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tv   DNK  NTV  February 12, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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you can do this, we will help you clean the apartment, bring me disinfection , order, of course, after all this you will definitely clutter your apartment, no, but i won’t live there for now, well, the animals are there , just let them stay for now, i i’ll come, just wait, but you’ll keep the animals clean, of course, nastya, you see how the clouds are gathering around you now, right? today showed, admit the possibility that some of your thoughts and assumptions may be erroneous, yes, let's try to figure them out with you so that your life continued, and did not darken, come to my psychological center, and we will try to figure out what is happening to you, i will support you, anastasia, come, the end will come, please, marry
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us all. anastasia kept her word and allowed the garbage to be taken out of her apartment to poison the cockroaches. workers cleared the rubble all day. well, five, a car disappeared somewhere. there's a lot to see here, there's garbage there, over there. then the exterminator took over. to say goodbye to insects forever, he chose the most powerful special solution. so we are now pouring chemicals into cold fog , cold fog is this apparatus, this is a finely dispersed dispersion of chemicals, that is, when sprayed, it gets into all the cracks everywhere, but one of anastasia’s rooms remained untouched, the hostess forbade it to be cleaned, thank you very much, that they cleaned the room, kitchen, toilet, bath, corridor, here are my personal things, i forbid them to be cleaned. i'll figure it out
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myself. when neighbors found out about this, they immediately contacted a lawyer. you need to contact the management company first, you definitely need to contact them. the neighbors sincerely hope that anastasia will come to her senses and dismantle the last room as soon as possible. otherwise they will act radically. thank you very much to beyond the edge for taking out our neighbor's trash.
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i have a message from her roommate, where he says that the children’s money was spent on cell phones, the latest model, watches, and a utility room was also purchased in the form of a mortgage. her ex-husband slandered her, all the money collected is safe with her, the woman assures: i have the child’s money is in her hands, is the mother really profiting from her son’s illness? or her ex-husband cannot forgive her for her new happiness, forgive me that i live well now, i will file another lawsuit for deprivation of parental rights, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. the adoptive mother admitted to her daughter that her own mother left her to freeze on a bench, and now her daughter wants to know why. today in our studio marina simon.
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"hello marina, hello, tell us how you found out that you grew up in a foster family? fate in the third grade, well we had an after-school program at school, a classmate told me that i grew up in a foster family, we got into a fight, of course, it turned out that i kind of pushed her, she..." with her cheek, before the wire was so barbed and she i hit this wire with my cheek, pierced my cheek, the next day my parents were called to school, well, of course , you know, the children began to eavesdrop on what the conversation was about, so, well, they heard something that, as it were, they began to tell their parents why you were there at all do you have such conversations at home in front of your children?
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doubt crept in that how i would live in a foster family, i began to find out, i kind of waited until my parents were at work, i knew where our documents were. in the hall there in the nightstand, we had a little black handbag there, and i began to take out all the documents, began to look at it, found an adoption certificate there and read that marina nikolaevna dolgova was born on june 26 , seventy-one, the parents on the other side were written evseev yuri alexandrovich and evseeva valentina alekseevna, that is. all coincided with my adopted ones parents with my date of birth and name, that is, you immediately understood what kind of document it was, and of course, what did you do with it? first i showed it to my mother and asked her a question: mom, what kind of document is this? she answered me
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that it was my friends who asked him to lie with us, then i simply hid this document under my mattress, and it lay there for a long time. and then i somehow rearranged the bed, looked, but he wasn’t there, i asked my mother a question, she said: i didn’t see anything, you didn’t believe your mother, well, of course not, rather in total, my mother took it out and either hid it or destroyed it, i don’t know, because i didn’t see it again, irina, if the child had already found out from the neighbors or from anyone else , would you, if you were marina’s mother, begin to hide the truth? they would tell everything as it is, i would tell it in any case, when the child became older, well, i believe that any person has the right to know the story of his birth. marina, weren’t you offended by your mother because she didn’t tell you the truth? well , i was offended, of course, as if this was the same thing, i somehow felt unpleasant, that as if i
