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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 14, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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our military is using fire attack tactics in the southern donetsk direction. acacia hail helps the infantry advance.
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dozens of pieces of equipment; a criminal case has been initiated for the provision of unsafe services. the local prosecutor's office reported that the house was erected without a building permit, but in the eleventh year the city court recognized the residents' ownership of the apartments. in the kupinsky direction, special operations by our military liquidated a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. the targets were destroyed with help. flamethrower system sunburnt. on the same section of the front they hit the ammunition depot fortified the nationalist area. the movement of militants and equipment was discovered by aerial reconnaissance. the coordinates of the targets were received by the uragan rszz crew. our task is counter-battery warfare. that is, we work mainly against artillerymen.
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having received the task, the crew of the hail removes the camouflage from the vehicle, and on the spot they load pencils, as artillerymen call rockets. there is no risk of leaving a car with ammunition, enemy reconnaissance is not asleep, if an enemy drone reveals a poorly camouflaged installation and hits it, then you can be left without a car without shells. and encounters with drones in the southern donetsk direction are not uncommon. this crew was attacked by a heavy ukrainian drone , a woman. a projectile arrives, it is repelled from it and simply falls, let’s say, does not explode. the installation was developed back in the soviet union; in addition to efficiency, it is valued for its ease of operation and unpretentiousness in use. even for myself, i’ll say, i learned it myself, but i can’t assemble it. i probably learned it within a day, i’ve already
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started driving myself, well, the work is very simple the car, as it were, if you understand and something is broken, as it were, well, that too, there are no particular problems with spare parts, as it were. you can do something yourself somewhere. in one gulp , the installation is capable of hitting an area comparable to two football fields. the amount of non-atmospheric precipitation for hail is chosen depending on the purpose, but recently a complete package is rarely released. it's not a lack of ammunition; the target is getting smaller. the crews work as quickly as possible after shooting and the main task is to get away so as not to get hit by a retaliatory attack. fire. the akatsiya self-propelled artillery mount is operating next door, instead of batteries of several guns , they go to a position one at a time, this is the case when there is only one warrior in the field, such a target is difficult to detect and it is almost impossible to calculate where the sau will occupy the firing line, the target comes, well, how
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would be manpower, there is infantry force, well , basically all the equipment is obtained, the shells we mainly use are fragmentation, if in terms of technology, they use cumulative shells. it takes several minutes for the crew to prepare the gun for firing. the german leopard tank is among the targets hit by the gobbi artillery, but now there are fewer and fewer expensive trophies. the activity of the comedian's drones has increased much, very much. this is the comedian they use. they have a lot. and that’s it, on the contrary, everything is dying out for them. lacks. robakov, ntv television company, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the northern military district. the new commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army, alexander
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syrsky, admitted the failure of the counteroffensive. according to him, the kiev regime went on the defensive, he said this in an interview with the german tv channel, which he gave shortly before his appointment as head.
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american senators, after many months of debate, still passed a version of the bill on assistance to ukraine to israel and taiwan by a majority vote. of the 95 billion dollars for the needs of ukrainian nationalists, they plan to allocate 60. at the same time, the migration crisis, which is facing the states more acutely than ever, was preferred to be pushed into the background by the upper house of congress; the clause on settling the southern border of the united states was simply removed from the document. now, this might...
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then ukraine comes first, and we think about america last. i also believe that this issue will not go away. the house of representatives will not consider this bill. most republicans here are more conservative than republicans in our house, so the debate isn't over yet. it is indeed too early for american supporters of ukraine to celebrate in the house of representatives, where the bill is now sent; it will not receive a warm welcome at all. speaker johnson has already promised that... this type of assistance to ukraine will not pass the lower house of congress. the purpose of the security bill was to secure the american border before sending additional financial aid to anyone in the world. this is what the american people demand and deserve. now, in the absence of any
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immigration policy changes from the senate, the house of representatives will have to work on these important issues on its own. in general, judging by the mood of the speaker, the lower house will not even consider financing ukraine for now. won't decide how to stop illegal immigrants at the american border, even pressure from the white house is unlikely to help here, although president biden is trying. after the vote in the senate, he personally addressed the congressmen. this is about trump supporters in congress. the problem for biden is that among the republicans in the lower house, they are in the majority, and speaker johnson is also one of them. biden is now trying to sign them all up as russia's allies. it's up to you to decide whether you will support freedom or whether you will side with the terror of tyranny, whether you will support the ukrainians or stand next to with putin? now everything will depend on how stubborn the republicans in
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the house of representatives turn out to be, and will speaker johnson withstand the pressure? democrats are already hinting to supporters of ukrainian aid from the opposite camp that they can initiate a procedure of distrusting the speaker if he outright refuses to put the bill to a vote. alexey vasilovsky, vladimir vepritsky, ntv. usa. and the lower house of the us parliament voted for the resolution. on the impeachment of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas, such as us history happened for the second time. republicans have a majority in the house of representatives; they lobbied for the resignation of the official appointed by joe biden. conservatives blamed mayorkos for the migration crisis. in addition , republicans said that the head of the department lied to congress about the real situation on the us-mexico border. the policy of the minister and the democrats has led to the fact that most of the states of america are in charge.
