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tv   Shef  NTV  February 13, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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never mind how! stand facing the wall, let's go, everyone has a 5-minute record, let's pass. faster, you said
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, you have a conversation with me, the conversation will be here, and the conversation will be short, and i tell you that an order for you to perform, i’ll pay double, i’ll pay double, and hmm, another one burned down in production , telephone.
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vladim antonovich, welcome, arkady semyonovich, please take a seat, how is st. petersburg, full of tourists, the season, well, in our town there are not very many tourists, but there is a lot of sky around. yes, good land, i'm aware, that's why i want a piece of your land, to be honest , when you opened a restaurant here, i was so surprised, local establishments are struggling to survive, well, this is temporary, the lapinsky cluster is nearby, so soon the land will become more expensive, will you have a drink, no, i have excellent vodka in my restaurant, i have a meeting at the administration at 2:00, let's have a drink later.
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when will it be for something, and i’ll drink, well, to our cooperation, so to speak, are the documents for our deal ready? yes, as agreed, yeah, as soon as we have the money, we’ll sign it right away, just like last time. the money is on the way, dazhur, where are you, that’s all okay, let's go, how much longer do you have to go, 10-15 minutes and we'll be there, turn it on, accepted, we're working.
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turn on candy, it’s harmful, fresh air is beneficial.
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okay, you received the photo, pass it on to me, i’m waiting, what are we up to? meet, or there will be more, i hope you have already begun work at my request, first you must convince mylnikov to withdraw the order for me, but don’t worry about this mylnikov, i ask about...
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you have fulfilled your part of the deal, i will fulfill mine, yes, sergey, you know, i’m thinking about our last telephone conversation about you received an interesting offer, well , you understand on the phone , i wouldn’t like to come to moscow, that would be the best option, i’ll be with you tomorrow morning, good!
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shalom zhur, what do i owe, vavana, remember , my assistant, well, maybe i remember, maybe not, but what happened to him, they killed him, and my grandmothers took him, 120 lyams, you live happily, and what kind of crazy person did it, that’s what i would like find out, find their grandmothers at the same time, listen, take it easy. where will i look for them for you, it’s not my problem, i pay you so much money so that you solve my problems, and you use your head, everyone in the city knows that you are working with me, so only strays could do this, you will have to search for a long time, man, but you try, strain, or you don’t want
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to help me, listen, i’m your number six or something, think about who you are opening your mouth to, nomad, what are you talking about? do you even filter the market? i’m going there, and you know that you should be happy that you’re alive, and don’t call me anymore with left-handed attacks, moron, vadim antonovich, bitch, what do you care, i’m busy, i’ve been busy, you’ll become a blind man, well, egor, congratulations, the time has come mikrofanov went to the bank, yes, now he will definitely gain control over the airport, kalinichenko will remain in st. petersburg, novozhilov will leave his post, having terminated the deal, he will move to moscow for a living, so, as they say
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, the hour is coming, it’s a pity that you can’t have fried foods, the gastroenterologist has forbidden it, he is judging me. how they removed the head office, it got worse like this, you be glad that it’s not an ulcer, i ’m glad, i’m happy, measles, what am i thinking, i’m afraid that if i terminate... they’ll make me a minister, we’ll lose power over mitrofanov, well, it’s not mitrofanov , is lobbying for the appointment of ratarguev, and we you, and as soon as we install rastorguev, we’ll remove him, well, yes, comrade colonel general, general mayor rastorguev has come up, accept now. of course, let him come in. thank you, vitya, for coming. well,
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how could it be otherwise, at 2 o’clock there’s already a plane back to st. petersburg. tea, coffee, something stronger? no, thanks, i had coffee at the airport. you know, i keep thinking about the proposal that mitrofanov made to you. and to put it mildly, i’m surprised. how does he so boldly throw away ministerial positions? there are two options here, either this is dmitrofanov’s wiring, or he really i am confident in my abilities and can do it. i have to admit, i'm really in a difficult position. pefanov and arefiev. it’s muddying the waters, intrigues are being weaved at the highest level
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, this means you can really leave, you know, you did the right thing by agreeing, in any case, i’ll be sure that my chair will go to a good person, that we won’t even fight, i don’t know how, but i know, i’ve already thought of everything, the beast will devour itself.
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it’s an infection, he promised, he swore by his mother, yeah. wait, wait, what? chindai, why did you run?
