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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 12, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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there was a conflict with the enemy, israel launched a massive attack on the gaza strip, the death toll exceeded a hundred. give us a piece of ukraine. sergei khaloshevsky about how far-right politicians in poland, hungary and romania dream of dividing the neighboring country. polish farmers began to destroy trucks with ukrainian grain. and the protesters won’t stop there, what they will do today. and also where joe biden disappeared the day before. important event in the usa. how
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can biden resist putin if he can't even handle gluten? tame the nursery cruelty in the state duma prepared amendments to the law on education. svetlana gordeeva found out how it is proposed to combat bullying. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhseleva. last night the army.
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reported the bombing of residential buildings in the area where the organization's headquarters are located. as the tshal reported, the massive attack resulted in the release of two hostages, aged 60 and 70. information that israel is preparing a military operation in rafah appeared last week. benjamin's solution netanyahu was criticized in cairo, where they emphasized that rafah is the only open checkpoint between israel and egypt, through which evacuations and deliveries are carried out.
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artillerymen of the southern military district disrupted the rotation of ukrainian troops in the zaporozhye direction of the special operation. our military noticed an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to renew its personnel with the help of aerial reconnaissance. the coordinates of the targets were received by the calculation of multiple launch rocket systems. the crew of the nomadic tornado-g crew carried out strikes on the enemy. range firing range of 40 km, it is equipped with an optimized control system, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the execution of the fire mission, that is , the time to open fire on a target at a prepared and unprepared firing position is significantly reduced, in the area of ​​1040 square meters it covers a package if these are armored targets , then 860 km. at the forefront of defense.
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and the location of the enemy group was reported by reconnaissance, which also confirmed the liquidation of the target. russia requested a meeting of the un security council on the situation in ukraine, it is expected to take place today on the anniversary of the signing of the minsk agreements. the parties agreed on the document back in 1915; according to diplomats, moscow will remind its colleague at the un meeting. about
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the historical chance for a peaceful solution to the crisis that the kiev regime and its sponsors missed. the actions of western countries, due to which the council of ministers was unable to prevent the crisis, will also be discussed at the meeting.
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politics made a lot of noise. the author noted that at a time when the european union is torn apart by contradictions, the former countries of the warsaw treaties unexpectedly found ground for unity, and this is the division of ukraine. as slobodan samardzija says, against the backdrop of the expected defeat of kiev, poland, slovakia, hungary, romania are ready, in accordance with their historical interests, to bite off a piece of the former soviet republic. the conversation about the division of ukraine started almost from the very beginning.
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held by neighbors, the croats in the advance publication asked the question that if ukraine loses, will it only lose the south and southeast, which have already gone to russia. in fact, in countries neighboring ukraine there will definitely be those who could greedily grab hold of some part of ukraine and appropriate it for themselves. if ukraine were on its last legs, many would flock to it to profit. such a development of events is not difficult to imagine, given the speed with which authority is falling. international law. why do all this talk about the future division of ukraine, which its neighbors are so keen on, worry the serbs themselves? yes, because the entire modern history of serbia is a continuous division of territories, starting with the former yugoslavia, which collapsed after the balkan war by nato bombing, ending with the current
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attempts from the west to take power from serbia and kosovo. so far , in hungary, for example, ruling politicians are afraid to speak out loud about the future division of ukraine, although they emphasize that they are concerned about the fate of the western regions. where 150,000 ethnic hungarians live, but far-right parties do not hesitate to declare that they see these lands as their own. if ukraine ceases to exist as a state as a result of the war, at the moment this is quite possible, then taking this opportunity, i would like to declare: we are the only hungarian parliamentary party that lays claim to transcarpathia. romanians are not against grabbing a piece of the weakening ukrainian state, at least, the leaders of right-wing parties say that...
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polish farmers, against the background of the inaction of the authorities , began to get rid of ukrainian grain on their own. farmers opened several trucks with wheat and poured the contents onto the highways. at the same time, today demonstrators
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plan to expand the blockade of the polish-ukrainian border. they overlap routes leading to checkpoints erect barricades of tires and earth on the roads. people are demanding that benefits be cancelled. it is unclear whether he will be able to attend. at the beginning of this year, the pentagon chief was already
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hospitalized for oncology, then the generals’ hospitalization turned into a scandal. he did not report his health problems to either the white house or congress, and his deputy was on vacation at the time of his hospitalization. the us political elite was outraged that the country's military department was essentially left without a leader. calls were made even send austin to resign... once, as the pentagon said, austin still reported about his hospitalization. and at the same time , joe biden also disappeared from the public space of the united states. contrary to tradition, he did not give interviews before the final american football game, called the super bowl. the super bowl final attracts a huge audience in the united states. more than 100 million people watched it last year alone. that's why american leaders have always seized the moment to let loose.
