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tv   Za granyu  NTV  February 13, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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of green light with mint aroma. this is the same smartphone. top smartphone. top grill. and also top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. thunder robot gaming laptop for only 69,999. in empidio and eldorado. the ozonbank card is beneficial for those who like to go shopping. and those who like to earn money after trips to these stores. with azonbank. spending is a pleasure - drawing 100% cashback in rubles. beyond. a man accuses his ex-wife of spending millions on herself and her lover, which he collected for an operation for their son. in the studio stanislav panteleev. stanislav,
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hello, this is really hard to believe, but how can a mother give a damn about the health of her child? 2610 2022 my son was born, he was born with a pathology, the pathology is very severe, my son had no kidneys, his penis is like a butterfly, well expanded, that is, all this needs to be restored and the urinary system needs to be completely restored, i was born in simple words with a hole in the stomach, no ultrasounds, it showed nothing. using the internet, i found out that the best doctor is in serbia in belgrade, how much money was needed for this operation? for the first operation, 14,500 euros were needed, in rubles - well, at that rate, somewhere around 2 million. i organized a collection literally a week later through social networks, through bloggers, through trade unions of various departments, as well as the sports federation russia, i sold my vehicle, and also... sold a garage, the funds
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went to my salary card, which is indicated in my declaration, in total how many operations need to be done up to six operations, how many of them did you collect money for, in full two and full medical coverage, in total it turned out to be about 3.5 million, you transferred this money to your wife, everything was transferred, and to my ex-wife, what happened next, i started receiving messages from trade unions and from my friends that stanislav, explain how so it turned out that in one... from the charitable foundation there is again a collection for the first operation, for which for yours, for my child, there were formulations made in the words of svetlana , the foundation provided that the father abandoned immediately after birth, no funds he does not convey, does not help, does not participate in the child’s life, the fact that he has neither real estate nor an apartment, although at that time she had both a vehicle and real estate with a mortgage, which...
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a bubble, this is the threshold, with which is missing was born with the bladder turned outward, this pathology is called extraphthia of the urinary anterior wall of the peritoneum and the anterior wall of the bladder, which is now vitally necessary.
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i was offended by the fact that your wife was left without the support of her husband, but on the other hand, look, if she turned to a charity fund, then more money will be raised for your child. the goal is good, there is nothing bad in it, the fact is that we talked to her about this topic, we agreed that two operations would be performed, after which, that is, on the third the operation, perhaps we will turn to the fund , and what did the charity fund raise for, so the charity fund raised money for the first operation, for which money had already been collected several times, well, that is, in fact , you raised money for two operations plus the fund, yes, and the rest of the money , which you collected, they are where svetlana has, an advertisement appears on an open car sales website, where her vehicle was exhibited and the cost of which at the moment is 2,200,000 below was signed for sale in connection with the treatment of my child, then a new vehicle appears that is even more expensive from the amount that you collected for the child, well, i think that yes, i
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didn’t even need this money in my hands, i asked for one thing - that this money be put into my son’s deposit, that is, with with the help of the guardianship authorities or with permission, that is, for... questions from a medical institution, this money can be issued, to which i received a negative answer, and they told me: you don’t have any more money, you won’t see the money. the worst thing was when some people started calling me on my phone, as well as on social networks , in simple words, i’m disgusting, they wanted to cut off my head, burn my car, because i left my wife after the hospital, from her words, i received threats, just threats, burn my car, cut off my genitals, cut off my head, whatever i didn’t have , i have a message: her roommate, where he says that yes, the children’s money was spent on cell phones, on the latest latest model, watches, and also a utility room was bought with a mortgage with money, then all this money that you
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collected money to help his sick son, went towards a car, phones, watches, mortgage and so on, now i’ll tell you further, yes, that is, he personally says that we took 300,000 from the children’s money for a utility room there from the children’s, well, we are there we’ll try to return it, well, right away he says a message that he currently has about 70,000 loans per month. when your friend saw that a charity fund had opened a fundraiser for your son’s first operation, he simply couldn’t believe his eyes. in the studio of roman ermachenko. hello, hello, roman, i assume you also helped raise money for your friend. yes, i participated in... he showed what was coming to his card, what did you think when you saw that in march the fund was collecting money for the first operation for
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his friend’s son, well, of course, doubts and questions arose from many people who told him they helped, that’s it, but then, when we met, he explained everything and said that he had nothing to do with it. i find it strange to think that a mother would do this to her son who needs help? i'm a mother myself, and to be honest, i'm sitting i’m shocked, i don’t understand what kind of careless attitude this woman has towards her child.