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they are deceiving me, i had an older brother, i also asked him these questions, he said, what are you making up, everything seems to be... everything is fine, everything, everything, all this, that is, you had a brother in the family, the older brother was , yes, 9 years older than me, and he was a natural child in his family, no, then i found out that he was not a natural child either, that is, you are both adopted, yes from the same family, no, from different , when my mother finally told you the truth, at the age of 16, i was already working at a factory, well, i received a salary accordingly, so that don't ask mom for money. this is after school , as if this is the very same thing we ended up with such a plot, well, i brought my mother a salary, 200 rubles then that was still the money, as if the salary was good then, my brother was dating a girl, she worked
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in company store, well, she arrived, she said, marin, they brought us skirts for 100 rubles. as if you always wanted microcorduroy, well, i wanted pants. well , there are no pants, he says, there are skirts, skirts that fit over you, as it were, so i went up to my mother, i said, mom, give me, i say, please, 100 rubles, as it were i received my salary yesterday, i gave you money , that’s it, give me 100 rubles for this skirt, she answered me, i don’t have money, well , it kind of offended me, i told her, my mother says, i’m sorry, i say, of course me, but if i were yours, well, like your own child, you probably gave me money without any problems, and what did your mother answer to that? well, nothing, she went into the hall, cried and began to tell me that i was really adopted, that they found me on a bench in december, wrapped in blankets, she found me, well, that’s what i said
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i realized that yes, that they had found me, that when they were going to adopt me, my documents were not there. there was nothing, and i asked her a question: lyoshka, he’s your own son, she told me, no, he too, well, he was 9 years old, his mother drank, so they adopted him, then she followed them for a long time -i walked for a long time until his mother died, well , just like that, it’s like this, but i answered her, i said, mom is not the one who... mom is the one who raised him, well, how would she give me this money 100 rub. i bought myself a skirt, here it is like marina, here’s the news that your brother is also adopted, she reassured you at that moment that
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you both are not relatives, well, as if for me, i somehow felt better, at that moment i kind of knew that how lyoshka too... in the same situation i, as they say, this is the same thing, well , of course, we had a slight difference, dad loved me more, mom loved lyoshka more, so... it’s like, well, we continued to live as a complete family. marina, did your mother tell you how exactly you became her daughter after you were found on a bench? yes, they went to an orphanage, in order to adopt me, they put an advertisement in the local newspaper, in ulyanovskaya, and the answer came that you can take her, they sent my documents and the answer was, you can have her... i found her, yes, i wrote
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a refusal accordingly, yes, when my mother told you in the end it turns out that she was found , she has this whole story, you wanted to find this woman, i thought so, i thought, i think, why would i look for her, she abandoned me in her... time and how would i ask this question closed it, and then, when my mother died after my brother, aunt klava for me, my sister , well, it turns out she was my mother’s cousin, they were friends, it’s like this, she suggested it to me, she said, marin, don’t you want to find yours, your biological mother, i answered her, i say, i say, don’t be offended, bye, i say , i don’t want it while one of the parents is alive, at the same time my dad was still alive , so it’s like this, well, then
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time passed, i mean, klava died, as they say, it turns out that it’s burning out for me when we moved, well in general, my birth certificate burned, i made a second request for repeated birth certificate, i got a month difference in the date of birth, and you asked your mother, while she was alive, if they changed it for you? july, i say, well, how can it be, if my date of birth has not changed, my birthday is in
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june, i have all the documents for june, how can it be, so i went to the orphanage, wrote an application so that they would provide me with everything the documents they had, there was a waiver, the fact that she first abandoned me for 2 years, for 2 years, that is , it was assumed that she would come back for you, well probably, so marina, wait, that’s how it is... found on a bench and disqualified for 2 years, but the thing is, you see, i don’t know, these were the words of my mother, who raised me, what other documents did she provide? you have an orphanage, this is a medical card from the maternity hospital, there was a stand everywhere, the date is june 26, but not july, that is, somewhere in the passport office it happened, but you can see somewhere an error, like june july, they are the same, you can see they are mechanically in place.
