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tv   UGRO-5  NTV  February 14, 2024 4:50am-6:31am MSK

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let's try with leading questions, dimocha , smoky, they took you from the hospital, so, and you ran away from them, so, uh-huh, so, he might be hiding somewhere, but he doesn’t know, so you decided to hide with the cop, and they’ll look for the cop , they won’t, right? now let's take it in order, why are they looking for you and where should i look for them? rit, but you’re not a fool, you understand that the sooner i find them, the sooner you’ll be safe, it’s in prison, but, well, where did you want to end up after? even drugs in
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the salon? so, you have two options, first, you're going to court, second, this huckster will cut your throat, as i understand it, you need to spend the night, and then run away. you know, i’m sorry , it won’t work out, but i really like you since school, so, i’m tired of all this, come on, that’s it, come on, come on, where are you dragging me, where, so, now you’ll go with me to the department, to the monkeys will spend the night, then we’ll go to a pre-trial detention center, no, please tell me, what were you thinking in your head when you got in touch with these guys, i needed money, i’d only been with them for a month - when they started barbitures
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sell, phone numbers , i don’t know, i, they called me themselves, the numbers weren’t determined, it’s better not at the time, honestly, i came to the warehouse, took the goods, took everything to the sawmill, sold it there, why only at the sawmill, there are a lot of young people there , dimych said that first we’ll work out some kind of scheme at the sawmill, then we’ll go out into the city, then what kind of scheme, i have no idea, really, okay, then it’s okay, when you covered them, they put all the drugs in my car they stuck me in, here's your friend... "that's all, that's all, you're taking me to the hospital, and there was dope in the trunk, now it’s not there, the smokey smokers are chasing me, like i ’m doing something somewhere, but i didn’t take it, who took it, but i don’t know who took it, okay, who is the leftist, without concepts, i only heard. we
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have changed that now we need to take barbiture from some women, these women, by any chance not oksana and natasha? i don’t know, i only heard that there seemed to be three of them, they were talking about some tanka bitch in front of me, i really don’t know anything else, just send me to prison. no need, okay, the court will decide, okay, go ahead, drink tea, eat and go to bed, i ’ll put you up in a room, i’ll lie down here myself, uh-huh, tomorrow i’ll hide with one of my friends, and you’ll tell me the address, uh-huh.
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olya, what happened? no, i just came in to talk, and a girl appeared there, or something, no, like me in the window.
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that you are not only his friend, but also my friend, everything is clear, come on, bye. about champagne, they brought champagne to the supermarket, french, good, let ’s get together, ol, yes, here, tell me, hello, damya, alcohol is normal, normal, well, i don’t know, okay, it’s not normal, if they poured it, i wouldn’t refuse, listen, i woke up, you’re not there, and
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my cell phone isn’t answering, andryusha, i know everything. what are you talking about? well, how about what? well, what do you have a mistress, that you meet with her at bronin’s, and he covers for you? lord, but will you give it? great, but nothing, great flies, good morning, ivan mikhailovich, dimycha, let's take it, it will be good! yes, i have some careless news, yes, something disgusting again, but depending on how you look at it, ivan mikhailovich, it turned out that in addition to belova and rebinkina, this barbiture was distributed some tanya is a bitch, and judging by her nickname, maybe the main one was fucking, or she might become dead if the left one finds her before us, that’s what, volodya, check all the connections of the victims again, and
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take this aunt out for me, there is take out and add the auntie , joker, what about morning, nothing, worry, the day is getting better, let's go to work. hello, guys, dimych, he won’t wait, listen carefully, we park the cars in the alley so that the penguin’s garage can be clearly seen, as soon as he comes out, we ’ll stop him after 2 km and drive him, the most the main thing is that our cars are spotted from the penguin, ivan mikhailovich, i propose to split up, ivan mikhailovich and dima will go to the penguin, and proenn and i will go on an outing, you say the point, yes, calm down, i ’ll explain everything to you later. no need andryush , so, everything is clear, and today, please take all your things, oh, so, you will decide your family affairs later, quickly follow me, what happened, let’s go, what, interesting, listen,
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how long is it your expensive one is worth it, what, well, what, champagne, yours, how much does it cost, what kind of champagne, and phew, he went, again, you go get some beer, i'll go if you give me the keys to the house, why do you need them, i want to get out of here, which is unclear, i'll get you out, son, i understand, but i'm not afraid of you anymore, i understand, family, they asked me to sign , let's? oh, excuse me, young , green, yes, we were the same too, when you were young, it happened - why, what, we can’t agree, but no, in our
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forest it hasn’t come to that yet, yeah, listen, maybe it’s time yes, i'm getting... coffee, come on, one leg here, the other there, yes, take my share too, yeah, you have money there is, there is, there is, come on, lesya, lesya, tymobi, my god, thank you, and i’m looking, looking, lord, i’m thinking. what, that it was stolen, oops, look, your cop, where is the cop? yes , he got into the habit, he must have looked at you , he passed by, nikita, that’s it, i’m leaving,
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i’m leaving, i signed, go ahead, follow the cop, just be quiet, i understand, find out that he’s here o... you ’ll find out i’ll let you know the keys to the mozhaisk hut, it’s clear, the agreement, that’s it, don’t stop, go, go.