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why didn't i find out, or what? on the contrary, misha found out. so what should i do with you? a? this is clearly not buckwheat. that's not mine. just don’t start, okay, i filmed everything. last time... you barely managed to comply with the agreement , you promised me that you would stop with this topic, you need money, your wife is pregnant, but now i ’m just going to cry, listen, misha, and if i give you a fat topic, you’ll let me go, depending how big is it, one of these days there will be a meeting of the g8, they will decide how to continue to live, a nomad in israel, there is no order here is watching how you like the topic, on... write who will be there, yeah, vladimir sevtsov
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, born in eighty-three, was driving the van, uh-huh, but why did she drive, he’s vladimir, so that means vovan anyway, zhen, let’s continue , please, and so, three convictions, one for bravery, a hooligan. sentenced to 5 years for robbery, was released, in 2012 he was jailed for 209, and served 8 years. so vavan seemed to be walking under vadik zhurov, maybe his zhurov, yeah, and then two more of his bandits, well, i don’t know, maybe they have a struggle for power there, great guys, yur, great, can i have you, let's have a meeting later, yur, this is important, yeah, a struggle for power, or maybe this is
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some kind of thing? white order , who has nothing to do with zhurov, maybe, maybe, uh-huh, okay , i’m here now, vadik, what did you want, you wanted to pay off the debt for the buffet, you ’re kidding me, time is really running short, there are three corpses in the area, a gang war,
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have pity your nerve cells, solve all your questions using the helmet pole from renaissance insurance online. click, swipe-click and your problem has become ours. renaissance of insurance, you can exhale. month ago in the kirov region a murder was committed, the eyes were gouged out and the tongue was cut out. a burial site of five women was excavated nearby. this volodya happened tonight, episode , when night falls on the city, he kills, when the full moon is in the sky, the sticky one rises, let the darkness into you, well, it seemed, devouring from the inside, why did you
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8:19 pm
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8:20 pm
space. the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms. delicious, cherkizovo, i’ll eat something for an egg, what to do in case of poisoning enterum entersorbent new generation removes toxins while preserving useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning , results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv, hello, great, are you so happy, it didn’t last all night again, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all began, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, well, what should i buy, what’s there? what is the name of the prostatricum, i remember , remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what,
8:21 pm
i don’t think so, i know, i’m dark, of course, i now you know your wife, how and what is there, how to take it, call, everything is simple, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i ’m on my way, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay , i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too , what’s there to think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than think 100 times, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on nature. components on the market: men order it for yourself, and women for their men, men , hurry up, women, hurry up to try
8:22 pm
prostatricum gold, no one should be disappointed, when ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer: men order it for themselves, and women order it for their men, men. hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold, mask, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. hello, vadik, what did you call? ma, you scared me, i’m so nervous, heal me, but there aren’t enough nerves here. my assistant, but they killed him yesterday, and two of mine. her , they took the bag with the money, 120 lyams, i sympathize , do something, he sympathizes, listen, help me, find these bastards, and return the money,
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why are you contacting me, you seem to be walking around like a nomad, yes the nomad has gone crazy, i pay him so much money, but he abandoned me, he says, figure it out yourself and be glad that you’re alive, yes, it’s ugly, but... how can i help, i ’m retired, i don’t care about your affairs, i can live in retirement it’s boring, yes, there’s always a shortage of money, if you return the money, i’ll buy some land in the area, i have ideas for business, i’ll take you as long as i can, or if you want, i’ll give you part of the profit, now i can’t resolve these issues with a nomad, okay , i'll look for your money. 10% is your 25, for which it is so expensive, there will be for what, in short, chindai had to be released, but in return
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he said that soon a meeting of authorities, the so-called big eight, would be held in the region, these eight people would be present at it. so, harun, sandro, strength, taipei, bushlad, mongol, cyclops, weight this is the same list, where did you get it from? mitrofanov asked to close them. mitrofanov. why does he need this? what is the benefit? this is a list of shareholders who
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invested their money in the new lapinska airport. are these the same people? yes, if we detain them, mitrofanov will buy out their shares for pennies. this is a cunning bastard, what are we going to do? how to delay what? i promised mitrofanov, i hope you understand what you are doing.
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yes, it’s me, i’m on the spot, as they call the seller, schlag, okay, i’ll have to, yeah, i see you’re a serious person, i suggest you spherical fireworks. the effect is amazing , but i’m actually interested in a new kind of fireworks, yeah, they say you can buy clean guns here, who are you, i’m max tekhamirov, i heard it’s the same one, but what, there’s another one, come on , move the pistons, show that there is a slag.
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here they bought machine guns from you davich, i would like to know who you are, are you immortal or what? i’m not afraid of death, okay, let’s talk to you differently, i grabbed a grenade from you, it’s unnecessary for you, but it will come in handy for me, you don’t mind, you won’t do this, i’ll do it again as soon as i do, you just remember, otherwise you will see the sky in diamonds.
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and let's go, hello, paradise, hello, in which room are the guys from st. petersburg? in a suite, and what a decent person, he gave me a chocolate, let's go.