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she sent his son to serbia for me, but when she found out that she would have to give me all the money, an artificial quarrel was created, after which we stopped communicating, but your relationship is so tense that you even went to court? there have already been two trials, now there will be four more, the first lawsuit is visitation of the child, well , she forbids you to see each other, i ’ll tell you honestly, that is, i also have a message about this, which is confirmed by a notary, today on monday she may allow it, on tuesday she may say not to allow it... the most interesting thing is that in all the messages she said: “i will not communicate with you, decide, we are resolving issues with my new husband, who is not even scheduled were, at that time we were not yet divorced, and you went to court to determine the order of communication, now it will only be, yes, this is the first reason, there is something else, the second will be a lawsuit against svetlana
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for libel, and there is prerequisites, not just preconditions, there is direct evidence that she left him in danger more than once , left home, the child was left alone with the dog... well, shepherd, after that i filed another lawsuit for deprivation of parental rights, my friends are ready to connect autopayment, i will get 500 rubles each from everyone to ask me to hire a professional
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nanny. what were the arguments, by the way, to deprive you, only when i say, let me come with a lawyer, show the money, let them remain with you, but you write a notary, she even show no wants, that means there is no money, which means something may be wrong, stanislav, where did you even meet this same we met, at that time i was a teacher in the structures, she was a student, in which structures of the ministry of internal affairs for economic crimes , i offered to drink coffee, syoma drank coffee and literally 3 weeks later. she already offered me to live together, that’s it, i moved from a rented apartment to her, tried
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to maintain everything else there, yes, but you and her have a big age difference, we have a difference of 13 years old, i’m about 40 years old, yes, let’s say, i want a child, i want a son, a son or a daughter, it makes no difference, no, my second wife and i simply didn’t work out because she had medical, well, deviations, and you were married twice before, and i communicate with everyone, i can look for messages, they also support me, your chosen one sincerely loved you, no, she personally told me: to my mother at a family holiday, i need your son only because that he has good friends, i can advance through service, and also i don’t want to work anymore, how soon did you get married, in november we started communicating 02.22, 2022 we painted, well, very soon, who was the initiator of the painting, svetlana, after that she became pregnant soon, when we flew to sakhalin for the mountain air, yes it ’s literally next month, february, i’ll probably have an affair right away... let’s get everyone together, let’s call, that i’m having a baby, when was the baby born from the maternity hospital
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? did you meet me? and he went straight to the intensive care unit when he was discharged? they wrote it out, of course, i have photographs of everything, remember your emotions, when we first saw our son, there was such a trembling in our hands, well, it can’t be expressed in words, but how old was he now, three on the twenty-sixth, the last time i saw him was december 23, when i had a joint birthday with him, and how old are you and were you married to your wife, but not for long, how long? can confirm that i received on average, i’ll tell you, from 100 to 150 calls every day, from her, from her, with the hint that you have young volunteers there, everything else, you will be there, well, intimate, on the other hand , you know, a pregnant woman may want attention, it varies, but at the same time. how to break dishes while pregnant i’m also allowed to go to work at 7:00 in the morning, she stood over me
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like this until 5:00 in the morning and said: i want to talk to you, maybe she didn’t have enough communication, she missed you, well then i needed not to work and sit at home , a woman, of course, always wants more attention, because, well, women are built a little differently, women are more emotional than men, men, of course, develop more externally than in the family, and for him, that’s what he’s saying now... stanislav it’s really important to get enough sleep, to do your job, and a woman at this moment, of course, may feel - well, indeed, maybe abandoned, at this moment, of course, they just needed to sit down, talk in a good way and talk about their needs. stanislav, what do you want to achieve from your ex-wife at the moment? first, i want to be clear right away, this is my decision, the polygraph, second, so that she is with me , yes... with some representative, with a lawyer, it makes no difference, let’s go to the bank and put my child’s data on deposit
