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tv   Kodeks chesti-6  NTV  February 14, 2024 3:20am-4:06am MSK

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andrei alekseyevich, i took this test tube, i simply have no other choice, my life is destroyed and there is no point in continuing, i have 24 hours left to complete my affairs and end my enemy, this is the decision.
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i accepted it consciously, no one put any pressure on me, the recording was made on july 11 at 8:00 am, that’s it, he left a disk with this recording for me on duty, i happened to be at work, the business trip was canceled, after what i saw, i called kplo at mobile phone, but it was turned off and i immediately came to what about you? in this laboratory, a deadly virus, if he releases it, it will cause irreversible damage to people’s health, and what the scale of its spread is, it’s scary to imagine konstantin mitovich, an entire region could suffer, and vadim kapylov, your employee, he knows about this, yes, he mentally normal, one of our best employees, a decent, conflict-free person, i can’t imagine how this could happen. so, our task is to find
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him and prevent a tragedy, for everything about everything 24 hours, already less, which means, well, we must take all his contacts must be under control; it is especially necessary to establish the identity of his enemy, on whom he was preparing an assassination attempt, and also to find out the motives that prompted him to commit the murder. andrey vasilyevich, we need your help and communication. kopylova, his friends , relatives, enemies , he had no enemies at work, i know that for sure, but his personal life outside the laboratory is absolutely unknown to me, you know his address, but he lives with his sister, so from hearsay, that means you you go there right away, that’s it, guys, there’s no time, go ahead!
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i can't wait to see my mom again, okay, bye, bye, masha, mommy. hi, yeah, listen, you were let out of class so early, or something, yes, why didn’t you wait for me, i would have come for you, how are you, i’m doing great, great.
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who is this? and this is his first wife, he divorced her a long time ago, does he maintain a relationship with her? no, she died 2 years ago, so... this is the son of their roma, where does he live? he's been in prison for a year now; he was caught stealing. and this is mashenka, his beloved daughter. that's mark, his common-law wife, also ex, rubbish woman. she picked him off like crazy. the apartment was taken from him by cunning. that's why he comes to me. moved with the girl , he is not allowed to meet, and on the contrary, he tells the girl that vadim is not her father, because he, he was her little blood from childhood, he nursed, well, well, tell me, how can you survive this, and that
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your brother, he hired a lawyer , but the lawyer didn’t help him in any way, because she ’s his common-law wife, she lives with another guy now, little girl calls him daddy, your brother threatened his ex-wife, and she’s such a bitch in general, it’s necessary to kill, i immediately told him, it’s impossible to come to an amicable agreement with tamarka about anything, uh-huh, but he, he said i’ll kill, well, vanka, again, and again for my eternity? yes, please tell me, have you even read the poem? yes, i read it, what did they put on? they gave me an a, my smart girl, my sunushka, please take the groceries home, otherwise it’s already half past twelve , it’s time for me to go to work, mommy, you’re a day off today,
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my sunshine, you just understand, my shift worker got sick, and i they called me to work urgently, well what about the music girl? papa lyosha will take you home, that’s it, my dear, run, okay, bye, bye, have lunch, okay, yes, touch general, here are the printouts of kopylov’s calls for the last month, would be. to his wife tamara, he called me, mostly calls to his work colleagues and his sister, there is another number, but we can’t establish whose yet, why? number, i will keep it confidential, additional time is required, report the results to me personally, available,
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free. so, here is their entrance, so, wait, this is masha, his daughter, lieutenant colonel pastukhov, the department for special events, you my husband is like, yes, we need to talk to you, let’s go away, what’s going on? so that the girl can hear, i don’t want to scare you, but perhaps your wife is in danger, where is she , she is at home, she is at work, tamara is at work, we just called there, they told us that she had a day off, they called her urgently, explain to me that damn, there’s no time, doc
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, she’s leaving urgently, wait, tamara is in danger, our employee will stay behind and explain everything to you, ensure safety, that’s right, this is kopylov, her ex again, i knew it would end like this, i’ll go with you, no, take care of girl, let's go, didn't you buy any tickets anywhere? no, i didn’t buy it anywhere. yes. did they find koplov’s cars? not yet. search. well, documents, photographs, letters from the room. is there anything? they found one interesting letter, it was torn, glued together as best they could, kopylov’s letter, his handwriting, i will never survive this terrible truth, we will not see each other again, now i know what
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i must do, death, the only way out, then that there was no middle , we've rummaged through everything, tamara, zaitseva, answer immediately, where did you come to zaitseva today? i don't know i i didn’t see it, there weren’t any strangers in the warehouse, what strangers, we are very strict with this, but you have complete anarchy here, your guards didn’t even look in our direction, whoever wants to come in, i’ll build for him. there, by the way, is her warehouse. thank you, we will continue on our own. and you go, put things in order at the facility, go, yeah. shepherd, there ’s no time to call, let’s get him, damn it!
