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tv   Za granyu  NTV  February 12, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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from all the garbage dumps, from all the nearby trash cans, and carries them to his apartment. and your apartments near? our apartments are nearby , yes, that is, here are two, that is, we are the ones closest to it, that’s the smell, respectively, the strongest, i think, of your apartment, yes, but there’s not only a smell, we also have a lot of cockroaches, we always have to leave the apartment with such adventures, so when you open the door, you have to manage to get through without cockroaches falling on your head, are there so many of them? yes, that is, they sit like this around the perimeter of the door in all the cracks - and well, i still have a small child, we are still going out there, but we are forced to do this observe everything, and also when you enter the entrance, they greet us right from the very first floor, while you are going up the steps, on our walls, on the mailbox, everywhere there are cockroaches crawling on the ceilings, alexey, the neighbor’s door is also covered in cockroaches , the neighbor’s door, sometimes it seems to me that it’s not visible, it’s just...
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completely covered in cockroaches, the neighbor stuck some kind of tape there, there’s a garland, a garland, yes, some corpses of cockroaches , living ones swarming between them, a terrible sight, what kind of adhesive tape is this, it looks like regular masking tape to me tape, well, her door is painted with some kind of chalk, it’s just that after our complaint to the management company, she drew crosses on her entrance door and from us, so it’s like she ’s saying that they all come to her from us, from everyone, well, by the way, are you sure what the source is? after all, in her apartment, the apartment is completely littered with garbage, and if you look from the yard, you can hardly see her windows , let’s look at this apartment, oh, elizabeth, what impressions, terrible, could we live next to such an apartment , horror, no, of course, horror, that’s the one the door, yes, that same tape, yes, ekaterina , it’s hard to look at, yes, you’ve never seen anything like this before, no, i don’t even want to, in a nightmare, no, by the way, these don’t make you feel good either, i’m
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very curious, because i’m wondering who this woman is who lives there, how is this even possible, what is this? alexey, did you go to your neighbor’s apartment or is it just in the footage that i see it all, i’m sick of the smell, which is even on the set, i can’t, i can’t bring myself to, i can’t, but in reality it’s really very disgusting and i only can express condolences. it’s a wonderful family that they have such neighbors, and so, well, it’s terrible. ol, i noticed at least two cats in the footage, but how many pets does she have? there live two cats, one dog, which is somehow blind, sick, she just barked for two days, we called the police so that they could somehow help free the animal there, because she barked endlessly, they came there somehow they tell her something there, but it’s useless. you said you were a neighbor.
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has been cluttering his apartment for the last 3 years, yes that’s pretty much how everything was fine before, she was basically born into such a dysfunctional family, in the same house, yes, in the same house, in the same apartment, we ’ve been living in it for a long time, my family lives there with... it all started with such a collection of some old things that someone threw out there, that is , and well, she was slowly collecting furniture there, there were large things, recently for about three years she has been collecting , we just see that she is going there everything, what’s bad is right there, all the trash cans there are some bottles, so she takes it right away and folds it like this he puts everything in a bag and takes it to his home. alexey, have you seen how your neighbor collects garbage? her along the sidewalk on the lawn, she was collecting some twigs, pieces of paper, i honestly thought she was throwing out garbage, but then i saw her putting it in a bag in her black one, going home, twigs, pieces of paper, why, garbage , i can’t understand the motivation, she told you something, you
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communicate with her somehow, communicate, a few years ago we had a small conflict and i haven’t even said hello to her since then, the conflict occurred because that they go to her acquaintances, and that is, the conflict is not even about garbage? no, no, there was a conflict when there was no garbage yet, she hadn’t collected it yet, they were having fun, and her friends and acquaintances went, her intercom doesn’t work at home, they called us, it could have been one in the morning, two in the morning , well, i made a remark to her once and we quarreled, olya, remember the moment when cockroaches just started appearing, well, they appeared in our bathrooms, in the kitchen, yes, that is, in the bathrooms you take a towel there, they fall out of this towels, i'm a child there, for example, there soap, you take it, wrap it in a towel, once on the changing pad you just find this cockroach in the folds, so - when i had night feeding by the light of a night light, i just saw him