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yes, vodka, champagne, girls, and girls with you, of course, come on, ra, guys, what are you, who are you, we will be asking questions here, quietly, quietly, quietly, nadjibot, what? on your stomach , i get it, hands behind your back, citizen, lower than sirotkin, and why did you come with this to open a business with us, or is everything here, and you’re from the tax office, you’re joking, you’re joking, you’re a joker, come on rest him, get up, let's go, let's go, where, to our local amusement park, let's go, we have a panic room there.
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young people are late, but they don’t consider themselves young, they’re young, but they’re godly.
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eight authorities, lads, it's time to call in the cavalry. yes, let them drink, have a snack, we are not animals, they set such a table for them, we are not animals, a good watch, expensive, probably, okay, okay, ditch it. time, they would have said at least for what reason, you are a businessman, you asked permission to open your lousy business with us, st. petersburg nonsense, in our city no one works without us, moron
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piece, i didn’t know your local topics, i had to warn you, so it’s not clear who the moron is, what are you? what are you, a merchant, whistling a buck, what a grandfather’s garden, really, did you at least take me to the forest? it’s me heroically working for the camera, and you smile, you’re also being filmed from over there, why the federal security service, motherfucker, stop, special forces on the ground, on the ground. "the federal security service was arrested, just a second,
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yes, viktor sergeevich, i’m listening carefully, everything is fine with us, we are working, okay, i’m waiting results." pack, yeah, get up , let's go, get to work, if we divide the city now, we'll fly past lapin's theme, but how not to divide, there's no one watching, there's a nomad, so where is he? he's ringing around, but he's the question in any case, deciding, you are a bushlan in the city , a new person, you don’t know much, on a nomad there are schools above the roof, what the old one remembers is a glazlov,
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and i see you already... mentioned the old one somewhere, and you have two eyes garun luxury , i can turn it down, cool down cyclone, behind the head, hands, stays in place, hands behind the head, control, uh, good to drink, arms uphill.
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well, citizen bandits, the meeting is cancelled, yes, and updated information on lapinsk, skenna, at what stage? construction , when it reaches the finish line, just for me please, authentic data, and not for tv news, i’m waiting, alexander borisevich, there’s a live broadcast, right now an event of unprecedented significance for the city, eight criminal authorities who were keeping st. at bay were detained by the assembly police -petersburg and leningrad region, the so-called big eight has been liquidated today, lygia belyanskaya specifically for crime news, see? yura, you made a mistake in the settlement , he did everything i asked him to do, he turned out to be the same as everyone else, he loves money, power, more power, and as for these eight,
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tomorrow you will go to the pre-trial detention center and talk with each of them, i’m ready buy out their shares at the airport, the rich taste of princess tea. new season, new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask? mask, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. fear of nadneva, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. who benefits from an ozonbank card? lovers of shopping. and those who like to earn money after going to these stores
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from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties nauka.rf. i have a sniper rifle, not a salted tap in my pocket , okay, then let's go, we're already wanted, where is chertanovo after all, where is his devilry, who the hell knows, the hijacker is clearly one of his own, i'll have to check an alibi of every battalion officer, until the end of the operation, even if you... are sentenced to the tower, no one will declassify anything, special battalion, if serious people have an interest in the point, nothing will be saved, but we have it, today at 22: 15 on ntv.
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i’m telling you, we need to leave through belarashka , the finns are no longer our friends, there may be problems at the border, there’s no need to go anywhere, the bean won’t let me go there, there were no witnesses, we’ll move and live further, where’s the spade, i went to change the numbers on the car . who ordered the zhurov loot? i'll tell you, don't kill! maybe you!
8:44 pm
but what difference does it make, alexander borisovich, good morning, i hope i didn’t wake you up, good morning, no, everything is fine, you solved my problem with my partners in the pre-trial detention center, but no, we have a problem here, not a single city pre-trial detention center has them , i have them all i called and even walked around, but where? they don’t know, no one gave me information, they could have been locked up in the fsb detention center, don’t waste time, act , i understand, karun, sandro, power, taipei, bushlat, mongol, cyclops, razvest, criminal
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authorities who interfere with the life of both the city and regions, and you know how much they interfere with my life, they need to be closed in the very near future. “ it doesn’t matter to me how you do it, one at a time or all at once, plant drugs or shoot them during arrest, the main thing is that they weren’t in the city, so, general, i’ve decided whether you’ll plant drugs on us or shoot us when we’re arrested, i’m for the second option, everyone’s right there, but comrade major general has a different proposal for you, and i ’m not going to offer anything to anyone"? "i just wanted to show you who’s in this the city resolves issues, but we already understood that, mitrofanov, he would gnaw his throat out, yeah, he gnawed yours, you first get out of here from
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the fsb hangar, and by the way, what ’s next with us, ha, hang all the weights on us? " " or let me out, no one detained you, why did this even happen, good afternoon, hello. arkady semyonovich, good morning, sit down, have a drink, no, i’d like more. talk to people in the administration all day , we’re sure, okay, then we’ll talk about the contract for the land, and you got money, you
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were robbed, i can’t be robbed with impunity, i always return what’s mine. here's my money, so what about the land? yes, who cares, officials are worse than bandits, and you know that on his tip, your man was killed, i’m done, i’m done. i understand, now i have the documents with me, i have to sign everything, now i have them with me, i took everything,
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i have, yes, you shouldn’t have killed him, how will you get the land now? “a holy place is never empty , instead another will come, he will be more accommodating, and i’ll also save twice as much on it, but i’m still wondering why the nomad didn’t fit in for you, and i’m not interested, but the fact that he didn’t fit in, i won’t forget this to him, well, yes, well, yes, it was from me right away”?
