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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 12, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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it’s such an international day , we had a german child, an austrian , an african, a german to grab, not a little baby, the nurse tells him, well, it’s probably not yours, he says, but it’s guaranteed not to be an austrian, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekdays ntv, all the best to you, goodbye. the russian foreign ministry imposed sanctions against eighteen british citizens. who was included in the list and why? at least 67 people were killed in the israeli strike on the city of rafah. the tsahal, in turn, reported about the release of two hostages, take away and divide. this is what the map of ukraine would look like if all the claims of its neighbors came true. why is it now that poland, hungary and romania are starting to talk about territorial claims against ukraine again? a new type of mobile
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fraud, attackers are faking voice messages using neurons, how can you protect yourself? to tame child cruelty, the state duma prepared amendments to the law on education, as proposed to combat bullying, svetlana gordeeva found out. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the studio of egor kalyvanov. russian gdp grew faster last year.
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activity. first on the stop list is british deputy defense minister james kartlich, a supporter of large-scale military assistance to kiev. he is accompanied by several other high-ranking law enforcement officials. the list also includes members of the house of lords and representatives of academia, with oxford university mentioned most often. employees of educational institutions received personal sanctions for the quote “a significant contribution to the subversive work of london in russian direction." in the kremlin, commenting on the results
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of the presidential elections in finland, they said that they do not count on the development of relations with the neighboring country under the new leadership . alexander stup, a supporter of a tough course towards moscow, an increase in comprehensive support for kiev, including the military. the position on exclusion of any dialogue, even more so the development of our bilateral relations. we still believe that that period.
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with finland in matters of foreign security policy, we usually remain cool and collected, we take care of our share, our defense spending this year is approximately 2.3% of our gdp, we have a lot. groups of the ukrainian armed forces and destroyed two field warehouses with artillery ammunition. eight enemy offensive attempts were thwarted in other directions. the total losses in the ssu per day exceeded eight hundred military personnel, several dozen units of military equipment and 33
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drones. russia has requested a meeting of the un security council on the situation in ukraine, which is expected to take place today in anniversary of the signing of the minsk agreements, which took place in 2015. first deputy ambassador of the russian federation to the un, dmitry polyansky, said that moscow will remind its colleagues that, quote, what a historical chance for a peaceful resolution of the crisis the kiev regime and its sponsors missed. end of quote. the meeting will also discuss the actions of western countries, due to which sofbes was unable to prevent the crisis, which is its primary task. meanwhile, with the light hand of a journalist from one of the oldest newspapers in serbia and those who joined him. colleagues started a new wave of talk about the claims of a number of european countries, primarily poland, hungary and romania, to part of the ukrainian territories.
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vladimir putin also spoke not long ago about the lands that kiev received after world war ii, and about the fact that the residents of these territories would like to return to their historical homeland. what is the likelihood that ukraine’s western neighbors will declare their claims loudly, and what are the consequences of this, given their membership in nato? sergey kholashevsky talks about this. an article published yesterday in one of the oldest and most authoritative newspapers in serbia politics made a lot of noise. the author noted that at a time when the european union is torn apart by contradictions, the former warsaw pact countries unexpectedly found ground for unity. and this is the division of ukraine. as slobodan samardzija says, against the backdrop of the expected defeat of kiev, poland, slovakia, hungary, romania are ready, in accordance with their historical interests, to take a bite out of the former soviet republic.
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grab hold of some part of ukraine and appropriate it for yourself. if ukraine were on its last legs, many would they ran to her to profit. such a development is not difficult to imagine, given the speed at which the authority of international law is declining. why do all this
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talk about the future division of ukraine, which its neighbors are so keen on, worry the serbs themselves? yes, because the entire modern history of serbia is a continuous division of territories, starting with the former yugoslavia, which collapsed after. the balkan war, nato bombings ending with the current attempts by the west to take the power to take kosovo from serbia. while the future division of ukraine, for example, in hungary, ruling politicians are afraid to speak out loud, although they emphasize that they are concerned about the fate of the western regions, where 150 thousand ethnic hungarians live, but far-right parties do not hesitate to declare that they see these lands as their own. if ukraine ceases to exist as a state as a result of the war.
