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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  February 13, 2024 1:25pm-2:00pm MSK

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ivan gubin will continue to believe. this is what daria sudishnikova’s content looked like at the peak of her popularity. thousands of internet users watched the fate of a thirteen-year-old pregnant schoolgirl. who would you like more, a daughter or a son? i don’t care who it is, but i’m more used to having a daughter, so i want a daughter more. 4 years later , not a trace of the childish naivety of the young mother, her large audience, remained on the blog of the already matured daria, mixed with videos with a three-year-old baby, with friends and very piquant shots with which she is ready share for money, recently a girl announced that you can also buy intimate photographs of her daughter. i also filmed a video with my daughter, but i’ll post it in another private area, there are only 20 people there, maybe someone wants to go there too. the indignant public immediately contacted the police and the guardianship authorities with a request to take the child away. conversations about this, by the way, are not being conducted for the first time, there are several reasons, the big question was raised by the psycho-emotional state of daria, who herself willingly.
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they want to set her up in order to take the child away. they want to deprive me of my rights because i don’t post, that is, everything is fine with us, our child is well off, fully clothed, fed, everything is great, is it so with her, investigators will now find out, they have started your check. investigators carry out the necessary checks. events
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on social networks of information, based on the results of checking the accuracy of the information published in the audit, a procedural decision will be made. one way or another, after daria visited the investigators, they deleted who it was, the platform administrators who it is not yet clear whether they received complaints from mysterious ill-wishers or from daria herself. ivan gubin, alexey bulatov and valentin lyubimov ntv television company. it ended with an acquittal.
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according to the testimony of one of the attackers, he beat him, so he decided not to remain in debt. uninvited guests, all natives of tajikistan , began to demonstrate weapons and shout threats to throw stones at the house. mayhem is happening. fearful for the safety of the family.
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a taxi driver who brought a noisy company that evening, having heard shots, the attackers they fled, the wounded man was taken to the hospital, where he died. alexander krasnov himself came to the police to confess, he was arrested and accused of premeditated murder, although, according to alexander, he simply had no other choice, lives were at stake.
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both pilots died on the spot; it is reported that there were three more people on board the plane, including a crew member and two passengers; they survived and are now in the hospital. new details in the case of the english teacher and stalets forced the court
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to change the measure for the young teacher suppression. now he is in pre-trial detention. according to investigators, vasily khamutinin corrupted girls in the teachers' lounge. one of them was eight. when he began to show interest in her, the relationship continued for several years and it is unknown how it would have ended if the teacher had not had another girl with whom he had a relationship, and one of the schoolgirls became jealous, after which everything that happened in the school the establishment has ceased to be a secret, as investigators have learned about, daria mosalova will tell. investigators gave vasily khomutinin a d for behavior and employees of vsin, he is rudely...