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dad, there are two of them there , watching over someone at your office, come on, come on, come on, come on, dad, the keys. alekseevech is on the spot, okay, that’s it, let’s stop, the cops got wind of us, there are two people on the street tending offices, if they start a search, we’ll be finished. or maybe it’s not the end
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, there is, there is one chance, one in a hundred, and we ’ll use it, well, sit down, and where to look, i cheated the ksyuki’s house on the taka, and ritka completely disappeared into the ground, okay, i’ll be back from the flight, let's think, that's it, i'm a penguin, yes, the left one, yes, i understand, what's going on? in short , the penguin is in an ambush, so you need to get out of here, but
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where should you go, he said that if we get out, he’ll be the first to hand us over to the cops, but what’s it like, if they accept us, we won’t hand him over, why are you laughing, we can’t prove his involvement in the case, he’ll be the first to get away with it, in short, we need to look for a competitor, and through him we’ll get to the goods. call all the couriers, let them put their feet in their hands and come here, why is only one car leaving today, without talking, do it, yeah, okay, so, well, well, all except one, you don’t stop it, then you’ll get drunk, you this, hot... what are we going to do, let them find you, you're like that, it's you, stopari, i understand,
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at least they'll lick everything, they still won't do anything i told you later and pray to god that everything burns out, but i won’t be able to do it without it, i’ll get it, a copy. dim, come on, cheer up, but no, thank you, i ’m already awake, it’s simple, oh well, but what’s simple, i see that it’s not simple, come on, come on, report. yes, somehow things aren’t going well for me, she’s kind of frozen, i go to her
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this way and that, but she doesn’t, dim, but it’s only time, oh, we just don’t have time, attention, second where from, i don’t understand, according to the documents there should be one car. which one should i go for, dimycha, which one? let's get this one. or something andrey. andrey, announce, the plan is intercepted, yes, well, in short, buzz, bro, blot, then you’ll tell me what it’s like, come on, come on, come on, accept it,
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that’s it. there's a hundred square meters behind you, i haven't forgotten , here, look at who he's dragging, where did you get it , where did you get it, i say, where, dimych, slow down, let's follow him quietly, in any case, he'll rarely catch us. yulka, are you home, where is ritka? hey, what kind of ritka? dimochek, look where she is, where is the barbiture, where is the barbiture, where is she, i don’t know who you’re talking about
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, i’ll kill you, you nit, van, why don’t you open the door, run! well, how could you fail this the simplest operation? yes, andrey, we now need to admit, yes, we failed, and think about how to fix it, ivan mikhailovich, there should have been one car, i myself looked at the departure schedules.
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the third car, an opel corsa, according to dps officers , did not leave the city, the numbers are known , they didn’t have time to see it, well, who would doubt it, well, look for it, since it’s in the city, well , the operatives, the order, they heard, go ahead, work. well, one thing is clear: the left was warned about the question: who? i think his secretary alekseev was already looking through the travel schedules in front of her. yes stop, lesya helped me find dimych. so, wait, dim, they couldn’t detect you when you went for coffee? was anyone near
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penguin or not? there were four. so. lesya, stopar, nikita. another guy, cute , lesya again, leave her alone, the boys are gone, well, the stopper remains, we need to quietly keep an eye on the stopper and the director, that’s what, that means for the left, you know, ivan mikhailovich, that’s enough mess with us, detain them all and interrogate them harshly, i’ll do it myself, i ’ll split, that’s okay, and if not, we’ll there is no evidence, everything will go down the drain, okay, what are you proposing? and what? well, if quietly and harshly doesn’t work, i propose to work brazenly. in terms of? hello,
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criminal investigation department, colonel mazurov. hello, criminal investigation department, senior lieutenant pronin, we found opelkors, there is a batch of barbeturate in it, that means you trade in drugs, no, no, dough pores, what kind of energy from a cat? i’ve never seen her in my life, that ’s why, i’ve never touched this nasty thing in my life, i haven’t touched her, that means. the fingerprints on the drugs belong to you, which ones?
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drugs, do you really think that you can plant drugs to smear an honest person? “your locksmith confessed to everything and testified against you, don’t pretend to be a girl, the director has completely pawned you, so the only thing that can soften your fate is a sincere confession, sincere.” write how you and koptel idimych established drug trafficking in our city and how belova and rebinkina participated in this. write! you, you, you, what's going on?