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funds, the same ones, the same ones that were collected, well, this is half of them, of course, but exactly 23,000 euros, euros and 1,000 dollars, your ex-wife denies all your accusations, in the studio svetlana zolotareva, timur, hello, hello, svetlana, the first question, the most important, is how is your child’s health at the moment? considering our pathology, in principle, it is, well , stable, let’s just say, how many operations have already been performed on your child, look, when the child was just born, and he was immediately taken m... to the hospital for examination and after further surgery, a primary closure was performed and, in general, on the tenth day , all the stitches were cut through , all that was left was a formed bladder, urine poured out right onto his stomach, there was not a navel, nothing, it was all inflamed, it was all terribly red, everything and we were in the hospital together for 3 weeks and i took care of everything, how all this was done,
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stanislav bought all the necessary medications with my mother, that is, we directly nursed the child, there are no questions at all. then in the month of may, on may 29, we had surgery in serbia, well, roughly speaking, they did the first stage, but after the first stage it so happened that he had stenosis, that is, the cervix closed and did not allow urine to come out, well, with free outflow, we suffered from piloneferitis very often, i just wrote to our surgeon , help you, that he will die, on november 9th in the evening we arrive in serbia, on november 10th in the morning... he has already been operated on, so they gave him a leak, that is, now my child has total incontinence, but at least we saved the kidneys, we are here we all sincerely wish your child health we understand your feelings, and how much money was spent on treatment in serbia, the first stage, most of it was paid for by the fund, stanislav, when we lived together, he organized a collection, that is, you do not deny
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that stanislav collected money and transferred it to you, he organized a collection for...
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it will work out, well, the fund will meet us halfway, they will pay for the first operation, great, but you don’t have to worry about all the subsequent ones, because we have money for everything, when you contact the fund, the money stanislava were already in your hands, he gave them to you conveyed, yes, they stayed with me, but why , when you contacted the fund, you said that you were left without the support of your husband, without moral support, firstly, yes, stanislav blocked me, that is, it’s just a matter of getting through to him and telling him , as a child, in general, what kind of help do i need , i had, well, not... what did you sell, what did you do to raise money for my son, and what did i have to sell, you have a car, yes you had, well and what didn’t you sell, we raised money for two operations, and why didn’t you sell the car, not to mention you didn’t sell it, although this is generally logical behavior, i think, when there is trouble with your son, look for money by any
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means, you know, svetlana, what is your ex-husband accusing you of? in that i kind of spent it. the money collected for the treatment of the child, having bought myself a car, i think i took out a mortgage with this money, bought a telephone and a watch, a watch, yes, this one, don’t forget about the court premises in the new apartment, i have the child’s money in my hands, where did it come from? you have a car, a watch, a telephone, i have a new boyfriend, my boyfriend and i met later a month after the end of the relationship with stanislav , no, i officially filed for divorce on march 13, because... in february i filed for alimony of 25% of my total income, 10,000 additionally, since the child is disabled, and also 20,000 for my own maintenance. tatyana, a woman has the right not only to demand money to support her child, but also to support herself. up to 3 years of age, a child can apply for his own maintenance, the only thing is that
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more than 50% of the salary cannot be withheld, in exceptional cases up to 70 percent. but not for the maintenance of the mother, for child support, yes, so a mother can generally ask for at least one subsistence minimum. where does svetlana’s new lover get the money for a car, real estate and expensive gifts? forgive me, i live well now, what does a woman accuse her ex- husband of? only he knows how much money stanislav received. we'll find out after a short pause. new stars, who are you, mask? mask, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. divide in half,
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took it. a mortgage, you know, when a child is sick, they don’t take out mortgages, they don’t take out loans for a car, well, that’s nonsense, they take out mortgage loans for the treatment of their son, the ex-husband actually gave her almost 2.5 million rubles for his son’s operation, but she didn’t took from these not a penny of money, assures thirty-year-old svetlana zolotareva. i transferred this money to my parents, the money is still there, for this amount it was spent. 3000 rub. since we needed to add to the primary, to the first stage of the operation. svetlana, you said that a new young man bought you a car, a telephone, a watch, and so on, and he makes good money, i have everything on credit, that is, your new car was bought on credit, please explain. stanislav's family gave me 100,000 rubles for a flight from vladivostok to moscow from moscow to serbia, well in general, where can you pay in rubles?
