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tv   Segodnya  NTV  February 14, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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no, well it works. our military is using fire attack tactics in the southern donetsk direction. acacia hail helps the infantry advance.
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french milkmen came out. there are medicines, unlike a diploma, how pseudo-vetinarians work to earn money, and how to call emergency help for your pet at home, without ending up with a killer doctor, edmund zhelbunov found out. hello, the information service of the ntv television company welcomes you to the studio. in anapa , the circumstances of a large fire in...
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its area was 1.0 square m2. to more than a hundred rescuers and dozens of pieces of equipment were involved in the work. a criminal case has been opened regarding the provision of unsafe services. the local prosecutor's office reported that the house was erected without a building permit, but in the eleventh year the city court recognized the residents' ownership of the apartments. in the kupinsky direction, special operations by our military liquidated a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. the target was destroyed with help. the movement of militants and equipment was discovered by aerial reconnaissance, the coordinates of the targets were received by the crew of the uragan rszzo. our change is counter-battery fight, that is, we work mainly against artillerymen. we are working in the rear
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of our enemy, but 90% of our tasks take place at night, so that, in order to hide our movements, the artillery in the kupinsky direction is actively supported by aviation, the su-34 bomber struck with high-explosive ammunition at the locations of enemy personnel and equipment. near seversk, tula paratroopers thwarted an attempt to rotate into the ssu in forward positions. our military opened fire on... the access roads with small arms grenades, and the crews in the krasno-limansky direction , the area where the nationalists were deployed was destroyed. artillerymen of the central military district destroyed armored vehicles at a distance of 10 km. russian troops launched precise strikes on enemy positions in the artyomovsk direction. our assault units acted in close conjunction with the artillerymen. the hail crews destroyed the equipment of the ukrainian nationalists.
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in this area, our soldiers worked around the clock, especially since at night artillery systems are invisible to enemy drones. activities the russian military was observed by alexey chabataryov. the rocket artillerymen of the eighty- fifth brigade of the southern group of forces are certainly not those who behave quietly at night. yes, the zila engine itself on the chassis of which the installation is mounted screams when it starts up throughout the entire area. but the situation now is such that it’s not scary to work quietly, and no scout can hear the enemy not 1 km away. but the reconnaissance... the ukrainian armed forces literally comb the area during daylight hours in search of russian artillery; the firing position is so dark that you don’t notice there are puddles spread over the entire width of the road, you can’t stand the fire, you fall knee-deep into them, you can’t see anything with the naked eye except dim side lights, shooting in infrared mode is the only way to see the work of the reactors. right now , the bm-21 grad installation is being quickly deployed to strike an unscheduled target, which means that, according to operational intelligence data, they need to do it urgently. cover
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a checkpoint in the ssu, next to which an impressive convoy is passing right at this very moment. here's another goal that we worked on at night jet fighters of the eighty-fifth brigade: white smoke in the daytime photo, a destroyed self-propelled artillery mount of the armed forces of ukraine, at the same time the spotter noticed a fortified outpost on a high-rise nearby, but they did not immediately strike at the hidden enemy; they struck at night, when the enemy infantry relaxed. and this is already the daring work of the crews of the bmp of the 85th brigade, the armored vehicles are leaving. closer to the front line than any artillery can be positioned, a hundred-millimeter cannon designed primarily for firing at the enemy in direct visibility, russian motorized rifles are used for firing from closed positions, that is, like a full-fledged artillery piece,
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they hit where they needed to be, and thank the neighbors for how they received me, they accepted you, we will continue to work. work on, gratitude from the infantry is the most valuable reward for good work for any artillerymen, now, when our forces are moving forward at the forefront, efficiency and accuracy of fire support are especially important, we are leaving for the calculation, let’s say, here are three person, and there could be 200, 300, 1,500 people, and if you don’t cover them, they can die, a lot depends on you, this is artillery, a side of war, i didn’t come up with this, another aspect of responsibility. artillerymen are invariably confirmed by objective control personnel, even with the spontaneous nature of the work, operational firing at unplanned targets in the dark, our guns fire only at enemy military targets. the artilleryman of the eighty- fifth brigade of the southern group, unlike the enemy, does not give rest at night, exclusively in the ssu, and never carries out
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even random strikes on civilian targets. alexey chibotarev, valeryan kushnir, ntv, artyomovsk direction of special military operation. the new commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army.