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vladimir putin is thundering again historical facts and world history , while our president is falling apart in real time, one leader is retelling the history of his country through several centuries, and another is sniffing hair and talking to a dead man, you need to thank the media who kept the public from the truth of ajo for so long, with this is why they wrote endlessly about putin’s mysterious illnesses.
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i witnessed how they began to bully one boy, he came to me and told me that the boy was being bullied there, without cameras, in toilets, that is, there, first verbally there for the first two classes, then the damage began there, while the little boy courageously stood up for his classmate, an adult. people preferred to pretend that nothing was happening, and with irina, who was trying to protect her son’s classmate, the school director spoke disdainfully, as if through the administration, she said that he was dirty there, he was a gypsy, even though this all happened often in front of cameras , that is, before my eyes they directly kicked a boy in the hallway in the hallway, there’s a security guard, that’s all hung with cameras, but no one did anything , they put pressure on his mother that she would send him to a special school in the fourth grade, it ended like this for the boy, and then... the beaters switched to irina’s son, their parents reacted aggressively to complaints, and
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the teachers again turned away and said: well, the children will fight and make peace. there was only one way out, to transfer my son to another school, this is how an attempt to protect a child from so-called bullying or bullying, in other words, most often ends. with bullying i collided at about 15. psychologists believe that every third russian schoolchild experiences bullying, and this is not necessarily physical bullying. with such an interesting view, as an exception, this is when children begin to whisper, do not take part in the game, figuratively, ksenia ’s parents-teachers helped her survive bullying, she herself became a master. we have on average about 100-150, probably, calls a month, but these are quite long consultations, about 40 minutes per hour, most often the parents contacted, they
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we were just told such stories that the school does not pay attention to the problem of bullying , and even when parents come... and say that my child is being bullied, the school says, no, this is not bullying, it’s just your child’s fault, he needs to -behave differently. the reasons for the sudden blindness of teachers are clear , any incident greatly affects the rating of the school, which is caused by the indifference of adults, we have already seen everything more than once, these are injuries due to which a teenager ends up in the hospital, 1, 2, 3, suicide, attempts to self-reveal with offenders, which sometimes end in crime. the reason for such tragedies is partly that current legislation cannot protect children from bullying. the state duma has prepared a package of amendments to the law on education, which proposes to give an official definition of bullying and cyberbullying on the internet; they will be formulated by psychologists, sociologists and lawyers. and
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if the amendments are adopted, then teachers will not be able to avoid responsibility for bullying in their schools. if an offense has occurred. to the parents, that’s because they are parents after all are the legal representatives of the child. the family was also not spared in the amendments, they failed to cope, they raised an aggressor, you pay how much is still unknown, in some countries, for example, the fine for parents for bullying organized by their child can reach one and a half million rubles. svetlana
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gordeeva, alena antonova, natalya, ivan ozerov and vladislav kulachikhin, ntv. today it became known that the fsb conducted searches at the central office of the federal air transport agency and opened several criminal cases. further business news with us marina piminova. marina, here is there any information about what all this could be connected with? reportedly, employees of the federal air transport agency are accused of allowing planes and helicopters to illegally end up abroad. the fsb conducted searches at the central office of the federal air transport agency, which resulted in two criminal cases. the newspaper writes about this , citing sources. clarify: the essence of the accusations is that after february 22, 59 il-76 aircraft and mi-8 helicopters were, according to the security forces, illegally removed from russian jurisdiction. again, according to news sources, some of these aircraft ended up in so -called unfriendly countries, and some quotes were used to provide military assistance to ukraine. as reported , criminal cases under the article of negligence