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a twenty-one-year-old teacher got caught when she was in the second grade, now she is 18. 50% of what he is a good person, such a person, a teacher, this is 50% of what he has done , this is not it. not good, blackmail and coercion for intimacy, these two articles seem to work for me, as far as i know, our questions don’t seem uncomfortable to her, she answers as is, doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t fuss, feels like she even sympathizes with the seducer, psychologists explain that at such a young age girls project the image of their father onto men, especially if they grew up without him, they feel respect and sympathy, khamutinin took advantage of this, at school the young specialist was in high demand, an extracurricular acquaintance. he started with a request to send a photo, this task was for the little ones, for older girls, he
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immediately hinted at intimacy. initially, the police received an appeal from one victim; later, through investigative actions and operational measures, it was established that a number of crimes had been committed against the second girl. during the investigation, the accused admitted guilt partially. correspondence and photographs of naked students were found on the teacher’s phone. having received them , he moved on to the next stage, writing to schoolgirls from someone else’s account. account threatened to leak incriminating evidence if they did not agree to the offer to improve their english outside of a formal setting, the blackmail worked at least twice, tanya was 13 at that time, the second victim was 11. i warned that there would be a statement to the police, well, he immediately seemed like good luck blocked, it turns out from the left page, then, as it were , they called me again when it turns out with me the duty officers took me away, i write to him that, well, vasya , as it were, took me away. well, the duty officer took away what they were taking back to the talitsa for interrogation, so he could have admitted even then
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that not everyone believes that the young teacher was the initiator of intimacy, but here, as they say , you have to think with your head, he knew that the girls who sympathized with him probably wouldn’t the fact that he was 18 no 14, he sowed debauchery in the school where his own mother was the director, she, of course, had to resign in disgrace, the victim does not attend courts, is immersed in a new relationship, an investigator... danya has repeatedly said that she does not want khamutinin to be severely punished, however , it is clear that this story for an english teacher cannot end with a happy ending. daria masalova, valentin lyubimov and anton lukyanov, ntv. fsb officers detained a citizen of belarus who committed sabotage in tula; as it turned out, he was recruited by the ukrainian special services. on instructions from the curators, a man with a criminal past set the fire. substation was wounded , was convicted of hooliganism, was released from prison, the repeat offender came into contact with
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kharkov authority otarari danko, known as grisha moskovsky, it turned out that it was he who brought his acquaintance together with curators from the special services. the man agreed to carry out sabotage and terrorist attacks in russia for money. after completing the task, he headed to voronezh, where he also intended to start arson. there was a criminal case, then, dead souls, a resident of nizhny novgorod found out that he
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had a second life, which neither his children, nor his wife, nor even himself knew about, how is this even possible, we’ll tell you, but after a short advertising, there’s a sniper rifle, a sunflower in your pocket, well, okay then, let’s go, we’re already wanted, where is chertanov after all, where the hell is he, so who? cognizes. the hijacker is clearly one of his own. i will be forced to check albi on every officer in the battalion. until the end of the operation, even if you are sentenced to the tower, no one will declassify anything. special battalion if serious people have an interest in the car, nothing will be saved. and we have it. today is 22:15 on ntv. once in the body, influenza and arvi viruses begin to multiply,
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time is working against us , orbido can prevent their reproduction, yura and i decided on gifts, and you son wants a radio-controlled car, and maxim hints at a smart watch, and you hint, i want a robot vacuum cleaner , i’ll give you a life hack, come on, buy a gift with free vtb credit card. as many as 200 days without interest, 20% cashback on everything, i buy it, what a surprise from vtb, everything will work out together. does it seem like something has changed? no, just the way we like it! kfc is now rostix, but the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat that you love so much, smiled, it means she recognized me, she smiled, it means she’s real,
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they recognize her. hmm, they love, remember, appreciate, truly. psb is the bank for the present. 70% of women have vitamin d deficiency. to avoid becoming one of them, i take aquadetrim every morning. with aquadetrim i feel a surge of strength and joy from every day. aquadetrim is the latest generation vitamin d. thanks to the unique qualifex technology. it’s so nice when they do something for you, for example, when a credit card brings cashback in rubles and pays itself off, always sign up for tenki platinum before the end of february get cashback in rubles, not bonuses, mask, new season, on sunday 2020 on
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ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence, why? the body malfunctions. can these harmful changes be stopped? can. our body has a main computer, the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep, and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, made up of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. with age in changes occur in the brain cells. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain restoration. all of them belong to the class of phospholipeds; there are more than 100 of them. this is how a product was created from