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but there is no official information on this matter, and as internet users suspect, this is all because this information may damage the image of the new commander in chief. american senators , after many months of debate , still adopted a version of the bill on assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan by a majority vote. out of 95 they plan to allocate 60 billion dollars for the needs of ukrainian nationalists. at the same time , there is a migration crisis. usa, this could now cause the bill to be blocked in the house of representatives. alexey veselovsky found out what republicans and democrats think. the long-suffering aid
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to ukraine, along with israel and taiwan, has finally made its way through the american senate. the upper house of congress, after lengthy discussions, approved the law. the house of representatives will not consider this bill, most the republicans here are more conservative than the republicans in our house, so the debate is not over yet. it’s really too early for american supporters of ukraine to celebrate in the house of representatives, where the bill is now sent; it will not receive a warm welcome at all. speaker johnson has already promised that assistance to ukraine in this form will not pass the lower house of congress. the purpose of the security bill was to secure the american
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border before sending additional financial aid to anyone in the world. exactly the american people deserve it. now in the absence of any changes in immigration policy from the senate. extremist voices are about trump supporters in congress, the problem for biden is that in the lower house among the republicans, they are the majority, speaker johnson is also one of them, biden is now trying to write them all down.
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draft for voting. alexey vasilovsky, vladimir vapritsky, ntv, usa. and to continue the theme, the west prefers to sponsor wars rather than help the development of countries. with such our permanent representative, prion vasily nebenze, made a statement. at a debate in the security council , the russian diplomat emphasized that the united states and its allies allocate funds to financially support conflicts around the world much more actively than to help countries in need. the volumes of supplies provided by the united states and its allies to the countries of the global
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south cannot be compared with what the west, in less than 2 years, allocated to the last ukrainians for weapons for a war by proxy with russia. according to the most conservative estimates, this is 200 billion euros. you imagine how much could be done in the world if the united states and its allies spent money on promoting development as readily as they sponsor wars around the world. the diplomat noted that non-selfish donor assistance from the west is always accompanied by political slogans that are beneficial to them. canada has asked for more time to respond to the case of former ss man jaroslav gunka. russian ambassador to ottawa oleg stepanov stated this in an interview with our tv channel. gonka fought as part of the second world war galicia detachment. he is known for brutal crimes against civilians, including ukrainians and poles on the territory of lvovsk. of genocide, russia demanded
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the extradition of the nazi, but canada refused, citing the absence of an extradition treaty. as the ambassador stated, in this regard, moscow has a number of questions. will canadian law enforcement agencies look into his past, his involvement in massacres? genocide, now under canadian law, and whether they will raise the history of his status in canada, how he received citizenship, did he write down that he was a member of the ss on his questionnaire when he arrived on this earth or not? yaroslav gonka became widely known after his visit to the canadian parliament. he was invited to the meeting as a ukrainian-canadian veteran who...
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the first branch of the leningrad defense museum was opened near pskov. these regions are closely connected to each other. at the height of the great patriotic war , dozens of partisans operated in the region.
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opening of a branch of the leningrad defense museum. before the opening ceremony of the museum, the governor of st. petersburg visited the local military memorial laid flowers at the eternal flame. the opening of the museum turned into a village celebration. a brass band played melodies from the war years, and st. petersburg reenactors showed
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the audience scenes from partisan life. the new branch of the leningrad defense museum is dedicated to the partisans. the military episode that would have seemed impossible to st. petersburg for this event was determined by modern people to be impossible if it were not for the supporting documents of eyewitness accounts. in march of the forty-second year , the partisans gathered with the help of the local population... through the german rear and two they didn’t pierce the front lines to deliver food to besieged leningrad. visitors to the new museum will now be told about this feat. guide and select horses that did not neigh,
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that obeyed the driver at a glance, that were able to be hidden along with the carts. the first convoy with food for the residents of leningrad, it was necessary to cover 100 km, two fronts in the german rear, and bring food, when they met this convoy, the residents were very happy, because it turns out that it is possible to break through this ring, it turns out that through heroism you can help
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the city, the exhibition of the new dedovichi museum of partisan glory is made in a modern style. using new museum technologies using neural networks. according to museum staff, nearby schools are already ready to book excursions for their students. ilya fedosov, sergey vorobyov, pavel zelenkov, ntv. village of dedoviche, pskov region. vladimir putin signed the law on the so- called nalivayki. we are talking about points of sale of alcohol in apartment buildings, visitors which often cause trouble. if previously local authorities could limit the time of sale only of strong alcohol, now this will affect all alcoholic drinks, including cider and mead. the document also spells out measures to combat surrogate products, for example, the law prohibits