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anyway, who are they, what do you need? tamara, you, tamara, well tamara, who are you? such as what you need, you ask us, please, i’ll explain everything to you now, who is this citizen? and what does he care, you see, a man came to me for work, i need to hand over the invoices, well, thank god, what are you saying, no, vadim and i already made peace a long time ago, already 100 years ago? all these scandals are in the past, we have an excellent relationship with him, but in general it was his sister
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who screwed everything up, and it’s true that you didn’t allow kopylov to meet with his daughter, well, yes, it was such a sin, but now he and mashenka see each other as much as they want at any time, yes, you can ask her yourself, are you sure that there is no threat coming from kapylov, i ’ll tell you more than that, he recently took and he transferred his apartment to his daughter, he moved to live with his sister, you see, i was... just surprised, he told me that he was going to leave moscow, forever, where he was going to go, i don’t know, please, hello.
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please sign, citizen, and the person can be seen, yeah. put your purse here, please open it, i paid for everything, here are the tools, here is the rope, and you paid for the thermos, the thermos is my personal thermos, mine, clearly, we’ll figure it out, the only thing that comes to my mind is that apparently someone is threatening him, you know , that’s why he so quickly moved and re-signed the apartment to... it’s he himself who’s in trouble, if he somehow shows up, i ’ll call you right back, right away, yes, i understand, we leave, he
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showed up, clearly and quickly... report personally, everything , yes, tavizh general, the text of kopylov’s letter has been restored, so what, i will avenge your death, you should know, he will burn in hell, which means he addresses some dead person. that means, immediately find out who from kopylov’s entourage died, already i find out that he will burn into the water, who is he, yes
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, it is him, something rang in his bag, and i checked the bag, it seemed to me that he had not paid for the thermos, but it turned out that it was his thermos, and that he did you buy the rope here? yes, i understand, max, come on, well, listen, kopylov’s enemy, an unknown man, whom he wants to take revenge on for the death of another man. yes, yes, they checked everything, only kupilov’s first wife and sister-in-law died, but none of the men. clearly, damn it, soon again, comrade lieutenant colonel, traffic police officers
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found kopylov’s car, where? here, it’s not far, there’s an address, here’s the address, quickly get into the car. sergei sergeevich, here is his car, so, there are five entrances in the house, oh, yes, what is there, yes, we will find out who he came to, timur, send people out. congresses , do not let anyone into the house until the group arrives, i obey, yur, can you help me,
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good afternoon, hello, this man just arrived in this car. haven't you seen him? i saw him, he doesn’t know how to park, he almost hit the next car, yeah, which entrance he went into, didn’t you notice? no, didn’t pay attention, don’t lie. excuse me, tell me, are you sure you saw exactly this man, he, he, he, even, you know how , he waited until i swept the entire area, and then went to the bell, rang, the neighbor
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opened and said, vadik, by what fate, let him in... and tell me , what is the neighbor's name? lobov matvey sergeevich, he is this, well , a policeman, oh, a policeman, today , apartment number, 49, here, a shepherd, comrade general, what happened, they just identified an unknown number from... fingerprints of kapylov’s mobile phone, they just connected through a switch, well, did you find out anything? yes, he called the prison where he is his son, yeah.