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i don’t know what this drunk told you, but it’s complete nonsense. he has delirium tremens. his the words were confirmed by dmitry korenchuk, nicknamed dimych. detained driving an opel. corsa, korenchuk, korenchuk didn’t go to work today, you, you didn’t find opel, yes, it’s all a scam, a show-off, because if you found him, you wouldn’t bring these charges against me, but what would i bring then? when his beloved announced to him that she was pregnant, he decided that the child’s father was her father, on the phone, i’m talking to her,
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tell her with my eyes, stop talking, come , in short, to me, the phone itself fell under the bed , i hear the bed rattling, she swears that's not entered into a relationship with her husband, mother, very much, firstly, my father suits me, i have not been with anyone during this time, he himself assures me that he loves him in his own way.
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well, why hide it if, well, although i understand, write down the car number. sn 325 v.
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andrey, take dima and go to the forest beyond the industrial zone. opel corsa is there, yes. here's another thing. check the car against the list of stolen cars. fine. no need to check. i ’ll tell you everything myself, but drugs are murder, i, i, let’s figure it out, get up, let’s continue in the department, please! listen, well, it looks like the penguin
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is engaged in hijacking, barbeturate on issues. wait a second. olya, listen, andrey, you said everything, i said everything, just take your things. wait, ol, well, i haven’t said anything yet, i made a chair, a rocking chair, propped up the house for you with my own hands, i wanted to make a damn surprise, so i was silent. what the hell is a chair? wait, there you go. this, well, almost this, andrey, i don’t like rocking chairs , they make me feel dizzy, is this at rebinkina’s dacha, well, yes, but who is this, it’s not rebinkina, i don’t know, wolf, come here, listen, if you want to leak again me my own jambs, then i’m against it, but no one
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wants to leak anything. look, when we were at rebinkina’s, do you remember this woman? no, it’s like she was alone at home, well, yes, that’s it, while you were interrogating this rebinka, this aunt was there, and as soon as you left, she added barbeturate, according to the time of death, everything fits, detectives for me too, okay, tell me this photo on the computer, i’ll enlarge it, okay, what else, andrey, maybe peace. world, i needed you, your support, and not some chair, damn it, listen, i’m tired of it too, in in the end it’s better to leave, good riddance, dim, let’s go, where’s the ritka, where
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’s the barbitura, guys, i don’t know, honestly i don’t... i know, filter the market, you took it from us, then you started pushing it yourself, they caught you, weirdo , guys, i don’t know, honestly slobitura, i don’t know , that is, he’s like a tough guy, yes, you’re not afraid of pain, but i wonder how you’ll sing when your girl gets hurt, don’t, guys, please, in short, i don’t like the smell of leather is sizzling, you know, please don’t, don’t touch it, please, why didn’t you burn these bags, you promised, guys, we found them in the trunk of a car, in the forest, let's do it again , it works well, well, we, we dragged them into the forest right away in the private sector to burn them, morons, i didn't burn them, that means all the goods are still there it’s lying in the forest, yes, dimych, let’s go to the forest, where exactly?
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let's talk about hijackings then, which means the cars were stolen in moscow. “who, how, i don’t know, well, yes, of course, of course, it’s true, we are only part of the chain and one link, in moscow they stole cars, re-pasted logos with our signature penguin, and so on the traffic police didn’t stop the cars anymore, those who drove them, mine, my couriers, they got on..." some cars arrived in them, changed to others with logos and overloaded all the correspondence, they knew that the cars were stolen, no, no, less knows cryptispa, well, okay, okay, in trigorsk , well, in trigorsk, the stopper changed
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the license plates, redid some things in the interior , returned the cars, it turns out that the entire fleet is penguin, and is constantly replenished with new cars, and these cars are stolen so, well not all, not all, not all, not that's it, yes, and ivan mikhailovich, can i see you for a minute, just a second now. well, ivan mikhailovich, look, this photo was taken a couple of hours before rebinkina’s death, i assume that this woman could have poisoned her. so, maybe this is tanka the bitch, well, it’s not clear yet, because the face is not visible at all, and the figure, well, more or less,
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yes, it’s not enough for knowledge, but maybe based on the dress, olenka, guys, she’s on the road now, maybe you go yourself, but ask your neighbors, maybe... who will recognize her? ok, if it works out, we’ll make an identikit, let’s do it, so what are you doing, what else is this, come on, sit down, i just wanted to get acquainted with the case and this is what interests you, oksana belova, natalya, what interests you is that i, i need to know that i am accused of murders, of murders, tell me, how did your employees know what you were doing? i didn’t know, no one, no one could know, except for the stopper, why then did you fire them 3 months ago, it wasn’t me
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who willed them, it was they who cheated me , and the accountant and logistician left in one day, in trigorsk, by the way, there are such specialists if you can't find it, well of course, of course they had to. to understand the supply of drugs, again , well, what is this, and well, if, if one of my employees, this damn dimych was involved in this, well, well, well, show it to him, well, i have something to do with it, well , ivan mikhailovich, yes, dima and i found an opel, it is listed as stolen, but there are no traces of barbeturate. okay, i’ll let you go, stand, under subscription, and not on departure,