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i also thought how it is that there are no relatives, well , it turned out that she herself accidentally rejected, because there was a dash in the column about my father, in the application for refusal, it was written there that i had no relatives, but nevertheless, all this made you start searching, well, yes, i’m like me when i arrived at the orphanage , went to them, explained the situation to them, they gave me... a piece of paper, i wrote a statement, so they provided me with everything, as they say, mine
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provided this very thing, that zinaida nikolaevna dolova, born in forty-seven, my biological mother, well and then they asked me a question, would you like to find her? well i called my husband, my husband says: you know , he says, marin, i say, if i were alive, well, he doesn’t have parents, they died in a car accident when he was still a child , he... says, i would have found, well, i somehow i thought, i thought, then i called a friend , also in the far east, this, she says, marin, you know, she says, i watch the dna program all the time, i say i like it very much, i would write there, well, i ’ll take it, yeah write. marina, have you discussed with the relatives of your adoptive parents that you want to find your biological relatives? only with aunt klava we had this conversation. nadya, i also called my sister to find out which orphanage i was taken from, as if i explained the situation to her, i say, this way and that,
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i say, as if this is the same, according to the date of birth, that i got this one, well, not socikovka, this very hope, how do you know which orphanage you were taken from? so the thing is that her mother and my mother, they are cousins, they were very good friends, it was as if they were constantly visiting each other, well, how they went to visit each other with nadya, that’s how i communicate, i called her, i had her phone number, i called her, explained the situation, she said, of course, that’s your right, would you like to have a family member? well, at least find out your, as they say, genes, your kinship. marina, your aunt’s daughter admitted that if she were you, she wouldn’t look for her family. in the studio nadezhda provorova. hello,
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nadezhda, you probably remember how marina came into your family? relatives, yes, i remember, my mother and i went to visit her godmother, uh, her godmother was her mother valentina alekseevna, foster, marina’s mother , we then went to visit her, and valya came and brought marinochka, a little girl, her posture, it was winter, she was so nimble, she was pretty, her cheeks were pink, no one was shy, yes.. .that is, strangers, no , she immediately began to communicate, well, you immediately knew that marina was their adopted one, i knew right away, because at that time i was already 17 years old, i was an adult, and it was immediately said that they they took it, but the fact is that they also had an adopted child, so it was kind of a surprise, and you knew that he was also adopted, yes, of course , but of course i didn’t know about him right away, because
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when alyosha was taken into the family, i was about seven years old, and i kind of took it as if he was born, and my ... they never had children, they didn’t have their own children, they were married for a long time, they had no children, and valentina was treated, but there were no children, so they took alyosha, and alyosha was already grown up, he was 9 or 10 years old, probably, when they took marinochka, and how the parents treated their adopted children, well, they loved them, i think they loved us very much, my parents were not bad, and no matter how you say it, they loved us, they... we have everything and also we were not deprived of anything, in those days they took children to the sea, it’s like if it were the nineties, well, not the nineties , it was probably the eighties, and marina shared with you her experiences that she might not be related to her parents, well, we didn’t have such conversations, i don’t remember such conversations that did she talk about it and
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somehow it upset her when this topic first came up between you? well this is the first time when her mother had already died and my mother seemed to say, marina, maybe you should find blood relatives, this was more than 20 years ago, when valentina died, maybe you should find them, maybe you have brothers, there are sisters, we will be like some kind of relatives to you, not relatives by blood, but maybe there are relatives and brothers, maybe already nephews.
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sometimes i want this, i can understand, but i myself might not do it. nadezhda, despite everything, it was you who pointed out that orphanage where you need to contact. well, yes, my mother told me at one time, we have a children’s house, it’s literally from the place where they lived, from that house, well, at least 20 minutes, probably on foot, so my mother told me that yes, it’s there they took marina to this orphanage. marina, did you manage to find out from the documents in the orphanage what city you were born in? find, i found the phone number of the administration of this district , i called there, they told me that at first they
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told me that only married women lived there with such surnames, there was one, but she she left a long time ago, we don’t know where she went, that is, after all, the fact of the existence of such a woman was once confirmed, but do you think that marina is with her now, well, i don’t know, how would i count. she’s 77 years old, well, if she’s alive, then at least ask her why she did it. do you think you have brothers and sisters? well, i wish they were not to blame for what my biological mother once did to me. do you think you can become family, after all, so many years have passed, well, why not?