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the production of beer drinks from purchased beer and the addition of ethyl alcohol if this is not the case. april. seven more criminal cases were opened against blogger ayaz shabuddinov, and his arrest was extended for 2 months. further business news with us denis talalaev. denis, does this mean that some new circumstances have appeared in the case? yes, i can be accused of shobudinov not only of fraud, but also of tax crimes. the tagansky court of moscow extended the arrest of blogger and author of business trainings ayaz shabuddinov for another 2 months until april 16. at the meeting , the investigator explained the need for such a measure by saying that the prosecution still needs to establish the location of more than 100 witnesses, interrogate the victims, order examinations, and conduct seizures in five district
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tax offices. moreover, the investigator, quoted by the tas agency, said that it is against ayaz zhabuddinov, whom the ministry of internal affairs is already considering. "a false impression of the possibility of carrying out entrepreneurial activities and obtaining high income. now he faces up to 10 years in prison." he did not admit his guilt, calling what was happening an unhealthy signal to business. according to ayaz shabuddinov, the case was initiated at the request of eight students, some of them took courses back in 1919. he also noted that his company like center is licensed by the ministry of education. the american stock exchanges were falling the day before because of new figures for annual
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inflation in the united states. it slowed down in january compared to december, but analysts expected a stronger slowdown. this means that now the chances that the federal reserve will begin to lower the key rate in march are reduced to almost zero. the russian stock market continues to climb upward. alor broker analysts. describes the situation as follows: the current picture suggests that there is no particular desire to sell, but with purchases everything they are cautious in the absence of obvious drivers. the ruble is also now on hold, perhaps in anticipation of friday’s decision by the russian central bank on the key rate. the dollar at these minutes is 91.28, the euro is 97.84. russian brewing companies said that retail chains refuse to buy draft beer from them, and this became the topic of the meeting. in rosalkogol-tobacco control, writes rbc. from january 15 this year, stores and public catering establishments must transmit data on each liter of draft beer sold to the
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honest mark labeling system. market participants on at the alcohol-tobacco control meeting, they named several reasons why stores are refusing draft beer. firstly, the marking codes on kegs become unusable in the cold and cannot be read. secondly, kegs are heavy loaders and roll them along the ground. and the marking codes are erased; thirdly, what stores should do if the codes cannot be read is not stated in the documents. member of the management of opora russia and founder of the gr brewing company, igor khavsky adds, there is still no working software for data transfer. catering by according to him, he somehow copes at his own peril and risk, because administrative liability is provided for failure to comply with labeling requirements, and stores began to simply refuse goods. yuli, everything about the economy. and denis, thank you, it was denis tolalayev with an economic review. veterinarians and scammers have become more active in russia.
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scammers act on behalf of clinics; they offer any procedures, operations, tests for pets at home. but pseudo-doctors are unlikely to be able to help. at best , the scammers will make a harmless injection, they will falsify documents and charge a hefty bill for all this, and in the worst case, they will cripple the pet. how to protect yourself? in the life of almost any pet owner , a situation may arise in which the pet needs to be urgently rescued, while all nearby veterinary clinics may be closed, what to do in this case, look for another unfamiliar clinic, and if it turns out to be closed, then all that remains is to call urgent veterinary care at home and hope that a real specialist will arrive.
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rubles, but did not leave either a receipt or a contract for the provision of services. and only a day later, when maria, having received a suspicious form with hard-to-read results, took tikhon to a trusted clinic, she discovered that all this time she had been convinced that a healthy cat needed to be treated. in fact , there is a very big problem, these are mobile veterinary services, then it depends on whether you are lucky or unlucky, the animal can suffer very serious harm. reputable clinics on the internet are unlucky and pop up in response to requests for veterinary care at home look-alike sites, on which the phone number also changes after each
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page update, besides, after a visit , unscrupulous veterinarians usually falsify test results on the form of well-known laboratories with a good reputation, we decided to contact one of these clinics under the guise of clients, which supposedly provides veterinary care services at home, and before calling a pseudo-veterinarian, an examination was carried out by a real specialist, a receipt was issued without a receipt and details. there were many questions about the procedure itself. the woman is not i washed my hands, used a dirty diaper, shaved my paw, without even asking the owner, and left the house through the back entrance so as not to get caught
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by the cameras. at the entrance. fortunately, in our case, nothing threatened the pet’s health, and this examination took place in the presence of a real veterinarian, but this is not always the case. this is the same person who came to us and crippled our cat, because of which we had to have a second operation. anastasia's cat has stone disease. at night there was a strong attack. the man who arrived after calling the veterinary emergency room, he immediately said that an operation was needed, and right in the apartment. he tried for a very long time to pierce the urethra, in the end he was unable to use the catheter, and he took an intravenous needle, right there with this needle, just like that, everything pierced him there, that is, he was crippled. for such a surgical intervention, the pseudo-doctor charged 40,000, after 3 days the pet, essentially dying, was taken to a trusted clinic, where he had to be operated on again. now anastasia has a crippled cat and a handwritten receipt with the seal of ip shcherbak in her hands, but this most likely will not be enough to go to court, because if the contract for the provision of services does not contain information about who provided such services, then
