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tv   Pyos-5  NTV  February 13, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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this sign is modestly hidden behind the big victories at the new stadium. it will support the spirit of sport in the new playgrounds near the house in any weather. this sign does not move forward against the background of great talent in the updated cultural center. and he will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment. the sign of russia's national project is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the change it has brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. about the weather for today, hello, a cyclone from distant europe, arriving in the far east, ways it was a little expensive, but in the khabarovsk territory there was noticeable snowfall, and european warmth arrived for another day. in usuriysk it’s up to +9, but within a day the guests spend in the oceans everything will return to a more familiar framework. there is also a thaw in vladivostok, but more moderate; all changes are softened by the sea . the main events unfold in
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the tyumen region, in the evening in omsk, but in the urals, a cyclone begins to grow there, today it will appear with snowfalls and blizzards on the main voyage planned for tomorrow almost to the krasnoyarsk territory, everywhere in on the way there will be warming precipitation, in novosibirsk today -12, tomorrow -3. and after all this , the arctic is reviving again, frosts down to -20 tomorrow will come to the urals, in the north of europe. it’s getting colder, the center is still relatively warm for a day, abandoned from the south, and freezing rains came from there, so it’s not harmful to remind of their treachery. this is a video from our correspondent; he was driving from rostov to voronezh on sunday and was 6 hours late at his destination. how much more poverty this beautiful but cruel phenomenon created. well actually in the south, by way of compensation , the temperature is still april, in a couple of days this spring will end. in st. petersburg today -8 without precipitation, in moscow - three, snow, ice,
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fog, on wednesday we are expecting sun and a sharp drop in temperature. now we stick out like forgotten enemas. i always said that he should be kicked out. uh... i’m sure he’s drunk again, look at yourself, last time you fell off the stage already on the first song, firstly, on the second, and secondly, since then i’ve already stopped, why are you so sad, go here, uh, what the... but you're a brute again
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i was late again, drunk, i was late, i’m late and will be late, i’m a star, and who are we, and you ’re nobody, yes, without me you’d be nobody, it’s time to rap, forward, that they’ve scattered, once... the color from the fall.
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and say cool music, uncle, well, if you like it, go turn it up, what are you , what uncle, you already like buckwheat, you never liked buckwheat, leave, he said from the table, oh, okay, let's share it like brothers ,
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a little less for you, a little more for me, wow, you swallow. well, yes, lyoshenka, yeah, well, send the little girl, we’ll go and see, yes, come on, bye, we've eaten, yes, come on, you know how to drive a car, uncle, you'll learn, we'll divide the porridge 50 by... 50, but it's too early for you to have a gun, understand? let's go, yes, the darkness is horror, horror and darkness
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, just a hotbed of alcoholism, drug addiction and debauchery, well, whoever said that, do you hear, i... gave up a long time ago, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, i became a fan classical culture, by the way, so that everyone knows who you are? hello, i, i am a photographer of the group witness, who, his witness, you are his witness, and you know that from witness ieva to the victim there is one hose, i somehow came. people like you, i almost wrote off the apartment along with the bench, i just wanted to take a photo, that’s it, i’ve already stopped wanting to, there’s no point in taking photos, your group is over, okay, sorry, although, well, wait,
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maybe you’ll switch gears and film a report about an outstanding detective of our time about the detective legend, who is this, what are you, demobilized, it’s me, it ’s unclear who else is here? who do you see, can you? necessary, do you pose for magazine covers? no, no, no, i won’t pose, come on, catch me in the details, no, no, no, no need to click him, just come on, come on, what do we have here, the microphone cable is cut to the ground, if they gave 220, there could well be a fatal electric shock, but i think it’s somehow unpleasant, what kind of death, look, look, he ’s his...