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and... when there was a court case regarding alimony, stanislav stated that it was supposedly his alimony assistance. show it on paper. when the trial ended, and stanislav said: “please give me back 100. i’ll put the account in the child’s hands.” well , actually, i returned this money to the account, it never appeared, it ’s not clear where it went. well, mm, since i lost milk due to the stress to which my ex-husband and biological father vova brought me, a tumor formed in my breast, that is, i needed money for an operation, plus for flights, in general... i made a decision as a young man that we were selling the car, the money was all spent on travel, flights, accommodation and other things that would be needed, for a child, for an examination, on march 12 the fund was closed, they literally the money was collected in a couple of weeks, then on march 27, they broke my car, which was put up for sale, i sold it there for 550,000, then they gave me a loan of 1,450, my boyfriend added 2000 to me, and we bought another car, well, that
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is, not for the child was given a loan. relatively yes, relatively probably expensive after that - about a month, well, on our date, a young man gave me a phone and took a watch in installments, we invested 500-odd thousand in maternity capital into the apartment, at that time my young man also had an apartment into the mortgage, which he sold, and we invested in our shared apartment, but the apartment is registered in my name, maybe you needed this car to take your child to doctors there, i want to understand that we don’t have it. i have money for the child’s treatment, let’s see, 25 january thursday, so a thousand dollars of the new sample, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. so
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10,000 euros 10th 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 10 so here 10.000 euros they are not even unpacked. in total we have 2000 euros and a thousand dollars of a new model. stanislav, is this the money? i'm sure it's not them. i have an assumption that she took them temporarily to photograph, the second yes for photographs, and there an incomplete amount was photographed. my child is sick, he says: you took it to arrange a photo shoot with them. wait, wait, this is mind boggling don’t achieve it, let’s exhale olga, how do you like this whole situation? you know, everything is
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beyond my limits. nonsense on both sides, here i am listening , danger, that is, he could have died at some point, child, well, at any moment of death, and they are talking about some numbers, about some bills, take off your watch, not your watch , you both actually heard yourselves, there’s a small child here who’s sick, she’s running away to get married, this one shares some incomprehensible property with her, some money, don’t interrupt, i was listening to you. transfer, some money that, people gathered after seeing this status there on the internet, you in general, well, think about your child, you have this money, you don’t believe it, but you agree to go put this money on why not, look, if it happens, here’s how in november i had an emergency situation when i realized that i just need to run faster and faster, i need to go to the guardianship authorities and request this
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money. i have a child, who owns this money, i am his legal representative, the money is with him, why, roughly speaking, a child, yes, for whom i am now responsible, should i demand my money? between operations, as well as the average cost, how much it takes for all this , two years, well, between the first and second, that is, for halyard plastic surgery, the second stage of the operation is very important so that the tissues grow back and as late as possible, that’s better, they , how much surgery is really needed, what is the prospect of recovery, treatment, tell us, bring us up to date, the pathology with which you were born. a child is a really complex pathology, rare pathology, and the problem is not only the absence of the anterior abdominal wall and the anterior wall of the bladder, there are also many additional problems, there is diastasis - this is the discrepancy of the pubic bones, there is also
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an incorrect location of the ureters, they are often located lower, hence the problems with the upper urinary tract ways, the kidneys suffer, the ureters suffer, in this case it is classic exstrophy, but not a single operation will give... they found a specialist for a fee, organized a fundraiser, collected money, and the law, well, the law somehow regulates who is responsible for this money, how it should have been collected, who should have kept it, who is responsible,
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mom, dad, if a person himself announced a collection of money for the treatment of a child, caring people collected this money, and the person spent them on an expensive car, on a watch, on an apartment, on real estate, respectively. these actions will be illegal, that is, in fact , the money will be stolen and spent for purposes other than those for which they were collected, and the law provides for turning to a fund, for example, here is the fund , it is regulated, everything is clear with the fund, but here is the problem, fairness and correctness, but the parents have different ideas, tatyana, this is what you think, what is the right thing to do, in this situation i probably supported more svetlana, why, because really what stanislav demands... putting money into the child’s account would seem very reasonable, but in an emergency they will not be able to get this money quickly, such compliance with bureaucratic rules will be required normal i was given, well, at the current exchange rate, 2,400,000 rubles.