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vadim came unexpectedly, without any call , handed me this deed of gift for a car, said that he was leaving for a long time, it all looked somehow strange, i tried to hold him, but he left, you were friends, no,
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really, at school we studied together in one, but didn’t communicate after school, fate brought us together later when... i was working on his son’s case, we caught him for selling drugs, and why did he give you a car? accidentally ran into each other at the market, i mentioned in conversation that i had an accident and was left without wheels, well, apparently he i decided to thank you, but for what? because i put his son behind bars, the guy is scum, even during the trial mnelov said that instead of his own son, a real enemy had grown up. he considered his son an enemy, yes, he considered him guilty of the death of his first wife, but the big ones, he considered those who involved roman in crime and... never split up, did not want to hand over
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his friends to drug dealers, we didn’t find them, uh-huh , and maybe kopylov managed to find out who it was, and he decided to take revenge, yeah, kopylov came to see his son in prison, the son could confess to his father that he did not tell: however, this version may be erroneous, look, in the letter kopylov writes: you should
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know, he will burn water, so, i will avenge your death, this means he is addressing to a man who died, but his son is alive, perhaps he has another enemy, but we don’t know who. work on new versions, check all contacts again, work, guys, look, wait, let me help you, now... oh, hold, hold, police, police, call, hold him, police, call, wait, wait,
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wait, wait, not this, wait! guy, don’t touch this, don’t touch it, fool , there’s a bomb in there, you’ll explode, give me the bag, give me the bag, give it back, i say, give it back, i say the bag, he stole my bag, he stole my bag at the bus stop , we’ll figure it out, so kapyl,
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vadim andreevich, citizen kopylov, here’s some paper and a pen, write. i confirm, i am very grateful to you, comrade lieutenant , thank you that i didn’t do anything, that you shut up in the monkey bar, return his passport, that’s it, go to that office and write a statement, you closed the cigarettes, you can’t sit quietly, guys, one more thing...
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what kind of cemetery this is, where it is located, is also unknown, you showed these photos to lodov, yes you did, he doesn’t know anything either, commander.
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i'll do it, thank you, but for now i 'll deal with this guy. pasha come here quickly, look, this guy is looking for this guy at the psm, he’s with us, let’s quickly get him to the monkey house, i’ll tell them, i understand.
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the third bed, like the general, is very heavy, roma, roma, wake up. you have a visitor, a doctor, i think our romko has left, what else? roma, you have a visitor, would you like to talk to you, general, thank you, leave us.
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who are you? i am a friend of your father, vladim andreevich kopylov. what do you need? your father is in trouble, only you can help him. where is he, roma, this is what i need to know, i really need to know, time is short, your father will either die or live, but it depends only on you. oh, where is kopolov?
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that he was running around without a passport, somewhere here in the area he couldn’t get far, we told the patrols, damn, how could that be, he was in your hands, well , it’s your fault, i saw too late that he was wanted, so he should have been locked up , so clearly and clearly report how you got koplov, which means by the way, here is a statement, maybe it will help in some way, a call came in about a robbery , a patrol station went out, clearly, clearly, maybe it will help, the statement says that his bag was stolen at a minibus taxi stand, and the minibus number is indicated there, if only . we would
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have figured out his route, so he got into a taxi at vykhina, well, there are a lot of directions there, it looks like he was going somewhere out of town, but now it is unlikely that he will go by public transport, he will hitchhike. so you don't want to help your father, right? it turns out that these are the scum because of whom you you are dying here, is your loved one dearer to you? father wanted to avenge you, i didn’t tell him...