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and then there’s this moment, i wonder, the girls are dancing, for the hell of it, lelka, what kind of corpse did you scalp from, here are traces of a failed hair transplant, and this is a wig, a bald schmuck came up to us, this is a disaster. this is a disaster, don’t tell anyone about the wig, of course, as a person, i’m sorry that teeth died, yeah, but as a producer, i’m finished, this is a disaster, i i’ve already heard, yes, these are huge losses
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, the mice have chewed up your wires, take a drink, i, he won’t, he’s in a bind, and you’re in trouble too... we’re in a mess, so what about the wires, it’s not here at all what does it have to do with, the vocalist was constantly inappropriate, if not drunk, then under the influence, it means that some musicians live before the bat concert, yours, that means the vocalist was swallowing the wires , what’s wrong with this guy, leave him alone, i invited him, he’s taking off the walkie-talkie me for the cover of a water magazine, come on, vitya, yes, he photographs the group from birth, it turns out until the day of death, from the first cry and to the last, lyric, i photographed the death of the tooth,
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yes, come on, i’ll print it out myself, and my photos too, which are on the cover, come on, click, come on, some kind of madhouse, get out of here, don’t touch it. you and you shut up, new season. new suits, new stars, who are you, mask, mask, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv, this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so little, but not for sars viruses, once they enter the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us, there are orbids, it prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell, and the reproduction mechanism the virus is broken. orbidok is ready to fight
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inflammation in muscles and joints. convenient packaging at an affordable price. what, what, what? again, everyone needs gifts. buy them all at once in split 006 on the yandex market. a set of tools for 1,567 rubles. sometimes it seems to us that everything should happen at once. but great success comes to those who themselves move it towards... “we will not make your child a second clematis, but with us he will receive an education that will reveal his potential, there is no recipe for your successful business, but there is the right ingredient to expand it , we will not handle your main task for you distance. but we will support you every kilometer of the way, we will not turn you into an
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internet star, but we will help you recharge with creative ideas worth a million. we will not decide to purchase an apartment for you, but we will give you the opportunity to choose the right one. we won't send you into space, but we will be happy to inspire a future astronaut. we won't achieve your goals for you, but we will give you everything to do it yourself. for headaches, there is askafen p, at an affordable price, and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when it hurts head. a man gave his ex-wife money for the operation of their little son, who was born with a hole in his stomach. the first operation required 14,500 euros. but she spent the collected millions on her beloved, cell phones,
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the latest model, watches, and also helps pay off loans to her lover, he personally says that we took 3000 from the children’s money for the utility room, the child’s mother denies all the accusations of her ex-husband, where did she get you have a car, a watch, a telephone, i have a new boyfriend, is my mother really deceiving me? profiting from the illness of his only son, i was given, well, at the current exchange rate, yes, 2 million, 400,000 rubles. i received threats, to burn the car, to cut off my head, what did i not do? the child is, well, in mortal danger, and they are talking about some banknotes. i want a polygraph right away, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. so, this is how life flew by, like plywood over honolupa, our homeland, you even
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turn your heads in sync, oh, who would talk, you and leonid would look at yourself. lord, lesh, what is this with you? where? vaughn i brought it in my daddy. ah, this is the whole history of the group. well, we started with small clubs, then stadiums, tours, fame, money, vodka, drugs and a tram club. what a bright, rich, wonderful life. the tramman came to the club. “yes, that’s what they need, i would exile all these hairy people to an inhuman island, the cause of death has already been established len, in the process, it still seems to me, lesh, that this is an accident, as if in the gnyazdel way , it didn’t sound like that, yes, but i was in disrespect, i don’t understand who started it like that, this, what is this, because according to them , business is an accident in itself
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, yes, solve it yourself. i understand, zubov’s car was brought in for examination, let’s go and have a look, and then i’ll untie it, no, no , you can’t untie it, you’re in a bind, just like me, that’s not what i meant, thank you, alexey, come on, no, you look at him, who are you, you can do it, but i can’t? expensive, they probably ordered the limousine because it was so old, it was already all shabby, the tooth didn’t even have money for a driver, he drove the wheel himself, mother, but okay, himself?