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from them, right, yes, someone took money from them, who? will you bring coffee later? yes, sure.
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everyone on the floor, we are pure robbers, we are in a difficult situation, you will behave well, uncle grisha will give you life.
8:52 pm
i’m right here, yulia galkina , there are five more of them, they will be back soon, let ’s get up quietly and go out towards the kitchen, andrey noskov, this is not filming, this is a cruel reality, i was taken hostage, ivan vasilyev, we need to storm, end this new year’s booth , igor lifanov, let everything go back to normal, pavel trubenyak, get out of here, get out quickly, take over the prime minister on friday at 20:00 on ntv. mask new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. pentalgin extragel - it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. who benefits from the cardboard bank, those who like to go shopping and those who like to earn money after going to these stores. those who like to simply
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what happened, something serious? they just killed mitrofanova in st. petersburg, what? that's right, it was just transmitted. what we are going to do? and what what to do here? nothing yet, wait, we need to see how the card sits. no, egor, we cannot wait. we need to act, otherwise the card may not be in our favor. and what do you suggest? first, we need to contact palov, all of mitrofanov’s assets are in lapinsk, they must be ours, otherwise the crows will fly in, comrade generals, we all remain in
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our places, the crows have flown in. well, today there is a holiday on your street, seryozha, i don’t see a reason for joy, every turn stains an honest employee, that’s right, not rejoice, it’s not over yet, you’ll see them, comrade generals, you know the rules, hands behind your back, follow us. well, what are we going to do next, dear ones, how to live? a nomad is on the run,
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the city needs a new owner, so we’ll choose now, everyone is here, but how do you choose , do you suggest what to measure against, money, authority, maybe who has more fighters? who has more trust, that’s what you have to measure against, do you trust someone, strength? harun, how would you go about looking around the city, but what do you offer him? did you ask us? and you are there other options? maybe you want it yourself? maybe i do. or he, let there be force, he really solved a lot of problems, why force, let there be a mongol, there are really big people behind him , force is against him, ugh, what did you say,
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cyclops, watch the market, sha, sit down, we are a friend from we will choose a friend, the matter will end in great blood, and what do you propose? max, max tikhomirov, a correct, respected person, he will be in order! “sorry, i got too busy, soapynikov died, mitrofanov died, i have to sort out so many papers, and i’m just about their order, they
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died, they won’t pay anymore, so i won’t fulfill their order, and you think, no one else wants to die to dissolve it, they want to, only whoever pays, me. liquidate and terminate it, transfer the advance payment, yura, great, hello, thank you, what’s so sad, you have to go to work. like a holiday, but what a holiday, what is it? in addition to the murder of vavan sivtsev, the murder of a hori with three bandits was added, the money was not found , the murder was not solved, but forget it, max tikhomirov killed them all, and
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gave the money to him to dissolve him, so oh, what are you talking about, this and it can’t be, how do you even know, but you take it for granted, understand?
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lieutenant colonel katyshev, major rogov, come in , we will work, good afternoon, hello, hello, do you have any available rooms, i need a room for a day, yes, the cost of the room is 2600, payment upon arrival to book, yes, under what name? just a second, excuse me, i’ll put you on loud, yes, of course, lezhneva, irina sergeevna, yes, the room is reserved, we will be waiting for you, please present your documents upon check-in, okay, anything else, what do you have for food, to unfortunately, we have there is no cafe and the rooms are not equipped with kitchens, okay, i’ll come to you, okay, we’re waiting for you.
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good afternoon, excuse me, what are your pies with meat, potatoes, cabbage, very tasty, but please tell me, do you have tarragon, don’t have tarragon, take the klaska, yes, no, thank you, i don’t like it, have a nice day, please, two with cabbage, yeah. please, where
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to pay, stop! in vladivostok, she worked in a private logistics company, cargo transportation across russia to khabarovsk, to china to harbin, and then the guys from drug control traced the connection between the routes that she oversaw the influx of spidov, meta and gerycha into the city. are you saying that she brought drugs? not by herself, of course.


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