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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  February 11, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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i can’t live without work, do dreams still exist at 95? no, no, now i have only one dream , so that i can only have health, all sorts of illnesses , so that they don’t bother me, so that i can come to the theater, work and meet with the audience, at 95 the sins remain, i don’t think about them, but love, no, love i only had for, well, i love some things, i don’t like some things, i cut off some things, well, my character... i’ll tell you a secret, it’s deteriorated, i started to push through more, to notice what i used to notice, well, judging by the number of flowers, the viewer will love it, and that’s good, oh, here, there it was like that, like that, it was already withered , it was already the twenty-fifth, we played rock and roll, the audience screamed, the whole hall stood up, there were glasses, bravo, arms, legs and eyes, what’s wrong with
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you, dragonfly, where did it go? your passion, because it was there, where did it go, i give my passion to the stage, like animals in the arena, i appreciate all this, and i thank you from the bottom of my heart, this is my mood now. you can get into history, you can get stuck in history, or you can become history, one day, like tatyana lvovna peletskaya, i am sergei mayorov, see you on ntv, happily ever after.
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hello, good afternoon, this is our own game, we we continue our tournament, which is called a return to origins, today artyom goryacheev, a teacher from yaroslavl, is playing at the central gaming table. artyom will win.
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14 more games with varying success, the highest achievement is victory in one of the stages of the golden nine, thank you! marina nikolaeva, a sports journalist from the city of volzhsky, is playing at the third gaming table today. marina, tell me: i’m 31 years old, i graduated from volgograd state university with a degree in history and culture, i’m an art historian, but i haven’t worked as one for a long time, i i work at one federal...
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first round of topics: relatives, anniversary 2024, words from my wife, yellow topic, not only about fish butts. i ask you, artyom, to begin. circles for 300, he is a noble cause, she is a mark, risk, risk, right, the words of the wife 400, an auction at the very beginning of the game, we play the question with you, alexander, he is a wise bird, she is a useful device, i don’t know, eagle owl, panel , raven, funnel. alexander and his wife’s words for
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500. he is a wooden stick, she is a river in the murmansk region. in the murmansk region there is a river called kola. cola and cola. words spouses for 200. move the bags. the downside is that artyom and marina are playing against you today. who will you give it to? marina. marina. the theme is brothers. bet 500. attention to the screen. the brother of this american artist and innovator was also not a chusht inventor. invented a convenient way to print geographical maps, cerography, and published an entire atlas. jackson pollock. they died, this is sidney morse, brother of samuel morse. marina,
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yellow theme for 300. books of this genre received the nickname gialli in italy, that is, yellow. based on the color of the covers of a popular series. yellow, here is the boulevard of the capuchins, created in 1873. claude monet. further. yellow theme 500. with jaundice, the liver is not able to process this pigment. it accumulates
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in the blood, causing the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow. belirubin. yellow was this poet’s favorite color, he preferred to write letters on yellow paper, he carried a suitcase made of yellow leather, this is mayakovsky, for sure, the words of his wife over 100, he is igor, she is a book girl, regiment, shelf, that’s right, the yellow theme of the stagnation. astronomers classify the sun as a star of spectral class g, and this is the name of the throw, but not exactly, a yellow dwarf, absolutely true, in fact the sun shines more white, anniversaries 2024 for 300, although in the bag 300 for artyom minus 300 for
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marina 800 for you, marina, marina, the theme is moscow transport, rate. well, 500. attention to the screen. here are four types of transport. which one appeared in moscow earlier than the others? well, the first one, let's say. tram, of course. the first tram appeared in moscow in 1899. anniversary 2024 for 200. in 1824, this immortal russian comedy was completed. woe from the mind. further. jubilee 2024 for 400. in the russian chronicle, this city was first mentioned in the description of the revolt of the magi in 1024. well,
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to be honest, they look like astrakhon. no, that's not true. this is suzdol further anniversary 2024 for 500 on january 8, 1824 this writer, the author of the woman in white and the founder of the english detective story, was born, ilka collins, bravo, anniversary 2024 for 100, 450 years ago his alphabet saw the light. lomanosov, no, ivan fedorov, right, not only about fish over 400. striped coral cat sharks do not grow to half a meter, so they hide from
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there are no larger predators inside these invertebrates, in corals. in the sponges further not only fish 200, odysseus fell at the hands of his own son telegon.