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canada asked for additional time to respond to the case of former ss man yaroslav gunka, about this in an interview with our tv channel stated the russian ambassador in otava oleg stepanov. during world war ii, gonka fought as part of the galicia detachment; he is known for brutal crimes against civilians, including ukrainians and poles in the lviv region. there is evidence of the atrocities of the ss men in the russian archives; in our country, the gunki have been charged with genocide. russia demanded the extradition of the nazi, but canada refused, citing the absence of an extradition treaty. in this regard, moscow has a number of questions,” the ambassador said. will there be law enforcement canada to study his past, his involvement
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in mass murder, genocide, now under canadian law, and whether they will raise the history of his status in canada, how he received citizenship, did he write down that he was a member of the ss on his application form when he arrived here? land or not? yaroslav gonka became widely known after his visit to the canadian parliament. he was invited to the meeting as a ukrainian-canadian veteran who fought against the russians for ukrainian independence. then the deputies, prime minister trudeau and the head of the kiev regime zelensky vigorously welcomed the nazis. the situation caused an international scandal. in addition to russia, this was condemned by poland, belarus, israel and other countries. farmers go out to protest, this time milkmen rallied in the center of paris, they blocked roads in the capital of
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the fifth republic with tractors and stacks of hay. the demonstrators demanded that the authorities strengthen control over wholesale prices and the wage system . according to them, due to low purchasing prices, the company is unable to pay expenses. geography of farmers' protest in europe is expanding. spain joined the rallies. there, farmers blocked the route from... france, as well as the entrance to one of the major ports of catalonia, because of this, the number of cars that transport cargo has decreased by almost eight times. also, grain supplies in the country have decreased. the protesters demanded that the kingdom's authorities allocate funds to combat the drought, improve working conditions, and set new prices for agricultural products. and in bulgaria they called for the resignation of the ministry of agriculture. next week, protests will begin in the czech republic and slovakia. thundered in the central part of iran, detonation occurred on the main gas pipeline line in the country, a large fire started, the glow from
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it was visible 60 km away. according to rescuers, the fire will not be extinguished until all the gas remaining in the pipe burns out. fuel supplies had to be stopped in several areas of the country. and in the east of turkey. there was a collapse in a gold mine, the disaster area was more than 400,000 km. there is no data on casualties yet, but nine workers are believed to remain under the rubble; 400 workers were deployed to search for them. rescuers, an administrative investigation was launched into the incident, and another emergency occurred in texas, where a car crashed at full speed into the building of a medical center in the city of austin. one person died,
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10 more were injured, an investigation is underway, according to preliminary data, the accident was not intentional. in russia , fraudulent veterinarians have become more active, scammers act on behalf of clinics, they offer any procedures, operations and tests for pets on-site. but pseudo-doctors are unlikely to be able to help. in in the best case, the scammers will give you a harmless injection, do some paperwork and... issue a hefty bill for it, but in the worst case, they will cripple your pet. edmund zhalbunov found out how to protect his animals from swindlers. in the life of almost any pet owner , a situation may arise in which the pet needs to be urgently rescued, and all nearby veterinary clinics may be closed. what to do in this case, look for another
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unfamiliar clinic, and if it turns out to be closed, then all that remains is to call immediate veterinary care at home. hope that a real specialist will come. in the case of moscow resident maria , this was exactly the case. on december 31, her seven-year-old tikhan began to behave strangely. i took him in my arms, he lay there like a rag, that is, he somehow didn’t react to anything, didn’t purr. new year's eve is essentially down the drain, and it is unclear what to do, because the clinics are closed. i asked my friend to find the phone number for the 24-hour veterinary service, panic played a role, she probably arrived as requested nekayana, allegedly from... the city veterinary service, immediately stated that the cat had problems with the liver, took blood for analysis, asked to pay 10,500 rubles, but did not leave either a receipt or an agreement for the provision of services, only a day later, when maria, having received a suspicious form with hard-to-read results, she took tikhon to a trusted clinic, she discovered that all this time she had been convinced that a healthy cat needed to be treated. in
