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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the red crescent announced the death of 60 people during an israeli strike on the city of rafah, sahal, in turn, reported the release of two hostages. collect share. this is what the map of ukraine would look like if all the claims of its neighbors came true. why is it now that poland, hungary and romania are starting to talk about territorial claims against ukraine again? how much did the number of cameras, photos and video recordings on russian roads increase last year and what results were achieved in terms of fines? traffic police statistics in business news. and a familiar voice. a new type of mobile fraud.
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hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. the israeli military and intelligence services carried out operation golden hand to free two hostages, men in their 60s and 70s , who were being held by hamas. they were hidden in the city of rafah in the territory controlled by militants in this house. the doors were locked by security. was on duty inside and outside in neighboring buildings. the battle lasted about an hour; israeli fighters, under the cover of aviation, were able to take prisoners without losses and retreat. these ruins are all that's left of residential area after the battle. this is an operation for which we have been preparing for a long time, waiting for suitable conditions. special forces stormed a building in the heart of rafah. and this is the first photo of the former hostages after their release. they have already been taken to one of the leading clinics in the center.
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israel, the patients are in good condition, considering their age and more than 4 months of captivity. they were taken to the emergency department. our staff conducted the first examination, the patients are in stable condition. and this is the hospital in rafah, the very city where, let me remind you, the prisoners were kept. the very south of the sector gas, then egypt. since the beginning of the fighting in the enclave, refugees have flocked to rofakh. before the war , 300,000 people lived there, now the population is. if israel launches a large attack, it will be very sorry given the overpopulation, but if israel provides safe corridors, we are ready to return home. 10 thousand people live on this street alone, and even more people occupied camps, schools, the only chance to flee to the borders after they opened. everything in gas is destroyed, there is no safe place there. if israel
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storms the city, we have nowhere to run. egypt does not open the border for refugees. the israeli authorities promise that they will provide a safe corridor for evacuation. but the residents of rafah, without waiting for official messages, have already begun to leave the city and are heading back towards the north, where the fighting has already ended. as expected , israel can resolve the issue with rafah, the last stronghold of hamas, within a month. in any case, the israeli media write about prime minister netanyahu’s desire. complete the operation in the city by the muslim holy month of ramadan, which begins on the 11th this year martha. a new president was elected in finland, the candidate from the national coalition party, alexander stup. in the second round, he beat his opponent by a small margin, just over 51% of the votes. stup headed the finnish mid from 2008 to 2011, and later. was a member of the european parliament, he
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advocates tough measures against moscow, as well as further strengthening ties with nato. for us in finland, in matters of foreign security policy, we usually remain cool and collected, we care about share, our defense spending this year is approximately 2.3% of our gdp, we have a very strong defense, we are members of the eu and nato, and of course we have a new agreement. speaking about the conflict in ukraine, stoop said after his election that the current situation can only be resolved on the battlefield. in the northern military district zone in the kupinsky direction, the crew of t-80 tanks and a group of troops from the west destroyed the positions and fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces. air reconnaissance reported the movement of the enemy group in this area. in a few minutes the ukrainian dugouts units were defeated. and the advanced
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detachments of the enemy were forced to retreat, suffering losses. the tankers used high-explosive fragmentation ammunition at a distance of over 6 km. at the zaporozhye un meeting on the situation in ukraine, it is expected to be held today on the anniversary of the signing of the minsk agreements. the parties agreed on the document back in 2015. first deputy permanent representative of the russian federation to the un, dmitry polyansky, said that moscow will remind its colleagues that, quote, what a historical
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chance for a peaceful resolution of the crisis was missed the kyiv regime and its sponsors. end of quote. also at the meeting they will discuss the actions of western countries, because of which the security council. failed to prevent the crisis, which is its primary task. last week, in an interview with tucker carlson, vladimir putin recalled that ukraine, germany and france directly said that they did not plan to fulfill their obligations under the minsk agreements. meanwhile, with the light hand of a journalist from one of the oldest newspapers in serbia and the croatian colleagues who joined him , a new wave of conversations began about the claims of a number of european countries, first of all. poland, hungary and romania for part of ukrainian territories. we are talking about part of the lands that kiev received after world war ii. vladimir putin also spoke not so long ago that the residents of these territories would like to return, to return to their historical homeland. how likely is it that ukraine’s western neighbors will declare
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their claims loudly, and what the consequences are, given their nato membership. sergey kholashevsky talks about this. unexpectedly found ground for unity, and this is the division of ukraine, as slobodan samardzhia says, against the background the expected defeat of kiev, poland, slovakia, hungary, romania are ready, in accordance with their historical interests, to bite off a piece of the former soviet republic. the conversation about the division of ukraine started almost from the very beginning.