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crawling along the wall there, just here i am lying with the child, here he is it’s just crawling along the wall in the bedroom like this, i just think that this is the moment when it became especially scary, i just imagine if it happened to me, i would probably come up. to check if the child had crawled somewhere, i also checked the toys there something, because it’s really creepy, i ’m just reacting more calmly now, because i’ve been watching this for so many years, we’re all very patient neighbors, how old is the child now, 3 years old, girl, boy, boy, he he’s afraid of cockroaches, he’s already used to it, because he’s been with them since childhood, no, of course he’s like that at the beginning, well , he probably sees my reaction, because i’m naturally indignant there and i’m just generally ashamed that my child has to see this since childhood these conditions are simple. generally incomprehensible, as if that’s why we should it is to endure. ekaterin, can you imagine the stress olga lives under? yes, the guys are now hostages of this situation. the first impulse, yes, is to sell the apartment, leave, but after you showed this video, and it is clear that any potential buyers
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coming to this entrance, yes, they are unlikely to agree to change places with you. therefore, of course, i would like to know more about your neighbor, and did you offer her any help? until recently, she didn’t make any contact at all, that is, it was always accusations like these, that is, we we tell her there why it stinks , get out, she always said that it’s all from you, it’s all you, there are neighbors upstairs, neighbors next door, it’s all from them, ekaterina, but in general it’s really possible to sell this apartment, well for a normal price, definitely not, yes, that is, if we want to get the market price, then the apartment is being prepared for sale, and of course the first thing a person sees when he goes up to the entrance , well, he walks in, opens it, it’s the smell of a cockroach, that’s, well, no way there's no hiding it, in any case - the price, of course, will have to go down by approximately how much, at least 10%, it will definitely lose, possibly and seriously, 10% of the apartment, the cockroaches just take away the smell, faith, and the neighborhood of cockroaches and children, what threatens, this is not something that threatens the health of children, i will say, it threatens life ,
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unfortunately, cockroaches are hepatitis, and again it will not manifest itself acutely, it will be chronic and after five years it suddenly turns out that there are problems with the liver. serious, this is cholera, this is typhus, this is disentery, friends, this is a terrible thing, and it’s not only about the cockroaches themselves, but about the air you breathe, cockroaches may not convey all this as quickly as everything that we see in our surroundings, and it seems to me that this topic generally needs to be raised to the level of some administrative or legal issues, legislative issues, these are conditions for violating the rules of the hostel. that is , to prescribe some kind of protocol of action, when it is possible to prove, through specific facts , this threat to the health and life of those living nearby . olya, tell me, does your neighbor own the apartment? yes, she is one of the owners, there
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is also a second owner, but nevertheless, this is her property and she, well, it’s definitely not possible to evict her, or it’s possible, alexey, give me some advice. legislatively, legislatively, there are, of course, some points that we can use in the fight against our unborn little tenant, yes, but just take it away. ownership is impossible, but initially you need to contact the sanitary and epidemiological station, after that, yes, if it is unsanitary, yes, the owner will be given at least an order so that he corrects this condition, if he does not correct it, that means we have to do it forcibly, that means we have to go to court, we have to demand in court , of course, that these violations be eliminated, ol, alexey, you contacted the sanitary and petty station, as alexey says, yes, and we contacted rospotrebnadzor. lecture all over the place we have replies that as if they came, they were not provided with access to the apartment,
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that is, they immediately write to us that we should immediately go to court, but tell olga, what did you do so that at least in your apartment to get rid of cockroaches, we treated them using the available methods, traps, balls acid, because i have animals, a cat, and a child, i also can’t use any chemicals much there, that is, well, they covered everything that was possible. anastasia, these are the funds that olga and alexey listed, can they be used when a child lives in the apartment? ideally, do not use any chemicals, but given the smell, it is virtually impossible without it, the child is, in principle, in an environment that is dangerous to his life, he constantly inhales household chemicals, the smell of household waste, and so on, the conditions are, of course, absolutely unsuitable for a child to live. no, of course, our whole
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building rallied around this problem, so we tried somehow collectively, so the whole house is outraged, how old is your neighbor, what does she do, she’s 33 years old, she works in a grocery store, like us we understood from the video that she loves animals very much, but she knows that all the neighbors, the whole entrance, are unhappy with her, yes, your neighbor knows. why do you think that you are unlucky with your neighbors? but because, because they broke the door off my feet, i i’ve already written a statement to the police, no , not them, but you have complaints against other neighbors,
