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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  February 14, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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she’s not afraid and doesn’t intend to apologize for anything, you can understand the doomed look of this girl named lera; she, willingly or unwillingly , turned out to be a participant in a highly intellectual, in quotes, live broadcast. ninoy, nenoy, the main character of the video, so to speak, is the moderator of the online conversation, aslan durdiev, a trash streamer widely known in the narrow circles of yaroslavl, and since subscribers pay for trash, then you have to live up to it. at some point, the girl tried to leave... the footage, but durdiev was against it and prudently turned off the sound on cell and began to violently, using furniture, beat her friend. come here, sit here , sit here, sit down, you will beat me, yes, that’s enough, the consequences of beating the girl are also immediately documented, her head is broken, her face is bloody, of course, one of the subscribers turned out to be wiser and spread this closed one. to the masses, here is just a small
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selection of durdiev’s bullying. as soon as aslan durdiev’s sudden fame began to gain momentum, he hastened to remove the most brutal videos out of harm’s way, but the operatives managed to appreciate the peculiar the blogger's creativity, there is drug use on air, insults, inappropriate behavior. soul me, brother, i'm waiting for you, but i'm back, well, where without provocations in shopping centers? cafe, the more abomination, the more donations , that is, donations from subscribers , get out of here, get out of here, having believed in his superiority and impunity, durdiev suddenly declared that he was not afraid of anyone, and in general he didn’t care when information has appeared on the network that aslan durdiev can allegedly attract people to his streams minors, the patience of the operatives has run out. the young man was detained
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by my colleagues and taken to the police department for investigation, an investigation is being carried out based on the results of which his actions will be given a legal assessment. on social networks, the streamer, of course, already apologized to everyone, thanked his loyal subscribers for their support and asked them not to forget him, but better yet, send another donation, but to a bank card. for the near future, durdiev has given up on trash content. pavel kuznetsov, valentin lyubimov and anton lukyanov. ntv. the offender of one of, without exaggeration, the best basketball players in the country , alexei shved, is starting to be tried in the capital. the athletes were brutally beaten and the injuries were so serious that there was talk of ending their careers. but alexey began to recover. he is currently playing in china. as for the attack itself, at first there were several people in the case, but in the end only yusuf marshurov ended up in the dock.
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who faces 8 years in prison. ivan gubin will continue. of those who attacked basketball player alexei shved that evening, yusuf mirashurov, the only one who remained in custody, eventually went to trial. the first meeting, the situation seemed stressful, taking into account the fact that the defendant understands the russian language very poorly, but yusuf, on the contrary, is cheerful and even smiles while talking with the translator. yusuf mirashurov was the last to be detained at the airport. immediately after the brawl in the center of moscow, he tried to escape, as the investigation was able to prove, it was he who struck the final blow, after which the olympic medalist, basketball player alexei shvid fell to the ground and lost consciousness, although initially, this was not his conflict; his employers, the brothers prince and ramzin amiroslanov, began to wave their hands; yusuf worked for them as a driver. what happened was a verbal, verbal confrontation with alexei’s wife. in honor of which he stood up,
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physical contact began between me and him, i tied him up by his sweater, hooked him through my leg, he landed on the floor. how it all started is still not completely clear, everyone was in the same restaurant, and the miroslanovs were celebrating their birthday in the company of the swede with his wife and friends we just went to have dinner, according to one version , noisy friends began to fuel the conflict, who, having recognized the basketball player, began to sarcastically point out mistakes in the game, they recalled the latter.
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i almost ended my basketball career, put yourself in my place, it turns out that this is fair. the basketball player is worried not about the punishment that awaits yusuf mirashurov, but why the other participants in the fight escaped him, who for some reason were cleared of all charges, despite their own testimony and
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video surveillance. ivan gubin, natalya popova and nadezhda zybkina ntv television company. moscow. st. petersburg police. unblocked a gang of swindlers who, under the guise of auditors , extorted money from sellers of retail outlets, a man and a woman with an important look showed up at small food pavilions and introduced themselves as employees of a certain public fund, looked for imaginary violations in work, drew up protocols that had no legal weight, but for the money promised to turn a blind eye to violations and not ruin the business, they were caught thanks to cctv cameras in one of these pavilions.