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at the premiere of the play the cherry orchard at the moscow art theater on january 17, 1904 , ranevskaya was played by olga kniper chekhova, right please radnya is over 300. he belonged to the same scottish family as the russian admirals samuel and alexey greig; his great-grandfather also moved to norway. grich, edward. that's right, relatives for 400, auction
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500 from artyom, 1,700 from you, minus 700 from marina, bet 700, let’s play, in soviet times olga dmitrievna published several books and one and a half hundred articles about her uncle, you name it. her last name is fat olga dmitrievna ulyanova, oh, the daughter of dmitry ulyanov, lenin’s younger brother, so not only about fish 100, already...
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the head of the center for the study of the south pacific region, the institute of oriental studies, not only a cousin, great-great-grandson, but... when this poet was asked on his eightieth birthday whether it was true that his best poems
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were actually written by hamzad tsadasa, he replied: it’s true, my father still gives them to me writes. rasul gamzatov? that’s right, his father, gamzat tsedasa, was the people’s poet of dagestan, a prize winner and so on. gardens for 400, to the prison.
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summer garden in st. petersburg. is considered a branch of this museum, the hermitage, no, the russian museum then, the state russian museum, that’s right, this was the last question of the first round, i’ll sum it up: minus 500 for marina, 400 for artyom, 2,900 for alexander, the second round is ahead, when we congratulations to
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dad and wife on the holiday, they are turning from loved ones into unnecessary ones, no need. not necessary, well, or not necessary, but i still need it, thank you, mozber, thank you, what is needed, this is how we become loved again, it’s nice to receive thanks and a bonus inper thank you for caring about your loved ones, megamarket, it ’s profitable to please, taking in hand a profit debit card, you will immediately open up all the possibilities of incredibly profitable conditions, a high percentage on...
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my favorite photographer tas comrade of the kgb, photo, perestroika, indrid klia, you need access to the archive mines in statzi, the marcus wolf archive, we know what do you know where he is we should be first, are we going to make a movie, about spies, about love, you russians are such romantics, i just want to know what ’s needed with me, he’s on a mission, today they tried to blow up the minister’s smuggling. and tomorrow they will blow up the wall, sasha ustazi, seriously in trouble, maybe someone leaked from the embassy, ​​sasha, we have an informer, the main premiere of the year, in our business there cannot be half friends, a
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half friend is an enemy, gdr, coming soon ntv. i feel good about these guys. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. one my friend has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video. how high is the speed anyway? what kind of coverage is wide? where are we going, where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can even pick it up there. mobile operator number one in terms of speed coverage. tea richard, a true masterpiece fit for a king. unmatched. ya or richard, both of you, richard, royal tea.
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two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers. a smart choice is when you compare offers for a product directly in yandex search, one of my friends can do everything, well, what can you do, and i get gigabytes from the megaphone just like that, naked charisma, the megaphone cares about its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month. mask: new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, why does the body fail? can these harmful changes be stopped? can. our body has a main computer - the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is the electrical system consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which
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electrical signals constantly flow. with age , changes occur in the brain, brain cells age and... scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azektinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 names. this is how a product from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. extend the youth of your brain. 800 100 exactly 19 85 800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement. mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year
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, a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy. it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging is possible reverse. and he will again serve you faithfully. prolong your youth. your brain 8800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product mozg therapy the stars aligned today in 2020 on ntv. new season. new costumes. new stars, who are you? mask? mask february 18
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at 20:20 on ntv. this is our own game, we are in the studio, we are playing the second round. this is his topic. the wanderers. a movie is being filmed, basketball, buildings and structures, questions from and coffee, marina, go ahead, a movie is being made for 600. james cameron shot the finale of this film on in a real factory, the role of molten metal was played by an illuminated slurry of oil and syrup, and the sweat on their faces was replaced by water from a spray bottle.