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there will be no one to turn to with the claim, therefore. no matter how bad it is for your pet, it is always better to ask additional questions so that it doesn’t only get worse later. edmund zholbynovna pruchikov, artemy chinkov, anton zagorsky, pavel kachur, ilya poleychuk, ntv television company. now we’ll take a break for a short commercial and in a couple of minutes we’ll talk about international incidents. don't switch. so many things to do, we can handle it, because i have complivit, just one tablet a day to support health, performance and well-being. complivit is a vitamin and mineral complex of 21 components, 11 vitamins, eight minerals, rutin, lipoic acid, complivit every day at an affordable price. alain, let me help. thank you, you have a whole package
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you do not need to compensate for losses. it's just blueprints. special agents against supervillains. does not light up during operation. you're not do you attract attention? no attention. red five. just look at the prime minister. 35 days for 1 ruble smart tv. energy of ocean water aqualor with a new rotary nozzle duo. shower mode for moisturizing protection against viruses. rotate the nozzle to change spray pattern. the jet mode helps in the treatment of severe runny nose. breathe the energy of the ocean, give gifts with a free vtb credit card. 20% cashback on everything, and 200 days without interest. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let's dance together. and everyone danced and sang in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zuyevo. and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. russia's concerned projects to
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resolve. we didn’t invent household chemicals, use numbers every month, 20% discount on cosmetics and the best milk, how to put cheese on bread, fry it, cut it. grate melt, we didn’t invent cheese, but we came up with syrobogatov, our own cheese, natural and rich taste, we don’t repeat it, we create our own syrobogatov, our cheese. for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the gate in garage, it’s dad who plays like this, it’s dad who has everything in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance, top up only one, all the rest will be paid automatically, conveniently,
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every day we have a little holiday. happy monday for your loved one, please your loved ones any february with discounts on orders from restaurants, food, mask, new season, on sunday at 20:20, on ntv. this is the program today, we are continuing the release. a powerful explosion occurred in central iran. the detonation occurred on the country's main line gas pipeline. a major fire started. the glow from it was visible 60 km away. according to rescuers, the fire will not go away.
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a car crashed at full speed into the building of a medical center in the city of osten. one person was killed and 10 others were injured and an investigation is ongoing. according to preliminary data, the accident was not intentional. in europe , more and more farmers are protesting. this time , milkmen held a rally in the center of paris and they blocked it. roads with tractors and stacks of hay. the demonstrators demanded that the republican authorities strengthen control over wholesale prices and the wage system. according to them, due to low purchasing prices, enterprises are unable to pay expenses. the geography of farmers' protests in
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europe is expanding. spain joined the rallies. there, farmers blocked the route from france, as well as the entrance to one of the major ports of catalonia. because of this, the number of vehicles that transport cargo has decreased by almost... eight times; grain supplies have also decreased in the country; protesters demanded that the kingdom authorities allocate funds to combat drought, improve working conditions, set new prices for agricultural products, in bulgaria they called for the resignation of the ministry of agriculture, next week protests will begin in the czech republic and slovakia. and that’s it for now, stay on ntv. how. to maintain normal sugar levels, take m. the natural aligjim complex helps maintain normal sugar levels and reduce appetite cravings for sweets. alejim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. if you can't
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give up sweets, take aleedjim. the natural aleed complex promotes reducing appetite cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels. alejim valar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. and now. in this issue , the european territory of russia is a huge mountain of high atmospheric pressure pressing on us in the north, and for the brightness of the image, one can say that icy arctic air flows down from it or even falls towards us. the main direction of the komi republic arkhangelsk region, then along the volga and the east of the central region, and then the south, will also be affected to a greater extent here eastern regions, the temperature decrease will begin tomorrow, but the precipitation will become colder near the bottom by default. in rostov-on-don on thursday you will no longer... plus one snow, sleet, then no precipitation, but the temperature will not rise, there will be no arctic invasion, after all, but in the north its stop will already be visible, in the arkhangelsk region already tomorrow the frost will begin to weaken, well, in irkut tomorrow it’s still
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colder than today, at night 32, far from the record, in 2010 on this day it was -49, well, in the capitals tomorrow it’s colder than expected degrees at five to six, during the day -10, -11, at night -15-17, in the moscow region it’s really up to... frosts, there is a chance that it will start snowing, which will soften the frosty picture. it's all about the weather. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit valar, stay in shape. do you dream of reducing your volume to stay in shape? lymphatic transit helps reduce body volume by supporting natural lymphatic drainage. lymphatic transit evalar. stay fit. well well, i'll take a look, go ahead, okay.


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