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where were you born? perzhanovsky district, kubizna. and this is the village of repyevka-kolkhoznaya. i know, i worked there as a milkmaid for 7 years. and lived there? i lived, of course, but how? what year are you? i'm forty-seven. while you lived there, you probably had a personal life? well, how can i say it, right? she was young, she gave birth, then i took the cloth. she was 5 months old and she was taken away. a house beyond the volga, a city for a year, i only gave her a girl, and i said, in a year i say, i
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’ll take it, well, every month i went, paid for her, they’re free, i don’t have a date they gave me, as soon as i got the money, she took her away, she paid , well, you said at 5 months you took her away, which means you lived with her until 5 months, well, how was she with me. and whose middle name did you kids give to this victor? yes, what about you? i’m nikolaevna , nikolaevna, you said that you sent your daughter to an orphanage for one year, then you tried to pick her
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up, went with a friend, and when she arrived there, they say she’s no longer there, i say, where did you put her? i say, i refused, i didn’t write, where did you divide it, i say, she said, they adopted it, that’s it, they didn’t tell me anything else. wait, are you sure that you didn’t write a waiver then, no, no, i swear to god, no, alexey, if zinaida says that she didn’t write a waiver for her daughter, she placed her in an orphanage temporarily, can adoptive parents, in in this case, take the child, in that case, no, it’s impossible to hand over the child without refusal, impossible, they had two options, either a court decision or the mother’s refusal, zenaida, you didn’t write to the treasury, no, no, no,
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they were still little, so they are this, i started caring for them, i raised them too, only you were the eldest they had, the eldest, the elder brother was with me, he strictly hurt, we are with her, with him it hurts, well, and i was like their mother, that is, you fed, washed, dressed , like a mother, they took care of their brothers , just like the cattle in the village , we didn’t have a lot of something, and then how your life turned out, well, then i came here, this is a state farm, i started working as a milkmaid again, well, they gave me an apartment, milkmaids used to be given apartments, so i live there in
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retirement here. left, got married, got married, i have two children, a daughter, daughter died, she will be 9 years old, and hello, what are three, three children left from her, and what happened to her, they took her to the hospital under pressure, and on the fifth day they gave her an injection, then she called her husband and said, nikolaevna, she told me, he called me nikolaevny , nikolaevna, says, there is no more light. i brought it for myself and buried it here, this little girl, marina, how do you remember her? i don’t know, i remember what i saw for 5 months, well, children change, it doesn’t matter, but you remembered your marina over the years, we are all the time, all my children know, i close it, why will i, my son tells me, mom, give it to me look, i say
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, where will we go to look, i say, well, he says, at least look at her, he wanted to take his sister to find her, but he kept saying, all the time, and why did you tell him, you left this girl, well, need forced me, there was nowhere to live, and the mother died, if the mother was alive, i would have taken her away, she would have nursed anyway, that’s how you think this girl grew up, but i don’t know, i can’t say, she must look like you, well, it looked like it would be nice, my son looked like me, my daughter looked something like my father. zinaida, in our studio there is a woman who is looking for her biological family. take a closer look, maybe someone seems similar to you or your children? i think this is it. as i walked, i immediately looked at her. for some reason she is throwing herself at us, at my son. for your son? yes, that same brother who wanted to find his sister. how is it similar? well, it's still blood.
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i wanted to look at her, nastya , look, see before death, after all, maybe two mondays left, everything hurts, my legs gave up, my nerves are even worse, it’s always a milkmaid,
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rubber and boots. 43 years is not young, i guilty, guilty, i won’t say anything , i’m guilty, but i had nowhere, nowhere, i couldn’t do anything, i only gave it for a year, so there was no need to do it there too, she’ll come all the time, she’ll come all the time she looked at me like that on her knees the whole time she sat down and grabbed some bags. more kefir, and bought kefir, i bought everything for her, this is how old your marina was when you visited her last time, well, she gave it 5 months, i went for maybe three or four more months, and then she was no longer there, they at least they said something, they didn’t tell me anything, marina. here
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zinaida immediately sensed family blood in you, but as i immediately assured, my honorific was nikolaevna, not viktorovna, zenaida, maybe you wrote down yours, probably yours while he was away, probably yes, and this is her, she, my heart tells me, relatives or daughter and mother met today in our studio, we will find out the answer to this question immediately after the advertisement. new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask, mask, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, boss, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. yes, i know what to read
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the highest quality of coinage. call now. the call is free. mask - new season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. in the dna program studio, marina simon met her intended mother, who abandoned her more than 50 years ago. nikolaevna, marina was born in the village of repyevka kolkhoznaya, but on june 26, seventy-one, it can’t be, i’m in my first year of labor it says i moved here, no, no. is it sixty or nine or this time of seventy-one i was already here where i live marina’s biological mother’s name is zinaida nikolaevna dolova, well, yes, i
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was born in 1947, yes, it’s me marina, having heard zinaida’s whole story, do you think she left you in an orphanage? well, when they gave me the documents, it says:
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well, i, too, seem to see some resemblance , well, this is where the cheeks are, as if this is the same, well, this is how the eyes are, this is the cut, well, there is a similarity, i see hope? what do you say, in your opinion, are marina and zenoida similar?