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let’s start with the driver, what is this , come on, oh, here’s powder for two washes, and you say he didn’t have money, found it, he ran, where, where, where, don’t you see that the vocalist used drugs, the probable cause of death is an overdose, an overdose, oh, “you know, look, every word is savored, but what does it have to do with it, they ’re just all necromancers and libertines, and what does the door have to do with it, i’m generally a visitor of family values, oh, what kind, vodka in beer, you
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probably want to take a look at his apartment, yes, yes, too, for sure”? champagne rivers with coconut, and what about family values, vodka, dad, beer , mom, yes, yes, yes, everything, everything, burning to the last bullet, i, yes, i, peak, peak, and peak again, brute wahlang. you'll tear your mouth apart, what, as i say, is a complete decline in morals, it's interesting, everyone
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has long hair, there are tattoos and leather jackets, huh? everyone looks the same, lyoshenka, this is the result of long communication in a close team, it’s like you and your dog, by the way, i won’t be surprised when he starts eating oatmeal, me too, or like you and lenka, there you go you wear scarves for her, she wore them silently, lesh, what is this, a will on a piece of toilet paper, yes, yes, i didn’t finish reading it, you knew how, well, i started, where ’s the spirit? and you exchanged your forty-year-old wife , you can’t read, for two little girls of 15 years, and where is another 10, i wouldn’t take it, why, well... it looks like a threat, well, everything is clear, it was zubov’s wife who killed him, and i understand her perfectly, i would have strangled him with sick leave, for which i killed him, for
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the loss of family values, here is lyoshenka, my favorite version, it’s all the ex’s fault, well , or the inheritance, i wouldn’t cancel the money, well of course, it’s early now, but when you become president, you’ll cancel it, who will? five of his ex-wives among themselves, very interesting, this is your handwriting, you used a forty-year-old wife on two
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15-year-old girls, that’s right, no, this is his handwriting, yeah, don’t worry, i’m on your side, you’re just repenting everything, but it seems to me that this is your note and in it you threaten for constant replacements, “these are the words from the song, he wrote it down so as not to forget, he was looking for a riff, for example, i walk into you like an ice floe, proud icebreaker, hug me, no man's love funny, uh-huh, on purpose, he wanders across the field among the red poppies, where are you jacob, take it, i can’t read this, it’s sex, drugs, rock and roll, poppies near the house, grass in my pocket, i lived like that myself . i know, what do you like? i , i like classical literature, well, there 's shirka holmes and dr. winston, i
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certainly haven't read the book, but the movie is good, you know, then you can go to a cafe to get to know each other better , your husband had conflicts, my ex-husband had conflicts there were no other relationships with people except conflicts, and with everyone, well, the most bright joke then. understand, well, one of the last , the loudest is with his doctor, he gave him contraband botox and made cosmetic masks, from guan, flaminco, cool, you know, i once made masks from cow pats, again in a cafe all this tell me, but it seems to me that the conflict with the doctor was not because of botox, but because of drugs, this is possible, listen, my ex-husband could have started a conflict over anything, believe me. "okay, thanks for the help, the investigation, and the king of the cakes, i'm leading the cow flatbread, shiptun, you’re ours, that means
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i dropped you with the address, let’s drop everything, i’m coming here, that’s it, come here, oh, you’re like those tearing twins, you’re sick or something, well, go to the clinic, you’re an asshole, a creature, a brute , freak, brute. hello,
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bye igor, bye girl, yeah, i got it, i got it, i got it, well done, come here, you fool, go ahead, hello! goat, move away , just a second, igor, and it seems to you, oh, how quickly you sang, i’m the one kicking him out, yeah, kick him out, so, evil spirit, go out of the workplace . forward, what is he doing, oops,
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where is everything. ran away, what? so, i saw two bald people angry men thought that you were the victim of an unsuccessful hair transplant, do you hear, you yourself are a victim of unsuccessful transplants, he is bald and angry, and you know what kind of hair i had, and once upon a time that you never dreamed of, yes, the police, yes by the way, what were the conflicts about, what about drugs? no, it’s not you who have life, but his tooth, i offered him a hair transplant from the mane of a wild mustang, but he only had enough money for cheap plastic that melts from a hairdryer, well, yes, a hairdryer , you need to be careful with a hairdryer, but you don’t think i told him i returned all the money, every penny, moreover, i bought him an expensive wig, you didn’t notice that he had vague doubts, tell the doctor.