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peredvizhniki for 600. in türikhi he studied painting with animal painter rudolf koller, so he could draw animals himself. shishkin, quite rightly, it is generally accepted that the bears in the painting morning in a pine forest were painted by the artist sovetsky, but art historians have a version that shishkin still painted them himself. peredvizhniki for 800. kotmeshka. 4,300 for you, 400 for artyom, 100 for marina, marina, marina, thank you, topic under sim stone, bet 200, attention to the screen,
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frederick ii issued 15 decrees on the distribution of this vegetable, now it is brought to the grave of the monarch, well, i don’t have a version, well, let it be carrots, oh, let’s see what’s there, potatoes, of course , marina, a movie is being filmed. because of the heat and monotonous ride, evgeniy vstegneev fell asleep on the camel and did not hear the director’s commands. mikhail swiss was seriously scared, had something happened? name the movie. golden calf. absolutely right. evgeny vstegneev played the korean. the wanderers for a thousand. his girl, illuminated by the sun for 300 rubles. bought by pavel tretyakov. to the rescue.
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the movie is being filmed for 400 starts of the magic carpet in this film, fairy tales from 1956 were filmed on the roof of the moscow beijing hotel, the magic lamp ladin, no khatabych, that's right, we'll finish the game. a movie is made for 200. for one of the solaris scenes, andrei torkovsky suspended a boom with actors from a spare camera crane to simulate this state. weightlessness? yes. let's see who the questions are from today. hello, i'm iveta rogova, soloist of the art group saprano turetsky. a native of st. petersburg. i play the violin, sing, and compose. in general, i live, it’s interesting that today’s questions will be about the famous soprano singers. questions from ivetta rogova for 600. great italian singer.
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adelina patti was this composer's favorite vocalist. in his operas, she sang at the table of violeta in la traviata, gilda in regaletta, leonora in troubodour. who is this composer? joseppa vezhdi. right. questions from ivetta rogova for 800. the repertoire of this american singer of greek origin, one of the greatest singers of the 10th century, included more 50 opera parts. point guard irwin afey johnson jr. became famous under this nickname, and this is not magic johnson, this is him, questions from yvette rogova for a thousand.
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australian-british singer joana has a unique voice. to this theater, where, according to opera conductor boris pokrovsky, it became a trump card. name this theater. well, let marinsky, no. big, right. question and answer for 200. this famous spanish-french singer and composer, mezzo soprano winner, was the author of romances and comic operas based on the elements libretta by ivan sergeevich turgenev. name
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it. peredvizhniki for 400. arkhib kuinzhi was friends with this great chemist. they even claimed that he helped kuinzhe mix special luminous paints. mendeleev. peredvizhniki over 200. vasily polenov did not like this time of year. everything is out of whack. summer is full of greenery , probably right, basketball 800, if a player scores exactly that many points in a match, in four statistical indicators at once, they say that he has made a quadruple double, in my opinion there are five, no, maybe so? 10,
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for example, points, rebounds, assists and steals are very rare. basketball, this famous center was the first soviet basketball player to be inducted into the basketball hall of fame in springfield in 1993. uriana semenova. right. coffee for 600 auction zero from artyom 1.100 from marina 8900 from you 1.200 we play voltaire drank several dozen cups of coffee a day, in response to fears all his life he answered: if coffee is poison, then it’s just like that, probably
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slow. august, right, arch of emperor augustus, coffee for 200. short snack at conferences and at seminars they call it that way, although drinking tea during it is not forbidden. right.