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it seems to me that they look alike, very similar , they even have the same skin color, and sergei, my son, even says to me, even though he says it looked like us, lyudmila , what do you say, do the alleged mother and the intended one look alike, well , i’m taking a closer look now, it seems to me , that this part of the eye is very similar, yes, yes, i ’m telling you, i’m so far gone. my own mother left marina in the winter on
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a bench in a blanket, not in the winter, i’m very, i myself took her away in my arms, she was sick, why would i leave her on the bench, i’m really stupid now, or something, i’ll be completely on the bench for the children , i swear to god, will i really leave it on the bench , why say that, marina, do you think your adoptive mother told you the whole truth, well , i don’t think so, i’ll be honest, i know... i don’t i think she came up with this story, knowing her parents, who raised me, she lied, of course, she lied, i wasn’t the only one who was taken away, my friend was taken away, we took her away, she wasn’t dressed in a suit, a pink suit, i bought her, she was dressed, her legs were dressed , everything, also you, marina, knew that your biological mother does not have relatives, yes, here we still have a different story: we have relatives. your brother
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knows why you abandoned your daughter. in our studio, veniam evgrafov. hello. hello. sit down please. tell us how you found out that your sister was having a child? well, i myself, of course, was a child even then. out of wedlock, not from her husband, no, all relatives
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, yes, older brother, well, i’m also the eldest in the family, we have three children, mm, we have a younger brother, a sister, and if suddenly, well, my sister came there and said, that this is how it is, how is it you can refuse, i don’t, i just don’t understand this, i was afraid to say it, that is, they were even afraid to say it, if this is a village, this is an illegitimate child, this is... a shame and i understand zenoida, why she went to live in a hostel, she said she didn’t tell her brother, maybe she herself doesn’t remember, or maybe she was just afraid to say, she was afraid, she was afraid, that’s all. veniam, in the end, your older brother found out that your sister left her daughter, we didn’t tell him, not me, not her, nothing, no one said when my sister sent the child to an orphanage, she i actually planned to take him away, she wanted to take her away, well, we arrived there, they said that your child was taken away, or maybe your sister
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wrote a refusal form herself, why, no, she can’t do that, why am i writing, she can’t do that either if i had given... well, i wouldn’t have given her for years, she gave for years, i had no one, and no one said anything, then she spoke home, then the village came to the village, she said, we’ll take it, we’ll take it, she was worried your sister was worried and worried about everything, but she was afraid of her older brother, because he was the strict one with us, here is your older brother, veniam was strict, what kind of relationship did you have with your brother, with your sister, we have a relationship instead of a mother, she is now my brother... my father, he was strict, he raised me very strictly. zinaida, tell your brother who you met today. look, she looks like us here, this is our niece, and why don’t you talk to her so much, i wonder, you didn’t ask, well , of course, i’m here now, hello, but...
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exactly, this is still unknown, she’s telling her heart, it seems . marina, tell zenoida and veniamin about your childhood? well, i grew up in full family, i had an older brother, now they are all gone. veniam and marina were told that she was not left in an orphanage, but on a bench in the winter. who was it when my grandfather was taken home, who says who was taken by my mother, how does she know?