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neighbors unexpectedly supported me. the croats in the advance publication asked the question: what if ukraine loses, will it only lose the south and southeast, which have already gone to russia. in fact, in the countries neighboring ukraine , there will definitely be those who could greedily cling to some part of ukraine and assign it to yourself. if ukraine were on its last legs, many would flock to it to profit. such a development of events is not difficult to imagine, given the speed with which authority is falling. international law, why all this talk about the future division of ukraine, which its neighbors are so carried away by, worries the serbs themselves, and because the entire modern history of serbia is continuous divisions of territories, starting with the former yugoslavia, which collapsed after the balkan war of nato bombings, ending with the current attempts
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the west has the power to take kosovo from serbia. so far , ruling politicians are afraid to speak out loud about the future division of ukraine, for example, in hungary, although they emphasize that they are concerned about the fate of westerners.
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in other words, while russia is doing what it should, ukraine’s other neighbors have taken a pause, ready to declare their territorial claims at the right time, and the fact that only far-right politicians are talking about this so far should not bother anyone. sergey kholoshevsky, anastasia vishnyakova, vlada radojchich and boris filchikov, european bureau, ntv. all the activities of the igor of the future need to be carried out at... at the highest level, this task was set today by mikhail mishustin at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. and of course, interest in
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this format is growing, many states are planning to develop it. well, it is necessary that fans all over the world have the opportunity to follow the competitions in tatarstan. competitions will be held in twenty-three innovative disciplines, including fidget, football, hockey, basketball, martial arts, cyber and tactical combat. robot battles, drone racing and much more. 10 facilities are used for the competition: eight in kazan, one in enopolis, one in sirius, where formula 4 races and virtual races will be held. general coordination of the game. the future games will take place from february 21 to march 3. according to dmitry chernyshenko, tickets for them are in great demand. today it became known that the fsb conducted searches at the central office of the federal air transport agency and initiated several criminal cases.
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again, according to news sources, some of these aircraft ended up in so-called unfriendly countries, and some - quote, were used to provide military assistance to ukraine. as reported , criminal cases under the article of negligence were brought against the deputy head of the department of state registration of civil aircraft, the rights of transactions with them, pyotr kozyrev, executing. duties of the head of the flight safety inspection department, kristina bovalina, as well as against her former deputy anna
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zhiltsova, who had already been fired from the federal air transport agency last summer. also, news sources say that this is a story about those bred for border on planes and helicopters was the main reason for the dismissal in september last year of the head of the federal air transport agency, alexander neratka, who headed the department for 14 years. this activity has sharply lost popularity on the moscow stock exchange.
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oil prices still look like a growth factor for the russian stock market. the main event of this week, of course, is the friday meeting of the russian central bank. most analysts believe that for the first time since june last year the key rate will not increase and will remain unchanged. ruble in these minutes it retreats slightly, the dollar costs 91.13, the euro 98.17. the number of fines issued using traffic cameras is growing much faster than the number of cameras themselves. yes.
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the federal bailiff service recalled that some procedural decisions are now made automatically with the help of artificial intelligence, which initiates proceedings, sends requests to banks, and after collecting the money, closes the case. fines are growing faster number of cameras, expert on photo-video recording systems grigory shukhman explains violations this way: cameras are learning to detect more and more types of violations, for example, in the regions they are increasingly using cameras. control whether drivers are wearing their seat belts and not talking on the phone. at the same time, as grigory shukhman says, the assessment of such offenses is subjective, so if there are no more employees who examine materials from cameras, the number of erroneous fines will increase. egor, everything about the economy. thank you, denis talolaev, for business news. the first one is summing up on sakhalin
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this year poutines. in the region , 6,000 tons were caught. sea ​​fish on the wag, it is already sold in stores in different regions of the country, in some retail outlets they have even reduced prices to increase demand. sergey antsigin found out what technologies are used for fishing and freezing the catch. yes, the main red salmon in the far east is still six months away, but the fishing calendar is not limited to salmon fishing. in the sea of ​​okhotsk , the belorybitsa season started immediately after the new year holidays; on sakhalin , the first sea season of this year is already summing up its results strody. in the waters of the island, it was possible to catch more than 6,000 tons on the wag. the catches almost completely met the scientists’ forecasts and pleased local residents. i bought 13 kg of navaga, fresh, navaga is the most tsimus. this soup will go well with your ear. there are no shortages of fish during the seasons either in regular stores or in special retail outlets where navaga is sold at a price below the market price, no more than 100 rubles. per kilogram.