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if ukraine is divided the way they want, then nato forces will approach the new borders of russia, and this will no longer suit moscow, so
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the only way out, in my opinion, is the complete demilitarization of the remaining part of ukraine, for so that in the future it does not pose any threat to russia. in other words, while russia is doing what it must, ukraine’s other neighbors are taking a break, ready to make their territorial claims at the right time. and the fact that only ultra-right politicians are talking about this so far should not bother anyone. sergei kholoshevsky, anastasia vishnyakova, vlada radojchich and boris filchikov. european bureau, ntv. the israeli military and intelligence services carried out operation golden hand to free two hostages, men 60 and 70 years held by hamas. they were hidden in the city of rafah in territory controlled by militants. in this house. the doors were locked, and guards were on duty inside and outside in neighboring buildings.
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they were taken to the emergency department, our staff conducted the first examination, the patients are in stable condition. the former hostages have already met with relatives in the hospital, and this is a hospital in rafah, the same city where, let me remind you, the prisoners were kept in the very south of the gaza strip, then egypt. at the beginning of the fighting in the enclave, people flocked to rafah refugees, before the war 300.00 people lived there, now the number is approaching one and a half million. explosions rocked the city overnight, and footage of a car being hit reveals
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that a high-ranking hamas intelligence officer was inside. his responsibilities included, among other things, protecting the group’s leaders. in total, there were dozens of blows, dust, piles, and debris. that's all that 's left by morning. if israel carries out a large-scale attack, it will greatly regret it, given the overpopulation. but if israel provides safe corridors, we are ready. more discoveries. in gaza, everything is destroyed, there are no more people there, they have occupied camps, schools, the only chance is to flee the borders after their safe place, if israel storms the city, we have nowhere to run. egypt, egypt is not opening the border for refugees, the israeli authorities report that they will provide a safe corridor for evacuation, but the residents of rafah are no longer waiting for official decisions . began to leave the city, the path is heading towards the north, where the fighting has already ended, as
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it is expected that the issue with rafah, the last stronghold of hamas, can be resolved by israel within a month, in any case, the israeli media are writing about prime minister netanyahu’s desire to carry out an operation in the city before the muslim holy month of ramadan, which begins on march 11 this year. in other topics, in the pskov region, a bus with children who were being taken on an excursion got into a serious accident. according to the investigative committee, the bus driver, in order to avoid a collision with the trailer of an oncoming truck that had skidded, was forced to move into a ditch. there were three adults and 19 children in the cabin. according to the police, 17 people were injured, the driver himself, three accompanying and 13 teenagers, three children are in serious condition. they have now been taken to a hospital in the city of pskov, and an investigative task force is working on the spot. in addition, in another accident, almost in my husband’s place , an ambulance team came to the aid of those injured in an accident with a bus; the
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ambulance overturned on its side, two doctors were injured. all events of the games of the future must be held at the highest level, this task was set today by mikhail mishustin at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. and of course, interest in this format is growing, many states are planning to develop it. yourself, well , it is necessary that fans all over the world have the opportunity to follow the competitions in tatarstan. competitions will be held in twenty- three innovative disciplines, this is football. hockey, basketball, martial arts, cyber and tactical combat, robot battles, drone racing and much more. 10 facilities are used for the competition, eight in kazan, one in innopolis, one in sirius, where formula 4 races and virtual races will be held. general coordination. the games of the future will be held from february 21 to march 3, according to dmitry
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chernyshenko, tickets for them are in great demand. volunteers from different regions will help us. today it became known that the fsb conducted searches at the central office of the federal air transport agency and opened several criminal cases. business news and denis talaleev. denis, do you already know what this is all connected with? yes, federal air transport agency employees are accused of allowing several dozen planes and helicopters to illegally end up abroad. the fsb conducted searches in the central office of the federal air transport agency, which resulted in two criminal cases. the newspaper writes about this and refers to it. sources, they clarify the essence of the accusation that after february 22, 59 76 aircraft and mi-8 helicopters were, according to security officials, illegally withdrawn from russian jurisdiction. again, according to news sources, some of these aircraft ended up in so-called unfriendly countries, and some, quote, were used to provide military assistance