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will you lend me the money? no, well, that's all, no money, no jewelry, we sit down, we have an alibit, and everyone on the floor, behave well, uncle grisha will give you life, dad, take me, igor lifanov, what is beginning, pavel trubenyak, quietly , let's get up,
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seizure premieres on friday at 20:00 on ntv. mask - new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. dear ladies, i am not hinting at anything, but the holidays are coming, nazon cashback, 3% on sbp on everything, no matter what you want to give. buy gifts for ozone psbp at a favorable price. register on the pain and discomfort before sitting is impossible to tolerate. try urinalgin f, it is capable of action 20 minutes after use, so that you are not distracted from the most important things. urinel f. don’t endure the pain, take a breath. what, what, what, it’s the holidays again and everyone needs gifts? gifts, a toy for my daughter, a bag for my mother, a jacket for my husband. buy them all at once split 006. now 0 rub. everything else then without overpayment even more gifts on the yandex market, for example, makofé coffee beans for 685 rubles. or a set of knives. for
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but call us right now, the razor will be yours for only 1,699 rubles. and only today , liamax moisturizing aftershave lotion as a gift. shopping with a plus. call or order on our website mask - new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. everything about the elections in russia. we'll tell you in detail. it's not difficult to understand them. important, honestly convenient. what is a newsletter? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot, writing down the candidates, and not forgetting mom and dad. they applied it very... cunningly, many degrees of protection, took colored markers, made watermarks, let's go vote with it , choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot won't pass, after all, in
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russia, ballot papers are marked better than money, they are very carefully protected, they have the most powerful protection, your trick will not work, people are honest they choose, but my dad and i are very glad that we are yours... choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, he asks what to film, i didn’t want to, it was he who forced me, what are you yelling at a person, it’s him.. ... takes photographs of celebrities, and so you’re famous among us, or what? yes, no , you are a celebrity, of course i am , that’s it, there are no more questions for you, igor, now i have one more question for you, yeah, polzubova,
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there were enemies, yes, everyone in the group hated him, he hated everyone, especially the sound engineer , accused him of having a voice sounds too quiet at concerts, eh? but they hated each other so much that they could kill each other, but kill each other? i don’t know, but they hated it fiercely, like ours? no, igor, how are you, i don’t have any more questions. and i know that it was you who killed him, do you hear , i saw how you delved into the agent, i
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understood, i hate rockers, but we hate ourselves, “what grief, what grief, irreparable loss, you were very friends with him, yes , but what does it have to do with it, i’m incurring losses, it’s clear, so things, what is this, well, he ate, but don’t
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send him away, are you sick, well, at least we’ll make a little money selling photographs, but i told you that shoo-murder is me, you’ll take the lodger away like an eternal dog, move away, me. on healthy aphid crops, but without it you can’t go anywhere. i’ll call now, and you’ll give it to him, yes, where have you
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gone, blueberry, got your money, stop mushroom, nothing, for a week, a week you don’t pick up the phone, i’ll give it all, where would i ask in the background for time, and not a question, so we’ll get stuck , i’m waiting for text messages, well , this is a dealer, what’s a dealer? on igor, you’ve given up, you’ve given up, i’m not for myself, but for some comrades at the cemetery, or something, but i’m at work, at work, he’ll send a text message now, the meeting is jammed , so, well, who’s going to talk to the dealer, and what’s incomprehensible here, of course, of course, me , why is this all of a sudden, you don’t look at all like the murdered, thank god, sound engineer, well, that’s what you tell him, but i’ll say that the sound engineer lives without signs of life , he’s not sad, he won’t even talk to you
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, that’s why it’s because you have the behavior of a cop whose garbage i have, you have troubles, i have garbage, how am i going to go where do you give it, give it back , give it back the cattle, give it back the creature the bastard went to the vog and you have lesha whose habits who will you get along with lena that's why you paint your nails on your toes quietly, the only person you don't feel sorry for is him , he's a bastard, and secondly, he behaves like a stoner in life, these are golden, golden words, look, my grandmother, look, or your grandmother's teeth, yes , i’ll take the paporations with me , put them aside so that he can film me in action, but i ’m not for fame, but for whom, and what does it have to do with it, he’s just been hanging around between star drug addicts all his life, let him tweak it a little, tweak my film, you’re just a piece of dust - then you'll be quieter, oh, yes, sorry, limonita, just tweak mine, it's just too much for me classically. at least now to the rear of the enemies
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, the main thing is not to mind, let's go, typical drug addict, so let's go through this, this slang, come on, okay, i'll ask questions , and you answer, let's pile on, how often do you get into trouble, well, ... three or four a day , so morons set up trash cans on the road, freaks, wearing a mask is taking a drug by injection, but yeah, it’s so scientific, hmm, interesting, i didn’t know, go ahead, there’s a button accordion, no, boyan, what a boy, no, i, i went to the violin as a child, i went three times and i was included.