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paronnaisk is located on the shore of the sea of ​​okhotsk patience bay. in the short period between january. bitter frosts in february, when the water area is covered with solid ice, this is the coolest place in the sakhalin region. navaga approaches the shore in schools and to catch luck by the tail, fishermen really need a lot of patience and professional skills. the fact is that two seiners are fishing simultaneously, this technology is called a twin trawl, and not only the fate of the catch, but also the safety of the entire navigation depends on how accurate, synchronized actions of the crews are. there is experience and technology. experience comes from, well, how do you choose a fishing area, you already rely on technology when you are looking for denser accumulation of fish. not all of the caught navaga is sent to the processing workshop; part of the catch is unloaded onto coastal sites. this method of freezing in the open air allows saving energy, and in order for the fresh fish to freeze evenly, it is regularly turned with shovels and special
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rakes. in the markets, the appetizing blueberry is the most popular product, natural conditions, do not process. each batch of ice cream products is controlled by laboratories where a full analysis is carried out, including parasitic analysis. thanks to a well-functioning system supplies, frozen sakhalin navaga reaches the shelves on the mainland. seasonal far eastern fish is on sale in vladivostok, in the cities of siberia and in the capital. sergey antsydin, maxim mintsev and ekaterina fedorova, ntv far eastern bureau. extortion scammers. money began to use artificial intelligence. the scheme looks like this: scammers first hack someone’s phone and gain access to correspondence in the messenger. they study the dialogues and after selecting a suitable interlocutor, it can be an acquaintance or relative contact the victim on behalf of the owner of the hacked phone. to be convincing, they send voice messages, which you
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use to generate a neural network based on old recordings. the most sophisticated scammers can call using kidnapping. voice, i’m directly filming in real time, here i have children, show me the phone, yes, grisha, mom, we ’re raising money for a friend’s class for his birthday, you can do it for 1. rubles, please, okay, thank you, i’ll send a card now , yes, yes, i’ll translate it now, there are specialists for such schemes they recommend deleting voice messages from chats after listening, but in order to avoid hacking your phone or messenger account... you need to be careful about mailing lists and sites where you are asked to enter a phone number or sms code. immediately after our broadcast, the emergency program will be aired, marat sedikov is with us. marat, do you have the floor? egor, today, just an hour ago, a sentence was passed on commercial director ksenia sobchak, kirill sukhanov, former editor-in-chief
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of tatler magazine arian romanovsky and journalist tamerlan begaev. journalists were accused. let's test your memory, remember in detail what you did 3 days ago. if the question seems difficult to you, naapept may help with memory problems. it promotes brain improvement. blood circulation, restoration of memory and attention. the choice must be balanced, time-tested. let's get the head working. my back gets tired on my feet all day.
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the treatment of a sore throat, maxicold lore spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. to deal with cold symptoms, the ozonbank card is beneficial for those who like shopping and lovers earning money after... spending with ozonbank is a pleasure, a draw for 100% cashback in rubles, you are tormented by a cough, i'm euphas, drink it kindles macrotases, makes coughing easier, reduces inflammation. euphacia - triple strength against cough. on ntv there is a program about an emergency in the studio marat seddikov, we are live, less than an hour ago we pronounced a verdict on the commercial director of ksenia sobchak kirill sukhanov, the former editor-in-chief of tatler magazine
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aryan romanovsky and journalist tamerlan begaev. they were accused of extortion journalists demanded 11 million rubles for the removal of negative information in the telegram channel. at the beginning of the investigation of the case, sobchak herself was also among the suspects; searches were even carried out in her house. our film crew works in court and diana kavandovykh goes on direct communication. diana, what sentences did the defendants receive? did ksenia sobchak come today to support her comrades? strictly regime, ex-commercial director of the media company sobchak, kirill sukhanov , will go to prison for 7.5 years, ex-chief director of the popular tatler magazine arian romanovsky. and telegram channel journalist tamerlan bigaev will be transferred directly from pre-trial detention center for 7 years after the sentences come into force.


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