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to ukraine. reportedly, criminal cases an article of negligence was brought against the deputy head of the department. 14 years old. the russian stock market has again returned to the idea of ​​making a small correction, which, however, does not cancel the active growth of individual securities. for example, aeroflot shares are growing by 2.5% at these minutes. today the airline announced that last year it suffered a net loss of 29.5 billion rubles. but she herself calls it largely paper,
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because if you do not take into account exchange rate revaluations, then at the end of last year the profit is already 50 rubles. compared to a loss of 40 billion in twenty second year. the ruble continues to retreat against the backdrop of falling oil prices. the dollar is now 91.33, the euro 98.32. the number of fines issued using traffic cameras is growing much faster than the number of cameras themselves. kommersant newspaper provides data from the ministry of internal affairs report. photo and video recording systems increased by approximately 8.5% over the past year. but fines were issued with their help. more by 20.5%. the federal bailiff service recalled that some procedural decisions are made automatically with the help of artificial intelligence. the same one initiates proceedings, sends requests to banks himself, and after collecting the money, closes the case himself. and the fact that the number of fines is growing faster than the number of cameras, an expert on photo-video recording systems for violations
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, grigory shukhman, explains this way: cameras are learning to detect more and more types of violations. for example, everything is in the regions.
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and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. hundreds of mariupol residents have already been able to receive help at the new fmba medical center. the hospital was built
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by order of vladimir putin, it started working only at the end of january, and so that people could become better acquainted with the capabilities of the center, an open day was organized there. free consultations were conducted by the best doctors of various profiles. vladimir bogomolov spoke with doctors and patients. our table is an x-ray transparent table that allows you to perform any x-ray examination directly on the table while the patient is undergoing intraoperative surgery, this operating room is called
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a hybrid one, here you can combine open surgical interventions with minimally invasive. with this approach , two groups of doctors work with one patient at once: the equipment in the clinic is modern , made in russia and belarus. thanks to the presence of these operating rooms, all highly technological medical care is available. residents of mariupol, the donetsk republic and also other regions can receive here directly, that is, they will not need to visit moscow, st. petersburg, as was the case before and other federal centers there, all this is possible here. the medical center was built in just 10 months, specialists military construction complex of the russian ministry of defense worked ahead of schedule, but without loss of quality. this hospital has only one or double rooms, the conditions are comfortable, but moreover, each section is equipped with its own toilet and... shower, and here, in turn, there is an emergency call system for a nurse, if the patient becomes ill, he must just pull this cord. the mariupol center
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employs 535 people, more than 100 of them are doctors. there are both local specialists and visitors, some of them work on a rotational basis. sergey ivanyan has been practicing for 12 years, he came from rostov-on-don. the motive is professional growth, of course, it is definitely to experience joy. the pleasure of working in the conditions in which we now find ourselves. the center can provide emergency assistance to victims of accidents or disasters and receive the wounded delivered by air. the hospital has 100 beds, with the possibility of further expansion. the third level consultative and diagnostic center is represented by a polyclinic, capacity which is 400 receptions with a two-shift operating mode. this is just the first big stage. construction with the commissioning of the second stage of the center will almost triple the number of specialists, and the throughput will increase significantly. vladimir bogomolo, vladislav robakov,
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ntv television company, mariupol. the state duma has prepared a package of amendments to the law, which for the first time will formalize the concept of bullying, that is, bullying of schoolchildren by their peers. it is known that there is a problem, its scale is frightening, but who is to blame. what to do, questions most often they remain without answers, parents and teachers nod at each other, what measures are proposed by deputies, how effective initiatives can be, svetlana gordeeva examined. she hides her face to protect herself and her son. irina’s life changed when the child entered first grade, and then it became clear that the culture of communication in the cultural capital is not always the best. he witnessed how they began to poison one boy, he came to me. and said that there the boy was being abused without cameras in the toilets, then there is first two classes there verbally, then damage began there, while
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the little boy courageously stood up for his classmate, adults preferred to pretend that nothing was happening, and with irina, who was trying to protect her son’s classmate, the school principal spoke dismissively, she was like represented by the administration, she said that he himself is dirty, that he is...
