a special operation, how we worked there, and at the same time the main city of course moscow. the fact that we have a european winter, as we know, there is no european winter in russia , so we also moved around for the weather, and istanbul was still there, among other things, it distorted parts of berlin, in short, they collected the gdr, yes.
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oh, well, it’s not for me to judge, well, i really liked the process, of course, yes, the series itself i i haven’t seen it yet, and i haven’t even read the script in full, because my role is limited to two episodes, yes, the first ones, you know, our time on air is ending, i want to tell you that you are just cool guys, because the series will be , i think that it’s not just noticeable, but it will be sensational, and don’t
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miss the premiere - thank you, thank you, well, our time on the air ends here, in a few seconds, the program you won’t believe will tell, tell you why celebrities buy themselves a place in the cemetery, and even in advance. well, we i'll see you in exactly a week, on saturday at 19:00. stay with us, stay with your central television. see you later, bye!
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the dmitry zaboysty studio. we start with the fire that happened this night in talyat, where an elite hotel complex on the banks of the volga almost completely burned out. symbolic name for the heat, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, the fire covered an area of ​​more than 800 km, localization took several hours, injuries two, one man was hospitalized with combustion product poisoning, the second refused to go to the hospital. the hotel allegedly caught fire in the restaurant, the fire broke out in the nebo restaurant, which is located on the top floor and from there spread throughout the hotel complex. mayor talati said that the cause of the fire...


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