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you were repeatedly warned to clean up, because there was a stink under the stairs, there was a fire hazard, you were warned anastasia, no, no one warned me, no i was waiting, why is the stroller under the stairs at all, and not at home, there was nowhere to put it yet, anastasia, but this shouldn’t become a problem for the neighbors, i don’t have any contact with them at all, i don’t say hello to them and don’t say hello, not up to dates, this is something they’re doing to me, well, i understand, they ’re up in arms because of the cockroaches. i called the san bensen station three times, once i paid 15 thousand, the second time 10,000, the third time
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i already called, they told me thirty, but that doesn’t help, no, it came, watered and left, but the cockroaches are really from your apartment is crawling out, look, an old granny lived on the third floor, she used to have cockroaches, yes, i’m on the second, that’s why i’m standing there, then... in 2020 they’ve already started crawling towards me, apparently those neighbours they poisoned me, again without warning me, and now all the entrances just need to be poisoned, we believe that the source is in nastya’s apartment, because it’s obvious from the footage, well, of course, nastya, your apartment is cluttered and stinks, and accordingly all the cockroaches that there they want to run away from your apartment , they are also running to us, now they, now it stinks, of course, that i have an old dog, well, i’m thinking, where am i
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going to put it, am i about to throw it out on the street, no , of course not, well, we just saw that there is so much garbage in your apartment , it’s just that this is clearly the source of this rotting, this is food waste that you collect, i collect garbage, i don’t collect anything, it’s not a task, that’s all that was there, she and your animals you look after and clean . yes, they are fat and plump, everything is fine with them, but if you take care of them, why do they smell? well, because lyalya is old there, she pees and poops, the new ones... well, of course, in our entrance it regularly smells like garbage and feces, i don’t know how else to explain it everything together in the mixture, it’s simply gorgeous , let’s do it, anastasia, where do you think the source of unpleasant odors comes from, or you don’t feel them in the house, i don’t feel them , there are a lot of cockroaches in your apartment, now yes, they interfere with your life , they interfere, of course, but i
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don’t leave food there now, nothing, that is , i don’t cook there, everything is turned off, gas, everything. have you ever tried to fight them? i tried declofos, and i also tried dust, boiled an egg, beat the yolk, white, and beat the yolk with precipitate acid, they gorge themselves, and if there is standing water somewhere, they drink everything, they survive later, or maybe you can’t get rid of cockroaches because your apartment is unsanitary, or your place is clean and tidy, well...
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it’s like that there, like that there was just such a hole on top, everything is empty there, they are slandering you, i just want to understand, anastasia, why, that they don’t love you so much, if they don’t love you, then why? most likely, because of the cockroaches, and you have a large apartment, two rooms 22.6, this is part of the apartment, 60 m2, anastasia, that is, you have an apartment for two owners, the second the owner lives there, no, she has been renting all her life, these are the problems, are they only in two of your rooms or in another? half of the other owner also has everything there , she inherited your two rooms and from whom we visited your apartment from your grandmother from your mother, let's see the plot: thirty-three-year-old anastasia nikolaeva opens the door of her apartment in lyubertsy. the owner makes her way through mountains of garbage, where she
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is immediately met by cats, a dog and hordes of cockroaches. there is nowhere to take a step into the home, but woman. she assures that most of the things are extremely necessary for her. well, for example, from under eggs, this is what i need this thing , i will need it, i buy eggs in it, there are memorabilia, yes, i just want to collect them in a separate bag, well, maybe where - here in this pile, what exactly, i don’t know yet, the kitchen cabinets are filled to the brim with containers, cans and bags, there was only space for pots and pans under the ceiling, a gas... the dining table is buried under garbage, i turned it off gas, i'm not here i cook and eat, but the plumbing works properly - the woman says, “i don’t have anything leaking here, here’s a new heated towel rail, i replaced it myself for 15 thousand, the plumbing here is all fine, nothing leaks, and this
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room was once a bedroom, but anastasia threw out the bed because of the same cockroaches. now she stores household appliances in boxes, an old door, clothes and her jewelry here. i bought it myself, i earned it myself, there were earrings, watches, and pearls. the role of warehouse is also assigned to the former living room, here the hostess has shoes, documents, tools , on the windowsill there is a picturesque still life, a withered rose and fruit, and next to it there is pork ear cheese, i don’t eat this food myself, but... i feed the cats, anastasia, this is just a nightmare, why do you need all these things, no, of course some things are needed, that everything is necessary, you will forgive me, but i look at these shots, i feel like this is a branch of a garbage dump, why weren’t they sorted, well , because there’s no time, i’m already saying wow, there’s already