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well, guys, we’ll talk later. well, who's left then, volodya, you 'll be mixing cocktails yourself like an ordinary one, what, what, oh, detectives, the bartender is like peeling knows, well then we’ll mercilessly
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confuse our tracks, today you, ivan mikhailovich, will mix the cocktails, you’re out of your mind, but he’s joking, joking, he’s ivan mikhailovich, give everyone peace, oh, dung, don’t dung on me. don’t give me manure, hello, am i giving you manure, is this for me , no, i can’t give this cart away, i already promised, no, thank you, i don’t need manure, i have enough of my own for life, but i wanted to ask you this, are you by any chance not local, well, there’s my pipe, yes, can i ask you, now, do you happen to know who this woman is, oh, well what can you tell, a woman is like a woman, and this is with natasha, but don’t be afraid at home, you know natalya’s children, but we are neighbors, oh, and you’ve never seen her, no women came to her, i don’t know women, ah... guys, yes, there’s one who comes around especially often, and
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the guy is also with the guy, oh, look, please, now, this guy, yes, what kind of guy is he? and the kid, well, so strong, i mean, fat, no, thin, but strong character, such a fist , i once saw them talking here at the gate, so he seemed small, with them he talks like an elder, and my daughter must say, they were afraid of him. is that what i smell? okay, okay, thank you very much, you helped a lot, yes, no need for manure, no, thank you, goodbye, don’t give me my manure, hello, ivan mikhailovich, well, the women didn’t identify me, yes, what are you saying? , ivan mikhailovich, have a seat, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, very interesting, thank you, thank you, yes. that's what i thought, guys, what if
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there's a kid behind the barbeturate? well, drugs are sold to young people, which means whoever organized it should it’s good to know them, well, who and how to approach, how to hook them, so in order to build such a network, you need to have very good connections and a lot of experience, but a kid can’t get two grown men to work with three cunning little boys, they’re not bringing this for the kids it’s stupid, but it’s true, if there was an old... sales scheme, we would have broken it up long ago, here ’s a new scheme, you came up with it, probably a young man, now young people, you know, how cunning, i don’t believe that a kid can think like a proven criminal, maybe andryush, maybe, well, criminals are not from the floundering bay it becomes, some have a predisposition from childhood, yes, well then you know what character should be, well , character, you know, you either have it or you don’t have it, that’s where we got such a tough nut to crack, stand up, that’s when we’ll hold you back,
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by the way, today, two boys were hanging around the penguin, but one doesn’t count, it’s nikita , the second one was talking to the stopper, why did he leave you alive, so that you, yes, where is the stopper, who is in the monkey barn, i ’m saying it right, that’s right, this change, ivan mikhailovich said in his monkey house, why are you look, great, oh. hi, i brought it, what i brought, french robin, bobin , listen, it’s good, otherwise, look how much it costs, oh , just like that, well, i hope my san doesn’t like it, i mean, we’ll pay, yes , they decided on, i think it won’t be enough... you said half,
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i mean half of the gift, listen, i just saw a woman in a store choking on some cosmetics, anti-aging, i thought, good for an older woman, a good gift, oh, what would you understand, but of course there’s nothing in older women, but in general in women, i understand, i’m talking about cosmetics, well , go and look, i’m telling you, march is the very gift, by the way, there’s not much left, there women generally tore, yes, yes, listen, maybe you can take it for yourself, and you for me you sit , well, it’s quick, easy, and there’s something to eat , well, here are the pies, you just know that you don’t eat everything, uh-huh, come on, oh, fortune, great, great, nikolaevich, went away for a minute, and then, well then, give me the keys to the cage. and bon
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appetit, well, come on, remember who you talked to this morning, well, the director our drivers and secretary, near the garage , there were two boys with you, nikita, who's the second, you're a topari, give me a drink, but i can't take it anymore, so come on, you really need this, you need this, otherwise you’ll get the full benefit from me, i understand, you bring this rock and i’ll tell you everything. stopar , don’t make me angry, well, that’s all, okay, i can have a beer, something else, my pipes are on fire, boss, you know, if you pour something, i’ll tell you everything, come on, be quiet there, what are you doing over there? , well, look, oh, have you ever been sick, face, you idiot, you are sick, now we
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will cure you, in general. look, well, hear , dim, you don’t know, i wash the ketchup with water, i don’t know, there’s vodka, but what do you think about vodka, but i don’t know, any alcohol will do, no, you know what, i ’ll try soap with water now, maybe it’ll go away, that's it, that's enough, you say, then maybe more , and, well, who was the second? well, nikita, there