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a schoolboy, and this is not necessarily physical bullying - says ksenia, a volunteer of the project there is no bullying. but i'm faced with such an interesting kind of exception is when children start whispering, don’t take part in the game, figuratively, this is such a really subtle look that you don’t recognize and don’t understand what’s happening. ksenia’s parents and teachers helped her survive bullying; she herself became a volunteer with a master’s degree in psychology in a project where you can anonymously complain about bullying, and a consultant for schoolchildren. help with support, and parents are given legal advice. my name is natalia, i am a psychologist, how can i contact you? uh-huh, yes, dim, hello, please tell me how old you are, can you tell me what city you live in, we have on average about 100-150, probably, calls a month, but these are quite long consultations, about 40 minutes each hour, most often
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the parents turned to them, they like...
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and independently unravel with the abusers, which sometimes end in crime. is the reason for such tragedies partly because current legislation cannot protect children from bullying? the fact is that we have no such legal concept as bullying, it is not enshrined in law, so it is necessary to consider, probably , what, let’s say, this phenomenon entailed, yes, but if it caused, i don’t know, bodily harm there, yes, for example, then here, accordingly already... or administrative or criminal liability arises, and if this is some kind of moral suffering, yes, then again it is very difficult to prove, the state duma has prepared a package of amendments to the law on education, which proposes to give an official definition of bullying and cyberbullying, bullying on the internet, their psychologists, sociologists, lawyers will formulate, and if the amendments are adopted, then teachers will not be able to avoid liability in their schools; if an offense occurs,
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the director is obliged to report: to the police, if he does not report this, the director bears responsibility, this will be spelled out in the law, someone then he even proposes to fine a large sum of money for a teacher who does not notice the conflicts of students under his nose, although the teachers themselves do not like such an initiative. i think, mm, of course, uh, perhaps, yes, such serious measures need to be introduced, but uh, more to the parents. that’s because, after all, the parents are the legal representatives of the child, the family was also not bypassed in the amendments , they failed to cope, they raised the aggressor, you pay how much is still unknown, in some countries, for example, in uae, a fine for parents for bullying organized by their child , can reach one and a half million rubles. it is proposed to fine parents, if we fine parents, but at the same time children remain unpunished, they get the impression
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that everything is completely permissible. nothing will work out, well, without school too, you see, these are two structures in which the child lives, let's create free psychological groups for children who want to know themselves, but here, as in medicine, it is better to prevent than to treat later, psychologists propose introducing special courses where there will be classes and for parents, and for teachers, and for the schoolchildren themselves, who will be taught to respect other people’s borders and protect their own. alena antonova,
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and see further in our issue. a new type of mobile fraud, attackers are on the case. how northern military district veterans conquer against all odds sports olympus, saw andrey shamin. this is moscow, this is moscow. who benefits from the azonbank card, those who like
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in a megaphone, it seems or something has changed, but not everything is as we like, kfc now. may cause pain. arthroxicam cream is a three-component composition with a modern painkiller in maximum concentration. triple action against pain and inflammation. arthroxicam for accelerated penetration into the source of pain. it's so nice when they do something
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for you. for example, when a credit card brings cashback in rubles and pays itself off. order tenkov platinum before the end of february. and always receive cashback in rubles, not bonuses. tinkov. we, alexander. sometimes it seems to us that everything should happen at once, but great success comes to those who themselves move towards it, we will not make
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your child the second clematis, but with us he will receive an education that will reveal him potential, there is no recipe for... for your successful business, but there is the right ingredient to expand it, we will not cover your main distance for you, but we will support you every kilometer of the way, we will not turn you into an internet star, but we will help you recharge creative ideas worth a million. we will not decide to buy an apartment for you. but we’ll give you the opportunity to choose the one. we won't send you into space, but we will be happy to inspire a future astronaut. we won't achieve your