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needed it because i was building a new house, so she will not be going there soon, stanislav kostikov will continue: in the dock, natalya isaeva was in an excellent mood, chuckled and smiled coquettishly, the ex-minister of social protection of the nizhny novgorod region decided to build her happiness at
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the expense of disabled children. even after she admitted to receiving a large bribe from the director of the orphanage, the powerful woman showed with all her appearance that prison was not part of her plans. what punishment are you expecting? well, that’s it, based on the court’s decision, how can i count on anything or not? well maybe, not related to the court decision, but yes. according to investigators, money from the state budget allocated for housing for orphans was used to build the official’s cottage. the bribe was given directly in construction materials, which were sent directly from the orphanage premises to isaeva’s site. how much money did you use to build your cottage and carry out renovations in your service apartment? are you sure this is a cottage? material. it’s hard to sigh because of something, this is not the only episode in isaeva’s account; she received another bribe from the owner of a country club, who asked to transfer a temporary accommodation center for migrants from donbass there, that is , to receive a guaranteed income for its maintenance from the budget; for
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the service provided, the official received 100,000 rubles, which was not a secret even for ordinary club employees, but here we give and take everything and what do you think, well, you see, if the minister demands a bribe. well, what do you want, life is like this, now you can’t do anything, you can’t eat, this is an old saying, a luxurious life did not last long, fsb officers detained natalya isaeva right in the ministry for workplace, conducted searches in the office and at home, as a result they collected an extensive evidence base of participation in corruption schemes for the official, who in 2022 was recognized in the city as the woman of the year. she was found guilty of receiving a bribe by a person holding a public office in a constituent entity of the russian federation and of receiving a bribe of an especially large amount. she moved to the nizhny novgorod region from ulyanovsk following her husband, who found a promising job. before this, isaeva for a long time headed the ministry of family demographic policy and social welfare in your region. in her new position, the official apparently planned to increase her own well-being. we have a
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lot of plans, we have five-year plans exactly ahead, so all these plans will also be carried out systematically. the official's plans for a luxurious life collapsed in the courtroom. disappeared from isaeva’s face when she heard the verdict, she was sentenced to 4 and a half years in a general regime colony, the accused was obviously counting on a suspended sentence, she came without a supply of jewelry. to my displeasure, i had to remove the valuables right there, the camera, i can’t remove it, the gold bracelets on my wrists have been replaced by handcuffs, according to the court’s decision, isaeva will have to pay a fine of more than 11.5 million rubles. in addition, the former official was deprived of the right to hold leadership positions in the civil service for 8 years, but the ex-minister still does not give up hope of mitigating the punishment, leaving the hall under escort, she said that she would appeal the verdict. stanislav kostikov, then a member
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of an organized criminal group works as a biology teacher, as a woman who received a suspended sentence was not fired from school, we'll talk about it after the commercial. the whole battalion is there, maybe you’ll actually get to know someone, who knows. now you pull yourself together, draw a diagram, otherwise i’ll send you to a monastery. the devils have a bitterness in their throats, so they will either absorb their competitor or decide to get rid of him. spetsbad, is there a search warrant? are you treating me like a cop? i can’t stand it, so today is 22:15 on ntv. once influenza viruses enter the body , they begin to multiply, time works against us, orbido can prevent their multiplication, this is
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a happy sale on ozone, hurry to please, the benefit is a delight, don’t miss it, adidas sneakers for 3,999, cafesta coffee capsules for 679, topte razor for men for 329, free vtb debit card, 10% cashback on everything, cashback. there’s enough for everyone, let’s check your memory , remember in detail what you did 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult to you, if you have memory problems, apepet can help, it helps improve cerebral circulation, restore memory and attention, the choice should be balanced and verified time, it was time to get my head working, so what, holidays again, everyone i need gifts, gifts, a toy for my daughter, a bag for my mother, a jacket for my husband, gifts, all at once split 006, now 0 rubles, everything else later, even more gifts on the yandex market,
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for example, electrobries for 1,950 rubles or men's crossby sneakers for 783 rubles, payment after fitting, four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu, and maxicold lor spray helps relieve sore throat and fights its causes. we can handle so many things, because i have complivit, just one tablet a day to support health, performance and good health. complivit is a vitamin and mineral complex of 21 components, 11 vitamins, eight minerals, rutin, lipoic acid, complivit every day at an affordable price. mask, new season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. being healthy and strong like the first cosmonaut is now