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only he knows how much money was received about stanislav. we collected 1,800 through the funds of the trade union and the federation, i earned everything else, i have it all declared, i have everything. stanislav. please do not consider that this is money received as a gift to you, and should be returned to you either about the child, so this is not a gift, this is a donation, these are completely different things, they are not donations to you personally, but donations for the treatment of the child, he’s like would give, as he says, yes, 23,000 euros, but for some reason he asks for 10,000, return 10,000 in voicemail, he told me, when will you return the money to me, i don’t understand, for the second stage of treatment, so that it would be paid in advance, lay on deposit of the hospital, he has now announced a collection , moreover, he is collecting money for the third operation, now the collection is underway, yes, come on, the amount of 10.00 euros is being collected, since the ex- wife does not want to give money
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to the hospital for the treatment of my son, there are only there must be two reconstruction operations, what is the third, is she treating her son for something, or do you think that she will consciously wait until the last minute, there won’t be any money, she just doesn’t... you know, exist, and his comfortable existence, psychological health now depends on his mother, where he lives, constantly shake your nerves in this way, and you really really, really attack a woman like i
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do now, yes, we see it all now, i ’m just calling on you as parents to stop this war, please attention on the other hand, look, there is no money, let’s say there is, if there is, then... they sang ugly, with this fund, let’s say, here i sit and say, i’m seryozha, yes, please give me the money, here she gives, you give , you give, you give, you all gave me money, at this moment in parallel i take out a loan for a watch, for... a car, for an apartment, you tell me, seryozha, listen, could you take out a loan for your own needs, what the hell, you raised all of us money, yes, you’re fattening yourself, if now i have a man who, with with whom i have the opportunity to take out loans there, for which he pays, and if i now did not have money for a child’s operation, we would go, sell everything, take out loans for everything we need and live like this , are now collected. why forgive me for the fact that i’m living well now, svetlana, but do you
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know that stanislav wants to deprive you of your parental rights? i just heard this, yes, how did your relationship get to this point, why did you get divorced in the end, according to your version, i’m in my first trimester, well, when was i i was in great danger of miscarriage , i had a swollen hematoma, my embryo was literally sitting there on the upper wall, when after the first trimester the hematoma went away and the baby remained, how would i have maintained the pregnancy, i don’t know, that whole first trimester he really follows me, he just said on his hind legs in front of me: “you were an ideal husband,” then just like that, the person changed 180°, i don’t know, i started hearing about how and how you got me , what a fool you are, how do you like me i'm tired of you, but i don't love you, but i'm in my fourth month and i'm like, what should i do? the doctor says to me: is it possible that you have an anomaly of the genital organs, and i immediately asked, is this a pathology?
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stanislav, your former mother-in-law claims that you are not worried about the child at all, she does not regret for a second that you became her former son-in-law. elena kudinova in the studio. hello hello. ilin, what didn’t suit you about stanislav, how to take it? immediately when they met, that is, beautiful courtship, attention, gifts, sveta just fluttered away. what changed in one moment?