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there is something to see besides him, this sign is modestly hidden behind the loud victories at the built stadium and certainly you will not be interested in it against the backdrop of great talents in the renovated house of culture, the sign of the national project of russia is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes that he brought into our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. it is impossible to live life without making mistakes, it is important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and also... to learn to forgive, i want to ask for forgiveness from my younger sister, i came to ask for forgiveness from my mother, i always dreamed of
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a younger sister, i begged her from my parents, it so happened that i raised her, who should ask for forgiveness from whom, i don’t know, 3 months ago i moved to moscow and didn’t tell anyone about it, i don’t like her immaturity, why do you have such doubts and you don’t believe in your son’s talent , there is high art, but there is everything else, forgive me, whether it’s his or not, whether you open this door or not, you need to make this decision now, please forgive me, on friday at 16:50 on ntv. this is dna. fifty-two-year-old marina simon wants to know whether seventy-six-year-old zinaida skalkina is her blood mother. as a child, marina simon was horrified to learn that she lived in a foster home. and her own mother left her to freeze on a bench in winter and disappeared, i was found on a bench at one and a half years old, wrapped in
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blanket in december, well, i don’t know if this is true or not, of course, this is, although i was in an orphanage, they told me that i was there from birth, according to the documents, marina was born in the village of repyovka kolkhoznaya, then she ended up in the ulyanovsk orphanage home, and from there to a foster family, her biological mother’s name was dolgova zenaida nikolaevna, she paid whatever they said, then it was a year, my friend and i went, we arrived, i
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went to the cashier, paid, and i said, what’s mine, this is marina , says where, her daughters or, i say, and you asked me, i tell you i say, i didn’t write the otkasn, how did you really have the right to give it back? for someone, i went every month, if the dna test is positive, then zinaida skalkina, in addition to her daughter, will have a son-in-law and granddaughter. now marina and her family live in the city of spask, a distant, primorsky region, they huddled in a hostel for 10 years, and 2 years ago they received the keys to their own apartment. first floor, two-room apartment, large hall, i like how it looks like, we had one room in the dorm. a little smaller than the hall, well, they also fit. when moving, marina took with her everything that reminds her of happy moments
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in life, including her childhood photographs. well, my brother and i were taken to sochi, and i remembered this year by what i say, we fed the dolphins that year, so i remembered this trip to sochi. well, usually, as they say, children remember bright moments. marina now loves to travel and always visits souvenir shops, so they brought souvenirs from moscow, from ulyanovsk, they took, they took, they collected as much as 4,000, then we went out and looked and laughed, where did we collect so much, that's it... well, the memory still remains. another outlet for marina is gardening. spring is just around the corner, which means
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we will soon need to start growing seedlings. i'm using disposable cups. eggplants , sweet bitter peppers, for the cat, the seedlings are growing , then it’s time to plant, i’m right with the land, with this one, that it grows in the garden, it’s like fertilizer, this land comes in with attention and care, and marina’s pets, the dog puntik and the cat, require attention and care bagheera, she arranged gifts this year, we go into the apartment, and we have two mice are lying, and kisuna, and kisuna, oh, you are my beauty, two mice, tell me, i brought it for you and, most importantly, i didn’t eat, but they are
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hardly lying there, and kisuna. enoid, and if your daughter turns out to be marina, will you be happy? my daughter would be, i’m glad, very glad, if she forgives, we’ll continue to communicate, we’ll call, we’ll, let guests come to me while i’m alive, the door is open at any time, marina, if suddenly a dna test really confirms your relationship , you can forgive, well , he says sincerely, i’ll probably forgive you. well not in vain siskala, how does your daughter feel about the search for a biological family? does she know your story? well, i told her that she grew up in a foster family, so it turns out that she always knew that her grandparents were not her own? well, well, of course, the thing is that she didn’t find them, neither her grandparents, she was born, as if, when her mother was no longer there,
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her brother was no longer there, she... never saw her grandfather, despite this, marina, your daughter doesn’t want to look for her grandparents, our guest is kristina maslovo, hello, hello, christina, why don’t you really approve of your mother’s search, well, because she once abandoned her, so we don’t need her now, but nevertheless, today your mother met someone. nikolaevna, born in forty-seven, this is her brother, veniam , your supposed grandmother looks like your mother, i think they are nothing alike, well, i don’t see any similarities at all, i’m looking now, and christina is the spitting image of marina’s grandmother, here is
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the bottom one part is similar, and look how they sit the same on them like this. and if my mother forgives, well, my mother will forgive , i will understand, but it’s like i have a mother, i have enough relatives, but nevertheless, kristina marina, it would be interesting for you to see how zinaida lives now, well, of course, we visited visiting zinaida , attention to the screen, zinaida skalkina lives in the village of krasnoarmeysky, ulyanovsk region, in an apartment that she got from work,
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this apartment was given to me by my husband, i worked yes... it burns day and night, all day all night , i get up at night, i don’t even sleep, i’m watching all the time, suddenly the wind was going out, there was just a strong wind, there was a hurricane, i got up and went into the kitchen, the gas was no longer burning, okay, so right away i, and it could have been the gas, would have died from the smell,
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i rarely go outside.