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not just a childhood dream, but a real possibility for an adult man. we are proud to present to you the soyuz apollo device, a physiotherapy room in your home. this improved development of russian scientists is intended for drug-free treatment of male sexual dysfunction caused by vascular diseases and neurogenic disorders. the apollon union was created to... inflammation, cleanse , tone blood vessels, and improve metabolism. the combination of vacuum massage and alternating magnetic field helps reduce pain, improve the health of cells and blood vessels, and the pelvic organs. please note that these are technological achievements of soviet designers, because the main operating principles of the soyuz apollo apparatus were developed back in the soviet union specifically for rehabilitation our astronauts. 8800 exactly 1418 8800. 100 exactly 1418 free anonymous call
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8800 100 exactly 14 18 8 800 100 exactly 14 18 embarrassed to discuss your problem with strangers you don’t want to be disappointed anymore tired of running to the toilet and experiencing serious discomfort, we present a device that combines proven technologies with a modern approach: physiotherapy in your home, always accessible and simple. when used, soyuzpolon promotes cell regeneration and accelerates metabolism. with the soyulon device you will see prospects, which every man deserves. persistent erection, regular sexual intercourse. life, a healthy prostate - these are the main goals of physical therapy at home. give yourself confidence, vigor and return the pleasure of youth. 8 800 100 exactly 1418 8800 100 exactly 14:18. the call is free and anonymous. who are you, masha? new
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season, new costumes, new stars, who are you, mask? mask, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. live, emergency again. he shocked everyone at the trial by declaring that he did not mean to harm the victim, but everyone who was in the hall, we saw the surveillance camera footage, and everything there looks completely different.
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in almost 5 months in the pre-trial detention center, mikhail seybanov has changed a lot, a new business style , a confident look, a pile of documents and... thinking that such a person would be frightened by the barking of a small dog, which in fact became the cause of the outburst of anger that led to the death of the man, these events were removed surveillance cameras, the ivanchenko couple were walking their dog, talking about something, when a stranger passed by, their decorative breed dog jumped towards the passer-by and did not reach thanks to the leash, he began to bark , he twitched, continued on his way, but suddenly decided to return, after a short argument he hit the woman, when her husband intervened, struck...
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using a minor reason during a verbal altercation with a married couple near one of the houses in the city of zvenigorod, odentsovsky urban district of the moscow region, using a knife, inflicted multiple stab wounds on a man, from which the latter later died. forty-five-year-old sergei ivanchenko is in intensive care due to severe blood loss and injuries internal organs, his heart failed, before the attack he discussed with his wife how they would celebrate the upcoming family anniversary of 25 years of marriage and his forty-sixth birthday, he paid attention to the dog, which apparently reacted to him, because he jumped out, he walked quickly and passing by
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, he swore, to which i replied that he was like that himself, that’s where it all went from bad to worse. in the same way, he didn’t kill me, well, i just lost a part of myself, that is, he killed not only him, he killed me, the deceased left a daughter, of age, but has not yet stood firmly on her feet, the defendant forever changed the lives of his children, there are two of them, they are still small, if they go to a colony, they will grow up without him, the disabled mother will also now overcome difficulties herself, it is possible, in order to mitigate as much as possible punishment for his client, siybanov's lawyer began the meeting with... she categorically refused money, no matter how hard seybanov tried to pay off for the murder of a man, he faces a serious sentence, he is accused under the article of premeditated murder, for which he can spend up to 25 years behind bars. daana shlyubkina, larisa kapinskaya, igor korchagin and
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anton kuzmin, ntv television company. employees of the ministry of internal affairs. detained two residents of the moscow region who deceived a pensioner who introduced herself as water utility workers, they got into the apartment of an eighty-seven-year-old woman under the pretext of checking equipment, she took the opportunity to ask to replace the faucet in the kitchen, but instead the scammers installed a filter for water purification, after which they demanded to sign an agreement to pay 40,000 rubles per service. the pensioner did not have that amount at home, so the attackers took it to the bank to withdraw it.
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elements of raising children, but the teacher’s personal example is one of the main ones in biology irina marocheva has her own skeletons in the closet. we're talking about your criminal record.