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for poor academic performance, a button accordion is a syringe with which an injection is given, and how do you say that in medical terms, look, you didn’t know, you didn’t know, shit, who, you’re crazy, you yourself are shit, shit, it’s heroin, aka gerasim , he’s gloomy, he ’s so, that’s it, he’s good, that’s it, he’s good, i already have such a bullshit from you. you know what we’ll do, let’s just take it and film a report just about the loner nezdilov, who went alone to abstain from bandits, why are you distracting me, damn, he’s screwed up again, as drug addicts say, why did you get out, what did you get out of, i’m asking you, so quickly get into the car. hang out there and crank up your lens, catch a shot, now
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there will be a bomb report, who are you anyway, we need more poop, more poop, we need a lot of poop. what do you want? did gerasiv bring mumu? uncle, what kind of mumu? did you bring me a debt? what a duty, i need to get dirty with the handbrake, get dirty! what do you need to do? accordion injection? in short, where is this under-director? does he owe me money? max, come on, finish it off
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them, i already have them all! i’m exhausted that your roof has arrived, it’s scary, i’ve already left his roof a long time ago, so the two-director couldn’t come, and i began to be for him, did you bring me money? no, he owes me money, yeah, in short, so , now you also only owe me twice as much , that’s why they’re squeezing out your cars, oh, yes, yes, i think i don’t agree
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, here’s a friend, let’s spit it out, quickly, quickly, give me your lens , come on, black belt pohara-kiri, took off, yes, great, igor, don’t bother me, igor, get the guys to the police station, yes, you’ll break down, come on, who are you you take a photo, and then run to the car, well, you saw , well, it’s not a person, it’s shit on a stick, they killed the toothy and sound director, i didn’t kill anyone, okay, so let’s write down that everything is fine,
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what did you expect, the gas mask is on head fingers? at the door, we have other methods, some other methods, you’ve never seen anything like this before, well, well , listen, yes, okay, i sold dope, very well, well... not only did i trade, we also collected debts , this is not very good, but listen, they all took drugs there and they all had to, fine, yes what’s great, i say, each of them could have killed, but they didn’t live like spiders in jars, find a murderer among the musicians, good, good, but
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what’s good, good, what did you get along with? “very good, svetlana, who grew up in a foster family , is sure that she found her own older sister on social networks. when i saw olima’s photo, i realized that we are just, well , the same person, we don’t look alike at all, i kind of look like a khakass girl, she she kind of looks like a russian, but her adoptive mother never said that she had a sister, just take it, one brother is older than me..." by 7 years, the second for 3 years, she just looked for everyone from her dreams, both men and women, are women really blood sisters separated in childhood, she tells me this, well , my adoptive mother said that my biological mother is sosnina maria ivanovna, and this is my mother, or younger sister, made a mistake, found someone else’s
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older sister, you don’t look much like anything, your forehead is just everything, well, but you say nothing, i open the envelope. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. for intestinal microflora - enhanced probiotic. meet new product acipol forte. it contains 10 billion bacteria of two types. it contains zinc. store without refrigeration. just one capsule per day. acepool ford. a new level of probiotics. what, what, what? does everyone need gifts again? buy them all at once in split 006 on the yandex market. set of homsli knives for rub 1,273. the feeders are all perfectionists, they eat only grain feed, and never use harmful growth hormone additives. yes, these are
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russia. around her are symbols of power, wealth and fertility. call to order a free commemorative medal for every russian. you only pay the delivery cost, 349 rubles. order by calling toll-free 8800 60060. 8.05 or on the website motherarossia.rrf. the stars aligned on sunday immediately after musk’s show on ntv. yes, of course, they have such hari faces that compared to them, our card index, i’ll tell you, is actually some kind of childish ass. yes, baby's ass. yes, anyone could kill. anyone, i think not the guard will stop. well, what is the motive? money, fame, glory, for you, lord , yes, they have long since disappeared, but what
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is there to suck, they should all be imprisoned without trial, indiscriminately, here and there, indiscriminately, hey, hey, what is necessary , whatever you need, nothing, i ’ll give you nothing, stop, come here, this is for me, this is a reporter, let him do a report about me. who hated these two the most? well , i hated it loudly, there were fights, let’s go, i’m moving, it’s a shame, soleli salaeli, i fucked off mozart, that’s what i understand, classic, so come on click me, what come on, why did you start taking pictures, why are you taking pictures of him, god, point, point, who hated them, get out of sight and better? poke, but here’s the guitarist because they didn’t even know the notes, do you want to sleep too? well,
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yes, i agree, it’s a suspicious set. where are you going, moron, can’t you see that i’m a sexist? i'm a sneak, let's get the fuck out of here . what do you think is in there for the bear?