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was a brother there, kolka bakov, well, he also died, well , i know that, who else? and vanka is my son, so son, and he often comes into your penguin, to whom dimycha, krebinkina and belova, and what am i i know something, but i’m sleeping with them, and they know each other, so i want to ask you, so give me some sour meat, and tell me the address, son, where he lives, well, you want to know, so you know what needs to be done, come on, come on, what are you
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talking about, well, the boss doesn’t respect who you’re pushing through, all the young people living on yesenin are from 16 to... years old, listen, i still don’t understand, listen, what are you saying? you know, just type in the name, but i’m not talking about the database, but what is it? the fact that we will take the left one, of course, cannot but rejoice, but on the other hand, what other side could there be, dim, and this, a father ratted out his son for
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a bottle of vodka, this is normal, i don’t know. these are some strange times, the norm is that there is no norm, or everyone has their own, but there is a law, dim, if it weren’t for him, then everything would fall apart to hell, trees and sticks, what is it, not a single suitable one there is no yulka on yesenin, apparently she also registered. at a different address, uh-huh, so what should we do, how to look for it, slowly, dim, you bought a great sausage,
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well, no, there? nothing that, well, he’s looking for - we know that ridku still hasn’t i found it, we looked for it together , we’ll go together, and this guy will answer for our market, you ’ll answer, venya, come on, eat, i don’t want to go to the store , why go to the store, we bought vodka, but from... we have , i have a drink already, what kind of vodka, they brought cosmetics, will you pull the tv? pierced, anna
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, anna, what are you doing, you're so scary, i asked you, not all the pies are there, well, listen, i'm, well, i got carried away, got carried away, yes, and the champagne is also
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carried away, uh, champagne is right here i was standing, wait, that’s exactly what i was standing, well, breathe, tamar, i didn’t drink, i didn’t drink, what are you talking about, come on at all don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t be nervous , what are you, i’ll conduct an internal investigation, i ’ll conduct it for you, oh, i bought cosmetics, i told you, but you give it, well done, why are you still here? what are you doing, what are you doing , what are you doing, a knife straight to the liver, a knife straight to the liver, a knife to the liver, straight, yes, you said that the knife is straight to this kidney, but the kidney is behind, it’s in his box, in his side popped, you want to say that i don’t know where my liver is, oh, just think, she says hello to me every morning, stop, stop, stop yelling, who’s saying hello to whom, liver, yes, not the liver, but this, well, a guy from the street , you said, there were two of them, well, yes, two, they were dragging this kid, but...
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it’s not luck, it’s me, that i, when you had time, but didn’t drink , but he gave the stopar a drink, but now we know who the leftist is, no, why is the banquet at my expense, so that you already buy this, okay, okay, tamar, don’t worry , i’ll definitely buy it, i don’t know anything about cosmetics, the homeless people stole it , ivan mikhailovich, catch them, i bought the hedgehog for them, now the tamara, i’ll leave everything and catch these homeless people, that’s it, then, like that, dima, you remain in charge of the bvd, volodya, yes, quickly, with me, here are some masks for you, even if you wet yourself, are you crazy?
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hello, fireman, hurry the car to yesenin street, matorov, he says, colonel matorov, yes, well, where is she, she’s not there, valo, let’s go to this room, untie her.
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come here, be careful, be careful , how are you, how are you, well, well, breathe, breathe, breathe, well, how are you, come on, come on, breathe, breathe, breathe, you julia , come on, into the forest, what, to the bathhouse, to the forest, they took me away, barbiturate, where, where is the turn onto the dirt road, right after the blueberry. save vanya, breathe, come on, come on, i can’t talk, firefighters they arrived, no, i’m not on fire, everything is fine, then i’ll call, that’s it, come on, come on, come on, breathe, everything will be fine, you know, yeah, volodya, come on, call ignatov, call her, let her come here, yeah , vanya.
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shoot! and listen, he threw himself under the wheels from the forest, i barely slowed down, everything was quiet, the mother was running, but come on, come here, stand, come on, say, you should have left, but it’s not my fault that there is a swamp, ivan mikhai , swamp, well , what have you got there, well, as you can see, instead of taking the baryk, i pulled the armored one out of the swamp, yes, this is not an easy job, giggle at me, giggle, where is the barbetura , i messed up, come on, answer where, i messed up, barbiture where, i messed up, why did you mess up, yes , it turned out to be not such a tough nut to crack, well, maybe you’ll start
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talking already ? okay, then i'll start. you organized the sale of barbedurate. dimoch and the smoker have been working for you for 3 months, and belova and rebinkina are bringing you this barbeturate, or rather they were bringing you until you ordered them to be killed, or killed them yourself? yes, i didn’t order anyone or kill anyone. ivan mikhailovich, have you found any homeless people? tamara, only you it wasn’t enough, go, well, i’m the same, i’m the same. masha bought cosmetics, tamara, tamara, ivan , you are a grown guy, and you yourself must understand that your silence, tamara, well, as long as you can, well, this pie’s girl came, well , okay, let her go, maybe the pepper will start talking.