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coffee for a thousand. the first in the world was installed in 1991 in one of the cambridge laboratories. showed programmers throughout the building whether the coffee machine had run out of coffee, this is a webcam, bravo, these are the frames that were transmitted to the computers of users who saw that there was no point in walking through the entire building if the coffee had run out, basketball 400, the name of this russian basketball club, abbreviation of words: university, culture, sport. unix, that's right. building and structure for 800. the dubai frame , 150 m high, represents the window between the modern old city. the lower tier
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houses both a video exhibition about the future of the emirate and this institution. well, maybe, what about a museum? museum of history, absolutely right. basketball over 200 in 1964, american bill bradley won olympic gold, a year later , as part of a club from milan , he won the european cup, and 5 years later he won this title, world champion, no, let there be an nba champion then. this is the correct answer. he won the title with new york knicks. there are only two holders of all these titles in history, the building and structure cost 200, this parisian basilica took almost 40 years to build, one of its attractions is the largest
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bell in france, weighing almost 19 tons. absolutely right, and the building costs 100. recently, at the shartazh station, within the boundaries of this ural city with a million population, the first capsule station in russia was built, the building is completely autonomously assembled according to the principle of a designer, chelyabinsk, no, this is yekaterinburg, that’s right marina. i sum it up: -400 to artyom’s score, 3.5 to marina’s, 11:100 for alexander, the third round is ahead. the rich taste of princess nuri tea gives
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warmth and warms hearts, uniting the whole family. tea princess nuri - the magic of heat. israeli citizen sobchak, who has long crossed all boundaries. i'm not going to get a non- israeli one. citizenship, no other , friends, you can’t wait, how sweet she was for bandera’s supporters on the maidan, what a sweetie, and prepared for herself alternate airfields in israel, indonesia and the emirates, i received a passport when the world around me began to collapse and it became it’s clear that i need to protect myself from this , how she took other people’s husbands away, where were you, walking, bitch, a jar of spiders, where everyone slept with each other, how she later took revenge on her rivals, she threw me down the stairs, leech , which sucks all the blood out of you, on whose tune she now dances ours, i can’t say that, sobchak will answer everyone for everything, today at 6 pm on ntv, mask, new
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season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. taufon was created for food, restoration of youth preservation. it is recommended to use the eye daily for 3 months. touphone is now in new packaging, especially for course use. the azonbank card is beneficial to everyone. and especially for those who like to save and receive interest on their deposits. it's easy to save with ozone bank. contribution up to 16% per annum. if hemorrhoids, three active components of hepotrombing at once relieve pain for two times. on three the court is capable of action immediately after using hepotrombin g. treatment of hemorrhoids on 1 2 3 one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool video, how high is the speed, and what is the wide coverage? where does this
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go, where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can even pick it up there. mobile operator number one in terms of speed coverage. swelson you can fall asleep in 20 minutes and sleep soundly at night so that you can enter the new day full of strength and energy to fall asleep. this is a great sale on ozone, hurry up to please, the benefits are delightful, don’t miss it, hartens tv for 12.999, heltek cream for 699, desk for 1.699, aqualor ocean water energy with new duo rotary nozzle, shower mode for moisturizing protection against viruses, rotate the nozzle to change the type of spray, jet mode helps in treating a severe runny nose, aqualor breathe the energy of the ocean, yura and i decided on gifts, and you son wants a radio-controlled car, and maxim is smart .