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what about that drummer's head? oh, what a fear, come on, let's chip in with you, who is digging up this head? what the hell stone scissors, just like that. oh, fuck our mother, stand, polyutsia, you are loaded.
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get off it, the bear came, but i didn’t kill, especially not a tear, i won’t get off. you know how to fly, i can’t, learn.
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move, stay here, igor, i dug him up here, this is out of my league, if it’s heroin, then i ’m a hero, and if you’re cocaine, then who are you, then i am, quiet, shut up, some kind of shitty place to hang out - then are you? i decided to tie it, yes, of course, so that later on the full moon i could untie it and give the schoolchildren three roads, what else is there, something doesn’t look like a button accordion, it’s mine mandalina, i decided to give up drugs and music, uh-huh, bury it, why don’t you have a toilet at home, you’re a fucking romantic, let’s move it to
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the department, no, no, i won’t get into the back again. there’s no need for more, go to your cars, okay, you’ll also answer for my car, it’s broken, mandalist! you're a japanese mother, an ambulance to the park pond
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urgently. but it’s very funny , come on, what are you doing, leave the crime scene, please, gnezdilov gave me permission, you shut your mouth, the man is working with me, he’s taking pictures of the star, come on, you’re the one who shut your grazing, work, not as a star trade, but here everything is clear to a moron, it’s an accident, rockers, they’re all dying like spirits, look at that brick, it’s just a spare part they have, but no, no, it’s not a spare part, it’s a brick, uh , thank god, they’re just so slacker and lazy that they’re too lazy to step on the gas,
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there’s no money for an autopilot, that’s why they’re putting up bricks, rich man, look, maybe they’re murderers, we’ll wait and see, well, you ’ll take a picture of it all here department yes... a few years ago i was investigating one episode and it seemed to me that i had found the real one murders, but i was wrong, damn, the same handwriting, this is a serial killer who leaves his marks everywhere, he has his own mythology, from his point of view he must kill, he has no other choice, there is no coincidence, and this is not. .. sir, such a growth cannot and should not exist for leningrad , the cradle of the revolution, this is darkness itself, captain, i can see right through you, he is here, he is still
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here, andrei frolov, what was that, major, anton khabarov, all these killed are not victims. on bait to bring me here, fear of the neva, fear of the dark - this is the oldest, most natural human fear. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. mask: new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so short, but not for arvi viruses, once they enter the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us, but there is... it prevents the virus from merging with the cell and the mechanism of virus reproduction is disrupted. arbidok is ready to fight influenza and other acute respiratory viruses. oh, where's your damaged one?
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9:29 am
what are you doing there, it’s clear that the killer is from the inner circle of the group, i say, these three remaining musicians need to be killed with everything, well, what kind of calf’s affection, i don’t understand, you should use less lenin’s perfume, by the way, i’m in the same room with her i’m driving in a car, and it’s just your foot that’s worn out, but the group decided to organize a wake in the form of a concert.
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planet, oh tank, lyosha, tell me, thousands, thousands, thousands of young, young, excited women's bodies, they jump every day , don't get excited, no, no, get excited, get excited, lyosha, but i can't, it's called groupies, that's what it's called, yeah, no, well, if that's the case... yes, i thought and decided, let's save these chests in pussy so that they don't get crushed, don't fall apart, i 'm a liar, well, who else if not you, well, yes, who else if not me, if not you, like me, well done, well, what are they there , wait, i’ll soon start confusing you with a dog.