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goals for you, but we will give you everything you need to did it themselves. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20. on ntv. we are back on the air, continuing our broadcast. fraudsters began to use artificial ones to extort money. intelligence, the scheme looks like this: scammers first hack someone’s phone and gain access to correspondence in instant messengers, study the dialogues and, after selecting a suitable interlocutor, it can be an acquaintance or relative, contact the victim on behalf of the owner of the hacked phone, even voice messages are sent for convincing messages, they are based on old ones audio recordings and helps generate a neural network, self-sophisticated swindlers can call: i’m filming directly in real
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time, here i have children, show me the phone, yes grisha, mom, we’re collecting money for a friend’s birthday with his class, can you throw a thousand rubles, please ok, thank you, i’ll send you the card now, yes, yes, i’ll transfer it right now, to protect against such schemes, experts recommend deleting voice messages from chats after listening, but to avoid hacking your phone or account... you need to be careful apply to mailings and websites where you are asked to enter a phone number or sms code. after severe injuries, they not only underwent rehabilitation, got back on their feet, but set their sights on the most serious sporting achievements, we are talking about veterans of the northern military district, who in march will become participants in the russian powerlifting championship. andrey shamin saw how the preparation was going. how he does it? no one knows, but they hit the goal with almost the same
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ease as before the injury. alexander's left leg is now half artificial. robert bench presses 150 kg with both legs, but the one that she’s not entirely healthy, she’s trying to load more. this will be stronger, this will be weaker, to strengthen it, we usually press, well, 90-80, with this particular leg. their stories are similar, but they were injured at different times. different sections of the front, alexander in the kupyansk direction. we were storming a populated area, and it turned out completely ridiculous, but i stepped on a petal, that’s all. robert stood on the same petal when demining the already liberated territory. the sapper rushed towards me and was also blown up. we lay there for 2.5 hours were bleeding. we were lying in one place, it was impossible to move, everything was mined. by command.
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paralympic training plan: 16 exercises,
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each three with five approaches. try again. recently, robert was fitted with a new prosthesis, with which he can still swim, he says he has no regrets, moreover, he is ready to return to the svo zone, if necessary. if my homeland calls, i will go. my grandfather went through three wars, and how unpleasant it would be for him if his grandson was left on the sidelines somewhere. alexander recovered at the technical academy, where studied. yes, our frosts and freezing rain
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have eased, but this won’t last long, there will be a new series. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce body volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit evalar. stay fit. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transits of the valar. stay fit. so, the european territory of russia is next. attempts to redraw the temperature map, i i’m sure they will be successful, today, a wave of warm air has reached the very center, and freezing rains have arrived, it’s good that they are not as catastrophic as in the rostov and volgograd regions... there is simply no more potential left, but tomorrow there will be new cold forces, the north will begin to squeeze out this warm air to its more rightful place, there to the south, and the zero temperature will again move to the border of the central and black earth regions, and further through the middle volga, and look how warm it is another day there will be voronesh, although the precipitation prevents you from experiencing it, and tomorrow in vladimir, from
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the warm attempts, only memories will remain in the east of the russian plain, the cold will roll to the south, cut off there in an unseasonable spring, but a couple of warm, very warm days. there is still some in stock here, and in the capitals after a pause. can't give up sweets? take alejim. the natural alejim complex helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels. alejim evaluar is recommended by the russian diabetic associations. how to maintain normal sugar levels? take aleedjim. the natural alelim complex helps maintain normal sugar levels and reduce appetite cravings for sweets. alegin evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be no precipitation, but very windy, -7 -9. in moscow there is a chance of snow, ice, and fog -2, -4. this is the initial stage of the next cold snap. thank you, irina, that’s all i have for now.
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genferon light - the power of green light with mint aroma. sometimes it seems to us that everything should happen at once. but great success comes to those who move towards it themselves. we will not make your child the second lomonosov, but with us he will receive education that will unlock his potential. there is no recipe for your successful business, but there is the right ingredient for expanding it. we will not handle your main task for you. distance , but we will support you every kilometer of the way, we will not turn you into an internet star, but we will help you recharge with creative ideas worth a million, we will not decide to buy an apartment for you, but we will give you the opportunity to choose
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