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the ozonbank card is beneficial for those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores; spending with ozonbank is a pleasure, a draw for 100% cashback in rubles. working in an office can be painful. arthroxicam cream - three-component composition with a modern painkiller in maximum concentration, triple action against pain and inflammation. arthroxicam for accelerated penetration into the source of pain. chef new season tomorrow at 20:00 on
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ntv. breaking the blockade ring and victory in the battle for leningrad is the most important event for our homeland. 900 days and nights. our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, together with the townspeople, fought against the fascist invaders. this is a story of heroism and invincible fortitude of those who defended our homeland. the city did not give up, despite the terrible trials. none forgot. nothing is forgotten. in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the nazi blockade, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal for every russian. the medal is absolutely free for you. you pay only 299 rubles. for delivery. preserve the memory of the heroic victory and pass it on to your children and grandchildren. call and order an anniversary medal toll-free number 800. 600 688 05
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or on the website medalallengrad.rrf. mask - new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. 1982 year, we prepare tickets, buy programs. a brutal attack on a family of actors in the astrakhan region. a real drama unfolded on the river. the husband is killed and the wife is thrown into the hole. breathing. who is to blame? it became clear that the investigation would not be easy , offended fan, she will be mine, hovering colleagues, will you cut the note, or is it all the fault of an ordinary fish, since the investigation was carried out with leonid konevsky, stop, otherwise now i’m full of salt, you won’t be able to sit for a week then, today at 17:00 on ntv. these are
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our programs in the studio, we are playing the third one round, here are its topics: knights, cities of the usa, ships and ships, white and white, what is on our heads and apples, questions on the topic of the city of the usa are presented by the russian geographical society. artyom, the choice is yours, please. for the peculiarities of tactics in this game, ivan turgenev received the nickname “knight of the elephant” from his parisian rivals. chess? quite right, he skillfully played with bishops. us cities 600. this city is nicknamed the american paris, and its old part is known as the french quarter. new erlian. further. white white for 900. in the early
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in medieval sources, this city sometimes appears under the latin name alba bulgarica. white bulgarian. belgrade. belgrade used to be part of the first bulgarian kingdom. white white for 600. auction. name is karl johan, in honor of king charles 14, a native of france, who introduced him to swedish cuisine. perhaps white bread? no, white mushroom. alexander. white was over 300. on
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this peninsula there is a white volcano and a white hill. kamchatka. right. knights 300 in 1306, the residence of the master of this knightly order became the temple temple in paris, not for long. a year later, the king arrested the top of the order and staged a show trial that we have 600 on our heads
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. it looks like french, something is right, please, knights 900, during this infrequent ceremony, the knight’s shield with the coat of arms was broken by the singing of psalms, well, it’s like deprivation knighthood, yes knights 1200 in 1530.
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the boat that decorates the coast in valencia actually represents just that. well, it looks like a fountain. let's look at the second photo. yes, it's a fountain. us cities - 900. statisticians counted 97 cities in the us with this title. it’s as if they weren’t destroyed in antiquity. three. right.
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institute of oceanology, that we have 900 on our heads, you will have to give the question to whom? marina.
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thank you. marina, the theme is a dog's life, the rate is one and a half, this monument is installed at the junction station of the october railway, a fragment of which poem adorns the paste? well , i can’t think of anything better than to give jim happiness a paw to me, marshak’s luggage, the lady checked in a sofa, a suitcase, a suitcase as luggage, however, during the journey.
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this is kustodiev, boris kustodiev, painting called on the terrace, which is on our head for 300, if you press the paws of a funny fur hat, this is exactly what will happen. apples 900. kosha, eat an apple, you’ll become young, baba iga tells him in alexander row’s film, fire, water and copper pipes. koschei the deathless. right. vessels and ships - 1,200. the spanish galion noestra signora de atoccia, withdrew from the sport of havana on september 4, 1622. 2 days later it sank off this peninsula, they are looking for jewelry at the bottom even today, florida,
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that’s right, 1200 apples, on a jewish holiday new year's eve auchan, apples are dipped in this so that the coming year will be sweet, perhaps honey, next. 300 apples for his parks, he ordered the best foreign apple trees; for peterhofa alone in 1721 , more than thirty varieties arrived from hamburg. peter ii. right. white white 1200. according to legend, during the siege of acre, duke leopold's white cloak was covered in blood.
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thermapylae, one of the fastest tea clippers in history. possibly leonid.
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this king was depicted by the figurehead of the ship. quite right, the hero of the battle of thermopiles. us cities over 300. this city grew out of the mission of st. francis, founded by the spanish in 1776. san francisco? you're right? and what do we have on our heads for 1500? here's the auction. what do you say, alexander igorevich? 6300. let's play. in the play "crazy day or marrying a bagaro", for the main character performed by andrei mironov, this is not on the strength, unlike the others.