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don’t sing to the nesters, pretend that you’re saving your voice, it’s not the time, okay, let me dress up as a rocker, i’m for it. lenka, your lemonidae he wants to take my grues away from me without worshipers, but that’s not what leonidov had in mind, igor is not lying, but hello, attention,
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well, fits, i found replacements. vocalist, we still need a guitarist, we don’t need one, we’ll work to a soundtrack, but he’s completely mute, or what? saving his voice for the concert, since we no longer have one candidate in sight, i suggest you drink vodka, whiskey, oh, tea, just tea, on herbs, on herbs, our man, and we haven’t met you before, i arrived recently. from the magnifying glass room, i’m very famous there, and from the stars personally, who do you know, yes everyone, oze obsron, yes, he no longer eats our volatiles according to my advice, oh well, but why is he eating royal beetles then according to my testament,
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do you hear, your hair is real, otherwise it’s from the butts of chimpanzees, so they’re all bald, well so now yes, it’s expensive, otherwise... elton also inserted john on my advice, and not only in his head, every day now his and his little friend, that’s our tea, your health, epileptic. i have news, i found bronstein’s fingerprints on the amplifier tubes, who woof, woof, if you knew that you were silent, then i don’t have anything he said, he knew, the main thing is that i have news,
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well, you are from one news program, bronstein, he was in prison, and his last name is not bronstein at all, cancel the nest. urgently , bronstein will see through it, that’s it, answer , everyone here is their own, nothing wet, these are envious people and admirers, and why with a shapat, it means, look, there’s a murderer among the lambukhs, who else knows about this, no one, just you and me, we together, both two, you have the only
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decent face here, after that, of course, when there are fans, there will be soon, but how do you even know? about the killer, i am the police, he fighting cheated, what is incomprehensible, to no one , that’s how i know you, of course , everyone knows me here in the city, no, well, keep your mouth shut, yes, your mouth is shut, yes, when will the admirers attack me, krupis, what yes, yes, gruntis, is it already close?
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so, attention everyone, we are holding a rehearsal in full force, and in the evening we will film it all with the audience, it’s so fashionable now, this is for you, yeah, so that you don’t mix up the words, yeah. classic, i'm on the balcony, you take off everything so you don't miss anything.
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it means loud music, it's rock, rock is loud, it's louder than anyone else, what else is there can i poke it? like this, are you ready?
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shoot the cop, that's what i'm paying you for, you see how, okay,
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hey, where are you going, i didn't kill, i didn't kill, just a good rocker, a dead rocker, tell me, whose words are these, if not a murderer. stars are earned only after death, that is, you didn’t kill, but you’re not a murderer, who, if not you, uh, me, what am i, there was no way else to make money from this group, it was a brilliant plan, brilliant, perfect murder, oh , i understand, the owner of the button has appeared, well... that’s it, we’ll arrange a collective confession,
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definitely, but first i’ll bury the last witnesses, why are you silent, he’s talking about us, don’t, don’t, don’t joke like that, well, you’re my friend, come on, your friend was, yeah, when back, back, where ? “look, he refused, yes, stop
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making fun of leonidov, lenochka, did i do it on purpose, or something, it’s just funny, but it’s not funny for me, many years of work on speech and appearance are ruined, and you saw where the training was, so what? well, how do you like my new image? yes, lenechka, in my opinion, now many years of work with yours have collapsed, between other help, i did everything i could, then you yourself, this leonidov, let’s go, by the way, now he’s like this, and... what’s with the hairstyle, she gave me an electric shock when he was detained, i decided to leave it,
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great, where’s the suit? yes, lenochka , i’m still a cop, and not... not libraries , that’s right, i don’t want you to be like maksimov, you know what, i’m an adult, and i can decide for myself, absolutely right, and like an adult, yourself, go wash and change clothes, please, but... for the last time, oh, they're going, yuhu,
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oh, look, it's him, yes he, no, it's not me, who, and we are fans of your group from your first day, ugh, this is not a god, we didn’t expect it, no, we didn’t expect it, just some strong ones, these are classical, as i would say, ancient greek, we are too old, girls, he not real,
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i didn't see anything, i didn't see anything, i didn't see anything. what is it, are you so hungry,
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or what, for a whole hour and a half? yeah, okay, i could give it to my hands, by the way, to. what do you mean, you’re so exhausted that you can’t come here and eat? you know that the dog who will be me has not yet been born manipulate, so put your feet in your hands, eat, look, lesh, call, you have
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the last chance to eat, before work, you know, far away, ah, we assumed so, yes, that, we are ready to go out with all weapons, especially the dog , well , send me your address, come on, come on, that’s it, i missed my chance to eat, let’s go, great things await us. thank you, good afternoon, who is unlucky today? today konstantin pastukhov was lucky, yeah, 42 years old, businessman, yeah, and pay attention, there are strangulation marks on his neck,
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whose path did this runner cross, no one, it’s he himself, he’s killing himself... yes, the killer hala hoop, yes, yes, hala hoop, you saw this devilish weapon, they’re on whatever you want, believe it, i saw this, oh, lenka, it’s better not to tell you , ah...