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didn't shine at all. and what will svetlana’s lie detector test show? you can consider svetlana’s actions and the presence of fraud in them. well, beyond good and evil. we 'll be back very soon. it is impossible to live life without making mistakes. it is important to learn to ask for forgiveness for them, and even more important, to learn to forgive. with his younger sister. i came to ask my mother for forgiveness. little sister, i begged her from my parents, it so
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happened that i raised her, who should ask for forgiveness from whom, i don’t know, 3 months ago i moved to moscow and didn’t say about this to no one, i don’t like her immaturity, why do you have such doubts and don’t believe in your son’s talent, there is high art, and there is everything else, whether you forgive him or not, whether you open this door or not, you need this decision now please accept, please excuse me, at 16:50 on ntv. mask: new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. five percent diclinak acos gel in a package with a man. the gold standard for pain relief is a maximum concentration of 5%. trust of millions. teksonal in a large red package rushes to your aid at that the moment when the pain makes you climb the wall. texonal is charged against pain. categories again everyone everyone needs gifts streamer or
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a follower of chernobog. who, who? this is an evil deity from the mythology of western and baltic slavs. i hate those.
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he is only interested in money, and not in a sick child, his former mother-in-law, forty-eight-year-old elena pudinova, is sure. during all this time, stanislav did not show himself in any way in terms of meeting his son, taking a walk there, well, some kind of attention, not only constantly pouring dirt on the internet, we didn’t spend an extra penny on anything. elena, did you want to talk to your son-in-law? we just didn’t see each other, sveta just spent the whole summer with me, plus when vovka was born. that is, stas said the following phrase: it’s a sick child now, how much money is there for him? you will need it, now you will always have to collect everything there for treatment, then i got a call like... they really said that, no, when this trip to khabarovsk happened for the new year holidays, that is, the child is 2
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months old , they are going to go to khabarovsk, stanislav calls and says: that’s it, she turned all my brains, in short, now my first stop is in usurisk, i drop her off at the station, she will go home, and i went further, there was no tago, stanislav , svetlana and i had a fight, she says, i’m at the next station i got out, i called evgeniy, my friend, and asked him to drive up in his car. took a child with things to vladivostok , the time there is 13 pm or something like that with a child with a dog with things, how can you drop him off, even if some friend brings you, like a child, you’re just ready to drop off your wife and child , some time passes here, well we all made peace , we moved on on the second of the month stas disappears for a week, leaves her there alone in a strange city , disappears, you left your wife and child in a strange city, well, it started again before me.
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but this is wrong, you are the husband , you are responsible, you knew what happened to the child , i told her, come on, come on, vladivostok leave, the last point was, on january 26 my father dies, on the second day of the wake i receive a call from svetlana, she says that you are still sitting there, i say, i mean, well , it’s light now, i’ll quickly go to the cemetery, we’ll do everything, i told you, i told you, i told you, quickly to the city, stop hiding behind your death father, that's it, word for word, she really is spoke words. and after that, i made the final decision that, well, we won’t be able to live together, well, we won’t be able to save the family in any way. let's get back to you, elen, when your daughter
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divorced stanislav, how stanislav behaved, he helped the child, came, we didn’t hear anything about stas, he didn’t show himself in any way, didn’t shine in any way, that is, you can characterize him as a bad father , not a bad father, but no father, he was not in our lives, how can i characterize him as a person, in meetings with him, who are you?
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winter, this is also where his things are stored, the boy’s children’s rug is strewn with toys , together with his mother they read books, assemble construction sets, play with cars, wow , the key, yes, insert the key, insert it like that , insert it, like that, inserted both, yes , well done, because of his illness, vova is on a strict diet, the woman says, so she carefully monitors his diet, it is very important for... pathology for our diagnosis that it is not salty. baby food, it’s all salt-free, if you give it from a common table,
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you have to cook a little for it separately, because, well, precisely to maintain this salt-free balance. at night, the mother wakes up from every movement of the baby. i began to wake up very often at night, because the child is growing, the bladder is growing, and since we have total incontinence, i have to change the diaper twice, sometimes three times. normal children wear them only at night, we wear them always. svetlana admits that there was not a day when she did not worry about her son. now in the morning i just, well, touch it, and i probably, well, every time i’m worried that, god forbid, it won’t be hot there, because it was already straight to the point of shaking. olga, how can you comment on the plot? i see a normal mother, uh, absolutely good conditions, i would even say super conditions, yes, she. she’s used to living well, she lives well, she lives well, but why should she live badly, she said correctly, sorry, i live well, well, should she