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no time , there these bags just need to be taken to the trash, what are you saying? do you need them, when was the last time you... got something out of them, how can you need them, you are a young woman, anastasia, how do you live in this apartment in this mess, where do you sleep, i am now i’m not sleeping there yet, i’m renting for now, you’re renting an apartment , that is, you understand that there is a smell there, that this is an abnormal apartment, that the smell comes from mountains of garbage, there’s no other way to call it, well, there’s no smell there, it’s just there i need to pull out everything i need and throw it away. these things are from the trash heap, why does a man even goes to work with the neighbor's cockroaches and because of what his daughter is afraid to fall asleep at night, we'll be back in a few minutes, new season,
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my parents. it turned out that i raised her, who should ask for forgiveness from whom , i don’t know, 3 months ago i moved to moscow and didn’t tell anyone about it, i don’t like her immaturity, why do you have such doubts and don’t believe in your son’s talent, there is high art, but there is everything else, whether you forgive him or not, whether you open this door or not, you need to make this decision now, please forgive me, on friday at 16:50 on en. beyond the limits, beyond the limits, the residents of the lyubertsy high-rise building are terrified of the invasion of cockroaches, which are fleeing in droves from apartment of a thirty-three-year-old neighbor. anastasia, have you ever tried to somehow get rid of these things? of course, why doesn't it help? we need to sort it all out and poison it. why don’t you sort it, now you’ve sorted out the closet
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without cluttering it up again as well. can you do it step by step, what is the problem? i don’t have time, or maybe these things are dear to your heart, they’re so necessary, then i put them in another bag, i don’t have anything overstocked now, i have now, look, here’s what’s necessary, here are cockroaches, of course, these are the things that you need, bags, newspapers, papers on the floor, this is necessary, well, this is no longer there, well, this is impossible, i don’t , i don’t understand how you can live next to...
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do you even understand that it’s impossible to live in such conditions, including you , you come there to this apartment, i understand, i understand, you will spend a countless amount of money in order to be able to live in this apartment later, you understand that this is not just disinfection, you there is absolutely nothing there, you will need to build this apartment from scratch, wash it out, ventilate it, have you ever seen people build a house in a landfill, have someone buy the territory and live there, it’s impossible to live there, bacteria, viruses, everything there. you are not there, you protected yourself, but aren’t you ashamed, anastasia, don’t you really care what the doctor just said, wow, i’m still healthy, it seems, you know, anastasia, your neighbor’s little daughter wakes up at night in hysterical because cockroaches are crawling into her bed. in the studio sergei ostapenko. hello hello.
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every night for your daughter is a test, several times there were such moments when you imagine you are sleeping at night and waking up because your daughter is crying, just crying hysterically, crying because cockroaches are crawling on her and waking her up, these are hysterics and putting her to bed later, as it were, is a lot of work, and it also affects your mental state, too, i think i had to wake up because cockroaches were crawling around... share waking up, it’s, well, it’s a terrible feeling, it’s like, well horror in general, that is, i’m not in the house, clothes, food, well, we all store food in plastic containers, so after every meal there we have to clean up as much as possible so that no crumbs are left there, so that insects don’t crawl in, it’s good that i don’t live under her apartment, but higher up, but there are still cockroaches they go up through the ventilation, that is, in the bathroom in the kitchen you open every drawer.
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they jump right at you, it happened that they fell into a plate, into a frying pan, but just the other day i was frying my child’s lunch in a frying pan, and then he dropped the frying pan right from the hood, that is, after that it was like you won’t want to eat it, but it’s terrible, your neighbor olga said that before leaving the apartment they have to inspect the door so that cockroaches don’t just fall on them, you too, how to enter the apartment? that is, when you walk in, they’re crawling along the doors, they’re crawling along the door frame, right on the third floor, and they’re on the fifth, and why didn’t you warn me when you bought the apartment that you had a cockroach on the third floor, from granny, which granny was left from you, we bought an apartment in 1918, we took it out of there in general, everything is complete, right down to the windows, doors, everything that you had to take out.