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talk back and forth. marina, if your relationship with zenaida is confirmed, will you want to visit zinaedia as your mother? well, of course, i will visit now, i simply won’t have the opportunity. do you think a dna test today will confirm your relationship with zenaida? to be honest, i have doubts. zenoid, what do you think? god willing, everything was fine. all mine were. that in front of you is your marina , she is marina, you are ready to find out if your birth mother is sitting opposite you, god willing, she is ready, i invite our dna specialist daria popova to the studio, is it really possible that today
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seventy-six-year-old zinaida skalkina will finally hug her daughter. whom she has not seen for more than 50 years, or marina will have to start searching for her mother from scratch, the dna test will show, immediately after the advertisement. look, today at 19:00. the un security council, at the initiative of russia, will discuss the missed opportunity for a peaceful solution to the ukrainian conflict. exactly 9 years ago in agreements were concluded in minsk. failure to comply with which by ukraine and the west led to an escalation of hostilities. they are ready for the division of ukraine, neighbors are watching with interest the fall of the ukrainian state, as far-right politicians in poland, hungary and romania dream
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, police, did you know that i was being prepared to be written off? i assumed because of this trinket, this is not just a trinket, chief, new season, do you want to go back, to the position of chief, no, thank you, to the position of minister, do you want, today 20:00 on ntv, right now in our studio t'. dna will show whether seventy-six-year-old zinaida skalkina is the mother of fifty-two-year-old marina simon? daria, over to you. fifty-two-year-old marina simon first heard that grew up in a non-natural family while still in school, but only recently became interested in the fate of her relatives. after losing her birth certificate, she received a new one with her date on it.
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to find out what month she was actually born, marina went to the orphanage and found out that her adoptive parents did not change her date of birth and name, and she was also given the details of her own mother, debt zenoida nikolaevna, who gave birth to a daughter in the village of repyevka kolkhoznaya. in our studio, marina met zenoida skalkina, whose maiden name was dolgov, who lived in that very village, and gave birth to a daughter, marina, but due to difficult life circumstances, left her in an orphanage . marina, are you ready to find out if zenoid is your birth mother? yes. zenoid, allow me to announce the result? yes yes yes. i
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open the envelope, the alleged daughter, marina simon, the alleged mother, zenoid skalkina. the probability that you, zenoid, met your own daughter for the first time in half a century is 99.9. forgive me, my niece, it’s possible to calmly whiten, i found out, forgive us, please, need forced me, i’ll try, but
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it won’t all happen right away, i need to rethink it all, somehow you’ll keep in touch, but of course i will. after all, they are my biological relatives, she looked, she found, which means we need to maintain the relationship. christina, do you think it might be worth giving zinaita a chance? it might be worth it if they want to keep in touch. i don't mind. we'll talk, call if anything happens. well, let them come as guests to me. well, it works out, let's go. if you are like marina. want to know your relatives, call or write to our editorial office, and we will return tomorrow with a new test result,
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so ready, mistress. take the work , ours are doing it, come for dinner, i ’ll prepare my signature pastiches with pistils and pickles, and with your abilities, it’s time for you to become a culinary blogger, oh, come on, you’ll say the same, now, oh, munestie,
7:00 pm
the minsk agreements are lost a chance for peace in the un security council discussing the causes of the ukrainian conflict - who is to blame? alexey veselovsky more details. give us a piece ukraine. sergei khaloshevsky about how far-right politicians in poland, hungary and romania dream of dividing the neighboring country. in mariupol , an open day was held at the new clinic of the fmba, hundreds of people came to the appointment, vladimir bogomolov found out what kind of assistance doctors will provide and under what conditions patients will be treated. didn't close for a day. the moscow zoo is 100.


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