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rushed to the defense of their colleagues, shielding her , trying to save her from revelations, but as you know, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear, they learned about the dark side of irina marocheva’s life when she was sentenced for a crime that in no way fits in with her teaching activity, theft committed by an organized group on an especially large scale, you yourself are not ashamed, i’m not, you committed an economic crime, but i didn’t, well, goodbye, as follows from the material. in the case of a criminal group , a prisoner serving a sentence was in charge, the teacher marycheva led a double life, in the morning she taught lessons to schoolchildren in her free time
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, she transformed into a specialist in a different profile, she was an agent in a credit organization, where people were, as they say , scammed out of money, issued loans, funds were misappropriated, proven in dozens of episodes. irina mikhailovna, close the door, let’s go talk to us, please , i won’t, i will talk in the director’s office, let’s go to the director’s office, i won’t go. now, when she calls me , i’ll go, so she’s your cousin, four accomplices received real sentences, irina marycheva herself could also go to places not so remote, but she got off with a suspended sentence and continued working with children, according to the law, allowed to become a teacher activities with minors, given the severity of the article, teachers should not have, but either the woman skillfully hid the defamatory facts from her biography, or someone was clearly covering for her about your teacher maroch?
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when you leave, we will figure out how it works, i will make a request to the school director, i will invite the director, appropriate measures will be taken, the prosecutor’s office has already become interested in the curious situation, it is known that irina marycheva filed an appeal, but her complaint was refused, however, lose a job for a convicted woman who remains on freedom means less isolation, and , apparently, the situation is getting out, the woman knows how, and will not remain idle. yulia oblitsova, valentin lyubimov and alexandra yarmakova, television company. but that’s not all, look further, what was wrong, the residents of a high-rise building in yekaterinburg conducted their own investigation, found out who was deflating
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car tires at night, who the pest turned out to be, why he took revenge on the neighbors, you will find out, but after a short advertisement, there are four bandits in the house , well, are you ready? i give you 3 days for the whole gang to be detained. eat, comrade colonel general. police on the ground. who is the customer? this is clearly a leak, and not the first time. it's high time to stop him, it will only get worse. boss, new season. we'll have to act tough. how are they doing this to us? and we are with them today at 20:00 on ntv.
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and... then it seems to us that everything should happen at once, but great success comes to those who themselves move towards it. we will not make your child the second clematis, but with us he will receive an education that will reveal his potential. there is no recipe for your success business, but there is the right ingredient for it. expansion, we won’t cover your main distance for you, but we will support you every kilometer of the way, we won’t turn you into an internet star, but we will help you recharge with creative ideas worth a million. we will not decide to purchase an apartment for you, but we will give you the opportunity to choose the right one. we won't send
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you into space. but we will be happy to inspire the future astronaut, we will not achieve your goals for you, but we will give you everything so that you can do it yourself. by the way, today my grandfather will come, cool, let's play lotto, go to bed nine, and i bought a new smartphone, who wants photos in neon? no, thanks for the pizza and the speakers, but i bought them with a discount on my new smartphone, i’m giving it away, buy an infinix smartphone in the mts ecosystem stores with an mts premium subscription and get a discount of up to 7,000 rubles. smartphones are comts, again everyone needs gifts, a streamer or a grillkit with discounts of up to 30%. special agents against supervillains, during the operation there is no
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light, you don't... attract attention? no attention! red five! look only at premier: 35 days for 1 ruble on smart tv. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work, i lead a sedentary lifestyle. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to its special triple helix collagen, artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. it's so nice when. they do something for you, for example, when a credit card brings cashback in rubles and pays itself off , sign up for platinum before the end of february, always receive cashback in rubles, not bonuses. tinkov, this is a happy sale on ozone, hurry up the breed, the benefit is a delight, don’t miss it, a set of men’s mixit for 369, a set of omsa underwear for 699, a board game, a large adventure for 919, this sign is modest.