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cleaned the apartment completely, of course, you poisoned them, and now i have them all, no, we, we didn’t poison them, we didn’t have them at the time we did the renovation, no, well, how could it not be if she, she. look, of course, they have all developed in me now, and now they accuse me that i am the source of cockroaches, i am someone else’s property, my legs don’t break, i saw you through the peephole, the door, in short, is dented, i once came to feed the animals, i'm talking on the phone, looking through the peephole, someone hit me right in the foot...
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everything was well maintained there, it was clean, well, in this style, you came in and made a complete renovation, completely in general, when the cockroaches appeared, they probably lived normally for a year, that is, they it wasn’t, then they just started crawling out of all the cracks everywhere, there are even cockroaches on my balcony, you know, that is , it doesn’t seem to be very warm there, but it’s a warm balcony, but the cockroaches are even where they’re coming from, well, from below, they somehow fought against this, well, there are all sorts of traps, there is brown acid, there, well...
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that is, what opinion will you have? have you ever accidentally brought cockroaches to work? it doesn’t seem like this happened, but there are cockroaches in the car three times, yes, i open the door, and he’s sitting, i say, let’s go, the car was far from the house, we have the first floor right under her windows, well, literally there, i don’t know, three meters away, i probably don’t park the car now, i have to park it as far away from the entrance as possible, and what worries you most in this situation is that these are insects that carry a lot of different things there... diseases, i have a small child, a daughter, that is, i give my daughter everything i can, and, roughly speaking, i live there for her sake, yes, but it turns out that a stranger to me in general, it’s just disgusting, yes
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this is horror, in general, i can’t imagine how you can even be there in this apartment and how you can even bring just a dwelling to such a state, what kind of house do you have, excuse me, a nine-story building, a five-story building, a five-story building, how many entrances do you have?
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i wish i could take them out of there, they are like that good cats and a dog that are adults, why do you live there, they live in such conditions, do you think it’s good for them to live there, if you think that you are coming, they are already used to it in general, it’s impossible to get used to it, well, it’s really impossible , but it’s unfair that you live there, they live, by the way, nast, why did you decide to leave this apartment and rent somewhere else, well, it’s just closer to me there, it’s like i ’m on my way home from work, well, sometimes i anyway , when i come home, you have a big salary, a lot of extra money for renting a house, you have free funds, i have about 20 thousand. do you understand the inconvenience you cause to your neighbors? i understand. your neighbors
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anastasia were even forced to buy a separate vacuum cleaner for the cockroaches. the spacious , bright apartment of thirty-seven-year-old sergei ostapenko was covered by a tsunami of cockroaches. a man is indignant in all corners of his house, he constantly has to clean up cockroaches, so they took one piece of equipment, and a second robot vacuum cleaner, so that he could see less of this muck. epicenter.
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she was introduced to the veterinarian, she was given injections, and in the evenings, silent guests walk decorously around the living room, while olga's three-year-old son kostya is assembling a construction set, somewhere on the floor there he is crawling from under the sofa somewhere out there about his business, a cockroach, we call dad to the rescue, as mom sees when there is a cockroach , he gets scared and says, ros, crush, ras, convince this... muck, listen, i
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just have no words, i feel sorry for the people, tatyana, what should i do, i think we need to endure everything, break everything out, everything , i don’t know, destroy everything, then flood everything, and then i ask the district police officer, yes, so that he i was copying down what was being taken out of there, otherwise she would say, i have 100,000 rubles here in this bag, 200 in another, and it might also be a problem. i saw some monstrous cabinets there too, nastya, they were probably from the trash heap, it’s unlikely that these are your cabinets in this condition, you have them in the kitchen or in the rooms, you won’t understand where the kitchen is, where the room is . anastasia, you and the second owner discussed this situation, discussed what you said, there are cockroaches, let’s work together somehow - she says you called through the grass. ekaterina, how can you comment on these personnel? to be honest, this is not the first time i’ve come across such a story, i really sympathize with the neighbors, i participated in such moves, let’s put it this way. with such clients, from practice
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i can say that there are two owners , you need to try not to talk from the position of, let's remove it, let's solve this problem, i would recommend solving this issue this way, and recommending it to anastasia as an option, taking into account that you love animals and so on, go out of town and buy a house outside the city where you won’t disturb your neighbors, that is here is the way out. alexey, tell me, in theory, the matter could end with eviction, the matter could end with eviction.