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roma, he committed a crime and is ready. i don’t believe in sacrificing my life because of love for you, he knows that i will soon die, he didn’t even come to say goodbye, he came, well , there was a quarantine in the hospital, they didn’t let him in, but he really wanted to, he called, he cried because... for you , you know, a grown man cried, i don’t believe it, i’m a complete man for him, enemy number one, he wrote you a letter, look, it’s
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his hand, yes, this terrible truth of me never survive, we will not see each other again , now i know what i must do, death is the only way out, i will avenge your death, you should know, he will burn in hell, i love you very much, i gave you too little time, i'm sorry, i take most of your blame on myself, your father. do you understand that he is ready to die for you, roma, where is he?
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leave him, i don’t want him to die, i know where he is, yes, shepherd, listen to me carefully, kopylov is going to alekseevka, this is the ryazan direction, some old abandoned plant, work, understand, general? attention everyone, a special group is leaving immediately, alekseevka in ryazanka, max, max, what’s
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going on? yes, i found a place, our turn is coming soon.
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so you and you unload run, stop, turn around! the passage is closed, what happened? there’s an accident on the road, we need to get to alekseevka, sergeant petrov, but everything is flooded there, you can’t get through, so what should we do? take a detour, where is it? go back and the first turn will be towards alekseevka. ok, thank you. well, what's there? there's an accident, we can't get through, we need to take a detour. crap! so, sergeant, a special group is coming next, show them a detour to alekseevka to the abandoned plant. understood? understood. so it goes.
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guys, there is an owner! everything is calm, yes, master
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, attention, attention to everyone, a black jeep has just driven into the workshop , the people inside the building are armed, we are distributed along the perimeter, yes, we are distributed along the perimeter, the assault is only on my order, yes, if kopylov is found, report immediately, yes comrade lieutenant colonel.
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now i found you, scum! comrade lieutenant colonel, we found kapolov, where is he? he's on the roof, he saw you, he saw you, no way, no.
4:00 am
kopalov, don't come near me, i have a bomb, quiet, vadim, quiet, quiet, i will not harm you, don't come, quiet, i'm here to help, your roma son begs you not to do this, roma, roma, i i was in prison with him, he wants you to live, do you hear me, vadim, to live. roma loves you, he repents, he repents, asks for forgiveness for everything that he has done, we will take the bandits, we will, roman wants this too, he told us this address, don’t worry, there will be criminals punished, attention division.
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right general, the capsule is here, phew, thank god , we made it, so that means i’m now going to pogodin ’s virology center, yes, well, you
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’re in command here, this is for, or, or, you, you, you killed. how did you find out the address of the drug dealers? on the last date with my son, he accidentally let it slip, so i found out where they were, yeah, i started keeping an eye on them, found out what time the owner appeared there. why didn't you contact the authorities? i wanted to tell the obov, but at that moment i found out, in this terrible diagnosis of the roma, i did not know that
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to do, i went to my wife’s grave, that day ... they were burying a guy there, he died from drugs, he died just a boy, a plan for the place matured instantly, and did you understand that innocent people could suffer? yes, now, now i realized it, but then, you know, then i needed it myself. put an end to this hack, destroy it from the roots, what's up with kopylov, they'll lock up the guy, no, no, they'll send him for long-term treatment, well, that means the case is closed, that's right, oh, i'm kind of tired of all this, now i should pull it , but for me it would be
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borscht, definitely borscht, and then pull the stops, no, guys, it won’t work, the general is waiting in the office, let’s go. why don't they come out for so long? there is trade between them for living goods. how many girls? person 10. the main thing for us is tagir
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sultan neyazov, an excellent student sultan. all structures have been hunting for him for many years. attention, attention to everyone, get ready for the start of the operation, the first is ready, the second is ready for the operation, don’t shoot to kill, here he is the sultan, lighting a cigarette, next to him is his assistant, nickname is reba. but the third, apparently the seller of the goods, give me the microphone.


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