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hidden behind the high-profile victories at the new stadium, he will maintain the sports spirit at the new grounds near home in any weather. this sign does not stand out against the backdrop of great talent in the renovated cultural center; it will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment. the sign of the national project of russia is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes that it brought into our lives. national projects of russia by decision of the president. new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. cutting a tree is long, exhausting and difficult, especially if you are far from home. the world of private prices brings you the cordless chainsaw forever. trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes. this is not a complete list of the works that she is capable of. the century mini-saw is an indispensable assistant in construction, repairs, work on personal plots, and caring for trees and shrubs.
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a light weight. and the ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. the electric motor with copper winding has quite high power for such a small thing. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a cordless chainsaw forever. and get a reliable and faithful assistant. fear over neva. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast. an entire investigation was carried out by residents of a multi-storey building in yekaterinburg. for a long time they could not understand who punctures
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the car's tires. various people came under suspicion, so it was decided to install surveillance cameras at the entrance. they removed the pest on the first night, who he turned out to be, what’s wrong with him now and most importantly, what he was trying to prove to the neighbors, diana will tell you about it kovandov. their neighbor and the residents of the yekaterinburg high-rise building had no idea that the same pest that, when the city falls asleep, punctures the tires of cars, until they began their own detective investigation and installed surveillance cameras overlooking the parking lot. i left the car near my entrance, flat, punctured, two tires, that’s 500 money minimum, each wheel to... restore, now i can’t go to work, it’s not dawn, it’s not dawn and , armed with an awl or a nail, he sets off on night watch, at first they thought it was the machinations of the yard punks, they were very surprised when they recognized their neighbor in that very midnight dirty trick, retirement is already on the horizon,
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the residents say, and he still plays strange games, during the day he will hold the door, tell a joke, and bring food , and goes out hunting at night. the first time i didn’t even know what was happening, no one warned me. i got one puncture, well, i thought it was an accident, and then in the winter they simply punctured my tires with a knife, three for replacement, it goes mainly to motorists whose cars are parked close to the entrance, which prohibited by traffic rules, and not because this man himself is a stickler for strict rules, it’s just that this is his place, so he once decided and has not deviated from his for 15 long years, residents complain, simply because he carries not the last people in the region, deputies’ assistants they don’t deny this, they say that such a car is on the balance sheet of the government motor vehicle fleet, and the driver has been working there for a long time, but his tricks say something out of the realm of science fiction, i still can’t believe it, although everything fits, it’s hard to believe it, of course, here since he’s an adequate person, especially
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a grandfather who worked there for decades in transport, in a government garage, so to speak, well, that is , it was hard to believe if he was deprived of his bonus, right? they punished him precisely because he, therefore, freely left the car near his entrance, which, in fact, he probably shouldn’t have done. the victims contacted the police, but there was not enough evidence, then it was decided to install a surveillance system, after a week of sleepless nights, viewing and analyzing the entire picture of the crime, the residents figured out scoundrel. i started analyzing, downloaded the archives and analyzed it for about a week. he also had a characteristic feature, he wore a black little bag, constantly there in some fragments for... he throws it up like that and goes there, i sort of looked through these archives and see that the person seems to go down, goes there, then 2 minutes pass and you can see that in the same jacket with a purse pressed, he runs out and punctures the tires, at first they thought it was just one
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person, then it turned out that he was very ill, and the punctures continued, but now everyone knows, everyone saw, in general, the whole house knows, i don’t know how it is... a person will now live in this house, it’s a disgrace. there is information that after the uproar began, the driver of a government car, whom neighbors accuse of puncturing the wheels, ended up in the hospital, and someone else vindictive ruined the wheels and he got all four, so now the man has a lot of problems. you will have to answer to your employer for not taking care of municipal property, which you parked not in a special garage, but near your house, and most likely, to compensate for all the damage, and also to come to an explanatory conversation with management and explain what came over him. and most importantly, is he the same yard avenger whom the residents could not contact for 15 long years. diana kovando, valentin lyubimov and nikita zabrodin, ntv. ekaterinburg. more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. that's all for today,
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thank you for your attention. today in our program, in short, i understood one thing, i, too, was not created for war, one blood, in kiev they deny the russian roots of the new commander-in-chief, among the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine , russian speech is heard more and more often, when the war with ukraine finally became civil, they still feel russian, educator. trump threatened the nato countries to hand them over to russia if they did not increase assistance to kiev. why did this alarm the allies so much? it's stupid, it's shameful, it's dangerous, it's un-american. family matters.


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