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you sit, sit, left, sit, yulia, i’m very glad that you feel better, maybe you can give us evidence, i believed you, vanya, yulia, you ’ll excuse us, but let’s get to the point, to the point, i loved you , vania. and you betrayed me, goodbye, about the barbiturate, which, yes, she doesn’t know nothing, the probiturate is hidden in the forest
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, i’ll show you, i’ve lost it, i’ve wasted my life, all these drugs are rotten, and i was also wasting money, damn it, i’m no better myself, well, since i realized it myself, i’ve ruined my life, so you’ll fix it yourself, that you, where in the zone, well, after the zone, life also goes on, everything depends on you, these bags, almost everything here, i only sold 20 of them, come on, right? with this bait we will catch such a large fish, but look, what is this? i don’t know, i took it from other bags, the most expensive thing
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i have is my wealth, what is it that means, oh yes, barbeturate, here for how many thousand bucks, but just wait! “i don’t know how to live without you, i will do everything to make you happy, well, of course, it’s about people, yulia wrote to me, but i didn’t read it, i crumpled it up and threw it away, the second phrase changes the meaning of the first, what if, yes. what a bargain, so what are we looking for? we're looking for the second half of the note, yes, yes, really.
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andryukha, look, there's an album, the paper is exactly the same, look, you see, the page has been torn out. i wonder if this is before or after? what's the difference? just wait, yes i see, i see, well wait, where was the pencil, something
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was written, come on, neatly, good, good, good, good, like in spy films, yeah. i don’t want, i don’t want to live without love, i can’t live, alone, i invite family happiness into my home, so what does this mean, well, obviously not a suicide note, well, yes, large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia present and future. touch all the achievements at the main
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exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition, if the note is not a suicide note, then why did oksana write this nonsense? yes. natalia also has papers, we need to look, andrey, dima, get busy, and don’t forget about tanya bitch, what’s with the left one , what’s with the hucksters, and you know what i was thinking, what if i hooked them up with a rifle, and
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well, as bait , what is possible, and where is her lada, her mother’s, the main thing is to persuade ritka, i i'll talk to her, yes, come on, well, it looks like this time is also a bummer, yes , anything, just not notes, here are the invoices, oh, some photos, a certificate of completion of the course, find your love.
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“listen, this is the woman i took a picture of, and where the pictures were taken, at this training, so, hello, hello, this threat from strigorsk is bothering me, tell me, who from our city took part in the training?” "and june 12, 2013, thank you, oksana belova, natalya rebinkina attention, tatyana letvitskaya, is it really the same tatyana, oh, olya, olya, come on, oh, hello to you!
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well, well, let's go to work, ivan mikhailovich, good afternoon, yes, good afternoon, if you want a joke, go ahead.
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i was checking the penguin’s papers, well, the car thieves themselves stole a car, an expensive one, a lexus, and the courier that day was bakin, bakin, yes, this is lesya bakina’s husband, exactly, he died 3 months ago, right then, when deliveries of barbeturate to trigorsk began, it’s alarming, so i ’m talking about the same thing, i really ask you, ivana mikhailovichna, bring your eagles, let him find out everything about him only possible. okay, olga leonidovna, now the eagles are my limits. i ’ll do it myself, okay, good luck, all the best, hello, fortuna , yes, it’s me, mazurov, so, bring me zamaev, yes, the director of the penguin, he’s at home now under subscription, write the address, come on, this is the car, now i’m unloading this car, right now. what kind of magic pill do you want? yes, i
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’ll give it away like that, but not now, in 2 hours at the station i’ll arrange free distributions, you’ll get more people for the day, gather people, i thought in 2 hours there’ll be a distribution at the station. that's it it’s okay, she believed, in about an hour dimochek will find out the news, smart girl, she did everything right, and don’t worry, i’m nearby, that one...
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well, we have all telephone conversations recorded, you can check it, just dictate the number quickly lexus. you know, almost my heart is connected to bakin with this case, otherwise, why should he die from an overdose, if he is not a drug addict, or maybe he is the first victim of the left, i can’t even imagine what will happen if she finds out, dima, you will be for it’s a matter of worrying or going through the woods, well, as long as you can,
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there's mikhalovich, come on, wait a minute, slow down. well, i finished the game, beauty, wow, i didn’t take it, it’s a gift, he gave it, it’s a day’s fault, but the demons. i did it, i started catching homeless people at grozosk commendably, and most importantly in a timely manner, i saw it from the office, i couldn’t miss such a sight, yes, well, you’d
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better tell me about lexa, what we have there, i’m telling you, so the moscow guys found out, uh, owner of lexus baryga. he’s sitting on barbeturate, but how does this concern us, in the most direct way, ivan mikhailovich, the whole point is that no one stole the car, bakin he sold lexus himself and he knew very well that the director would not go to the police. yes, and the most interesting thing is that the payment was not made in money, the barbite is there, exactly, and so they agreed with bakin that he would push the prosecutor’s office into our city. and 3 months ago he took a new batch and didn’t make it, died on the highway , uh-huh, what happens then, he’s not a victim then, he screwed it all up himself, uh-huh, what happened on this trip, that’s what we ’re talking about we have to find out why, dammit, you