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with her brother, he started calling, yelling , i’m depriving you now, yes, i’m black realtors, i don’t want to think that it’s envy, who tried to take her son and daughter away from her, they started doing something, that means, stomping their feet, scream, give up the children, how the singer copes with the difficult age of adopted children, hit right in the aorta, gives pocket money, no, we earn money ourselves, who is her new hero, at first i had mercantile interests towards him, the secret worth a million margaritas. khankina on saturday at 21:20
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0.06. now 0 rub. everything else is flow. trimer or grill kiitforрд with discounts up to 30%. the same greyhound as your brother , it’s not for nothing that they called you devils, you’re too similar, you haven’t finished your dangerous business yet, sergei, i ’m dangerous on my own, so you’ll find them for me, otherwise 102 special battalion, at the seat, the trumpet is calling, mayur chertanov dps, trainee, where, special battalion, he will kill you, well, sharap, let's go for a ride, today. 22:15 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. residents of a high-rise building are trying to come to an agreement with their neighbor, who over the past 3 years has brought so much garbage into her apartment that she has turned it into a real paradise for cockroaches. anastasia, you are a young
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woman, you are 33 years old, you work, what could have brought you to the point where you are now? in my twenty-first year. your husband is dying, but you had no children, a son and he is registered in this apartment, but where is he? well, he is now temporarily with me in a boarding school, in a boarding school, yes, i gave him away, because i went to work, there is such a connection, if a man drinks, then you go and work yourself , that is, you yourself sent your son to a boarding school, how old is he now, eight, at that time how old was he when you sent him, two you ? during this time, did you visit him, did you see him? i’m visiting, do you know how he’s doing? i know, of course, but don’t you want to take him home? well, right now , not at the moment, not yet.
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so that the neighbors take some part and help you, because you are alone, they don’t go to anyone, they just break the doors, it’s intensifying that they have cockroaches at home, i mean i understand that they are trying to help them with something at home, offering help? no, no , you know, anastasia, our next guest claims that he has extended a helping hand to you more than once, except for alexei 119.
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i have known nastya since childhood, we grew up together, since you think that you can come to an agreement with her, then you came today to protect her, yes, i want to help anastasia so that she gets out of this situation and has a chance to be normal. why did she find herself in this situation? you know? yes, i remember when i was little, uh, her father was killed, she stayed to live, uh, with my grandmother, here i am, 3 years old, nastya, what happened to my father, you know , i know that they all went to pick mushrooms, they never returned, no, someone, in short, attacked them, well, there was vilification and yes, horror, horror, what else could have traumatized anastasia, alexey, further, i saw that her grandmother... well, over time, as i understand it, she began to abuse alcohol, that is, uh, apparently , against the background of stress, so i think that
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anastasia was not given enough attention and upbringing, then her grandmother died, nastya i was left alone, i buried her at the age of 19 , that is, i had to grow up early, so nastya had a husband, then she... gave birth, she had a child, there was a story when they asked me to be understood, that is like her, when she was discharged from the maternity hospital , they came with the police and, in my opinion , the guardianship authorities, who assessed the condition of her home, to what extent it corresponded to the possibility of living, then for the first time i found myself in this apartment, the apartment seemed to be not at all it was dirty, that is, just like that soviet. renovation, that is, there is linoleum , both are ordinary there, it’s not garbage, that is , an ordinary apartment, so i know, the child was taken away by
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the guardianship authorities, the child was taken away, taken away , this series of events, how it happened, well, i think that it overlapped on nastya’s condition , that is, she matured early, such a situation with the parents, they took the child away, well , admit it, the child was taken away, no, here they are... here i say again, they went and dug up, but i was still screaming , this is your husband, well, he was like a biological father, i am his how many times did you throw me out of the apartment, in the end i sat and thought, i went into foster care, wrote a statement myself, handed it over to the children's hospital, and why didn't you just take the child and leave this person? where to go? i mean, this is your apartment, have you at least consulted with someone about this? there are crisis centers, you could just
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call on the phone, people would come, help, advise, there is psychological support where anyone can call. nastya, the biological father of your child, sorry, was he registered in this apartment? nastya , you know, go to the neighbors, gather men, this one, who is not registered there, ruins your life, this could be thrown out for...