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bury herself now? i have to, in the end, here i am already, you know, i ’ll take her side more, yes, she’s a good mother, there is no reason to deprive her of parental rights, the little boy has already suffered so much, i feel it all so acutely, i myself have a one-year-old baby, a daughter, and i just have a lump in my throat, to be honest, i have too, to be honest, but the main thing is of course so that the baby gets better and the money collected for this goes to its intended purpose. the money has not been spent, the money is all in my personal apartment at home, i keep the money, elena, stanislav insisted that your daughter undergo a lie detector test. let's see if you spent any of it collected money for the treatment of a child for your personal needs? no, did you contribute at least part of the money stanislav collected for your
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son’s treatment towards the mortgage? no. have you spent at least part of the money stanislav raised to buy your car? no. from the money collected for your son's treatment, did you pay off the debts of your new chosen one? no. have you taken money from anyone to specifically count it on camera? no. is the money you are counting on camera borrowed from you? no. thank you. you can move, we're done. tatyana, if now the words svetlana will be confirmed, what then? if, after all, the polygraph confirms that svetlana is telling the truth, then on stanislava ’s part this is pure slander, and slander is widespread on the internet in the media, accordingly, this is already a fairly serious answer, if i’m not mistaken, part two of article 218.1 of the criminal code,
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criminal code, which... mikhail, we are waiting for your verdict, even i am worried , to be honest, the girl passed the polygraph quite calmly, from the questions that were voiced, funds for non-targeted she did not use it to buy cars, she did not use it to pay off any debts, that is, what she acquires there is most likely acquired from some other financial sources,
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the money that is shown on... even the thought of admitting this , well, beyond good and evil, this is 100%, again my opinion, i believe that on the contrary, you need to provide her with maximum support, even babysit the child at some point, not only seek proof from her, count the bills for me , bring me and so on, i'm honest speaking, i think that the requirement to put it into
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the children's account, and this is the recommendation of a lawyer who... so that everything is fine for your son, only through the court, she also supports this, why? well, because it didn’t work out, message, we agree to live peacefully, but he violates the agreement, the essence of these legal proceedings is a waste of her time, which she can spend on a sick child, please listen, onis, the child must undergo treatment throughout
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life, most often completed in 2-3 years. school age , will the second stage of the operation be possible in the second stage, the third stage is now to form the genitals, remove the cosmetic defect, restore the patency of the urethra, that is, how many operations on... these formations are mast holders with deviations, greatly expanded, we normally they shouldn't see. next, the doctor performs an ultrasound on the little boy’s genitourinary system.
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solution of the kidney strip system. for now , we only look at the left one with the left. the expansion of the ureter, you can see it there. what verdict will the doctor make based on the examination results? boy? the first stage, it... well, it didn’t end, let’s say, as the doctor apparently planned, let’s continue after a short pause, svetlana, who grew up in a foster family, is sure that she found her own, older sister on social networks, when i saw olya’s photo , i realized that we are just, well, the same person, we don’t look alike at all, i’m kind of like...
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are confidential. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. vova pantileev from vladivostok is only one year and 3 months old. but he has already undergone three difficult surgeries because he was born with a rare condition. pathology. my son was born with a diagnosis of extrafecal bladder. to the baby. there are still several expensive operations ahead, his dad, forty-two-year-old stanislav panteleev, assures that he has already collected the money for them and gave it to vova’s mother, thirty-year-old svetlana zolotareva, but she, according to the man, spent it on herself. zolotarev got a new car, a telephone and a watch, all very expensive. to prove that she did not take a penny, svetlana agreed to take a lie detector test. the polygraph showed that she was a woman.
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he's telling the truth, i just want to study as a child, i want to live and i don’t want to be accused, especially of something i didn’t do, and little vova was examined by moscow doctors. now, based on the results of the examination, what can you say? there is still a lot of work to be done. the first stage, well, it didn’t end, let’s say, as the doctor apparently planned, but this happens quite often, i think that the second stage, it will not lead to... its own goals, to retain urine, if it is possible to achieve the formation of local tissues, namely from the tissue of the bladder, to form bladder, it doesn’t matter, this is long-term therapy, this is long-term rehabilitation, this issue will have to be resolved with the kidneys, not only with the bladder, with the ureters, but with your own...


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