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called, so, you said that there is something in the penguin’s telephone conversations interesting, okay, well, go ahead, let's go figure it out, all the best, yes, dim, here you go, tell me the chalk, what is this? let's go, let's go. this is oksana’s voice, the recording was made on the day of bakin’s death. yuri alexievich, natasha, tanya, and i are stuck here after the training, there are no tickets. maybe we have a car in moscow now, we could drive it to trigorsk. contact bakin, he will be there tomorrow so they can come to work. interesting. so what happens, on this day bakkin was transporting a second batch of barbitate, yeah, something happened on the road, yeah, according to rita, three aunts got down to business, so after all, maybe they poisoned him, and then the left one
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got rid of them, yes, but who is this leftist anyway? once again this bakin, maybe we missed something, okay, strange, they seem to be ordinary women, why did they get involved with this drug, but they’re not so unusual, educated, ambitious, but there are no prospects, yes, there’s no money, there’s a whole wealth, oksana didn’t let go of hers, now i don’t even know how to trust people, ivan
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mikhailovich, let me, yes, come in, dim, what’s going on with bakin and me, nothing new, wife, brother nikita levakov, wait a minute , and nebakin, fathers are different, but stop, levakov, levakov, leftist, listen, what fits, i saw you in the garage, nickname from your last name, and most importantly, the arrows point to the director, so carefully translated, like left-handed. this is what happens, this is a family business, one brother brought it, the other sold it, but not himself, but through baryk, well, with his brains. after all, he specifically got a job at a sawmill, poor lesya, nothing will survive,
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excuse me, yes, volodya, rita went to the position, and we’ll be there now. isn’t this the mother of our ward by any chance? where were you, didn't you get there? i ask you, ritochka, open the car, mom, i beg you , i’ll explain everything to you later, go home, i can’t open the door for you, open the car, for god’s sake, i ask you, mom,
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stand, stand, police, stand, fishermen, come on, let’s go, let’s go, come on , quickly, hands! come on, got up, got up, i told you, stood up straight, legs apart, quickly, hands in place, hands on the hood, quickly, legs, hands behind your back, behind your back, hands, so off to the car, mommy, let's get into the car , head, come on, general,
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indicates the warmest couple of cities are sochi and krasnodar, where it’s +18, but tomorrow it ’s much lower. the polar invasion will reach there. today it will be felt in the center of the european territory of russia, here frosts will get stronger to -10, on the volga to 20°. to compensate , the sun will fade. the urals are plunging into icy air, in yekaterinburg it’s -21, tomorrow it’s -25 and then the cold wave will go east. but a warm wave is still rolling across siberia, so what kind of picture emerges? in tyumen -18, in omsk -8, in novosibirsk -3. in altai the thaw is generally up to +5, in irkutsk for now. 8 , then warmer, and a day later it’s cold again, in general, a real fever, to this we must also add heavy snowfalls that accompany warming, in the far east it’s not so extreme, let’s note a cold snap in the south, in vladivostok today +3, tomorrow - 3, no precipitation. in st. petersburg today it is -10 without precipitation, in moscow it is also -9, warming up by the end of the week. everything about the weather. do you dream of
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reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphotransit, stay in shape, do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce body volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit evalar, stay in shape. yes , i didn’t kill, you know, well, if you want, do, i don’t know, an investigative experiment, do it, yes, stop being hysterical already. how did you kill oksana and natalya? i didn't kill. did you just kill? motherfuckers, i didn’t mean to, you’ll be punished for this it’s shining, stopudova, but there are other options, if you cooperate with the investigation, you understand me, great, then i have a question for you, the left one, this is nikita. okay,
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why are you smoking, why are you silent? he and his brother got into trouble, at first kolyan was in charge, but then they began to obey the kid, he’s smart, he’s a bastard, he knows who to approach, who to butter up, he figured out the whole system, why did they kill belovy? we didn’t kill, we were looking for barbiture from them, yes, it was, but we didn’t kill them, uh-huh, how did they get involved in this matter, i don’t know, kolyan, when he grunted, nikita found out that all the goods were from the women, and only kolyan knew about the suppliers in moscow, and these
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creatures knew, they said that if something happened to one of them, then the rest... we are fully invested, but what is this topic with notes? with notes, i don’t know, they squabbled themselves, they didn’t divide the barbitur, i think so, drink! well, i killed her. are you crazy? it's a bandit, drink up! mom, i would be alive if i hadn’t gotten into drugs. that's what you'll answer for for drugs. and don’t take on someone else’s self. better yet, according to mom. just cry , well, how will we take it, we have an idea, we’ll come with a warrant
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, businesslike, he’ll get away with it, he didn’t buy, didn’t sell, he did everything with someone else’s hands, yes, here we need to do it in a cunning way, yes, tamar, here , mazurov gave this to you, oh, in a cunning way , in a cunning way, well , you can’t give this now, well, i’m sorry, i really can’t help here, that’s what, nikita should be taken with drugs, no he has drugs, we need to make sure that he has it, but now it’s all mine, they found ritka, yeah, with goods and a bunch of trash, but he wanted to get out of town. no, something i managed to sell it, so do the math, you say , we grabbed where to give it a ride, and i realized, yes, in
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yelnik at the twelfth kilometer, what we were doing, let’s go, let’s go. great, where are the smokers? he teaches ritka how to let go of the brakes.