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were initiated against the deputy head of the department of state registration of civil aircraft, the rights of transactions with them, peter. kozyrev, acting head of the flight safety inspection department kristina bevalina, as well as against her former deputy anna zhiltsova, who was fired from the federal air transport agency last summer. also sources news reports say that this story about planes and helicopters taken abroad was the main reason for the dismissal in september last year of the head of the federal air transport agency , alexander neratko, who headed the department for 14 years. the russian stock market starts the week with barely noticeable growth. according to alor broker analysts, the correction that emerged on friday did not develop. the main event of this week is the friday meeting of the russian central bank , most analysts believe that for the first time since june last year the key rate will not rise will remain unchanged. the ruble retreats , dollar 91.08, euro 98.29. the number of cameras, photos and
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video recordings on the roads last year increased by 8.5%. the data from the ministry of internal affairs is provided by a businessman. at the same time, the number of fines that he issued. the federal bailiff service reminded that some procedural decisions are now made automatically with the help of artificial intelligence. he initiates proceedings himself, sends requests to banks, and after collecting the money, closes the case. as a systems expert says photo-video recording of violations grigory shukhman, the number of recorded violations is growing not so much due to the increase in the number of cameras, but due to the expansion of the number of controlled violations. more and more regions are introducing control over the use of seat belts and phones by drivers, while the assessment of these offenses is subjective and fines are difficult to appeal. that's all for me, yes marina, thank you, it was marina pimenova with an economic review. in st. petersburg , the results of the project to convert boiler houses from
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coal, fuel oil and diesel for gas and electric boilers. this was done on behalf of the president. thanks to new equipment, emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere have been reduced tenfold. the results of the modernization were assessed by nikolai bulkin. a cart with a coal shovel is already. in the past, mikhail was a fireman in a coal boiler house, but now he is a gas operator, there have been significant changes for the better in his work, physically it has become easier, the process is moving forward, progress. mikhail used to throw coal into the boilers every half hour in cold weather, but now he calmly monitors the automation. there is still a lot of soot in this former boiler house, but the boilers into which coal was thrown with shovels have already been dismantled; up to 2 tons of coal per day were required. so it was, so it became, now there are two street minis. the heating system is smaller in size, but the efficiency and environmental friendliness are much higher. such mini-heating stations are now all over st. petersburg, but some coal
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boiler houses are converted to gas differently. this is what the firehouse looked like in the village of lisenos a few months ago, a pile of coal, worn-out equipment covered in soot. now renovated building, bright room with domestically produced gas boilers. new equipment, cleanliness, light. employees of the fuel energy company passed. after the modernization and reconstruction of the boiler room took place, the clinic actually became warmer.
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the last 22 city coal boilers were recently converted and eventually completely abandoned fuel oil, coal and diesel. the governor of st. petersburg reported this to the president of the country. the project related to energy and ecology was a priority for the city. st. petersburg, yes, the northern capital, megapolis, on manchet they work for some more. others, we have fulfilled your instructions, all absolutely city boiler houses have been transferred to other sources. a small room at the construction site of the local administration building in the village of pargalovo, a former coal-fired diesel boiler house. here they switched to electric boilers, another environmentally friendly option. in this case, the equipment automatically supplies heat to the building depending on the weather outside. the modernization program was completed ahead of schedule. the company sent more than billion rubles of own funds is one of...
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that's it, don't go on vacation, but i won in tickermani, it's all for plus points. lisa, bought a chiiken example at a tasty point, scanned the code into the application and won a million yandexplus points, believe it or not, a million points and millions of others. energy of ocean water aqualor with a new rotary nozzle duo. arc mode for moisturizing virus protection. rotate
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the nozzle to change spray pattern. the jet mode helps treat a severe runny nose. aqualor, breathe the energy of the ocean. hm, she smiled, which means she recognized it. he smiled, which means he was real. hmm, they love, remember, appreciate, truly. psb is a bank for the present. i don't have to experience irritability and sudden mood swings. during the day i take ten. tenaten does not cause drowsiness. tenaten. helps cope with anxiety, don’t get caught up in anxiety, take ten-ten during the day. maxim quickly realized that he was too hasty in buying an electric guitar. fine.