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highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. extend your youth. 8800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the work of everyone our organ, but with age we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year , a russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese moy product, which contains... those phospholipids that promote brain recovery. brain therapy is produced in japan. the aging of the brain can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again. extend the youth of your brain. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. 8800 100 exactly 1985. find out
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more about the japanese product brain therapy. there is another emergency on the air and we continue our broadcast to the residents of the moscow region who scalped a student, passed a sentence last summer, zafar razokov and ilya taigushoev attacked a nineteen-year-old young man on the street because of his appearance, they did not like the green iraq . on the head of a rock music fan, the men turned from threats to action, struck several blows, cut off the hair along with part of the skin with a knife , detained them a few days later, both admitted their guilt. according to the court verdict, these citizens were found guilty of committing two crimes provided for in paragraphs of the state duma, part two of article 112 and part
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two of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation in their entirety. mikhail dekushnikov, a turner at a factory in nizhny novgorod, unexpectedly found out that he was also a builder of such talents, he had not noticed in himself before, but he was officially. employed in a company that builds houses on paper, works on paper, receives a salary, pays taxes, mikhail’s wife and our correspondents went to look for this
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mysterious company and find out how many other such workers there are. the mother of four children, irina dikushnikova, learned that their family was living too well and were not entitled to benefits when she applied to social security for a subsidy to pay for utility bills; they wanted to take advantage of the help as low-income people. but no matter how hard she tried to convince her that she barely had enough money to live on, the woman was directly shown on the official paper where her husband’s income was listed in black and white; social security seemed to tell us that you husband has a second income, on the same foot we went to the tax office, the tax office confirmed that yes, my husband has official two salaries, it turns out that he works for two llcs, the certificates issued stated that mikhail is employed in a certain construction company, i work officially at work, it turns out i also have... i have a job, also officially, supposedly i work in moscow, while the family lives in the nizhny novgorod region stroyma shf llc, which supposedly pays mikhail a salary, registered in moscow, but
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you can call the numbers provided impossible. the company most likely does not exist, only purely on paper. to dispel doubts, our film crew went to the company’s address in moscow. this is a building on sadovnicheskaya street, in the very center of the capital, where in theory the office should be located, but , as it turned out, there is no such organization here. there is no such company here, the manager is olga safronova. according to the document, the company is active, engaged in the construction of residential and non-residential buildings, but apparently only builds castles in the air and ghost houses. the founder is a certain ilya muravyov, general director svetlana safronova, who, by the way, also lives in the nizhny novgorod region, in the city of semenov. and what’s most interesting is that she doesn’t design engineering structures and... lays bricks, her field of activity is completely different, she deals with eyelashes, and in order to make sure that this is the director, i had to make an appointment with her
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for eyelashes. irina conducted her own investigation, but the meeting was short, to find out how safronova manages to combine the position of construction manager the company and the eyelash technician were unsuccessful, she did not talk, most likely, the woman was a nominal figure, and the organization was simply disguised as an operating office. some kind of enrichment is underway. the money went somewhere, in response to a request to fire my husband, she says, let him quit, but how to quit if he didn’t even get a job there, i don’t care at all , who arranged it for him, let them figure it out there, with whom he got a job, so and you don’t understand that he has problems, i won’t have a dialogue with you anymore, quite often experts explain that scammers buy personal data of deceased or simply unsuspecting people; similar tax evasion money laundering schemes are used in business restaurants. or the service sector where cash is circulating, those who unwittingly become so-called dead souls subsequently face problems, the system is designed in such a way that until you figure out exactly
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what happened there, then in the system you will always light up in the black lists, and not only will you not be able to receive subsidies, you will not you will be able to get a normal mortgage, then yes , everything in general, and bonuses from the state, the dekushnikov spouses not only failed to apply for a subsidy, but also lost monthly social payments for children, due as... the ntv television company. but that is not all. see below. you can't put him in jail, he can't let him go. the comma in this sentence will have to be placed by the vsin employees, who will soon receive a dangerous criminal in a wheelchair. so where will father single from krasnogorsk, near moscow, spend the next 12 years? you'll find out after the ad.
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svetlana, who grew up in a foster family, is sure that she found her own older sister on social networks. when i saw olina’s photo, i realized that we were just, well, the same face, not similar at all, i kind of look like a khakassian, she kind of looks like a russian. however, the adoptive mother never said that she had a sister, only brothers. one brother is 7 years older than me, the second is 3 years older, i was just looking for everyone, both men and women. are women separated in childhood really related? sister's blood. she’s like this to me, she says, well, this is my adoptive mother, she said that my biological mother was maria ivanovna, but this is my mother, or my younger sister found it in a mistake.