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a deep, professional and expert conversation with certain medical specialists. alexey, at least anastasia listens to you, anastasia and i have been communicating for the last month, and we managed to agree that one day we will come and start cleaning her apartment. have you started or not yet? we started, there was one day, we endured it. about three to four cubes garbage, and this is not all, i believe, this is not all, but you are ready to continue to help anastasia, i understand correctly, i urge and am ready to help and encourage all neighbors to join, yes, when we were doing the cleaning, well, we started doing cleaning the apartment, naturally i talked with nastya and , as if from her words of understanding, she understands that this is not a normal situation, for this reason i
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see, how to say, light at the end... and if a person has even a small share of understanding, that this is not very normal, and with this the situation needs to be resolved, i believe that there is an opportunity to help not only by removing the garbage from there and poisoning the cockroaches, but also by bringing this home into normal condition for herself and for her child, so that the child has a chance for a good childhood, despite to the positive notes that have now appeared, your other... neighbor sees only one solution - eviction from the studio irina kolodyazhnaya, hello, hello, i understand that you are categorical, very categorical, we are simply living in hell, we rented apartment, they thought that we had gone to heaven, but due to the fact that we have such a neighborhood, we really live in the water, that is, you think
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that the only way to help you, the other neighbors, and the whole house is by evicting anastasia. it doesn’t work out any other way with her, that is, she doesn’t make any compromise, that is , they tried to communicate with her in a good way, i even repeatedly tried to do something there, let’s help, that is, no, it’s their fault that's all, this is from you, i have nothing, there are no cockroaches there, i drew crosses on the door in chalk and that’s it, she has such a party policy that everyone is to blame, but not her, well, you don’t feel sorry for anastasia at all from the very beginning, as if well, i wanted to compromise with her, that is, it’s somehow a pity, she’s 100 years old
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, she would be indignant and alla timokhina, she has a fresh renovation, the woman could not even imagine that, in addition to her family , cockroaches would live in the spacious, bright rooms , we have to kill them with something, beat them, traces remain, our cat catches cockroaches, here he brings his cup as his prey, another one neighbor anastasia kim has already gone broke on her means of fighting insects, she has traps set...
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the contract is officially concluded, of course, they become the tenants of this apartment from the owner. ekaterina, do you and your colleague agree that there is only one way out? well, unfortunately, yes, there is only one way out, it’s just that anastasia, you must understand that consequences may occur for you, irreversible, yes, if, as the doctors already said in the studio, the children have any diseases, it will be proven cause and effect relationship is that this is really a result of pollution, and of the entrance, as a result of your actions like this.
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her adoptive mother told her that her relatives had left her to freeze on a bench in winter, they found me on a bench in december, wrapped in blankets, in order to pick me up, they advertised in
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the local newspaper, in ulyanovskaya, and the answer came that she could take her, she i do not need. half a century later, my daughter decided to find out the truth about her birth, not so much she would like to find her biological mother, of course, but how to find out if i have brothers or... a sister, but is her biological mother alive, yes , i went to the orphanage, it says that she has no opportunity to raise me, how would i calculate by years she is 77 years old, will she be able to answer all the questions of her abandoned daughter, she wanted to take her , he said that marin gave birth to a daughter, but he says he gave it away, because they lived around six people, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. dear ladies, i’m not hinting at anything, but the holidays are coming, nazon cashback 3% on sbp on whatever, no matter what you want to give. this,
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of male success and maximum sexual energy. get tanka atali premium now for free. find out how by phone. 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. chief new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. beyond . this is a program beyond the pale. with the help of residents from the moscow region of lyubertsy contacted us; their neighbor was dragging all sorts of rubbish into her apartment, which is why thousands of cockroaches have bred all over the house. alexey, sergey, if anastasia puts her apartment in order, you will give her a chance. i have nothing against anastasia. i just wish that with her activities she would not change our yes. if she lives like a normal person, i am ready to live next to her.
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today showed, but admit the possibility that some of your thoughts and assumptions may be erroneous, yes, let's try with you can sort them out, in order for your life to continue and not be darkened, come to my psychological center, and we will try to figure out what is happening to you, i will show you support, anastasia, come, the end will come, please,


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