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that's it, that's it, i won't run away, it's up to you to climb in. did you pull the brothers or did he pull you? yes, together somehow. kolya said that he knew baryga in moscow, and that dimo ​​chektelov could be brought in here. yes. at first they gave it away, but they quickly became addicted to barbetura. but my brother got used to it, right? no, he didn't even snort this stuff. something happened on the highway. when he went with the second batch, what else do you know, he didn’t answer the phone, when
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i sent him a text message, saying, where are the clients waiting for nonsense, belovo calls me back and says that kolya died, and that from my text message, she understood, what are we doing, and that now there will be three more in the share, but what about you, and what about me? “i was generally in shock, three days later i just met them, these women, they said that they had dope and that i would have to buy it back, well, you killed them, no, i wanted to, but when will they die themselves steel, i became even more foolish, i didn’t know where to get the crap, i have no way to find this huckster from moscow.” listen, they pour it in beautifully, but i don’t pour it in, by the way, i have an alibi, but i wonder what , ivan mikhailovich, it’s possible
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, ivan mikhailovich, yes, in non-murders, nikita was in the workshop, i checked from morning to evening, a lot of people saw him, well, who killed our aunts then, and tatyana’s campaign, his competitors. i’m tired of to hell, this is the case, olya, i’m coming to you again, but no, now i’m like a forensic expert, yeah. you’re still guarding the empty apartment, what are you doing here? yes, mazurov wants me to take fingerprints in the apartment immediately after litvitskaya’s arrest, so as not to delay the matter, so don’t worry, not to you.
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andrey, this is illegal, well, everything is clear, as always, first you do it, then you think. i refuse to live alone, i invite love into my life. what is this, another suicide note? no, this is worse, this is popular psychology, how to get married, you send a request to the universe in writing , everything, so you help the forces of the universe to hear your intentions, some kind of nonsense. you
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know, i think that litvitskaya persuaded oksanna and natalya to rewrite this nonsense, and then simply tore off half of it. well, now she will appear, i will arrange a request for her into the universe. yes, dim, lesya. and so that she finds out about her brother and husband? well, okay, well, what about you? okay, i’ll go to her and tell her everything myself. yes, that’s it, yes, bye, yes, this is love, well, you ’ll be waiting here for her, yes, so what? andrei, but then she’ll just write a complaint for unlawful entry, let’s go, it’s better to come with witnesses later, otherwise she’ll say that we they threw this book at her, let's go, let's go, i'll show you the place where it's better to watch the entrance, let's go. maybe we can come to my place and
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drink some wine, come on, oh! i refuse to live alone, hello, ivan
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mikhailovich, urgently guys! here and an ambulance, i think we’ll have time, here’s a message to the universe, fox, hello, hello , i called you, but you didn’t answer, something happened, let’s better come up to you and discuss everything calmly there, come on, okay, so what do you say? turat turned out to be with you, bakin gave us a lift from moscow, we stopped at cafe, he said, he said, i need to take a nap for an hour, i took a pill, the small one helps me relax, yeah, that’s it. that’s it, that’s it, i didn’t
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wake up, we looked for a first aid kit in the trunk, but found barbedurate, a lot, natasha wanted to call the police, there was an sms from nikita, and we immediately understood everything. oksana said: let’s take a chance, who came to you today? lesya. lesya, it’s lesya’s now, come in, well, you
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settle down, and i’ll go now, okay. i invite love into my life, i am ready to meet a man who will become my husband.
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lesya, olya, wait, wait, olya, olya, calmly, drop the knife, now, drop the knife, do you hear me? apartment 10 urgently, well, i don’t know why you are doing all this, but you will have to answer for olya, for
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oksana, for natasha, be patient, i hurt for them, it hurts for you too, lesya. lord, don’t bother me for your pain , i have enough of my own, but i don’t bother, but you understand, just if you want to explain something to someone, tell me, now this is your only opportunity, when kolya died, i accidentally. i listened to the conversation, the conversation of these women about barbiture from moscow, i realized that kolya was talking about i found out about this and they took him away as a witness, and then they got rich, it’s immediately
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clear, from drugs, they are murderers, and you decided to take revenge, right? to get out of depression, i read a lot of books on psychology, found out that they wanted to get married and came up with these letters of happiness, but where did i get the barbiture? i bought drug addicts. now listen to me carefully, it was kolya who carried the drugs, and tanya, oksana, natasha, found them in the car, well
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, they couldn’t resist, no, no, i don’t believe, i don’t believe you, i don’t believe you, but read, lititskaya told , nikita, him too, too, no no no. it’s not for you to decide, kolka, well, thank god,
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otherwise i think that’s it, well, andryushka, what are you saying, i’m much better, well, really, really, really, well, of course, andryushka, she’s doing well, she’s going on the mend, what's the matter , it's obvious, but today, by the way, is my birthday, where is the gift, aksanda, andryush, i wish you a happy birthday, oh, vanya,
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thank you, thank you, thank you. then he is also the builder of such talents.


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