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fact, there is a very big problem, these are mobile veterinary services, then for... depends on whether you are lucky or unlucky, the animal can suffer very serious harm to health, reputable clinics on the internet are unlucky, in response to a request for veterinary care at home, look-alike sites pop up, on which the phone number also changes after each update page, besides, after a visit, unscrupulous veterinarians usually falsify test results on the form of well-known laboratories with a good reputation, we decided to contact one of these clinics under the guise of clients, which purportedly provides in-home veterinary care services. and before calling a pseudo-veterinarian, they conducted an examination by a real specialist; no one found any deviations from the norm in the three-year-old spitz freddie. by the way, he is doing well in biochemistry. yes, his ultrasound is good for a pomeranian. but here’s what a visiting doctor with supposedly 20 years of experience told us. well, gas formation is very strong, it looks like poisoning,
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i ate something that was not suitable, now we’ll see by temperature, most likely the pancreas has worked here. not only do they differ greatly. verdicts of two veterinarians, but also test data. as a result, i had to pay 11 thousand for the visit, and the receipt was issued without a receipt and details. there were many questions about the procedure itself. the woman did not wash her hands, used a dirty diaper, shaved her paw without even asking the owner, and left the house through the back entrance so as not to get caught by the cameras in the entrance. fortunately, in our case , nothing threatened the pet’s health, and this examination took place in the presence of a real veterinarian, but this is not always the case. this is the one the man who came to us injured our cat, because of which. to perform a second operation, anastasia ’s cat has urolithiasis, at night he had a severe attack, the man who arrived after calling the veterinary emergency immediately said that an operation was needed, and right in the apartment, he tried for a very long time to pierce the urethra, in the end he was unable to use a catheter, and he took an intravenous needle right there with this needle, just like that , everything pierced him there, that is, he was crippled. for such a surgical
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intervention, the pseudo-doctor charged 40. after 3 days the pet was essentially taken to a trusted clinic at the point of death, and there he was again. i had to operate, now anastasia has a mutilated code and a handwritten receipt with the seal of ip shcherbak, but this most likely will not be enough to go to court, because if the contract for the provision of services does not contain information about who provided such services, then with a claim there will also be no one to turn to, so no matter how bad the pet is, it is better to always ask additional questions so that it doesn’t only get worse later. edmund zhalbynov, susanna pruchikov, artemy chinkov, anton zagorsky, pavel kachur, ilya poleychuk, ntv television company. with this we say goodbye to the viewers of central russia, see you later. what men are silent about, painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps
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gives up and, on the contrary, intends to increase the area of ​​negative anomalies. the cooling is moving to the south of the far east; in some places it can get colder by almost 10° within 24 hours. vladivostok is in the black today, tomorrow it’s already in the minus, all this will result in increased icy conditions and in yakutia, as if frosts weren’t enough, they will also intensify. this frosty one. the topic will be briefly interrupted by a heat wave, which, together with the snow in some places, is very heavy, rushing across the south of siberia, there is a real fever here, in irkutsk today -8, tomorrow -4, in novosibirsk, today -3, tomorrow they will turn into -19, in the urals today there is already a sharp drop in temperature down to minus and there is still snow in places, but soon it will end, and the frosts will become even stronger. abnormal cold is returning to european territory, the most severe frosts down to -20 and below are promised to the north-east volga region, which means the volga may boil again. this already happened last weekend; a rare phenomenon was observed in nizhny novgorod and samara. when cold air suddenly comes into contact with the warm surface of the water, fog occurs.


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