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tv. sometimes it seems to us that everything should happen at once. but great success comes to those who move towards it themselves. we will not make your child the second clematis. but with us he will receive an education that will reveal his potential. there is no recipe for your successful business, but there is the right ingredient for expanding it. we won't handle your main task for you. distance. but we will support you every kilometer of the way. we won't turn you into an internet star, but we will help you get creative ideas worth a million. we will not decide for you at'.
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going to these stores. with ozonbank spending is a pleasure, drawing 100% cashback in rubles. when speeding along the motorway, you will easily fly past this sign. and in the new children's clinic there is something to see besides him. this sign is modestly hidden behind the loud victories at the built stadium. and you certainly won’t have time for him against the backdrop of great talent in the updated cultural center. the sign of russia's national project is easy to miss, but not. we may not notice the changes he brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. cutting a tree is long, exhausting and difficult, especially if you are far from home. world of fair prices brings you the cordless chainsaw of the century. trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes - this is not a complete list of work that it is capable of. povek
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is an indispensable assistant in construction, repair, work on personal plots, caring for trees and shrubs; the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. the electric motor with copper winding has quite high power for such a small thing. the chain of this saw was designed to cut. wood quickly, smoothly and with minimal energy consumption. call to order a cordless chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast.
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single father alexey kulikov from moscow region a krasnogorsk court sentenced him to 12 years in prison for arms trafficking. kulikov agrees that he broke the law, but neither he nor his relatives can understand how he... a wheelchair user can be there. alexey has papers according to which he cannot go to prison, but in order for a special commission to confirm this, kulikov will still have to go behind bars. a particularly dangerous criminal, alexei kulyakov , is preparing for an interview with the help of his mother; he is physically unable to move independently. kulyakov has an incurable spinal-muscular trophy, a number of concomitant diseases and the first group of disability, but this did not stop him from selling weapons on...
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i don’t remember the website, two barrels for a makarov pistol, mock-ups. five return springs for a makarov pistol, kulikov was sentenced to 12 years in a maximum security colony for possession of firearms back in december, but the dealer is still at home, it is not clear what to do with him next, his disease is on the list that exempts him from serving a sentence , it turns out you can’t put him behind bars, there is a bracelet on his leg so that he doesn’t run away, although how does the sandpiper argue, but it is required by law, he is now a lone wolf, by the way, i ’m looking at the cross.
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but now kulikov is not laughing, as soon as the sentence comes into legal force, he is obliged to be sent to a maximum security colony, how long he will last there with his diagnoses is unknown , he says that several years ago he created a website for a kind of weapons marketplace, he posted kulyakov. at some point new customers showed up, some with engraving, some handmade, but they asked me to get a makarov combat pistol, supposedly for the boss of a connoisseur. kulyakov turned to his fellow craftsman, who said he could easily remake it from the model; to confirm, the clients were even sent a video of the manufacture of cartridges. at home, any whim is small, one such action , experts say, can well be regarded as a criminal offense if, for example, a person shows how to add gunpowder using
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components that have not been taken out of combat condition, for example, the cartridge case is intact, the capsule is not pierced, then this is an article not only for production, but for distribution information about the production of a... in general, in the end we will get gangs of disabled people, you know, who will commit crimes, who will distribute the same drugs, who will sell weapons, they will get away with it all, you know, it turns out like this , there shouldn’t be such a contender, and everyone should be united before the law, now alexey kulikov is awaiting
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an appeal, if the sentence is upheld, then he will be sent to a colony one way or another, according to the law there, in places not so remote, will have to create a medical commission, examine the convicted person only after confirming the diagnosis you... more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel, that’s all for today, thank you for your attention. today on our program: americans are tired of being taken for suckers, the insanity is getting stronger.


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