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we didn’t come up with the idea of ​​using the best milk, putting cheese on bread, frying it, cutting it, grating it and melting it. we didn't invent cheese, but we we came up with cheesebogatov, our own cheese, a natural rich taste, we don’t repeat it, we create our own cheesebogatov, our cheese. the day has gone wrong, everything is annoying, there is no strength to start the day, i am a prospect, and i am a fairy of a wonderful day. i give you a wonderful day, my strength is returning , it’s a wonderful day again, a new drug for your activity, prospects, there is strength to live and enjoy every day, for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the gate in the garage, this is how dad plays, this dad has everything in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance, replenish only one, all the rest will be pay automatically, conveniently! indian
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pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia. recommended for children. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we are continuing the release. hundreds of mariupol residents have already been able to receive help at the new medical center. the hospital was built by order of vladimir putin, it only became operational at the end of january, and so that people could become better acquainted with the capabilities of the center, they organized it there. open day . free consultations were conducted by the best doctors of various profiles. with doctors and vladimir bogomolov spoke with patients. your condition requires that the issue be resolved only surgically. after consultation , the patient is immediately referred for knee replacement surgery. the fmba clinic has just opened its doors and held its first open day. there's a buzz at the register. hundreds of mariupol residents came to the reception. the center
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is very good compared to that. as a gift, i heard that this is the center even for four new regions, now there will be people here mariupol there was nothing, i think it ’s worth coming, i’m very glad that this is in in mariupol, we have an x-ray transparent table that allows you to perform any x-ray examination directly on the table while the patient is undergoing intraoperative surgery, this operating room is called hybrid, here you can combine open surgical interventions with minimally invasive ones, with this approach two groups of doctors work with one patient at once , the equipment in the clinic is modern , made in russia and belarus, thanks to the presence of these operating rooms, all high-tech medical care is provided to residents of mariupol, donetsk republics and also other regions can receive money here directly, that is, they will not have to visit moscow and st. petersburg there, as was the case before and other federal centers there, all this is possible here. in this hospital there are only one or two-bed rooms, the conditions are comfortable, but moreover
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, each section is equipped with its own...
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it was also blown up, for 2.5 hours we lay, bleeding, we lay in one place, it was impossible to move, everything was mined , by command, start, press, push, push, push, push to learn how to walk on a prosthesis without a stick it took six months, it took only 3 months to prepare for the russian powerlifting championship, at the first training session we worked with an empty bar - that’s 20 kg, now everyone presses at least 90 kg from the chest, with a pause. but it’s easier for me to work with them, because they don’t know the goal , there is a goal, yes, they go towards it directly purposefully, they want to, some of the training is carried out in a regular gym, and some
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in a specialized one, they say, where the paralympic athletes train, the atmosphere is much more pleasant , there are only two rules in this room, the first rule is that the coach is always right, the second the rule is to have fun, please, fellow athletes, who can’t win gold? at the olympics, he will go to get it, or here ’s how to convince the coach that everything hurts, no way. well, here everything is serious, training plan for paralympic athletes: 16 exercises, each three, five approaches, try to repeat. recently, robert was fitted with a new prosthesis, with which he can still swim, he says he has no regrets, moreover, he is ready to return to the svo zone, if necessary. if my homeland calls, i will go. i have a grandfather, three wars. technical academy, where he studied before svo, but the main event awaits him this summer, my girlfriend and i are planning to have a wedding
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in the summer, that is, now we are deciding all the organizational issues. at the russian championship , the vladimir region will be represented by our comrades in march, the next stage will be the country's paralympic team. andrey shamin, alexander stefanyuk, sofia and evgeniy. that's it for now, stay on ntv. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce body volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit evalar. stay fit. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphotransit valar, stay in shape. hello, about the weather for tomorrow. the atlantic cyclone reached the far east; of course, its strength noticeably diminished along the way. in the south of the mainland there is minimal precipitation, but the temperature will soar. in khabarovsk tomorrow it will be +3, however, the enthusiasm will be enough for one day. in
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the south of western siberia there is another cold day, -20 at night, down to -18 during the day. but the wave and heat snow is just around the corner. the ural cyclone will cover the tyumen and omsk regions, and orenburg will get some heat. but snowfalls can happen. be replaced by freezing rain, a wide range of temperatures in the volga region in kazan is about -10 without precipitation, in saratov it is raining and up to +2. the arctic anticyclone has displaced warm air from the center of european territory, in vladimir -6, and the frosts will only get stronger. there is a big difference in temperature in the northwest, in pskov just above zero, in petrozavodsk down to -15. the resort mood still hovers on the shores of the baltic, in kaliningrad is +6, but for real warmth it is better to go to the black sea, there it is +15-20, light rains. in crimea, in the capitals , light snow remains in the forecast, in st. petersburg during the day about -5, in moscow -3, but by the middle of the week it will get colder again. if you can't give up sweets, take olya gzhim. the natural complex ollya gzhim helps reduce appetite and cravings.


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