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not ready, get ready, ready to reach the stars , ready to melt the ice, ready to rise above everyone else , ready to go down in history, ready to endure, ready to win, are you ready for real hockey, fonn bet khl championship, at someone else’s expense, it’s hard to pay, but i have a pension. i am a disabled person of the first group, a cry from the heart, this is not just me. in st. petersburg, residents of an apartment building are forced to pay utilities for neighbors
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who have opened a mining farm in the apartment. an apartment with mining eats a month. mask new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. this is a rainbow sale show on ozone. longboard. did you guess right? yes. apple. and for you a tie with notes. oh, childhood dream. please
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nazon sale. hurry up! gaming laptop for 59,999, candy step for 369, motor oil for 1.399, alyon, let me help, thank you, but you have a whole cashback package here, i’m not sure, banks have so many conditions, legal, alyon with a free debit card in the bank, 10% cashback on everything. smartphone, top grill, and also top choice, this is the same smartphone, top top quality, discounts up to 50%. honor x7v smartphone for only 18,999 in empio and eldorado, when we congratulate dad and zhenya on
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the holiday, they turn from favorites into unloved ones. i need it, but i need it, well , or i don’t need it, but i still need it, thank you, osber, thank you, that’s what i need, so here we go again we become loved, it’s nice to receive thanks and bonuses, thank you for taking care of your loved ones, megamarket, it’s profitable to please, one friend of mine can do everything, fix a car with her bare hands, deal with frags with her bare feet, well, what can you do? and i get gigabytes from megaphone just like that, naked charisma, megaphone takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gigabytes every month, only for megaphone subscribers. playite is an unusual service that allows you to pay in installments. you don't need to apply for a new card to look for a list of stores. plight is available everywhere. pays the price in six pieces and
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works with any bank card. and interest rates. no, go to pla, this is a happy sale on ozone, hurry up, benefit from the east, product of the week philips trimmer for 2699 mask, new season from february 18 at 20:20 on ntv. attention, notice from the imperial mint, in all times, especially in the most difficult, faith helps to live, because we so need... the imperial mint is proud to present an illuminated medal in honor of st. nicholas the wonderworker. order a medal
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of the patron saint nicholas the wonderworker. the medal is absolutely for you. free of charge, subject to postage payment of 299 rubles. call the number provided or order on the website holychutvorets.rf. the medal is plated with pure silver and made in the highest quality of coinage. call now. the call is free. chief new season. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. final round: wealth comes not from the money you earn, but from the money you save, as bodo schaefer said, with the profit card from uralsip bank, you can not only save your capital, but also increase it, benefit from a high percentage on your balance, cashback
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up to 3% on purchases. order a profit card online. and it will be delivered to you free of charge the next day. topics of the final round: what's inside, physics, initials, tails, travel, devices, sweet life. have you chosen an initials theme? here's a question: contemporary composer vladimir kabekin's opera,
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nfb, is based on this famous russian novel. time! time has expired, answer to marina. war and peace, but why sf? i couldn't think of anything better. bid. 390. thank you. artyom's answer. brothers
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karamazov. wrong. bid. 4.300. alexander igorevich, i paid attention to this, gave an answer immediately after... i asked the question, what kind of answer is this? idiot, why nf? nastasya filippovna, barashkova? bravo, this is the correct answer. the sf opera is based on the novel idiot. alexander, a writer from kaluga, wins our game today. for participation , the game is a game. alexander, in the next game you will play at the central gaming table. dear friends, thank you very much for your attention, all the best, see you, bye.
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british doctors go on strike, and patients suffer due to the inability to get to a doctor. little tamiri suffers from a serious illness, we can help her, she really hopes for us. lobrodom, a resident of crimea , organized shelters for animals from the special operation zone. about the main thing for this minute in the ilyarovtsev studio, hello. let's start the message from the nwo zone. russian troops whitewashed 19 ukrainian armed forces per day. this was stated by the ministry of defense. aviation, artillery and missile forces destroyed the concentration of living forces and equipment in 119 regions. there is also a warehouse.


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