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maksimov and i used to run here in the morning, remember even in a past life, well, let it be in a past life. will remain in a past life, well done, bring the stick here, he won’t bring it, he found something there, and what does that mean, please explain to me, the general’s fosterling, that’s how he arrived before everyone else who managed to miss the second one, he’s alive, for sure kill killed, and then started running, and then realized that i was... overtaking him, got scared, lost consciousness, come on, so that you can just hear you, yes, this is a witness, igor, you know, a witness, also igor, motherfucker, you can speak,
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remember what happened, i, i, what should i remember, what are you doing here, i, i don't remember, uh, it could be short-term memory loss, it will recover in a few days. burenchik, we just don’t have a couple of days, a hypnotist helps a lot, there is also an effective method with a clinklin, for myself this save the way, we have someone to turn to, lesh, please call the hypnotist, new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask? mask, sunday at 20:20 on ntv.
9:51 am
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meeting point today at 14:00 on ntv. breaking the blockade ring and victory in the battle for leningrad is the most important event for our homeland. for 900 days and nights, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, together with the townspeople, fought against the fascist invaders. this is a story of heroism and invincible fortitude of those who defended our homeland. the city did not give up, despite... a terrible test, no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the nazi blockade, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal for every russian. the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay 299 rubles for delivery. preserve the memory of the heroic victory and pass it on to your children and grandchildren. call to order your anniversary.
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medal by toll-free number 8800 600 68 05 or on the website medal leningrad.rf mask: new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. a man gave his ex-wife money for the operation of their little son. was born with a hole in his stomach. the first operation required 14,500 euros, but she spent the millions she collected on herself. cell phones. the mother of the child denies all the accusations of her ex-husband, where did you get the car, watch, telephone, i have a new young man, is the mother really deceiving , profiting from the illness of her only son, i was transferred, well, at the current exchange rate, yes, 2 ml 4000 rubles. i received threats to burn the car,
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cut off my head... the thief was clearly one of his own. i will be forced to check albi on every officer in the battalion. until the end of the operation, even if you are sentenced to the tower, no one will declassify anything. special battalion if you are a serious person with an interest in the car, nothing will save you. and we have it. today is 22:15 on ntv. on the count of three, i'll click. fingers and you will remember everything:
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one, two, three, i remembered, i remembered everything, that you remembered, everything, and the snake i saw a flying one, and a halakha an umbian. no, i remembered how one person tried to strangle another, yeah, but you can describe the first one who tried to strangle the second, yes , of course, height, average, so, build, average, the hood was on, yes, there was no face at all apparently, that's all, right? i helped you,
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yeah, like a treat for the dead, i don’t even understand why the hell you brought him here? excuse me, but in any way i could, i helped, yes , i saw how you helped, i just fidgeted with my little hands, snapped my fingers and dosvidos, i can do this too, but a little differently, but how are you hypnotizing me already, look to the right, and please, now to the left, now... at me and what the hell, how you hypnotized me, i’m telling you, it’s not just hypnosis, you can’t take me with a crowbar, the hypnotist has to scratch me, eat, thank you very much, well, it’s delicious, well, really, tasty, but really tasty, do you want it? no, thanks, i'll be there tomorrow, and igor, dessert for you,
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oh, yes, here it is, m, m, this is a completely different matter, if you want, i can stop this, or maybe i 'll take it off, and then you just put it all back come back, yes, igor, well, great, thank you for the pleasure, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, to you, comrade assistant, a separate one, goodbye, and uh-huh, often, goodbye, goodbye. goodbye, that's it, goodbye, yes, i need to inspect the victim's apartment, so i went.
10:00 am
heavy snipers in the southern donetsk direction of the northern military district disrupt enemy rotations, and sometimes complete the task without firing a single shot, as they manage to do, vladimir bogomolov learned. tucker carlson made loud statements after an interview with vladimir putin. ukraine is not will be able to win the conflict with russia. what arguments did the american journalist give? us president kamala haris has announced her readiness to take over the post of head of the white house, why would the recipient extend her disability now, a real quest, examination, certificates, many doctors.


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